W. A Chalfant | ||
Death Valley (1933...no publisher listed);
![]() The Story of Inyo ~ 1933 ~ 430 pages ~ Th eChalfant family were early pioneers who settled Inyo County. The Story of Inyo presents a comprehensive view of the history and geology of the Owens Valley, beginning with its first inhabitants, and extending through the conflict with the City of Los Angeles. It is written from the perspective of one of the prominent citizens of the Valley during its formative years, newspaperman and author W.A. Chalfant. When you pick up this book, not only do you get some very insteresting facts about the Owens Valley, you also get to read them in a writing style that was prevalent at the time that the history was being made. Other
This volume attempts to supply information, without emulating the prose-poets. Facts and serious conclusions herein are worthy of credence not because of where they are found so much as because they are based on painstaking investigation. Documents and reports and the findings of skilled specialists fortify gleanings from other reliable sources as well as personal observations in trips covering the Valley practically from end to end and from side to side. Grateful acknowledgment is made for generous cooperation. Unlimited selection has been permitted from the fine collections of pictures taken by Mr. Burton Frasher, of Pomona, California, and Mr. Stephen Willard, of Palm Springs, California; and Mr. Frasher also secured special views while with the author and others on a Death Valley expedition. The illustrations frequently tell the story as words cannot. The kindness of Professor W. L. Jepson, California’s foremost botanist, in reading and correcting the manuscript chapter on his special study gives it an authenticity which readers cannot fail to appreciate. Assistance by Mr. Robert Kessler, of Los Angeles, in botanical information, is appreciated.Notes’ on the desert sheep are from information supplied by Mr. E. H. Ober, ranking as one of the highest authorities on that subject.Publications of the Weather Bureau, the Department of Agriculture, and the War Department have been drawn upon freely, some of the out-of-print material being courteously supplied from headquarters. The resources of the California State Library and of the library of the Nevada State University have contributed items, and many individuals have responded most kindly to various requests. Not least among those who have helped this undertaking is Mr. W. A. Crosby, Automobile Club of Southern California representative in Bishop, California. His genial companionship and resourcefulness have made pleasant the weary miles of repeated desert journeys. These chapters unavoidably cross some of the trails followed in The Story of Inyo (Chicago, 1922). Further attention to Death Valley was not contemplated when that book was prepared, otherwise only the historical features would have been included in it. However, duplication of matter has been avoided so far as may be, and the historical details in this volume are more accurate and more complete. W. A. CHALFANT ~ BISHOP, CALIFORNIA ~ November 30, 1929 ~ CONTENTS
Abbott, emigrant, , , Alum, Amargosa Range, Amargosa River: once reported navigable, ; old-time name, ; reached by ‘Forty-niners, , ; mining near, , ; volcanic action near, ; granite near, Animal life: errors concerning, , ; found by George party, ; chapter on, — Arcane, J. B., and family: emigrants, ; leave Furnace Creek, ; at Bennett Wells, ; escape from Death Valley, , Ashford Brothers, mining venture, Ash Meadows: Lyle party at, ; wild grapes at, Automobile Club of Southern California, sign-posting work,Bad Water: lowest point, ; drainage to, ; sink of Valley, ; view of, facing ; birds near, , Bailey, Captain Robert, Bailey, Vernon, observations on horned toad, Ball, Sydney H.: quoted, ; review of geologic occurrences, ; comment, Bandits, , Bats, Beatty, Nevada, routes from, , Beck, Lou Westcott, life-saving work, Bell, J. R., Bench marks, , , Bennett, Asabel, and family: emigrants, ; leave Hunt train, ; travel independently, ; at Furnace Creek, ; start southwesterly, ; at Bennett Wells, ; leave Death Valley, , , ; reach San Francisquito Ranch, Bennett, Charles, borax hauling, Bennett Wells: bench mark near, , ; camp at, ; return of Manly and Rogers to, ; journey from, , , ; natural food near, ; French party at, ; George party, , ; McCormack finds, ; Lieutenant -c Birnie’s camp, ; description, , ; view of, facing ; vegetation, ; Eagle Works near, Birds, effect of heat on, ; varieties found, , , ; trapped in borax vats, ; Indian method of killing, Birnie, Lieutenant Rogers, Jr., , Black Mountains, , , , , , ; mining in, Blaisdell, Governor, expedition of, Blanch, C. C., co-locator of borax, Bledsoe, Judge B. F., Easter speaker, Bonnie Claire, , Borax: locators found false surveys, ; discovery began new era, ; quantity, , ; chapter on, — Boundary Canyon: water in, ; flowers near, ; limit of ancient lake, ; early known pass, ; gem miner, ; natural pass, Bradbury Well, Breyiogle, Jacob: his lost mine cause of exploration, , ; met by Blaisdell patty, ; prospecting, ; story of, , , , Brier, J. W., with Jayhawkers, , Brier, . W., Jr.: articles, ; quotations from, —, Brier, Mrs. . W.: quoted, , , , , ; venerable age, ; heroism, Brown, Charles G., road-builder, Browne, Colonel E. F., geologic theories, — “Buckskins,” emigrant subdivision, “Bug Smashers,” emigrant subdivision, Burros, wild, facing Busch, Peter, death of, Byron, Brian, emigrant, Cactus, , , ; niggerhead, facing Cahill, W. W., Campbell, M. R., analysis of salt marsh, Camp Independence, Wheeler-Lyle expedition at, , Carbonate Camp, Chalfant, P. A.: with San Francisco party, ; story of Gunsight Mine, ., Chahwalla, see Chuckwalla Chloride Cliff: mines, ; view, ; contributor to mining excitements, Chowchilla River, Chuckwalla: eaten by emigrants, ; appearance, Clergy, Sergeant . B., weather observations, , , Climate, , , /chapter on, — Cloudbursts, Coker, Edward, emigrant, , Coleman Springs, Coleman, W. T., & Co: purchase of borax works from, ; bought Winters’ find, , ; built Harmony Borax Works, ; failed, ; started Greenland Ranch, Coleoptera, Colton, . B., emigrant, , , , , , , Comstock’s Study of Insects, quoted, , Coolidge, Dane, finds emigrant relics, Corkscrew Canyon, “Cottonball,” , Cottonwood Creek and Canyon: men sent to, ; description, ; Lyons district, Coville, F. V.: on effect of dry years on plant growth, ; barren areas, .; Indian diet, ; expedition, , ; botanical catalogue, — Cow Creek, Culverwell, Captain: joins Bennett train, ; death of, Curious Butte, Daggett, borax headquarters, , f. Dante’s View: drainage seen from, ; road, , ; snowstorm, , ; view, iii, , , , Darwin Wash: road, , ; named, ; route of Lyle, Date palms, orchard at Furnace Creek Ranch, , Daunet, Isidore, borax locator, Daylight Pass and Springs, , Dayton, James W., caretaker at Fur- nace Creek Ranch,;deathof, f. Deaths from hardships, — Death Valley Buttes, Death Valley Junction: road, ; structure at, , facing Death Valley: length, width, longitude, and latitude, ; depth, , , ; “proper,” ; southern arm, —, fac- jag ; northern arm, , facing Denton, Oscar, caretaker, , DeQuille, Dan, , Devil’s Golf Course: view of, facing ; description, , , Donner party, fate of, altered emigrant route, Doty, Ed: “Kingbird of the Jay- hawkers,” ; crossed Panamint Valley, ; overtaken by Manly, Eagle Borax Works: water and vegetation near, , , ; operation and abandonment, , , Eagles, destructive of desert sheep, Earhart, brothers and son, emigrants, Easter service in Death Valley, Egan, guide, disappearance of, Eichbaum, H. W.: builds toll road, , ; plans first Easter service, Eldredge, David, lost, Electric plant, Elizabeth Lake, Manly and Rogers at, Emigrant Pass, Emigrant Springs, Entomology, reports on, , Epsom salts, great amounts of, Erkson, Alexander, emigrant, Eureka Valley, waterless, Expeditions: French, ; George, , ; Owen, ; Blaisdell, , , ; Wheeler-Lyle, —; Birnie, — Fairbanks, R. J., , , , , , Farley, N. H., Ferguson, Bill, Fish, emigrant, , Flowers in Death Valley, ; see Vegetation Forty-Mile Canyon, Briers at, ‘Forty-niners, the, -, Frank, emigrant, Freeman, vicinity of, reached by emigrants, Frémont: on old Spanish trail, ; map, Frémont Trail, French, Dr. Darwin, and party, named Furnace Creek, , , Funeral Mountains, , facing , , ~ - names of peaks, ; attack on whites in, ; relics, ; crossed by emi _ grants, , ; Breyfogle’s camp, ; evidences of volcanic action, Funston, Frederick, , Furnace Creek: name unchanged, ; - distance from Lost Wagons, ; furnaces probably built by Mexicans, ; emigrants at, , , , ; named by Dr. French, , ; Stretch’s notes from, , ; Teck at, ; King sent to, ; heat, , ; source, ; salt marshes, ; - water birds, ; volcanic and geyser action, , ; borax, ; canyon, Furnace Creek Inn, facing , , Furnace Creek Ranch, sea-level con- tour at, ; distance from Bad Water, ; transfer, ; view, facing ; heat, ; underground water, ; birds, , ; borings near, ; named and renamed, ; palms, ; development, , Furnace Creek Wash, , facing , , Galesburg, Illinois, Jayhawkers’ starting-point, Gem stones, , — Geological Survey: depth measurements, , ; “Lost Valley,” ; lowest — bench mark, ; error perpetuated by, ; heat surmised, ; on flow of Amargosa River, ; bulletin on water, —; quadrangles, , ; analysis of surface, ; measurement of Ubehebe Crater, George, Dr. S. G.: and party, , ; water signs noted, ; comment on bats, Georgians: emigrants, , ; cross Walker’s Pass, Gillis, emigrant, Golden Canyon, , ; view of entrance, facing Gould, emigrant, Gower Gulch, Grand View, Grapevine Canyon, , ; site of Scotty’s Castle, Grapevine Mountains, , , , , Grapevine Springs, , , Gregg, S. G., Greenwater, , , Greenland: weather observations, — ; name given to ranch, Grinnell, Dr. Joseph, observations on bird life, , Grotto Canyon, , facing Gunsight Mine: “lost mine,” , , ; story of, , Hadley’s Springs, ; source of Furnace Creek, Hahn, C. F. R., lost guide, Haines, Captain Asa: diary quoted, , ; reference, ; age at death, Hanepah Creek, ; Canyon, Hanks, H. G.: report of, —; on heat, ; on wind, ; on water temperature, ; state mineralogist, , Harcourt, comment in Overland Monthly, , , Harmon, Myron, co-locator of Eagle Borax Works, , Harmony Borax Works, , , , Harris, Shorty, Hawkeyes, emigrant train, , Helmer, emigrant driver, , , Henderson, W. T.: with George party, ; named Telescope Peak, Hinkle, Fred, disposes of robbers, Hitchens, James, Hole in the Rock Spring, Hornaday, Dr. W. T.: specimens of sheep, ; on kangaroo rat, , Horned toad, , Horton, Phil, Humidity, , Hungry Bill’s, stream at, Hunt, Captain Jefferson, emigrant guide, , , Indians: trails of, , , ; encounters with, , , , , , , ; their food taken by emigrants, , ; find Pinney and Savage, , ; village, ; feared by Manly, ; hieroglyphics, ; of Saline Valley, ; dietary, , , , ; tribal boundaries rigid, ; hunters’ blinds, , ; sheep hunt, ; burned wagons, Insanity of lost~nen, Insects, , , , Ischam, William, emigrant, , , Itacolumite, Jackson, driven from Furnace Creek, “Jayhawkers”: term misapplied, ; organized, ; designation of, , ; oxen stolen, ; told of short route, , ; exclude women and children, ; experiences of, ; wagons abandoned, ; separated from Georgians, ; course of, ; burning of wagons, ; left Death Valley, , ; route not followed by Manly party, ; overtaken, ; named Providence Springs, Jensen, Andrew, notes from, , Jepson, Professor W. L.: acknowledgment to, vi, ; observation by, ; his Manual of Flowering Plants, , ; data, , , Johnson, A. M., financial backer of Scotty’s Castle, Kangaroo rat, , Keane Wonder, , Kern River reached by Martin party, Kessler, Robert: comment, ; list of ferns, ; additional plants, , King, Clarence, Koehler, John, Last Chance Canyon, Last Chance Range, , Last Chance Spring: name unchanged, ; Lyle party at, ; stories of naming, , ; location, Lawlessness, — Leadfield, , , Le Conte, Professor, Lee, Leander “Cub”: cattle at Furnace Creek, ; colemanite discovered by, Lee, half-breed, — Lida Quadrangle, Lila C. Mine, Lilley, W. B., , Lilliard, ., Little Salt Lake, caravan at, , Lost Valley: name not accepted by Geological Survey, ; geological structure, Lost Wagons: name misapplied, ; correct location, , , ; naming of place now so called, ; mention of, by Stretch, Lowest point, , ; see Mount Whitney and Sea-level, area below Lyle, Lieutenant D. A., expedition, , , Lyons, district, McCausland Brothers, mining venture, McChristian, , McCormack, Dr. Hugh, McCormack’s Wells, now unknown, ; discovery, ; water at, McCormick, version of Gunsight Mine story, , McDonald, . M., co-locator of Eagle borax deposit, McGowan, emigrant, Manly, William Lewis: namer of Death Valley, ; missed easier route, ; outstanding landmark should be named for, ; book by, ; notes and experiences, —, , -, , ; death of, Manly Pinnacle, Marble Spring, Martin party, , Meiser, swamper, Menu, a special, Mesquite: a food supply, , , on marshes and dunes, ; bird asso ciation with, Mesquite Flat: below sea-level, , site of sand dunes, ; local name justi fled, ; borax company wagons left at, ; near Ubehebe Crater Mesquite Springs, woman’s skeleton found at, Mexicans: named Amargosa River, ; probably built furnaces, ; miners killed by Indians, Monorail line, , Monsen, Frederick, notes by, Monte Blanco, Mormons: believed not builders of furnaces in Death Valley, ; de- -, sired way opened to southern California, ; records show safety of Hunt party, ; historian of church - on explorations, , Mosaic Canyon, Mount Le Conte: highest peak in Funeral Mountains, ; should be I renamed, Mount Whitney, , , Mountain sheep, origin, range, and habits, — Mule teams, , Mullan: prospector, ; escape of, Mushroom Rock, ; view of, facing Nahgi, “Sheep Mountain,” Naming of Death Valley, , Navares, Dolph, Neotoma, trade rat, , Newhall, railroad town, Niter in Death Valley, Noble, Lieutenant, measurement of Ubehebe Crater, Ober, E. H., studies of desert sheep, - — Owen, Dr., visit, Owens Lake: reached by Martin party, ; captives taken to, ; emigrants - turned from, Owens Valley: narrowing of, ; distance from Death Valley, Oxen: as steeds, , ; for food, , moving over precipice, ; traded for mining interest, Pacific Coast Borax Company: suc- cessors to W. T. Coleman & Co., , ; improvements by, SO; windmill erected at Bennett Wells, ; con- — nection with Death Valley history, Pahrump, Nevada, Panamint, mining camp, , , Panamint Mountains: highest point, ; bounding Valley, ; toll road through, ; passes in, ; crossed by emigrants, , , ; running streams in, , ; view from highest peak, ; crossed by Birnie, ; better watered than east side of Valley, ; wild grapes, ; scorpion found, ; geologic notes, , , ; canyons, Panamint Tom, tells of emigrants, Panamint Valley: connection with Death Valley at Wingate Pass, ; arrival of emigrants, ; crossing by Lyle, ; monorail line across, , ; springs and water-holes, Parsons, George W., pioneer in water- hole marking, Passes into Death Valley, , , Perry, . S. W., organizer of twenty- mule-team system, Pinney, emigrant, found by Indians, Poison springs, nature of, , Poverty Point, , Precipitation, , Providence Springs, Publications quoted: American Magaine, ; American Natural History, ; Botany of the Death Valley Expedition, ; Chautauquan, ; Comstock’s Study of Insects, ; Death Valley in ‘, , , ,. ; Death Valley Sketches, , , , , ; Dictionary of Altitudes, ; Geologic Reconnaissance, ; Griszly Bear, ; Inyo Independent, ; Inyo Register, ; Life Sketches of a Jayhawker, ; Los Angeles Mining Review, ; Manual of Flowering Plants of California, , ; Publications (Continued): Natural Wealth of California, ; North American Fauna, ; Out West Magazine, ; Overland - Monthly, , ; Proceedings of - Academy of Sciences, ; Sacramento Union, ; Saline Deposits of California, ; San Francisco Bidletin, ; San Jose Mercury, . Scientific American, ; Some Desert Watering Places, , ; Spanish and Indian Place Names of California, ; Stockton Independent, ; Story of Inyo, , , ; Technical World, ; United States Geological Survey Bulletin No. , ; (?tited States Geological Sur vey Bulletin No. , ; Virginia - City Territorial Enterprise, Railroads in Death Valley, , , Rattlesnakes: not plentiful, , sidewinder, ; tiger, ; remedy f or bite, Radio reception, Redrock Canyon, Resting Springs, Rhyolite, , Richards, Luther, emigrant, Robinson, William, emigrant, , Rogers, John: in Bennett party, ; on - forlorn hope trip, ; return, , ~ - moving cattle over “the falls,” ; reaching better country, Rude, Bill, emigrant, — Ryan, California, view of, facing Ryan borax mines, , ; new uses f or buildings, Salt: roadbed, , ; extent of, , ; motion of, , ; pools, Salt Creek: Lost Wagons near, , ; Manly goes to, ; burning of wagons, ; course in Valley, ; birds, ; in primitive lake area, - Salt Lake City, emigrants outfitted at, Salt Marsh, vegetation on, facing Salt well, — Salton Sea, depth below sea-level, Sand dunes: situation, ; crossed by emigrants, ; views of, facing ; evidence of severe winds, not encouraging to vegetation, travel on, ; site below sea-level Sand Springs: northern entry into Valley, ; relics found near, described, “Sandwalking Company,” San Francisco party: escape from perils, ; at Salt Lake, ; on northerly route, ; Briers with, San Francisquito Ranch, Jayhawkers reach, ; Manly party at, Saratoga Springs: Mexicans mining near, ; southeastern point of Death Valley, ; birds, ; geological structure, Savage, emigrant, found by Indians, School, at lowest altitude in United States, Scorpions, , Scotty’s Castle, , , ; view of, facing Scotty’s ranch: formerly Steininger’s, ; water, Sea-level, area below, , , Searles, Dennis, ; monorail line, Shadier, W. M., Searles Lake Basin, emigrants - near, Shannon, Thomas, emigrant, , Sheep, see Mountain sheep Shoshone, road from, Sign posting, , Skidoo mining camp, , Slate Range, , Smith, Captain, , Smith, F. M.: on wildfowl, ; tractors tried for borax transportation, Smithsonian Institution, Spanish trail, old, followed by Fré- mont, ; route of Hunt party, , Spears, John R.: view from Telescope Peak, ; description of windstorm, , ; story of wildfowl, ; description of Mushroom Rock, Spurr, . E., geological history sum- — marized, , Steininger Ranch, see Scotty’s Stejneger, Dr., notes on reptiles, - Stephens, L. Dow: brevity of narrative, ; quoted, , , , , - Stones discolored by light, Stone washboard found, Stovepipe Wells, , , , , , , , , , facing Stovepipe Wells Hotel, , , Stretch, R. H.: reference to Lost Wagons, ; notes by, , , ; - reference to Breyfogle, Sulphur, Surveyor’s Well, Teamsters, expertness and requirements, , f. Teck, “Bellerin’,” , - Teel’s Marsh, extremes of temperature, Tehachapi Pass, Telescope Peak: altitude, ; observed by emigrants, ; climbed and - named, ; Panamint near, ; from Dante’s View, , Temperature, , , ; effects of, , , Texas Springs, , Thayer, Moses, Thompson, M. R.: superintendent at Scotty’s Castle, Tiiton, Frank, Titus Canyon, , ,, Titus, Morris, Totiopah & Tidewater railroad, Towne, , ; name known to early visitors, ; credited with finding - Gunsight Mine, Towne’s Pass: in Panamints, ; name - altered, ; used by explorers, ; - named by Dr. French, ; mentioned by Lyle, ; road through, Townsend (Townshend?), , ; credited with finding Gunsight Mine, - Townsend Pass, see Towne’s Pass Tractors a failure, Trade rats, , , Tragedies of Death Valley, - Triangle Spring, ; birds, Tuie Spring, Twenty-mule teams, , Ubehebe Crater: location, ; view of, facing ; volcanic action, ; measurements, Vegetation, ; as moisture indication, , ; habits of growth, , ; coloring, ; niggerhead cactus and desert holly, facing ; catalogue, Volcanic action, , Wade family, emigrants, Wagons: of emigrants, burned, , , , , ; borax, ; twenty- mule-team, facing ; see Lost Wagons Walker, Captain Joe, trail, Walker, Chief, map, Walker’s Pass, , Ward, Barney, Water: lack of, -, ; of Amargosa, , ; near surface, ; flow altered by wind, ; chapter on, — ; signs for, ; at Eagle Borax Works, Weather records, chapter on, — Weller, prospector, lost, Wells, nature of, Wheeler, Lieutenant George M., expedition, , , Wild Rose Canyon: route of Emigrant Pass, , ; antimony deposit, ; named by George party, ; flowers, , ; Lyle party at, Williams short route, , Willow Creek, Wind, , , , Wingate Pass, , Winters, Aaron, discovers borax, , , “Wolverines,” emigrant subdivision,Zabriskie, C. B., account of lost wagons, , , Zabriskie Point, view near, facing |
![]() ![]() The
Inyo Register Tribute to Chalfant
Robert W. Chambers 1865 -1933 |
In Search (of the Unknown) 1904
In Search of the Unknown,consists of humorous light fantasies with strong sci-fi elements. The stories feature the narrator, a man who searches for lost species of animals, and we follow him on his journeys to find these animals. The creatures include among others a half-man, half-amphibian called "the harbor-master". The narrator falls in love in most of the stories, unfortunately with women who are always whisked away at the last moment. The episodes in the book were first stitched together in order to seem like a novel, a device used by the original publishers to boost sales of the book The Crimson Tide1919 ~ NY: AL Burt ~ with Frontispiece by A. I. Keller The Dark Star 1917 Film 1919 Fighting Chance New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1906. Flyleaf inscription: “To Dear Old Husband from his Dear Old Wife, September first nineteen hundred and six. Ed Burroughs, 194 Park Avenue, Chicago.” The Fighting Chance 1906 Film 1920 Story of a society drunk fighting alcoholism with the love of a good but flawed woman. His first best seller- A Wall Street battle royal, where love as well as finance hangs in the balance The Slayer of Souls 1920 The Slayer of Souls, concerns a young American girl raised by the Yezidee-Mongols, a murderous cult of killers with psychic power, who want to rule the world. Because of her training in the East and her own powers, she is all that stands in the way of their evil plans. With the help of a standard issue dashing viral hero, the state department, and a female friend from her temple days they face danger and she falls in love with the hero. Chambers before 1900 was a force to be reckoned with in weird literature. By the time of this book his sugary romance style had corroded his formidable dark prose but there is still power here. This is his standard romance with all kinds of weird things thrown in. Every time you turn around some Mongol is stealing the bed sheets for his death shroud and going off to die. This is not The King in Yellow but it is still a fun book and well worth the time if for no other reason then Robert W. Chambers wrote it. H. P. Lovecraft loved this book, maybe because he saw Chambers returning to his roots. Great ideas, good prose, written too fast most likely for a magazine sale. Could have used with a re-write. Who Goes There 1915 American History - movie adaptation 1917 Film synopsis: At the beginning of World War I, when the Germans invade Belgium, Kervyn Guild, an American of Belgian descent, is captured with a group of refugees. He is threatened with execution, but the commander, General Von Reiter (Arthur Donaldson), offers to let him and the refugees go free if he goes to London and fetches his fiancée, a Swiss girl named Karen Girard (Corinne Griffith ). For the sake of the others, he agrees. But when he finds the girl and brings her across the channel, he realizes that she has some coded documents. Before reaching their destination, not only has Guild decoded the messages and handed them over to the British, he has also convinced Karen that she does not really want to align herself with the Germans. In an attempt to protect the girl, Guild gets into a duel with Von Reiter and stabs him. The dying General forgives him and gives him and Karen safe passage to Antwerp. This picture was very popular author of the day. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Other:
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() http://neptune.spaceports.com/~queen/Whodunit__writers_2.html http://www.yankeeclassic.com/miskatonic/dliterature/authors/chambers/works/rwcbibl-films1917.htm http://www.ex.ac.uk/bill.douglas/Griffith/Griffith%205/America.html |
Hedley Arthur Chilvers |
Seven Wonders of South Africa ~ 1929 ~ Johannesburg.South
Africa: The Administration of South African Railways and Harbours (publishers)
~ A survey of South Africa demonstrating its many wonders, including eighteen
colour illustrations
Winston Churchill ~ 1871-1947 (American) |
Richard Carvell ~ 1899
Online eText Edition: http://worldebooklibrary.com/eBooks/Gutenberg/etext04/wc35w10.htm Arthur's Classic Novels Volume 3 Volume 6 The Crossing 1904/1908 G&D ~ 598 pages The Crisis 1901 ~Illustrated By Howard Chandler Christy ~ 1923, Macmillan And Co, London, Beautiful Monochrome Illustrations Throughout, All On Separate Plates
The Celebrity (1898) Coniston (1906l) Mr. Crewe's Career (1908) A Modern Chronicle (1910) The Inside of the Cup (1913) A Far Country (1915) The Dwelling-Place of Light (1917) |
![]() In the beginning decades of the 20th Century, Churchill was the most famous novelist in America. For a while, the English Winston Churchill began using his middle name Spencer to differentiate himself, and the two corresponded with each other about the confusion. Sir Winston later suggested to the American Churchill (who was also a New Hampshire state legislator, and one-time candidate for Governor of that state) that he run for President, perhaps to confuse historians even more. The Crisis remained in print until the 1970's, but (American) Churchill is largely an unread author today. Only one major biography exists of this once-giant literary figure.
Note: Not to be confused with England's Winston Churchill ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
C. H. Claudy Jan. 13, 1879 - May 27, 1957 |
Tell-Me-Why Stories About Mother Nature 1912:
The first book illustrated by Norman Rockwell
![]() ![]() OTHER: "The Nigger" in Hampton's Broadway (November 1908) "Pictures from the air" article by C. H. Claudy 1909 ~ Pictures of early aircraft Anson Mills: My Story. C.H. Claudy, editor. Washington, D.C.: Byron S. Adams, 1921 The Mystery Men of Mars...Adventures in the Unknown 1933 Illustrated by A. C. Valentine Partners of the Trail: From a serial in the Youth's Companion 1918 ~ J. Coker & Co. 1935 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() AMERICAN BOY (May 1939) Carl H. Claudy Science Fiction short story "Tongue of Beast." ![]() Crash in 1908 ~ Photo by Carl H. Claudy On September 17, 1908, Orville Wright crashed his airplane. This happened while he was showing the airplane to the army. An army officer was a passenger in the powered airplane. His name was Lt. Thomas Selfridge. Selfridge was the first person to be killed in an airplane crash. Orville was badly hurt. |
![]() During his lifetime he wrote a great variety of things: Plays, among them and The Rose Upon the Altar; novels, such as the Masonic The Lion's Paw; numerous books on Freemasonry, particularly An Introduction To... each of the degrees, and The Master's Book, a manual for new Lodge Worshipful Masters; essays; and about 350 "Short Talk Bulletins". Most uncredited STBs during his term were by him. His popular essays were collected in The Old Past Master and The Old Tiler Talks and other collections. Outside of Masonry, he also wrote science fiction adventure serials for American Boy magazine, some of which were also published as novels; and DC Comic's early super-hero title, All-American Comics. He served as editor for a number of special-interest publications: American Inventor from 1900-04; Prism, 1908-09; Cathedral Calendar, 1921-27. He wrote books about aviation, photography, and baseball. |
Coates (Henry T. Coates and Henry Troth Coates (compiler)) |
Children's Book of Poetry 1879 Gustave Dore (illustrator)
~ Henry T. Coates Publisher
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Irvin S. Cobb (Irvin Shrewsbury), 1876-1944 |
Goin' on Fourteen
Speaking of Operations 1915 64 pages ~ New York, Doubleday, Doran & Co. ~ illustrations by Tony Sarg ![]() Online eText: http://www.gutenberg.net/etext99/spopr10.txt Respectfully dedicated to two classes: Those who have already been operated on Those who have not yet been operated on. "Now that the last belated bill for services professionally rendered has been properly paid and properly receipted; now that the memory of the event, like the mark of the stitches, has faded from a vivid red to a becoming pink shade; now that I pass a display of adhesive tape in a drug-store window without flinching - I sit me down to write a little piece about a certain matter - a small thing, but mine own - to wit, That Operation. For years I had noticed that persons who underwent pruning or remodelling at the hands of a duly qualified surgeon, and survived, like to talk about it afterward..". Reviews Other: Cobb's Anatomy Europe Revised A Plea for Old Cap Collier Alias Ben Alibi 1925 George H. Doran Co. ill. w/ B. Cory Kilvert dj Art. Jazz Age mystery Quote on Alcohol: A sudden violent jolt of it has been known to stop the victim's watch, snap his suspenders and crack his glass eye right across. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Irvin S. Cobb Portrait ~ 1940s photo of Irvin S. Cobb, Leo Carrillo, and Wallace Beery |
F. D. Coburn May 7, 1846 - |
Swine in America; A Text-book for the Breeder,
Feeder & Student. 1916 ~ New York: Orange Judd Co.
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![]() Arriving in Franklin county, Kansas, February, 1867, he was a farm laborer and farmer there until July, 1880, when invited to a position in the office of the State Board of Agriculture under Secretary J. K. Hudson. In 1869 he was married to Lou Jenkins. Mr. Coburn was unanimously elected secretary of the Kansas State Board
of Agriculture, vice J. K. Hudson, resigned, serving until January 11,
1882, when he was displaced, on a legal technicality, for William Sims.
He was president of the Indicator Publishing Company, of Kansas City, Mo.,
and editor-in-chief of the Live-stock Indicator for five and a half years,
1882 to 1887, and later was editorial writer on the Kansas City Gazette
with George W. Martin. He has prepared and published, as secretary, some
thirty-odd volumes of reports of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture,
and has contributed much to various periodicals upon agricultural and kindred
topics, and is one of the editors of Country Life in America.Author of
"Swine Husbandry," 1877; "Alfalfa," 1901; "The Book of Alfalfa," 1907;
"Swine in America," 1909; also many volumes of reports of the Kansas Board
of Agriculture on special subjects.
Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs
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