![]() Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site Since 1996 ~ Over 10,000 Webpages in Archive Volume 1315 Presents A Graphic Interpretation of Edgar Rice Burroughs' A Princess of Mars by James Killian Spratt . |
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but realizing her helplessness, her silence, and the fact that she probably did not return it, I held my tongue. I did not care to add to the discomfort of her situation, since I alone could protect her, and it might seem that I was taking advantage of her dire conditions.
We walked slowly along the
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I asked her. "Well, parents, brothers and sisters, yes; and --" she added in a low, thoughtful tone, "lovers." "And you have, parents and brothers and sisters?" I asked. "Yes." "And a -- lover?"
She was quiet,
"But I have fought -- "
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had been cut from my mouth; for she turned even as I ceased, and, drawing my silks from her shoulders without a word, moved, head held high and with the carriage of the queen she was, toward the doorway of her quarters. |
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other than to see that she reached the building in safety, but directing Woola to accompany her, I turned disconsolately and entered my own house. |
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cross-legged and cross-tempered upon my silks. So this was love! I had escaped it for all the years I had roamed the earth, despite beautiful women and urging opportunity. In spite of my ideals, to fall helplessly for a woman of another world, hatched from an egg, who might live a thousand years. . . A woman so strange, her people, her ways, her standards . . . I was a fool, but I was in
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dawned clear and hot as do all Martian mornings, except for the six weeks of Polar icemelt.
I sought out Dejah Thoris
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stubbornly, foolishly returning her silence, duty-bound to see to her comfort; in rearranging her furs, I noted with horror that she was heavily chained by one ankle to the side of the vehicle. "What does this mean?" I cried, turning to Sola. "Sarkoja thought it best,"
"John Carter," he said, "if you escape, it will be soon, and we know that you will not leave without her. You are a mighty fighter, and we do not wish to manacle you. Would you give your word not to run away with her, I would give you the key." I said, "It were better that
you keep the key."
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as I approached Dejah Thoris' chariot I passed Sarkoja, whose venomous look was the sweetest balm I had felt for many hours.
Dejah Thoris would have none
of me again,
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That she is the daughter of a jed, and the grand-daughter of a jeddak, and she has been humiliated by one who is not fit to polish the teeth of her grandmother's sorak.
I had to ponder this a bit, so I asked Sola what a sorak was. "A little animal about as big as my hand; the red women keep them as pets." At first I was a little stunned,
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and marched until almost dark with but a single halt; about mid-day we espied an incubator of the green men of Warhoon, and made short work of the hundred or so small eggs, but recently placed. A new-laid Thark egg is about the size of a goose egg, growing to nearly two feet during its five year incubation. Shortly later we halted for
a brief rest.
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to make my reply; he stood waiting with drawn long sword. I was so wild with anger that for a moment I might have shot the brute, but drew my sword, the better to best him with his own weapon, in a fair fight.
At first he tried to rush me
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I easily sidestepped him, and soon he was streaming blood from a half a dozen nicks; and he became wary, using his considerable skill now rather than brute strength.
We circled for some time
Then -- in a fleeting instant
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In a flash, Dejah Thoris saw it too, and turned on Sarkoja like a young tigress; the mirror flashed in the sun as it spun to the ground.
In a fury of hatred and baffled
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