Thomas Dixon Jr. 1864 - 1946 |
The Traitor ~ 1907 sequel to The Clansman ~ The
Books document the rise and fall of the Ku Klux Klan during the chaos of
the Southern Reconstruction period and interesting historical episodes
![]() ![]() ![]() Other: The Clansman 1905 G&D Dedicated to the memory of "a Scottish-Irish Leader of the South", his uncle, Colonel Leroy McAfee, Grand Titan of the Invisible Empire of the Ku Klux Klan. In 1915, this book was the basis of the D.W. Griffith film, "The Birth of a Nation". The Life Worth Living ~ 1905 ~ Doubleday, Page ![]() |
![]() ![]() James Kinney ~ Virginia Commonwealth University ![]() Wikipedia Bio |
Helen B. Dole |
Rudolph Baumbach Tales translated from German by Helen B. Dole ~
1888 ~ NY: Thomas Y. Crowell Co.
Charles Montagu Doughty | ||
Travels in Arabia Deserta (2 volumes): C.J. Clay and Sons, Cambridge
University Press (1888) ~ 690 numbered pages which includes the index
and glossary of Arabic words ~ Illustrations
Divided into the following sections:
TRAVELS IN ARABIA DESERTA has been recognized, almost since its publication in 1888, as one of the greatest travel books in the English language. Doughty spent almost two years traveling, going on pilgrimages, and living with various nomad tribes in northwestern Arabia, then a land almost completely unknown to Europeans and Americans. His account is a thoroughly realized document, a comprehensive understanding and treatment of every aspect of the life of the nomadic Arabs. Written with grace, fullness, and enormous insight. |
![]() ![]() Charles Montagu Doughty Wikipedia Bio "In 1888 he (Doughty) published Travels in Arabia Deserta, which won little recognition at the time, though it eventually came to be regarded as a masterpiece of travel writing. In it he was more concerned with producing a monument of what he considered to be pure English prose than with recording information." - Britannica Online "CHARLES MONTAGU DOUGHTY (1843-), British explorer and writer, was born in 1843, the youngest son of the Rev. C. M. Doughty of Theberton Hall, Suffolk. In 1875 he made an adventurous journey through northern Arabia, remaining nearly two years in the country, and, after many hazards and hardships, finally emerging at Jidda (see 2.257). He published the results of his observations in a work since recognized as a classic worthy to rank with the records of the Elizabethan voyagers. Travels in Arabia Deserta, issued by the Cambridge University Press in 1888, received at first little recognition and brought its author no material reward. But gradually its fame spread amongst travellers and lovers of literature until the rare copies of the first edition were scarcely procurable at any price, and in 1921 a facsimile reprint of the two volumes was issued at 9 9s. The value of Doughty's work as a traveller had by that time secured universal recognition; nothing was left for any future explorer to study between Damascus and Mecca which Doughty had not already closely studied, and in 1912 the Royal Geographical Society bestowed on him its Founder's gold medal. He had done other work previously, and he published several volumes; but he remains, in the estimation of the literary world, the author of one book. It should, however, be noted that in 1866 he brought out On the Jostedal-Brae Glaciers in Norway, and a collection of inscriptions copied by him in Arabia was published by the Academic des Inscriptions et BellesLettres in 1884. His later years were devoted to poetry and poetic drama. In 1906 he published an epic in six volumes The Dawn in Britain, followed by Adam Cast Forth (1908), The Cliffs (1909), The Clouds (1912), The Titans (1916) and Mansoul, or the Riddle of the World (1920)." ~ Encyclopaedia Britannica 1911 The Obstinate Mr. Doughty To his critics, he was arrogant, humorless, self-righteous and mulish. He was also the author of a masterpiece that outlives them all. Charles Montagu Doughty was the most obstinate of men. His bull-headedness led him to disregard the wise admonitions of men who knew better to stay away from then-unknown Arabia. He paid a terrible price for not listening: two years of suffering from intense heat, starvation, thirst, and the constant threat of death as an outsider without the tribal affiliations that were a man's only insurance policy. Once embarked, well-meaning companions warned Doughty to conceal his Christian faith beneath the pretence of being a Muslim. Doughty's Victorian principles were offended by the suggestion, and he lost few occasions to declare his adherence to what he believed was a superior religion. Again he paid dearly. He was maltreated, spat upon, beaten, and on several occasions narrowly escaped death for his profession of an alien faith. When he finally—and miraculously—emerged alive from the desert, he determined against all advice to record his experiences in an artificial blend of Chaucerian and Spenserian English, to the disgust of his friends and the utter indifference of publishers. But then, to the astonishment of everyone, himself included, he produced a literary masterpiece that has outlived them all: Travels in Arabia Deserta. Obstinacy has its uses. . . More at Saudi Aramco World - July/August 1969
Ethel and James Dorrance |
Glory Rides the Range ~ 1920 ~ Macauley Co.
Kenneth Gandar Dower |
The Spotted Lion 1937 "Swell"
Recorded Gandar-Dower's search for the marozi through Kenya. The Spotted Lion has been credited with bringing the marozi to the attention of the world. Wikipedia Bio ![]() |
Harry Sinclair Drago |
Buckskin Affair
Harry Sinclair Drago: American novelist and short story writer who specialized in historical fiction set in the Southwestern States. When asked how he wrote over 100 books: "Four pages a day, that's how you write 100 books. That's how you write books." |
R. Palasco Drant | ||||||
Hell Up to Date: The Reckless Journey of
R. Palasco Drant, Newspaper Correspondent, Through the Infernal Regions,
as Reported by Himself. With Illustrations
by Art Young (1866-1943). Chicago: Schulte Publishing Company, 1892.
(Illustrations highly reminiscent of ERB’s own editorial cartoons.)
![]() Arthur Henry (Art) Young ~ (1866-1943): Young was born 14 January, 1866, near Orangeville, Illinois. His family moved to Monroe, Wisconsin, when he was a year old. He quit high school before graduating. After selling his first cartoon to Judge in 1883, Young moved to Chicago, where he enrolled in the Academy of Design. Young worked for the Daily Mail and the Daily News from 1884 to 1887. He created what many consider to be the definitive drawings of the Haymarket Riot (1886) during this period. In the autumn of 1889, Young traveled to Paris and entered the Académie Julien. He was forced to return to Monroe, Wisconsin, due to poor health. He stayed in Monroe until 1892, at which time he joined the staff of the Chicago Inter Ocean. Here he produced the first daily front-page political cartoon in the Midwest. Throughout the 1890s, Young also contributed to Puck, Judge, and Life. He was one of the first artists to freelance to all three simultaneously. For Life and Puck more so than Judge, his cartoons became increasingly satirical.Young's socialist leanings began around 1910, upon his association with Greenwich Village radicals. His most notable cartoons can be found in Life, Puck, the Masses, the Liberator, the Metropolitan, and Young's own radical satire magazine, Good Morning. He crusaded against sweatshops, firetrap tenements, child labor, racial segregation, and discrimination against women, in addition to Socialism's traditional industrial and political enemies. He belonged to the vanguard of a very active left-wing movement in American arts and letters. What is perhaps most amazing about Young - considering his views were radical enough that he was tried for treason during World War I - is that he was simultaneously able to create humorous, inoffensive gag cartoons that magazines like the Saturday Evening Post eagerly and prominently published. In Young's later years he drew less, became bitter about life, and advised both young radicals and aspiring cartoonists. He died at his home in Bethel, Connecticut, on 29 December, 1943. Drawing from Life: Factoids |
Glenn Ward Dresbach b: Sep 09, 1889 Carroll Co, IL - d: Jun 27, 1968 in Eureka Springs, Carroll Co, AK | |||
![]() The Road to Everywhere Other:
Glenn Ward Dresbach was born on a farm
near Lanark, Illinois, in 1889. After being graduated from the University
of Wisconsin where he was editor-in-chief of the Wisconsin Magazine, he
went to the Canal Zone where he remained for four years in the employ of
the Panama Railroad. From Panama he went to New Mexico as metallurgical
accountant for a large copper producer. Upon the entrance of the
United States into the World War Mr. Dresbach enlisted and rose to the
rank of captain before being demobilized. In 1919 he returned to
New Mexico and in 1921 moved to Texas, where he married Mary Angela Boyle
of Maryland. Later he returned to his old home at Lanark, Illinois,
and devoted his entire time to poetry.
Glen Ward Dresbach is that rarest of persons, a businessman and poet. He was at one time in governmental service in the Canal Zone. He has worked in mines and ran a packing company. From this vigorous background we might expect the swinging rhythms of a Sandburg: but instead of that we find that Dresbach has a positive aversion to free verse, writes conventional lyrics with technical care, and long narrative and dramatic poems which have none of the vagaries in metre characteristic of much poetry which has come to us from the West. He was buried on: July 01, 1968 in Fayetteville National Cemetery, Washington Co, AK |
Paul Belloni Du Chaillu (circa 1831-1903) [pOl belOnE' dü shAyü'] |
in the Jungle: Narrated for Young People
(1869) NY Harper& Bros. Pub. 260 pages
READ HERE Heroes of the Dark Continent ~ 1890 Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa: ERBzine 2988 Other:
![]() ![]() Paul Belloni Du Chaillu (circa 1831-1903): American explorer, born in France, probably in Paris. He spent his youth in Gabon, French Equatorial Africa, with his father, a French trader. In 1852 he went to the United States and later became a naturalized citizen. He led expeditions in Africa and wrote a travel book as well as histories about this. In 1871 he went to Sweden and Norway, where he studied the people and institutions for over five years. Based upon his research, he wrote The Land of the Midnight Sun (1881), as well as The Viking Age, which was the his most ambitious work of his life. DU CHAILLU, PAUL BELLONI (1835-1903), traveller and anthropologist, was born either at Paris or at New Orleans (accounts conifict) on the 31st of July 1835. In his youth he accompanied his father, an African trader in the employment of a Parisian firm, to the west coast of Africa. Here, at a station on the Gabun, the boy received some education from missionaries, and acquired an interest in and knowledge of the country, its natural history, and its natives, which guided him to his subsequent career. In 1852 he exhibited this knowledge in the New York press, and was sent in 1855 by the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia on an African expedition. From 1855 to 1859 he regularly explored the regions of West Africa in the neighborhood of the equator, gaining considerable knowledge of the delta of the Ogow river and the estuary of the Gabun. During his travels he saw numbers of the great anthropoid apes called the gorilla (possibly the great ape described by Carthaginian navigators), then known to scientists only by a few skeletons. A subsequent expedition, from 1863 to 1865, enabled him to confirm the accounts given by the ancients of a pygmy people inhabiting the African forests. Narratives of both expeditions were published, in 1861 and 1867 respectively, under the titles Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa, with Accounts of the Manne~rs and Customs of the People, and of the Chace of the Gorilla, Crocodile, and other Animals; and A Journey to Ashango-land, and further penetration into Equatorial Africa. The first work excited much controversy on the score of its veracity, but subsequent investigation proved the correctness of du Chaillus statements as to the facts of natural history; though possibly some of the adventures he described as happening to himself were reproductions of the hunting stories of natives (see Proc. Zool. Soc. vol. i., 1905, p. 66). The map accompanying Ashango-land was of unique value, but the explorers photographs and collections were lost when he was forced to flee from the hostility of the natives. After some years residence in America, during which he wrote several books for the young founded upon his African adventures, du Chaillu turned his attention to northern Europe, and published in 1881 The Land of the Midnight Sun, in 188cr The Viking Age, and in 1900 The Land of the Long Night. He died at St Petersburg on the 29th of April 1903. Du Chaillu Features
in ERBzine 0872
Norman Duncan 1871-1916 |
Billy Topsail and Company
![]() Norman
Duncan: author and educator, was born at Brantford, Ontario, Canada,
July 2, 1871, a son of Augustus and Susan (Hawley) Duncan. He was educated
in the University of Toronto, where he was graduated in 1895. From 1897
to 1901 he was on the staff of the New York Evening Post, and in 1902 was
appointed professor of rhetoric in Washington and Jefferson College, Washington,
Pa., which position he held until 1906, when he became adjunct professor
of English literature in the University of Kansas. In 1907-08 he was correspondent
of Harper's Magazine in Syria, Palestine, Arabia and Egypt, and prior to
that time had made several trips to Labrador and Newfoundland. Prof. Duncan
is a contributor to several of the leading magazines. His best known published
works are "The Soul of the Street," "The Way of the Sea," "Every Man for
Himself," "Going Down from Jerusalem," "Dr. Greenfell's Parish," and "The
Adventures of Billy Topsail."
G. M. Dyott (George Miller Dyott) |
Silent Highways of the Jungle ~ 1922 ~ being the adventures
of an explorer in the Andes and reaches of the upper Amazon. New York,
NY: Putnam; x, 319 p, illustrated
alt: G. M Dyott, editor: Anon. in John o’ London’s Weekly ~ March 3, 1923 |
Bio :
George Miller Dyott (6 February 1883 – 2 August 1972) was an American pioneer aviator and explorer of the Amazon. Dyott was born in New York to a British father and American mother. He test piloted planes not long after the Wright brothers, and was one of the first pilots ever to fly at night. He was awarded his Royal Aero Club pilot's Certificate (Number 114) on the 17th August 1911. Though less well known now, Dyott gained his licence soon after many of the most famous names of early aviation. Moore-Brabazon was the first to gain the newly devised certificate, on 8 March 1910 and Rolls, Grahame-White, Cody, Roe, Sopwith followed in that year, but de Havilland and Blackburn won theirs in 1911, only a few months before Dyott. In the autumn of 1911 Dyott and Capt. Patrick Hamilton travelled to New York with two Deperdussin monoplanes, a two-seater and a single seater. They made an exhibition tour, stopping for a while in Nassau and in Mexico. A highlight, literally, of the Nassau exhibition was a night flight in the two seater, with Hamilton as passenger, carrying a searchlight powered from the ground via cables. In Mexico the two seater carried many passengers, including the Mexican Republic's President Madero. He later reported on the different flying conditions in hot climates, particularly the effects of thermals, rotating winds and the excitement of flying over forest fires. After returning to the UK, he decided to design his own aircraft. This was known as the Dyott monoplane; after receiving and testing it, Dyott took it to the US in April 1913. He made a sixth month demonstration tour, flying for more than 2,000 miles at venues between New York and California. When he returned to the UK he flew it in the London-Brighton handicap of November 1913, but had to make an unscheduled landing. After serving as a Royal Naval Air Service squadron commander during the First World War, he become an explorer and joined the Royal Geographical Society. In 1927, he was the second person to transverse the Amazonian "River of Doubt", in the footsteps of the 1913–14 Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific Expedition. Dyott wanted to verify Roosevelt's claim of discovering the river, for which there had been some doubt. In 1928 he mounted an expedition to search for the missing British explorer Percy Fawcett in the Amazon. Dyott found evidence he believed confirmed Fawcett had been killed by the Aloique Indians, but the strength of his evidence soon collapsed on closer scrutiny and the mystery of Fawcett's disappearance remained unresolved. Related to the Fawcett expedition, during which Doyott was held captive by Indians and barely escaped with his life, Dyott published a book about his adventures called Manhunting in the Jungle (1930), and also co-wrote and starred in a 1933 Hollywood action film called Savage Gold. The book was later adapted to film as Manhunt in the Jungle (1958). In 1929 Dyott played himself in a documentary called Hunting Tigers in India, filmed in India on the A. S. Vernay expedition under the auspices of the American Museum of Natural History. It was billed as "the first all-talking nature picture" and was supposedly shown to First Lady Mrs. Hoover in the White House theater. Dyott was active in the early years of aviation in South America too. He set-up a company which took and sold aerial-photographs as post-cards. Dyott spent most of his life in South America but died in the City of his birth, New York, in 1972. ![]() George Dyott and his Plane Collection of Patrick Doherty via email from Mark Dyott Son of George Dyott, 2006.02.22 Ref: I should start by saying I can only remember seeing my father twice in my life, once when I was perhaps 3 years old at Merrick, Long Island and again when he was 89 years old at Babylon, Long Island. He was born in New York City, February 6, 1883 to an American mother and English father and was raised at his father's English home in Lichfield, Staffordshire. He died on August 2, 1972 in Babylon, Long Island. He was educated at Farraday House, I think London, but left before graduating to come to the United States and wound up at Westinghouse in Pittsburg around, I think, 1903-1904. He was laid off at some point and went to Long Island, where he had relatives, and that's where he became interested in flying. He flew from probably late 1910, when he teamed up with Henry Walden, until 1913, and then until the end of the war, this part in England, where he was a Squadron Commander in the Royal Naval Air Service. He designed two aircraft, one a monoplane which he flew at Hempstead and the other a twin-engine biplane for the war, which was never used as it was underpowered, although, I've been told, it was later used for mapping palm groves in the Congo. He gave up flying after the war and became an explorer in Africa and India, but mostly in South America. During the 1920's, he was contracted to follow Teddy Roosevelt's Amazon "River of Doubt" trip notes to confirm TR actually made that trip, and subsequently was contracted to search for missing English explorer Colonel Percy Fawcett in the Matto Grosso jungle of Brazil. He also investigated possible air routes across the Andes in Peru and trapped wild animals in India, which he donated to the Bronx Zoo. He wrote four books related to his adventures, one of which was "adapted" by Warner Brother's for a movie, released in 1956. He lived most of his later life in the mountains above Quito, Ecuador, until he returned to live with my mom in Babylon around 1971. As a pilot, he was just one of many pursuing that interest in the early 1900's. However, he was involved in a couple of incidents of interest. In the fall of 1911, he flew his Deperdussin monoplane with a friend Patrick Hamilton as passenger at night in total darkness, using a searchlight mounted on the plane, certainly one of the first to try night flight. I have a photo of the plane showing the light. Subsequently, he travelled to Mexico with the Moissant interests for an air show, and while there, took up president-elect Francisco Madero, the first acting head of state to fly in an airplane (TR flew in, I think, 1910, but was not in office). As an aside, a fellow pilot on that Mexico trip, Harriet Quimby, died a year later during an air meet at Boston, and sixty years later, my dad was buried no more than a hundred yards from her gravesite at Valhalla, New York) I have several photos including one in
the Walden monoplane but am not yet up to speed on the scanning and mailing
process, so that will have to wait. If you have an interest, the Smithsonian
has in their archives a writeup on my dad marked "From the Biographies
of Harold E. Morehouse", never published, which was shown to me by Tom
Crouch and expands a bit on what I've presented above.
Ruth O. Dyer |
The Sleepy Time Story Book |
Bill Hillman
Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs
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