Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages and Webzines in Archive
89 Fairchild, W.C.
W.C. Fairchild ~ W.C. Fairchild (Artist)
"Barney Custer of Beatrice": All-Story Weekly: August
7, 14, 21, 1915 ~ Cover Art
90 Faivre, Henry
Henry Faivre (Artist)
Artist for Hachette

Farmer, Philip Jose
Philip Jose Farmer (Writer)
January 26, 1918 North Terre Haute, Indiana
A life-long ERB fan and acclaimed author who has written
many ERB-related books
0065: Philip Jose Farmer Links to Edgar Rice Burroughs
Ref: Bill Hillman

Feibush, Ray
Ray Feibush was a British artist born in Liverpool on
22nd January 1948. At a young age he moved to the U.S. with his parents
and attended Forest Hills High School in NY. Later, he moved back to England
and began painting LP record covers and later as a cover artist for Panther
books and NEL including Edgar Rice Burroughs Chessmen of Mars and Robert
Heinlein's Podkayne of Mars. He may have done the cover for the NEL edition
of Warlord of Mars but this has not been confirmed. He died in June 1998
aged just 50

91 Ferm, Anders
Anders Ferm (Artists)
Dutch Tarzan and Korak cover, Swedish student who did
the covers for one Tarzan and one Korak cover
92 Fielding, Derek
Derek Fielding (Writer)
European Tarzan comics, Series 22 #7
Fibiger, Milan
Milan Fibiger: M.A.(Artist, book illustrator, rock
Prague. Czechoslovakia
•1979-1983 SUP Praha (Publicity art)
•1984-1990 VUP (Illustration - profesor J. Salamoun)
•Artist of year 2002
•Artist of year 2003
•Artist of year 2007
Since 1995, he has regularly exhibited his work. He uses
classical painting techniques. With the technique of the black-and-white
gouache, he folows the unique expression of the illustrations of Zdenek
His ERB artwork was showcased in April 2007 at the Tarzan
art show in France organized by Philippe Badré, one of the leading
French experts on Tarzan.

Fink, Robert
Robert Fink (Artist)
Swords of Mars: Blue Book Magazine: 1934 ~ 1935 six interiors

93 Finlay, Virgil Warden
Virgil Finlay (Artist)
23 July, 1914 Rochester, NY - 18 January, 1971 Westbury,
American Weekly, Amazing Stories, Fantastic Adventures,
Captain Future, Strange Stories, Famous Fantastic Mysteries, Strange Stories,
Thrilling Wonder Stories Tarzan novels
Learned art primarily through books, high school art
classes, and the free night school at the Rochester, New York
FINLAY (1914-1971): Virgil Warden Finlay was born July 23, 1914 in Rochester,
NY. His father, Warden Hugh Finlay, was of Irish ancestry, and was a wood-lathe
worker at a furniture shop. His mother, Ruth Finlay, raised their two children,
Virgil and his younger sister Jean. They lived at the grandparent's home
at 1220 Clifford Avenue. In 1935, when Virgil was 18 years old, his father
died at age 40. This tragic event left the family to fend for themselves
during the Great Depression. After high school Virgil Finlay worked as
a house painter and also an assembly-line worker at a radio manufacturer.
He sent unsolicited illustrations to his favorite pulp magazine, Weird
Tales, and he was soon thrilled to recieve his first payments as a published
freelance artist. In 1938 he moved to New York City and studied art at
night classes at the Mechanics Institute, which is a socially conscious
institution created by philanthropists to offer free technical classes
to workers and their families. Finlay found steady work illustrating for
The American Weekly. He also did interior art for pulp magazines such as
Amazing, Fantastic Adventures, Strange Stories, and Captain Future. He
married his high school sweetheart from Rochester, NY, Beverly Stiles,
on November 16, 1938. They moved to 55 Cobalt Lane in Westbury, on Long
Island, where they raised their daughter, Lail. During WWII, Finlay served
in the U.S. Army as a combat engineer on Okinawa. After the war, he resumed
his freelance art career by creating interior illustrations and cover paintings
for Fantastic Novels, Super Science Stories, Thrilling Wonder, and Famous
Fantastic Mysteries. In the 1950s Virgil Finlay worked for digest magazines
like Astrology, Famous Science Fiction, If, and Galaxy. He also experimented
with abstract art, creating large paintings on canvas. In the 1960s he
worked for Magazine of Horror and even some DC comic books. Finaly also
wrote poetry throughout his life, but it has only been published posthumously.
He died of cancer at age 56 on January 18, 1971. ~ © David
Saunders 2009

94 Fino, Serge
Serge Fino (Artist)
1914 - 1971 French
Mars and Monster Man novels

95 Fiora
Fiora (Artist)
French Edition Mars novels

96 Florese, Rudy
Rudy Florese (Artist)
Beyond the Farthest Star stories in the Tarzan Family,
Korak comics
Floyd, Thomas
Thomas Floyd (Artist)
Moon Maid illustrations for the University of Nebraska,
Bison Books Edition

97 Foster, Harold
Hal Foster (Artist, Writer)
16 August 1892 Halifax, Nova Scotia - 25 July 1982
Ref: Bill Hillman
0802: The Hal Foster Years
98 Fouad, A.
A. Fouad (Artist)
Tarzan movieposter from Egypt
99 Fraccio, William J.
Bill Fraccio (Artist)
Tarzan for Charlton

100 Frazetta, Frank
Frank Frazetta (Artist)
February 9, 1928, Brooklyn, NY ~ May 10, 2010, Fort Myers,
Tarzan, Pellucidar novel covers for Ace
Brooklyn Academy of fine arts
ERBzine Features
Frolich, Danny
Danny Frolich (Artist)
Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder ~ Guidry &
Adams Editors and Publishers ~ 2001 ~ Cover and interiors

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