I do not think that I am ever overconfident. I am merely wholly confident, and I maintain that there is all the difference in the world there.-- ERB / Llana of Gathol
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The Ape-Man his Kith and Kin
A collection of texts which prepared the advent of
Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Collated by Georges Dodds Ph.D. ~ McGill University ~ Canada

ERBzine kicks off the New Year with our biggest issue yet!
100 Web Pages
Many thousands of print-out pages
Over 70 Rare Texts in Downloadable Format
Hundreds of 19th Century Line-Art Illustrations
Documentation Notes
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Countless Hours in Preparation
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"Feral children, also known as wild children or wolf children, are children who've grown up with minimal human contact, or even none at all. They may have been raised by animals (often wolves) or somehow survived on their own. In some cases, children are confined and denied normal social interaction with other people." ~ Feral Children Site

Occasionally throughout our history, civilized society has come across a "wild child" who has grown up in  isolation with virtually no human contact. Many researchers believe that we're born with the principles of language, but if a first language isn't acquired by puberty it may be too late -- we just don't have the neurological development. It also appears that there's a particular period in the life of humans when they're ripe for learning languages. Studies of feral children who have had little contact with humans during the critical ages of one through four years show that they've had tremendous difficulty mastering language and reintegrating with humans.

Languages are complex and dynamic -- constantly evolving according to the needs of societies. To some degree humans appear to have the innate ability to form languages and many feral children learn to mimic animal sounds: barking, growling, whining, howling, bird sounds, etc., But research suggests that it takes the interaction with other humans to develop a form of communication with any degree of complexity. We are the result of complex interactions between the environment and our genes.

Many of the "wild children" raised in isolation are found to be quite uncivilized and barely able to walk or talk. They are unable to empathize with of the needs and desires of other humans -- they don't even identify themselves as human. The concepts of morals, property and possessions are alien to them. Many of them prove to be surly, uncooperative and self-centred individuals -- a far cry from the Noble Savage notion put forth by Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

A study of feral children suggests that our upbringing is entirely responsible for endowing us with language, the ability to think and other traits. What happens in early childhood thus has a profound impact on the neurological development of the brain:

"Studies of childhood abuse and neglect have important lessons for considerations of nature and nurture. While each child has unique genetic potentials, both human and animal studies point to important needs that every child has, and severe long-term consequences for brain function if those needs are not met. The effects of the childhood environment, favorable or unfavorable, interact with all the processes of neurodevelopment."
~ Dr Bruce D Perry, Childhood Experience and the Expression of Genetic Potential

"The importance of early intervention and attention to the chronicity of environmental adversity may indicate the need for permanent alternative caregivers, in order to preserve the development of the most vulnerable children. . . . Child abuse and neglect are (wo)man-made phenomena which adversely affect a child's development and sometimes survival, and which should, at least in theory, be preventable."
~ Danya Glaser, Child Abuse and Neglect and the Brain

Obviously research studies in this field are of major importance to educators to whom a knowledge of language, moral, and overall neurological development of students of all ages is of vital concern when designing educational programs and instructional techniques. The Internet is an ideal forum for the collation of related articles and research on this subject. Until now there has never been an attempt made to scan the rare early writings on the subject of feral children, so as to present them to researchers at one location for open access study.

The most famous feral child in fiction is probably Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan. The character was introduced in Burroughs' 1912 novel, Tarzan of the Apes, and soon became a cultural icon. John "Tarzan" Clayton, the young orphan of Lord and Lady Greystoke, was raised by an advanced "missing link" tribe of anthropoids in the African jungles. He learned their rudimentary language as a young child and later taught himself to read from his dead parents' collection of primers and other children picture books -- an interesting case study. Using this fictional character as a rallying point I have worked with Dr. Georges Dodds of McGill University to present and document almost 100 feral-related works that inspired this literary phenomenon. We believe that the discovery and perusal of these many thousands of pages and illustrations will serve as an impetus for further research in the field.

~ William G. Hillman ~ Assistant Professor ~ Brandon University ~ Brandon, MB  Canada

Marie Angélique Memmie LeBlanc  .Kamala  .Gazelle Boy - possibly a phoney

Go directly to the Cover Page

Go directly to the texts chart

1800: 1701-1800 Contents Chrono 1801: 1801-1900 Contents by Theme 1802 Dodds' Advent Project Intro 1803 Apeman Kith & Kin
1804 ERB: Tarzan of the Apes 1805 AJ Ogilvy: Ape-Man 1806 Roland: Almost a Man 1807 Ducray-Duminil: 2 Children
1808 Anonymous: Autonous History 1809 Leroux: Balaoo | 2 | 3 1810 Sargent: Beyond Banyans 1811 Purchas: Battell in Angola
1812 Berthet: Wild Man | 2 | 3 | 4 | 1813 Buel: Dark Continent | 2 | 1814 Rickett: Caliban Quickening 1815 Lounsberry: Golden Crater
1816 Gracian: The Critick 1817 Court: Kingdom of Apes 1818 Gomez: Historia de Dulcarnain 1819 Roland: Missing Link
1820 Hyne: New Eden 1821 Eldridge: Monkey Man 1822 Beaulieu: French Cabin Boy 1823 Anon: Monkey-Land Mems
1824 Ballantine: Gorilla Hunters  | 2 | 1825 Anon: Gorilla Origin of Man 1826 Gozlan: Monkey Island 1827 Granucci: Bella Favola
1828 Haggard: Allan's Wife 1829 d'Hampol: Missing Link 1830 Hauff: Young Englishman 1831 Dodillon: Hemo
1832 Longueville: The Hermit 1833 Constable: Intellect Curse 1834 Favenc: Jinkarras Haunt 1835 Gabriel: Jocko Brazil Monkey
1836 Graydon: Jungle Boy 1837 Kipling: Jungle Book | a | 1838 Kipling: Second Jungle Book 1839 Kirkby: AutoMathes History
1840 Stacpoole: Blue Lagoon | 2 | 1841 Davidson: Lavender Mission 1842 LeRoy: Levrai Adventure 1843 Anon: Chevalier Dreams
1844 Sheridan: Young Marooner | 2 | 1845 Marryat: Little Savage 1846 Standish: Gorilla Land Link 1847 JF Cooper: Monikins | 2 |
1848 Moustache: Old Man & Ape 1849 Fogerty: Mr. Jocko | 2 | 3 | 1850 Nye: Monkey Language Exp.
Georges Dodds Index
1851 Mallock: Positivism On Island 1852 Griffiths: Peters 1853 Pougens/Dodds: Jocko 1854 Robertson: Primordial Laws
1855 Plutarch: Romulus 1856 Anon: Surprising Adventures 1857 Mighels: Crystal Scepter 1858: Alden: Darwinian Schooner
1859: Brookfield: Simiocracy 1860 Robinson: Soko Hunting 1861 Smile: Soong Sumatra 1862 Muddock: Sunless City  | 2 |
1863 Cole: Humans with Tails 1864 Lermina: Goldslayer | 2 | 3 | 1865 Morgan: Missing Link | 2 | 1866 Seriman: Incognite Australi
1867 Graydon: Africa White King | 2 | 1868 Tufail: Hayy Ibn Yaqzân 1869 Lugones/Dodds: Yzur 1870 Curwen: Zit & Xoe
1871 Lemon: Gorilla 1872 Period Reviews 1873 Postl: Mexico Nights
Sample Art From
Heroes of the Dark Continent by J. W. Buel
Found at ERBzine 1813 and ERBzine 1813a

Just Released: New Tarzan Boxed DVD Set: Weissmuller RKO Years
Danton Burroughs introduces a video tour of Tarzana
FEATURE 10 Updates
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ERB Swag Shop
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Tarzan Triumphant Board Game by Michael Tierney
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New George McWhorter Book: Isak Dinesen
Darrell Richardson: Old Tiger Releases: St. John
 ERBzine Dum-Dum Dossier
ERB Web Refs ~ Hundreds of Links

(if you missed it go to Archive)


Post-Modern Barsoom by Den Valdron
  Danton Burroughs/Tarzana Archive: Tarzan/Tarzan and the Return of Dagga Ramba: Russ Manning September 1968
Spy: Arrival On Mars by Rick Johnson
 ERB's Tarzan Triumphant Part 3 of 6 Parts: Two Peas and the Pod: An Analysis by R.E. Prindle
Feature interviews about ERB: Danton Burroughs & Bill Hillman
Bison Press Release Updates
From the Danton Burroughs Archive: TARZAN'S FATHER
Three ERB Tarzan Puzzles:Crossword ~ Word Puzzle ~ Word Search
ERBzine Silver Screen Presents Tarzan and the Mermaids
Den Valdron's Exploring ERB Series Archive: Eurobus Deconstructed
Archive: Only Yesterday - Exit '20s - An Analysis by R.E. Prindle


Three Awards
March 9, 2005
July 11, 2002
January 12, 2005

Lifetime Achievement Award
Louisville Dum-Dum 2003

Bill & Sue-On Hillman
Entertainers of the Year Award
For stage/TV/recording performances
in USA, England and Canada
Danton Burroughs Tarzana Archive: Tarzan and the Return of Dagga Ramba by  Russ Manning Sunday Pages October 1968
Themes And Variations: The Tarzan of Edgar Rice Burroughs: Tarzan Triumphant Pt. 4
David Burton Artist Journal - Part 15
More Fan Fiction and Updates
Archive: R.E. Prindle: More ERB Authors
Archive: Den Valdron's Exploring Barsoom Series: Eurobus Revisited

Callisto Fiction
Radio Memorabilia
Russ Manning Sunday Pages
News Clippings from Dale Broadhurst & Ron de Laat
ERB/Press Connection: Chicago Tribune Articles
ERB/Press Connection: ERB in the LA Times
Hal Foster: Mysterious Maiden II Comics Summary
Motes & Quotes Newzine
Articles by R.E. Prindle
Articles by Den Valdron
Profile Tribute on Stan Vinson
A Princess of Mars: A Graphic Novel Adapted and Illustrated by James Spratt
ERB Letters

Broadway 2006
Tarzan: The Broadway Musical
Purchase tickets for
Disney's Tarzan: The Broadway Musical
Tarzan Tickets at GoTickets.com
Tarzan Tickets and Broadway Tickets
ERB Books and Collectibles
ERB Books and Collectibles

For everyone interested in the life & writings of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Members receive four quarterly issues of the BURROUGHS BULLETIN and
12 monthly issues of the newsletter, THE GRIDLEY WAVE.
Send annual membership dues: $35 (domestic) and $45 (international) to
George T. McWhorter, Curator, The Burroughs Memorial Collection
University of Louisville Library, University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky 40292 ~ (502) 852-8729.
The Complete Burroughs Bulletin Index is now on the Web
Burroughs Biblio-Pro-Philes
A series of online illustrated
biographies showcasing
ERB collectors extraordinaire: 
Vernell Coriell
George T. McWhorter
Clarence B. (Bob) Hyde
Darrell C. Richardson
John Coleman Burroughs
Jane Ralston Burroughs
and many more...

Our FanFare section is always open as a showcase for ERB fan comments and creative work...
Send your submissions to Bill Hillman

Tarzan® is the property of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., Tarzana CA

These e-Fanzines have been posted as a non-profit bibliographic and biographic reference for ERB scholars,  fans and collectors. Material not created by myself  has been collated largely  from other sites on the web -- and I believe it to be in Public Domain or to fall under the category of "product promotion" or "fair use". Everything has been collated into this on-line repository to promote interest in the works of Mr. Burroughs. If there is any objection to the way in which any of this material has been displayed, or if I have infringed unlawfully on any copyright, I will implement its immediate removal. Bill Hillman

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