ERBzine Issue 1096
The Danton Burroughs
Family Archive
George T. Burroughs, Jr.
Letters shared with ERBzine by Danton Burroughs
from the Burroughs Family Archive
Handwritten letters deciphered and transcribed by
Bill Hillman

~ 1884-86
Hartland July 2 / 84
Dear Mother & Father
We arrived safely at 4.04 P.M. after
going through a slight shower.
Mr. Rudberg was not down to meet us.
We had to leave our bicycles in
Milwaukee to be sent up on an evening train, because when they got the
through baggage in there was not enough room & the Hartland and Oconomowoc
stuff had to be left till next train. We are fortunate in not having
our baggage put off as Mr. Kisk's & a lot of other baggage was left.
We are going down in the morning to
ride them up and get some hats.
Right after supper we tried my
new minnow net & caught as many in two hauls as we used to get in 4
or 5.
We then went out trolling. Walter caught 2
small pickerel & I caught a 2 1/2 or 3 lb bass, a very large one. My
pole works nicely and the hanging net is great.
Harry joins in much love to all.
P.S. Still alive & kicking
July 3 / 84 ~ 8 A.M.
Breakfast bell ringing!
We got up at 4 & fished for 3 1/2 hrs. Caught
7 Rock Bass & 1 Pickerel.
4.40 P.M.
We just got back from going in swimming. Mr. Rudberg
is going to take us down to Hartland at 5 PM & we will get our bicycles.
Hoping you will enjoy your fourth. I remain your
Son, Geo.
be as saving as possible. Please say to mother that
no "Outing" came with the express package. I will be very glad of both,
if these are two that I have not seen. I do not take any stock in that
Spiritual Business but I was interested & thought you might be, we
have not tried any thing since. Tell Mother a peanut was the first
thing I ate out of the box of candy & also that the fish which
I caught only weighed 4 lbs. but he was very poor, he had a frame that
if filled out would have weighed 5 or 6 lbs.
If we get fish enough to make a meal they will prepare
them & put them on the table & will cook a small quantity if we
clean them. They a re as accommodating as could be asked & if I
get hungry in the evening I go into the kitchen & get something just
as I would at home.
We are having quite rainy weather.
With love
to all
P.S. Sam Buchner asked me to stop over in Milwaukee
with him for two or three days when I went home, what shall I do.
Hartland July 7 / 84
Dear Father,
Your letter of the 5th just received.
Harry wrote to Mother yesterday answering all previous ones (letters).
He didn't show me his letter & I don't know how much he told you. We
got our boat Saturday & I am afraid it was jammed, coming up on the
wagon, anyway it leaked pretty badly & I have had to work on it considerable
to get it fixed, it don't leak much now & I think it will swell
enough to stop that
Tell Matt. that aside from that leak everything is
first rate the seats are a little too far front but by putting the anchor
(stone) in the stern it goes all right & when one rows alone by putting
the anchor in the bow it turns all right. I arranged the anchor ropes so
that I can steer with my feet.
Harry's key didn't fit the locker,
so I took the lock off & fixed that.
We got up at 4.20 A.M. & went
fishing this morning, didn't catch anything.
Mr. Rudberg says he don't care
how you pay, you can wait until the end of the summer if you want,
but I don't' see why once a month won't be first rate. He also says he
supposes there will be rooms about the 1st of Aug. but it is not very certain.
Harry says he don't want a daily paper & I can't
read one, so you had better not send one, thank you. We're trying to
be careful & you will see us home safely when the time comes.
As far as other people are
concerned it is rather dull here but there are quite a number coming this
afternoon. Today is the first fairly warm day we have had, mostly on account
of winds.
We are going now to dig a place deeper for our boat
near the bank.
We have only been in swimming once
but we are going in this afternoon.
With much
love I am
your affectionate
Son Geo.
Hartland July 14 / 84
Dear Father,
My rod came today, also a letter
of the 12th inst from you, the rod was all right only one length having
been sent by me.
Please tell me what it cost, the Ex.
charges were 25 cents each way.
We won't need any more money at present
as I have with some of my own nearly four dollars & Harry a little
less. We are thinking of going to some other lake near here, Ockotcber
or Mouse for a days fishing. It will probably cost about $1.00 to $5.00
apiece, do you approve of it.
I am glad you liked the fish &
if you think it will pay we can send some more, we could send a box
full of small fish every day, but we can't always get larger ones.
The largest there only weighed 2 /14 lbs. We will be sure to send
some to Mr. Buchry did the writing on Walters postal remain legible.
Mother said in her letter of the 10th inst. that Grandma Burroughs
was very sick but as nothing else has been said we hope she is much
I hope Freddies accident will
not prove serious & I agree with mother that it was lucky it was
not on the bicycle.
I am sorry I was not home to see Louis
Stevens & I hope he will write as I would like his address.
I suppose you enjoyed going to the
convention & wish I could have gone. I am not having any trouble with
my head & eyes & feel very well, but my stomach troubles me
Harry told you in a letter of yesterday
about our going to a show in Hartland. I lost my rubber coat
but some boys found it & spoke to Mr. Rudberg about it &
I went & got it the next day.
Our table is so reduced that we three
boys & Mr. Rudberg occupied alone this noon. Received a letter from
Ed. Came today asking us to ride down & spend a day at Geneva Lake
& he would come back with us & stay a day or two. What do you
think we had better do.
With love to all
P.S. I wish you would make up your mind to come up.
Sunday July 20th
Dear Mother,
We received your letter last night
with father's note enclosed. I expected a letter Friday afternoon &
Harry went down town to get it, as it did not come I got up Sat. morning
& went down to Hartland at 6 o'clock A.M. to see if one came by
the fast mail.
I was much disappointed but concluded
to get the gun as I am positive I could sell it to Chris - he tried
or wanted, to buy one last winter just like it which a fellow asked $15.00
for & he tried to buy this one of Jake.
Beside selling me the gun so cheap
when he found I had no cartridges & no cash to get any he gave
me a box worth $.50 containing 250.
What do you think of coming up, I
want to hear that you are, I don't like to be having so good a time while
all you are not.
Don't talk any more about Ice Cream or
watermelons It makes me wish I was home. It is nearly dinner time &
Sunday so we may have some of the former but it is poor at the best. You
haven't any idea how much fruit in the way of small berries I eat.
I have found three large raspberry patches & to day while across
the lake I came onto some bushes of wild gooseberries. I got
stung on the hand Friday while in the wood near Pine Lake.
Shall we send you some more fish if
we catch enough.
We are getting along better with
Walter though there is no love lost between us.
We have not received the papers yet
but I shall be very glad of it when it comes.
I saw that article in regard to
Ed Camp's side & cut it out of one of the boys papers.
Give our love to Grandma Geiger
when you write.
What is Jesse doing, Harry
got a postal from Phil, but we have not heard from Tom.
With love Geo
P.S. Harry agreed to write & mail a letter Friday
night but he neglected it & I suppose you wont get it until Monday.
Wed July 23
Dear Mother,
Father's letter of the 19th &
yours of the 20th
inst arrived. I had to laugh at father saying
he sent an occasional
word of caution, as a rule all the
first page & a few lines at the end are cautions, but we try to be
careful & I feel almost certain that we will come out all right.
I wish you could see my Rifle,
it is one of the best I ever saw. I skinned a gopher that I shot
& am trying to preserve the skin I wish I could stuff birds
and animals, we get so many handsome birds.
Two boys in the room next to us are
taking turns
playing the violins - it sounds nicely. How is Frank
getting along, I am anxious to get to playing again.
I should like to see Father in
his cutaway suit, I wonder if he will weigh as much as Uncle Henry.
I am sorry the trade is so bad,
but hope it will improve. We are keeping in splendid health.
I envy you the drive you had Sunday,
it must remind you of old times, that is when Harry & I were younger
& went out with you.
It was very kind in Father to let
us have the rifle & I am afraid it was selfish in me to ask for
it, we have so many nice things.
There must be about 40 people
here, a few of whom were here last year. I have not been to Rice's
yet but his place is greatly improved. I have been out on the lake
until 11 o'clock for two nights listening to the German Campers from Milwaukee
sing. Monday night they had Chinese lanterns & Red lights in
boats on the lake. They keep about 25 lanterns burning in their
camp on the hill until about 11 o'clock every night.
We have had cool weather until this week, Monday &
Tuesday it is cool to-day on acct. of a storm we had last night.
I don't remember whether I ever told you that Harry & I each have
a cot - the bed we had at first had bugs in it. I did not like to tell
them so, but asked for two cots saying Harry & I were not accustomed
to sleeping together. I have not slept so comfortably for a long
time. We play ball a good deal, last night two of the young ladies
chose sides & appointed captains & we are waiting for it to
get dry so we can play. The losing side pays for the lemonade or rather
the lemons as the ladies will make it. I suppose you have received
Harry's letters in regards to money as it constitutes our joint possessions.
With much love Geo.
Hartland July 27
Dear Mother;
The only letter from home not answered
is our so of the 25 inst. I have tried to comply with father's request
to write every other day & have done my share. I try to have Harry
write friday so it will go to the Hartland in the afternoon & leave
Sat. A.M. at 6.15 but he has neglected it for two weeks so I suppose you
wont get a letter form Wed. till Monday.
I am glad that you think my penmanship
is improving & am obliged to you for not criticizing some of my first
letters & postals, which I know were a disgrace to me. I am afraid
this letter wont be as good as my last because my hand is not at all steady.
We got the express package yesterday
& if you know what a lot of pleasure that box of candy gave
you would be surprised. You know I seldom eat candy at home, but here I
want some all the time.
We also got two night shirts, a
box of stationery & some lemons & sugar.
Our old nightshirts were all right
for the rest of the summer but now we wont have to have them washed
again as we wear them two weeks.
The stationery I don't think we needed
but it will be just as good when we get home.
I have got a stick all ready to
make the lemonade with, that is, to squeeze the lemons with.
The place is just jammed today
- 10 young men from Milwaukee & Chicago came up to spend Sunday.
We thought we would have two of them in our room last night but they made
other arrangements.
We had the best swim to-day we have had yet.
Chris told me today of a
place to catch minnows, for bait, about 2 miles
off & I think we will go tomorrow. I caught the largest fish yesterday
that has been caught since we have been here, that is by anyone stopping
at Rudbergs.
I heard this morning that a man
had just caught a fish in Pine Lake which weighed 20 lbs. it must have
been 4 or 5 feet long for mine was nearly a yard long.
With many thanks for the Ex. Package
I am with love,
P.S. Walter expects his brother up before long to spend
a few weeks.
Hartland July
Dear Mother
Harry received two letters yesterday, one from you and
one from father, neither of which I shall try to answer. There is a
gentleman up here who is a spiritualist & a strong medium & we
though we would try tipping a table. There were eight of us around
the table. Mr. Bangs the gentleman I spoke of, Miss Annie, Cassie, Nettie
& Charlie Rudberg, Miss Manirue, Miss Kissel & myself.
Miss Manier became so nervous that she had to take her hands off, so that
left seven at the table. The table would tip three times for "yes" &
once for "no",. We had not got serious, when Charlie asked , not thinking
of our answers, "Who is the greatest rascal", it immediately tipped way
over into his lap, coming back to the floor again without any nose or jar,
then we asked it to tip to each one in succession beginning with the next
largest rascal which it did. It then tipped out the age of each one of
the party without a mistake, then the time of night. Mr. Bangs asked if
any of his spirit friends were with us & found it was some one who
was always present with him when he received manifestations.
Finding that there was some one
else present, we repeated the alphabet, the table tipping whenever we got
to the right letter & spelt the name of an indian who always appears
to Judge Tulry. We then tried to get raps and sure enough on a vacant chair
we could hear distinct raps, which answered the questions the same as the
table. This was something that none but Mr. Bangs had ever heard. We then
asked them mental questions all around & got answers. Mr. Bangs asked
if the circle was all right for receiving manifestations & the answer
was "no". We found that Miss Kissel was
the one who should leave & that Miss Manirer should
not touch the table again. We then asked if it was because they did not
believe in Spiritualism & it answered yes. I then asked if I believed
in it & a very strong yes was the answer, it was something new to me.
I dont think of anything else that happened then, except it promised if
we would sit the next night we would receive raps on the table. I was very
certain that I heard raps after getting into bed & received answers
to several questions. Last night we tried it again & the result was
startling to me.
In the first place by questioning we found that Miss
Manierser & Miss Kissel were desired to leave the table, after they
left we asked if the circle was all right & it said no.
I asked if some one else should
leave & it said no. Mr. Bangs asked if some one should change seats
& it said yes. He then said Please tip towards the one you want to
move & the place she shall move to, it tipped into Miss Annie's lap
& then over beside me, after she changed her seat it worked fine. We
then asked for three raps on the table & while we answer those letters
& we
were listening then came three raps on Mr. Rudburgs
chair, so loud that we thought the chair had squeaked, but upon questioning
the table it said Mrs. Rudberg had rapped, it - next -- tipped out the
age at which she died & the length of time she had been dead. All this
time between questions the table had been tipping into my lap and Mr. Bangs
thought some one wanted to communicate to me. I asked if a friend of mine
was present and it said "yes." I asked if it was a relative? "yes" - uncle
or aunt? "no" brother? "yes"
I asked how long he had been dead & it said 8
yrs. Is that right. I thought we must have misunderstood. I then asked
if it was Arthur & the table tipped three times so violently that it
startled us all. I asked if there was anything he wanted to tell me &
it said no. I asked if anything was wrong at home & it said no.
The table began tipping toward
me again & after a great deal of loud questioning I found that a boy
named Aoofe who was killed in an accident so that dummy at Garfield
Park was present. I could write as much again on what we heard & saw
if I remembered it.
I just write this to see what you
think of it.
My eyes pain me some so I will leave
answer those letters & tell you the news.
Please preserve this letter
With much
Hartland July 29, 1884
Dear Father,
We received a nice long letter from
mother this morning which I shall not attempt to answer now. Harry had
a letter from
Ed Camp in regard to our going to Geneva Lake
We are about ready to leave here and if you think best would like to go
to Geneva Lake, to stay a week or ten days. We want to get home &
get to studying not later than the 15th of next month.
If you decide to have us go we can
either come back to Chicago and start from there or go from here as directly
as possible, as we have passes home I guess our way will be about as cheap
as the others. If you feel for a minute that you cannot afford it, don't
hesitate to say so, for it will be no great disappointment, although we
would probably have a very nice time. We have not called on Mrs. Rundlett
yet. I don't know how to go about it, and I can't get up "game" enough.
Col. R. ask us to call on his wife? If you especially wish it
we will go at all costs. Mother will be pleased to learn that we are going
to have a tennis court and will probably play this evening. Please
answer as soon as convenient.
With much love, Geo
Hartland 7 / 84
Dear Mother your letter of this AM received & also
one of fathers of 7th. In answer to his doubts as to our being all right
I should like to have him see us. We will try to write oftener & would
have done so but you said twice a week would do & the no. of envelopes
was graded accordingly.
If anything ails either of us the
other will let you know immediately & in case of emergency will call
Dr. Leustrom who is considered a good physician.
As to the expense to go to Geneva Lake, it will be
1.00 per day & we could probably both go down & back for 2.00
or 3.00 apiece, but I don't think we shall go as we are neither of us in
riding condition & the $3.00 had better be saved. We built a raft
to dive from today & expect to use it tomorrow.
Harry, Jake Winnerman, Chris, Schwartz
& myself
went out on Pine Lake this evening after mud hens which
Chris said were plentiful about dusk but needless to say we got none
but we got 3 frogs, 2 turtles & shot at many other things.
Harry and I want to buy one that one
of the boys has but I hope there is no cause for worry.
Please tell me whether Grandma
Zieger has gone away for good or not. I don't even know when she is
going. The Boys are waiting in bed for me & I must go.
With love to all
P.S. A letter that you mail as you did this last one
& a few others we get in the afternoon of the day they are mailed.
Hartland Aug 3
Dear Father,
I have not written to you for some
time on acct of having nothing particular to say. The letters addressed
to Mother are for the family however.
Harry is writing to Grandma Burroughs
& as mother said a letter to her would take the place of a letter home
he was not going to write home. But I don't think you ought to be so long
without a letter from us. I am very sorry we did not get a letter written
Friday, but it was my fault so I tried to make up for my negligence by
by writing a postal & taking it down to the 6.15 A.M. train Sat. I
got the postal written but failed to wake up early enough to get to the
train. Harry went down Sat. morning & was going to mail it then but
he forgot it.
I don't believe I have told you that
Archie Valentine is up here, he came Tuesday noon & brought
his bicycle. We have not done much riding, I have been to North
Lake once & to Hartland quite a number of times. Harry has been
to Nagawicka & over to Hartland twice.
We try to be economical & don't
spent much, but there is so much going on that it is hard to keep from
spending more than I fell like. For instance the boys wanted to get up
a party to go to Oconomowoc, it would not have cost much but I would not
go so broke up the party.
After being invited to a dance at
Rice's the young people here feel as though we ought to have something
of the kind & have arranged for a dance sometime this week, the
boys are going to furnish the music so there is an expense which cannot
be avoided. The young ladies have offered to teach me to dance &
I have had three lessons & can waltz some. Harry danced nearly
every dance on the Programme at Rice's & I expect to do the same
I am very glad you think Dr. Woodward
has got at the cause of mother's headaches & only hope he may break
them up entirely. You say business is very poor, if you can't afford
to keep us up here we will come home cheerfully & staying will ...
Hartland Aug 6 1884?
Dear Father.
I shall have to ask for some more
money. I hate to do it, but as long as I stay here I have to take part
in what is going on. I have been tempted to sell my rifle but I
got it at such a bargain I hate to sell it & take the risk of getting
another at the same price. It is raining now, 9 A.M. & looks as though
it might rain all day.
I took Miss Manier out fishing
yesterday & we got four good pickerel.
I don't think I shall try to send
any more fish home for the fishing is not very good.
Charlie Schenk has a boat up here
that will hold twelve easily & a party of us went out last night
on the lake to see the full moon. Mr. Bangs & another gentleman
played their harmonicas, which sound very nice on the lake.
I don't think we have any letter of
yours not answered. I have nothing more to say except that we are well.
Just thought of two things. What
do you think of leaving our boat up here The Pitcher's have three
& it will be safe.
In regard to your coming up here I
should advise your coming here if you can get rooms, which I
can't find out until I know when you are coming. Dr. Bier will probably
have rooms at any time.
With love
Hartland 8/10/84
Dear Father:
You will find in the box 13 pickerel
which we caught yesterday. The five tied together are for Mr. Dow.
We sent them in our box to save charges. We caught them all trolling.
Pirtsch & I went out in the morning & caught 3. Walter &
I went out in the afternoon & caught four - Harry caught two &
Frank four more which he kindly gave to us. We had a lot of fish which
I should have preferred to send consisting of four pickerel, four large
bass & several smaller fish. Harry & I caught them all. The
folks in the house thought they were for the table & murdered them
yesterday morning when Frank & I were out. They were very sorry
& apologized last night. I don't suppose you can eat all those at our
meal but you might send one or two to Mrs. Walker & Mamie as an apology
for not saying goodby to them. I only offer this as a suggestion. I suppose
Harry told you we got our bicycles the second day, Friday.
All we received in regard to sending
our drawings was the postals, which I enclose. Please give our love to
Grandma & tell her we are sorry not to be home to say goodby to her.
We were sorry to learn that Grandma
& Grandpa Burroughs were not well, but hope they are better. Hoping
you will enjoy your fish, I am with love
Hartland Aug 17 1884?
Dear Mother
Each letter is harder to write than
the previous one, as there seems to be less to tell.
Mr. Bangs & Archie went home yesterday.
I have not said much about Mr. Bangs but there is a good deal to
say about him. He came up here a perfect stranger & in less than
a week had made us all his friends. This friendship strengthened until
when he went home, we were all as sorry to see him go as we would had he
been a brother. He never got angry & was entirely unselfish which I
think was his principal point. He is in business with his father Isaac
W. Bangs Stoves & House Furnishing Goods on State St. He is a young
man about 26 yrs old.
Harry had to write for money
yesterday, that you may know when my share & part of his went to I
will write as near as I can remember. For my share of dance music at
the House last Friday $1.58, Conveyance to Lakeside to play ball $.50,
Shoes half soled 1.25, Treated the boys to lemonade on the way to Oconomowoc
The first two items I had to take
part in. The third was necessary & the last was the only that could
be avoided. You dont know how I feel about spending so much money but there
seems to be now way to avoid it except by coming home.
Five of us were invited to a corn
bake across the lake Thursday night - had a very nice time. I don't
believe you have heard about the ball game. We were challenged by
a Lakeside nine & played them on their grounds Tuesday, being beaten
by our point score 22-23. We challenged them & played them on our
grounds Friday beating them in eight innings 17 to 13. We would have had
a better score but had to stop on account of darkness.
I wish father would tell what to do
with the boat. If we go East it will be as safe here as at home & I
hate to have it moved back & forth on the cars.
With love Geo
P.S. I will enclose Fred's card. If you want anything
in his line before we get back introduce yourself to him & I'll warrant
you get well treated. Geo
GEORGE'S LETTER from Hartland
Aug 12 / 84
Dear Mother,
We are doing
so little now that there is very little to write about.
Two of the young
ladies went home yesterday & our is going to day so Miss Manisur
will be the only one left.
I think Harry
acknowledged the receipt of the $5.00 but I doubt if those two papers have
been mentioned.
I told father
to ask you to send up the "Outing" but I guess it was forgotten - will
you please send it or both up.
We have arranged a match game of
ball with the
Lakesiders to be played this afternoon, we call ours
the Beaver Lake nine as the boys are from all around the Lake.
I don't know
what more to say about your coming up here, Mr. Rudberg says you can probably
get rooms. I do wish you would come up. I am sure you would have a good
time, the nights are cold but the days are quite comfortable if anything
too warm.
I have a terrible
crop of cold sores & don't know what to do for them, my stomach
is troubling me considerable most every meal sours. Otherwise I feel
first rate. I am really learning to dance, we had a little dance
last night & I took part.
If Father feels
as though he could afford it, I should like a couple of boxes of cartridges
for my rifle, they come 250 in a box & are 50 cents for 250. If
he asks at Spaldings for cartridges for "Flobert Saloon Rifle" it
will be all right. I don't know the name of them, if they have the Union
Metalic Co's they are the best.
I am reading
"Lucile" by
Don Meredith it is the only book I have read since
I have been up here.
Fannie Manieser's
brother came up yesterday, he was a great friend of the Hoyt boys &
camped up here with them 14 years ago.
Miss Netter
asked me to come up here and spend Christmas vacation with them as a guest.
I shall do so if a possible thing for there would be no end of fun.
I have given
up trying to write on Friday.
With love
Harry says not to go to Spaldings
for the cartridges. Go to that Gun Store just west of Sterrfrs &
Tuchers & don't pay more than 50 cents.
July 28 1886
Dear Mother
Since Harry wrote on Sunday I believe
we have only one letter to acknowledge, yours containing account of the
theatrical performance. Perhaps Harry wrote that Rice's boys had challenged
us to play a game of base ball. Well it came off yesterday, postponed from
Monday on account of the rain. They came over with a full nine while we
only had five men, but we took one of the small boys and they gave us one
of their men, making our side seven their eight. We only played six innings
and in spite of their having one more man and having the umpire decide
very much in their favor we beat them. While we were playing Al Meyer got
a telegram which called him home and he left yesterday afternoon on the
2.30 train. We are unable to study without a teacher, and so I think when
Grandma & Grandpa go, or at the latest when our pass expires we
will come home and study under a teacher so you might be looking around
and inquiring for one.
The weather has been very hot for
the last few days and we enjoy swimming very much. I had a letter
from French/Frank? the other day and judge he is having a fine time,
he also sent us a photo of himself & horse which I think is better
of kitty than of him.
Al & I got up at four oclock yesterday
morning and went fishing in Pine Lake. We caught a nice string of
fish and these with some Harry & Charlie Ware caught the day
before made enough for a fish bake last night after dusk over on the
point. Harry & Carl went to Nashota Mission this morning
and that left ed Meyer & myself alone with the little boys. The latter
decided that they would like a ride. Hired the larger three seated wagon,
and invited me to go with them. We were gone about two hours and when
we came back & I offered to pay my share they informed me that I should
do no such thing as they had invited me. That makes the second free
ride I have had, for last Monday Al hired rig of Swartz &
refused to let me share the expense with him. Fannie Mairier, her
brother & Chas. We leave tonight for Winona. Nearly all the
boys have air or have trouble with their bowels. One of them, Mannie
Frank has been sick for a week and dont seem to get any better. He met
Dr. Sruthstrom (is that spelled right?) at Hartland this morning
and asked him what was good for a stomach ache. The Dr. told him
if he wanted any medicine he could come to him and pay him for it. Just
before I sat down to write (12 M) Charlie came & told me that a
young man from Mil who is stopping here had not got up and he could not
rouse him by knocking on the door & he wanted me to help him get in
through the window. We were not able to wake him up even then until we
had taken off the screen, when he rolled over he wanted to know what time
it was. He had slept about fourteen hours.
With love
to all
P.S. How is Mamie Walker. Give her my love when
you see her. g
Hartland Aug 5 86?
Dear Mother,
Your letter of Wed. received this
morning. We will probably drop in on you Monday or Tuesday.
Dont think we are having such a terrible
bad time, the trouble is we expect as good a time as we have had before
up here.
Carl and I walked around Pine Lake
Monday, to North Lake yesterday and this morning I walked to Hartland with
a party.
Yesterday I amused the house and won
five lbs of candy in the following manner.
I was out fishing with Nettie and
another girl and in the course of the conversation I spoke about swimming
ashore, they dared me to do it, and I said I would not do it for nothing
but if they would give me a 5 lb box of candy I would do it. They agreed,
little thinking that I would take them up. Before they could change their
minds I took off my coat & watch and went overboard. They got the candy
in the evening and all hands had some
With much love to all until I see
you, Geo
Volume 1096

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