Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
123 Hall, Robert W.
Bob Hall (Artist, Inker)
Marvel Tarzan comics for Marvel Buscema school
124 Hama, Larry
Larry Hama (Writer, Artist)
Star Wars, Wolverine High School of Art and
Design (N.Y.)
125 Hanerfeld, Mark Felton Marcus
Mark Hanerfeld
Hulk, Spiderman Aurora Tarzan
126 Haque, Alonso
Alonso Haque (Inker)
Malibu Tarzan
127 Have, E. van
E. van Have (Artist)
Dutch Pellucidar and Western novels

128 Heath, Russell Jr.
Russ Heath ~ R.H. (Artist, Inker)
29 September 1926 New York City
EC: Mad ~ Flash Gordon, Lone Ranger, Terry and the Pirates
~ Korak comics (DC 230)
129 Henry, John
John Henry (Artist)
Tarzan lunchbox of Aladdin 1966 Aladdin Artist

130 Herndon, Laurence
Laurence J. Herndon (Artist)
1880 (Dec 25) - 1960
Blue Book pulp magazine artist
Lawrence Jesse Herndon was born in Carey Ohio.
Lawrence was a prolific pulp cover illustrator and among others he did
several covers for Blue Book Magazine including six covers for the serialization
of “Tarzan, Guard of the Jungle,” aka “Tarzan the Invincible.
He also did covers for “A Fighting Man of Mars” and “The Land
of Hidden Men.”
In 1910, he moved to New York City and he sold illustrations
to slick magazines, such as Cosmopolitan and Everybody's. From 1918 until
1938 he painted pulp magazine covers for Argosy, Blue Book, Complete Stories,
Over The Top, Sea Stories, The Popular, Top-Notch, War Birds, and Western
He tried to enlist in WWI and again in WWII, but was
too old for service during both wars. He operated an art school for several
Explore his excellent pulp work all across ERBzine's
ERB Bibliography and Illustrated
Pulp Bibliography
131 Herring, Michael
Michael Herring (Artist)
Del Rey Caspak novels

Hescox, Richard
Richard Hescox (Artist)
Art Center for Design in Los Angeles
The Wizard of Venus and Pirate Blood, etc.:
Ballantine-Del Rey editions in the '90s cover art
Pre-production illustrations for films (Howling, Philadelphia
Experiment, Conan, The Fly)

132 Hildebrandt, Timothy
Tim Hildebrandt ~ Hildebrandt ~ Greg and Tim Hildebrandt
23 January 1939 Detroit, MI - N/A
Western novels for Ballantine
Illustrator drew iconic poster art for Star Wars
National Post (Knight Ridder) ~ June 22, 2006
Hildebrandt, half of the famed Hildebrandt
Brothers illustration studio, whose images fired popular imagination
in the late 20th century, died from complications of diabetes on June 11,
2006. He was 67.
and his twin, Greg Hildebrandt, are probably best known for their illustrations
and posters for Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. They were also famed among
illustrators for their work on children's books, comics and fantasy illustrations,
all characterized by unusual realism, depth and richness of colour. According
to Terrance Brown, director of the Society of Illustrators in New York,
"Time Hildebrandt earned more than a footnote in the history of American
illustration. He and Greg are the long chapter." Brown described them as
among "the roots of [American] popular culture."
Greg Hildebrandt said in an Knight Ridder interview this
week that he and his brother, who were born in Detroit, shared "an obsession
with colour" so intense that it led them at age two to eat a box of crayons.
He said he liked the taste. Newspaper comic strips introduced the brothers
to art, he said. At 19 they worked on animations for Navy training films.
In the 1950s, they did documentary film work on world hunger for Bishop
J. Sheen.
In the late 1960s, they began illustrating children's
books. Then, in 1976, came the first Lord of the Rings calendar.
The calendar was Tim Hildebrandt's idea, his brother remembered. "I ante
to pursue gallery art at that point, but Tim was pushing and pushing" on
the J.R.R. Tolkien trilogy," and then I read it and said 'OK.'" The Hildebrandt's
agent, Jean Scrocco, recalled their extraordinary method for the 6-foot-wide
paintings: One brother started at one end, and the other at the other end
and they met in the middle. The calendar project was their studio's second
best-known, after their poster for the 1977 movie Star Wars. "It's
almost become iconic: Luke Skywalker with his light sabre thrust in the
sky, Darth Vader's helmet in the background, Princess Leia at his feet,"
said Mike Chen, the director of the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic
Art in Dover, N.J., where Tim Hildebrandt taught for three years.
The brothers broke up in 1981 to go their own ways and
didn't speak for several years, Greg Hildebrandt said. In 1993, they reunited
and began doing art for comic-book publishers Marvel (Spider-Man, X-Men)
and DC (Superman) and, in 1995, a daily comic strip, an updated
version of Milt Caniff's Terry and the Pirates, which ran for only
a year. Greg Hildebrandt said of his brother: "He's in my hand, eyes, mind,
art, soul. He always has been from birth, and he still is."

Hoadley, Shaun
Shaun Raymond Hoadley
October 11, 1952 ~ Kalamazo, Michigan
Illustrations for ERBville Press Matched Editions

Francis John Hoban was born on March 6, 1870 in
Cincinnati, Ohio. His father, John Hoban, was born 1835 in Ireland. His
mother, Ann Keenan, was born 1842 in Ireland. They married in 1861 and
had seven children, of which six were daughters. They lived at 487 Fourth
Street in Cincinnati. His father was a bill collector for the local gas
company. He studied at the Cincinnati Art Museum, which provided excellent
art training in night school classes for local teenagers and adult weekend
art classes. One of the more renowned teachers was Vincent Nowottny. Henry
C. Kiefer and John Drew also studied at the Cincinnati Art Museum. In 1890
Frank Hoban was listed in the Cincinnati business directory as a lithographer
at 487 West Fourth Street, which was in fact his family home. At that time
a "lithographer" was an artist who created black and white images for newspaper
advertisements and handbills, and was often affiliated with a printing
shop. In 1895 he married Theresa Bolger, who was born October 13, 1874
in Ohio. Her parents were also Irish immigrants. They lived at 948 West
Seventh Street in Cincinnati. They had three children. Edward was born
1896, Dorothy in 1902, and Mary was born in 1906. In 1909 they moved to
2217 Hudson Avenue in Norwood, Ohio, a suburb of Cincinnati, where he worked
full-time at the printing plant of the Strobridge Lithographic Company.
In 1914 he illustrated Virginia Brooks novel Little Lost Sister, which
was published in Chicago by Gazzolo & Ricksen. In 1916 his illustrations
appeared in Red Book Magazine, which was published by the McCall Company.
That same company also produced McCall's Magazine, and eventually published
the pulp adventure magazine Blue Book. In 1920 he moved to Chicago, Illinois,
where they lived at 79 Winthrop Avenue. In 1930 his illustrations were
published in the pulp magazine Triple-X, an adventure magazine produced
in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by Fawcett Publications. By 1926 his story illustrations
and cover paintings appeared regularly in the pulp magazine Blue Book.
According to Robert R. Barrett, "The June 1926 issue of Blue Book was the
first to place spot illustrations throughout a story. Prior to that the
magazine had used only illustrated headings, which was the custom with
most pulps. The July 1926 issue was the first to feature the drawings of
Frank Hoban, who illustrated "Mountain Mail" by Reginald Barker. Throughout
the remaining months of 1926 Hoban illustrated one story per issue. By
the last months of 1927 he was illustrating two, three, and occasionally
four stories per issue." In 1931 he joined the Chicago artists club, Palette
& Chisel, which was located at 1012 North Dearborn Street. His $48
annual fee entitled him to attend a weekly life drawing class, inclusion
in one annual exhibition, and a Summer Camp at Fox Lake, IL. Membership
was limited to 110 local artists. He served as Vice President of the club
in 1931 and 1932. In 1938 he illustrated the Little Big Book #-1400 Mac
Of The Marines In China, published by Whitman Publications of Racine Wisconsin.
Frank J. Hoban died in Chicago, IL, at the age of seventy-three on June
12, 1943.~ © David
Saunders 2009
133 Hoban, Frank
Frank Hoban (Artist)
ERB Illustrations in Blue Book pulp magazines

134 Hoberg, Richard Renick
Rick Hoberg (Artist)
1952 Belton, TX
Batman, Superman, The Flash, Spiderman, Star Wars Tarzan
Sunday strip Ass wk 1975-1976
Famous Artists School (by mail), Fine art at University
of California at Irvine
Ref: Rick Hoberg
Hoffman, Mike
Mike Hoffman (Artist)

Penciller for DC/Marvel, worked on Swamp Thing and the
Midnight Days TPB.
Shorewood : Wisconsin : United States

for ERB's Beware!
135 Hoffman, Pete
Pete Hoffman (Artist)
University of Toledo

136 Hogarth, Burne
Burne Hogarth (Artist, Writer)
25 December 1911 Chicago, Il - 28 January 1996 Paris
Drago Tarzan Sunday strip #0322-#0768; #0867-#1015; Tarzan
daily strip #2509-#2616; Tarzan comics
Art Institute of Chicago
0298: Burne Hogarth Interview

137 Hohlwein, Ludwig
Ludwig Hohlwein (Artist)
1874 - 1949
Artist for Dieck & Co (Eine Prinzessin von Mars)

138 Hooper, Ken
Ken Hooper (Artist)
DC: Aquaman, Primal Force, Mr. Miracle

139 Hoover, Dave
Dave Hoover (Artist)
Samples for comics and Sunday pages Burroughs Art was
NEVER Published! ~ Tarzan Sunday Strips Sample Copyright by Dave Hoover
Art Institute of Pittsburgh
Ref: Bill Hillman
0340: Dave Hoover's Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs
0437: Dave Hoover's Illustrated Tarzan
140 Hoppe, Rick
Rick Hoppe (Artist, Inker)
comics\tarzan\ta7234.jpg Tarzan Comics (Inker)

Hutton, Hugh
Hugh Hutton (Artist)
A Fighting Man of Mars: Metropolitan: May 15,
1931 ~ wraparound DJ and frontispiece

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