Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
313 Wagner, Matt
Matt Wagner (Writer)
Tarzan comic for Malibu ~ DC: Grendel ~ Batman/Grendel
314 Weatherell, Art
Art Weatherell (Artist)
Tarzan for Semic ~ Wraak Tarzan Comics ~ Star Wars: Tales of
the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith
Ref: Allan Gross
315 Wein, Len
Len Wein (Writer)
Carson of Venus comics for The Tarzan Family ~ Swamp Thing
316 Weis, Allan Lee
Allan Weis (Artist)
John Carter Comics for Marvel, Pellucidar comic for DC
317 Wennerberg, Bengt Olof Bengt
Olof Wennerberg Bowen (Artist)
Covers for Maverick, Tomahawk, Thousand and One Night Tarzan comic
covers for Europe
318 Werner, Gerd
Gerd Werner (Artist)
Tarzan novels interiors
319 Wheatley, Mark O.
Mark O. Wheatley (Artist, Writer, Editor, Publisher)
Unrelated novels 1990s ~ Jonny Quest ~ Titanic Tales (ed.): The Heroes
of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Whelan, Michael
Michael Whelan (Artist)
Mars Series: Ballantine - Del Rey paperback covers
320 Wildey, Doug
Doug Wildey (Artist)
02 May 1922 Yonkers, NY - 06 October 1994
Tarzan Comics from Gold Key ~ Jonny Quest ~ The Saint ~ Outlaw Kid
321 Wildschut, George Petrus Wilhelmus
G. Wildschut (Artist)
23 Feb 1883 Amsterdam, NL - 02 October 1966 Laren (NH)
NL Painter, illustrator Dutch Mars novels
Lexicon van Nederlandse beeldende kunstenaars of P.A. Scheen 1970
Williams, C.D.
C.D. Williams (Artist)
All-Story Magazine and Jerry Schneider's ERBville Press: The Girl
From Farris's
Williams, Dean
Dean Williams (Artist)
Tarzan: The Lost Adventure ~ Dark Horse edition ~ 1995
322 Williamson, Alphonsus
Al Williamson (Artist)
21 March 1931 New York City
Flash Gordon, Secret Agent X-9, Rip Kirby Tarzan Sunday Strips United
Feature Syndicate #924-#926, Tarzan Comics 1992
NY Cartoonists & Illustrators School
323 Willis, Damon
Damon Willis (Artist)
Glitterstad Tarzan Comic
324 Wilson, George
George Wilson (Artist)
George Wilson was illustrating books and men’s magazines when he broke
into the comics field during the late 1950s.
He worked almost exclusively for Dell, then Gold Key, providing cover
paintings for such comic titles as
Wilson's countless comic book covers set a high standard for such art.
See the George Wilson Dell and Gold Key Tarzan and Korak Comic covers
in ERBzine at:
325 Wolfman, Marv
Marv Wolfman (Writer, Colorist)
John Carter stories in the Tarzan Family, Wood, Tatjana Tatjana Wood
, Tarzan comics for DC
327 Wood, Wally
Wallace Wood (Artist)
17 June 1927 - Menhaga, Minnesota - 1981
Weird Science, Weird Fantasy, Flash Gordon, Prince Vaillant, Daredevil,
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents, Terry and the Pirate, Galaxy SF, Cavalcade, Witzend
and more Tarzan Daily strips Asst/a Fox, Ziff-Davis, Avon, Charlton,
E.C., DC, Marvel, Gold Key, Tower, Self-published Artist
1949 Cartoonist and Illustrators School in New York (Burne Hogarth)
328 Wray, Bill
Bill Wray (Inker)
Tarzan Comics for European market
2017: Bernie (Berni) Wrightson (1948.10.27-2017.03.18)
died on this date. Bernie was raised in Baltimore, Maryland and is perhaps
best known for co-creating the Swamp Thing, his adaptation of the novel
Frankenstein illustration work, and for his other horror comics and illustrations,
which feature his trademark intricate pen and brushwork. Although he is
not well known as an ERB illustrator, his ERB-related art is admired by
ERB fans
His artistic influences were Frank Frazetta, Al Williamson,
Al Dorne, Graham Ingels, Jack Davis and Howard Pyle. He arrived in the
art world when he published a piece of fan art, containing a headstone
bearing the inscription "Berni Wrightson, Dec. 15, 1965", on page 33 of
Warren Publishing's Creepy #9 (cover-dated June 1966).
Wrightson has contributed album covers
for a number of bands, including Meat Loaf. The "Captain Sternn" segment
of the animated film Heavy Metal is based on the character created by Wrightson
for his award-winning short comic series of the same name. He's worked
on Spider-Man, Batman, and The Punisher, and provided painted covers Dark
Horse Tarzan comics as well as for DC comics and many others. His illustrations
attracted thousands of fans and led him to work in film. As a conceptual
artist, he worked on many movies, including Ghostbusters, The Faculty,
Galaxy Quest, Spider-Man, George Romero's Land of the Dead, and The Mist.
In recent years he continued to work on film designs and on his own pet
projects, including comic books, and character designs for animation. Through
the years he has been the recipient of a multitude of awards acknowledging
his amazing body of work.
Bernie Wrightson announced in January
2017 that he was retiring because of his battle with cancer. He died of
brain cancer on March 18, 2017, at the age of 68.
ERBzine's ERB Artists Encyclopedia
ERBzine M.A.P.L.E. Series: Art 4
Bernie Wrightson (American, b. 1948): was raised in Baltimore
Maryland. In 1968, Wrightson became an editorial cartoonist at the Baltimore
Sun. Soon afterwards he was offered work by DC Comics and he moved to New
York. In 1969, his first professional work was published in House of Mystery
#179 and in 1970 his first work for Marvel Comics was published in Chamber
of Darkness #7. In 1971, with writer Len Wein, Wrightson co-created Swamp
Thing for DC. He left DC in 1974 to work at Warren Publishing, for whose
black-and-white horror comics magazines he produced a series of original
work as well as adaptations of stories by H. P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan
Poe. From 1976 to 1978 Wrightson, along with Barry Smith, Jeff Jones and
Michael W. Kaluta, were partners in a venture known as The Studio. In 1979,
the definitive book about Bernie Wrightson, A Look Back, was published.
Wrightson spent seven years drawing approximately 50 pen-and-ink illustrations
to accompany an edition of Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein, which the
artist considers among his most personal work. Wrightson drew the poster
for the Stephen King-penned horror film Creepshow, as well as illustrating
the comic book adaptation of the film. This led to several other collaborations
with King, including illustrations for the novella "Cycle of the Werewolf,"
the restored edition of King's apocalyptic horror epic, The Stand, and
art for the hardcover editions of From a Buick 8 and Dark Tower V. Wrightson
has contributed album covers for a number of bands, including Meat Loaf.
The "Captain Sternn" segment of the animated film Heavy Metal is based
on the character created by Wrightson for his award-winning short comic
series of the same name. He's worked on Spider-Man, Batman, and The Punisher,
and provided painted covers for the DC comics Nevermore and Toe Tags, among
many others. His illustrations attract thousands of fans and have led him
to work in film. As a conceptual artist, he has worked on many movies,
including Ghostbusters, The Faculty, Galaxy Quest, Spider-Man, George Romero's
Land of the Dead, and The Mist. Today, Wrightson works on film designs
and on his own pet projects, including comic books, and character designs
for animation .
329 Wyeth, Newell Convers
Newell Convers Wyeth ~ N.C. Wyeth (Artist)
22 October 1882 Needham, Massachusetts - 19 October 1945
Treasure Island, The Boy’s King Arthur and Robinson Crusoe
330 Yanagi, Shuji
Shuji Yanagi (Artist)
331 Yeates II, Thomas
William Thomas Yeates ~ Tom Yeates (Artist)
19 January 1955 Sacremento, California
Penciling and inking Swamp Thing for DC Comics, 2 Dragon Lance graphic
novels, Penciling and inking the Zorro Daily strips, 2 Univers X specials
Tarzan Sunday strip #2687; Tarzan comics Malibu/Semic: 1992, Darkhorse
Ref: Thomas Yeates
332 Zamora, Noly
Noly Zamora (Artist, Inker)
Korak and John Carter comics for DC ~ JC in Tarzan Family comic ~ Rima,
The Jungle Girl ~ Titan A.E Animated Film
333 Zumpano
Zumpano (Writer, Artist)
Writer of Tarzan Sunday strips #xxxx -#3473
Zaula, Ondrek
Ondrek Zaula (or Henry Soulen) (Artist)
Swords of Mars: Blue Book Magazine: January 1935 cover

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