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Volume 1327
James Killian Spratt's Graphic Interpretation of 
Edgar Rice Burroughs' A Princess of Mars 

(click panels for full-screen size)
Page 239:

My worried musings were interrupted
by the arrival of the tall lady, 
one of the diplomat's two assistants 
and some sort of minor nobility
in her own right.

She asked me sweetly, 
"Would Dotar Sojat, 
slayer of the mighty banth,
escort a very big 
but defenseless girl 
on a short stroll along the canal? 

I observe that 
neither do you seem 
in a mood for noisy revelry."

I liked her charming, forthright manner
and readily consented, 
and with a few easy pleasantries 
we stepped down the path arm in arm.


Page 240:

We had gone but a short distance 
when it came to me to wonder 
where Woola had taken himself off to, 
just as he emerged 
from the nearby bushes.


He leapt upon me 
in his usual exuberant greeting, 
much to my lovely companion's consternation,
since he was of a wild species 
never domesticated by the red men.


Page 241:

I quickly explained that 
there was nothing to fear from him,
and that he was a boon companion,
a deadly ally and most faithful friend. 

She listened, fascinated, 
as I recounted how 
he came to be with me 
and some of our adventures.

Thus introduced, 
she was quite taken 
with wonder at befriending 
such a wild, fearsome creature.


Page 242:

We sat on the grassy bank of the canal,
enjoying the coolness of evening 
and the moonlights on the water, 
and talked for several hours. 

Narona was a wealth of information 
on the personages and politics 
of Zodanga and the ways of her people.

Our friendship came so naturally
that she seemed strangely like Sola. 

Soon the air was growing chill 
and the inn would lock its doors
against the night creatures 
which prowled these parts, 
so I walked her back to her apartment. 

She gave me her address in Zodanga 
and implored me 
o remain in touch if I was able.


Page 243:
But friendship must take a back seat to love.  I was determined to reach Helium as soon as possible to carry what news I had of Dejah Thoris to her grandfather Tardos Mors, Jeddak of Helium.

We were ten days on the road to Zodanga. From the moment I had come in contact with the red inhabitants of Mars I had noticed that Woola drew a lot of unwelcome attention to me.  Fond as I was of him, I could not let his presence jeopardize my search for my beloved Dejah Thoris.

Were one to stroll down Broadway with a Numidian lion at his heels the effect would be similar to that which I should have produced had I entered Zodanga with Woola. I knew that I would have to send him away soon.

Page 244:

The very thought of parting 
with the faithful fellow 
caused me such great regret
and genuine sorrow 
that I put it off 
until just before I arrived 
at the city gates.

But finally, it had to be done, 
so I bade the poor beast 
an affectionate farewell, 
promising to search him out 
if I came 
through my adventure in safety. 

He was a creature of the wild, 
well able to fend for himself, 
and I doubted that 
he would miss me for long.


Page 245:

He seemed
to understand me fully, 
and when I pointed
in the direction of Thark 
he turned sorrowfully away, 
nor could I bear 
to watch him go.


Heartsick but resolute,
I turned my face 
toward Zodanga--


Page 246:

--and approached 
her frowning walls...


The letter I bore 
from the Ptor brothers
gained me immediate entrance 
to the vast walled city.


Intro | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 15a | 16 | 16a | 17 | 17a | 18 | 19 | 19a | 19b | 20 | 20a | 20b
| 21 | 21a | 21b | 21c |
To Chapter 21b


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