~ August 2-5, 2007 ~ Louisville, KY ~ |
Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute & Weekly Webzine Site Since 1996 ~ Over 5,000 Webzines and Webpages In Archive Master of Imaginative Fantasy Adventure Creator of Tarzan® and "Grandfather of American Science Fiction" A NEW EDITION EVERY FRIDAY July 13 - 19, 2007 Thousands of Back Issue Features in Archive: HERE |
LOWER LEVEL ARCHIVE Nos. 0000-1000 |
ARCHIVE STACKS Reference & Research Area |
Part 2 of a new series from Den Valdron's Fantastic Worlds of ERB GANYMEDE OR BUST II Pt 2: The Forgotten Sea of Mars http://www.erbzine.com/mag19/1931.html |
The ERB / Hickman Connection The Notorious Trial for which ERB wrote a series of newspaper columns for The Los Angeles Examiner in 1928 The third of a series of four ERBzine features http://www.erbzine.com/mag17/1769.html |
1893 Chicago Columbian Exposition Ed Burroughs' Remarkable Summer Souvenirs: Ed's Photo Album I White City Pavilions http://www.erbzine.com/mag12/1285sa.html |
JCB/Danton Burroughs/ERB, Inc. Tarzana Vaults presents ERB's Korak and the City of Xuja Apr. 09, 1972 - Sept. 17, 1972 ~ Strips: 2144-2167 http://www.erbzine.com/mag17/1790.html |
The Bob Hyde Tribute www.ERBzine.com/hyde |
Best of the ERB, Inc. Web publications for The Month of June http://www.tarzan.com/tarzine/mag0706.html Archive |
ERB Discusses Books & Collecting This issue features a rare find by Danton Burroughs. Among the Burroughs Archive he has retrieved correspondence between Edgar Rice Burroughs and Herbert Hungerford of "The American News Trade Journal." These letters lead up to an article by Mr. Burroughs in which he expresses his love of books and the collecting of books, as well as his views on book marketing. He also shares entertaining anecdotes about his early years as a bookstore owner in Pocatello, Idaho and as a door-to-door book salesman in Chicago and Oak Park. http://www.erbzine.com/mag11/1165.html |
Tarzan Artist Zdenek Burian Introduced to American ERB fans by Camille (Caz) Cazedessus back in the '60s. Much of the Burian Tarzan art is now showcased in the front office of ERB, Inc., Tarzana http://www.erbzine.com/mag8/0820.html http://www.erbzine.com/mag8/0821.html |
Danton at Poolside Today |
New photos added to The Farewell Tarzana Features http://www.erbzine.com/mag11/1161.html http://www.erbzine.com/mag11/1162.html |
Emma, Ed, Jack, John Shea |
www.ERBzine.com/news www.ERBzine.com/swag www.tarzan.com/emporium www.Tarzan.com/tarzine |
(if you missed it go to Archive) |
Three Awards Tarzan.com March 9, 2005 ERBzine: July 11, 2002 ERBzine.com/mag: January 12, 2005 |
Achievement Award
Bill & Sue-On Hillman Entertainers of the Year Award For stage/TV/recording performances in USA, England and Canada |
Rare memorabilia and memories
from the Hickman Family
Lost Words of ERB
Russ Manning Sunday Pages
ERB/Press Connection: Chicago Tribune
ERB/Press Connection: ERB in the
LA Times
Hal Foster: Mysterious Maiden II
Comics Summary
Motes & Quotes Newzine
Articles by R.E. Prindle
Articles by Den Valdron
A Princess of Mars: A Graphic Novel
Adapted and Illustrated by James Spratt
ERB Letters
Tarzan: The Broadway Musical |
Disney's Tarzan: The Broadway Musical Tarzan Tickets and Broadway Tickets |
THE BURROUGHS BIBLIOPHILES For everyone interested in the life & writings of Edgar Rice Burroughs Members receive four quarterly issues of the BURROUGHS BULLETIN and 12 monthly issues of the newsletter, THE GRIDLEY WAVE. Send annual membership dues: $35 (domestic) and $45 (international) to George T. McWhorter, Curator, The Burroughs Memorial Collection Editor & Publisher: THE BURROUGHS BULLETIN University of Louisville Library, University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky 40292 ~ (502) 852-8729. The Complete Burroughs Bulletin Index is now on the Web DUM-DUM DOSSIER |
A series of online illustrated biographies showcasing ERB collectors extraordinaire: Vernell Coriell George T. McWhorter Clarence B. (Bob) Hyde Darrell C. Richardson John Coleman Burroughs Jane Ralston Burroughs and many more... |
FanFare section is always open as a showcase for ERB fan comments and creative
your submissions to Bill Hillman
Tarzan® is the property
of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., Tarzana CA
Links to Over 5,000 of our ERB Features |
Weekly Online Fanzine |
Online Encyclopedia |