Memories from the Danton Burroughs Family Album |
The Wartime Letters of the Oldest Correspondent in the WWII Pacific Theatre Edgar Rice Burroughs c/o G-2 First Island Command Somewhere in South Pacific and 1298 Kapiolani Boulevard Honolulu T H 1944 Collated by Bill Hillman |
January 16, 1944 (Mike Pierce) February 18, 1944 (Caryl Lee) February 26 1944 (JCB) March 30, 1944 April 27, 1944 (JCB) April 28, 1944 (Mike Pierce) May 5, 1944 (Thelma Terry) June 1, 1944 (Caryl Lee) June 22, 1944 (Danton) June 23, 1944 (Joan) July 7, 1944 (Thelma Terry) |
August 22, 1944 (Caryl Lee) September 6, 1944 September 6, 1944 (JCB) September 15, 1944 ( Caryl Lee) September 16 1944 (Jane Ralston Burroughs) September 19, 1944 (JCB) sol September 23, 1944 September 23 1944 (JCB) October 13, 1944 (JCB) October 14, 1944 ( Caryl Lee) October 21, 1944 (Joan) |
Caryl Lee dear:Thank you for your Christmas greetings and your letter. I hope that you had a good time in the snow. I have not seen any snow for more than five years, and that suits me to a T.
You seem to have a bad time trying to remember to sign your letters to me, Caryl Lee Burroughs. You don't have to use my name if you don't want to. You said that you did. My feelings won't be hurt either way. Just keep loving me, as I do you.
Visited a jungle training camp the other day -- tremendously interesting and tremendously rugged. Rifles, machine guns, dynamite, and TNT going off all over the place. Walked right under machine gun fire coming from both sides of a village street. They let me fire a light machine gun from the hip; and, believe it or not, I put my bursts right through the target.
When you write again, please give me the zone number of your address. I sometimes wonder if you ever read my letters; because you never answer any of my questions.
Laddie Halliday is going to Punahou. Mr. Halliday says he is 6 feet tall. Do oyou remember Karen Cassard? I had a note from them the other day. They live in New York City. Karen's father is now a captain. But maybe you hear from them and know all about them.
Lots of love,
E (sig)
EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS. INC. 1st Lieut. Michael Pierce,
1298 Kapiolani Boulevard
Honolulu 42 Hawaii
16 January 1944
Bel-Air Rangers, Bel-Air,
Los Angeles, California.
Dear Mike:Thanks a lot for your letter of December 22, which reached me a few days ago. It takes a long time for mail to get here from the Mainland, but not as long as it did immediately after Pearl Harbor. Very often, then, it took over a month.
As a Ranger, you would have enjoyed being with me the other day when I visited a jungle training unit. The colonel commanding took two public relations captains and myself in a jeep and drove us around for about six hours. I wrote your mother something about it, but there is a lot more which I think will interest you.
The training is certainly rugged. The men engage in personal combat without weapons, learning all the dirty fighting tricks that gangsters, muckers, Apaches (the French kind), and hoodlums ever devised, to which have been added some super-duper atrocities heretofore unknown, plus judo. While I was watching one class, the men were tossing each other all over landscape - and hard.
Another class was being instructed in river crossing under fire. Some of the men, wearing only their birthday suits, were swimming the river, pushing their clothing and equipment ahead of them in little boats made of a shelter half filled with brush. Others were crossing in similar but larger boats made of truck tarpaulins -about seven men to a boat. These men were fully clothed and equipped.
Others were crossing on a rope bridge which they had strung across the river between two trees. It was about ten feet above the water. Another unit built a narrow foot bridge that floated on the surface. All the time, TNT and dynamite were being exploded on land and in the water to simulate bombs, shells, and grenades. Water and mud flew a couple of hundred feet into the air, nearly swamping the boats or almost knocking the men off the rope bridge, and deluging the innocent bystanders, of whom I was one.
Another unit was learning jungle infiltration tactics. Two men at a time would sneak down a steep, muddy jungle trail with fixed bay-onets ready for any emergency. From behind a tree, a Jap would leap out and swing a mean haymaker at the leading man. If he ducked in time, O.K. If he didn't, he got a wallop that sat him down hard. At the bottom of the ravine, a Jap sniper hid behind a tree. As
a soldier bayoneted him, another Jap swung, down from a tree on the side of the ravine and knocked him sprawling into the mud. While I was watching, I saw a captain get it - and how.These Japs were. of course, dummies. But the boys went after them as though they were the real thing. The jungle is real jungle - worse than anything I saw in the South Pacific. I was surprised that we had such jungles here. So the training is most realistic, and should save many lives by training our men how to meet Jap tactics in a favorite Jap terrain.
There was lots more that I saw, but these that I have told you and the village fighting were the most interesting.
I hope, Mike, that you will never have to fight in a war; but I also hope that you will get all the military training you can and that your generation will insist on compulsory military training for all young men. If we train our millions and maintain a large Navy and Army in peace time, no nation will dare make war unless we are on its side. So there won't be any war - I hope.
Lots of love to you all,
Edgar Rice BurroughsCensor:
If there is any question about passing this story of the Jungle Training Unit, please return the letter to me rather than clip it. The information herein is largely identical with a news release that has been passed by G-2.Thanks,
Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc.
Tarzana, California
Telephone Reseda 222
1298 Kapiolani Boulevard
Honolulu 42 HawaiiFebruary 18, 1944Caryl Lee dear:I received your letter of February 1 yesterday. It is a real letter. Wish I could have gone to see Junior Miss with you. When I come home we'll have to go to some shows together and to dinner. I wonder if Barclay Kitchen is still running. Do you know? They used to have wonderful food there.
Should like to have seen you in your new dress. If you ever have any snap shots of yourself, send me some. You must be quite a young lady now. Just think, it will be three years next month since I last saw you.
So you can cook! Fine! I shall need a good cook when I come home.
I just to stop there and go to lunch. I had four very interesting luncheon guests at the Outrigger Canoe Club. One is a colonel who is chief of Military Intelligence for this area. There was also a captain who is on his staff. Another, a colonel who is Provost Marshall here. The fourth is Assistant Chief of Police. They are all old friends, and we had a good time. * * *
You ask what my zone number is. It is always at the top of my letters -- 42. I am glad you want to keep my name, but I think you should learn how to spell it. It is not Bourroughs. You should know that.
I liked all the hugs and kisses you sent me, and I send you a lot. I wish they could be real ones. Maybe some day, eh? How would you like to come over and visit me? I am afraid that you wouldn't have a very good time, though, as I don't know any young people.
We have a lot of parties at the Niumalu. The other evening five Marine officers gave a party. Thee were twelve of us. Some of the Marines had just come from action in the Marshalls. One of them gave me a piece of Jap money he ot on Kwajalein. Another Marine officer whom I had met in New Caledonia spent a couple of weeks at the hotel recently He had come from Tarawa, where he had killed his Jap. It is all very interesting.
Did I tell you that I have become an autograph hound? I started in November '42, and now have more than 575 autographs in four books. They range from seamen to admirals and from privates to generals. There are four governors or former governors. Australians, New Zealanders, Chinese, Koreans, two Netherland East Indies flying officers, a dancer from Java, a girl from Malaya, a lot of pretty Army nurses. It has really been a lot of fun. I started it after I became a War Correspondent, because I have such a poor memory for names. I thought that would be a good way to be sure of the names of people I interviewed. But I found it so interesting that I just went to town with it. When I come home, I'll let you see my books.
Lots of love, darling. I miss you very much.
E (sig)
Dear Jack:I was slightly confused on receipt of a couple of parcels from you a day or two ago; but my giant intellect finally started clicking, and I came to a full realization of what it was all about.
On the 24th, Lt. Walter H. Wieman, MC, USNR, phoned me about 11:45 AM and told me that he had promised you that he would look me up. So I asked him to lunch. He had his skipper with him. I took them to The Outrigger Canoe Club and then drove them around while they did some shopping. Wieman said that he had visited you and Jane about ten three years. It was great to talk with some one who had seen you so recently. Wieman wanted to see Hully, and Hully is trying to get in touch with him.
As usual, I am a little slow on the pick-up; but, anyway, many happy returns of the day!
Hope that Jane is not having too uncomfortable a time. At best, I guess it ain't no fun. But it's swell in your declining years to have nice children - as I so well know. Still, I am not declining everything. The trouble is, people won't leave me alone. They even drag me out of bed to contribute to my delinquency. Of course I know that it is because I am in the same category as the two headed boy; but I do have a good time, and sometimes I think that maybe I had a good time coming to me.
Hulbert and I continue in the best of health. Yesterday, I got my third and last typhus shot, after having another tetanus and a booster typhoid. I never get any unpleasant reaction to these shots; so I asked the doctor yesterday if that indicated anything in particular. He said that it indicated a natural immunity, or at least high resistence, to these diseases. That is nice, but I wish that they had some shots for the things that are prevalent where I am going - dysentery, dengue, and malaria.
Lots of love to all of you. If you have any new snapshots, let me see some. I'd like to see what JR looks like now.
PS: If any one cares to write me the letter will be forwarded. But it is too much to hope that any one will care to write me. Or a letter could be addressed direct: c/o 7th A.A.F. Bomber Command, APO 241, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif.
Joan darling: As you see, I'm off again; and, as usual, having a grand time. I left Honolulu on an LB 30 March 20, remained overnight on Johnston Island, and arrived at an advanced base on an atoll the following day.
Brig. Gen, Landon, Commanding General of the 7th Array Air Force Bomber Command, took me right into his quarters; and I have been living with him and Col. Clarence Hegy ever since. Landon is a prince, and has been swell to me. I knew him socially in Honolulu.
Hully blew in to the same atoll on the 26th. He was busy as a bird dog. I saw him for a few minutes on the 26th and again on the 27th. He was still busy.
Landon moved his headquarters the morning of the 27th, and Hully was down at the plane with two of his men, taking pictures. He took one of the general and me by the general's plane. I suppose you know that your little brother is a captain now. I think he is on his way up here in an LST that is bringing some of our equipment. He said he wanted to get some pictures on the ship.
I flew up to this advanced base with the general in his plane, a new B-24 (Liberator) heavy bomber. What a plane. And am still quartered with him and Col. Hegy.
Have been on two bombing missions. The Japs threw ack ack at us both tines, but didn't come near us. I watched the bombs fall all the way to the targets and saw the bursts. They were 500 lb bombs. A village and a radio installation took them on the chin.
On this atoll, the Japs still stink; and the day I arrived they dug up a couple while excavating a trench. It is cool and comfortable here, with a stiff breeze blowing constantly. A blanket is comfortable at night. There is no malaria, no mosquitoes, and very few flies; so, little illness.
The other day I flew with the general to another atoll still farther west, passing over Jap held islands, where the so-and-sos must be starving to death. They will probably eat the natives first and then the Korean laborers.
Living with a general is something. We have a 20 ft square frame and screen house with a canvas roof. We also have a lavatory in the house. The general has a private shower in a nearby building, which I use. He had a private Chick Sale on the other atoll, but here he shares a four holer with other officers.
I expect to remain here about a month longer, unless the general kicks me out, Landon is a young general - only 37 - but I am told that he is one of the finest air generals in the array. His officers and men worship him. He is a West Pointer, extremely democratic and approachable. His command is tops. I have never heard an unpleasant word spoken since I have been with it. His bombers are doing a fine job over all these islands all the way to Truk.
Lots of love to you all,
Papa Dear Jack:
1298 Kapiolani Boulevard
Honolulu 42 Hawaii
27 April 1944Was, as usual, glad to have a letter from you. It had quite a trip, having chased me all the way to Kwajalein and back, arriving here yesterday. It was sent out to me with other mail via a Lt. Smith in a jeep. That is the way the Army treats me. They are sure swell to me.
I did not remember Walt Wieman; but that is not strange, as my memory for names and faces just isn't. I was, however, mighty glad to see him, as I shall always be glad to see any friend of yours - especially one who has seen you lately. I remember his sister-in-law, even though I can't recall her name. She was a cute keed. I also recall how she turned your face red.
And speaking of remembering people: My autograph books and diaries (since Dec 7 1941) contain the names of more than two thousand officers and men I have met and talked with, and there were many more than that whose names appear in neither. Now, how the hell could I remember them all? So, not offend anyone, I forget them all.
Thanks so much for the interesting booklets you sent me. You are doing a fine job.
As to your induction. If the Army or Navy is still accepting volunteers you would be wise to enlist rather than wait to be drafted. A volunteer has a better chance for a commission than a selectee. I shall try to find out if the Air Force might be interested in an artist to record in oils the story of its varied activities.
I have written Ralph again about a raise. This time I ordered him to take one. I suggested $100 a month. I wish that you would talk to him. He just sent me the 1943 financial statement. He has done a wonderful job - in spite of the Burroughses.
Am hoping to hear soon of my new grandchild. Am sure you will let me know at once, as I shall be anxious to hear. You are getting to be quite a family man. Wish some nice girl would hook Hully, but I am commencing to believe that he will never marry.
All my love,
OBDear Mike:
April 28, 1944Was glad to learn that you had joined the den at Sherman Oaks. It is good training for boys; and will be helpful to you all through your life, besides being fun while you are a member.
I know just how you felt about sleeping in your own bed again. For the past five weeks I have been sleeping on Army cots, usually without a pad or a pillow. And for all that time I never had hot water for washing or shaving. Those things are not hardships - they are just discomforts. They are good for a fellow once in a while.
Coming back from Tarawa, I was on a big four-engine transport plane bringing back some casualties. There was one extra litter, so I flew home horizontal, which was far more comfortable than the gosh-awful tin bucket seats. I was at the bottom of a tier of four litters, with just barely room enough to squeeze out occasionally and roll on the floor in a most undignified manner before I could stand up.
I flew about 7,000 miles this time - in C-47s, C-54s, and B-24s. The B-24s were most uncomfortable, as the wind blew up around the ball turret and out the tail-gunner's back window. And it was darned cold at nine and ten thousand feet. I always stand up in B-24s to keep from freezing to death. Just that little moving around keeps my blood from congealing. But I'm sure tired by the time we come in.
One phase of flying a B-24 always scares me stiff. Those in the waist have to go forward when the plane is taking off. The only place for me to go was the cat-walk through the bomb-bay. It is about eight inches wide, and the space between the bombs is so narrow that I have to slither through sideways. It is also dark and cramped and no place to look out except a tiny crack at the forward end of the bomb-bay doors. And noisy! Gosh! And rough, too, as the plane gets up speed. You know they run about a mile during the take-off. And there is the knowledge that in a crackup, everyone in the bomb-bay is always killed. I used to watch that crack in the bottom of the front end of the bomb-bay, and I didn't breathe easily until I saw green water and knew that we were airborne. I can think of lots of pleasanter places to travel than in a bomb-bay.
As a matter of fact, Mike, I hate flying. I have flown about 15,000 miles since the war began, all over water. I am never air-sick, nor do high altitudes affect me unpleasantly; but I still hate flying. If I ever get back where they have trains, I'll take the Super Chief every time.
Give my love to "Mom" and Joanne, and accept a lot for yourself.
Grandpa Ed.
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzana, California
Telephone Reseda 222May 5, 1944Miss Thelma Terry,
6 Arbutus Street
Mosman, Sydney, N.S.W.,
Australia.Dear Terry:
Thank you so much for your letter of 14 March. Your account of your holiday sounded wonderful. "Emu Plains" has a real down-underish flavor, arousing visions of kangaroos, corroborees, and ten million sheep. But I suppose the darn thing is as civilized as my San Fernando Valley.
Had a letter from Ham in March. Said he had always felt a little bit guilty about not writing you, but was planning on doing so. Did I tell you, or did you tell me that he is a major now? Anyway, he is.
A wonderful thing happened here yesterday: The Blackout was called off - after 879 nights of it. But we still have 10 o'clock curfew, which, because of our extremely mixed racial problem, is accepted as necessary and wise.
Am just back from some island hopping -- twelve islands in six atolls. Got as far as Eniwetok. Had a wonderful time. Passed over several Jap held islands, from which they threw everything they had at us - which was not much. Was in a heavy bomber that dropped 500 pounders on them -- a beautiful sight.
On two different atolls I bumped into my son, who is in the Army Air Force. He was recently promoted to captain. He got back here yesterday, and I am looking forward to seeing him.
On one of the islands I met a number of British officers. One was from Sydney. Maybe you know him. A Lieut. Lieth, G.E.I.D.F. - whatever that signifies.
My very best wishes!
Ed (sig)
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzana, California1298 Kapiolani BoulevardCaryl Lee dear:
Honolulu 42 Hawaii
1 June 1944Your letter of May 24 came today. I still think that after the novelty wore off you'd be only to glad to get back to Los Angeles. You could have fun at the Outrigger Canoe Club, and we could go to picture shows. But hat is about all of that sort of fun. Maybe you and I could think of something else if you were here.
Yes, I use a portable typewriter every time I go out on an assignment and also in my room at the hotel.
You are certainly getting to be a big girl. I shall look forward to having a new picture of you. The one I have now is greatly admired by my friends. It is the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning, and I wish it would come alive.
I though everybody knew what C.Y.K. meant: Consider Yourself Kissed.
What are you going to do when you grow up? I hope that you will study something that will make you independent. If you thoroughly learned English grammar, spelling, and punctuation now, and later took up stenography and typing, you would always be able to have a good job. And no one can look into the future and be sure what is going to happen. Maybe you could be my private secretary some day. Would you like that?
On my last trip a couple of weeks ago I spent five days on the Big Island (Hawaii). I was the guest of the District Commander and had his cottage at the Kilauea Military Camp at the edge of the crater. I nearly froze to death. Slept under five blankets and wore my leather jacket over my pajamas. I was given the suite reserved for visiting generals and had an orderly. Talk about class! But tat is about the way the Army always treats me. Army officers have certainly been swell to me.
Lots of love, darling; and C.Y.K.
E (sig)
Master Danton Burroughs
Tarzana, California.Dear Danton:
Just two years ago today your brother arrived when our world did not look too bright. But you come in on the crest of a victorious wave that is carrying us and our allies to successful ending of World War II much sooner than we had expected.
If your generation shows more intelligence than past generations, perhaps there will be no more wars. But that is almost too much to expect. However, there is a chance. You have been born into the greatest nation the world has ever known. Keep it great. Keep it strong. If you do, no country will dare to go to war if we say no.
Put this letter away and read it June 21st 1965. You will be of age then. See then if the politicians have kept your country great and strong. If they haven't, do something about it. If I'm around I'll remind you.
Good luck my boy,
Your Grandfather,(sig) Edgar Rice Burroughs
June 23, 1944 (IMAGE) Joan darling:Am glad the package arrived, but evidently you never received (or I never wrote) the letter explaining the silly things. I could have sworn that I wrote to both you and Jane, telling where I got the souvenirs and for whom they were intended. But I can find no carbon copies of any such letters. Am I slipping! Antiquity has sneaked up on me and batted me on the bean.
The Jap bill and photo were for Mike. The soldier who found them in a Jap barracks bag when we took Kwajalein gave them to me. I also explained about the cowrie shell necklace. I think that the one I sent you was given me by the soldier who made it on Kwajalein. I tried to get the silver or gold chains that the boys use in stringing these, but there were none left in Honolulu. Our servicemen had bought them all.
The loose shells I got on Apamama. My none too subtle hints that I would like to hear something about you from you having met with no success, it has finally dawned on me that you consider it none of my damn business. Well, I suppose it isn't. It may interest you to know that I met Col. Frank Capra the other evening and all evening until midnight, and that I had him at lunch at the Outrigger Canoe Club yesterday. Almost from the first it was 'Frank' and 'Edgar'. I think he is a very swell person with a great sense of humor (he laughed at my sallies). He told me the first evening that he had heard a lot about Hully and his work, and of course that endeared him to me immediately.
It was good news about Jane and Danton. Jane and Jack are doing more for America than they could accomplish if he were drafted. At my luncheon yesterday a French colonel (the Governor of Tahiti), an American colonel (Capra), Capt. Phil Bird, and Capt. Lawrence toasted Danton. And yesterday evening at Fort Shafter, a colonel, a lieutenant colonel, two majors, and four wahinis stood and toasted him. Do I brag about my grandchildren! I wish that I had a late picture of Mike. Joanne's is very much admired by all my friends. I also wish that I had a good portrait of you. If you will have one taken, I will pay for it.
Tell Mike that the knife was given me by a 7th AAF Bomber Command Flight Surgeon on Kwajalein.
Lots of love to you all!
PapaCOLONEL FRANK CAPRA (1897-1991), was a Hollywood director, who had first been commissioned as a Major in the U.S. Army Signal Corps. During the war, Capra, who was discharged with the rank of Colonel, would be assigned to the Morale Branch of the Army and was ordered by Marshall "to make a series of documented, factual-information films - the first in our history - that will explain to our boys in the Army why we are fighting, and the principles for which we are fighting." The seven films in the Capra produced/directed "Why We Fight" series included Prelude to War, The Nazis Strike, Divide and Conquer, The Battle of Britain, The Battle of Russia, The Battle of China and War Comes to America. By 1943, the War Department had developed a program to bring movies of all kinds to the soldiers on the battlefronts, where, as General Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "next to guns, what the boys need most is movies and more movies."
1298 Kapiolani BoulevardDear Terry:
Honolulu 42 Hawaii
7 July 1944Was happy to receive your nice letter of 26 May. It arrived yesterday, presumably by boat or water wings.
Am glad that you have been hearing form Ham. He wrote me that he might be along this way most any day. I suppose that he will come by way of Sydney and that you will see him. I'd like to be there with you.
My son is stationed here; so I see him occasionally when he is not off on a mission. He was in Sydney early in 1942 with Gen. Emmons. I doubt that the will get there again, as his outfit operates in the Central Pacific.
So you don't know Lt. Leith? Am I surprised! I thought you knew everybody in Sydney. So much the worse for Lt. Leith.
It seems odd to me to think of your winter coming along in May. That is when Spring prepares us for Summer back where I came from in Illinois. I suppose that it is mid-winter with you now.
Am going to ask a favor of you. I had two war correspondent insignia such as are obtainable only in Australia. I have lost one -- down on Kwajalein. I should like to get several more. If you can do so without great inconvenience, will you please find out where I can purchase them and how much they are. They are stamped out of brass. I will enclose a tracing of one. Any war correspondent down there should know where they are to be had, and you must know some war correspondents -- even if Sydney is not a "hick town". Thanks a lot!
My very best!
Ed (sig)
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzana, California
1298 Kapiolani Boulevard
Honolulu 42 Hawaii
August 7, 1944Dear Jane (Ralston Burroughs):
Thanks for your note of July 15th and the snapshots of the boys. They are very cute.
I did not say that I didn't like the name Danton. I think I just asked how come? It is an unusual name; so naturally I wondered about it.
Both Hulbert and I have been wondering what Jack is doing since his Douglas job folded. If it isn't a military secret, we'd like to know. After all, Hully and I are sort of interested in Jack.
Love to you all,
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzana, California
1298 Kapiolani Boulevard
Honolulu 42 HawaiiAugust 22 1944Caryl Lee dear:The last letter I received from you was dated May 24. I answered it June 1st. I wonder if you received my letter, or if you have written me since May 24th. I am curious to know, because I do know that some of my mail has gone astray.
I hope that you are all right, and have been having a good time during your vacation.
E (sig)
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.
Tarzana, California
1298 Kapiolani Boulevard
Honolulu 42, HawaiiSeptember 6, 1944Joan darling:Was delighted by your letter of August 31. So was Hulbert. We were both so glad to know that you were having such a good time, and we both agreed that you had a lot of good times coming to you. Lorraine and her husband sound very good to me. When you write Lorraine, say hello for me, and tell her I wish that I had been there with you.
You mentioned a lot of places there with which I am more or less familiar, but I didn't see anything about Chez Paris. Don't tell me you didn't go there. I was dragged there nearly every night for two weeks, as our host and hostess practically lived in the joint. Did you get to the Pump Room in Ambassador East? That place practically floored me. I never before or since saw so much silly mumbo jumbo connected with donning the well known feed bag. The serving of food closely resembled a Ringling Brothers circus parade.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I got an inkling that some of my friends were going to pull a birthday party on me; so I asked Hulbert to invite me out to Hickam for dinner and the night. There were Hulbert, three other officers, and myself. Hulbert did the cooking, and is he good! Steak with onions, french fried potatoes, corn, tomatoes, raisin rolls!
He came in yesterday afternoon and we played poker. He took $5.75 away from me. He looks fine, but is homesick. Says he'll be a psychopathic case if he doesn't get home pretty soon.
I wonder if you saw Judson. He must be an old man by this time. Golly! how many years it seems since I saw any of them.
Am glad that you had such a good time. I hope you had lots of pretty things to wear.
Had two nice letters from Jack. He told me about his new position. Am mighty glad he didn't go back to Douglas. He should go a long way in the work he is doing now. He's a swell kid.
Lots of love to you all,
Papa (sig)
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzana, California1298 Kapiolani Boulevard
Honolulu 42 Hawaii
6 September 1944Dear Jack:
Yours of August 26 arrived yesterday and that of September 1, today. Thanks to both and for the birthday greetings. I don't expect anyone to remember my birthday. I have difficulty in remembering those of others.
Hulbert was in yesterday, and I let him read your August 26 letter. We were both delighted to hear of your new connection. It sounds might encouraging for the future. It also sounds damned interesting and right up your alley. Am glad that you are working under a nice chap who appreciates your ability. Harry Cohen, president of Columbia, is an old friend of mine I'd hate like hell to work for him myself; so I am glad that you went with Universal. I used to have friends there, but I suppose they are not there any longer.
Had a letter from Joan yesterday. She seems to have been having a wonderful time in Chicago, for which both Hulbert and I were very glad. She has a lot of good times due her.
Wish that I might see Johnny and Danton before they grow long white beards. Johnny is cute. I can tell from the snap shots that have been sent me. Am sure that Danton will be a great little guy, too.
Am glad that you got Johnny a rocking horse. The two children must keep Jane busy. Maybe when Hitler is licked, there will be house maids looking for jobs again; then it will be easier. That should be soon now.
Ralph has written me about Mother's ashes, and that he has arranged matters satisfactorily. Thank you both very much for looking after this for me. I suppose it could have waited until my return, but I have been gone so long now that I have more or less abandoned hope of every returning. If Japan is good for a hundred years, as she claims, it will be a long war.
May I ask you a foolish question? I have asked Mildred and Ralph, but neither has deigned to enlighten me. I am motivated by nostalgia. I want some one to tell me how the flowering eucalyptus trees around the tract have fared. Also about the old walnut trees on my lot behind the office and the other trees I had transplanted there from the old homestead. Silly, eh?
Thanks again for your letters. I know from experience how darned expensive babies are; so if you need any financial assistance, let me know.
Love to you all,
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzana, California1298 Kapiolani Boulevard
Honolulu 42 HawaiiSeptember 15 1944Caryl Lee dear:I was very happy to get your letter of the 8th, as I thought that you were not going to write me any more. I can't understand why I did not receive the other two letters. I certainly missed hearing from you. I thought you had stopped loving me.
How do you like Marlborough? Do you board there, or are you a day pupil? I hope you like school better than I ever did and that you will study a lot harder than I.
Jack Benny was just here with his troupe. I gave a luncheon for him at the Outrigger Canoe Club. Larry Adler, the harmonica player, was also there. The girls couldn't come. But I met Carole Landis the next day (that was yesterday). Jack invited me and some of my friends who were at the luncheon to come to his show at one of the recreation camps. I rode to and from it with Carole. She is very pretty and very sweet. We had a motorcycle escort of MPs. There were between 18 and 20,000 service men in the audience at the show, which lasted an hour and a half. I wish that you could have been there with me.
It is still quite interesting here, but I shall be glad when I can come home. The other evening a girl friend and I went to dinner at the home of a Japanese-American couple. It was quite a party - about sixteen of us, all but four Japanese-Americans. There was a lieutenant colonel and a major of the famous 7th Infantry Division that killed so many Japs on Attu and Kwajalein. They are good friends of these Japanese-Americans, all of whom I found very nice and quite as American as any of my other friends.
Sunday, I am going over to the Hallidays with sarah Wilder and some Army officer. I haven't seen the Hallidays for some time, so I was glad when Eleanor phoned and asked me to her party.
There are a number of children at the Niumlu again - too many not too well brought up. Some of the Filipino servants have their children, and there are some Japanese children. They yell and scream and fight most of the time.
Lots of love, darling; and c.y.k.
Ed (sig)
Dear Jane:Was glad to have your letter of the 8th and to know that everything is going so well. As you didn't mention the children, I assume that they are O.K.
I haven't had a letter from you since a short note dated August 7. But I don't expect to hear form you often, as I know how busy you must be with two babies. I wish that I might see them.
There is not much news here that you can't read in your papers. When Jack Benny was here this week I had him and Larry Adler at lunch at the Outrigger Canoe Club with some of my friends. The next day we all went as Jack's guests to see his show at one of the recreation centers here. We had staff cars and a motorcycle escort of MPs. I rode to and from with Carole Landis. She is very lovely and very sweet. (Oh, to be seventy again!) The audience at the show was almost as interesting as the show - some 18,000 to 20,000 service men. They ribbed Jack, which is part of every show he gives for them. He is a swell guy - with no swelled head.
Joan must be home by now. I had one letter from her from Evanston, and was delighted to know how good a time she was having.
Am going out to Hickam this afternoon, and shall try to see Hulbert. Tomorrow, I am invited to a party at the Hallidays on the other side of the island. He is John Halliday the stage and screen actor. On account of rubber and gas I have not seen much of them lately, as it is quite a trip over the Pali to Kaneohe where they live.
Dear Jack, My love to all of you!
TARZANA, CALIFORNIAThanks for yours of the 4th and clipping re fire. I like fires,
but I'm glad I was not there to see that one. It hurts me
just to think about it.Was at Hickam yesterday, and Hully kept me for supper which he
cooked. He is a damn good cook and seems to enjoy it. He let me
read your letter. That back country means as much to me as to you,
Hulbert, and Joan.Yes I hope that we can all live at Tarzana some day and definitely
"in separate establishments."Am glad your Universal job is pleasant as well as profitable. Hope
it develops into something permanent, if that is what you wish.
Sometimes it can be hell working for a studio. One reason is their
utter contempt for orthodox working hours, and another is damned
studio politics.Wish you were working for Sol Lesser. There is a nice guy and he
likes your dear old father. And, take it from me, that counts big
in motion pictures.Have met most of Hulbert's brow beaten slaves. It's about as nice
an organization as I have seen. I think they are very fond of Hul-
bert. He pulls no rank, but he insists on perfection; and I think
he comes pretty near getting it. He and his men work together just
as a bunch of congenial civilians would. The only touch of military
is that they address him as Captain. He calls them all by their
first names. Your little brother is a gentleman and a damned fine
officer. How's about getting him a Prussian haircut and a monocle
for Christmas?Any time you have extra snapshots of your family, I'd appreciate
some. I have fallen for J.R., and I know I'm going to fall for
Danton.OB Lots of love to you all,
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.
Tarzana, California
1298 Kapiolani Boulevard
Honolulu 42 Hawaii19 SeptemberDear Terry:I have your letters of July 22 and 27, the latter arriving today. Thank youi for both of them and for the snapshot, which I am delighted to have.
Had no idea you would be put to so much trouble getting those insignia. It was mighty nice of you. Thanks a thousand. Shall enclose herein Australia exchange in the amount of L4/0/0. If the extra five shillings is not sufficient to cover postage, let me know and I will remit the difference, but I am sure it will be sufficient. If it should prove more than enough, buy yourself an all-day-sucker and think of Ham and me.
As it took about eight weeks for your letter to reach me, I suppose the insignia are on their way by this time. However, it will probably take longer for them to get there than for 1st Class Mail which gets more rapid handling.
I'll send this air mail, and you should have it soon.
Did you see Jack Benny and his troupe when they were there? Jack was crazy about Sydney, and would like to go back there some time. I had him and Larry adler at luncheon while they were here, and the next day we all went t one of his shows as his guests (my other luncheon guests and I). I rode from his hotel to the recreation camp where the show was given and back again in the back seat of a staff car with Carole Landis. She is both lovely and sweet. Oh, yes! Jack thinks Australia girls are beautiful. He must have seen you.
Well, thanks again, Terry, for all the trouble you went to for me.
I haven't heard from Ham for ages. Yours,
Ed (sig)
Edgar Rice Burroughs Joan darling:
Tarzana, California
1298 Kapiolani Boulevard
Honolulu 42 Hawaii
September 23 1944Thanks for the group photo. I shall treasure it. I have not seen Lorraine for twenty-six years, I believe; but she still looks much as I remember her. Tell her that I received her postal card, and thank her. Also tell her that I like to have people I like call me Ed; so I was pleased that she did.
Your picture does not do you justice, but you still look awful good to me. I wish that I might see you and hear you rattle. The good ol' Mutual Admiration Society has never disbanded, and we'll go to town when I get home.
That party must have been very decorous. I see nothing but water glasses on the table, or did you hide the others for the picture? And you all look disgustingly sober.
I have not been behaving very well lately. Two or three Marines from Saipan have been making my room their headquarters when they come in town from the hospital (they are all casualties). They have brought in half a dozen bottles of Bourbon and a couple of cases of beer, and they come in and make whoopie. One of them is Capt. Don Jackson, a friend of Rochelle and Hal Thompson. I met him through Hal down in Noumea. When his division was in rest camp on one of the other islands here after Tarawa I saw quite a little of him when he got leave to come to Oahu. They have to be back in the hospital by 9:50 every night - thank God! But I like them.
Jack writes me that you were expected home on the 22nd; so I suppose you are back there now. I am glad that you had such a wonderful time in Chicago. The Allens must be tops. Old friends are pretty nice. The Westons are about the only old friends I have kept in touch with, but I have made a lot of new ones, especially since the war. I've been making a card index of the people I have met since December 1942. By the time I get it completed, I'll have around two thousand. These are only those whom I have mentioned in my diary or whose signatures appear in my autograph books. Of course only a few of them could be called friends, but at least none of them are enemies, I hope.
Lots of love to you and the children.
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzana, California1298 Kapiolani Boulevard
Honolulu 42 Hawaii
September 23 1944
Dear Jack:Yours of the 19th with photos of Johnny and the glamour gal just received. Gosh! but they're cute. I have already shown them to the only person in the vicinity of my office who is around Saturday afternoons. She loved 'em. I shall take them to the hotel and put on a one man exhibition. I'm a typical grandfather. Then I'll mail them to Hully along with a request that he make copies for you, himself, and me. He won't.
Thanks for the tree information. I appreciate it. It is amazing what water will do in that country. The black walnut at the office went both figuratively and literally nuts when it got a lot of water after we built there. Thanks for the trees you planted on my lot. I shall like them. By the time I return, I should have a forest there.
Hulbert has a terrible going home complex. I think that if he could get home for just a short leave it would fix him up. He might be damn glad to get back here. From what I hear, we are much better off than you folks. Ralph writes me that all he can get to smoke are Juleps. Migawd!
Am glad that Johnny likes his "Fony". One cannot learn to ride too young. Give him my love, and tell Danton to take his fingers out of his mouth and try putting his feet in. That is far more intriguing.
Edgar Rice Burroughs Love to you all!
Tarzana, California1298 Kapiolani Boulevard
Honolulu 42 Hawaii
October 13, 1944Dear Jack:
For no particular reason, I take two of my fingers in hand to write you.
The front page news of today is that one hundred and eleven (111) years ago your Grandfather Burroughs was born in Warren, Massachusetts, October 13 1833. He died thirteen days before you were born.
I just dug out a genealogical datum that may interest you: The average age at death of eighteen of your ancestors (and mine) was eighty-one years. The youngest died at sixty-nine, the oldest at ninety-three. These were the only ancestors the dates of whose births and deaths I have.
Hulbert said he might be in yesterday, but as he didn't show up by 4:15 P.M., I gave him up and accepted an invitation to a cocktail party being given by Lt. Col. Wolfe, Flight Surgeon of the 7th Bomber Command, with whom I became very well acquainted on Tarawa and Kwajalein. The Colonel's party ended up at a party being given by Army Flight Nurses at Hickam Field, where the Colonel is temporarily quartered on his way back to the front. It was quite some party. I really didn't see much of it, as I spent most of the evening writing my name on things, principally Short Snorter bills. My Short Snorter collection has now grown, through no effort on my part, to a length of 4 ft. 4 1/2 inches. But if I didn't see much of the party, I drank quite a lot of it. The girls must have been saving up their liquor rations for quite some time.
I spent the night at the Colonel's quarters and got back to the hotel for breakfast. It is no fun driving between Hickam and Honolulu at night; so when I go out there, I usually stay all night.
Am enclosing a clipping that amused me. I think it may amuse you, also.
Phil Bird phoned to say tha t he is calling for me at 1:30 and that we are going over to the other side of the Island. I don't know why nor where, and I didn't ask. Phil is a captain on the staff of my very good friend Colonel Kendall J. Fielder, A.C. of S., G-2, USAFPOA. I hope that some day you can meet both of them.
Now I gotta go back to the hotel and get into my uniform. I only wear it when I'm likely to go onto a military reservation; because I am so goddam old that everybody takes me either for God or a major general and salutes me. It is rabarrassing.
Edgar Rice Burroughs OB
Tarzana, CaliforniaOctober 14, 1944Darling:Your nice long letter postmarked October 6 came through in five days. Too bad about your allowance. I mailed you a little check on September 15, but you didn't mention it. didn't you receive it?
You are certainly taking a lot of studies. They must keep you pretty busy. I am thinking of studying United States history. I have been thinking of it for the past twenty years. Maybe sometime I'll get around to it. One should never stop studying.
You didn't tell me if you had a boy friend, or if you still love me. I was over at the Kailua Racquet Club yesterday, and the pool made me think of the times we went swimming there. Do you remember, and the fun we had?
Captain Phil Bird took me over. Then we went to the Officers Club at the Kaneohe Naval Base. It is a beautiful club. I met a number of officers. I met over two thousand officers and men in all branches of the armed forces during the past two years.
Thursday evening I was at a party given by Army flight nurses at Hickam Field. It was a very nice party. I spent most of the evening writing my name on things, mostly Short Snorter bills. I have quite a collection myself, although I have never tried very hard to get signatures unless I was asked for mine. My Short Snorter collection is now 4 feet, 4 1/2 inches long.
You asked me why I went to the doctor's. Just for check-up. I am quite well. And as I have a nice tan, I look healthy. I go out on the pier every morning that the sun is shining and take a sun bath for half an hour.
Did I tell you that there is a cocktail lounge in the Niumalu now. I call it a saloon. I never go there, but my table in the dining room is right beside it.
After I got your horse in the crate, he kicked the sides out of it and ran away. If you can catch him, I'm going to put water wings on him and let him swim over to you. The air mail postage on him costs too much. I'll enclose a horse for your collection. He may not look like a horse, but he has a sweet disposition and doesn't eat much. Which is a fine thing in a horse these days with the cost of hay what it is.
Lots of love and kisses, Sweetheart.
E (sig)
See the letter image at
http://www.tarzan.org/docs/441021.jpgCLIPPEREdgar Rice Burroughs 1298 Kapiolani Boulevard
Tarzana, California
Honolulu 42 Hawaii
21 October 1944Joan darling:
Under separate cover I am mailing you via steamer some photos that have been cluttering my desk for some time. I thought you might like to look at them and then paste them in your hat.
The one in front of Pacific Tramp (General Landon's Liberator) was taken on Mullinex Field, Tarawa, March 27, 1944, just before we took off for Kwajalein. From Left to right are Col. Clarence Hegy, Capt. Scheur(?), Genl. Landon, ERB, Lt. Col. Jay Rutledge.
Another is of Wilma and Phil Bird, ERB, and Kitty Braue (rhymes with zowie), one of the guests at Louise Rogers' party, who dances a mean hula. I didn't have a stomach ache. I was merely holding on to my palpitating heart. Phil is not frightened. He was letting his hair grow so that he could part it again and look like a human being. Wilma, Col. Fielder (his boss) and I had razzed him into it.
The third is of your dear old father after Sue Brown had painted on eyebrows and what she thought a mustache should look like. It happened like this. "Duke" Willey, a man in his fifties, was teamed up in a mixed doubles tennis tournament set with a wahine he didn't like; so he prevailed on me to play with him, taking the part of the kane opposite his wahine. He put on one of his wife's bathing suits, she painted his face and rouged his lips, and a Red Cross man pasted false eyelashes on him. He was something to look at! And he was in character all the time, mincing and simpering. When I pinched his leg, he slapped me. He was darned good and got a lot of laughs. We lost the set.
I don't know when you will get the pictures. I have to get an Army O.K. to send the one of Genl. Landon, and then they will go by steamer mail. You will probably get them around the first of January, if at all.
Haven't seen Hulbert for a couple of weeks. He still wants to go home. I wish that he might. I think he would soon get it out of his system. Ralph tells me to stay here, that there is nothing that I could do there; and I know he is right.
When am I going to get decent pictures of you and Mike? I have one of Joanne.
Just talked with Phil, and he is going to stop at my office on his way home and get the pictures to O.K.
Lots of love,
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