GALWAN, Rassul: Servant of Sahibs: The Rare 19th Century Travel Account As Told by a Native of Ladakh GALSWORTHY, John Saint's Progress GALSWORTHY, John The White Monkey GAMBRILL, J. Montgomery Selections From Poe GANN, Thomas: Mystery Cities: Exploration and adventure in Lubaantum, a Ruined Mayan City with 3 Periods of Occupation (inscription: ":To Ed from Emma, Dec.25, 1926, Tarzan Again!") GANN: Mystery Cities GARNIER FRERES, Editors: English French with Pronunctiations GARRIGUES, Ellen E. Eliot's Silas Marner GATES, Eleanor The Poor Little Rich Girl GATES, Josephine Scribner The Story of Live Dolls GEORGE: Auction Pinochle GIBBON, Edward and Rev. H. H. Milton Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire: GIBBS, George Mad Marriage GIBBS, George The House of Mohun GIBBS, George The Splendid Outcast GIBBS: The Splendid Outcast GIBBS, George The Yellow Dove GIBBS, Philip The Middle of the Road GIBBS, Philip The Reckless Lady GILBERT, Major Vivian The Romance of the Last Crusade GILBERT, Major Vivian Romance of the Last Crusade GILBERT, W. S. The "Bab" Ballads GINTHER, Pemberton Miss Pat and Her Sisters GINTHER, Pemberton Miss Pat in Buenos Ayres GINTHER, Pemberton Miss Pat in School GLANVILLE: The Hunter GLAVE, Edward J.: In Savage Africa GLYN, Elinor Man and Maid GOLDING, Harry The Wonder Book of Aircraft GOODRICH: Our Neighbors the Japanese GOODWIN, Wm. W.: Elementary Greek Grammar GORDON, Grace Patsy Carroll in the Golden West GORDON, Grace Patsy Carroll in Wilderness Lodge GORDON, Grace Patsy Carroll Under Southern Skies GORDON, Jan and Cora: A Donkey Trip Through Spain GRAVES, Armgaard Karl: Secrets of the German War Office GRAY, Joslyn The January Girl GRAY, Joslyn Bouncing Bet GRAY, Joslyn Rusty Miller GRAY, Violet Gordon Margery Morris and Plain Jane GRAYSON, David Hempfield GREEN, Anna Katharine ~ The Woman in the Alcove GREENWOOD, James ~ Adventures of Ruben Davinger - 1884 1866 Harper Seventeen years among the Dyaks of Borneo (Monster Men?) (2 different editions, one gilt and DJ) GREENWOOD, James ~ Curiosities of Savage Life - 1864 - London Strand GREENWOOD, James ~ Ruben Davinger His Adventures in Peril - London Ward Locke and Company GREENWOOD, James ~ Another Edition of Ruben GREGORY, Richard Arman: Discovery: or, the Spirit and Service of Science (London, Macmillan, 1916) GREGORY: Discover: The Spirit & Service of Science GREY, Zane & Helen Cody Wetmore Last of the Great Scouts GREY, Zane Last of the Great Scouts GREY, Zane The Mysterious Rider GREY, Zane The Rainbow Trail GRIERSON, Francis D. The Murder in the Garden GRUELLE, Johnny My Very Own Fairy Stories GRUELLE, Johnny Raggedy Ann Stories GUEST, Edgar A. A Heap O' Livin GUEST, Edgar A. All That Matters GUILLIES, Mary ~ Voyage of the Constance |
Zona Gale 1874 -1938 |
Miss Lulu Bett ~ 1921 ~ D. Appleton Co ~ 264 page
Online eText of the Play: Commentary: Description of the 1921 Film on IMDB: ![]() |
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Ghulam Rassul Galwan |
Servant of Sahibs with intro by Sir Francis Younghusband ~ 1924
~ NY: D. Appleton & Company 282 pages ~ Frontispiece ~ Glossary. An
extraodinary account by a Kashmiri Muslim who accompanied Younghusband
on an expedition to Yarkand. A 19th Century travel account as told by a
native of Ladakh
![]() This captivating book, written
by a servant of English and American gentleman travelling in Kashmir, tells
the story of the man’s life: his family, ‘young time,’ service, marriages
and journeys. The book is filled with delightful stories and observations,
the value of which are only increased by the author’s shaky English. There
has never been another book remotely similar to “Servant of Sahibs”! It
is the remarkable, but true, story of Rassul Galwan, a native of Ladakh
who early on in life became a trusted assistant to various nineteenth century
European explorers. Setting off at a young age, Galwan was soon to be found
in the company of adventure travelers like Sir Francis Younghusband, who
explored the Tibetan plateau, the Pamir mountains and the deserts of Central
Asia. Quietly bringing up the rear of these now-famous caravans was Rassul
Galwan. Having taught himself how to run the expedition, the intelligent
mountaineer was soon turning his talents to acquiring languages, picking
up a working knowledge of Chinese and English, among others. It was with
this rudimentary English vocabulary that Rassul Galwan authored “Servants
of Sahibs”, the only account of its kind. “Everywhere he like, there
he go. From top hills to hills tops,” Galwan wrote about his life of journeying.
The resulting delightful book is a first-hand account of the most famous
Central Asian expeditions, as seen by Galwan, and the natives involved.
The story remains as entertaining as the day it was written, its pages
filled with excitement, adventure and laughter.
John Galsworthy August 14, 1867 - January 31, 1933 |
Saint's Progress ~ 1926 ~ Scribner ~ part of The Novels, Tales,
and Plays of John Galsworthy collection
Online eText Edition: The White Monkey: The Forsyte Chronicles 4 ~ 1924 ~ Online eText Edition: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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J. Montgomery Gambrill |
Selections From Poe ~ 1907 ~ Ginn & Co. ~ 200 pages
Online eText: Alternate eText ![]() OTHER: Leading Events of Maryland History 1927 |
Thomas William Francis Gann 1867-1938 |
Mystery Cities: Exploration and adventure
in Lubaantum, a Ruined Mayan City with 3 Periods of Occupation (inscription:
"To Ed from Emma, Dec.25, 1926, Tarzan Again!")
Thomas William Francis Gann (1867-1938) was a medical doctor by profession, but is best remembered for his work as an amateur archeologist exploring ruins of the Maya civilization. Gann with stucco idol he found at Tulum, 1920s Thomas Gann was born in Murrish, Ireland and trained in medicine in Middlesex, England. In 1894 he was appoinrted district medical officer for British Honduras, where he would spend most of the next quarter century. He soon developed a keen interest in the colony's Maya ruins, which up to then had been little documented. He also traveled into Yucatán, exploring ruins there.Gann discovered a number of sites, including Lubaantun, Ichpaatun and Tzibanche. He made important early exploration at such sites as Santa Rita, Louisville, Belize, and Coba. At Tulum he documented buildings overlooked by previous explorers, including a rare find of a temple with the Pre-Columbian idol still intact inside.He wrote several books about his travels and explorations. Thomas Gann retired as British Honduras's medical officer in 1923. In his later years Gann was a lecturer in Archeology at the University of Liverpool. |
Garnier Freres editors (E. C. Clifton and Adrien Grimaux) |
English French with Pronunctiations
![]() ![]() or Librairie Garnier Freres (Petitie Dictionairesies Garnier) by J. McLaughlin ~ ca 1930s ~ Containing all the usual word with their pronunciation figured. |
Ellen E. Garrigues |
Eliot's Silas Marner
Other: Sentence sense and verb usage by Ellen E. Garrigues and Maxwell W. Nurnberg. c1923. Imprint: NY : Harcourt, Brace and Co. |
George Eliot
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Eleanor Gates |
The Poor Little Rich Girl ~ 1922 ~ NY:Grosset & Dunlap ~
419 pages
The adventures of the emotionally underprivileged child of New York society parents in a world where metaphors such as "she's a snake in the grass" literally come true."Gwendolyn had everything in the world a little girl could want - dolls, clothes, an automobile, horses - everything except love..." ![]() ![]() |
Josephine Scribner Gates |
The Story of Live Dolls
![]() Other: The Live Dolls' House Party 1906 illus. Virginia Keep |
George |
Auction Pinochle
Auction pinochle, probably the most popular form of the game, is played by three persons at a time, although up to six may play in rotating units of three. Each of the three active players is dealt a hand of 15 cards, three at a time, and three are dealt face down in the center of the table, forming the “widow.” Bidding starts at 300 points (lower in some cases) and progresses in rotation by minimum 10-point advances. Once a player passes he may not bid again. Two passes end the auction, and the highest bidder wins. He exposes the widow, adds it to his hand, and then melds, i.e., displays combinations of cards ranging in scoring value from ace through ten in one suit (flush), worth 150 points, to nines of the same suit, worth 10 points each. He then buries, or discards, three cards (not used in his melds) to restore his hand to 15 cards. At this point the bidder may concede defeat if he feels he cannot equal or exceed his bid with a total of melded points and points won in play. The two opponents, who play in temporary partnership, may also concede if they agree they cannot prevent the bidder from filling his contract. In play each ace counts 11 points, tens 10 points, kings 4, queens 3, jacks 2, and the last trick 10. These values are sometimes simplified to 10 points each for aces and tens, 5 each for kings and queens. In either case, the total points in play equal 240 for card values plus 10 for last trick. The suit led must be followed. If a player has no cards in that suit, he must play trump. Highest card in suit or highest trump wins the trick. The first of identical cards wins. |
Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) and Rev. H. H. Milton |
Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire: Vol 1 of 6 volumes ~
1870 ~ Harper Bros.
Contains a wealth of inscriptions, notes and underlining by ERB.Finished reading on Sept. 6, 1915. Thoroughly read and researched. Underlined names: TRAJAN, HADRIAN... Many sections on peaceful benevolent rulers of the Roman Empire during its most suscessful periods in history.
![]() Due to his poor health Gibbon had almost no formal schooling. Following his mother's death in 1747 his father chose to live a retired life in Hampshire leaving young Edward Gibbon to the care of an aunt and grandfather in Putney. In this household Gibbon had a free access to his grandfather's library where, with his aunt's encouragement, he became an avid reader - an initial "indiscriminate appetite subsided by degrees in the historic line." His health continued to prevent his being consistently educated in any formal educational establishment obliging the family to arrange for private tutoring until, at age 15, his health suddenly improved and his father was thus able to enter him into Magdalen College at the University of Oxford. Given his unconventional early life Gibbon traveled to Oxford at this time "with a stock of erudition which might have puzzled a doctor, and a degree of ignorance of which a schoolboy might have been ashamed." Gibbon came to hate Oxford, he did not like his tutors and they did not like him - he was afterwards to write of the fourteen months he spent there as being "the most idle and unprofitable of my whole life." Whilst at Oxford Gibbon incurred his father's displeasure in June 1753 by adopting Roman Catholicism, (such conversion also automatically disbarred him from further attendance at Oxford University!), with the result that Gibbon was sent to Lausanne where he was to stay in the home of a Calvinist minister. Gibbon senior intended that, through this arrangement, his son would come to abjure his recent conversion in faith. Gibbon spent some five years in Switzerland, becoming thoroughly fluent in the French language to the extent that it displaced English as the language in which he thought. His father's intention that Gibbon be reconciled to Protestantism was fulfilled by Christmas of 1754. During these years Gibbon studied Greek, Latin, Logic, and Mathematics; he met Voltaire in 1757 and in that same year fell in love with Suzanne Curchot, a daughter of a materially poor minister of religion. His father, however, objected to the match and Gibbon wrote "Without his consent I was destitute and helpless. I sighed as a lover, I obeyed as a son." (Suzanne Curchot subsequently married a man named Jacques Necker who later became a prominent banker and rose to be chief minister in the French state. A daughter of this marriage was later, as Madame de Stäel, prominent in European Belles Lettres and politics). Following this return to England Gibbon was introduced to a literary circle supported by Lady Hervey and, in 1761, published an essay entitled Essai sur l'étude de la littérature that he had begun in Lausanne in 1758. His father had encouraged this publication hoping that it would bring Gibbon to public notice but it seemed to have more impact in continental circles than in England - it was not translated into English until 1764 when it appeared as an "Essay on the Study of Literature." From 1759 to 1762 Gibbon held a commission in the
Hampshire militia, reaching the rank of colonel. By this time Gibbon had
determined to devote his life to scholarship and writing. He returned to
the continent spending some time in Paris in the circle of d'Alembert and
Diderot, then spent about a year in the Lausanne area before traveling
to Rome in April of 1764.
Although the idea for what eventually became Gibbon's
celebrated History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire had thus
occurred to him in October 1764 it was to be several years in gestation.
Gibbon returned to England in June 1765 and between other claims on his
time, including some alternative literary projects, had not progressed
his eventual masterwork much beyond the planning and initial research stages
in 1770 when difficult circumstances associated with his father's death
precipitated further causes of delay.
In 1774 Gibbon was invited to join Dr Johnson's Club where he associated with many of the leading figures of London's literary scene. Johnson's friend and biographer, Boswell, has descibed Gibbon as "an ugly, affected, disgusting fellow" that being said Gibbon did have a reputation for not caring overmuch about cleanliness. The first volume of Decline and Fall was published in February 1776 and met with a prompt and considerable acclaim. Sales were such that this volume actually went into three editions. Some serious controversy arose from objections to Gibbon's rather cynical and ironical treatment of the early growth of Christianity in its pages. Gibbon was himself something of a Deist rather
than a traditional Christian and, from an historian's perspective, believed
that religious dissentions had greatly tended to weaken the Empire. The
following sentiments about the Christian religion's effect on the Roman
Empire appear after something of an eulogisation of Roman statesmen and
Roman ethics in earlier days when it had been, in Christian eyes, a pagan
Two further volumes of the Decline and Fall, which bring to an end the period of the Western Empire (to about AD 480) appeared in April 1781 and these also sold well. Gibbon summed up the Fall of the Roman Empire in the west as "the triumph of barbarism and religion!!!" From 1774 Gibbon was a notably inactive (he did not speak even once) member of Parliament and also held other official duties and posts until Gibbon lost a remunerative post at the Board of Trade in events that were associated with the fall of Lord North's ministry. Gibbon, having also lost his seat, retired from politics and thereafter considered that, by sitting in Parliament, he had benefitted from "a school of civil prudence, the first and most essential virtue of an historian." In 1783 Gibbon sold up his possessions, with the exception of his library, and journeyed to take up residence in Lausanne where he lived in a substantial house with a charming garden and a wonderful view belonging to his close friend George Deyverdun. It was in this setting that Gibbon worked upon further volumes of Decline and Fall such that the last three volumes, treating with the final thousand or so years of the empire in the East, were completed by late June of 1787. Gibbon wrote of the day of this completion "I will not dissemble the first emotions of joy on the recovery of my freedom, and, perhaps, the establishment of my fame. But my pride was soon humbled, and a sober melancholy was spread over my mind by the idea that I had taken an everlasting leave of an old and agreeable companion, and that whatsoever might be the future fate of my history, the life of the historian must be short and precarious." For Gibbon it had always been reading and study that :- "supplied each day, each hour, with a perpetual source of independent and rational pleasure," Although these last three volumes volumes were not all completed as late as June of 1787, (volume four had been actually completed in 1784 and volume five in 1786) it was not until later in 1787, after Gibbon traveled to England with them in manuscript form, that arrangements were made for their publication. This took place in April 1788 and these last volumes enjoyed a success similar to that enjoyed by the earlier volumes. Gibbon returned to Lausanne, where he was greatly
affected in July 1789 by the death of George Deyverdun - it transpired
that Gibbon was a beneficiary of Deyverdun's will to the effect that Gibbon
was enabled to continue to reside in Deyverdun's house in Lausanne.
In 1789 Gibbon wrote his Memoirs of My Life and Writings. He returned to
England in 1793 suffering from several medical complaints and was advised
to undergo a number of operations later that same year - it happened that
Gibbon's health continued to fail with the result that he died in January
1794. Gibbon's Memoirs of My Life and Writings and also his
Miscellaneous Works were published in 1796
George Gibbs |
Mad Marriage ~ 1925 ~ Appleton
Film 1925: The House of Mohun The Splendid Outcast ~ 1920 ~ Appleton ~ Illustrated by George Gibbs ~ 1919 Red Book Corporation ~ 353 pages The Yellow Dove ~ 1915 ~ G&D ~ Illustrated by the Author ![]() ![]() |
![]() Cream of Wheat ad painted by George Gibbs in 1920 |
Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs
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