A Computer Animation Project
Kurt Metz

Story Behind the Project:
My first exposure to "John Carter of Mars" was through the iconic
Frank Frazetta paintings and illustrations and the Marvel Comic books of
the late '70s. It was thirty years later while attending college that I
was reintroduced to the character. On the recommendation from a trusted
friend, I picked up and read the first three books (A Princess of
Mars, The Gods of Mars, Warlord of Mars) and I was forever hooked
on these amazing adventures.
By the middle of the second book, I was beginning to produce concept
sketches of the characters and places that were being described to me with
in the covers of the tomes.
A few months later while reading Llana of Gathol, (book
10) I began working with 3D-animation software (3dMax). During the "intermediate
3D" course, we were instructed to produce 30 seconds of character animation.
I immediately chose Barsoom as my location and my subject a Thark warrior.
This 30-second piece of animation presented a praying Green Man warrior
on a high stone ledge, silhouetted by tow moons of Barsoom. He raises his
sword to whatever god he prays to, then leaps off to battle some unseen
foe. I titled it "War Prayer of Mars."
As I was reading the final books of this spectacular series, I was also
entering my final months at school. For my graduation demo reel I chose
Barsoom as my setting once again. This project would be much more ambitious,
it would be 90 seconds long. Containing music, sound effects, voice-overs,
environments, props, two patrol boats, one personal flyer and two animated
characters (A red skinned princess, and a white skinned warrior). The entire
project took a little over nine months to produce and I was greatly pleased
with the final result. I titled it "The Towers of Mars."
The story follows a dashing hero on a quest to liberate his beloved
Princess from a prison chamber located at the top of an immense tower deep
in the heart of an enemy city.
I hope the fans of Mister Burroughs' Martian adventures find it both
entertaining and exciting.
College and Career:
I've spent the better part of my adult life pursuing a career as a
Panthan of Illustration and Design. I've attended two art colleges: one
in New Jersey. At the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Arts, where
I learned the core of my craft and the other in Chicago, during the early
years of the twenty-first century where I obtained my Bachelors Degree
in Computer Animation.
I've had a fairly successful 20-year career as a cartoonist and illustrator
but would like to now advance on to something a little larger. My hope
is to work in feature films or television as a pre-production designer,
character designer or animator. If providence provides it would be a great
honor to work on the projected John Carter movie under development by Kerry
Conran, which is slated for release in 2006.
I was born in the heartland of Nowhere USA during the chaos of the
I lived an unremarkable childhood in a middle class family on the fringes
of Suburbia.
I have an interest in history -- especially eighteenth century American
I enjoy many forms of music but find myself drawn to what is referred
to as New Age or Electronica.
I am the proud husband to a beautiful Princess of my own. I laid my
sword at her feet over ten years ago, and I have had adventure after adventure
since. We are the proud parents of two spoiled-rotten cats.
Kurt Metz
347 North Kenyon St.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46219
Phone: 317.356.4032