Volume 1098
ERB  portrait by John Coleman Burroughs
The Danton Burroughs 
Danton Burroughs

Statue of Nathan Hale on the campus of Yale University
 1887 April - December
George T. Burroughs, Jr.
Letters shared with ERBzine by Danton Burroughs 
from the Burroughs Family Archive
Handwritten letters deciphered and transcribed by Bill Hillman
Dining Hall at Yale University

To the Dearest Mother in all the world
Mother's Day, to my heart, is
    every day all year
For each day finds you doing the things
   that help and cheer,
And mother's day, to my heart, comes
    just as often, too
For each day finds me thankful to think
    my mother's YOU?"
All my love

Battell Chapel at Yale UniversityScroll and Keys at Yale University

New Haven   Conn
Dear Mother -
    Your letter of the 17th rec'd. Now while it is a pleasure to us to receive such long letters I want to urge you not to write them if it tires you as I should think it would I know if I should write such a letter as that I would want to go to bed & recuperate. You think less about taking care of yourself than of giving us pleasure I guess.
    Frank must be having a fine time with Carl & Ralph there & with his pony & a new cart. It will do him good to have some one to go with if only for a short time.
    I must say I am pleased that you see Belle now as I always have for we wont be apt to clash on that point any more.
    If there is any plain speaking to be done it occurs to me you had better let Father do it. You know he can say the most fearful things to people without making them mad & then if she should get mad & talk against you as she would be apt to do Father is better able to stand it than you are.
    Now I think a better way would be to thank her for the present, putting in a word or two to show her that you see the difference between you & Mamie's  and then drop her altogether. What I mean to imply is that you can't show her what you think of her treatment of you & still remain in friendly relations with her. Perhaps you can but I know that I couldn't..
    Do you have oatmeal for breakfast? I hope the girls Lizzie can soak it better than most cooks we have had for we will want lots of it when we get home. We each eat two soup plates full morning & night.  Beside this beef is our principal food & I am apt to have all the beef steak I want before we are through. The class races which will be our first race comes off on the first of May. Our important race probably with the Harvard & Columbia Freshmen does not occur until the last of June or the first of July.
    Our Chemistry exam comes Friday. That will be the end of Chemistry. After this week we expect to have a somewhat easier time than we have been having.
            With love to all    Geo

POSTMARK: New Haven ~ April 26, 1887 ~ 10 AM
To: Mrs. Geo. T. Burroughs ~ 646 Washington Boul ~ Chicago Ill
(Answered May 1 by Mother)
Dear Mother -
    Your letter of the 22nd Inst. recd. I have explained about the races in my letter to Frank. Nothing particular occurs if we should defeat the Harvard Freshmen except a bonfire & lie celebrations, but probably even these will be swallowed up in the excitement over the 'Varsity race would they come near together.
    I have been thinking of getting a flannel suit (short pants) to use on my wheel & in tennis &c, to save my good suit. I can get a pair of short pants for $3.50 made to order and a flannel coat black & blue striped called a blazer for $4.00 or $5.00. Let me know what you think of it on the ground of economy taking into consideration the fact that it will be almost necessary for us to have something of the kind during the summer.
    I tell you I will be glad to get through studying & get home. I begin to feel the effects of what I have done since Christmas. I think our training which keeps us in good physical condition will keep us up about five weeks more. I am afraid the strain in preparing for examinations will add the finishing touches to my already tottering reason & leave me a maniac, crazy on the subjects of Physics & Analytical Geometry. With love to all    Geo
New Haven  Apr 27 / 87

Dear Mother-
    Your letter of Sunday rec'd this morning. My sty dissapeared very suddenly after it came to a head, but while it did last it was so painful that it kept my eye full of water which not only prevented my studying but made it impossible to use my eyes at all. Hamie Dickinson has owed me a letter for some little time, so I dont know where they are but I imagine they are still in Freeport.
    I think Sam is at home on acct. of his eyes & suppose he will be back. I don't know anything positive.
    The class have commenced Botany (commenced yesterday.) Harry & I with 48 others, studied it up last term & with seventeen others passed it off. This gives us two hrs more a week to ourselves, without counting the time necessary to prepare the lessons. I don't know anything about how it is taught here. While I think of it will acknowledge the recpt of that program that Alice Head gave you to send. (I have mislaid it & can't think of the name). Please thank Alice for us. I dont think I will write her for I haven't the time to keep up a correspondence which would necessarily follow.
    I don't know anything about "Clarence" or "Jim" & what is more I dont know much about Eva for she has not written for some time.
    We will probably have a good deal easier time this term with our studies than last, but those that are left in quite enough for hot weather. I think it is a very wise arrangement to let up on us a little bit now. But any time we gain from our studies will be devoted to rowing so there is no danger of our being idle. I have had an unusually hard row today, about four miles this morning & right this afternoon. I am somewhat tired but my hands bother me the most.
    No matter how tired I come home if I can get enough sleep at night. I always wake up perfectly rested. It has been definitely settled that we will not row Harvard. It may interest you to know why they refuse to row us. The Freshmen are not afraid of us, but the Harvard "Varsity" men know that by letting their Freshmen accept our challenge it will keep us in training about six weeks longer than if we were only going to enter the class races in May & thus develop material for our University crew which Harvard will have to meet in following years. Beside this Yale is at New London a week each year immediately before the race with no crew to row against while Harvard can practice with their Freshmen every day. The Freshmen being up there to race Columbia (which race we wanted to enter).
    We have received a challenge from the University of Penn. Freshmen to row them at New London & have accepted the challenge. It will probably be a walk away for us but it will accomplish the desired end, that of keeping us rowing until the end of June & also having us at New London with the Varsity.
    I think in all probability we will challenge the winner of the Harvard, Columbia Freshmen race & as long as we are up there they can hardly afford to "crawl". We have a very young crew, their men are only seventeen & their men only eighteen. I am the oldest one on it. We are also very light & if we do win any races it will be only through hard & diligent training.
                With love to all     Geo

Dear Father -
    I suppose you will be surprised to know that after all bills are paid up to the 15th inst there will be a slight deficit. This is due to the fact that we have had to have about twenty five dollars worth of clothes, Hats shoes, socks &c. You may think that we ought to know what we want & get them all at once. The reason we dont do that is that we put off getting things as long as possible. Perhaps you would rather have us get things here rant to come home & have to have a good many things as soon as we get there. I don't think we can get through with less than $110 or 115, though I can't account for more than $100.00 I am glad there will be only one more draft to ask for.
New Haven   May 4    1887????

Dear Mother -
    Your good long letter of the 1st recd. Those trims you used in botany when you studied it are all in use now. When I spoke of my hands bothering me I meant that they blistered & were sore. They are all right now however.
    Yesterday we had a two & one half mile race with the University crew. They beat us however, which is not surprising, although class crews have been able to beat the Varsity in that distance. The reason for that is that the Varsity being in training for a four mile race rows a low stroke, 24 or 25 to the minute, while the class crews, as they only row a two mile race, row a much higher stroke, at 80 & 40.
    I would like to meet Mrs. Hotchkiss' daughter & think we might spend a day in Riverside very pleasantly.
    My eyes have hardly bothered me at all this winter & as our hardest work is over I anticipate no trouble from them. The fact from which I derive more enjoyment is that my stomach is all right. I can now look upon the world as a place fit to live in.
    I am mighty glad Uncle Henry has a chance of getting a position under the new municipal administration. It must be pretty rough on a man to go through what he has been through. I dont see how he has stood it so well. While the "News" is inclined to make fun of Mayor Roche it has commanded several activities of his.
    I guess I will have to stop now & study German. We are reading Schille's "Song of the Bell" in German now, and & are studying it very thoroughly. With love to all.   Geo.

New Haven Conn
Dear Father -
    Your letter of the 8th rec'd. I am sorry you feel that you have to sell those lots because I know it is to keep us here at college. I know you are doing what you think best & I hope you are right. But if I had my way I would come home & go to work before I would let you do it.
    That we are acquiring knowledge here that will be useful in afterlife there can be no doubt. That we are enjoying ourselves I freely admit, but there is always the thought that whenever you send us money you are depriving yourself & other members of the family of something.
    If this is different another year I will feel less guilty & mean for what I have accepted this year. But if not I dont think you will ever be repaid for the sacrifices you have made added to those you will be compelled to make. I speak entirely for my self for I think Harry may amount to something & in that way repay you.  There will be lots of time to talk this over more fully when we get home.
    Harry & I are making inquiries about Preparatory schools & are in a good place to get information so that by the time we get home we may be able to help you in deciding where to send Frank, either next year of year after as you see fit.
    While we still have considerable studying to do, it is so much less than we had last term that it seems easy. Owing to our having a pretty high stand we are not afraid of any of the examinations except mathematics in which, though I hope not, we may one or both get a condition. My paper is entirely exhausted so I must stop. With love to all   Geo
LETTERHEAD: Yale University

New Haven   5/19/87
Dear Father -
    I have only a few minutes to write & to acknowledge receipt of draft for $115.00 which I know I should have done sooner. I intended to write last night but felt compelled to take part in the celebration over our victory over the Harvard Freshmen in base ball. The game was played at Cambridge yesterday & we got the news which gave us the "fence" right after supper.
    Our race comes off Sat. & if we should win, which is not likely there will be no end limit to the joy of the Freshmen.
    Tell Frank I will write him soon.
    We get through our recitations about the 10th of July & for the two or three weeks following have nothing but three examinations. If you notice anything peculiar about the looks of this, it is because I have just cut the end of my thumb & have to hold the pen rather akwardly. Will write more next time.
            With love to all.    Geo
New Haven   May 26 / 87

Dear Father -
    Your letter of the 22nd to me & mother's of later date to Harry rec'd. I have several times been on the point of telling you that I would not go out with Sweetser but thought I would wait until you mentioned the only as there was no hurry, then your letters speaking of sending me to Tacoma made me think that if you wanted me to go out then I might make "Cal" a visit on the way. I will let him know as soon as he comes back from Harvard, where he has been since I rec'd your letter, that I wont be able to go with him, and will be ready to go to work as soon as I get home. Mrs Addison is coming East in June and with Bernice will be here during commencement week. I guess this is straight as I am to engage rooms for them. I was pretty short financially before, but this makes it absolutely necessary for me to have some more money if I am to leave here with my debts paid. Now what I want to ask is this, that you borrow what I need and, let me give you my note for it. My note would be of no value to any one else or I would have got the money here without bothering you, which under the circumstances I couldn't do without giving some security, and at the same time would have to pay enormous interest. If you have not confidence in my ability to earn enough in the next year to pay it why let it go. Now dont think this is intended to prey on your generosity for not one cent will I accept as a gift from you under the circumstances and I dont believe you have the money to loan. I would like to get one or two hundred dollars. One hundred will enable me to pay what I will owe here by the end of June and to entertain my friends as they should be entertained, but I am pretty short in the way of clothes and although I could get along until I got home I would have to have some then, now that I have decided to stay in the city. I would feel much more independent if I could buy them here on my own money than to have you fit me out again. Then I want to go to N.Y. with our class to visit some places of interest in the line of our studies, they are to take in the cable system on the Brooklyn Bridge, a number of the newest Atlantic steam ships, the Delamater Iron Works & the Brooklyn Navy yard where some of the new warships are. This is the most extensive trip we take and as we are to stay in N.Y. four or five days it is more than I can afford now. If you will borrow two hundred for me please wire Wed. as I would then go to N.Y. with the class Wed. night. If you don't wish to send two hundred I can just as well wait for a letter. I am not in any trouble or scrape nor am I in debt heavily, by scrimping along and economizing for the rest of the year I could probably pay everything I owed, at any rate fifteen  or twenty dollars would cover everything, but I have had enough of that in New Haven and my last month here is going to be different from the others If you will help me in this I can leave a good name here and be in debt to you in an honorable way if not I will trust to my own resources.
    Please dont send me any money without saying that you borrowed it for me at no inconvenience to yourself or I will send it back by the next mail and would feel hurt that you considered me small enough to enjoy myself here at the expense of the others at home. Something which I have done too much now for my own self respect.
    Harry & I have been working on our theses since se got up this morning. I have worked eight hours and will probably require two men to finish it which I must do tonight. Those races which you seem to fear so much dont hurt a man who is in good training in the least and they are a great education which only one who has rowed them can appreciate, we are both the better for the few we have rowed I believe.
        We are both well as usual
            With love to all   Geo
P.S. I shall send this to the office as I want you to see it first.  Geo

Yale University
6 / 1 / 87
Dear Mother -
    Your letter of the 29th ult. just received.
    I think I understand pretty well the general plan of operation of that new organization. I hope it is formed soon. Does it look now as though it would be? Now I suppose I'll have to tackle my most dissagreeable duty, telling you how much money we want. I have just $40.00; and room rent for May & two weeks board (through July 2nd) yet to pay so you see I am $8.00 short. I have enough money of my own to make up that.
We will then require that                         $8.00
two weeks board through June 16            $24.00
Clothes                                                   $20.00
Sixty dollars ($60.00) will be the very least that we will need. I know very well how I got behind, it has been clear to me that it would be so in the end since Christmas, but I hated to ask you for anything more than I could show that we had to have, and as there were incidentals each month that I could not foresee this is the result.
    I have kept a strict account of everything spent and shall want you to examine my books & pass judgment on them. I feel confident that though we have spent a good deal, there will not be an article in the purchase of which you can accuse us of extravigance.
    We can leave here probably the first or second day of July, but if you will want us to wait until the 4th so that you can send our draft without any more overdrawing your June account, we can do so.
    If we go away this summer the clothes I spoke of will be absolutely necessary but will probably be of less use in the city, the boys wear them here altogether. We have of course made no plans for the summer. Ed Camp wants us to come to Geneva Lake to visit him & speaks of it in every letter he writes. We have given him no answer however. * * *
            With love to all   Geo

New Haven
6 / 8 / 87
Dear Father -
    Your letter of the 5th (I think it is that date, Harry has the letter) rec'd this morning.
    I am much obliged to you for the studs, which arrived to day.
    The Academics had their last recitations today. We get through Monday the 13th. Our examinations then string along until the 22nd, when we get through & go up to New London where we will probably be about a week.
    Our class played the Harvard Freshmen the second & last game of base-ball this afternoon & were victorious with a score of 10 to 2. This gives us both games of the series. We got our rowing suits Monday. They are furnished by the class.
    It is getting past our usual bed time & as we have to be very strict about that I will have to stop.
                With love to all

New Haven   June 17  1887 or 1888
Dear Mother
    Your letter to me from Glenwood rec'd. I am sorry that you found things as you did there. It is strange that our own family enjoying such good health, happiness & prosperity, almost all our relatives suffer from just the reverse. I hope you will not get too much pulled down in health & spirits. Harry & I are both quite well. I have had a lot of boils, just enjoying my seventh, but as they are not very serious they dont affect my general health only my comfort, which has been quite seriously affected owing to the fact that I have not been able to sit down comfortably for about four weeks.
    We have had four of our examinations. I will have my last one Tuesday & Harry will have his Wed. I found out last night that I got through an exam in French in which two thirds of the class were conditional. It has created great consternation as some of the best men in the class failed & nobody feels sure as yet whether he go through or not.
     I have just finished reading a French book of about 300 pages without the aid of a dictionary and have started another . If I can keep my self at it during the summer I believe I can pass off my senior French in the Fall & take Spanish instead which I am very anxious to study.
     I think we will b e home on Sunday July 1st at 9.50 A.M. & probably by the Michigan Central R. R. It is frightfully hot here. With love to Grandma, Aunt Silae & Fred Sherman.
                    Affectionately   Geo
Connecticut Hall and Vanderbilt Hall at Yale UniversityOverall view of the Yale University Campus

POSTMARK: New Haven ~ June 18, 1887 ~ 3 30 PM
TO: Mr. Geo. T. Burroughs ~ 646 Washington Boul. ~ Chicago, Ill
New Haven, Ct.
Dear Father -
    Your letter of the 13 inst with draft for $65.00 inclosed received yesterday. Owing to the great celebration here yesterday (in honor of the dedication of the soldiers & sailors monument) which consisted chiefly of a big military procession in the morning and fire works in the evening. I was too busy to come within half a mile of here from morning until bed time so could not acknowledge receipt of draft sooner.

    I will give you now some idea of what money we will need in the next draft:
Traveling expenses                    $60.00
Wash & laundry                         $7.00
Room Rent (about)                    $30.00
Repairing clothes at tailors           $5.00
Pair Shoes                                 $7.00
Carting, Freighting & Crating Bicycles $2.00
Board from June 16 through June 30     $24.00
Doctor's Bill with prescription     $5.00
Total                                            $140.00

That last item is a bill I incurred last month & has not been able to pay yet. I had a very large & painful carbuncle which I stood as long as possible & then went to a doctor.

Then I think you had better add about $20.00 for incidentals, for it would be rather akward to find we did not have enough to get home on. You may think the amt is large but you know that we would not spend money just because we have it & if there is any left over we can return it. I know very well that a lot of little things will spring up that cannot be foreseen. There is one thing more; Harry is as usual entirely penniless & as he is to go up to New London Wed. he will need something so if you think best I might give him $5.00 extra this mo. Dont write any more on this subj than to let me know your wishes for Harry sees the letters & it makes it akward.
     You can't think how glad I am that this is the last letter I have to write begging for money. I say last because I wont go through it another year (the worry would kill me) We will have to decide on something different. I can't give you our address at New London but will find it out & leave it with Miss Farnsworth who can forward such letters to us as may come to the old stand. If you stop sending the papers at any time, which will not not be necessary until after Sat. the 25th, please save them for me if convenient.
    I received a letter from Mother Thurs which I delayed answering while waiting for the draft.
    That article by Julian Hawthorn in the Century is creating a good deal of sport at the author's expense owing to the many foolish & extravagant statements he makes. I read the "Century" & "Harpers" every month & beside these usually look over "Sippracott's Magazine", The "Nineteenth Century", The "Forum" and other similar periodicals, using the library quite a little too. So you see I have done considerable reading, such as it is.
    If I dont write you next Wed. as I probably wont, I will do so as soon as possible there after.
            With love to all I am
                    as ever your affectionate son    Geo

New Haven   June 22
Dear Mother -
    Your letter to Harry with Father's note enclosed, rec'd this morning. In regard to being home on the 3rd we could do it but we would have to miss the Harvard-Yale race which is the most important event of the college year and is something we have looked forward to for a long time. If I thought you cared enough about it to wish us to give up seeing the race we would do if of course, but it seems so small a thing that I hate to do it. We go to New London at 3 PM today. Our first race & perhaps our only one is on the 25th with U. of P. Freshmen. Then we will probably stay up their until after the Harvard-Columbia Freshman race to see if they will let us into that.
     Tell father that I have freighted the bicycles to him, that I had to pay the freight,  or will have at this end & will enclose prepaid bill of lading in this letter. I have written this letter by --- in different places on paper I took from the examination room. We have both passed the last exams & are Juniors now. I must stop again & will add more if I get time.
Our address will be ??????
    How much time do you expect to spread away from business?
    Tell mother I have given up the idea of going on that trip with the Glee Club also a projected visit to Harvard owing to lack of funds. I think next year I would like to go back to the old system of getting money as I need it. I have had all the allowance I want, ti has caused me more trouble than a little.
Do you still think of coming down here this summer? We get out Wed morning for a short recess of a week. We will stay here quietly & try to get a good rest. I have some studying to do & as there is no news will stop.
                    With love to all   Geo

LETTERHEAD: Hale & Co. Proprietors: Watch Hill House, Watch Hill, R.I. (Opens June, Season 1887) ~ Crocker House New London, Conn (Open All The Year)
New London  June 7??, (probably 26) 1887
Dear Father -
    Harry says he forgot to write home yesterday so I will drop you a line while we are waiting here for the train to New Haven.
    You have probably seen by the papers that we were easy winners in our race Sat. beating the Penn. crew by eleven lengths. We will try to get a room in New Haven for next year when we get back & then as soon as we get the draft will come home without waiting for the 'Varsity Race.
* * * * ? (Same letterhead - date 6/26 stroked out....) probably last of above.
We have not had our letters forwarded to us since we have been here, so there is probably one from home waiting for us now in New Haven.
    When I wrote Mother Wed. & told her we could not be home by the 3rd of July I thought we would be kept up here until the day before the 'Varsity race but as it is now it wont pay to stay although it is something we are very much interested in.
    Will mail this as soon as I can buy an envelope & stamp & find a box.
                   With love to all    Geo

LETTERHEAD: Yale University
New Haven Conn
Oct 2 - 1887
Dear Father:
    I have (or Harry has) received so many letters from home since I wrote last that I wont attempt to answer them all.
    I submitted that entrance to Prof William T. Knapp, Ph.B "Street Proffessor of Modern Languages." He said it was undoubtedly gram(m)atically incorrect but popular usage would in the opinion of some grammarians make it proper. That is he names several men whom he said he had no doubt would sanction its usage because such an expression is very common. I intend to ask the opinion of others about it but am so busy I can't find time to go to see them.
    I stopped in the middle of a French lesson to write this letter. I have been at work two hours now & have gone over about two thirds of the lesson in a hasty manner. At that rate it would take me three hours to go over it once & I could not possibly recite on it without going over it all again.  The worst of it is this is the easiest study I have. The result is I have hardly gone to a recitation yet with the whole lesson prepared.
that a man who rowed in a University racer could not row upon their class crew, but it appears it is only a custom. I sent Mother yesterday two "Yale Newsies" & a San Francisco paper. The latter contains some very good editorials & as it is the advocate of the "American Party" I thought you might be interested in them. We do not take the "Yale News" this year but I will try & get them (for nothing) & send them home once in a while. I know Mother & probably Frank will be interested in learning something of our habits & customs which they can do by reading them much better than we can tell them.
        With love to all

LETTERHEAD: The Continental ~ J.E. Kingsley & Co., Phila
Phila Pa.  Nov 17 1887
Dear Mother -
    I suppose you will be interested to know what I am doing here & how enjoying myself. We just finished the business of the convention 5.00 P.M. after a two days session.
    The only thing remaining to be done here is to attend the banquet which is to be held to night. Tomorrow we go to Easton Pa. as the guests of one of our men -- Harry Tombler - who lives there. From there we go to New York to see the Yale-Princeton game. The Faculty very willingly excused those of us to attend the convention, so we lose nothing in our studies. Just why they seem to willing to excuse us from recitations for four days I don't exactly see. They probably think it politic so to do.
    I dont think Phil. can compare with Chicago in looks at least the business portion of the town cant, for the streets are quite narrow & I have as yet seen no such magnificent business structures as we have.
    At the theatre last night I saw an audience which fully made up in style & beauty (among the ladies) whatever the city itself may lack in that respect. I never saw but one which equaled it & that was in New Haven last year at the Glee Club concert.
    Well this will let you know I am here & having a good time if nothing else.
            With love to all

LETTERHEAD: The Continental, J.E. Kingsley & Co., Phila
New Haven  Nov 20  1887
Dear Father -
    That you may not be dissapointed by not getting your usual Sunday letter from us I will just write a line to let you know that we are both home safe again.
    Harry has not written today because he has a boil on his right hand. They say a boil is worth five dollars, at that rate we could support ourselves only with us the five dolls seems to go out. I don't think one will ever cost me anything again for I have learned what to do for them.
    You will have heard that we beat Princeton. Game played in a big mud puddle. We were under cover and kept dry but yelled my self hoarse, can hardly speak to day.
    The great game comes off Thurs, will try & see it. I will answer some of your letters soon. In haste

POSTMARKS: New Haven ~ Dec 5, 1887 ~ 7 AM // Recd Chicago Dec 6, 1887 6 AM
New Haven
Dec 4   1887
Dear Father -
    Your letter of the 28th ult. is I believe the only one to me to answer. I am sorry that Mother and Eddie are not well. I am afraid that neither of them get enough out-door exercise to keep their systems in order. Plain food, regular habits, good hours & plenty of exercise keep me in such perfect health that I want to prescribe the same for every one who is not feeling well. I will enclose another recipe for mother & a notice I received from the "Yale Glee Club" announcing a concert to be given in Chicago on the 30th inst. I wish you would all make up your minds to go for I am sure you would enjoy it.
    Harry & I will go anyway. I wish I had a dress suit to wear to it, for it is usually, here at least, a pretty swell affair.
    I have just been spending about an hour trying to balance my last month's account, but as usual the thing wont balance.
    If we go home by the "Michigan Central" we will probably leave here Thurs. afternoon Dec 22 and be due in Chicago Friday night.
    We haven't been able to find out yet on what roads we get a reduction, & until then dont know just when we will leave. Come to think of it I believe Harry has several letters in his pocket which have been received since either of us wrote last. Can you or Mother suggest anything for us to give the boys on Christmas. I have one or two trifles but can't think of anything they would like. Would a pair of skates suit either of them?
    Things are rather quiet now that foot-ball is over. Every one is getting ready for examinations. I will have five which will keep me pretty busy up to the last minute.
    I must close for dinner.
            With love to all

New Haven
Dec 12  1887
Dear Mother -
    I just got a letter from Hamie Dickinson inviting us to stop over in Elmira on the way home. She has an address, to which I ought to direct and answer in the letter but it is unreadable. Do you know it?
    I hardly think it would be practicable for several reasons. We will have to go home by the road on which we got reduced rates & even if the road runs through Elmira I doubt if we could stop over on tickets sold at such reduced rates. I will find that out however. Now we want to get home as soon as possible & I suppose you want to have us & in view of the fact that our time at home will be rather short anyway, I hardly think we had better accept.
    Please let me know whether you know the address or not. If you don't I will write to Elmira & she will probably get it.


New Haven   Dec 18 / 87
Dear Father -- Your letters of the the 14 & 15 inst. to Harry & Me respectively & mother's of the 14th to Harry rec'd
    I have written to Hani Dickinson declining her invitation. I am very much obliged to you for the trouble you took to find out about trains for us.
Wed. the 21st we will leave N.Y. on the 6:00 P.M. train on the "Michigan Central road" & as you know are due in Chicago Thurs night at 9.30. Now don't feel it necessary to meet us with a carriage for we will have nothing especial to carry & as the train will in all probability be late you would have to wait in the cold for us.
    We would have gone by the "Pennsylvania" road but that almost every one is going the other way & we want to be with the crowd.
    I am spending every minute I have now & feel as though I ought not to lose any more time, as I have three more hard exams.
        With love to all

Just at present our spare time is taken up in talking about the chances of our "Eleven" in foot-ball. That is those who have spare time. The aspect of affairs has changed now that Harvard beat Princeton yesterday. For the last few years Princeton has been the only college we feared in football, but now we have anything but a sure thing of winning the championship.
While I haven't seen Harvard play I have great confidence in our men & do not expect to see them defeated. The Princeton game comes off Sat the 19th & the game with Harvard on Thanksgiving day. Both are to be played at New York. If I have to work as hard as I am working now when I get into business I will learn trade & work with my hands I think. Not that I would begrudge the time or the labor if I could accomplish anything, but this always attempting the impossible as I do when I tackle German or Calculus is what I don't like. The other lessons while difficult & occasionally too deep can usually be mastered if I give sufficient time to them. I have a chance to get a good foot-ball, one that the varsity has used a little & I thought I would get it for Frank. Unless he wants it now I will bring it home Christmas.
                With love  Geo

Alumni Hall at Yale University in New Haven, CT.Yale Gymnasium Homepage
Volume 1098

Harry Burroughs  Letters:  Hartland Camp 1884-87 ~Yale ~ Chicago
George Burroughs Letters from Camp: 1886-87
Burroughs Brothers in Yale I  Hilites
Burroughs Brothers in Yale II: Hilites
George Burroughs Letters from Yale I: 1886-87
George Burroughs Letters from Yale II: 1887
George Burroughs Letters from Yale III: 1888

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