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Volume 1530
Burroughs Bibliophiles - Tarzan and the Golden Lion Logo - J. Allen St. John
Part I
Volumes 1 - 25
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Follow the links to read some of the issue contents

Read the entire issue in ERBzine 7171

Read the entire issue in ERBzine 7172
Burroughs Bulletin #1
Date: July 1947
Page count: 4 pages.

Edgar Rice Burroughs: Creator of New Worlds by Forrest J. Ackerman
Movie Revue: Tarzan and the Huntress
About Nyoka, The Jungle Girl
Alex Raymand to draw Tarzan
A Family Affair
Editor's Corner

Burroughs Bulletin #2
Date: August 1947
Page count: 6 pages

Tarzan's Fame
Tarzan Quiz by John Harwood
Adventures in Tarzana by Tigrina



Read the entire issue in ERBzine 7173

Read the entire issue in ERBzine 7174
Burroughs Bulletin #3
Date: September 1947
Page count: 4 pages

Tarzan Film Double is Killed
The Burroughs Fascination by Maurice B. Gardner
Movie Revue by Maurice B. Gardner
Answers to Tarzan Quiz

Burroughs Bulletin #4
Date: October 1947
Page count: 4 pages

Answer to Dr. Yerkes by John Harwood
Book Revue by Maurice B. Gardner
The Unwritten Stories of ERB by John Harwood


Read the entire issue in ERBzine 7175

Read the entire issue in ERBzine 7176
Burroughs Bulletin #5
Date: November 1947
Page count: 8 pages

Science Fiction Discussion by John Harwood
The Case of the Spanish Tarzan Books by Darrell C. Richardson
Science Quiz by John Harwood
John Carter - The Greatest Swordsman. (Period)
Answers to Science Quiz

Burroughs Bulletin #6
Date: December 1947
Page count: 8 pages

Weissmuller Quits Tarzan
An Open letter to Johnny Weissmuller by Al Howard
How Old is Tarzan? By John Harwood
Announcement from Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc.
Correspondence Quotes


Read the entire issue in ERBzine 7177

Read the entire issue in ERBzine 7178
Burroughs Bulletin #7
Date: Undated
Page count: 4 pages

La of Opar Murdered
Lex Barker is New Tarzan
Pellucidarian Problems by J.N. Williamson
Correspondence Quotes


Burroughs Bulletin #8
Date: Undated
Page count: 4 pages

Tarzan Pops up in England
ERB: Character Builder by Norman J. Nathanson
Llana of Gathol by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Correspondence Quotes
New Tarzan Editions
Help the Librarian by John Harwood
Random Burroughing by Allan Howard

BB 09
Read the entire issue in ERBzine 7179
BB 10 - Works of ERB by Gardner
Read the entire issue in ERBzine 7180
Burroughs Bulletin #9
Date: Undated
Page count: 6 pages

Tarzan Interviewed
He's Tarzan the Tenth
Hollywood Report
Correspondence Quotes

Burroughs Bulletin #10
Date: Undated
Page count: 8 pages

An Open letter to Walt Disney by Allan Howard
Hollywood Report
The Works of ERB and the Sands of Time by Maurice B. Gardner

 #10 Supplement: Page count: 2 pages
Contents: Little Known Works of a Well-known author by Darrell C. Richardson

BB 11
Read the entire issue in ERBzine 7168

Read the entire issue in ERBzine 7132  Pts. 1 & 2 & 3
Burroughs Bulletin #11
Date: Undated
Page count: 6 pages

Tarzan the Mighty
Johnny Weissmuller
Correspondence Quotes
Hal Foster: Two Fisted artist



Burroughs Bulletin #12 : Edgar Rice Burroughs Memorial Issue
Date: 1956
Page count: 48 pages

Edgar Rice Burroughs - Panthan by Joe McCarthy
Projects: Burroughs by Thomas S. Gardner
Edgar Rice Burroughs: Master Story Teller
by Darrell C. Richardson
The Master of Other Worlds by Samuel A. Peeples
Realistic Dreams by Basil Wells
Kid Stuff by John Harwood
Letters of Tribute to Edgar Rice Burroughs
A Visit to Tarzana
Random Burroughing by Allan Howard
The Golden Age and the Brass by Philip Jose Farmer
The Perfect Guest by Oliver R. Franklin
The Passnger by Jean McGee
What Makes Tarzan Act That Way? By Edgar Rice Burroughs
Rex Maxon: Veteran Tarzan Artist
Tarzan and Buck by Robert C. Ruark
Round the World with Tarzan by Stanleigh B. Vinson
Tarzan's Peril: Lex Barker and Virginia Huston
Tarzan's Savage Fury: Lex Barker and Dorothy Hart
Tarzan and the She Devil: Lex Barker and Joyce McKenzie
Tarzan in Person by Ted McInerney
Tarzan's Hidden Jungle: Gordon Scott
This 'n' That
Edgar Rice Burroughs' Novels
In Memorium: Otto E. Linkenhelt (Elmo Lincoln)


Burroughs Bulletin #1 - 12
Date: 1963

Reprint of Burroughs Bulletin #1 thru #12 inclusive


Burroughs Bulletin #13
Date: 1962
Page count: 34 pages

Big Jim Pierce and the Golden Lion
Did Burroughs Create Tarzan? By Russ Manning
Edgar Rice Burroughs: Titan! By Aurailius Bogdan
The City of Unseen Eyes by John Harwood
The Tail of Jad-Bal-Ja by William Gilmore
Fortunio Matania R.I. by Pete Ogden
Random Burroughing: All About Amtor by Allan Howard
The Explorers by Ken Robeson
Paul Reinman
DreamingLion by C.T. Stoneham
A Folio of Burroughs Beauties by Dave Prosser
The Evolution of Jad-Bal-Ja by Arthur Maxon
Greystoke by Thomas Rookes
Burroughs Bibliophile by Stanleigh Vinson

Burroughs Bulletin #13 Supplement
Page count: 20 pages

Lost on Jupiter 
by William Gilmour


Burroughs Bulletin #14
Date: 1963
Page count: 28 pages

A Map of Barsoom by Frank J. Breukel
Tarzan Goes to India by Maurice B. Gardner
Some Edgar Rice Burroughs' Letters by Stanleigh B. Vinson
A Scholarly Analysis of the Females of Barsoom by John Harwood and H.W. Starr
Tarzan Countdown by Russ Manning
Burroughs Bibliophile: Al Howard
Edgar Rice Burroughs Encyclopedia Part 1: Tarzan of the Apes by Allan Howard
Tarzan and the Crocodile God: Part 1 by Tex Lowell
Eternally Yours by Gene Hertenstein
The Oakdale Affair: A Complete Novellete by Edgar Rice Burroughs


Read the Entire #14 Issue Supplement in ERBzine 5098
BB 15 - Reviews: Tarzan on Mars - Red Star
Read the Reprints starting at ERBzine 7960
Burroughs Bulletin #14 Supplement
Page count: 20 pages

Tarzan and the Lightning Man 
by William Gilmour


Burroughs Bulletin #15
Date: 1964
Page count: 54 pages

Tarzan on Mars by Allan Howard
The Day of the Debunker by Samuel A. Peeples
An Elementary Examination of the Eighth Ray 
by Frank J. Bruekel
The Lightship Murder by Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Mystery of the Red Star of Tarzan by Paul Spencer
Tarzan in El paso: An Interview with Jock Mahoney
by Dale Walker
Weissmuller in El Paso
A Fortune From Fantasy by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzan and the Crocodile God: Part 2 by Tex Lowell
Tarzan: The Baby of the Apes by Hal Foster
Out There Somewhere by Henry Herbert Knibbs
Along the Shore by Henry Herbert Knibbs
Bob Lubbers
As Tarzan Might Have Done by Maurice B. Gardner
Burroughs Bibliophile: Bob Hyde
ERB and the Prince by Dale Walker
Letters about Tarzan on Mars

BB 16 - Man-Eaters - Jetsam - Poems - Letters

Part 1
Part 2:

BB 17 - 1967 - Agony & Ecstasy by Maurice B. Gardner - ERB Art Letters


Burroughs Bulletin #16
Date: 1966
Page count: 28 pages

Man-Eaters by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Jetsam by William Gilmour
The Contribs of yesteryear by Normal Bean
The Climate and the View by Normal Bean
Concerning Barsoom Maps by Frank J. Bruekel
Korak - Son of Tarzan? By H.W. Starr and John Harwood
ERB letters
Tarzan and the Fox by Hal Foster
Bibliophile: William B. Ford
Biff! Bam! Ala Sha-Zam!
ERB in New Caledonia by John Harwood

Burroughs Bulletin #17
Date: 1967
Page count: 40 pages

Agony and Ecstasy by Maurice B. Gardner
The Misadventures of Tarzan by Gabe Essoe
Burroughs Bibliophile: Frank J. Bruekel
ERB letters
In Memorium: Lord Greystoke by James F. Thompson
Tarzan: The Dance of Victory by Hal Foster
Random Burroughing by Allan Howard
Tarzan by Burne Hogarth
A Study of the Omos Planetary System by Frank J. Bruekel
Her Favourite Uncle was Tarzan's 'Dad'

BB 18 - Bruce Eliot Jones Art Issue


BB 19 - Winter 1970 - Pellucidar Maps - Brueckel
Burroughs Bulletin #18
Date: 1968
Page count: 28 pages

Bruce Eliot Jones
Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan by Bruce Eliot Jones
Morgn by Bruce Eliot Jones
Tarzan Returns to pal-Ul-Don by Bruce Eliot Jones

Burroughs Bulletin #19
Date: Winter 1970
Page count: 32 pages

The Mucker vs. The Big Smoke by Allan Howard
Fantastic Fencing Folios by John Harwood
Concerning "Tarzan and the Castaways" by Maurice B. Gardner
On Pellucidarian Geodesy by Frank J. Bruekel
ERB letters

BB 20 - Fall 1970 - Cave Girl Movie Mystery - Pellucidar Encyclopedia

Read the entire BB#20
5 ERBzine Pages starting at:
BB 21
Burroughs Bulletin #20
Date: Fall 1970
Page count: 32 pages

The Cave Girl Movie Mystery by Samuel A. Peeples
The Isle of Content by Kenneth Rand
Across Darkest Africa by John Harwood and H.W. Starr
The Nature of Pellucidar's Sun by Frank J. Bruekel
Trailbazer to Pellucidar by Maurice B. Gardner
Pellucidar Encyclopedia by Allan Howard
You Cur, Sir! Unhand That Damsel! By Allan Howard
Even Apes Fight For It by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Burroughs Bulletin #21
Date: Spring 1971
Page count: 32 pages

Back to the Earth's Core by William Gilmour
Note on the Orbital Period of the Dead World 
by Frank J. Bruekel
The Mystery of Pellucidar's Pendant World by Jack Elliot Jr.
Tarzan: by Burne Hogarth


Read the Reprints:
The Arms of Tarzan by Farmer 

John Carter vs The Foundation 
Science Fiction In The Tarzan Books
BB 25 - Spring 1972 - J. Allen St. John Art Issue
Burroughs Bulletin #22
Date: Summer 1971
Page count: 20 pages

The Arms of Tarzan by Philip Jose Farmer
For Sale: Edgar Rice Burroughs Former Homesite at Tarzana by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Who Murdered Mr. Thomas by Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Red Necktie by Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Terrace Drive Murder by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Symbol of a New Day by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs Tells All
John Carter vs. The Foundation by Gary Kilbourne
Science Fiction in the Tarzan Books by John Harwood

Burroughs Bulletin #25
Date: Spring 1972
Page count: 32 pages

J. Allen St. John by Arthur B. Estes

Note: Much of this This ERBzine Feature is mirrored at the
Official Burroughs Bibliophiles Site

Part II: Volumes 29 - 68
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