The Danton Burroughs
Family Album
John Coleman Burroughs Archive
Copyright ERB, Inc. ~ Not for download
Hartland 1884 ~ Yale 1887/1888
~ Chicago 1920 and 1926
Letters shared with ERBzine by
Danton Burroughs
Handwritten letters deciphered
and transcribed by Bill Hillman
Located 20 miles west of Milwaukee, in the heart
southeastern Wisconsin's beautiful Lake Country
Sunday, July 6, 84
Dear Mother
Fathers of the 2nd & 3rd and yours
of the 4th rec'd in due time. Our boat got here Sat. at 4.04 and
Mr. Rudberg brought it up for us.
We found she leaked badly and we
got some putty and blue paint of Mr. R. and fixed her immense.
About those drawings, Geo.
says he didn't pay for them, because Mr. Hyde wasn't there when
he went and got them.
I didn't hear about Paul Hamilton.
What was it.
We haven't caught anything to speak
of -- two bass and four or five pickerel and Geo. caught a string of
between fifty and sixty perch, which we had to clean. Our rods &
every-thing else work immense.
I got my best pants we and
I had taken my middling ones down to the tailor in Hartland to get them
cropped off about six inches at the bottom so I had to wear my sailor's
togs for a couple of days and it seems to me they are wider than they were
last year. If I had hold of that Larson I would choke him for I don't
believe he took them in at all.
Judge Tuley is here and he
and Mr. R. play cribbage till about midnight & all day Sunday.
You know Judge Tuley has let or sold his place and so he stays here; fine
looking man and very pleasant.
Charlie Rudberg says one of their
cows just pulled her horn off and he can't touch her to put any-thing
on it, because she jumps around so. He says he put some kerosene oil
on to keep the flies off.
Mr. Rudberg has got a boat house
on Pine lake and two boats & he had also got two new boats here
on Beaver. The Peitsch boys are the only ones that were here last year
-- but the Meyer boys and eight relatives are coming Monday.
With much love
Sunday July 13/84
Dear Father and Mother:
It don't seem Sunday at all up here.
whole vacation is one long string of week days.
Four of the boys have got these little
rifles like Phil Noble's; and Jake Wineman and I went across the lake
to the pond-lilies and shot a duck a regular genuine one too. The
folks made lots of fun of us and Mr. Rudberg said it was a helldiver; but
we picked and cleaned it and Miss Nettie had it cooked for our supper.
We offered some of it to Mr. R. but
he politely declined saying "An Indian couldn't be seen eating it."
That's all right just the same, it was as good a duck as I ever tasted.
Some friend started the idea
that we wanted pop up here and of course we all had to chip in a quarter
and get some (five doz.) It tastes as though it had been fermenting
a week or so.
We went up on Sands' windmill and
took Don's telescope along so we could see things dandy.
Mr. R. said Friday if we would go
down in the field & help get the hay in he would put some hay on
the hay wagon and take us all to the circus (so called) which was to
be there. So we took him up & went . They said on the posters "Seat
1000" and honestly I doubt if they could crowd 75 in.
The tailor of Hartland Mr.
Blitz went to the circus and he came up to where I was and said "Are
these the
preserved seats." You know he paid a dime extra
for a reserved seat.
It was a regular swindle though
we had lots of fun going & coming. There were three girls and about
10 boys. I haven't said a word about our wheels yet. They got here
in good condition. The roads are pretty fair. It's 9.30 now. I guess
I will go in-to the house & see if I can have a little more fun.
Love to all
July 19 - 1884
Dear Parents:
We have not done much since Geo. wrote;
I have got a good book which I read a good deal.
Tom and Sam Buckner are up here -
they were both here last year . They are five singers and do a great
deal of fine singing.
Some of the boys went over to
visit the campers from Milwaukee and they showed the boys around
and told them to come again. I didn't go to the camp with the boys, but
instead drove to Hartland with Charlie to buy some rope for my hammock.
Geo. says as he has not yet recd.
an answer concerning that "Flobert rifle" and as the boy is going away
early tomorrow morning he will purchase it.
He would have to pay just double the
sum asked by the boy if he bought one in the city.
Jake Wineman and I went to Hartland
and had our pictures taken together and seperately - which I enclose.
You said that when we wanted money
to asked for it. The money I had is almost all gone, so will you please
send me some more.
Miss Nettie has been sick for a couple
of days and I tell you we miss her very much but she is able to be out
If I want to send the letter this
A.M. I must close now.
Your Affec't Son
Hartland July 25 / 84
Dear Mother:
Your letter of the 23rd recd.
Folks are coming and going all the
We played ball this P.M. with Rice's
folks. We only had time to play five innings when it threatened rain
and we had to stop.
Tell Father that we recd his letter
containing the money to pay Mr. R. and also the five dollars to us for
which we are very much obliged. I will enclose rect. if I don't forget
it before I send the letter which I probably shall.
They are having a dance in t he
house now but as I haven't written for some time I thought maybe if
I wrote to-night I could get it mailed early in the morning. I didn't miss
all the fun in the house though I danced in the Virginia Reel and
some of the Base Ball lemonade furnished by "We Boys"
You mentioned in your letter a Miss
Leela Moore - who is she?
I hope Auntie is better; it is too
bad that she is sick.
We have three violinists with
their instruments up here and the are all good players so we do not lack
I ripped two pr. of pants horribly
& tried to sew them up. The first pair I sewed I put the stitches
about half or three quarters of an inch apart and didn't pull the thread
tight for fear of puckering it. The consequence was that it was almost
as bad as before. The only difference being that there were threads stretched
across; making it look like a prison cell window with
bars across.
It is about eleven o'clock and Don
is in bed and Geo coming. I guess I had better close.
With much love to all.
Your Affectionate Son
July 30 / 84
Dear Father:
Your letter of this week (I have mislaid
it) and Mother's of the 28 recd.
About going to Eagle lake.
I rather think for the short time we would have to stay and being so well
satisfied here and also taking into acct. the expense, we had better
not go. Although
if you wish us to, why, we are perfectly willing
to go, as I know we would have a good time with the family together.
There are five boys from the Milwaukee
High School camping upon Rices land and as soon as we got acquainted
with them we found they were all nice fellows. Monday night they came up
and asked me to come down and sleep with them in their tent. Of
course I accepted and had a daisy time.
One of the boys got to sleep before
the rest of us and about 11.30 we took his watch out of his pocket and
set it to a quarter of six and put the lantern outside so it would look
like the sun rising and then woke him up and told him to get breakfast.
But the joke of it was he had been awake all the time and the first thing
he said was - "O you darn idiots; bring that lantern in and give me my
watch and go to sleep." There were five pretty sheepish looking
individuals in that tent.
The next thing of interest is a dance
at Rices to-morrow evening, to which all the young people of Rudberg's
are invited.
The last thing of interest was a
hay-ride last night almost to Lakeside, stopping at Harland and getting
two dishes of ice-cream apiece.
We have lots of music out here.
Three violins a zither and a piano.
How much are you paying for butter
in town. We get it for 14 cents here.
With lots of love,
Aug 10th 1884
Sunday - P.M.
Dear Mother:
Friday night we had a dance in
return for the one Rice's gave us. I didn't partake although I helped pay
for the musicians and ate my share of the ice-cream. Geo. danced
over half the dances on the program and didn't get to bed till nearly 2.30
We are going to play the Lakeside
in a game of ball Tuesday they having challenged us.
There is a young lady here by the
name of Miss Nellie Cochrane who was a schoolmate of Belle's at Rockford
and having resided at Riverside knows Mr. Henry Ford, Teddie Bliss,
"Fattie" and the rest of the family. She is a very pleasant and pretty
young lady.
We rec'd the letter of Fathers containing
the bill and we're glad it came when it did as the expense for the musicians
was much greater than was anticipated. I will enclose one of the programs.
Also rec'd your letter of Friday and
will say concerning the matter that it is very pleasant, being rather cold
in the morning but warm during the day.
I milk one or two cows every evening
and yesterday I milked three.
Geo. went to Oconomowoc yesterday
with Mr. Wallace who has a horse and buggy here. He said they had a
good time.
Our candy is not gone yet and we
have several lemons left, and in good condition.
I will close now as I have a chance
to send the letter by a team gong now.
With lots of love
AT ERBzine 1096
March 9 - 1887
Dear Mother:
Your letter of Sunday (6) to Geo.
recd. to-day.
Of course I didn't know the substance
of the girl's letters - so I should certainly have to agree with you.
What I took exception to was that
Geo. especially accused them of some scheme just from the fact of their
writing to you, without regard to the contents of the letters.
Wouldn't be as much surprised to hear
that Belle had some motive, however, as to hear that Nell did. Would you?
If I was in your place I wouldn'tthink
of having them at the house, Mother dear, until I felt able not only physically
and pecuniarily, but also felt that it would be a pleasure
all around
(Sentiments of H.S.B.)
How is Uncle Henry getting on?
Surely there must be some situation by this time.
We passed German all right and
are now in dread of Chemistry and English.
Are the Grant and LaSalle clubs
really going to unite? What is the world (political world) coming to?
Glad to hear Pa is blooming out
as a public speaker. In a few years we will have him and Geo. lecturing
around the country (while you and I go to the Opera!)
Am glad that Grandma is better
and do hope she will be entirely well before long.
I rec'd a nice letter from Fred
If I say good night now, will
have time to hear a very interesting lecture on Legal Tender in the
I know you will excuse me for any
good cause. In haste.
Your loving son Harry
Monday Morning
June 13 - '87
Dear Ma.
As our recitations cease to-day
3.30 P.M. I celebrated by taking a ride with Lou Sweetser yesterday
so was unable to write at the usual time.
We left here about 9.30 A.M. for
Waterbury; the land of nickel matches and also, as we observed while
there, of pretty damsels (compared with "New Haven")
The roads are hilly and sandy after
you get about twelve miles out of New Haven. Waterbury is nearer Heaven
than any town of its size. I ....
Sorry I can't write more but must go to Analytics.
The last one thank you
June 20 - 1887
Dear Mother
Was unable to write yesterday owing
to an examination which came this morning and which had to be studied
up. We just finished it and now I have a few minutes before dinner. The
subject was Analytics, one of those which Mac was conditioned on
last year and which I am pretty sure of getting.
One more exam (Med.) and Friday we
hear whether or no we have passed in the various studies.
Ed and Phil may be home by this time.
Their commencement came on the 17th and if they had intended to come to
New Haven to take their exams, they would probably have written me, but
as I haven't heard from either for a couple of weeks, I judge they will
take them in Chicago.
There was a great time here last Friday,
due to the unveiling and dedicating ceremonies of the Soldier and Sailor's
monument (on E. Rock Park)
Although the President "was unable
to attend" some of the "big guns" such as Sheridan, Sherman and many other
prominent men were here and the affair was quite a success.
The G.A.R. ran things and turned out
in large numbers.
The survivors of the Mexican war
grow fewer and fewer every time there is a parade. This time they numbered
about a dozen.
One pretty feature ws introduced in the procession. There
were 38 'buses' each one highly decorated and filled with Sunday School
girls in white dresses. One barge for each state. We don't know, as
yet, where we will room next year, but want to get nearer the Campus.
As everyone has the same idea of the
situation of rooms, it is rather difficult to find a place.
Dinner Calls me,
New Haven Nov 22
Envelope with New Haven Nov 23 postmark ~ back of envelope
has Chicago 26 postmark received)
Dear Mother.
I am, as you may know, right-handed
by nature, but am now left handed by compulsion; Cause -- a boil on
my "dexter flipper".
Our landlady, or rather boarding house
keeper, where we take our meals (38 c ???) on finding that I practiced
it myself, insisted on my letting her take charge of it, which I did, and
we opened and "squoze" it in true surgical style. It hurt.
I have often longed to know what a boil feels like.
This left hand work is no fun.
Yours lovingly
(Bottom of page shows practice writing of "Mrs. Geo T.
Burroughs" presumably before addressing the envelope)
Apr. 14, 1888
Dear Mother
A letter from Father now received
this morning which Geo now has in his pocket. As to the whereabouts of
the owner of said pocket & haven't the slightest idea so will not attempt
to answer the letter (if indeed it needs answering). I know Father will
criticize my business methods in not informing him by letter that I had
expressed the parts of my wheel which Frank wanted, but it slipped my mind
at the time, and would occur to me only when engaged in something more
important. I slipped it on the 11th to Geo T. Burroughs
25 S. Canal St.
C/O Abel Amer & Co.
and valued at $25.00
George and I both passed our Calculus
exam which is by far the most difficult study we have had so far, and
I have taken up in its stead "Analytical Mechanics". In German
we are reading Prince Bismark's speech of Feb 6 - 1888 and find it
comparatively easy. Prof. Wheeler says he is having us read it in
order to get a practical illustration of what we have accomplished in the
study by reading in his own language the opinion of Germany's principal
statesman and military leader concerning the present political status of
Being able to translate something of importance
like this speech is as gratifying as to find in our surveying some practical
application for the propositions and formulae of Geometry and Trigonometry,
over which we spent so many hours without knowing why until now.
Tell Frank he will have to get
the necessary screws at the St. Nicholas Mills if he wants to use the brake
as I have put the original ones in such a safe place that I cant find them.
George failed to write Ed about his cyclometer please say to him that a
56" cyclometer on a 46" wheel would register a mile every 4337.13 feet
ridden if I have figured correctly.
Perhaps if he has had proportion it would be good policy for him to use
the cyclom and figure out by proportion his days of mileage. I want both
of them to have the pedal mount by the time we get home.
No one has accepted my offer of a
nice flannel shirt and blazer and if the dude to whom they were offered
us too proud to write for them perhaps I can sell them here.
We have nearly all of our old men
in the '90 boat now and have little brushes with the Varsity once in a
while reminding us forcibly of last Spring when we spent some of the pleasantest
days of our life.
I never expect to have such good times
again as we had there. We go to the training table for dinner do day and
will be there until the Spring races (probably May 12) when we hope to
win another flag although we will have the hardest kind of work to get
it as there will be four crews entered i.e.
Varsity '89 - '90 -'91 although if the Varsity win as
they are pretty sure to do - the flags will probably go to the first class
even in. We elected Ish Newell (a North Side Chicagoan) captain last week
and if we dont win it wont be his fault.
Love to Nell and the boys
Affectionately, Harry
Yale University
Tuesday May 8 - 1888
Dear Father
As this terms tuition has been
due for some time and one or two other amounts including Spring suit, will
shortly have to be paid I wish you would please send the remainder of our
allowance which I believe you have placed at two hundred dollars ($200.00)
each although we are only entitled to one eighty five ($185.00)
I think. Well that extra $15 wont come amiss, I'll state. I wish you were
here, Father, to advise us (the members of our Society) about a move
we are about to make, concerning the renting of a house to live in.We have
one picked out and have conferred with our Alumni about it, but they wish
us to run it alone. The house is a fine one, just completed and in a very
desirable situation for us. The furnace is a hot-air and steam one and
in addition to this most of the rooms are furnished with fireplaces ( a
students delight). The parlors and wide hall-way when furnished, (which
our Alumni have promised to do for us) will be as cosy and home-like as
any one could desire.
The owner wishes us to take a lease
for ten months, and asks eighty five ($85.00) dollars a month for the house.
The gas is to be lighted by electricity throughout the house. In fine the
whole outfit is just what we want and is modern, a thing that can
be said of very few New Haven houses. The rent seems high to you probably,
and would be in Chicago, but seems to be quite reasonable here where everything
in the way of articles of necessity comes high and luxuries are rather
cheap. The owner is very reasonable in his demands and will, I think, lease
it to us undergraduates although only two are of age. Geo. and I have picked
out two adjoining rooms, south windows, one for sitting room and study
(although most of our loafing will be done in the parlor) and the other
for bedroom. This will be an improvement on sleeping in our study as we
are doing now, from a sanitary if not a financial point of view.
Hope to be able to tell you next time I
write home that we have secured the house and also that '90 has won the
race although the latter is very doubtful. I will probably be in
the boat though as my finger is better.
Your affectionate Son
~ 1920
Concerning the grief over the
serious illness of son Studley's child.
NOTE FROM MOTHER on Tarzana Ranch Letterhead
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Van Nuys California
Telephone Van Nuys 100
I am sending Harry's letters as
they will give you a better idea of conditions than anything I could write.
National Life Insurance Company
29 South La Salle Street
Mar 21 1920
My Dear Mother.
Dr. Baxter
was here again yesterday and among other things told us to keep Baby
out of doors as much as possible, the weather having moderated considerably.
Her long
spell of sleeplessness and refusal to take sufficient food, was broken
by 17 hours sleep at one stretch Saturday night, interrupted only for her
night feeding and taking the full eight oz. of milk this morning.
Today Evie and I had her out
3 1/2 hours, one hour and forty minutes of which she slept. We returned
at 4 P.M. when she ate with apparent relish some meat and vegetable
soup and a fair sized saucer of apricot pulp, finishing up (in her
with almost all her bottle of milk.
At 6.45 she
went to sleep and is sleeping soundly now, 9 o'clock, so I am quite confident
she will see marked improvement in t he morning.
I was glad to
be at Louie when Dr. Baxter came yesterday afternoon. Was most favorably
Our opinion was
confirmed yesterday morning in a conversation I had with Mr. Johnson. When
I told him of Baby's illness he immediately asked what physician we had.
When I told him he said, "You have the best on the North Side."
Dr. Baxter tells
us there is no cause for worry; but we worry nevertheless. I presume, if
we had had as much experience with babies as he has we wouldn't even think
of worrying.
Her loss of
weight (eighteen ounces last week), her listlessness, and apathy; approaching
at times a semi comatose condition, have given us much concern. You
will realize the change in her when I tell you she has not smiled in
over a week;
her interest cannot be aroused by her toys or by any
of the stunts I used to do to amuse her. She simply turns her head away.
She is no longer
interested in my arrival at night and refuses to let me carry her.She
wants Nellie
(wife Ella) to hold her and no one else; and lies
with her eyes closed most of the time.
There is one encouraging factor --
has had no fever to amount to anything. The highest has been 99 3/5.
Following Dr. Baxter's instructions I bought a clinical thermometer as
he wishes her temperature taken 3 times daily and a record kept. I presume
this, as much as anything, guides him in his assertion that Baby's condition
is not serious.
Right here I want to apologize for
the fact that we have not written more frequently since you left. The Baby's
birthday celebration followed by this illness used up all the time between
sleep and sleep. As Baby wouldn't let me carry her, I have tried to be
helpful in other ways, and usually it would be eleven o'clock, and no letters
written, before the household was ready to settle down. Will try and do
better from now on.
It is always easier to find time when
there is something cheerful to write anyway.
Nellie is a marvel! She thrives
without sleep, without rest and would, I verily believe, gain in weight
and be cheerful and happy if, in addition, she went without food.
Your dandy letter about Studley
was most welcome. In the same mail we received one from him equally cheerful
and together they served to brighten a rather melancholy household.
Nellie learned today from Joe Neaba,
that Mrs. Mikleman, Louise and Edith's mother, died suddenly of
heart failure last night.
Evelyn and Jack Tosh have gone
out somewhere this evening -- nothing serious
you understand, as the man said who shot himself in the
mouth and couldn't find the bullet.
Have been trying to think of something
cheerful to wind up with, but as the sad news about Mrs. Mikleman
is the only result of my efforts. I might as well say good night.
I don't believe there is anything
cheerful in the world anyway, or if there is I don't expect to find
it until little Mary is her sunshiny self again.
Good night, Mother dear, with a
world of love to you and to all the other dear ones at Tarzana,
P.S. Nellie's (wife Ella) mental condition, due to loss
of sleep, is clearly indicated by the fact that she just asked me how to
spell John.
National Life Insurance Company
29 South La Salle Street
March 23 1920
My Dear Mother:
Baby developed alarming symptoms
Monday, yesterday morning, going into convulsions. Dr. Baxter immediately
made two tests and the others for spinal meningitis.
If his clinical diagnosis of tubercular
spinal meningitis is correct, there is no hope for our little baby, as
there is no known cure for this malady.
The tubercular test, unfortunately
has proved positive and we are breathlessly awaiting the result of the
This morning he drew a test tube of fluid from her
spinal column, which I immediately took over to the Univ. of Ill. Medical
School and left to be tested. We may know the result this evening.
Whatever it is I am going to ask to have Dr. Abt call in consultation.
We will then have the two leading Child Specialists of Chicago, doing their
utmost. Dr. Abt is the one who has attended Carl Meyers children and pulled
Rosa Mayers little girl through when hope had been practically given up.
Am going to send Studley a night
letter tonight to prepare him for the awful eventuality which seems so
We are hoping and praying that
the clouds may lift and our little darling be spared to brighten all our
She has not recognized any of us since
Sunday. By dint of patience Nellie has managed to get her to take nourishment,
although invariably she pushes the bottle or spoon away first, and much
coaxing is required.
Last night we took turns sitting
up with her as we cannot leave her alone a minute on account of the
recurrence of the convulsions. These are not, to my mind, severe ones.
is a constriction of the muscles of the throat, an unnaturally wide opening
of the eyes, and markings appear on the face and neck and the little hands
tremble and turn purple. They do not last long and then there is no tendency
to bend the head backward or the legs, as I have always understood was
customary in spinal meningitis.
She sleeps a great deal and her
temperature , while over 101 yesterday, is now 100 degrees.
Nellie tells me she just took several
ounces of milk from her bottle, naturally although yesterday it was necessary
to feed her with a spoon.
We are hanging on every tiny favorable
symptom for it doesn't seem possible that this awful nightmare can be
Rest assured, Mother dear, everything
possible has been and will be done. I know I have the very best medical
talent, and you know what painstaking care will be given her day and night,
between the doctors' visits.
Dr. Baxter assured Nellie this morning that, whether the
laboratory test proved positive or not, they would not relax their efforts
in fighting to save her.
There is nothing to add now. I may
be able to insert the result of the meningitis test before mailing this.
Our hearts are like lead and we
seem to be moving in a dream.
Your good letter came to-day and its
note of flowers and sunshine was like music from another world, totally
outside our own dark one.
With love
and hope
A Somber Footnote:
The child, Mary Burroughs died on March 31 ~ age 1
year, 3 days.
The child's father, Harry's son, Studley, who had
lost his wife in childbirth
went into severe depression and had problems with
alcohol for the rest of his life.
Harry's mother, Mary Evaline Burroughs died at son
Edgar's Tarzana Ranch on April 5, 1920.
Some of her final letters -- written on March 12 and
March 27, 1920 are featured in ERBzine 0932 at:
Comments on Raft River Days
Envelope postmark
Jackson Park Sta. Chicago, Ill - 10 AM 1926
Return Address:
H.S. Burroughs
Southmoor Hotel
Chicago, Ill
Feb. 9 - 1926
Dear George:
Check received and order placed
for the two (important) articles needed to start Evie off right on her
silver moon.
1/2 doz boullion
1/2 doz oyster
and engraving
I know she will be delighted with
It was very gracious of you and Edna
to add to her happiness in this way.
She has had, or is to have, a total
of eleven showers, luncheons and entertainments, but as her mother
sees that she sleeps late mornings (hushing me up if I talk too loudly)
she is as bright as a cricket and having the time of her life.
Was very
much interested in the Monitor article about Deacon Edmund Rice.
It fits in
nicely with the genealogy Ed sent us - of which I presume you have
a copy. If not let me know and I will supply the deficiency.
Do you want the Monitor article returned? If you wish to preserve it let
me know. Am holding it to show Studley.
You would not know Chicago if you
were to drop in. It is too bad you can't all come to the wedding and see
the changes that have taken place since you were last here.
The old Palmer House is
no more. The new structure facing on Wabash and Monroe is in full swing,
and now that the old building has been razed, the other half of the proposed
ensemble will soon rise on its ruins.
Then will be three entrances, State,
Wabash and Monroe, all opening into a large central lobby, when the new
hotel is finally completed.
The new Stevens Hotel - same Stevens' as the silk merchant
owners of Hotel La Salle and holders of stock in the Monraine Mining
Company -- is under construction on t he corner of Michigan and 7th St.s
-- just across 7th St. from the Blackstone. Another huge hotel (25 stories)
is planned for the corner of 7th and Wabash. On the former site of the
old Battle of Gettysburg panorama (That is surely getting back into ancient
Dexel Boul has been widened
clear through to 22nd Street and then sweeps in a graceful curve over a
concrete viaduct spanning the Illinois Central tracks, to the outer drive,
which follows past the Field Museum to Monroe St. (at present). Ultimately
it will extend due north from that point, crossing the river at its mouth
and join the North Shore outer drive. Mackie Drive (old South Water
St.) is nearing completion. It is double decked and swings in to Mich Boul.
at the Link Bridge.
The Strauss Building, on the site
of the old Stratford hotel, the Tribune Towers, The New 1st Methodist Church
building on Clark and Washington, the 47 story addition to the Morrison
Hotel are only a few of the many new structures.
I am acquiring quite a reputation
as a liar around here by the amazingly simple expedient of telling the
It seems that the New Palmer House
received, just before its formal opening, 30 tons of silver for its various
dining rooms, lunch rooms and banquet halls. I had this direct from the
manager of the main lunch room, who helped superintend the unpacking and
placing of the various articles. Later it was corroborated by another employer,
who looks honest.
No one believes this story when I tell it and now
obligation attaches to you ot give it credence. In fact I no longer expect
anyone to believe it.
Carlton, my future son in law,
doubts my story of the drive well on our ranch on Raft River and takes
no pains to conceal his doubts. Says he absolutely requires corroboration
from some one who saw the point on the pipe come up out of the ground
If you or Lew remember it you can
save my reputation by backing me up. I will even withdraw all claim I may
(and certainly do) have on the bear/bean? shooter story, if you
will back me up in this.
You may have all credit for falling
off the kitchen tale with the historic bear/bean blower in
your mouth, (provided Ed and Coleman will relinquish their claims) if you
will rally to my assistance in the story of the parabolic drive well pie,
whose joint started toward the center of the Earth (Pellucidar) and ended
by pointing at the stars.
An affidavit, properly signed and
acknowledged would probably be required to convince the young man, though
a simple statement would help some. Are Lew and Claire still living in
or near Burley, and if so, what is Lew doing? Bob Leay is nowpresident
of the National Life Ins. Co., Mr. Johnson having taken the position of
Chairman of the Board of Directors on account of his health.
Our Company will probably be merged
with two others and our identity lost in a new name -- also I will lose
my title of Secretary which doesn't mean much anyway; as Mr. Johnson is
also returning as president of our company to serve as chairman of its
board, which is merely a polite way of holding the reins while some one
else does the work.
This rambling epistle is intended
for both of you as I just noticed that letter enclosing check is signed
I read it so hurriedly at the office
I didn't notice the signature although I recall thinking "George's handwriting
is changing and he has swiped some of my stationery."
Most abject and humble apology, Edna.
Nellie will probably (yes, certainly)
write you all about "our" wedding when she has time ot come up for air.
She is attending all the showers, &c, as the girls insist that she
is one of them.
Love to all, not overlooking our handsome

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