EDDY: Is Christianity a Failure ELIZABETH Introduction to Sally ELLIOTT, Emilia Joan's Jolly Vacation ELLSBERG: On the Bottom ELSON, Henry W. & Cornelia E. MacMullen The Story of Our Country EMERSON, Alice B. ~ Ruth Fielding in Moving Pictures ENCYCLOPAEDIA: Encyclopaedia Britannica (24 copies) EVANS: The Second French Empire ~ Evans |
F. J. Eddy |
Is Christianity a Failure ~ 1922
Original Publisher: Phillips printing co. (Possibly self-published.) 260
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Egyptian Manuscript |
Excerpts from an Egyptian Manuscript - suede cover - small -
to Edgar Rice Burroughs from the Author received FEB 5 1923, K Efyer Chicago, Private From my friend Charles K Miller Chicago |
Elizabeth Von Arnim (1866-1941) |
Introduction to Sally a Novel by "Elizabeth" - 1926 - Macmillan
First Edition
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Elizabeth von Arnim (31 August 1866 – 9 February 1941), born
Mary Annette Beauchamp, was an Australian-born British novelist. By marriage
she became Gräfin (Countess) von Arnim-Schlagenthin, and by a second
marriage, Countess Russell. Although known in her early life as May, "after
the publication of her first book, she was known to her readers, eventually
to her friends, and finally even to her family as Elizabeth." and she is
now invariably referred to as Elizabeth von Arnim. She also wrote under
the pen name Alice Cholmondeley.
Elizabeth was a cousin of the better-known writer Katherine Mansfield (whose
real name was Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp). Born in Australia, Elizabeth
was educated in England. She was reputed to be a fine organist and musician.
At a young age, she captured the heart of a German Count, was persuaded
to marry him, and went to live in Germany. Over the next years she bore
five daughters. After her husband's death and the decline of the estate,
she returned to England. She was a friend to many of high social standing,
including people such as H. G. Wells (who considered her one of the finest
wits of the day). Some time later she married the brother of Bertrand Russell;
which marriage was a failure and ended in divorce. Eventually Elizabeth
fled to America at the outbreak of the Second World War, and there died
in 1941.
Elizabeth is best known to modern readers by the name "Elizabeth von Arnim", author of "The Enchanted April" which was recently made into a successful film by the same title. Another of her books, "Mr. Skeffington" was also once made into a film starring Bette Davis, circa 1940. Some of Elizabeth's work is published in modern editions by Virago and
other publishers. Among these are: "Love", "The Enchanted April", "Caravaners",
"Christopher and Columbus", "The Pastor's Wife", "Mr. Skeffington", "The
Solitary Summer", and "Elizabeth's Adventures in Rugen". Also published
by Virago is her non-autobiography "All the Dogs of My Life"—as the title
suggests, it is the story not of her life, but of the lives of the many
dogs she owned; though of course it does touch upon her own experiences.
Emilia Elliott (Caroline Emilia Jocobs) |
Joan's Jolly Vacation
Commander Edward Ellsberg |
On the Bottom ~ The Literary Guild of America, Inc., NY, with
25 illustrations, and with diagrams Details the salvage and recovery
of the accidentally sunk S-51 submarine and her deceased crew. Cmdr. Ellsberg
was a deep sea diver who helped with the salvage of this WWI era submarine.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Under the Red Sea ~ 1946 No Banners, No Bugles ~ 1949 |
Henry W. Elson & Cornelia E. MacMullen |
The Story of Our Country ~ c1911 ~ NY,
Chicago & Boston: Thompson Brown Co ~ 237 pages
Alice B. Emerson |
Ruth Fielding in Moving Pictures or Helping The Dormitory Fund.
1916 Cupples & Leon Co ~ author of "Ruth Fielding of the Red Mill,"
"Ruth Fielding on Cliff Island," etc. One in a series of 20. One
black & white illustration on page opposite title page.
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Mildred A Wirt (Mildred Augustine Wirt Benson) (1905 - 2002)
aka Alice B Emerson, Carolyn Keene (Nancy Drew), Frank Bell, Mildred Benson, Joan Clark, Julia K Duncan, Frances K Judd, Don Palmer, Helen Louise Thorndyke, Dorothy West, Ann Wirt The Stratemeyer Syndicate was created when Edward Stratemeyer had more ideas than he had time to write books. (He also figured he could make more money that way!) Various pseudonyms were used by different anonymous authors, some who have been identified |
Encyclopaedia Britannica (24 copies) |
This set turned up on eBay auction in March 2007 from "yhbooks" Great
Barrington, Massachusetts,
with the accompanying photos and description: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "This is a set of the Eleventh Edition of The Encyclopedia Britannica in 29 volumes (28 volumes and a volume of index) complete. The so-called Handy Volume Issue published in 1910-1911. The Eleventh Edition was the last of the "scholar editions," compiled by some of the best minds and the best writers of the generation. This copy was owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs. His ownership signature appears in pencil on the endpaper of Volume 13 ("Edgar Rice Burroughs/Tarzana Ranch/Reseda, Calif."). An early Burroughs bookplate, probably executed in the 1920s, appears in 23 of the 29 volumes. In 5 volumes the bookplate has been neatly excised, and one volume apparently never had a bookplate (Vol. 25). The excised volumes are the last three (Vols. 27-29), Vol. 24, and Vol. 13, which is the signed volume. According to the source for this set, it was donated to the U.S. Navy at the beginning of World War II, quartered in a ship's library during the war, and then sold when the ship was decommissioned and the contents sold after the war. The 5 bookplates were presumably excised during that time in the set's history. The wonder is that whoever did it didn't take them all, but limited himself to the ones in the last volumes, along with the one volume that presumably didn't need a bookplate because it was already signed. The detail in the bookplate is truly remarkable. It encompasses a Tarzan-like figure holding a luminous sphere, presumably the planet Mars. On one side is a kneeling ape, clutching Tarzan by the ankles. On the other side is a cluster of eight faces, presumably fictional characters, among them a monk, a knight, a soldier, a sultan, and an attractive blonde. Below them is a garland with crossed sword and pen. In the foreground, next to the author's name, is a crest quartered with 4 illustrations: a spurred boot, a cattle skull, a wagon wheel and an open book. The bookplate is signed in the engraving "S.B.", identifying the artist as the author's nephew, Studley Burroughs. The set is in remarkably good condition, generally VG. This edition is notoriously prone to wear, and apart from the matter of ownership, this particular set is a cut above the copies we usually see. The leather is only mildly scuffed, and the wear along the spine edges is also not as bad as is usually the case. Eleven volumes have had professional repair to the top of the spines: 7 have been capped with leather, and 4 have been capped with matching headpieces from another copy of this edition. The bindings are generally sound, although in several of the volumes the inside hinges are either broken or starting. Only a dedicated Burroughs scholar would be up to doing a thorough collation, but by just paging through, I noted a few marks in the volumes that are presumably by Burroughs. Vol. 19 has 3 numbers written in the corner of the front endpaper, and paragraphs in each of those pages are marked off with slash lines. The entry for "Crusades" in Vol. 7 has a number of X marks in the margin alongside underlined words or passages in the text. Of course, a case could be made that these marks were made by sailors while the volumes were in the ship's library, but it seems more likely that they were made by the set's original owner, and that the encyclopedia was used as source material in the research of his books."
Dr. Thomas W. Evans |
The Second French Empire ~ NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY
- 1905
![]() THIS volume, entitled "Memoirs of Dr. Thomas W. Evans---The Second French Empire-Napoleon III---The Empress Eugénie --- The Prince Imperial," contains a portion of the "Memoirs and Unpublished Works" of the late Dr. Thomas W. Evans; and its publication is approved and authorized by his Executors, as directed by the writer in his last will and Testament. PREFACE ON account of my friendly connection for more than thirty years with the late Dr. Thomas W. Evans and in compliance also with his frequently expressed desire that I should be the editor of his "Memoirs" and manuscript remains, these writings were placed in my hands soon after his death; and I have, since, been requested by his executors to prepare for publication that portion of them which gives the sub-title, and forms the subject-matter of this volume. Dr. Evans's long and close attachment to Napoleon III and his family, the confidential relations he maintained with other sovereigns and princely houses and his large and intimate acquaintance among the men and women who, from 1848 to 1870, were the governing powers in Europe, afforded him unusual opportunities of observing the evolution of political ideas and institutions in France, and the conditions and the causes that immediately preceded and determined the fall of the Second French Empire as seen from within; and supplied him also with facts and very valuable information concerning the same subjects as seen, or gathered in, from without. No man, moreover, was better acquainted than he with what may be termed the moral atmosphere of the several Courts to which, for so many years, he was professionally attached. In a word, he had acquired an unusual amount of that kind of knowledge which is derived from frequent and informal intercourse with persons filling the highest official and social positions in widely separated political communities, and which especially qualified him to form and pronounce correct judgments, with respect to the significance of the events that were the most remarkable, and the character of the rulers and of the men who were the most prominent, during a very interesting period of French and European history. Although Dr. Evans could make very little pretension to literary ability, he possessed the gift of saying what he had to say with such evident sincerity, that it is greatly to be regretted he has placed on record so little, when he might have told us so much, concerning the personal qualities, opinions, habits, and manner of life of the great personages with whom it was his privilege to become acquainted. Indeed, I am quite sure that whoever reads this book---whatever defects he may find in it---will sometimes feel that he is a very near and sympathetic witness of events and incidents which the writer himself saw and has with such distinctness and soulfulness described. The writings entitled "Memoirs," by Dr. Evans were, as left by him, in two parts. The first contained a sketch of the political and military situation in France and Germany that immediately preceded the Franco-German War, together with a very full account of the escape of the Empress Eugénie from Paris, and the establishment of the Imperial family at Chislehurst, in England. This formal narrative was prepared in 1884, but remained unpublished---principally from a sentiment of delicacy on the part of the writer. Twelve years later, in 1896---the year before his death---Dr. Evans began to make a record of his reminiscences in an autobiographical form, but composed in substance of occurrences and experiences personal to himself during his life as a court dentist, together with numerous character sketches of the distinguished people it had been his good fortune to meet and to know. This record was the second part of the "Memoirs." Unfortunately no attempt had been made, while preparing it, to give to it a literary form. The subjects were treated separately and with little regard to their proper order. Many of the pages contained merely notes or memoranda; and, as was inevitable under the circumstances, incidents were re-told, and there were numerous minor repetitions, especially with respect to matters that had already been set forth in the first part. The work of coordinating and assimilating the materials had been left for a more convenient season---and, as it has proved, for another hand to do. In preparing the contents of the present volume I have selected from the two parts the portions in which, in my opinion, the public is most likely to be interested, and which at the same time are of the greatest value historically. They tell the story of the flight of the Empress from her capital, of which no complete and authentic account has ever before been published, and include practically everything in the "Memoirs," that relates to the Second French Empire. The greatest difficulty that I have encountered, in the course of my editorial work has arisen from the necessity of suppressing one or the other of the repetitions, or very similar statements in the parts referred to, and then, so fusing or, rather, stitching the paragraphs and sections together as to give to the whole sufficient continuity and unity to be acceptable to myself without doing violence to the original text. The plan adopted, and which I believe to be the best in view of the facts above mentioned, has been to keep together, and in the body of this book, what relates directly to the Fall of the Empire, and to include in the opening and closing chapters most of the author's more strictly personal reminiscences and appreciations of the Emperor Napoleon III. and the Empress Eugénie. I certainly should feel, however, that I had altogether failed to accomplish what I have sought to do, were I not aware that it is the generally conceded privilege of the writer of memoirs and reminiscences to remember only what he chooses to remember, and to say it just when it pleases him to say it. And in according with me this liberty to the author, I trust the reader may be equally generous toward the editor of this book, so far as he may be disposed to hold him responsible for an arrangement of its contents that may occasionally seem wanting in sequence, or for a style of writing that is perhaps, at times, a little too décousu. But there is one point of more importance than any question of form with respect to which I have no desire to disclaim my responsibility. For the accuracy of the narrative where it relates to matters of which I have a personal knowledge---and they are many---I hold myself equally responsible with the author. And I may also say that I have felt it to be a part of my editorial duty to verify his statements. where errors of fact seemed possible, whenever I could do so conveniently; to compare with the originals the passages he has cited from various writings and reports; to name his authorities, when they were not given by him; and to contribute a few appendices and foot notes, in one or two of which I have not hesitated to express my own opinion of persons with some freedom. EDWARD A. CRANE.
Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs
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