Illustrations and Links by Bill
Hillman - ERBzine
NOTE: The off-site reference
links were collated in 2010 -- some of these may now be discontinued.
ERB And The World From 1875 to 1950 |
Edgar Rice Burroughs entered a world he never made on September 1, 1875. He would have some hand in editing the making of the next century or so. He seemed a less than likely candidate for such a chore. He was dealt a tough hand to play by life. It took him some thirty-five years to learn how to play his hand but once he learned there was no stopping him. He wasn't perfect, probably had what we call an abrasive personality, and he didn't always do the right thing but, then, who does? He worked hard and he walked his dog with an ample leash. But in this essay we're not particularly concerned with ERB the personality but ERB the force.ERB's world was made for him: it was his job to navigate his way through it. I have already prepared a view of the world and its history in terms of religion and evolution extrapolated from the writing of Burroughs, It may be of use to give a bit of the local history that had such a profound effect on his development.
ERB was born in Chicago. The Chicago that he was born into was one of the seven wonders of the modern world. There had been nothing like it seen before, not New York City, not Paris, not London, not even ancient Athens. The Iron Chancellor of Germany, Bismark, lamented the fact that he would never get to see 'that Chicago.' It is hard to imagine the role Chicago played today. Chicago was unique, both wonderful and terrible. Chicago stereoview
Bismarck1893 Columbian Exposition
As if to prove its uniqueness Chicago staged the 1893 Columbian Exposition or World's Fair, the fabled White City. The White City was as audacious as Chicago itself. It only took fifty years to raise this strange, bizarre and wonderful city out of the muck alongside Lake Michigan and it only took a year to build what was really a spectacular purpose built city of some magnitude. Even more mindboggling , its purpose existed for only six months and then it was discarded like so much waste paper. Incendiaries burned this amazing effort to the ground the next year. Nothing was left of this prodigious effort. It is truly a crazy world.
Bill Hillman of ERBzine made a valiant effort to present the wonder of this spectacle especially as it affected the young Edgar Rice Burroughs. It was a valiant attempt and a worthy one opening my eyes to this wonder in ways they had never been opened before however as good as Hillman's effort was it couldn't come close to the grandeur of the spectacle.
Ed Burroughs 1893
Chicago 1893 Columbian Exposition
Baum's Emerald CityTo have visited this incredible fair for a few days, a week or even two was to have seen nothing. Edgar Rice Burroughs, then 17, had the great good fortune to have spent the whole summer at the fair. It was the experience of his life. The world was on display. Authentic Dahomean villages with real tribesmen brought from the jungles for the purpose, authentic Irish villages -- of course, there were enough authentic Irish around Chicago to staff those so they didn't have to be brought in -- Arab camps, evolution, religions of the world, scientific wonders, everything imaginable and in real authentic detail with real everything. This was not any Disneyland fake. It was like traveling around the world. A diorama of realities. It blasted through ERB's existence like a tornado across the Kansas plains. That was how the author of the Oz series, L. Frank Baum, who was in attendance saw it. It was a regular tornado that transported him to another world - we're not in Kansas anymore, Toto.
Frederick Jackson Turner
As Editor Hillman pointed out in his series of articles, the White City was a phenomenon of firsts. Bill didn't get them all, though. One he missed was that Frederick Jackson Turner, always be suspicious of three name writers, first presented his thesis "The Influence Of The Frontier In American History" at the fair. The disappearance of the frontier was as important an event in world history as any. With the arrival of HSII and III on the Pacific shores all sub-species were in direct contact with each other around the world. The stage for evolutionary Armageddon was constructed.
In its own way 1893 was as important as 9/11/01. A world change began to take place. The previous four hundred years of HSII & III domination began to wane. As usual the avant guard of writers and artists had a glimmer of understanding; the rest kept walking right along as though they hadn't passed through the glimmer of the parallel universe.
Madison Grant
Lothrop StoddardThe writers perceived things differently. Among the writers were H.G. Wells, Sax Rohmer, Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson, Edgar Allan Poe and of course Edgar Rice Burroughs. As it is with artists they began writing in terms of the new reality, perhaps without being conscious that they had abandoned the old. By mid-teens and early twenties non-fiction accounts had begun to appear. Most famous were those of Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard. Stoddard's 'The Rising Tide Of Color' pinpointed the issue but after some initial success he was denounced as a bigot and thoroughly discredited. it wasn't like he didn't know what he was talking about but his message was offensive to certain pressure groups.
In its own way so were the writing of the great mythographers. With the exception of Wells they were all political conservatives. Wells' success came as a mythographer before he declared himself a Red/Liberal in 1920. From that point, which occurred just as the Grear War ended, his novels fell flat although his Outline Of History was a great success.
Every effort has been made to discredit the mythographers, but their creations have maintained a stunning popularity despite Red/Liberal efforts to destroy them. In Wells' case, as a member of the prevailing orthodoxy he has, of course, been idolized and eulogized, but they can't get anybody to buy anything but his science fiction.
Disney's Animated Tarzan
Perhaps because he tackled the different themes of religion and evolution in an independent manner great effort has been made to discredit Burroughs. Frontal attacks have failed to this point although perhaps the weapon of ridicule with be more effective. The Disney Corporation may be successful in trivializing the Big Bwana unless we counter with a more effective campaign.
Many thinkers were presenting scientific bases for the analysis of social and historical trends. Two of the most prescient were Darwin and Freud of whom I have gone to some effort in integrate into my analysis. These men presented scientific methods, which were real methods, objective bases not based on the inner world of wishful thinking. I can understand how Red/Liberals wish to cast their web of wishful thinking over the mind of mankind but I don't understand the unwillingness of people to see through this fantastic projection. The reality principle has to take effect sometime.
Yet these mythographic prophets of reality have been scorned or willfully misconstrued. If one looks at Burroughs' work carefully he is functioning as a prophet based on scientific principles that were plausible in his day. Nothing he or any of the mythographers said has been disproved by further scientific advances.
Before going into this further let us take a close look at Burroughs' magnum opus Tarzan Of The Apes. What he had read in evolution at this time except for Darwin isn't certain. In 1933's Tarzan And The Lion Man he implies he has read Lamarck, Darwin, Mendel and August Weismann. Lamarck was of the eighteenth century who believed in inherited characteristics, Darwin published his Origin Of Species in 1859, Mendel wrote his genetic study which was rejected by Darwin eclipsing Mendel until, as the result of Weismann's studies, he was rediscovered in 1900. Weismann wrote during the eighties and nineties advancing the theory of germ and soma cells. It is possible that Burroughs could have been familiar with all four by the time he wrote Tarzan Of The Apes. Lamarck and Darwin are readily evident. Burroughs favored the notion of Lamarckian inherited characteristics, which are justly out of favor today. Thus as an allegory of the ascent of man Tarzan relies heavily on Tarzan's heritage to explain his sense of his separation from the apes among which he grew up as a feral child.
J. Allen St. John dust jacket art
II. MaroonedIn Burroughs' story Tarzan comes from the finest hereditary stock of noble Englishmen. There is no mistake that Burroughs considered the English to be the crown of creation. As a one year infant Tarzan's parents die while he is adopted by Kala the ape. Burroughs' apes who are not known to any science perhaps represent the 'missing link' which used to be a hot topic.
The Battle for Teeka ~ J. Allen St. John for Jungle Tales of Tarzan
As these apes are evolutionarily above the monkeys and gorillas Burroughs' apes may be seen as the last stage of evolution before the First Born appeared. Burroughs makes a big point that Tarzan passes through the full evolutionary program on his way to realizing his noble English heritage as a fully evolved human being.
One of the most difficult feats of Tarzan to accept is the manner in which he taught himself to read and write English without knowing a single phonetic value. However his ability to do so can be explained in a reasonable manner.
John Chadwick
Michael VentrisWhile reading through John Chadwick's work The Decipherment Of Linear B., Linear B is, of course, the written language of the ancient Myceneans and Minoans, which was a terrific problem until Michael Ventris succeeded in breaking the code, I came across this passage:
Cryptology has now contributed a new weapon to the student of unknown scripts. It is now generally known that any code can in theory be broken, provided sufficient examples of coded texts are available. The only method by which to achieve complete security is to ensure continuous change in the coding system or to make the code so complicated that the amount of material necessary to break it can never be obtained. The detailed procedures are irrelevant, but the basic principle is the analysis and indexing of coded texts, so that the underlying patterns and regularities can be discovered. If a number of instances can be collected, it may appear that a certain group of signs in the coded text has a particular function, it may, for example, serve as a conjunction. A knowledge of the circumstances in which a message was sent may lead to other identifications, and from these tenuous gains further progress becomes possible, until the meaning of most of the coded worlds is known. The application to unknown languages is obvious; such methods enable the decipherer to determine the meaning of sign-groups without knowing how to pronounce the signs. Indeed it is possible to imagine a case where texts in an unknown language might be understood without finding the phonetic value of a single sign.The task before Tarzan was formidable. But, in Burroughs' mind Lamarckian notions of inherited characteristics was foremost so that he believed as did most of his contemporaries and a significant percentage of the population today that these characteristics were operative. In some ways this notion is even true. In the course of evolution the thrust has always been towards more intelligence. A species once evolved has its range of capabilities and once those are fully developed no further advance is possiblein that sub-species. It is up to the next stage of evolved sub-species or species to advance to the limits of its capabilities and so on. Thus it was not possible for Tarzan's fellow ape, Terkoz, under any circumstances to succeed in Tarzan's quest. The necessary intelligence genes were missing. Even though Tarzan was raised by apes less evolved than himself he himself did have the necessary inherited genetic makeup to undertake the task. So, in that sense Lamarck's inherited characteristics did apply.It may be argued that Tarzan couldn't have recognized the signs as language. In theory he could have. Whether in fact he would have or whether it would have taken him much longer to break the code than eight years are of course valid realistic objections. But Burroughs was writing the story so that against all objections there is a method by which it was theoretically possible for Tarzan to do so.
This is no small point for the story as the story is, as I see it, an allegory of the ascent of man toward godhood. Burroughs will repeatedly call Tarzan a jungle god.
He is introduced to the next evolutionary stage when his ape mother is killed by one of the First Born. Drawn into contact with the FB Tarzan passes through this stage of evolution. I don't think there can be any doubt that Burroughs considered the First Born an antecedent level of evolution to HSII and III. While some might inanely cry bigotry, modern science, which was unavailable to Burroughs, has at least proven the plausibility of the position.
Tarzan then comes into contact with a cross section of HSIIs and IIIs. To my mind the differences are presented as innate and not a matter of environment or nurture. Just as Tarzan must realize his noble English heritage because it is his innate nature so these ruffians are ruffians because of their innate nature.
While within a particular sub-species I am an environmentalist believing that people become what they are for reasons beyond their control, the majority of mankind, at least those placed in favorable circumstances, believe that they are innately better than the rest. So if Burroughs was wrong on this point, as I believe he was, he was in step with prevailing prejudices.
Thus under the tutelage of Paul D'Arnot, his French mentor, Tarzan realizes his full potential as a human being uniting the two 'highest' branches of what was then known as the white race. Tarzan can read and write English but not speak it while he can speak French but neither read nor write it. There's something going on there in Burroughs' mind but I haven't decided what.
It must also be remembered that Burroughs wrote at the transition point where for the first time in US history there were more people living in cities than in the country. The new city dwellers had just reason to long for the rural 'paradise' they had just left. Thus Tarzan having seen all there is to see of civilization snubs his nose at it to return to his beloved jungles and its animals and primitive but honest First Born.
In a sense then the jungle and the First Born can be interpreted as the farm and the crude but honest farmer. An idealization to be sure.
As far as I can see Burroughs was the first novelist, or at least successful one, to treat of evolution by which I don't mean to say Lost World adventures. Further he treats with it as established incontrovertible fact at a time when evolution was accepted by few while being rejected by the vast majority. And I repeat, Burroughs was learned and thoughtful about the subject. That he was also fanciful is beside the point.
At the same time Burroughs was offering some serious reflections on evolution he was also presenting some serious thinking on the evolution of religion which is certainly on a par with Freud's Totem And Taboo.
Burroughs says and this is seemingly in his own historical voice that the Dum Dum as practiced by the apes was the source of all social and civil rituals. As I read Tarzan Of The Apes it seems that Burroughs thinks that Dum-Dums or something just like them really took place. Of course such round or circle dances are in fact of great antiquity. Perhaps something just like a Dum-Dum did perform a role in the evolution of institutions.
Following that explanation for the foundation of religious and civil institutions Burroughs goes into a very careful explanation of how Tarzan became the god, Manungo-Keewati of Chief Mbonga's tribe. This explanation is very carefully developed. Burroughs is also very serious and I think believes he has a handle on the truth about the evolution of god.
As part one of a trilogy on religion Tarzan Of The Apes is followed by The Gods Of Mars and then the Return Of Tarzan. Gods Of Mars is a condemnation of formal religion with far reaching ramifications. In Gods Burroughs plays the role of a savior through his character, J.C. - John Carter. Carter destroys the ancient and false religion which clearly resembles the Catholic Church, thus being the liberator of Barsoomkind.
In the Return Of Tarzan he gives a fanciful but reasonable vision of ancient sun worship which would fall somewhere between Munungo-Keewati and the Holy Therns of Barsoom.
Thus under the guise of 'pure' entertainment the attentive reader can detect a serious attempt to explain evolution both special and religious while undermining established beliefsin the manner of the prophet. It is not necessary to accept it only recognize it.
I'm sure Burroughs in the light of all the unsettling discoveries believes he is a light bringer doing a service for mankind. I accept him at his own valuation.
Running through all Burroughs work is an unstated vision of psychology. One may well ask where this vision came from as Burroughs was not fortunate enough to attend Yale which his two eldest brothers did and which he keenly regretted not having done. I'm sure the man was reasonably well read in the subject while his views appear to follow rather closely those of his brothers' partner in the Idaho ranch, Lew Sweetser.
A very fine article on Sweetser by Philip R. Burger appears in issue #19 of the Burroughs Bulletin. Now, Sweetser graduated from Yale in 1889 a little before Freud began his psychological publication and twenty years or more before his books appeared in English. I doubt that Sweetser ever read Freud, but I can't say.He was fully conversant with a concept of the unconscious and exceptionally well informed on the role of suggestion and hypnotism. Whether over the intervening years from 1889 to 1920 when to took to the stage as a lecturer he read extensively or whether he reworked his ideas acquired by 1889 I can't say. But he had a good grip on the concepts of the subconscious and suggestion including auto-suggestion.
Young Cowboy Burroughs
Burroughs came into contact with him as a 16 year old when he worked on the Idaho ranch in 1891. Again in 1898-99 and once again in 1903. Burroughs own psychology follows that of Sweetser very closely with add ons from further study.
If not as systematic Burroughs presents a consistent approach which is as viable as Freud's but different in the treatment of the subconscious. Both Sweetser and Burroughs always speak of the subconscious, never the unconscious, while Freud chose to believe in a metaphysical unconscious.
What I hope I have shown here is that Burroughs had a fairly mature understanding of life and society when he began to write and which he continued to develop throughout his life.
While his own life was lived somewhat erratically his intellectual mooring was much more sound. It is that latter which is telling for us.
The importance of his intellect being developed by the time he began writing is that the period of the teens of the twentieth century is when subsequent history took shape. Just as Burroughs collected the strands of the neo-mythographers to give them their new direction so the teens did also for the evolution of the species and religion both in the United States and the world.
While Burroughs and the other mythographers realized very early that the tide of history had changed it was only by 1916 to 1922 that the concept found expression in an academic manner.
In 1916 Madison Grant published his The Passing Of The Great Race and in 1922 Lothrop Stoddard published his The Rising Tide Of Color Against White World Supremacy. And here comes the division in society that can never be reconnected. Both Grant and Stoddard are quite serious historians; both are men of good will, both have been seriously defamed by others who object to the results of their investigations.
These objectors seem to think that their opinion is of divine origin and that any other opinion is not only wrong but evil. They take a stand not much different from the Inquisition and its witch hunting which I have already discussed. Thus these people want to run dissenters to ground and if not actually kill them at least hurt them so bad or brand them as pariahs that they will shut up.
A recent example is Richard Slotkin's Gunslinger Nation. The book is an attempt to squash writers such as Grant, Stoddard and Burroughs. The first 225 pages of his mammoth book are dedicated to demonstrating that Edgar Rice Burroughs was a vile racist who was influenced by the even more vile racists Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard.While you can throw away the last five hundred pages of Gunslinger Nation, which is inadequately researched and poorly presented, the first 225 pages are fairly interesting if skewed. A lot of good information and possible influences on Burroughs. Slotkin's fine biography of Buffalo Bill is very informative.
Slotkin lists a number of Burroughs' books which he has apparently disdainfully skimmed but without any understanding. If he had he ought to have realized that Burroughs' ideas were fully developed before Grant and Stoddard were issued. While many of the ideas of the latter may have been complementary to Burroughs' ideas they couldn't have been formative.
Further with the customary tunnel vision of the Red/Liberal Slotkin ignores what was happening against which these men were reacting. Of course he and his contemporaries give this data such a skew as to lack all credibility.
Like all Liberals Slotkin believes that immigration is a prescriptive right for anyone who wants 'to share what we've made here.' While not wanting to get involved in immigration quarrels, which are fruitless, I do believe that as I have a right to say who can and cannot enter my home, any country has a right to say who can and cannot immigrate to their country. It doesn't matter whether there's a good reason or not nor does it matter if rejection is based on the grossest prejudice. No one has a right to invite himself to your table. You see why there is no chance of agreement. So much for immigration.
Now, in Darwinian terms the various sub-species were not only in contact with each other, they were peacefully intermingling in the West and in the West only. It is important to remember that HSII and III were about to be driven out of Asia and Africa. The invasive flow was now beginning in the opposite direction only. While the HSIIs and IIIs had been able to displace the American aborigines without trouble this was no longer possible anywhere in the world. The tide against the HSIIs & IIIs had turned. While the IIs & IIIs would slowly be expelled from Asia and Africa, Asians and Africans while already in Europe and America would begin to increase their numbers dramatically.
Today a city like Toronto is 45% what they amusingly call visible minorities.
Thus while IIs & IIIs began a retreat the other sub-species began an advance into II and III territories while becoming highly organized. The Eastern European Semites began to arrive in the United States in numbers beginning in the 1870s. Always politically aggressive German Semites formed the B'nai B'rith in 1843, The American Jewish Committee in 1906 and in 1913 the B'nai B'rith created the horribly bigoted Anti-Defamation League.
The Great War beginning in 1914 closed off European immigration to the United States but increased the internal immigration of the First Born. The First Born began to organize on an international basis. African, Brazilian, Caribbean and American First Born began to act as a unit. This organization was led by West Indians who emigrated to the United States to agitate. Marcus Garvey, a Jamaican, personated this most important stage of evolution which has led to the present situation. At roughly the same time, under the guidance of Semitic Jews, the NAACP- National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People was formed.
In reaction to these very aggressive developments the post-ReconstructionKu Klux Klan was revived.
On top of all these unpleasant developments the Bolshevik revolution succeeded in Russia in 1917. Thus a whole new paradigm was formed within just a few years in the teens. Against this Burroughs mindset had been formed by the years from 1890-1910. The new developments surely appeared to him as a bad motorcycle with the devil in the seat.
The world which emerged from the Great War was much different from that which preceded it. The balance of world emigration changed, as it were, overnight. A good harbinger of things to come was The Rising Tide Of Color Against The White World Supremacy by Stoddard. Stoddard's title was very ill chosen although it represented the emerging reality. He might better have chosen a more neutral title such as 'Changing patterns In World Migrations' or some such. The book is unfairly characterized as 'racist' by its detractors, which it is not.
Stoddard pointed out the obvious: that from having been the dominant sub-species the tide had now turned and rather than being a dominant military presence the HSIIs and IIIs had become a minority in a world of sub-species seeking like Darwin's rats or cockroaches to drive the others before it. From having been invaders, Europe and America would now be invaded.
This is the way of the world: either you're on the top or you're on the bottom. A world of equality is a world away.
Stoddard was the proverbial voice calling in the wilderness. The only people taking him seriously were the peoples he was warning about. Confident in their seeming superiority the HSIIs and IIIs went about their business as if nothing had changed.
Not exactly as if nothing had changed because the Bolsheviks continued special and religious battles. Just as Catholicism was infused with Semitic ideals, through Karl Marx, Bolshevism was a Semito-Red/Liberal religion.
JudaismOf the five sub-species, by far the smallest was the Semitic branch; they were and are therefore the most threatened. In order to hope to exercise world dominion, and don't think world dominion isn't the question, the Judaic and Moslem religions were created. The Jews had the daring to go it alone while the Moslems sought and seek to convert the world to Moslemism within which the Semites are the preeminent holy people. A nation of priests as the Bible says.
Thus while it might be possible for the largest sub-species as represented by the Chinese to overrrun the world much more effectively than the HSIIs and IIIs did, it would equally be possible for the Moslems to convert the Chinese with the Semites taking a position analogous to ERB's Holy Therns in Barsoom.
Thus while stymied for the time being in the West the Moslems were increasing by leaps and bounds in the East. They may have looked stagnant from the West but they were vital indeed when viewed from the East.
Hong Kong Harbour 1890s Having been disturbed in their homelands the Chinese and Japanese Mongolids were sending colonies out wherever they could be received. This wasn't the loud noisy colonization of the HSIIs and IIIs but a more peaceful infiltration. A lot of smuggling of small groups into the United States and Canada went on, as it still does. Large colonies were sent to South America. Peru passed a Chinese Exclusion Act for much the same reason the United States did. Didn't really have anything to do with race, it was that the countries were being taken over. Japan had colonies in Brazil, Colombia and other South American States. These colonies were designed to retain their ethnic origins so that they wouldn't assimilate. I've met Japanese from Japan via Colombia who were smuggled across the border from Tijuana.Thus on the world scene the Darwinian clash of sub-species continued outside Asia while the Mongolids were successfully expelling the HSII and III invaders from their homelands. This is essentially what the much despised Lothrop Stoddard, Harvard graduate too, was pointing out.
In the United States the immigrating sub-species had to disarm the dominant Anglo-Saxon hierarchy. As pointed out, led by the West Indian immigrant First Born that sub-species was organizing its own conquest of America and Europe. Their own population was increasing prodigiously around the world. Even in face of tremendous immigration into the United States the percentage of First Born never fell below ten percent. Today in the face of even greater immigration FB percentages have increased to fifteen percent vis-a-vis HSII and III.
US President Theodore Roosevelt
Japanese Woman ImmigrantsUnder the so-called Gentleman'sAgreement between the US under TR and Japan the Japanese 'voluntarily agreed' to restrict the flow of immigrants. A sovereign nation accepted this 'compromise.' The early immigrants had been nearly one hundred percent male. These womanless men now demanded women so the other half of the invasion in the form of picture brides arrived swelling the Japanese population. Thus by taking advantage of HSII & III good will the immigration agreement was evaded.
So the flow of populations contesting the same territories with the same Darwinian economic needs came into further conflict.
The Jewish branch of the Semites had been poised to transfer their entire East European population to the United States just as the Great War broke out. Now with the war over the Semites renewed their plans. However there had been problems with immigrants from the Central Powers including their Irish allies during the war which sent shivers down the spines of the Anglo-Saxons. TR himself voiced the fear that the United States had become merely 'an international boarding house.'
After a hundred years of unrestricted immigration, a golden period worldwide actually well worth study, the opponents of immigration carried the day severely restricting immigration if not closing the door completely.
This action enraged the Judaic branch of the Semites who considered it their god-given right to go where they wanted, when they wanted whether a country wished to receive them or not. But there is more than one way to skin a cat. The Anti-Defamation League whose ostensible purpose was to prevent defamation wherever it might occur began a defamation campaign against anyone with an independent point of view that conflicted with their own in any way.
The ADL was lined up with the Communist/Red/Liberal Coalition. This combination effectively split and weakened the HSIIs and IIIs putting the sub-species at war with themselves, something like Cadmus throwing a stone among the indigenous peoples setting them against each other, at this very critical time in the clash of the sub-species.
Red Hawk section of the Moon Maid
Led by the ADL with its ever potent charge of anti-Semitism the Liberal coalition opened war on any dissidents. The idea was to discredit anyone whether they were concerned or merely passive who didn't follow their program. Prime targets were Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard and Edgar Rice Burroughs. ERB made himself conspicuous when in reaction to the Bolshevik revolution he sent around a draft of the Moon Maid which in the original version was apparently little more than a political tract condemning the Bolsheviks.
Stoddard and Grant who were competent scholars and men of good will were nevertheless characterized as hopeless bigots and anti-Semites thereby being easily disposed of. By the end of the decade they were neutralized and by the end of the thirties disposed of. Quite naturally the Liberal coalition denied any involvement..
As the thirties dawned there were major activities afoot. In Asia, Japan which deeply resented HSII & III penetration, began a campaign to drive them out. Talk about the tail wagging the dog, their plan was to conquer Asia from Japan to Australia in the South and India in the East. It staggers the imagination.
Japanese troops in Manchuria
When TR said 'Speak softly and carry a big stick' the audacity of the Japanese plan which required a very big stick was beyond their powers of execution. Nevertheless they first invaded Manchuria and then China itself.
In Europe, in reaction to defeat and the Judeo-Communist threat the Nazis under Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933 which did not bode well for the world. In the United States also in 1933 a disaster as big as Hitler and the Nazis occurred when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected President. The world was then primed for the big explosion.
Perhaps because of the concept of ManifestDestiny under which the Red/Liberal tide was supposed to roll over the North American continent, jump the Pacific then race across China and Asia to return again to America in an unbroken wave of triumph the Red/Liberals looked upon the Chinese as a swell people who would offer no resistance to their goals, indeed, embrace and forward them. Thus in some sort of Disney fantasy China was seen as complicit in the Liberal design.
FDR was one devious son-of-a-gun. As the good guys were being attacked by the Japanese bad boys Roosevelt took it upon himself to aid the Chinese with American wherewithall. It would have been better to let the two combatants exhaust themselves and keep our 'limitless' resources to ourselves. Remember that the Japanese hatred of the West was caused when the United States forced them out of their seclusion at gunpoint thereby emasculating them.
Now Roosevelt was trying to thwart their ends by disgorging America's wealth on China. If you free your mind from false moral assumptions you will see how stupid this was.
ERB observing the Pearl Harbor attack
As an American I can do nothing but deplore Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor but as a psychologist and analyst I can see nothing but its inevitability. The Japanese simply had to try to put a stop to American aid to China. Whatever the proof may be that FDR knew of Pearl Harbor before hand, if he didn't know he was provoking such an attack he was denser than any man has a right to be which I don't think he was.
In Europe the situation was intensified when the Communists elected sympathizers to most governments who then formed a Popular Front against the Axis powers of Germany, Italy and Spain. On the religious front it was competition between Communism and established faiths.
To all appearances the Judeo-Communists had the Axis surrounded. Even before Hitler was elected the Jews of the united States were working hard to subvert him. Assassination attempts had already taken place. When FDR was elected, as with all Popular Front governments the Jews urged the United States to take action against Germany.
HUAC Members
As part of this program in the United States the Judeo-Communists demanded an un-American activities committee by which unamerican meant non-Judeo-Communist.
In 1938 they succeeded when the House Un-American Activities Committee was created.
To their disappointment the chairmanship escaped them going to a member who correctly believed the Communists were a bigger threat than the Nazis.
When war was declared in Europe the American Judeo-Communists were for intervention. They changed their tune after the German-Soviet pact then changed back again after the German invasion of the Soviet Union.
Explosion of the Arizona at Pearl Harbor
As can be plainly seen what is at stake here are sub-special interests rather than national ones. On 12/7/41 the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. All the sub-species were at war.
The War fatally weakened the HSIIs and IIIs much as the percipient Lothrop Stoddard had predicted. In the aftermath of the War HSIIs and IIIs were expelled from Asia. Although briefly garrisoned with American troops there was no other action taken against Japan.
In 1948 the HSIIs and IIIs were driven from India.
In 1948 the Judeo-Semites occupied Palestine.
In 1948 the Chinese Communists were clearly going to be the victors in China thus putting the Chinese squarely at odds with the West.
While for a few years the United States was in the enviable position of arbitrating world affairs, it chose to favor the non HSII & III subspecies over the latter thus further weakening the IIs and IIIs.
ERB in his last years
When Edgar Rice Burroughs died in 1950 there had been little happening in his literary and business affairs for a decade. The only thing keeping the Burroughs literary legacy alive was his continuing popularity with the masses. But they could find few editions of any of the corpus to buy.
From 1945 to 1963 there was very little of his literary oeuvre that was available although demand continued strong. For some strange reason ERB, Inc. refused to issue titles. Then in 1963 publishers seized on expired copyrights and the second boom in Tarzan began.
Once more his message contained something of value for his readers. Let us now begin Book III of Something Of Value which covers the period from 1945 to 9/11/01 and the closing of the old dispensation for the beginning of the new.
The Age Of Aquarius was dawning.
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