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Volume 1175
John Coleman Burroughs at work in his studio
From Tarzana, California
A Danton Burroughs
John Coleman Burroughs
Family Archive Feature
Danton Burroughs

An Oration
On The Crisis and Its Causes
Hon. John M. Coleman
July 4, 1863

It is with great pride that I share a rare special booklet from 1863,
written by my father's namesake -- John M. Coleman --
during the darkest moments of those darkest of times
in our nation's history.

More than 600,000 Americans gave their lives for their country
in the Civil War that lasted from 1861 to 1865 --
more than in any other war in our history.

Although the North prevailed over the South,
the grief and bitterness caused by the violence healed very slowly.
These poignant words written by my ancestor
are just as special and inspiring
during these modern times of turmoil as they were then.


Harry Burroughs
1456 Fargo Ave. - Chicago
July 17 - 1934

Dear Jack:-

In rummaging through an old box full of letters and photographs I found the enclosed. Realizing that you were named after this very fine type of early American, John Coleman, it seemed fitting that you should have and preserve these reminders of your ancestor, as they have since 1863, been kept as valued mementoes by your Grandmother Burroughs, whose grand father Judge Coleman was, and, later, by your Aunt Nellie. 

When you have read the enclosed pamphlet "An Oration, by Hon. John M. Coleman" I am sure you will have a feeling of pride when you realize that the blood of such a fine character, and of such an uncompromising patriot runs in your veins. 

We all enjoyed seeing Hulbert again, though I regret we were in Quncy during the major portion of his stop in Chicago. 

I  phoned the Hotel this afternoon, intending to ask him out ot dinner again, but was told he was no longer registered there. Either he changed his abode, or else he disappeared from the city as mysteriously as he arrived.

If you find time to write, and the spirit moves you, I should very much like to know what you are now doing, as well something about your plans for the future,

Uncle Harry

John M. Coleman

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John M. Coleman

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