![]() Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site Since 1996 ~ Over 10,000 Web Pages in Archive ![]() Master of Imaginative Fantasy Adventure Creator of Tarzan and "Grandfather of American Science Fiction" Presents Volume 1447 Edgar Rice Burroughs and the Press A Life's Journey Through the Newspapers of the World 1875-1950 A Collection of newspaper clippings from Chicago to Tarzana ~ around the world ~ and back to Encino/Tarzana These historic clippings are from
He Thinks It a Hollow Sphere and That We All Live Inside It
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Dr. Cyrus R. Teed, he of "heaven' fame, and erstwhile organizer of angelic hosts, made a desperate, but probably an unsuccessful, effort to convince the people in a Hyde Park audience last night that they were on the inside rather than on the outside of this mundane sphere. Seventy-five people heard the address. The purpose of the address seemed to be to prove that "the earth is a hollow sphere, the surface of which is concave, and the inhabitants live on the inside instead of the outside of this sphere." The address was started with a personal allusion, in which the doctor informed his audience of his personal greatness and qualifications for the work at hand. The doctor thought the argument that ships could sail around the earth applied to his scheme, too. Any spirit level,
if long enough would run into the ground, so the ground must run up hill.
By other arguments he endeavored to prove that the sun was at least 4,000
miles away and at the center of the earth. Questions were propounded by
those present who had less perception that the speaker, but they staggered
him not. Everything difficult in the way of questions he had settled, and
he let it go at that.
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![]() ![]() "I am the Son of God come again." Yet he claims to be the Son of God and that he bears a family resemblance to the Almighty. If he does then we have reason to rejoice that the Creator of the universe remains invisible. Naturally one looks for some brilliant utterances, something above the ordinary preacher who owns to being a worm of the dust, and one is apt to be disappointed. Except for this preposterous assertion with nothing particular to back it up with the "sermon" is not flattering to the average intellect. But it is curious to watch the man. His roving eye is all over the room. It is filled with suspicion and when he proclaims that Judas will soon appear you feel as if you were suspected that he will draw a bolt of heaven or a seven shooter from his pocket and os something rash. The idea suggests itself how interesting it would be to see "Cyrus" and the Rev. Geo. J. Schweinfurth pitted against each other. But though so near they never even refer to each other. NEW WORDS TO EXPRESS NEW NONSENSE
The college was located on State street in the business quarter. A score of pupils or mor attended these lectures and took up their abode with "Cyrus." A swell lunchroom was opened "for revenue only," and the women disciples were all Marthas. There might have been one Mary. There is a tradition of a woman who came form New York who was a sort of head angel in the establishment. She was immortal -- that is, she would live in this body eternally, though it is now reported that she died last December. FOOD FOR SOUL AND BODY
But he calls these messages "revelations." CYRUS INTERVIEWED
The Koreshan Science appeared to be the thing she was after. Would Dr. Teed please explain it? "Cyrus, madam," he said gently but firmly. "That seems too familiar, to call you by your first name, but since you insist --" "In the first place, I am the son of God. This is the second advent which I predicted. I am about to come into my new kingdom, my reign upon earth, which will be ushered in in 1891 with a chorus on Mount Zion of 144,000 perfect sons of God." "Is this all there is to it!" "This is the new dispensation. But I have a new system of religion that the world was not ready for when I was here before." IN SHORT A "CULT"
All matter is interchangeable with spirit. Man will yet obtain a degree
of development where the life supply will equal the waste; when that is
reached he can never grow old. His body will be a perfect physical body,
and he will have power to dematerialize and rematerialize at pleasure.
Man then will be sexless; this perfect man will be a union of the souls
and attributes of a man and woman. These men will be called sons of God.
They will rule the world in the golden age. "The millennium will begin
in 1891. It will be only a partial millennium -- a sort of ushering in
of the new order of events which will subsequently culminate in the personal
rule of a personal Christ aided by 144,000 of the perfect sons of God.
"Yes. I am looking for him. I expect to be translated by the hate of my enemies. I have been in Heaven many times and sat in spirit at the right hand of my Father. These 144,000 perfect sons of God will be like me." "Capable of making summer vacations in Heaven?" "I must explain that I am the forerunner of a higher genus than the human. This genus proceeds form Deity and is clothed in a spiritual flesh that will be evolved not of man and woman, but from the Holy Ghost which is the pervading element of the Almighty. Understand?" The reporter felt pretty tired, but nodded her head. "You don't believe in marriage. The question is exciting interest now on account of Tolstoi." But "Cyrus" can discount Tolstoi. MARRIAGE A FAILURE
"How many have you got of these sons of God now to begin on?" Cyrus was not ready to give figures. And there are to be 144,000 by 1891 to start the chorus on Mount Zion! Time's short. "There is another thing people don't pay any attention to. There was a third curse pronounced on men -- the battle between capital and labor which will come soon. Then will follow the chorus, and the earth will be ruled as it now is in the College of Life. Bellamy's system is not quite perfect because he does not provide for the new genus. We do not break up families, as has been claimed, but women and men, after hearing my doctrines, have voluntarily adopted a celibate life. Husbands and wives live here in these new relations. My house is peaceable and I have never come in contact with the authorities, which is surely proof, when I have so many enemies who would injure me if they could." ONCE INDICTED
This is the way he disposes of the worthless theories of astronomers. "The hollow sphere in which we live is about 8,000 miles in diameter with the sun at the center. A vertical line drawn from any point on this surface through the sun would strike the other side of the earth." "This rather upsets the center of gravity," remarked an irreverent newspaper man. "And the other theory if true would upset you," remarked "Cyrus" conclusively. "The facts upon which the argument of the earth's rotund convexity is founded instead of proving its convexity proves its concavity, as the Koreshan argument easily establishes. If the earth's inhabitable surface is convex man always stands vertical, the foot of the perpendicular axis of his body being directed toward the center of the earth, provided the center of the earth is the center of gravity." "Why does the top of a ship's mast appear first on the approach of a vessel at sea?" If the reporter thought the doctor would be stumped for an answer and have to resort to the one given in the Elementary Geography he was mistaken. ONE LIE SUPPORTS ANOTHER
"How do you account for night and day?" "The sun has a light and dark side and revolves on its axis. The light of the sun passes through seven focalizing atmospheres or mediums -- seven strata of forces. "The earth is a hollow shell. Its thickness is to the space within as an eggshell is to an egg. This shell consists of seven defined strata in this order: Iron, Plumbum, copper, silver, mercury, gold, platinum. This surface of the earth has abnormal deposits from these metallic strata, but there are also mineral strata. "Then this platinum-lated glove is the center, the sun of another system." "Got a cross section of the whole concern and you would have a sort of Saturn." But Dr. Teed frowned on anything that sounded like levity. AT THE GATE OF THE GARDEN
"Cyrus" himself is explained as being from the Hebrew root koor -- cherub. He looks it. The second signification is to dissolve in a furnace. Teed itself signifies torch; the initial letter means sign. "This name comprises God's signature and confirmation of the instrument of his choice for ushering in his new dispensation." More than that he claims to be not only Christ reincarnated but also Buddha, and nearly every other founder of a system of religious. |
Edgar Rice Burroughs: At the Earth's Core: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. At the Earth's Core: e-Text Edition Pellucidar: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Pellucidar: e-Text Edition Tanar of Pellucidar: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Tarzan at the Earth's Core: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Back to the Stone Age: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Land of Terror: ERB: C.H.A.S.E.R. Savage Pellucidar: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. ERBzine Articles
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The Record Of A Voyage Of Exploration
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