McWhorter's Burroughs Bulletin Index
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Special George T. McWhorter Tribute Issue ![]() ![]() Front Cover: George McWhorter - Ye Editor by Scott Beachler Back Cover Photo: George McWhorter in an ERB reading pose |
Editor's Kaor Page by Henry G. Franke III: 36 pages -
George McWhorter Tribute Issue
This issue of the Bulletin is dedicated to George T. McWhorter, the person who reinvigorated The Burroughs Bibliophiles in 1990 when he restarted The Burroughs Bulletin as a quarterly journal (hence the appellation of "New Series") and The Gridley Wave as a monthly newsletter. He maintained a regular publication schedule for 20 years, with 82 issues of the Bulletin and 245 issues of The Gridley Wave. As curator of Rare Books and then the ERB Memorial Collection at the University of Louisville since 1972, George is now world-renowned as an expert on Burroughs. George T. McWhorter - Curriculum Vitae: A nine-page autobiographic timeline illustrated with photos originally shared with the tribute at: Tributes to George: (with 8 photographs) * Delinda Stephens Buie - Head, Special Collections, University of Louisville Libraries * Hannelore B. Rader - Dean Emeritus, University of Louisville Libraries * Mike Conran - Editor, ERB News Dateline * Frank Westwood and Doreen Schlesinger - Editors, The Fantastic Worlds of ERB * Denny Miller - Movie Tarzan "Tarzan at the Ready" art by Steve Rude George T. McWhorter and ERB - Bibliographer's Banter by Henry G. Franke III: Burroughs Dictionary | ERB Memorial Collection: A Catalog | The Burroughs Bulletin | Gridley Wave | UofL Library Review | Caprona Courier/ERB Quarterly | The Burroughs Buff | ERBapa Articles | ERB Convention Booklets | Advisor and Contributor to ERB film documentaries ~ 6 illustrations ERBracketology - Part II: The Characters of the Tarzan Stories by Patrick M. Premo with 4 illos and 4 Charts: Heroes, Villains, Heroines, Villainesses Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting - The Burroughs Bibliophiles, Inc. - Best Western Hotel, Chicago-Hillside, IL, 21 August 2010 ~ 3 pages with one photo from Letters: John Carver with Editor's rebuttal ~ Jim Gregory ~ Malcolm Henderson ~ Rob Greer ~ A. Rodney Allbright ~ Bob Griffin Editor's Afterword by Henry G. Franke III Terra Incognita - a poem by Kim L. Neidigh ![]() ![]() Matching Profile Poses of ERB and GTM |
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Special ERB Pastiches Issue ![]() ![]() Front Cover: Tarzan Annual 1969 (UK - artist unknown) Back Cover Art: Tarzan: El Ultimo Ciervo (Last Deer) (Spain - artist unknown) |
Editor's Kaor Page by Henry G. Franke III: 12 extra pages -
BB 50th Anniversary
Informal History of the Burroughs Bibliophile Chapters by Henry G. Franke III (15 pages) 6 photos and 13 covers and logos Tarzan Pastiches in the British Tarzan Annuals and TV Tornado Annuals by Laurence G. Dunn and D. Peter Ogden Two photos of cover artists: Walter Howarth and John Bolton | 1 Pal-ul-don map by Marsh | 20 covers Irwin Porges and ERB: The Man Who Created Tarzan featured in Bibliographer's Corner by H.G. Franke Two photos and two book cover illos (Krenkel HC and Ballantine paperback set) Memories from the (ERB, Inc.) Warehouse by Cele Porges Four photos: Irwin and Cele, warehouse, and two Hillman 1971 photos of warehouse (Hully and Sue-On int. plus ext.) What ERB Has Meant to Me by Tom Floyd One photo | 1 page Tarzan art by Floyd | Pellucidar cover art Tarzan in Israel by Eli Eshed Six illos of Israeli Tarzan cover art (Text and art from ERBzine) ERB Pastiches Published by The Burroughs Bibliophiles by Henry G. Franke III One Wm. Gilmour photo | Covers of three Gilmour stories with art by Jeff Jones and Vern Coriell A Review of James R. Nesteby's Tarzan of Arabia by Henry G. Franke III One cover: Tarzan and the Secret Submarine with Gordon Scott photo "Only Burroughs Can Write Burroughs": A Long Delayed Review of the 1998 Dum-Dum Pastiche Panel by Allan Gross One photo of Tarzan and ape actors Letters: Marie Fenton Griffing | Rick Miller | Grahame Stone | Tom Rookes | C.W. (Wally) Blackburn One photo Australia fan Wally Blackburn - DoB April 1913 |
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![]() ![]() ADAMS, DAVID: Book review for "Maureen O'Sullivan, No Average Jane" by Dave Fury (BB#72, p.32-33) BARRETT, ROBERT R.: "John Carter of Mars" (BB#72, p.3-9) BARRETT, ROBERT R.: "John Carter, Warlord of Mars Daily Strip" (BB#72, p.11-22) BRIGGS, AUSTIN (artist): "John Carter, Warlord of Mars" daily strip (BB#72, p.13) BRIGGS, AUSTIN (artist): "Island Pursuit" by William L. Worden for Saturday Evening Post, 1953 (BB#72, p.15) BRIGGS, AUSTIN (artist): Photo of the artist in his studio, October, 1950 (BB#72, p.16) BRIGGS, AUSTIN (artist): "Who's Who in Blue Book" biographical sketch, April, 1938 (BB#72, p.17) BROWER, SKY: "An Interview with Elaine Hollingsworth (Sara Shane) in Australia (BB#72, p.23-31, 36) BURROUGHS, JOHN COLEMAN (artist): John Carter off Mars cover art for THE FUNNIES, 1940 (BB#72, p.4) BURROUGHS, JOHN COLEMAN (artist): Cover art for John Carter of Mars Better Little Book, 1940 (BB#72, p.7) BURROUGHS, JOHN COLEMAN (artist): John Carter of Mars cover art for Dell, 1940 (BB#72, p.9) CONNERY, SEAN: Film still with Anthony Quayle for "Tarzan's Greatest Adventure" (BB#72, p.31) CORBEN, RICHARD (artist): Drawing for "John Carter of Mars," Doubleday, 1977 (BB#72, p.9) CRANDELL, REED (artist): 3 black & white drawings for "John Carter of Mars," Canaveral, 1964 (BB#72, p.2,8) D'ACHILLE, GINO (artist): Cover art for "John Carter of Mars," Ballantine, 1976 (BB#72, p.4) FIBIGER, MILAN (artist): Illustration of Tarzan on elephant, 2007 (BB#72, p.35) GABOR, SZIKSZAI (artist): Cover art with Boros Zoltan for "John Carter of Mars," 1992 (BB#72, back cover) HOLLINGSWORTH, ELAINE (Sara Shane): Pictorial interview by Sky Brower (BB#72, p.26-31, 36) "JOHN CARTER OF MARS": Article by Robert R. Barrett (BB#72, p.3-9) JOHN CARTER OF MARS" book illustrations: Bob Abbett, John Coleman Burroughs, Richard Corben, Reed Crandall, Gino D'Achille, J. Allen St. John, Motoichiro Takebe, Michael Whelan, Zoltan & Gabor (BB#72, p.2,4-7,9,10, 34, covers) "JOHN CARTER, WARLORD OF MARS": Article by Robert R. Barrett (BB#72, p.11-22) "JOHN CARTER, WARLORD OF MARS": Daily strips by Austin Briggs (BB#72, p.13) O'SULLIVAN, MAUREEN: Pictorial book review of Dave Fury biography by David Adams (BB#72, p.32-33) QUAYLE, ANTHONY: Film still with Sean Connery from"Tarzan's Greatest Adventure" (BB#72, p.31) SHANE, SARA (Elaine Hollingsworth): Pictorial interview by Sky Walker (BB#72, p.23-31, 36) SPACEHAWK: Cartoons bu Basil Wolverton for Target Comics (BB#72, p.18) and Circus (BB#72, p.19) ST. JOHN, J. ALLEN (artist): cover art for "John Carter & the Giant of Mars", 1941 (BB#72, front cover & p.34) ST. JOHN, J. ALLEN (artist): cover art for "Skeleton Men of Jupiter, Amazing Stories,1943 (BB#72, p.10) TAKEBE, MOTOICHIRO (artist): Cover art for "John Carter of Mars" 1968 (BB#72, p. 5) WHELAN, MICHAEL (artist): Cover art for Tales of Mars, SFBC omnibus, 2007 (BB#72, p.7) "WHITE PERIL OF VENUS": Basil Wolverton cartoon, ca. 1930 (BB#72, p.21) WOLVERTON, BASIL (artist): "Spacehawk" illustrations for 1938 & 1940 (BB#72, p.18,19) WOLVERTON, BASIL (asrtist): "White Peril of Venus" illustration, ca.1930 (BB#72, p.21) ZOLTAN, BOROS (artist): Cover art, with Szikszai Gabor, for Hungarian edition of John Carter of Mars, 1992 (BB#72, back cover) |
BURROUGHS BULLETIN #67 ESCAPE ON VENUS ISSUE (Summer, 2006) ![]() ![]() ![]() ADAMS, JASON SPYDA: -"Going Ape" sculpture of Tarzan fighting gorilla (BB#67, p.35) BLEDIG, JOAN: -"Of Burroughs...and Bradbury" (BB#67, p.28-32) BRADBURY, RAY: -"Of Burroughs and Bradbury," a symposium on "Fahrenheit 451" given at the Oak Park Historical Society, in April, 2006, featuring talks by Burroughs Bibliophiles Joan Bledig and Greg Phillips, with cover art for Ballantine edition of "Fahrenheit 451" and Joe Mugnaini's cover art for Bradbury issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May, 1963 (BB#67, p.28-32) -Signed photo, 1990 (BB#67, p. 32) BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE: -Map of Amtor with Amtorian alphabet (BB#67, p.6) -Pencil drawings from his school textbooks in Latin, Greek, French (BB#67, p. 18,19, 22, 23, 25) BURROUGHS, JOHN COLEMAN: -Cover art for hardback edition of Escape on Venus (BB#67, front cover) CASH, SAM: -"Language in Buroughsland" (BB#67, p.17-25) ESCAPE ON VENUS: Cover Art -Cover art: 1955 Mexican edition (BB#67, p.9); -Frazetta cover for 1974 Ace paperback edition (BB#67, p.34); -Richard Hescox cover art for 1991 Ballantine edition (BB#67, p.4); -Motoichiro Takebe cover for 1971 Japanese edition (BB#67, p.8); -pulp magazine covers by St. John (BB#67, p.3, 7, 24, back cover) ESCAPE ON VENUS: -Book ad in 1946 Publishers' Weekly (BB#67, p.33) -"Escape on Venus: ERB's Alchemy at Bay" by David A. Adams (BB#78, p.3-9) -Two drawings by William Stout (BB#67, p. 10) FABBI, F. (artist): -La of Opar illustration for 1935 Italian edition of Return of Tarzan (BB#67, p. 11) FIBIGER, MILAN (artist): -Drawing for 1992 Czech edition of Tarzan and the Ant Men (BB#67, p. 21) FRAZETTA, FRANK (artist): -Drawing for Canaveral 1965 edition of Tarzan and the Castaways (BB#67, p.16); -cover art for 1974 Ace edition of Escape on Venus (BB#67, p.34) GAMBATESE, JENN: -Photos in Tarzan Broadway musical of 2006 (BB#67, p.27) HANSON, ALAN: -"Tarzan and the Hideous Hunter: The Death of Tarzan" (BB#67, p.11-16) HARDY, JASON (artist): -Sample design for young people's BB membership logo (BB#67, p. 36) HESCOX, RICHARD (artist): -Escape on Venus illustration (BB#67, p.4, 5) MACAULAY, H. W. (artist): -"Goddess of Fire" in collaboration with J. Allen St. John (BB#67, back cover) McKEEVER, TED (artist): -Cover art for A Princess of Mars , 2006 comic book from IDW (BB#67, p.36) MILLER, DENNY: -"DennyMiller on Tarzan," a look at the Broadway musical (BB#67, p.26-27) MUGNAINI, JOE (artist): -Cover art for Ray Bradbury issue of Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May, 1963 (BB#67, p. 31) PHILLIPS, GREG: -"Of Burroughs...and Bradbury," talk at Oak Park seminar on "Fahrenheit 451" and the influence of Burroughs on Bradbury (BB#67, p.28-32) ST. JOHN, J. ALLEN (artist): -Beasts of Tarzan illustration, 1916 (BB#67, p.13) -Frontispiece for Tarzan and the Golden Lion (BB#67, p.15) -"Goddess of Fire" for July, 1941 (BB#67, p.3); -Illustration for Tarzan the Untamed, 1920 (BB#67, p.17) -Slaves of the Fish Men" for March, 1941 (BB#67, p.7); "The Living Dead" for November, 1941 (BB#67, back cover) -"War on Venus" for March, 1942 (BB#67, p.7) STOUT, WILLIAM (artist): -Two drawings for Escape on Venus (BB#67, p.10) STRICKLAND, JOSH: -Photos of the actor in Tarzan Broadway musical (BB#67, p.26-27) SYMMES, JOHN CLEVES: -Portrait of Pellucidar theorist, ca. 1820 (BB#67, p.20) TAKEBE, MOTOICHIRO (artist): -Cover art for 197l Japanese edition of Escape on Venus (BB#67, p.8) WOWK, JIRI (artist): -Illustration for 1938 Czech edition of Tarzan the Untamed (BB#67, p.24) YANAGAWA, GOICHI (artist): -Illustration from 1854 Japanese edition of The Return of Tarzan (BB#67, p.14) YEATES, THOMAS: -Drawing of Tarzan and Tantor (BB#67, p.12) ![]() ![]() BURROUGHS BULLETIN #66 ~ Spring 2006 ARNOLD, EUGENE K.: "A Calendar for the Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs" (BB#66, p.12-16) BARRETT, ROBERT R.: "Tarzan and the Madman and Reed Crandall" (BB#66, p.3-9) BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE: Commercial calendars, mostly Tarzan (BB#66, p.12-16) CRANDALL, REED (artist): "Tarzan and the Madman and Reed Crandall" by Robert R. Barrett (BB#66, p.3-9) CRANDALL, REED (artist): Photo of the artist at work (BB#66, p.3) CRANDALL, REED (artist): Tarzan and the Madman illustrations for Canaveral Press (BB#66, p.7, 8, 34) CRANDALL, REED (artist): Christmas card illustration for 1966 (BB#66, p.5) CRANDALL, REED (artist): Cover of the artist's first book: Come Colors Come by Lucile Fargo (BB#66, p.4) CRANDALL, REED (artist): Kaanga cover art for Jungle Comics #42, June, 1043 (BB#66, p.6) DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700): Portrait (BB#66, p.18) DULIN, DOROTHY (artist): "An Incomplete List of the Drawings of Dorothy Dulin" by Robert R. Barrett, with 2 samples from THE SON OF TARZAN (BB#66, p.24, 25) FARGO, LUCILE F. : Come Colors Come, 1940 novel illustrated by Reed Crandall (BB#66, p.4) FRAZETTA, FRANK (artist): 1979 Calendar art (BB#66, p.15) FRAZETTA, FRANK (artist): Princess of Mars sculpture (BB#66, p.26) FREMIET, EMMANUEL (sculptor): "Burroughs With a French Twist" with 2 photos (BB#66, p.26) GREY, ZANE: Photo (BB#66, p.6) HANKS, KEN (artist): Barsoomian scene (BB#66, p.25) HOGARTH, BURNE (artist): Tarzan calendar (BB#66, p.17) HOGARTH, BURNE (artist): Tarzan Sunday page, May 9, 1948, in Smithsonian Collection (BB#66, p.35) HOHLWEIN, LUDWIG (artist): Princess of Mars cover art, 1925 (BB#66, p.23) HYDE, BOB: "Remembering Our President: A Tribute to Bob Hyde, 1925-2006" wth photos (BB#66, p.20-21) JONES, JEFF (artist): Tarzan calendar (BB#66, p.16) JUSKO, JOE (artist): Baby Thark (BB#66, p.25) KAANGA: Cover art by Reed Crandall for Jungle Comics #42, June, 1943. (BB#66, p.6) KIRBY, JOSH (artist): Tarzan and the Madman cover art (BB#66, p.34) KRENKEL, ROY (artist): Dum-Dum pen & ink drawing (BB#66, p.10) KRENKEL, ROY (artist): Headpiece for James Van Hise article "The Barsoom we'll Probably Never See" (BB#66, p.24) MATHIESEN, AXEL (artist): Cover art for Danish editions of Tarzan the Untamed and A Princess of Mars (BB#66, p.27, 28) McWHORTER, GEORGE: "The Tarzan Legend" (BB#66, p.18, 19) McWHORTER, GEORGE: "Madman and Baboon Boy" (BB#66, p.11) McWHORTER, GEORGE: "Remembering Our President; a tribute to Bob Hyde, 1925-2006" (BB#66, p.20, 21) McWHORTER, GEORGE: "Burroughs With a French Twist" (BB#66, p.26) MONTAIGNE, MICHEL DE (1533-1592): Portrait (BB #66, p. 19) NIELSEN, LEON: "Appraising Your Burroughs Collection" (BB#66, p.27-33) PRIESTLY, PATRICK: Photo of Tarzan actor in Jackson Hewitt TV commercial (BB#66, p.36) REN, CHARLES (artist): Tarzan calendar or 1988 (BB#66, p.13) RENNA (artist): British cover artist for Tarzan and the Madman (BB#66, back cover) RIDDELL, FRANK: Creator of Kaanga for Jungle Comics illustrated by Reed Crandall (BB#66, p.6) ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES (1712-1778): Portrait (BB#66, p.19) SON OF TARZAN: Movie poster calendar, 2004 (BB#66, p.14, 15) ST. JOHN, J. ALLEN (artist): Princess of Mars illustration (BB#66, p.26) TAKEBE, MOTOICHIRO (artist): Tarzan and the Madman cover art (BB#66, p.30) TARZAN AND THE MADMAN: Reed Crandall illustrations (BB#66, p.7, 8, 34) TARZAN AND THE MADMAN: Illustrations for paperback editions (BB#66, p.29, 30, 33, 34, front & back covers) TARZAN AND THE MADMAN: "Madman and Baboon Boy" by George McWhorter (BB#66, p.11) TARZAN AND THE MADMAN: "Tarzan and the Madman & Reed Crandall" by Robert R. Barrett (BB#66, p.3-9) VALLEJO, BORIS (artist): Paperback cover art for Tarzan and the Madman (BB#66, p. 33) VAN HISE, JAMES: "The Barsoom We'll Probably Never See" (BB#66, p.22, 23) WEISSMULLER, JOHNNY: Hollywood Portraits Calendar, 1991 (BB#66, p.17) ESCAPE ON VENUS ISSUE (Summer, 2006) ADAMS, JASON SPYDA: -"Going Ape" sculpture of Tarzan fighting gorilla (BB#67, p.35) BLEDIG, JOAN: -"Of Burroughs...and Bradbury" (BB#67, p.28-32) BRADBURY, RAY: -"Of Burroughs and Bradbury," a symposium on "Fahrenheit 451" given at the Oak Park Historical Society, in April, 2006, featuring talks by Burroughs Bibliophiles Joan Bledig and Greg Phillips, with cover art for Ballantine edition of "Fahrenheit 451" and Joe Mugnaini's cover art for Bradbury issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May, 1963 (BB#67, p.28-32) -Signed photo, 1990 (BB#67, p. 32) BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE: -Map of Amtor with Amtorian alphabet (BB#67, p.6) -Pencil drawings from his school textbooks in Latin, Greek, French (BB#67, p. 18,19, 22, 23, 25) BURROUGHS, JOHN COLEMAN: -Cover art for hardback edition of Escape on Venus (BB#67, front cover) CASH, SAM: -"Language in Buroughsland" (BB#67, p.17-25) ESCAPE ON VENUS: Cover Art -Cover art: 1955 Mexican edition (BB#67, p.9); -Frazetta cover for 1974 Ace paperback edition (BB#67, p.34); -Richard Hescox cover art for 1991 Ballantine edition (BB#67, p.4); -Motoichiro Takebe cover for 1971 Japanese edition (BB#67, p.8); -pulp magazine covers by St. John (BB#67, p.3, 7, 24, back cover) ESCAPE ON VENUS: -Book ad in 1946 Publishers' Weekly (BB#67, p.33) -"Escape on Venus: ERB's Alchemy at Bay" by David A. Adams (BB#78, p.3-9) -Two drawings by William Stout (BB#67, p. 10) FABBI, F. (artist): -La of Opar illustration for 1935 Italian edition of Return of Tarzan (BB#67, p. 11) FIBIGER, MILAN (artist): -Drawing for 1992 Czech edition of Tarzan and the Ant Men (BB#67, p. 21) FRAZETTA, FRANK (artist): -Drawing for Canaveral 1965 edition of Tarzan and the Castaways (BB#67, p.16); -cover art for 1974 Ace edition of Escape on Venus (BB#67, p.34) GAMBATESE, JENN: -Photos in Tarzan Broadway musical of 2006 (BB#67, p.27) HANSON, ALAN: -"Tarzan and the Hideous Hunter: The Death of Tarzan" (BB#67, p.11-16) HARDY, JASON (artist): -Sample design for young people's BB membership logo (BB#67, p. 36) HESCOX, RICHARD (artist): -Escape on Venus illustration (BB#67, p.4, 5) MACAULAY, H. W. (artist): -"Goddess of Fire" in collaboration with J. Allen St. John (BB#67, back cover) McKEEVER, TED (artist): -Cover art for A Princess of Mars , 2006 comic book from IDW (BB#67, p.36) MILLER, DENNY: -"DennyMiller on Tarzan," a look at the Broadway musical (BB#67, p.26-27) MUGNAINI, JOE (artist): -Cover art for Ray Bradbury issue of Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May, 1963 (BB#67, p. 31) PHILLIPS, GREG: -"Of Burroughs...and Bradbury," talk at Oak Park seminar on "Fahrenheit 451" and the influence of Burroughs on Bradbury (BB#67, p.28-32) ST. JOHN, J. ALLEN (artist): -Beasts of Tarzan illustration, 1916 (BB#67, p.13) -Frontispiece for Tarzan and the Golden Lion (BB#67, p.15) -"Goddess of Fire" for July, 1941 (BB#67, p.3); -Illustration for Tarzan the Untamed, 1920 (BB#67, p.17) -Slaves of the Fish Men" for March, 1941 (BB#67, p.7); "The Living Dead" for November, 1941 (BB#67, back cover) -"War on Venus" for March, 1942 (BB#67, p.7) STOUT, WILLIAM (artist): -Two drawings for Escape on Venus (BB#67, p.10) STRICKLAND, JOSH: -Photos of the actor in Tarzan Broadway musical (BB#67, p.26-27) SYMMES, JOHN CLEVES: -Portrait of Pellucidar theorist, ca. 1820 (BB#67, p.20) TAKEBE, MOTOICHIRO (artist): -Cover art for 197l Japanese edition of Escape on Venus (BB#67, p.8) WOWK, JIRI (artist): -Illustration for 1938 Czech edition of Tarzan the Untamed (BB#67, p.24) YANAGAWA, GOICHI (artist): -Illustration from 1854 Japanese edition of The Return of Tarzan (BB#67, p.14) YEATES, THOMAS: -Drawing of Tarzan and Tantor (BB#67, p.12) BURROUGHS BULLETIN #66 ~ Spring 2006 ARNOLD, EUGENE K.: "A Calendar for the Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs" (BB#66, p.12-16) BARRETT, ROBERT R.: "Tarzan and the Madman and Reed Crandall" (BB#66, p.3-9) BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE: Commercial calendars, mostly Tarzan (BB#66, p.12-16) CRANDALL, REED (artist): "Tarzan and the Madman and Reed Crandall" by Robert R. Barrett (BB#66, p.3-9) CRANDALL, REED (artist): Photo of the artist at work (BB#66, p.3) CRANDALL, REED (artist): Tarzan and the Madman illustrations for Canaveral Press (BB#66, p.7, 8, 34) CRANDALL, REED (artist): Christmas card illustration for 1966 (BB#66, p.5) CRANDALL, REED (artist): Cover of the artist's first book: Come Colors Come by Lucile Fargo (BB#66, p.4) CRANDALL, REED (artist): Kaanga cover art for Jungle Comics #42, June, 1043 (BB#66, p.6) DRYDEN, JOHN (1631-1700): Portrait (BB#66, p.18) DULIN, DOROTHY (artist): "An Incomplete List of the Drawings of Dorothy Dulin" by Robert R. Barrett, with 2 samples from THE SON OF TARZAN (BB#66, p.24, 25) FARGO, LUCILE F. : Come Colors Come, 1940 novel illustrated by Reed Crandall (BB#66, p.4) FRAZETTA, FRANK (artist): 1979 Calendar art (BB#66, p.15) FRAZETTA, FRANK (artist): Princess of Mars sculpture (BB#66, p.26) FREMIET, EMMANUEL (sculptor): "Burroughs With a French Twist" with 2 photos (BB#66, p.26) GREY, ZANE: Photo (BB#66, p.6) HANKS, KEN (artist): Barsoomian scene (BB#66, p.25) HOGARTH, BURNE (artist): Tarzan calendar (BB#66, p.17) HOGARTH, BURNE (artist): Tarzan Sunday page, May 9, 1948, in Smithsonian Collection (BB#66, p.35) HOHLWEIN, LUDWIG (artist): Princess of Mars cover art, 1925 (BB#66, p.23) HYDE, BOB: "Remembering Our President: A Tribute to Bob Hyde, 1925-2006" wth photos (BB#66, p.20-21) JONES, JEFF (artist): Tarzan calendar (BB#66, p.16) JUSKO, JOE (artist): Baby Thark (BB#66, p.25) KAANGA: Cover art by Reed Crandall for Jungle Comics #42, June, 1943. (BB#66, p.6) KIRBY, JOSH (artist): Tarzan and the Madman cover art (BB#66, p.34) KRENKEL, ROY (artist): Dum-Dum pen & ink drawing (BB#66, p.10) KRENKEL, ROY (artist): Headpiece for James Van Hise article "The Barsoom we'll Probably Never See" (BB#66, p.24) MATHIESEN, AXEL (artist): Cover art for Danish editions of Tarzan the Untamed and A Princess of Mars (BB#66, p.27, 28) McWHORTER, GEORGE: "The Tarzan Legend" (BB#66, p.18, 19) McWHORTER, GEORGE: "Madman and Baboon Boy" (BB#66, p.11) McWHORTER, GEORGE: "Remembering Our President; a tribute to Bob Hyde, 1925-2006" (BB#66, p.20, 21) McWHORTER, GEORGE: "Burroughs With a French Twist" (BB#66, p.26) MONTAIGNE, MICHEL DE (1533-1592): Portrait (BB #66, p. 19) NIELSEN, LEON: "Appraising Your Burroughs Collection" (BB#66, p.27-33) PRIESTLY, PATRICK: Photo of Tarzan actor in Jackson Hewitt TV commercial (BB#66, p.36) REN, CHARLES (artist): Tarzan calendar or 1988 (BB#66, p.13) RENNA (artist): British cover artist for Tarzan and the Madman (BB#66, back cover) RIDDELL, FRANK: Creator of Kaanga for Jungle Comics illustrated by Reed Crandall (BB#66, p.6) ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES (1712-1778): Portrait (BB#66, p.19) SON OF TARZAN: Movie poster calendar, 2004 (BB#66, p.14, 15) ST. JOHN, J. ALLEN (artist): Princess of Mars illustration (BB#66, p.26) TAKEBE, MOTOICHIRO (artist): Tarzan and the Madman cover art (BB#66, p.30) TARZAN AND THE MADMAN: Reed Crandall illustrations (BB#66, p.7, 8, 34) TARZAN AND THE MADMAN: Illustrations for paperback editions (BB#66, p.29, 30, 33, 34, front & back covers) TARZAN AND THE MADMAN: "Madman and Baboon Boy" by George McWhorter (BB#66, p.11) TARZAN AND THE MADMAN: "Tarzan and the Madman & Reed Crandall" by Robert R. Barrett (BB#66, p.3-9) VALLEJO, BORIS (artist): Paperback cover art forTarzan and the Madman (BB#66, p. 33) VAN HISE, JAMES: "The Barsoom We'll Probably Never See" (BB#66, p.22, 23) BURROUGHS BULLETIN #65 ~ Winter 2006 BRIX, HERMAN: Photo with Burroughs' stepchildren Lee and Caryl Lee at Gay's Lion Farm, 1935. (BB#65, p.27) BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE: Letter to Caryl Lee Dearholt Burroughs, September 15, 1944 (BB#65, p.22) BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE: Photo with Maureen O'Sullivan at book signing, ca. 1932 (BB#65, p.10) BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE: Dinner photo with wife Florence and friend Mrs. Mandel, July, 1936 (BB#65, p.25) BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE: Photo in WWII uniform, December 4, 1942 (BB#65, p.26) BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE: "Consider Yourself Kissed: ERB's WWII Letters to Caryl Lee" by Frank Puncer (BB#65, p.22-32) BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE: Photo in gorilla suit sipping cocktail through straw, 1936 (BB#65, p.28) DE GASPARI, GIORGIO (artist): Tarzan and the Castaways cover art for Four Square edition, 1966 (BB#65, front cover) DE GASPARI, GIORGIO (artist): "The Warrior and the Princess and Other South American Fairy Tales," Golden Press, 1961 (BB#65, p.6) DE GASPARI, GIORGIO (artist): Photo, 1975 (BB#65, p.7) DE GASPARI, GIORGIO (artist): "Giorgio De Gaspari, Italian Artist" by Camillo Moscati (BB#65, p.7-8) DE GASPARI, GIORGIO (artist): Pen & ink portrait of Camillo Moscati (BB#65, p.8) DE GASPARI, GIORGIO (artist): Cover art for La Domenica Del Corriere, November, 1950 (BB#65, p.8) DEARHOLT, CARYL LEE (BURROUGHS): "Consider Yourself Kissed: ERB's WWII Letters to Caryl Lee" by Frank Puncer (BB#65, p.22-32) DEARHOLT, CARYL LEE (BURROUGHS): Photo at age four (BB#65, p.23) DEARHOLT, CARYL LEE (BURROUGHS): Photo with brother Lee at Gay's Lion Farm, 1935 (BB#65, p.24) DEARHOLT, CARYL LEE (BURROUGHS): Photo with Herman Brix and brother Lee at Gay's Lion Farm, 1935 (BB#65, p.27) DEARHOLT, CARYL LEE (BURROUGHS): Photo with Dog "Mr. Bones Buckshot" and actress June Allyson, 1957 (BB#65, p.32) FINLAY, VIRGIL (artist): "The Quest of Tarzan" drawing for Argosy Weekly, August 30, 1941 (BB#65, p.34) FRAZETTA, FRANK (artist): "Tarzan and the Castaways" frontispiece, Canaveral Press, 1965 (BB#65, p.34) FRAZETTA, FRANK (artist): "Tarzan and the Champion" illustration, Canaveral Press, 1965 (BB#65, p.5) FURY, DAVID: "Maureen O'Sullivan: No Average Jane" (BB#65, p.9-11) GALLOWAY, STAN: "Teeka," a poem with Hogarth illustration as frame (BB#65, p.33) GUSTAVSON, L. R. (artist): "Tarzan and the Champion" illustration, Blue Book, April, 1940 (BB#65, p.5) HARDY, JASON (artist): "Tarzan and the Champion"cartoon (BB#65, p.35) HOGARTH, BURNE (artist): "Tarzan's First Love" illustration with poem by Stan Galloway (BB#65, p.33) KRENKEL, ROY (artist): Photo of book cover from Vanguard, 2005: "RGK: The Art of Roy G. Krenkel" (BB#65, p.36) MAYAN CERAMIC HEAD: Photo from The Well of Sacrifice in Yucatan (BB#65, p.4) McWHORTER, GEORGE T.: "Castaway Notes" (BB#65, p.3-5) MOSCATI, CAMILLO: "Giorgio De Gaspari, Italian Artist" (BB#65, p.7-8) MOSCATI, CAMILLO: Pen & ink sketch of Camillo Moscati by Giorgio De Gaspari (BB#65, p.8) MURPHY, C.A. (artist): "Tarzan and the Jungle Murders" Thrilling Adventures, June, 1940 (BB#65, p.4) O'SULLIVAN, MAUREEN: "Maureen O'Sullivan: No Average Jane" by Favid Fury (BB#65, p.9-11) O'SULLIVAN, MAUREEN: Photo headpiece (BB#65, p.9) O'SULLIVAN, MAUREEN: Photo with Burroughs at booksigning, ca. 1932 (BB#65, p.10) O'SULLIVAN, MAUREEN: Photo with Johnny Weissmuller, 1932 (BB#65, p.11) RODENAS, NUMERIANO (translator): "Giorgio De Gaspari: Italian Artist" by Camillo Moscati (BB#65, p.7-8) ROLAND, HARRY (artist): "Dejah Thoris Model Sheet" (BB#65, p.12) ROLAND, HARRY (artist): "A Princess of Mars" graphic novel, first serial installment (BB#65, p.13-21) TARZAN AND THE CASTAWAYS: "Castaway Notes" by George T. McWhorter (BB#65, p.3-5) TARZAN AND THE CASTAWAYS: Cover art by Giorgio De Gaspari, Four Square Books, l966 (BB#65, front cover) TARZAN AND THE CASTAWAYS: Cover art by unidentified artist, Four Square, 1967 (BB#65, p.3) TARZAN AND THE CHAMPION: Illustration by L. R. Gustavson, Blue Book, April, 1940 (BB#65, p.5) TARZAN AND THE CHAMPION: Illustration by Frank Frazetta, Canaveral Press, 1965 (BB#65, p.5) TARZAN AND THE CHAMPION: Cartoon by Jason Hardy (BB#65, p.35) TEEKA: Original poem by Stan Galloway with picture frame by Burne Hogarth (BB#65, p.33) #64 ~ Fall 2005 ~ Land of Terror Issue ![]() DESIMON, MICHEL (artist): Title page drawing for "Terre D'Epouvante" (Land of Terror), publlished in Paris by Opta in 1969 (BB#64, p.14) FRAZETTA, FRANK (artist): Cover art for Land of Terror, Ace, 1973 (BB#64, p.18) FRAZETTA, FRANK (artist): Cartoon of Rita Coriell (BB#64, p.23) FRAZETTA, FRANK (artist): Cover art for Land of Terror, Ace, 1964 (BB#64, p.34) HARWOOD, JOHN: "Comedy of Errors: A Refutation of the 'Errors' Charged Against the Burroughs Stories" by John Harwood and H. W. Starr (BB#64, p.11-23) KRENKEL, ROY (artist): Dust jacket art for Canaveral edition of Land of Terror (BB#64, p.12) KRENKEL,ROY (artist): Illustration for Canaveral edition of Land of Terror, 1963 (BB#64, p.15) LAFLEUR, LAURENCE J.: "Marvelous Voyages -II. The Scientific Romances of Edgar Rice Burroughs" reprinted from Popular Astronomy, February, 1942. (BB#64, p.13) LAND OF TERROR:Dust jacket art by John Coleman Burroughs (BB#64, front cover) LAND OF TERROR: "A Study of Land of Terror" by David A. Adams (BB#64, p.3-10) LAND OF TERROR: "Comedy of Errors" by John Harwood and H. W. Starr (BB#64, p.11-23) LAND OF TERROR: Pen & ink drawings by John Coleman Burroughs (BB#64, p.3-10, 34) LAND OF TERROR: Cover art for Tandem edition, London, 1974 (BB#64, p.11) LAND OF TERROR: Cover art by Roy Krenkel for Canaveral edition, 1963 (BB#64, p.12) LAND OF TERROR: Title page drawing by Michel Desimon for Terre D'Epouvante, Paris, Opta, 1969 (BB#64, p.14) LAND OF TERRIR: Two drawings by Motoichiro Takebe for Japanese edition, 1974 (BB#64, p.20, 21) LAND OF TERROR: Cover art by Frank Frazetta for Ace edition, l963 (BB#64, p.34) and 1973 edition (BB#64, p.18) LAND OF TERROR: Illustration by Roy Krenkel for Canaveral edition, 1963 (BB#64, p.15) LAND OF TERROR: Cover art by David Mattingly for Ballantine edition, 1990 (BB#64, p.16) MARLING, LT. MIKE: Photo at Christmas Party, 1944, with ERB, Dorothy Dahlberg, Joan Burroughs Pierce and Hulbert Burroughs (BB#64, p.26) MATTINGLY, DAVID G. (artist): Cover art for Land of Terror, NY, Ballantine, 1990 (BB#64, p.16) MOTO: See Takebe, Motoichiro PIERCE, JOAN BURROUGHS: Group photo at Christmas party, 1944, with ERB, Hulbert Burroughs, Dorothy Dahlberg and Lt. Mike Marling (BB#64, p.26) RICHARDSON, COLEMAN: "My Dad the Cartoon Character," a study of Darrell C. Richardson with six cartoons (BB#64, p.30-33) ROLAND, HARRY (artist): Painting for "At the Earth's Core" (BB#64, back cover) ST. JOHN, J. ALLEN (artist): Illustration for "At the Earth's Core" (BB#64, p.22) STARR, H. W.: "Comedy of Errors: A Refutatiion of the 'Errors' Charged Against the Burroughs Stories" by John Harwood and H.W. Starr (BB#64, p.11-23) TAKEBE, MOTOICHIRO (artist): Two drawings for 1974 Japanese edition of Land of Terror (BB#64, p.20, 21) VINSON, STAN: Photo of foremost ERB collector with Rita Coriell, ca.1955 (BB#64, p.23) GEORGE McWHORTER'S ERBINDEX: BURROUGHS BULLETIN #63 ~ Summer 2005 ~ Synthetic Men of Mars Issue BARR, GEORGE (artist): Drawing
of "Conan" for AMRA, July, 1982. (BB#63, p.25)
ERBINDEX: BURROUGHS BULLETIN #62 ~ Spring 2005 ~ Tarzan and the Forbidden City Issue ADAMS, DAVID A.:"A Folklorist
Reading of Tarzan and the Forbidden City (BB#62, p.3-12)
-"The Newspapering of Edgar Rice Burroughs" with photos from the Burroughs Memorial Collection. Excellent state-by-state bibliography. (BB#61, p.7-25) BELARSKI, RUDOLPH (artist): -"Carson of Venus" cover illustration for Argosy magazine for January 8, 1938 (BB#61, back cover) BRIGHAM, C. (artist): -"Carson of Venus" drawing for Argosy magazine serial, January 15, 1938 (BB#61, p.34) BURROUGHS, JOHN COLEMAN (artist): -"Carson of Venus" dust jacket art for first edition of 1939 (BB#61, front cover) BUSCH, G. (artist): -"The Gods of Mars" serial illustrations for Minneapolis Evening Tribune, 1917 (BB#61, p.6) CARSON OF VENUS: -"Maltu Mephis!" A Study of Carson of Venus" by George T. McWhorter with original illustrations by William Stout. (BB#61, p.3-5) -John Coleman Burroughs dust jacket illustration (BB#61, front cover) - Rudolph Belarski cover illustration for Argosy magazine serial, 1938 (BB#61, back cover) - William Stout original drawings (BB#61, p.3-5) -C. Brigham illustration for Argosy Magazine, January 15, 1938 (BB#61, p.34) -Frank Frazetta cover art for Ace Books, December 1963 (BB#61, p.34) and 1974 Ace Books cover art (BB#61, p.36) CZECH EDITIONS OF ERB: -"Tarzan Beaten, Changed, or Silenced" by Vladimir Tucapskey, with illustrations by Zdenek Burian, Jiri Wowk and others (BB#61, p.29-33) FOREIGN EDITIONS OF ERB: -Czech editiions (BB#61, p.29-33) -Greek and Russian editions (BB#61, p.35) FRAZETTA, FRANK (artist): -"Carson of Venus" cover illustrations from Ace Books, 1963 & 1974 (BB#61, p.34, 36) GODS OF MARS: -Newspaper serial illustrations by G. Busch (BB#61, p.6) McWHORTER, GEORGE: -"Maltu Mephis! A Study of Carson of Venus" with original drawings by William Stout (BB#61, p.3-5) NEWSPAPER SERIALS OF ERB: -"The Newspapering of Edgar Rice Burroughs" by Robert R. Barrett, with illustrations from the Burroughs Memorial Collection. Excellent state-by-state bibliography. (BB#61, p.7-25) PANZARELLA, ROBERT: -"How I Tried to Resurrect Jimber-Jaw for the Silver Screen" by Dr. Robert L. Panzarella (BB#61, p.26-28) RESURRECTION OF JIMBER-JAW: -"How I Tried to Resurrect Jimber-Jaw for the Silver Screen" by Dr. Robert L. Panzarella 61, p.26-28) STOUT, WILLIAM (artist): -Five original drawings for "Carson of Venus" (BB#61, p.3-5) TUCAPSKEY, VLADIMIR" -"Tarzan Beaten, Changed, or Silenced," an expose of Czech translators and publishers, with illustrations by leading Czech artists (BB#61, p.29-33) |
ERBINDEX: BURROUGHS BULLETIN #60 ~ Fall 2004 ~ Resurrection of Jimber Jaw Issue ADAMS, DAVID A.: "Resurrection
of Jimber-Jaw" (BB#60, p.3,4)
ERBINDEX: BURROUGHS BULLETIN #59 ~ Summer 2004 ~ Tarzan the Magnificent Issue ADAMS, DAVID A.: "Some Remarks
on Edgar Rice Burroughs' TARZAN THE MAGNIFICENT" (BB#59, p.3-8)
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