Roy Chapman Andrews |
On the Trail of Ancient Man: A Narrative of the Field Work of the
Central Asiatic Expeditions ~ 1926 (NY, Putnam, later edition Garden
![]() ![]() Contents: Foreword/Henry Fairfield Osborn. Preface. 1. Preparations. 2. Some preliminary digressions. 3. Hunting the "Golden Fleece". 4. Under way. 5. In the city of the living God. 6. Tenting in Lama land. 7. A kentucky Derby in the Gobi desert. 7. Finding the Baluchitherium. 9. The discovery of the flaming cliffs. 10. Giant beasts of three million years ago/Henry Fairfield Osborn. 11. New work and discoveries. 12. Where the Dinosaur hid its eggs. 13. Professor Osborn visits the expedition. 14. Bigger and better eggs. 15. The dune dwellers of Mongolia. 16. A tragedy of the Gobi desert. 17. On the trail of ancient man. 18. The world's oldest mammals. 19. Snakes and fossils. The Central Asiatic expedition. Fund contributors. Scientific papers of the expedition. Index. From the Preface: "The present book is a preliminary narrative of the field work of the Central Asiatic Expeditions. So Many requests for a collected account of the activities of the expeditions during the last four years have come to us that we felt it was due the public to give the story of our experience in Mongolia up to the present time." Others:
![]() Whale Hunting With Gun and Camera (1916) Camps and Trails in China (1918) Across Mongolian Plains (1921) Ends of the Earth (1929) The New Conquest of Central Asia (1932) This Business of Exploring (1935) Exploring with Andrews (1938) This Amazing Planet (1939) Under a Lucky Star (1943) Meet your Ancestors, A Biography of Primitive Man (1945) An Explorer Comes Home (1947) My Favorite Stories of the Great Outdoors Editor (1950) Quest in the Desert (1950) Heart of Asia: True Tales of the Far East (1951) Nature's Way: How Nature Takes Care of Her Own (1951) All About Whales (1954) Beyond Adventure: The Lives of Three Explorers (1954) Quest of the Snow Leopard (1955) All About Strange Beasts of the Past (1956) In the Days of the Dinosaurs (1959) Letter from Roy Chapman Andrews (1884-1960), Explorer and adventurer,
long-time curator and director of the American Museum of Natural History,
in New York. He became world famous as leader of a series of expeditions
to central Asia, especially Mongolia, and most feel that the movie character
Indiana Jones was modeled on his life. This is a typed letter signed to
Mr. J. Martin, a somewhat whale aficionado and an electrical worker at
the U. S. Navy Yard, Brooklyn, New York "Replying to your letter of September
14, will say that if you care to come to the Museum in about two weeks.
I will have the photograph which I took on my whale trip developed and
printed, and will be very glad to show them to you. Yours very truly, R.
C. Andrews
![]() Andrews plunged into Outer Mongolia, heedless of sandstorms, civil wars and armed bandits, for the sake of science ![]() ![]() Roy Chapman Andrews was born in Beloit, Wisconsin in 1884. Andrews reported that from his earliest childhood he had a desire for travel and adventure. "I was born to be an explorer," he later wrote in his 1935 book The Business of Exploring. "There was never any decision to make. I couldn't do anything else and be happy." He also stated that his only ambition in life was to work at the American Museum of Natural History. Using money he saved from his job as a taxidermist, he arrived in New York City in 1906 after graduating from Beloit College. When Andrews applied for a job at the museum the director told him there were no openings. Andrews persisted saying, "You have to have somebody to scrub floors, don't you?" The director admitted that he did. Andrews took the job explaining that he wasn't interested in scrubbing just any floors "but museum floors were different." A humble beginning for a man destined to become one of the museum's most famous explorers and later the director of the museum himself. He started scrubbing floors in the taxidermy department and soon was a member of the collecting staff. His first interest was whales. He obtained for the museum a record sized right whale that had come ashore on Long Island. Then he traveled to Alaska, Japan, Korea and China to collect various marine mammals. He wrote two papers about them and at the same time completed his Masters of Arts in mammalogy from Columbia University. Much more continued at the Virtual Explorer Society Website. Roy Chapman Andrews (1884-1960)-- adventurer, administrator, and Museum promoter -- spent his entire career at the American Museum of Natural History, where he rose through the ranks from departmental assistant, to expedition organizer, to Museum director. He became world famous as leader of the Central Asiatic Expeditions, a series of expeditions to Mongolia that collected, among other things, dinosaur eggs. But on these expeditions, Andrews himself found few fossils, and during his career he was not known as an influential scientist. Instead, Andrews filled the role of promoter, creating immense excitement and successfully advancing the research and exhibition goals of the Museum.
![]() Chapman Family Plot Oakwood Cemetery, Beloit, Rock County, Wisconsin, USA Official Website Virtual Explorer Society American Museum of Natural History Suite 101 Strange Science Extraordinary People Jack's Stacks Wikipedia Find A Grave |
Mary Ansell March 1861, at the King's Head, 71 Moscow Road, Bayswater, London ~ July 1950 Biarritz, France |
Dogs and Men ~ 1924 C. Scribner's Sons: NY Cloth (dog's head
embossed on front cover), 12mo, 152 pages.
The author's recollections about her dogs, Porthos (the St. Bernard), Luath (the Newfoundland who was the model for "Nana" in "Peter Pan"), and Billie (the bobtail sheep-dog) The Newfoundland Luath, prominent in this memoir, created the part of Nana in Barrie's Peter Pan. The author's Saint Bernard Porthos is another memorable presence. Other:
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Mary Ansell: Wife
of Peter Pan creator, J. M. Barrie.
In July 1894, Barrie married Mary Ansell, a stunning actress who played opposite Irene Vanburgh in Barrie's second play, Walker, London. He fell in love with the young starlet who had run her own touring company. Despite their mutual attraction, the marriage floundered. Barrie the writer expressed some of the most delicate emotions one person could have for another, but Barrie the husband was rigid and unemotional. This malaise, together with the couple's inability to have children -- both Mary and James desperately longed for a family and lavished love on Porthos, their dog -- ultimately led Barrie to seek affection from other people's children and created an unbreachable chasm between him and his wife. The marriage was not a success, but in it's duration Barrie wrote his most successful plays, including The Little Minister (1897), The Admirable Crichton (1902), and his most memorable work--Peter Pan (1904). Mary Ansell--divorced him in 1908. That same year, Arthur Llewelyn Davies died of cancer and in 1910 his wife Sylvia followed him, with the same disease. Barrie was left to take care of all five Davies boys, whom he treated like him own children. In later years, Barrie was made a baronet and received several honorary degrees on account of his literary figure. He died in 1937 after a long life. ![]() J.M. Barrie with his dog, Porthos |
Anthology |
Half Hours with Great Story Tellers ~ 1889 ~ Belford, Clarke &
Co.: Caxton Edition ~ Artemus Ward, George MacDonald, Max Adeler, Samuel
Lover and others.
May Blessings be upon the head of Cadmus, The Phoenicians or Whoever it was that invented books - Thos. Carlyle. CONTENTS ![]() MOSES, THE SASSY ~ Artemus Ward MR. COLUMBUS CORIANDER'S GORILLA THE FATE OF YOUNG CHUBB ~ Max Adeler BOOTS AT THE HOLLY-TREE INN ~ Charles Dickens THE ENTHUSIAST IN ANATOMY ~ John Oxenford "THE LIGHT PRINCESS" ~ George Macdonald LEGEND OF THE LITTLE WEAVER ~ Samuel Lover |
Appleton |
Ancient languages, Appelton's Classics (Appleton's Classics?)1st
Edition, six volumes,
Online Journals to 1869 Appleton Publishing were a major source of reference books in the 19th century |
Arabian Nights (Book with no author) |
Arabian Nights ~ No author recorded, could be: 1924
~ Edited by Orton Lowe ~ Chicago: Winston Co. ~ with colour plates by Adelaide
H. Bolton.
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ARMIGER aka The Hon. Arthur Wellesley |
Titles, Being a Guide to the Right Use of British Titles and Honours
1918 London : A. & C. Black
In heraldry, an armiger is a person entitled to use a coat of arms. Such a person is said to be armigerous. Origin of the term: The Latin word armiger literally means "armour-bearer". In high and late medieval England, the word referred to an esquire attendant upon a knight, but bearing his own unique armorial device. Armiger was also used as a Latin cognomen, and is now found as a rare surname in English-speaking countries. Mr. Wellesley. As Armiger put it in the 1918 Titles: A Guide to the Right Use of British Titles and Honours "It cannot be too firmly stated that the word "honourable" is never used in speech." (Except when referring to " the honourable member")The word honourable is only used in addressing envelopes and in formal court announcements. |
Edwin Lester Arnold 1857 - 1935 |
Phra the Phoenician aka The Wonderful Adventures
of Phra the Phoenician (1890)
ERBzine Introduction ERBzine Online Text US Archive PDF ![]() ![]() OTHER The Constable of St. Nicholas (1894) Lepidus the Centurion: A Roman of Today (1901) The Voyage of Ithobal (1901) Lieutenant Gulliver Jones: His Vacation (1905) aka Gulliver of Mars Online eText in ERBzine ![]() ![]() ![]() Ace 1964 and Newcastle 1977 reprint editions |
Edwin Lester Linden Arnold: ~ Born: 1875 - London, England
~ Died: Mar. 1, 1935 - London, England \
![]() Lieut. Gullivar of Mars is held by most accounts to be the most likely influence on ERB’s Under the Moons of Mars , except that while widely available in England, it was not published in the United States until the 1965 Ace (F-296) edition, with cover art by Frank Frazetta. Edwin Lester Arnold was the son of the famous Sir Edwin Arnold, Orientalist, journalist (chief editor of the London Daily Telegraph), and author of the long narrative poem “The Light of Asia” (1879). E.L. Arnold (1857-1935) was born in Swanscombe, Kent, England, spent his childhood in India, and returned to England to study agriculture and ornithology. After much world travelling with his father he settled down to a job as a journalist in 1883. In 1890 his first novel, Phra the Phoenician, appeared in the prestigious Illustrated London News, in 26 parts each with a full-page illustration (it pays to have a daddy in high places). The first edition (Harper's 1890) had no illustrations since it was likely a pirated edition, but the first British edition (Chatto and Windus, 1891) did include about half the illustrations. The latter edition was reprinted in the Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library, Volume XI (1977). Phra is a novel of reincarnation in which the title character, a Phoenician merchant, sails to Britain. There he meets a beautiful barbarian druid princess, Blodwen. When Julius Caesar invades Britain, he dies after having been betrayed by a jealous druid. He wakes up 400 years later, not having aged, and, courtesy of Blodwen, with his entire past history tattooed on his body. After more swashbuckling adventures, he dies again to reawake another 400 years later, and so on. Finally, in Elizabethan times, hoping he will truly die and rejoin Blodwen in Eternity, he writes his memoirs. The story was very popular and even reprinted by popular demand as late as 1945 (Famous Fantastic Mysteries, September 1945). Phra also spawned a number of imitations, the best known of which is George Griffith’s Valdar the Oft-Born: A Saga of Seven Ages (Pearson’s Weekly, 1910; FAX Collector’s Editions, 1972). Another excellent variation on the theme is Arthur D. Howden-Smith’s Grey Maiden (magazine, Adventure, 1926; book, Longmans, 1929, abridged version, Centaur, 1974), about an imperishable sword which is discovered and used at intervals through history. Arnold himself reused the theme in the novelette Rutherford the Twice-Born (The Idler, 1892; in book form, The Story of Ulla, 1895), and in the somewhat tongue-in-cheek Lepidus the Centurion: A Roman of Today (1901; reprinted Arno Press). Unfortunately the latter novel’s comedic style didn’t go over well with the reading public and Lepidus was a bomb. It was not until 1905 that Arnold published his great
Martian novel. When it received only a lukewarm welcome, he stopped writing
altogether. He died 30 years later, largely forgotten. The resemblances
with Burroughs’ Under the Moons of Mars are remarkable. Both Carter
and Jones reach Mars by unscientific means, the former by astral projection,
the latter on a magic carpet! Both versions of Mars have very similar
civilizations, down to the absence of old people and small children. Jones’
princess is Heru, and he meets the Hither People, a group remarkably similar
to Burroughs’ Heliumites. John Carter’s rescue of Dejah is duplicated,
as is his journey down the river Iss (in The Gods of Mars ). The
return to Earth under dire circumstances at the end of the story is also
common to both books. Richard A. Lupoff, in his introduction to the first
American edition of the novel (Gulliver of Mars), having outlined
these similarities, points out that while John Carter is a great, fearless,
swashbuckling hero, Gullivar Jones is pretty much a wimp in comparison.
Lupoff suggests that Carter was perhaps patterned on Phra, as these two
characters are very much alike. ~ George Dodds
Fenton Ash (pseudonym for Francis Henry Atkins) (1840 - 1927) |
Trip to Mars aka The Sunday Circle ~ 1909 ~ W. &
R. Chambers: London ~ 318 pgs. 6 colour illos. by W. H. C. Groom.
![]() A tale of a trip to Mars and of encounters with its winged inhabitants.
This is one of the group of life-on-Mars tales that came out in the several
years following Percival Lowell's 1908 scientific book MARS AS THE ABODE
OF LIFE (Lowell was the director of the astronomical observatory at Flagstaff
Arizona). Included are six plates in full color. As "Frank Aubrey" and
"Fred Ashley," Atkins had written adventure romances such as THE DEVIL-TREE
and as "Fenton Ash" he would go on to write BY AIRSHIP TO OPHIR, THE BLACK
Fenton Ash (pseudonym for Francis Henry Atkins) aka Fred Ashley,
Frank Aubrey ~ (1840 - 1927)
Ash wrotea number of "scientific romances" beginning with "The Devil Tree" (1896). Argosy, in addition, reprinted "lost races" serial "Queen of Atlantis" in 1899. Another one was the serial of Science Fiction "Month in the Moon," published between February and August of 1897. "Young England," a 1908 magazine for boys serialized Fenton Ash's long novel, A Son of the Stars in which two young heroes journeyed across space to Mars, a fascinating world with a red sky, towering mountains, and two shining moons. One of the heroes was carried off by one of the great bats that lived among the Martian peaks. Ash also wrote "Lost World" fantasia and juvenilia as Frank Aubrey and Fred Ashley. From a Patrick Moore Interview |
Daisy Ashford |
The Young Visitors (Visiters) or Mr. Salteena’s
Plan 1919 George H. Doran Co. by Daisy Ashford, age 8
Online eText Version: ![]() ![]() ![]() The introduction to The Young Visiters was written by J. M. Barrie, author of Peter Pan. In Britain, The Young Visiters was published by the prestigious house of Chatto and Windus; in the U.S. by George H. Doran. The book was published without corrections for spelling or punctuation. The first third of the twentieth century was a period of great ferment in the arts. This is the time when the arts became more abstract, this including painting, sculpture, music and the literary arts as well. Many of the period’s finest writers, particularly in Europe, began complex literary experiments, including jettisoning standard grammatical forms and typographic conventions: The Death of Vergil by the German author Hermann Broch, Finnegan’s Wake by the Irish author James Joyce, and The Sound and the Fury by the American writer William Faulkner are classic examples of authors stretching the limits of standard grammatical form. Publishing children’s writing without corrections in 1919 spoke, not to indulgence or a lapse in standards, but to a courageous look at the achievements of naïve artists, of artists working without a full complement of technical skills, but with something to say and the will to say it. When we published Crippled Detectives by Lee Tandy Schwartzman in 1978, it was no longer possible, if one wanted the work to be taken seriously, to publish a child’s manuscript virtually as is. Or at least so it seemed to us then, and still does today. We standardize spelling and punctuation in Stone Soup (and did so in Crippled Detectives), although we do leave grammatical innovations, as we did in the work of the Vietnamese boy Huong Nguyen. As you read The Young Visiters you will find yourself immersed
in the world of popular romantic fiction of the first decades of this century.
Re-reading The Young Visiters makes me feel much more tolerant of student
writing that is heavily influenced by mass culture. It reminds me that
we learn by copying; that the desire, and then the will to carry through
with the desire to tell a story is the true underpinning that makes all
great artists great. The rest of us are those who have made a list of great
titles for our books, but haven’t been able to make the books to go along
with them!
![]() ![]() The Hangman's Daughter and Other Stories Love and Marriage: Three Stories Fiction by nine-year-olds is rare, but the precocious Ashford redeems her unremarkable story in ways she could never have imagined. Written in 1890 but not published until 1919 (and kept in print in Britain since that time), this novel proves to be a completely innocent yet inadvertently amusing spoof of Victorian society. The guileless author (whose photo nonetheless shows a deep self-satisfaction) writes of 42-year-old Alfred Salteena, who, born on the wrong side of the blanket, wishes to become a gentleman. The suave and well-connected earl of Clincham imparts to his apt pupil (without irony and with telling accuracy) the essence of becoming one of the upper class: have plenty of money, keep your unsavory past hidden, wear the right clothing and, above all, know how to hunt, shoot and ride. Armed with this knowledge, Salteena is instantly transformed into Lory Hyssops and gets a job with the royal family. His story is a perfect vehicle for the author's parade of pious, hard-drinking, tight-fisted, socially stratified and hypocritical Victorians. Ashford's fractured syntax, phonetic spelling and imaginative grammar eventually become wearing, but fortunately the book is brief. According to Kendrick's prefatory note, Ashford gave up literary ambitions after she wrote a second novel at age 14; she died in England in 1972. From Publishers Weekly |
Margaret Ashmun 1875-1940 |
Including Mother
Isabel Carleton at Home Isabel Carleton's Friends Isabel Carleton's Year The Heart of Isabel Carleton Isabel Carleton in the West Isabel Carleton was five volume series published by the MacMillan Company between 1916 and 1920. Modern Prose and Poetry for Secondary Schools 1914 |
Margaret Ashmun: an early central Wisconsin educator/novelist who wrote fiction, non-fiction, and children's books and her works include The Lake and the Isabel Carleton series. |
John Ashton b. 1834 ~ July 29, 1911 |
English Caricature and Satire of Napoleon ~ John AShton, 1884
London: Chato & Windus, Picadilly ~ Illustrations by the author
This is not a history of Napoleon, but a history of his treatment at the hands of cartoonists and satirists, and thus belongs in the collection of any student of British caricature, which has a long and noble history. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Anti-Napoleon Caricature and Propaganda in England 1798-1803 Ashton Excerpt:
The View of the London Times (5 July 1821)
![]() ![]() ![]() "Waltzing" (detail from another early 19th century English caricature, redrawn for Social England under the Regency by John Ashton, 1899): Detail of "1812 or Regency À la Mode", caricature of the Prince Regent as an aging dandy or "fat Adonis of fifty" by W. Heath, redrawn for Social England under the Regency by John Ashton, 1899: Wikipedia Entry |
Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton October 30, 1857 – June 14, 1948 |
![]() A Daughter of the Vine Rezanor1906 Authors and Newspapers Association ~ illustrated in Water-Colors The Crystal Cup ~ 1925 ~ Boni & Liveright ~ 315 pages OTHERS:
![]() ![]() ![]() "To be intensely natural, yet to impart to her creations a touch of ideality which may often be invisible in real life, although existing in an imperfect medium, is one of the literary principles of that delightful writer of California stories, Mrs. Gertrude Atherton. Of her favorite field - California before the American occupation - Mrs. Atherton has made an exhaustive study, living in the old towns with the remnants of the race of which she writes, and storing up knowledge of their customs and traditions. She was born on Rincon Hill, San Francisco, and was educated by her grandfather, Stephen Franklin, who was a nephew of Benjamin Franklin. Her father was Thomas L. Horn, one of the original Vigilance Committee. As a child she composed stories, and at fifteen she wrote a play which was acted by schoolmates at St. Mary's Hill, Bienicia, Cal. Her education was completed at Sayre Institute, Lexington, Ky., and soon thereafter she was married to George H. B. Atherton, of California. She continued her persistent pursuit of knowledge, however, with an
ambition to one day take a place in American literature. Her first published
story, "The Randolphs of Redwoods," appeared in the San Francisco "Argonaut."
But her best work is in her stories of old California, "The Doomswoman"
and the eleven shorter ones that have been collected under the title, "Before
the Gringo Came." Some of her stories have appeared in "The London Graphic,"
"Blackwood's" and other English periodicals, and the "London Speaker" recently
referred to her as one of the pioneers of the true American literature.
Mrs. Atherton, who now resides at Yonkers, N. Y., has in preparation a
novel to be entitled, "Patience Sparhawk and Her Times." From a biography
of the day.
Wikipedia Entry Biography |
Bill Hillman
Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs
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