Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
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ERBzine Weekly Webzine
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Danton's Archive ERB: The War Years | Alt ERB Bio Timeline Contributor Index Burroughs Bulletin Index Dum-Dum ECOF Dossier.
Lost Words of ERB ERB Silver Screen | II John Coleman  Jane Ralston Burroughs ERB Bibli-Pro-Philes ERB C.H.A.S.E.R.
Tarzana Ranch 1921 Tarzana Trek All-Gory Pulp Parody Dejah's Gardens McWhorter Collection Art Encyclopedia
Nkima Chats Columns Barsoom Glossary Comics ~ Collectibles The Works Galleries Dale Broadhurst 95 Illustrated Biblios
Joan Burroughs Bio Florence Gilbert Bio Maj.G.T.Burroughs Bio Burroughs Bibliophiles ERB-APA Russ Manning
J.C.Burroughs Site News Swag ERB Personal Library ERB PD e-Text Novels ERB Pulps Illustrated
ERB Links ERB: Columbian Expo 93 ERB Mars Guide ERB Events Calendar Issues 0000-1000 Research Archive
R.E. Prindle Articles Den Valdron Articles ERB Connections Off. Burroughs Bibliophiles Convention Reports Fan Fiction
Tarzan the Broadway Musical Bob Hyde Memorial Site Darrell Richardson Memorial Tarzine Monthly Webzine Holland Tarzan Musical Apeman Kith | Kin Project
Gordon Scott Memorial Long's Barsoomian Blade Thomas Yeates Tribute Europe Tarzan Musical Wayne James Memorial Danton Burroughs Memorial
ERB and the Press Gridley Wave Newsletters Zane Grey Tribute Charles King Tribute Tarzana Hall of Fame | Tarzana Frazetta ERB Gallery
ERB Eclectica Archive Spratt Princess Graphic ERB-Radio ERB-TV Museum Tours George | McWhorter
Burroughs Family Bios ERB Events Calendar ERB's Wild West OTR Theatre Dum-Dum Dossier 2012: Celebration
Woodrow Edgar Nichols Denny "Tarzan" Miller | Tributes Russ Manning Intro Privitera Art Westwood Fanzines Cartoons
ERB/Idaho Connection Hillman ERB Library Mahlon Blaine Art Burroughs Xmas ERB Legacy Events David Adams Articles
Note: Editions without "hot links" are in preparation for future release

Volumes 5000-5099 : Sky Masters ~ Girl From Hollywood ~ Westwood's Fantastic Worlds Fanzines
5000  5001 Sky Masters Intro 5002 Sky Masters II 5003 Sky Masters III
5004 Sky Masters IV 5005 Sky Masters V 5006 Sky Masters VI 5007 Sky Masters VII
5008 Sky Masters VIII 5009 Sky Masters IX 5010 Sky Masters X 5011 Sky Masters XI
5012 Sky Masters XII 5013 Sky Masters XIII 5014 Sky Masters XIV 5015 Mahlon Blaine Art
5016 Denny Miller: Flashbacks XVI 5017 Denny XVII: Bernard Miller 5018 Deischer: Antarctica Genre Fiction I 5019 Deischer: Mars Genre Fiction II
5020 Nichols: Girl/Hollywood Intro 5021 Nichols: Girl from Hollywood 5022 Nichols: Holllywood II: 2 5023 Nichols: Hollywood III: 3-4
5024 Nichols: Hollywood IV 5025 Nichols: Hollywood V 5026 Nichols: Hollywood VI 5027 Nichols: Hollywood VII
5028 Nichols: Hollywood VIII 5029 Nichols: Hollywood IX 5030 Nichols: Hollywood X 5031 Nichols: Hollywood XI
5032 Nichols: Hollywood XII 5033 Nichols: Hollywood XIII 5034 Nichols: Hollywood XIV 5035 Nichols: Hollywood XV
5036 Nichols: Hollywood XVI 5037 Nichols: Hollywood XVII 5038 Nichols: Hollywood XVIII 5039 Nichols: Hollywood XIX
5040 Nichols: Hollywood XX 5041 Nichols: Hollywood XXI 5042 New Adventures Cards & BLB 5043 Fargo ECOF I: INTRO
5044 2014 ECOF: Friday Banquet 5045 2014 ECOF: Fargo Theatre 5046 2014 ECOF Theatre Audience 5047 ECOF: Tarzan/Golden Lion
5048 Fargo ECOF: GoH Artists 5049 Fargo ECOF: Diana Leto 5050 Fargo ECOF: Lei Barrett-Durham 5050a: ECOF Leia/Tom Floyd Project
5050b ECOF: Leia/Pablo Marcos 5051 Auction Collectibles 5051a Banquet Awards 5051b Farewell Breakfast
5051c Fargo Photo Outtakes 5052 Fantastic Worlds 27 5053 Fantastic Worlds 27a 5054 Fantastic 28
5055 Fantastic 28a 5056 Fantastic Worlds 29 5057 Fantastic Worlds 29a 5058 Fantastic Worlds 30/31
5059 Fantastic Worlds 30/31a 5060 Fantastic Worlds 32/33 5061 Fantastic Worlds 32/33a 5062 Fantastic Worlds 34
5063 Fantastic Worlds 34a 5064 Fantastic Worlds 35 5065 Fantastic Worlds 35a 5066 Fantastic Worlds 36
5067 Fantastic Worlds 36a 5068 Fantastic Worlds 37 5069 Fantastic Worlds 37a 5070 Fantastic Worlds 38
5071 Fantastic Worlds 38a 5072 Fantastic Worlds 39 5073 Fantastic Worlds 39a 5074 Fantastic Worlds 40/41
5075 Fantastic Worlds 40/41a 5076 Fantastic Worlds 42 5077 Fantastic Worlds 42a 5078 Fantastic Worlds 43
5079 Fantastic Worlds 43a 5080 Fantastic Worlds 44 5081 Fantastic Worlds 44a 5082 Fantastic Worlds 45
5083 Fantastic Worlds 45a 5084 Fantastic Worlds 46 5085 Fantastic Worlds 47 5086 Fantastic Worlds 47a
5087  Fantastic Worlds 48 5088  Fantastic Worlds 48a 5089 ERB: Malibu Mayor 5090: Lukas: Tarzan Actor Photos
5091 Lukas: ERB Artists I 5092 Lukas: ERB Artists II 5093 Lukas: ERB Fandom I 5094 Lukas: ERB Fandom II
5095 Martin: Tarzan to the Rescue 5096: Manson: Edna Rice Burroughs 5097 Johnson: In Bu Lee 5098 Gilmour: Tarzan Lightning Men
5099: Fury: Burt Lancaster
Fantastic Worlds Contents

Volumes 5100-5199: FANZINES AND FANFIC

5100 5101 Currie: ERB Fan Intro 5102 Currie: ERBivore 2 5103 Currie: ERBivore3
5104 Currie: ERBivore 4 Fanzine 5105 Currie: ERBivore 4s Fanzine 5106 Currie: ERBivore 5 Fanzine 5107  Currie: ERBivore 6 Fanzine
5108  Currie: ERBivore 7 Fanzine 5109 ERB  Little Door 5110 Zell: Barsoom 5111  Zell: Barsoom II
5112  Zell: Barsoom III 5113 Martin: Gentleman of Mars I 5114 Martin: Gentleman of Mars II 5115 Martin: And Baby Makes 3
5116 Martin: And Baby Makes 3a 5117 Martin: Xmas I Tarzan ? Jane 5118 Martin: Xmas II Tarzan and Santa  5119 Martin: Tarzan Xmas III Poems
5120 Martin: Tarzan's Xmas IV Carol 5121 Martin: Tarzan Game Rules 5122 Privitera: ERB Worlds (Last) 5123 C.H.A.S.E.R ERB Tells All 
5124 McKosky: APA Son of Tarzan 5125 McKosky: APA Phantom Santa Fe 5126 McKosky: APA  Beach Read 5127 McKosky: APA Hollow Earth
5128 Johnson: Vacuum Airships 5129 Johnson: ERB's 0220 Airship 5130 Nichols: ERB's Inner World Intro 5131 Nichols: ERB's Inner World I
5132 Nichol: ERB's Inner World II 5133 Nichol: ERB's Inner World III 5134 Nichol: ERB's Inner World IV 5135 Nichol: ERB's Inner World V
5136 Nichol: ERB's Inner World VI 5137 Nichol: ERB's Inner World VII 5138 Nichol: ERB's Inner World VIII 5139 Nichol: ERB's Inner World IX
5140 Nichol: ERB's Inner World X 5141 Nichol: ERB's Inner World XI 5142 Nichol: ERB's Inner World XII 5143 Nichol: ERB's Inner World XIII
5144 Nichol: ERB's Inner World XIV 5145 Nichol: ERB's Inner World XV 5146 Nichol: ERB's Inner World XVI 5147 Nichol: ERB's Inner World XVII
5148: Mars Before ERB's Barsoom 5149 Johnson: Lost in Pellucidar 5150 Johnny Sheffield 5151 Gravel: Final Pilgrimage
5152 Opar/Atlantis Connection 5153 Tarzan the Musical: Brandon 5154 Tz Musical Act I _ I a 5155  Tz Musical Act II_II a
5156 Tz Musical Curtain _ Curtain II 5157 On Barsoomian Names I 5158 On Barsoomian Names II 5159 Martin: Gods of Mars Poem
5160: Dum-Dum 2014: Intro 5161 DD2014: On the Road 5162 DD2014: Arrival at Bryan TX 5163 Huckster Rm I Sellers/Showmen
5164 Huckster Rm II: Buyers and Bidders 5165 DD2014: Safari Walk 5166 DD2014: Texas A and M Library 5167 DD2014: Cameos I
5168 DD2014: Cameos II 5169  Conrans' Sky Captain 5170 Donkers/De Laat: Weissmuller Comics 5171 King Kong Screenplay
5172: ERB Birthdays 5173 Hillman Interview 5174 Hillman ERB Library I 5175 Hillman ERB Library II
5176 Hillman ERB Library III 5177 Hillman ERB Library IV 5178  Hillman ERB Library V 5179 Hillman ERB Library VI
5180 Fantastic Worlds 49/50 5181 Fantastic Worlds 49/50a 5182 Fantastic Worlds 51 5183 Fantastic Worlds 51a
5184 Fantastic Worlds 52/53 5185 Fantastic Worlds 52/53a 5186 Fantastic Worlds 54 5187 Fantastic Worlds 55
5188: Fantastic Worlds 56 5189: Fantastic Worlds 57 5190: Fantastic Worlds 58 5191: Fantastic Worlds 59
5192: Fantastic Worlds 60 5193: Fantastic Worlds 61 5194 Anotar Fanzine 11 5195: Anotar Fanzine 11a
5196:  5197:  5198:  5199: 
ERBzine 5200: BB Intro and Contents :: ERBzine 5200a: BB Contents Pages :: ERBzine 5200b: Related McWhorter BB Publications
5201: BB01 Princess of Mars I 5201a: BB01a Princess of Mars II 5202: BB02 Outlaw of Torn I 5202a: BB02a Outlaw of Torn II
5203: BB03 Tarzan of the Apes I 5203a: BB03a Tarzan of the Apes II 5204: Gods of Mars 5204a:  Gods of Mars II
5205:  Return of Tarzan 5205a:  Return of Tarzan II 5206: At the Earth's Core  5206a: At the Earth's Core II
5207 The Cave Girl 5207a: The Cave Girl II 5208: The Monster Men 5208a: The Monster Men II
5209: Warlord of Mars 5209a: Warlord of Mars II 5210: The Mucker  5210a: The Mucker II
5211: The Mad King  5211a: The Mad King II 5212: The Eternal Lover 5212a: The Eternal Lover II
5213: Beasts of Tarzan 5213a: Beasts of Tarzan II 5214: Lad and the Lion 5214a: Lad and the Lion II
5215: Girl from Farris's 5215a: Girl from Farris's 5216: Thuvia, Maid of Mars I 5216a: Thuvia, Maid of Mars II
5217: Pellucidar I 5217a: Pellucidar II 5218: Son of Tarzan I 5218a: Son of Tarzan II
5219: The Man-Eater I 5219a: The Man-Eater II 5220: Beyond Thirty I 5220a: Beyond Thirty II
5221: Tarzan/Jewels of Opar I 5221a: Tarzan/Jewels of Opar II 5222: HRH The Rider I 5222a: HRH The Rider II
5223: Jungle Tales of Tarzan I 5223a:  Jungle Tales of Tarzan II 5224: Oakdale Affair I 5224a: Oakdale Affair II
5225: Land Time Forgot I 5225a: Land Time Forgot II 5226: Tarzan the Untamed 5226a: Tarzan the Untamed II
5227: Moon Maid 5227a: Moon Maid II 5228: The Efficiency Expert I 5228a: The Efficiency Expert II
5229: Tarzan the Terrible I 5229a: Tarzan the Terrible II 5230: Chessmen of Mars I 5230a Chessmen of Mars II
5231: Girl From Hollywood 5231a: Girl From Hollywood II 5232: Tarzan and the Golden Lion 5232a: Tarzan and the Golden Lion II
5233: Beware! 5233a: Beware! II 5234: Bandit of Hell's Bend 5234a: Bandit of Hell's Bend II
5235: Tarzan and the Ant Men 5235a: Tarzan and the Ant Men  II 5236: Mastermind of Mars 5236a: Mastermind of Mars II
5237: Warchief 5237a: Warchief II 5238: Tarzan Twins 5238a: Tarzan Twins II
5239: Tarzan Lord of the Jungle 5239a: Tarzan Lord of the Jungle II 5240: Apache Devil 5240a: Apache Devil II
5241: Tarzan Twins 5241a: Tarzan Twins II 5242: Tarzan and the Lost Empire 5242a: Tarzan and the Lost Empire II
5243: Tanar of Pellucidar 5243a: Tanar of Pellucidar II 5244: Tarzan at the Earth's Core 5244a: Tarzan at the Earth's Core II
5245: Fighting Man of Mars
5245a: Fighting Man of Mars II
5246: Jungle Girl
5246a: Jungle Girl II
5247: Tarzan the Invincible Pt. 1
5247: Tarzan the Invincible Pt. 2

5300 5301 Bob Lubbers II 5302  Tarzan/Loggers: 3931-3942 5303: 3943-3954
5304: 3955-3966 5305: 3966-3982 5306: High Priestess 3983-3994 5307: 3995-4006
5308: 4007-4018 5309: 4019-4030 5310: 4031-4042 5311: 4043-4056
5312: Inheritance 4057-4068 5313 5314 5315
5316:  5317: Order/Skulls 4111-4174 5318 5319- 5320 - 5321
5322 Ivory Poacher 4175-4194 5323 5324 Rogue Tantor 4195-4230 5325
5326 5327 Tarzan/Arabs 4231-4300 5328 5329
5330 5331 5332 5333 Foaming Death 4301-4370
5334 5335 5336 5337
5338 5339 Octopus God 4371-4432 5340 5341
5342 5343 5344 Insect Men 4433-4490 5345 
5346 5347 5348 5349Tarzan/Ghost 4490 to celardo 3802
5350: Saunders: Martian Legion 5351: Hillman: Martian Legion Review 5352: Martian Legion Review II 5353: Martian Legion Review III
5354: Martian Legion IV Package 5355: ERB Eclectica 2016.01 5356: ERB Art Portfolios 5357: Luana: Comics _ Film 
5358: Martin: Back to the Stone Age 5359: ERB: For the Fool's Mother 5360: Martin: Monster Men I 5361: Martin: Monster Men II
5362: Monster Men Glossary 5363 ERB Eclectica 2015.10 5364 ERB Eclectica 2015.11 5365 ERB Eclectica 1506
5366: ERB Eclectica 2015.12 5367 ERB Eclectica 2015.07 5368 ERB Eclectica 2015.08 5369 ERB Eclectica 2015:09
5370  Nichols: Heart of Darkness Intro 5371 Nichols: ERB's Heart/Darkness 1 5372 Nichols: Heart of Darkness II 5373 Nichols: Heart of Darkness III
5374 Nichols: Heart of Darkness IV 5375 Nichols: Heart of Darkness V 5376 Nichols: Heart of Darkness VI 5377 Nichols: Heart of Darkness VII
5378: Nichols: Heart of Darkness VIII 5379 Nichols: Heart of Darkness IX 5380 Nichols: Heart of Darkness X 5381  Nichols: Heart of Darkness XI
5382  Nichols: Heart of Darkness XII 5383 Nichols: Heart of Darkness XIII 5384 Nichols: Heart of Darkness XIV 5385 Nichols: Heart of Darkness XV
5386 Nichols: Heart of Darkness XVI 5387  Nichols: Heart of Darkness XVII 5388  Nichols: Heart of Darkness XVIII 5389  Nichols: Heart of Darkness XIX
5390  Nichols: Heart of Darkness XX 5391  Nichols: Heart of Darkness XXI 5392  Nichols: Heart of Darkness XXII 5393  Nichols: Heart of Darkness XXIII
5394  Nichols: Heart of Darkness XXIV 5395  Nichols: Heart of Darkness XXV 5396  Nichols: Heart of Darkness XXVI 5397 Small: Pal-ul-don Review

5398 Tierney: Mabu Checklist 5399 Owens: Meets Johnny Weissmuller .

Volumes 5400-5499: Rex Maxon Daily Tarzan Strips -- 1940s

5400 5401: Tarzan/War In Jungle 919-930 5402: 931-942 5403: 943-954
5404: 955-966 5405: 967-978 5406: 979-990 5407: 991-1002
5408: 1003-1014 5409: 1015-1026 5410: 1027-1038 5411: 1039-1050
5412: 1051-1056 5413: Revolt/Beasts 1057-1068 5414: 1069-1080 5415: 1081-1092
5416: 1093-1104 5417: 1105-1116 5418: 1117-1128 Tarzan Against Hitler 5419: 1129-1140
5420: 1141-1152 5421: 1153-1164 5422: 1165-1176 5423: 1177-1188
5424: 1189-1200 5425: 1201-1212 5426: 1213-1228 5427: Swamp/Death 1229-1240
5428: 1241-1252 5429: 1253-1264 5430: 1265-1280 5431: Infernal Castle 1281-1292
5432: 1293-1304 5433: 1305-1316 5434: 1317-1332 5435: Little Peter: 1333-1344
5436: 1345-1356 5437: 1357-1368 5438: 1369-1380 5439: 1381-1392
5440: Fury/Volcano 1393-1404 5441: 1405-1416 5442: 1417-1428 Tarzan/Yellow Triangle 5443:  1429-1440
5444: 1441-1452 Diabolical Hypnotist 5445: 1453-1464 5446: 1465-1476 5447: 1477-1488 Prisoner/Cadi
5448: 1489-1494 5449: Dance In Jungle 1495-1506 5450: 1507-1512 5451: End of Sorcerer 1513-1524
5452: 1525-1536 5453: Ape In Danger 1537-1548 5454: 1549-1560 5455: Ivory Hunter 1561-1572
5456: 1573-1584 5457: 1585-1596 5458: 1597-1604 5459 Savage Woman 1605-1616
5460: 1617-1628 5461: 1629-1640 5462: 1641-1652 5463: 1653-1662
5464: Mystery of Zorg 1663-1674 5465: 1675-1686 5466: 1687-1698 5467: 1699-1708
5468: Bogdu the Ape 1709-1720 5469: 1721-1732 5470: 1733-1744 5471: 1745-1756
5472: 1757-1764 5473: Ivory Band 1765-1776 5474: 1777-1788 5475: 1789-1800
5476: 1801-1812 5477: 1813-1822 5478: Sad Gorilla 1823-1834 5479:  1835-1846
5480: 1847-1858 5481: 1859-1870 5482: 1871-1878 5483: Prisoners of Past
5484: 1891-1902 5485: 1903-1914 5486: 1915-1926 5487: 1927-1938
5488: 1939-1944 5489: Revenge of Tarzan 1945 5490: 1957-1968 5491: 1969-1976
5492: Mystery/Tarzan 1977 5493: 1989-2000 5494: 2001-2012 5495: 2013-2027
5496: 2028-2039 Lion Club 5497: 2040-2051 5498: 2052-2063 5499: Tyman's Africa _ Alt
Tarzan and the Lion Cub: 57. 2028-2063 (16 Feb. 1946-29 Mar. 1946)(36 days)

Volumes 5500-5599: Hal Foster Tarzan Sunday Strips -- 1931/1932

5500:  5501: Intro: Scans 1  Scans 2 5502: 310927 5503: 311004
5504: 311011 5505: 311018 5506: 311025 5507: 311101
5508: 311108 5509: 311115 5510: 311122 5511: 311129
5512: 311206 5513: 311213 5514: 311220 5515: 311127
5516: 320103 5517: 320110 5518: 320117 5519: 320124
5520: 320131 5521: 320207 5522: 320214 5523: 320221
5524: 320228 5525: 320306 5526: 320313 5527: 320320
5528: 320327 5529: 32.04.03  5530: 32.04.10 5531:  32.04.17
5532:  32.04.24 5533:  32.05.01  5534:  32.05.08  5535:  32.05.15
5536: 32.05.22 5537: 32.05.29 5538: 1932.06.05 5539: 1932.06.12
5540:  1932.06.19 5541: 1932.06.26 5542: 1932.07.03 5543: 1932.07.10
5544: 1932.07.17 5545: 1932.07.24 5546: 1932.07.31 5547: 1932.08.07
5548: 1932.08.14 5549: 1932.08.21 5550: 1932.08.28 5551: 1932.09.04
5552: 1932.09.11 5553: 1932.09.18 5554: 1932.09.25 5555: 1932.10.02
5556: 1932.10.09 5557: 1932.10.16 5558: 1932.10.23 5559: 1932.10.30
5560: 1932.11.06 5561: 1932.11.13 5562: 1932.11.20 5563: 1932.11.27
5564: 1932.12.04 5565: 1932.12.11 5566: 1932.12.18 5567: 1932.12.25
5568: ERB: Elmer I _ Pt. II 5569: Meet Tom Simmons 5570: Hal Foster: Life and Art 5571: ERB Weird Worlds #1
5572: ERB Weird Worlds #2 5573: ERB Weird Worlds #3 5574: ERB Weird Worlds #4 5575: ERB Weird Worlds #5
5576: ERB Weird Words #6 5577: ERB Weird Worlds #7 5578: Weird Worlds Intro 5579: Warmonger of Mars - Parody
5580: Weissmuller/Friends I: 30 Pics 5581: Weissmuller/Friends II: 30 Pics 5582: Vintage Stereoviews Intro 5583: Tarzan's 3D Africa I: Natives
5584: Tarzan's 3D Africa II Villages 5585: Tarzan's 3D Africa III 5586: Tarzan's 3D Africa IV 5587: Tarzan's 3D Africa V
5588: Tarzan's 3D Africa VI 5589: Tarzan's 3D Africa VII 5590:  Tarzan's 3D Africa VIII 5591: Hoffman: Swords of Mars Art
5592: Chicago Expo 93 3D I 5593: Wheatley Cover Art 5594: MAD Comics 1-23 5595: Kurtzman/Stout: Cavemen
5596: Burian: Tantor Art I 5597:  Burian: Tantor Art II 5598: Foster Tarzan Originals 5599:  Foster Tarzan Originals II

Volumes 5600-5699
5600: Contents 5601 Nichols: Heart of Darkness XXVII 5602 Nichols: XXVIII BT II: Marooned 5603 Nichols: XXIX BT III: Beasts at Bay
5604 Nichols: XXX BT IV: Sheeta 5605 Nichols: XXXI BT V: Mugambi 5606 Nichols: XXXII BT VI: Hideous Crew 5607 Nichols: XXXIII BT VII Betrayed
5608 Nichols XXXIV VIII. The Dance of Death 5609 Nichols XXXV IX. Chivalry or Villainy 5610 XXXVI Nichols: X. The Swede 5611 Nichols XXXVII XI. Tambudza
5612 XII. A Black Scoundrel 5613 XIII. Escape 5614 XIV. Alone in the Jungle 5615 XV. Down the Ugambi
5616 XVI. In the Darkness of the Night 5617 XVII. On the Deck of the "Kincaid" 5618 XVIII. Paulvitch Plots Revenge  5619 XIX. The Last of the "Kincaid"
5620 XX. Jungle Island Again 5621 XXI. The Law of the Jungle 5622 Martin: Ape-Man and Histah Tales 5623 Johnson: Found In Pellucidar
5624  Tarzan Lost City Lobby I _ a 5625  Sigmund: Rare Photos I 5626 Sigmund: Rare Photos II 5627 Sigmund: Rare Photos III
5628 Sigmund: Rare Photos IV 5629 Sigmund: Rare Photos V 5630 Sigmund: Rare Photos VI 5631 Sigmund: Rare Photos VII
5632 Sigmund: Rare Photos VIII 5633  Sigmund: Rare Photos IX 5634 ERBapa Early Contents Tables 5635 Martin: Visit from Lord Greystoke
5636 Uparella: Tour of Opar 5637  Martin: Tarzan Terror Tales 5638 Andy Nunez 5639 ERB Rogues Gallery II
5640 March/Comics 82_82a 5641 March/Comics 98_98a 5642 March/Comics 125 _ 125a 5643 March/Comics 155 _ 155a
5644 Mucker Mag Index IV 5645 Mucker Mag Index V 5646 ERB Eclectica 2016.06 5647 Cox Tarzan Presley Reviews
5648 Hatt: Tarzan Slept Here 5649 ERB Eclectica 2016.02 5650  ERB Eclectica 2016.03 5651 ERB Eclectica 2016.04
5652: Martin: Denny/Elvis Stamp 5653: Dixon ERB Art 5654: ERB Article 94 5655: Hillman Elephant Ride
5656: Martin: Tall Tales 5657 ERBapa Contents 126-150 5658 Johnson: Barsoom Archery 5659  Eclectica 2016.05: ERB Releases
5660: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews 5661: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews I 5662: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews II 5663: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews III
5664: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews IV 5665: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews V 5666: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews VI 5667: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews VII
5668: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews VIII 5669: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews IX 5670: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews X 5671: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews XI
5672: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews XII 5673: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews XIII 5674: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews XIV 5675: Tierney: Tarzan Reviews XV
5676 : Senate: Blood Seas of Barsoom I 5677: Senate: Blood Seas of Barsoom II 5678: Senate: Blood Seas of Barsoom III 5679: Senate: Blood Seas of Barsoom IV
5680: Wayne James Collection 5681 Panthan's 2015 ECOF Rockville 5682: Kubert's Tarzan 5683: Dum-Dum 2015 Intro
5684: DD15: 5684: Getting There Via Boston 5685: DD15 Arrival 5686: Presentations and Jam 5687: DD15: Huckster I 
5688: DD15: Panel I and Fish Tails 5689: DD15: Panel II 5690: DD 2015: Tarzan Yell Contest 5691:  DD15 Huckster Room II
5692: DD15 Denny Tribute 5693: DD15: Auction 5694: DD15 Banquet I: Table Chats 5695:  DD15 II: Dining and Awards
5696: DD15: Close-Ups 5697: Coming Home: Gillette Castle I 5697a: Coming Home: Gillette Castle II 5697b: Mark Twain House/Museum I
5697c: Mark Twain House/Museum II 5698 Vanity Fair: Ape-Man Into Industry 5699: Hillman: Expedition to Angkor Wat .

Volumes 5700-5799
5700: 5701: Nestor Redondo Art 5702:  5703
5704:  5705:  5706: Tarzan DC Kubert Covers 5707: Tarzan DC 207_Pt. 2
5708: Tarzan DC 208_Pt. 2 5709: Tarzan DC 209_Pt. 2 5710: Tarzan DC 210_Pt. 2 5711: Tarzan DC 211_Pt. 2
5712: Tarzan DC 212_Pt. 2 5713: Tarzan DC 213 _ Pt. 2 5714: Tarzan DC 214 _ Pt. 2 5715: Tarzan DC 215_Pt.2
5716: Tarzan DC 216_Pt.2 5717: Tarzan DC 217_Pt.2 5718: Tarzan DC218_Pt.2 5719:  Tarzan DC219_Pt.2
5720:  Tarzan DC220_Pt.2 5721:  Tarzan DC221_Pt.2 5722: Tarzan DC222 5723: Tarzan DC223
5724: Tarzan DC224 5725: Tarzan DC225 5726: Tarzan DC226 5727: Tarzan DC227
5728: Tarzan DC228 5729: Tarzan DC229 5730: Tarzan DC230 ~ Pt. II ~ Pt. III ~ Pt. IV 5731: DC231 ~ Pt. II ~ Pt. III ~ Pt. IV
5732: DC 232 ~ Pt.II ~ Pt.III ~ Pt.IV 5733 DC 233 ~ Pt.II ~ Pt. III ~ Pt. IV 5734: DC 234 ~ Pt.II ~ Pt. III ~ Pt. IV 5735: DC 235 ~ Pt.II ~ Pt. III ~ Pt. IV
5736: DC 236 5737: DC 237 5738: DC 238 _ Pt. 2 5739: DC 239
5740: DC 240 5741: DC 241 5742: DC 242 5743: DC 243
5744: DC 244 5745: DC 245 5746: DC 246 5747: DC 247
5748: DC 248 5749: DC 249 5750:  5751: 
5752: Dum-Dum 2016 Intro 5753: DD16 Hucksters I 5754: DD16 Hucksters II 5755: DD16 Presenters I
5756: DD16 Presenters II 5757: DD16 BB Auction/Meets 5758: DD16: ERB Artists 5759: DD16: Faces
5760: DD16: Banquet 5761: DD16: Awards/Guests 5762: ERB: Gang Murder Mystery 5763: Tarzan Revisited
5764: Senate: John Carter Mars Core 5765: Mars Core 1 and 2 5766 Mars Core 3 and 4 5767 Mars Core 5 and 6
5768 Mars Core 7 and 8 5769 Mars Core 9 and 10 5770 Mars Core 11 and 12 5771 Mars Core 13 and 14
5772 Martin: Halloween Treats 5773 JC Film Wardrobe/Props 5774 ERB/Beatles Connection 5775 Dorothy Dulin _ Art II
5776: Frazetta: The Master 5777: Frazetta: Artist At Work 5778: Frazetta: Artists and Friends 5779 Frazetta Interview
5780  Frazetta: Apes I 5781 Frazetta: Cats 5782 Frazetta: Cats II 5783 Frazetta: Beauty/Beast I
5784 Frazetta: Beauty/Beast II 5785: Frazetta Beauty/Beast III 5786: Frazetta Beauty/Beast IV b/w 5787: Martin Pellucidar Intro
5788: Martin Pellucidar Poetry 5789: Martin: Pellucidar Personalities 5790: Martin: Pellucidar Presuppositions 5791: Martin: Pellucidar Possibilities
5792: Martin: Pellucidar Passions 5793: Martin: Pellucidar Pitch-Black 5794: Martin: Pellucidar Paranormal 5795: Martin: Pellucidar Playing Around
5796: Martin: Pellucidar Polar Portal 5797: Martin: Pellucidar Pastiche 5798: Martin: Tarzan"Lost Legion" 5799: Frazetta: Family Man

5800 5801 Morrow: Tarzan Contents 5802 Morrow Tarzan:  5803 Tarzan: Fossil Hunters/Terrorists
5804 Tarzan: Lost Library Alexandria 5805 Tarzan: Gorilla Camp Raiders 5806 Tarzan: Trip to New York 5807: Tarzan: D’Arnot’s Fianc?e
5808: Tarzan: Movie Brats 5809: Tarzan: Night People 5810: Tarzan: Jane's Quest 5811: Tarzan and New Atlantis
5812: Face In The Swamp 5813: Tarzan Got Modernized 5814: ERB Eclectica 2016.07 5815: ERB Eclectica 2016.08
5816: Martin: Rhymes and Rambles 5817: Jack Davis Remembered 5818:  ERB's Airedale 'Tarzan" 5819: Strong: Soldier of Poloda Intro
5820: Strong: Soldier of Poloda  Prologue 5821:  Strong: Soldier of Poloda Ch. 1 5822:  Strong: Soldier of Poloda Ch. 2 5823: Strong: Another Has Crossed
5824: Cavender: Dejah Thoris Cosplay I 5825: Cavender: Dejah Thoris Cosplay II 5826: ERB Eclectica 2016.09 5827: Dunn: UK Editions
5828: Martin: Steele's Solar System 5829: Johnson: Jetan 5830: Lupe Velez: Mexican Spitfire 5831: Hibbard Leather I
5832: Hibbard Leather II 5833: Hibbard Leather III 5834: Hibbard Leather IV 5835: Hibbard Leather V
5836 Werper Tarzan Books 5837 Cuthbert: ERB/St. John 5838: Cuthbert: Hal Foster 5839: Cuthbert: Hugo Gernsback
5840 ERBzine 2016 Archive I 5841 Red Seas of Mars 5842 Takebe: Japanese Tarzan 5843 Takebe: ERB's Other Worlds
5844 Takebe: ERB's Savage Earth 5845 Takebe: ERB Art 5846 RG Krenkel Sketches 5847 Adams Tarzan Sketches
5848 Jusko: Warlord of Mars Art I 5849  Jusko: Warlord of Mars Art II 5850: YU-TARZAN Intro 5851 Janssen: Serbian Tarzan
5852: Blaine: At The Earth's Core  5853: Blaine: Pellucidar  5854 TARZANA  ECOF 2016: Intro 5855 TARZANA ECOF 2016: Pt. 1
5856: TARZANA ECOF 2016: Pt. 2 5857:  TARZANA ECOF 2016: Pt. 3 5858:  TARZANA ECOF 2016: Pt. 4 5859: VOM John Carter
5860: Frazetta: Million $ AEC Art 5861: Martin: Legend/Beasts Connection 5862: Martin: Legendary Tarzan Poem 5863: Martin: ERB Tall Tales III
5864: Cavender: Dejah Thoris Cosplay III 5865: ERB Eclectica 2016.10 5866: ERB Eclectica 2016.11 5867: ERB Eclectica 2016.12
5868: ERB Eclectica 2017.01 Updates 5869: ERB Eclectica 2017.02 5870: ERB Eclectica 2017.03 5871:  Leonaur ERB Cover Gallery
5872: Dunn: Br. ERB Society History 5873 Hathaway: Pulp Covers 5874: Boog: Jungle Cats 5875 Sherman: ERB's Legacy of Mars
5876 ERB Eclectica 2017.04 Updates 5877 ERB Eclectica 2017.05 Updates 5878 ERB Eclectica 2017.06 Updates 5879 ERB Eclectica 2017.07
5880: ERB: Genghis Khan Intro_Father Khan 5881: ERB Genghis Poem I: 1-4 5882: ERB Genghis Poem II: 5-8 5883: ERB Genghis Poem III: 9-12
5884: ERB Genghis Poem IV: 13-16 5885: ERB Genghis Poem V: 17-20 5886: Frazetta Femme Sketches 5887: ERB Eclectica 2017.10
5888: Yu-Tarzan: City of Slaves 5889: Yu-Tarzan: Crusaders 5890 Yu-Tarzan: Samantha's Temple 5891: Yu-Tarzan: Vampir
5892: Yu-Tarzan: The Hunter 5893: Yu-Tarzan: Ivory Smugglers 5894: Yu-Tarzan: Pembolt's Animals 5895: Yu-Tarzan: Last of the Pharaohs
5896: Terrell: Tarzan Untamed Core Values 5897: Publishers Ads Listings 5898: Foster: Young Knight 5899: Martin: Drabbles

5900: Foster Tarzan 1933/1934 Contents 5901: Tarzan Large Scan Formats 5902: Death to Offenders Jan 1 5903: Miracle ~ 1933.01.08
5904: Pharaoh's Daughter ~ Jan 15 5905: God of Apes ~ Jan 22 5906: Daughter of Beasts Jan 29 5907: Waters of Death ~ Feb 5
5908: Ape-Man's Strategy ~ Feb 12 5909: Feast of Thoth ~ Feb 19 5910: Darts of Death ~ Feb 26 5911: Vengeance of Thoth Mar 5
5912: Wrath of Gods ~ Mar 12 5913: Ape-Man's Strategy ~ Mar 19 5914: Egyptian Princess Mar 26 5915: Woman and Ape ~ Apr 2
5916 Ape-Man and Princess ~ Apr 9 5917: Blood-Brother of Apes Apr16 5918: Will of the Gods ~ Apr 23 5919: Seal of Doom ~ Apr 30
5920: God Walks Night ~ May 7 5921: Transformation of Tarxan 5922: The Death ~ May 21 5923: The Prince ~ May 28
5924: Behind the Veil ~ June 4 5925: Under the Black Robe ~ June 11 5926: Moloch ~ June 18 5927: Lightning ~ June 25
5928: Revolution ~ July 2 5929: By Royal Command ~ July 9 5930:  The Mob ~ July 16 5931: Children of Sun ~ July 23
5932: Return From Exile ~ July 30 5933: The Door ~ August 6 5934: : Amnis ~ August 13 5935: Queen's Vengeance ~ Aug 20
5936: Silken Scarf ~ Aug 27 5937: Sign of Scarab ~ Sept 3 5938: The Monster ~ Sept 10 5939: The Shadow ~ Sept 17
5940: THE SPOOR ~ 1933.09.24 5941: KAMUR  ~ 1933.10.01 5942: LOVE OF QUEEN ~ 33.10.08 5943: IBEK HORDE ~ 1933.10.15
5944: TO THE DEATH! ~ 1933.10.22 5945: COMBAT ~ 1933.10.29 5946: PRISONERS ~ 1933.11.05 5947: QUEEN IN PERIL ~ 1933.11.12
5948: THE CHASE ~ 1933.11.19 5949: JUNGLE ~ 1933.11.26 5950: CHILD OF FIRE ~ 1933.12.03 5951: DOG OF JUNGLE ~ 1933.12.10
5952: THE TRAIL ~ 1933.12.17 5953: KABANGO ~ 1933.12.24 5954: HOTEP ~ 1933.12.31 5955:  DANCE OF DEATH ~ 1934.01.07
5956: TRAPPED ~ 1934.01.14 5957: CAPTIVE KING ~ 1934.01.21 5958: TARZAN'S PLIGHT ~ 1934.01.28 5959: IN THE RAVINE ~ 1934.02.04
5960:  HUMAN TARGETS ~ 1934.02.11 5961: PRISON OF ARROWS ~ 1934.02.18 5962: LIVING TARGET ~ 1934.02.25 5963: HAND OF FATE ~ 1934.03.04
5964: CONDEMNED ~ 1934.03.11 5965: PHARAOH'S COMMAND ~ 1934.03.18 5966: TREACHERY ~ 1934.03.25 5967: VAPORS OF DEATH ~ 1934.04.01
5968: DOGS OF WAR ~ 34.04.08 5969: TANTOR THE ELEPHANT ~ 1934.04.15 5970: ELEPHANT WARRIORS ~ 34.04.22 5971: TANTOR'S SACRIFICE  ~ 34.04.29
5972: AVENGING ELEPHANTS ~ 1934.05.06 5973: TRIAL OF TARZAN ~ 34.05.13 5974: TARZAN'S DILEMMA ~ 34.05.20 5975: HOUSE OF DEATH ~ 34.05.27 
5976: WITHIN THE TOMB ~ 34.06.03 5977: THE RIVER OF CROCODILES 5978: JAWS OF DEATH ~ 34.06.17 5979: MYSTERIOUS MAIDEN ~ 34.06.24
5980: IN ENEMY HANDS ~ 34.07.01 5981: CRY FOR HELP ~ 34.07.08 5982: INTO THE RAGING SEA ~ 34.07.15 5983: THE SINKING SHIP ~ 34.07.22
5984: SEA DOOM ~ 34.07.29 5985: SULTAN OF SANABAR ~ 34.08.05  5986 THE SULTAN'S VERDICT ~ 34.08.12 5987: TARZAN'S COMBAT ~ 34.08.19
5988: THE EXECUTION CHAMBER ~ 34.08.26 5989: THE BATTLE ~ 34.09.02 5990: THE FLOATING MENAGERIE ~ 34.09.09 5991: CHALLENGE ~ 34.09.16
5992: ON THE BARRICADE ~ 34.09.23 5993: HOSTILE ARROW ~ 34.09.30 5994: THE UNSEEN ENEMY  ~ 34.10.07 5995: A STRANGE FOE  ~ 1934.10.14
5996: CLASH OF THE GODS  ~ 34.10.21 5997: THE PIT  ~ 34.10.28 5998: UNDERGROUND BATTLE  ~ 34.11.04  5999: TREASURE VAULT  ~ 34.11.11 

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Broadway 2006
Tarzan: The Musical
Tarzan® is the property of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., Tarzana CA
These e-Fanzines have been posted as a non-profit bibliographic and biographic reference for ERB scholars, fans and collectors. Most material not created by myself  has been supplied by the ERB, Inc. archives in Tarzana, CA (see ERB, Inc. Terms of Use) and supplemented with material collated largely from other sites on the web -- and I believe it to fall under ERB, Inc. copyright or to be in Public Domain or to fall under the category of "product promotion" or "fair use". Everything has been collated into this on-line repository to promote interest in the works of Mr. Burroughs. If there is any objection to the way in which any of this material has been disNed, or if I have infringed unlawfully on any copyright, I will implement its immediate removal. Bill Hillman
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