Bill Hillman's
ERBzine 0130

BarsoomSasoomVanah - LunaAmtor - Cosoom
The Many Worlds of
Edgar Rice Burroughs Signature
"The master of imaginative fantasy adventure...
...the creator of Tarzan and...
...the 'grandfather of science-fiction'"

The following events have been culled from our companion website:
ERB LifeLines: A Chronological Biography in Hypertext
Many of these events are illustrated in our companion pages: 
OB's Scrapbooks in ERBzine ~ ERBzine Archive - Illustrated Bibliography - etc.

June 22: Major George Burroughs is discharged from the Union Army - a veteran of the American Civil War

George takes in James M. Johnson, a Confederate negro acquaintance from the war. He is made practically one of the family.

September:  Ed reluctantly returns to the East and enrolls  in Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts.

January 20: The school newspaper reports that Ed has been named president of his class. Soon after, Principal Bancroft sends George Burroughs a request for the withdrawal of his son over poor marks.
* Major Burroughs immediately enrolls his son in Michigan Military Academy at Orchard Lake, 26 miles northwest of Detroit. (He would be here for five years)
April 13: Ed, confined to barracks, attempts to escape the Academy after climbing through a window but is apprehended and taken before Commandant Charles King.
April 14: Ed makes a successful escape and leaves for home.
April 15: Ed returns home. He complains of the harsh treatment he has received.
April 16: Major Burroughs receives a telegraph from the Academy Commandant: "Your son deserted Thursday letter will follow."
April 18: King sends a letter detailing Ed's offenses. Soon after Ed makes the decision to return to the Academy and take his punishment.
October 19: A letter to home suggests that he is lonely and misses his family but he has channeled his excess energies into football.
December 14: Superintendent Rogers reports that: "Cadet Burroughs has made excellent progress in his studies during the last three months and is satisfactory in discipline...."

Mounted Soldier ~ Tent Pegging

January 26: One of a series of Ed's letters concerning his various illnesses and dissatisfaction with the  school. "...I am terribly sick at my stomach today but my head and throat are better."
April 25: Ed sends a letter home describing school pranks followed by an appeal for money to buy a fiery cavalry horse -" Captain."
April 4-6: Columbian Saddle Horse Show at the Detroit Riding Club: Ed rides with the Orchard Lake Cadets' in exhibition drills with and without saddle and equipment. Ed and his horse, Captain, win second prize. The audience and newspapers are enthusiastic.
November 18: Played left halfback in a football game in which his Michigan Military Academy team defeated Ypsilanti 36-22. (Friend Bert Weston was right tackle).
December 11: Ed is reprimanded for participating in a hoax involving a Springfield rifle duel to the death with another student.
December 15: Ed sends a letter home describing "the duel" episode and his "first, last and only stage experience" as a bewhiskered actor in the not-so-successful, cadet touring stage play, "The End of His Tether"
December 20: The Academy reports Ed's continuing improvement in his studies: Average 89.4%.

January 30: Ed is a probable founder of the Cadet newspaper The Military Mirror.
April 12: Ed is demoted to Cadet and is confined to reduced limits until the 10th of June, for a "gross neglect of duty while Officer of the Day."
April 20: A homesick and discouraged Ed indignantly explains his side of the above offense in a letter to his father. He later climbs back up through the ranks until he is promoted to Captain.
May 10: Document from the War Department stating that the President has selected Ed to write a West Point entrance examination. Brothers George and Harry apparently had sought help from Congressman Wilson to bring this about.

June: Adjutant, the academy's monthly magazine reports that quarterback Ed Burroughs is placed on the Champion Prep School Team of the West, 1894.
June: Ed graduates from Michigan Military Academy and gives an address to the 1894 Graduating Class at Michigan Military Academy, Orchard Lake, Michigan
June 13: Ed is one of the 104 (out of the 118 candidates) who fail the West Point exam.
July 4: Ed is offered the position of assistant commandant at the Michigan Military Academy - an office which included the duties of cavalry and gatling gun instructor, tactical officer, Foot-Ball/Baseball manager and professor of geology. Knowledge picked up while teaching this course serves him well in his future stories about prehistoric men and monsters.
December: The Adjutant mentions again that Ed had made the championship team of the year. Ed Burroughs is listed as: "Captain-Quarterback, Height 5-10, Weight 165, Age 20 years, 4 mos."
Fall & Winter: Lieutenant E. R. Burroughs heads a group of 11 editors of The Adjutant

April or May: Resigned from his Academy position to enlist in the U.S. Army.
May 24: The new recruit arrives at Fort Grant, Arizona Territory to join Troop B, 7th U.S. Cavalry - the start of many adventures separated by long periods of  boredom. He had expected to spend most of his time chasing Apaches but much of his time is spent on guard duty and digging ditches. He passes much of his time sketching and soaking up knowledge about the geography and history of the area.
August: Ed, disillusioned with the life of an enlisted man at Fort Grant, starts sending letters imploring his father to help him buy his way out of the service.
September 1: Ed, on his 21st birthday at Duncan Arizona, receives a picture from Emma who is vacationing in Coldwater, Michigan.
December 2: Ed writes Colonel J. Sumner Rogers at MMA - possibly obtain help in getting a discharge or transfer, or to set up a return to the Academy, or perhaps just to offer an apology for his past behaviour.

March 19: Ed's father informs him via telegram that he has obtained a discharge through Secretary of War Alger. Ed's having lied about his age and a diagnosed weak heart were possible reasons for the discharge.

February 22: Ed writes his former MMA commandant, Captain Smith - now stationed at Fort Niobrara, Nebraska - to inquire about enlistment.
April 26: Seeking army employment, Ed writes Colonel Rogers for assistance.
May 19: Teddy Roosevelt sends Ed a letter rejecting his offer for enlistment in the Rough Riders who were preparing to drive the Spanish out of Cuba. It is rumoured that Ed received a commission in the Nicaraguan army but his family would not let him go.

March 25:  Ed wrote letters to the War Department and Congressman Wilson in which he tried to secure an appointment in the army. The replies were not encouraging.
July 16:  Ed, now in New York, writes Colonel Rogers again requesting help in obtaining a commission. He again meets with no success.

Winter: Ed writes to General King, now superintendent of St. John's Military Academy in Delafield, Wisconsin, requesting advice about obtaining a position as a cavalry instructor.
March: Ed requests and receives many letters of recommendation from previous contacts.
March 5: Another former commandant of MMA, Frederick F. Strong, sends Ed a glowing recommendation for the position of Cavalry Instructor and Tactical Officer.
March 12 & 17: Ed sends letter seeking a commission in the Chinese Army. No positions are available.Legend has it that around this time he was accepted in the Nicaraguan Army but his family vetoed it.

April 6: US declares war against Germany.
July 19: Ed receives an appointment in the reserves: Captain,  Company A, Second Infantry.
Fall: Ed submits three patriotic, 400-word articles to newspapers: "To the Mother," "To the Home Girl," and "To the Woman on the Town."
November 17-23: "The Little Door" is written (unpublished).

*  Ed produces a steady stream of patriotic articles and poems, including: "Do Boys Make Good Soldiers?""Patriotism by Proxy" and "Who's Who in Oak Park" (both published in Oak Leaves) - "Home Guarding for the Liberty Loan" (a speech) - "A National Reserve Army Proposed" - "Go to Pershing" - "Peace and the Militia," "Little  Ol' Buck Private" (poem), "For the Victory Loan" (poem).
April & May: Takes a business office at 1020 North Boulevard, Oak Park which he also uses to recruit men for the reserve militia.
May: Ed starts research for a Tarzan story based upon the campaign against the Germans in Africa.
June 14: "Home Guarding for the Liberty Loan" - a speech delivered at Flag Day exercises, Oak Park, June 14, 1918
August 12-25: Ed joins his company in training at Camp Steever, Geneva Lake, Illinois. He is later promoted to major and to the command of the First Battalion, Second Infantry of the Illinois Reserves.
August 31: "A National Reserve Army Proposal" appears in the Army-Navy Journal.
August-September: McClurg's Bulletin promotes the Tribe of Tarzan club by reporting the rules and purposes of the club. They also note that the Tribe is successfully selling Liberty Bonds and is working in the Red Cross Thrift Stamp Campaign.
September 14: ERB is promoted to Major in the Illinois Militia
September 17: Ed, at 42, is too old to enter active service and he complains to friend Bert Weston that militia work was "the only military activity which Emma will permit me to indulge in...."
September 28: The article, "Prominent, Popular Oak Park Man Honored", appears in The Oak Parker, Vol. 34, No. 25 - Oak Park, Illinois on the occasion of ERB's promotion to the rank of major in the Illinois Reserve Militia. He is assigned to the command of the First Battalion, Second Infantry.
September 28: An article about ERB: "Prominent, Popular Oak Park Man Honored" appears in The Oak Parker - Vol. 34, No. 25, Oak Park, Illinois.
November 16: "Peace and the Militia" is published.
* Ed starts plans for a move to California where he hopes to raise stock and live on a farm. The Linden Avenue residence is soon put up for sale.
December 4: Ed submits a plan to the Department of Justice in which he proposes to alert the public to the menace of communism by writing fiction showing what the world in the future would be like under Bolshevikism. The plan is rejected.
December 15: "The Little Door" is firmly rejected by Collier's and later by The People's Home Journal.
December 30: "Local Mystery" - a fictitious foreign correspondent's account of a visit to Paris - is printed in the Coldwater, Michigan, Daily Reporter. (Ed's sister-in-law Leila is editor). Sometime in this period Ed bought a country place in Coldwater. The area had been a Burroughs and Hulbert family vacation spot for years.

January 15: Feelings of guilt prompted by superpatriotism and disappointment in his own war performance lead Ed to resign from the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States.
April 30-May 21: "Under the Red Flag" is written. This anti-communism story receives a long series of magazine rejections. Most editors feel that fiction is not the proper place for propaganda.
September 10: "Tarzan and the Valley of Luna" is completed at Tarzana but rejected by Red Book. And Cosmopolitan. It appears later in All-Story in five weekly issues.

March 20 - April 17: "Tarzan and the Valley of Luna" is summarized in five parts in All-Story.
April 30: Tarzan the Untamed (The six Red Book short stories and the 5 All-Story "Tarzan and the Valley of Luna" episodes) is published by McClurg.
August: Hulbert and Jack enroll in the Page Military Academy - both withdraw after a short time..
August 14 - December 16: Tarzan the Terrible is written. Munsey's buys it for $3,000.

February 12 - March 27: Tarzan the Terrible is serialized in seven parts in Argosy All-Story  Weekly.
June 20: Tarzan the Terrible is published by McClurg,
August 23: German publisher Tauchnitz requests permission to publish Jungle Tales of Tarzan, instead of Tarzan the Terrible which has strong anti-German content.

August - September 29: Ed contemplates writing a series of articles based on the Central American exploits of the soldier-of-fortune, General Lee Christmas. He abandons the necessary research trip to Guatemala when he can not obtain a guaranteed sale of the project.

April 4: The article, "Out of Time's Abyss," appears in The Urbanite, the publication of the Urban Military Academy. Ed's two sons are attending the academy. The article is ERB's recollection of the famous "duel."

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