First and Only Weekly Webzine Devoted to the Life and Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Since 1996 ~ 10,000 Web Pages in Archive
Over 1,200 Volumes
Collected From 1875 Through 1950
The surviving editions are held in trust in the archive of grandson Danton Burroughs
Collated and Researched by Bill Hillman
Shelf: I1
INGERSOLL: Philosophy of Ingersoll: To Plow Is To Pray, To Plant Is To Prophesy, And The Harvest Answers And Fulfils (collected, edited and arranged by Vere Goldthwaite) ~ 1906 ~ Paul Elder & Co. 117 pages
INGERSOLL, Col R G ~ Wit Wisdom and Eloquence,  , 1888 Chicago Rhodes (Roads?) McClure ~ C6, Ed's Book plate
INGERSOLL, R. G. Wit, Wisdom, and Eloquence of Col. R. G. Ingersoll. Chicago: Rhodes & McClure Publishing Company, 1888.
INGERSOLL: Wit, Wisdom & Eloquence
IRVING, Washinton   Pride of the Village
IRWIN, Wallace   Lew Tyler's Wives
IRWIN, Walter E.   Sarah of the Sahara
Robert Green Ingersoll, Colonel, United States Army 1833 - 1899
Philosophy of Ingersoll: To Plow Is To Pray, To Plant Is To Prophesy, And The Harvest Answers And Fulfils (collected, edited and arranged by Vere Goldthwaite) ~ 1906 ~ Paul Elder & Co. 117 pages ~ decorated pages: 
This is a compendium of the many subjects that Robert G(reen). Ingersoll, the 19th Century electrifying orator and statesman,  commented upon. Ingersoll, the foremost orator and political speechmaker of late 19th century America, was perhaps the best-known American of the post-Civil War era. No human being had been seen and heard by more Americans - or would be until the advent of motion pictures, radio, and television. It was his private speaking career that made him famous. Tour after tour, he crisscrossed the country and spoke before packed houses on topics ranging from Shakespeare to Reconstruction, from science to religion. In an age when oratory was the dominant form of public entertainment, Ingersoll was the unchallenged king of American orators. He was the friend of Presidents, literary giants like Mark Twain, captains of industry like Andrew Carnegie, and leading figures in the arts. He bitterly opposed the Religious Right of his day and was an early popularizer of Charles Darwin and a tireless advocate of science and reason. More, he argued for the rights of women and African-Americans. 
Wit, Wisdom and Eloquence ~ 1888 Chicago Rhodes (Roads?) McClure
C6, Ed's Book plate

Later Paperback Edition Prometheus Books 1986
Some Mistakes of Moses
The Complete Works

Hear Ingersoll speak from the past at the Ingersoll Home Page and Museum Site
Creed 1882: While I am opposed to all orthodox creeds, I have a creed myself; and my creed is this. Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy to be here. The way to be happy is to make others so. This creed is somewhat short, but it is long enough for this life, strong enough for this world. If there is another world, when we get there we can make another creed. But this creed certainly will do for this life.

Liberty 1895: O Liberty, thou art the god of my idolatry! In thy vast and unwalled temple, beneath the roofless dome, gemmed with stars, luminous with suns, thy worshipers stand erect! They do not cringe, or ????, or kneel, or crawl. The dust has never held the impress of their lips. Thou askest naught from man except the things that good men hate — the whip, the chain, the dungeon key. Thou hast no popes, no priests, who stand between their fellow men and thee. At thy sacred altar virtue does not tremble, hypocrisy does not crouch, superstition’s feeble tapers do not burn, but Reason holds aloft the inextinguishable torch whose holy light at last will one day flood this world. ~ From "Myth and Miracle," 1895

Hope 1895: The prejudiced priest and the malicious minister say that I am trying to take away the hope of a future life. I am not trying to destroy another world, but I am endeavoring to prevent the theologians from destroying this.The hope of another life was in the heart, long before the "sacred books" were written, and will remain there long after all the "sacred books" are known to be the work of savage and superstitious men. Hope is the consolation of the world.The wanderers hope for home. — Hope builds the house and plants the flowers and fills the air with song. The sick and suffering hope for health. — Hope gives them health and paints the roses in their cheeks. The lonely, the forsaken, hope for love. — Hope brings the lover to their arms. They feel the kisses on their eager lips. The poor in tenements and huts, in spite of rags and hunger, hope for wealth. — Hope fills their thin and trembling hands with gold. The dying hopes that death is but another birth, and Love leans above the pallid face and whispers, "We shall meet again." Hope is the consolation of the world. Let us hope, if there be a God, that he is wise and good. Let us hope that if there be another life that it will bring peace and joy to all the children of men. And let us hope that this poor earth on which we live, may be a perfect world — a world without a crime — without a tear.
From "The Foundations of Faith," 1895

Robert Green Ingersoll "Council for Secular Humanism" was born at Dresden, New York, on August 11, 1833 and died on July 21, 1899. He was an American orator known as the Great Agnostic. Being self- educated, he was admitted to the Illinois bar in 1854. After serving in the Union army during the Civil War, he was Attorney General of Illinois (1867-69) and became a vigorous campaigner for Republican candidates. His most famous political address was the speech in which he nominated James G. Blaine, whom he called a "plumed knight," for President. At the 1876 Republican convention, Ingersoll's own political ambitions were thwarted by public disapproval of his attacks on religion, which he delivered from lecterns all over the country. Ingersoll symbolized the intellectual ferment that buffeted orthodox religion in late 19th-century America. His writings were published in 12 volumes in 1902. He began study of law when he was 18 years old, and three years later was admitted to the bar. His gift of oratory soon made him a distinguished man, both in the courts and in Democratic politics. In 1857 moved from Shawneetown, Illinois, to Peoria and in 1860 was an unsuccessful candidate for Congress. In 1862, he organized the 11th Illinois Regiemnt and went to the front as its Colonel. He spent most of military career in raiding and scouting. On November 28, 1862, while endeavoring to intercept a Confederate raiding party with 600 men, he was attacked by force of 10,000 and captured. He was almost immediately paroled and placed in command of camp at St Louis. After a few months in this capacity, fearing that would not be returned to active service, he resigned his commission. Returning home, he became a strong Republican and in 1866 was appointed Attorney General of Illinois. At the 1876 at Republican National Convention, he nominated James G. Blaine for Presidency in speech which contained following memorable sentence: "Like an armed warrior, like a plumed knight, James G. Blaine marched down the halls of the American Congress and threw his shining lances full and fair against the brazen forehead of every defamer of his country and malinger of its honor." He was conspicuously active in the Presidential campaigns of 1876 and 1880, and had it not been for pronounced agnostic views would have been honored with high official preferment. In 1882 he settled in New York City and engaged in practice of law until his death, July 21, 1899. He was a man of rare personal attractions: an orator of exceptional brilliancy. His generosity was unbounded. Among his lectures, which gained him wide popularity, most characteristic were: Some Mistakes of Moses; The Family; The Liberty of Man, Woman and Child; The Gods and Ghosts. His publications included: Lectures Complete; and Great Speeches. He spent his childhood in Wisconsin and, after 1843 in Illinois. Defeated as a Democratic candidate for Congress, 1860; Colonel, 11th Illinois Cavalry, 1862. Joined the Republican party, 1864. Appointed Attorney General of Illinois, 1866; attained national fame as orator in a nominating speech for James G. Blaine at National Republican Convention, 1876; refused the post of minister to Germany, 1877; defended the Star Route defendants, securing their acquittal, 1883; practiced law; lectured and wrote again the Christian religion. Author: The Gods; Ghosts; Some Mistakes of Moses; Complete Lectures; Prose, Poems, etc. Address: New York City. Orator, agnostic philosopher and writer. Became one of best known men of his time by criticizing religion and a policy of both civil and sexual rights; served in Civil War as a cavalry Colonel and was captured near Corinth, Mississippi; became a staunch Republican after war but never appointed to any high office because of politicians fear of his unorthodox views on life; he defended Susan B. Anthony at a rally in Peoria, Illinois. He died at: Dobbs Ferry, New York, July 21, 1899.  His public writings filled 12 volumes.
Robert Ingersoll sold out auditoriums throughout the last quarter of the 19th century, in what became known as "the golden age of freethought." "Freethought" included atheism, agnosticism, and some left-wing political -isms as well, and had the backing of publications such as the Boston Investigator, the (New York) Truth Seeker, the (Kentucky) Blue Grass Blade, and the (Texas) Iconoclast. Ingersoll, a colonel in the Civil War and the attorney general of Illinois until he became the golden mouth of atheistic rhetoric, was blunt at times but generally a cheerful warrior who preferred beckoning to ranting. "I am simply in favor of intellectual hospitality," he declared as he traded ideas with listeners. 

Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll:. The orator himself has passed away, but the words that woke America from sleep and stupor ring out as liberty bells for all mankind! The Age of Enlightenment dawned upon the world in that hour when Robert Ingersoll first delivered his lecture on The Gods. In that hour the darkness of medieval madness and hypocrisy and witchcraft and superstition began to give way. The armies of the Terrible Unseen commenced to melt away into mist. The phantoms and weird horrors which had haunted the imaginations of men faded in the sunshine and sanity of an Emancipator who was the personal friend of Lincoln and did as much for enslaved minds as Lincoln had done for enslaved bodies! Were these books of Ingersoll's go there will be tranquillity in the spirits of men. He brings peace to troubled minds, courage to frightened hearts. With infinite gaiety and good-humor he builds up the strong fortress of Reason to defend men against the whirlwinds of Superstition. His speeches and writings were originally collected and prepared for publication by his kinsman, C.P. Farrell. At a time when the hosts of the dealers in hob-goblins still made a great shouting against Ingersoll, this man had the courage to be his first "publisher". All honor to him! Now Mr. Farrell too has passed away, and the legacy which Ingersoll left to mankind, his thoughts and writings, impose a duty on his family and friends. To perpetuate his influence and insure to his fellow-countrymen the easiest and readiest access to his books, the Ingersoll League has been founded. The League feels it is its duty to make Mr. Ingersoll's victorious point of view available to all who need and crave it. There never was a time when his type of thinking was more needed than to-day! And by preparing this official edition the Ingersoll League hopes to deserve the praise and thanks of all who wish mankind well!
Preface to the Complete Works of Robert Green Ingersoll
Washington Irving ~ April 3, 1783 - November 28, 1859
Pride of the Village ~ The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon ~ written in 1819-20
Online eText Edition:
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Tales, Or, The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent 
Short-story collection by Washington Irving, first published in 1819-20 in seven separate parts. Most of the book's 30-odd pieces concern Irving's impressions of England, but six chapters deal with American subjects. Of these, the tales THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW and RIP VAN WINKLE have been called the first American short stories, although both are actually Americanized versions of German folktales. In addition to the stories based on folklore, the collection contains travel sketches, literary essays, and miscellany. The Sketch Book was the first American work to gain international literary success and popularity. Its unprecedented success allowed Irving to devote himself to a career as a professional author. 

Irving writes in the Sketchbook: 'TRAITS OF INDIAN CHARACTER' (1819)
"THERE is something in the character and habits of the North American savage, taken in connection with the scenery over which he is accustomed to range, its vast lakes, boundless forests, majestic rivers, and trackless plains, that is, to my mind, wonderfully striking and sublime. He is formed for the wilderness, as the Arab is for the desert. His nature is stern, simple, and enduring, fitted to grapple with difficulties and to support privations," 
Online eText Edition:
Alternate eText
The Adventures of Captain Bonneville 
Online eText Edition:

Washington Irving was born in New York City (near present-day Wall  Street) at the end of the Revolutionary War on April 3, 1783.  His parents, Scottish-English immigrants, were great admirers of General George Washington, and named their son after their hero. Irving had many interests including writing, architecture and landscape design, traveling, and diplomacy. He is best known, however, as the first American to make a living solely from writing. Initially, he wrote under pen names;  one was "Diedrich Knickerbocker." In 1809, using this pen name, Irving wrote A History of New-York that describes and pokes fun at the lives of the early Dutch settlers of  Manhattan. Eventually, this pen name came to mean a person from New York, and is where the basketball team The New York Knickerbockers (Knicks) got its name. Irving enjoyed visiting different places and a large part of his life was spent  in Europe, particularly England, France, Germany, and Spain.  He often wrote about the places he visited. For example,  Bracebridge Hall (1822) is a view of life in England, and The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (1828), is about the Italian explorer who sailed under the Spanish flag. However, in spite of his foreign travels, Irving's imagination frequently drew upon his childhood memories of New York State.  These memories are reflected in letters that he wrote to family and friends from Europe, as well as in the stories from his most famous work, The Sketch-Book. Published in 1819 under  another pen name, "Geoffrey Crayon, Gent," The Sketch-Book  includes the short stories The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and  Rip  Van Winkle.  The fictional Sleepy Hollow is actually the lower Hudson Valley area near Tarrytown, N.Y., and Rip Van Winklesleeps through the entire Revolutionary War in the Catskill mountains of  upstate New York. By the late 1820s, Irving had gained a reputation throughout Europe and America as a great writer and thinker. Because of his  popularity, Irving received many important honors.  This Spanish  were so pleased with Irving's writing that in 1828, they elected him to the Real Academia de la Historia.  In 1830, Irving received  a gold medal in history from the Royal Society of Literature in  London, and also received honorary degrees from Oxford, Columbia, and  Harvard.  Trained as a lawyer, Irving was active in the field of diplomacy. In 1842, American President Tyler appointed him Minister to Spain - a position we would now call ambassador. This meant he traveled throughout Europe as a diplomatic representative of the United States.Feeling a desire to be among fellow Americans and his family, in1832 Irving returned from Europe to New York where he established his home Sunnyside in Tarrytown.  Irving never married or had children.  Rather, for the next twenty-five years he shared Sunnyside with his brother Ebenezer and Ebenezer's five daughters. During this period, when Irving traveled or was sent on a diplomatic mission, he always had a home and family to which to return. Sunnyside was visited By many artists, politicians, writers, and other influential people.  Irving's home was publicized throughout the world in lithographs, magazines, and tourists maps. Images of Sunnyside could even be found on cigar boxes, sheet music, and ceramic pitchers.On November 28, 1859, on the eve of the Civil War, Washington Irving died at Sunnyside surrounded by his family. He was buried in the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery at the Old Dutch Church in Sleepy Hollow, N.Y.
Wallace Irwin  1876 - 1959
Lew Tyler's Wives


Lew Tyler and the Ladies: 1928 ~  Doubleday, Doran
A 1926 film with Frank Mayo and Hedda Hopper
Broadway Plays:
The Pride of Race from a story by Wallace Irwin Jan 11, 1916
The Dove of Peace [Original, Musical, Opera] Libretto by Wallace Irwin Nov 4, 1912 - Nov 16, 1912
Fluffy Ruffles [Original, Musical] Lyrics by Wallace Irwin Sep 7, 1908
Funabashi [Original, Musical] Lyrics by Wallace Irwin Jan 6, 1908 -
A Yankee Tourist [Original, Musical]
Love Sonnets of a Car Conductor
Love Sonnets of a Hoodlum
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Jr.

Wallace Irwin: American editor and writer of sketches, stories and verse (1876 - 1959)

Walter E. Irwin
Sarah of the Sahara



The Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzine: Official Monthly Webzine of ERB, Inc.
John Coleman Burroughs Tribute Site
Danton Burroughs Website: Tarzana Treasure Vaults
Burroughs Bibliophiles
ERBzine Weekly Webzine

Bill Hillman

 ERB Text, ERB Images and Tarzan® are ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.- All Rights Reserved.
All Original Work ©1996-2008 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing Authors/Owners
No part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective owners.