Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute Site
Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages and Webzines in Archive
 From Tarzana, California
Memories from the 
Danton Burroughs
Family Archive
John Coleman
Volume 1161
The Glory Years
Tarzana Ranch in the '20s
Aerial View of Tarzana Ranch looking SW ~ early '20s
Hully and Jack Burroughs in front of the garage building in the '20s
Ballroom Theatre Building circa 1921

Main Ranch House and Ballroom-Theatre
Tarzana Estate ~ Looking south from Ventura Boulevard
Tarzana Ranch 1921
Tarzana Ranch to the south east

Tarzana Ranch Today
<= N <=
Aerial View Today looking East.

Click for full-screen image
(Scans Courtesy of Cathy Wilbanks ~ ERB, Inc. Offices)

LEFT: Tarzana Drive. The sloping land is still covered by the exotic trees planted by Harrison Gray Otis.
In the upper part of the photo the trees have been removed for expensive housing developments.
BOTTOM: Mecca Avenue (it melds into Reseda Blvd). 
The gated entrance to the long climbing lane opens off Mecca. 
This was the approximate location of the original gatehouse entrance and lane.
RIGHT: The north perimeter wall of the El Caballero Country Club grounds.
El Cab now covers the area that was once occupied by ERB's ranch buildings: 
stables, barns, hen houses, corrals, pens, machinery sheds and maintenance buildings.
Farther south is the El Cab Golf Course: originally designed and constructed by ERB and nephew Studley.
TOP: Site of the original Tarzana Ranch mansion. The main house was demolished in the '30s
The original trees and crest & sloping land have been bulldozed recently to make way for multi-million dollar homes.
TOP CENTRE: is the only surviving Tarzana Ranch structure: The Ballroom/Theatre/Garage building. 
It has survived earthquakes and many renovations since 1920 and now bears little resemblance to the original building.
Ed's pool, the first in the valley, lies just east of the house.
Beyond the pool is a driveway/parking area and 
a high cement wall that separates the grounds from the adjacent development.

The Surviving Exotic Trees Along Tarzana Drive
Driveway gate at the bottom of lane up to Tarzana Ranch
Mecca Ave. Entrance Gate and Lane ~ The Hillmans with Mary and Stacy Burroughs at the South Entrance

Tarzana Ranch: Then and Now
Ballroom-TheatreGarage and Ballroom building with Hully and JackBill Hillman on the east sideSue-On Hillman by east side entrance
Hully and Jack by the new Ballroom/Theatre/Garage ~Hillmans by the East Side today
The new Burroughs pool - looking northSwimming Pool
Ed, Emma and the kids enjoy the first pool in San Fernando Valley

Grandson Danton at poolside today with the original decrorated light column
Valley Panorama from North Driveway
Looking North across the San Fernando Valley
Grape Arbor and DrivewayNorth Side
Looking East from the Ballroom Building
Cascading Pools constructed by Ed on the south slopeWater Gardens ~ Terraced Lily Ponds ~ View from Patio
Looking south over the cascading pools to the ranch buildings and golf course
Approaching Tarzana Ranch Estate
View of the Ballroom through the trees from the North side
Dancers in the BallroomJoan Burroughs performs with Emma and Hulbert
Studley Burroughs' sketch representing entertainment in the Ballroom/Theatre ~ The room today
Golf Green and Koonskin Kabin
Original nine-hole golf course beside Koonskin Cabin ~ The exclusive, world-famous El Caballero today
Emma and Joan at the riding ringEd with Hully and Jack on their riding poniesEd's early morning arrival at the stables
Morning Ritual: To ride the myriad of trails and canyons each morning on horseback ~ South end of ranch today

Edgar Rice Burroughs and Sunset over Tarzana Ranch
Farewell Tarzana

Memories of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzana
Back to Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzana Ranch 1921
An Illustrated Docu-Novel by Bill Hillman starting at ERBzine 1041
The Tarzana Ranch Story in ERBzine 0008
Ranch Tour: ERBzine 0064
Tarzana Ranch Mosaics:
ERBzine 0954 and ERBzine 0955
El Caballero Promotional Booklet 
Photos ~ Text by ERB ~ Art by Studley Burroughs
ERBzine 1091 ~ ERBzine 1092 ~ ERBzine 1093
 A rare booklet from the '20s 
 written and published by Edgar Rice Burroughs 
Tarzana Trek
A Photo Diary by Bill Hillman
Article and Letters describing Tarzana by Edgar and Mary Evaline Burroughs
Tarzana News Clipping Archive
ERBzine 1358
Farewell Tarzana
A Photo Tribute and Poem by Larry Lingenan
with The Last Photos of Tarzana Ranch by:
Steve Ramada and Peter O'Keefe of the Tarzana Cultural Center

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ERB Text, ERB Images and Tarzan® are ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.- All Rights Reserved.
All Original Work ©1996-2004/2010/2019 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing Authors/Owners
No part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective owners.