Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
(Continued from B1)
Bowen = Bent Oluf Wennerberg
Swedish artist, did covers for Scandinavian Tarzan comics
in the 60s/70s

35 Boyette, Patrick
Pat Boyette (Artist)
1923 - 14 January 2000 Fort Worth
Flash Gordon, Billy the Kid, Creepy, Vampirella and many more, also
Radio actor and television production. Korak for Western Europe
Brehm, George
George Brehm (Artist)
"H.R.H. the Rider": All-Story Weekly: cover art on the first

Hermanus "Herman" Brood
Hermanus "Herman" Brood (pronounced "Hairmon Broat") (November 5, 1946
- July 11, 2001) was a Dutch musician, painter and media personality. Initially
a musician who achieved artistic and commercial success in the 1970s and
1980s, and called "the Netherlands' greatest and only rock 'n' roll star,"
later in life he became a well-known painter.
Known for his hedonistic lifestyle of "sex, drugs and rock 'n roll,"
Brood was an Enfant terrible and a cultural figure whose suicide, apparently
caused by a failure to kick his drug and alcohol habit, only strengthened
his controversial status. His suicide, according to a poll organized to
celebrate fifty years of Dutch popular music, was the most significant
event in its history. More
at Wikipedia.
36 Brown, Reynold (1917 - 1991)
Reynold Brown (Artist)
Tarzan Movieposters (Tarzan and the Valley of Gold)
Married fellow artist Mary Louise Tejeda, whom he met at North American.
of Work:
Ads for Mobil Oil and during WW2, North American Aviation. Illustrated
Argosy, Popular Science, Saturday Evening Post, Boy's Life, Outdoor Life,
Popular Aviation, Flying Magazine, and paperback covers (Ox-Bow Incident,
Perry Mason). Took over the Tailspin Tommy comicstrip from Hal Foster and
Glenn Chaffin. Movie posters for How the West Was Won, Thunder Bay, The
Alamo, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, King of Kings, Man of a Thousand Faces, Shenandoah,
Mutiny on the Bounty, Ben Hur, Spartacus. Also posters for classic sci-fi
and horror: The Time Machine, Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Incredible
Shrinking Man, This Island Earth, and not-so-classic: Monster on Campus,
I Was a Teenage Werewolf, Attack of the 50' Woman, The Land Unknown, Burn
Witch Burn. In the case of drive-in flicks like Atomic Submarine, his quality
poster art put the movie to shame.
37 Bruck, H.J.
H.J. Bruck (Artist)
German Tarzan artist for Heyne Verlag
38 Buckler, Rich
Rich Buckler (Artist)
Tarzan comics for Marvel
39 Bulanadi, Danilo
Danny Bulanadi (Artist)
09 February 1946 Manila, Phillipines
High school
He created Tarzan comics for Europe in 1977
40 Burcham, Newton F.
Butch Burcham (Artist)
Tarzan, John Carter CDROM
Midwestern School of Lettering & Design
41 Buren, Dick van
Dick van Buren (Writer)
Writer Sunday and Daily strips 1950-1958 ~ Hired by United
Features Syndicate Writer ~ Burroughs Bulletin #25 1995
42 Burgess, Dave
Dave Burgess (Artist)
Disney's Tarzan: Porter

43 Burian, Zdenek
Zdenek Burian (Artist)
1903 Cz - 1983 (1905-1981)
Dinosaur images ~ Tarzan novel covers

44 Burroughs, Jane Ralston
Jane Burroughs (Model, Artist, Colorist, Letterer)
08 December 1913 - 12 January 2002
Model for John Carter Sunday Strip John Coleman Burroughs' wife ~ Backgrounds
and lettering for JCB's work
Ref: Bill Hillman
Jane Ralston Burroughs
Tribute Site from the Danton Burroughs Family Album

45 Burroughs, John Coleman
John Coleman Burroughs (Artist and Writer)
28 February 1913 Chicago- 22 February 1979
Venus, Pellucidar John Carter Sunday Strip, animated test film, Oakdale
Affair, Dell Funnies, David Innes of Pellucidar in Hi-Spot Comics, Amazing
Stories (Giant of Mars) ~ ERB's younger son
Phi Beta Kappa from Pomona College, Otis Art Institute
Ref: Bill Hillman
John Coleman Burroughs
Tribute Site from the Danton Burroughs Family Album: Bio, Galleries

46 Burroughs, Studley Oldham
Studley O. Burroughs (Artist)
Western novels ~ ERB book artist between St. John and John Coleman
Burroughs ~ ERB's nephew
Ref: Bill Hillman
ERBzine 0053: Studley
Oldham Burroughs

Burton, David
David Burton (Artist)
World of Barsoom Sketchbook

47 Buscema, Giovanni Natale
John Buscema (Artist)
11 December 1927 - New York City 2002
Marvel comics Tarzan comics for Marvel
High School of Music & Art (NY), Pratt Institute

48 Buscema, Sal
Sal Buscema (Artist)
Marvel comics

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Original Work ©1996-2004/2010/2020 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing
part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective