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Volume 1553
and the

Dell Comics Summaries ~ Pt. 5
Issues 41 - 50
by Duane Adams
Click on cover pics for full-screen images

DELL #41 February 1953 ~ 52pp. 10 cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh
Writer: Unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: 29th Lex Barker photo cover
Inside Front Cover: Same advertisement as #40

1st story “Tarzan at the Tower of Ta-dan” 24pp.
Type -- Rescue White Woman - Alur Outpost - Argus

Dell 41Tarzan leaves the Valley of the Monsters and finds the wreckage of a small plane. He follows the tracks of a man and a woman. A mamba strikes at him. He kills the snake with a knife throw. He finds a fresh grave marked with a cross, bow, and arrows. He takes the bow and arrows and follows the woman’s trail. Tarzan kills a lion that is stalking a blonde woman. The woman faints. Tarzan brings down a small pig, which he cooks for the woman as she tells him her tale. She is Lucia Tally. She and her brother, Jim, came to Africa to bow hunt. Their plane crashed. A mamba killed Jim. Tarzan plans to take her to Alur. Tarzan carries her up into a tree. He straps her to the tree, so she won’t fall during the night. That night a saber-toothed tiger kills a boar underneath the tree. Lucia doesn’t sleep much. Tarzan sleeps through it all.

In the morning Tarzan goes to look for a gryf. A gryf mounted Torodon named Ungak spies the woman. He tries to knock her out of the tree by having the gryf butt the trunk of the tree. The beast man climbs into the tree, captures Lucia, and takes her to his gryf. Tarzan hears a Torodon singing, ‘white girl, white girl.’ Tarzan disarms the Torodon but is kicked from the back of the gryf. The Torodon takes Lucia into the trees. Tarzan follows and knocks the beast man off the branch. He subdues the gryf, and they ride toward the Tower of Ta-dan, a watchtower of the Ho-dons of Alur. A tribe of Torodons starts to chase them. At the tower the Ho-dons lower a rope so that Tarzan can carry Lucia up into the tower. That night the Torodons use climbing poles to assault the tower. Tarzan and Lucia help defend the tower. Boiling water and rocks are cast at the beast men. In the morning the Torodons set up a siege. A message is sent to Alur via carrier pigeon.

Boy harnesses Argus stating that he had a bad dream about Tarzan and that he means to fly Argus to find him. When Boy releases the chain, Argus flies away, knocking Boy to the ground. Back at the tower a reply comes from Alur saying that they also are under siege and cannot send help. Argus lands on the tower. Tarzan suspects that Boy had something to do with this. Tarzan tells the Ho-dons to hold out as long as they can, as he will fly for help. He flies on his ‘Sky Ranger’ towards Nairobi to enlist the aid of Doctor MacWhirtle and his rockets. The Torodons use a battering ram tied between two gryfs. Tarzan, mounted on Argus, and a plane appear in the sky. Argus drives at the gryf riders. Dr. Mac fires his rockets. The Torodons are routed. Tarzan tells Lucia that the Doctor will fly her to civilization. Tarzan gets Lucia to promise not to tell anyone about Pal-ul-don. End.

“Tarzan at the Tower of Ta-dan,” starts with the reference that Tarzan is returning from #39.1 to meet with Muviro and the three Waziri warriors he left behind. It is a fairly good tale of rescue of a woman; in fact, she must be rescued several times. The creation of the tower is a nice touch, and it makes sense because Alur seems to be overrun at the drop of a hat. The tower does not appear to be too successful because they can only send messages at night. By that time, Alur itself is already under siege. The Ho-dons wear a strange metal helmet that resembles a bishop’s miter. Tarzan describes the Ho-dons as still partially in the Stone Age; yet, their enemies the Torodons, the beast men, even lower on the evolutionary scale, have the intelligence to use climbing ladders and battering rams in their assault on the tower. A previous story reference is used by Tarzan when he recalls A#1.3, in which he enlisted the aid of Jorah and his dyals to defeat the Torodons. But this time he wants to drive the Torodons off with the frightening weapon of Doctor MacWhirtle rockets. Time will tell if this tactic was effective or not. The drawings are the typical poses with less hatching marks in the shading. There are a few notable images of Tarzan moving away from the viewer.

2nd story “Tarzan Makes War” - 15pp.
Type -- Establish New Empire - Goliath - Talking Gorillas (Terribs) (Rescue Natives)

Tarzan and Tantor are relaxing in the Great Swamp when they hear the faint sounds of a battle. Terribs have a small band of Cathnean warriors surrounded. Lucan, a Cathnean warrior, and a companion make it into a tree. Tarzan and Tantor arrive on the scene. Tarzan throws his spear into a Terribs. Tantor throws the Terribs and stomps on their Gorobar mounts. The Terribs flee. The Cathneans have come in search of Tarzan because Goliath, the giant lion, has escaped from his corral and none are brave enough to follow him. Tarzan has Tantor lift them onto its back. They travel to New Cathne.

At the city gate King Jathon and Elaine in a horse drawn chariot greets the Jungle Lord. Tarzan sends Tantor home. Jathon shows Tarzan where Goliath leaped over the wall and his trail leading away from the city. Days later Tarzan picks up the scent of talking gorillas and two Gomangani. Tarzan challenges the two gorillas. One charges the ape-man. Tarzan throws him. Goliath rushes in. The gorillas flee. Tarzan frees the two natives. Tarzan rides towards the city of the bolgani to teach them a lesson. Meanwhile, an army of legionnaires marches on a course that intercepts Tarzan. They recognize Tarzan. Lucullus, a Tribune, tells Tarzan that a great fire has destroyed their city and the royal family. They are in search of a new home. Tarzan recalls the history of the Lost Legion.

Tarzan proposes to the Legion that they take the gorilla city away from the bolgani and free the slaves. The Legionnaires agree. As the Lost Legion approaches the gorilla city, the bolgani command the field slaves to head for the city gates. A gorilla reports to the king that 10,000 warriors and a lion as big as an elephant advance upon the city. Bolgani-guru, the king, orders a night attack. Mounted on Goliath, Tarzan and Lucullus scout the city walls. Tarzan does not like Lucullus’ plan because he expects a night attack. Tarzan’s plan has the Legionnaires rush the gates as he and Goliath force them open. Tarzan urges Goliath to scale the wall. They fight their way to the gates and open them. The Legionnaires swarm into the city. A terrific battle ensues. Tarzan on Goliath enters the throne room. The gorilla king and the remainder of his tribe flee into the forest. The Legionnaires take possession of the city. Lucullus proposes that Tarzan be made king. Tarzan recommends Lucullus as king and leaves to take Goliath back to New Cathne. End.

The second story, “Tarzan Makes War,” reminds one of the lines from the Johnny Weismuller movie. But this is a new story that threads together two plots - finding Goliath and the Lost Legion. It starts with the Terribs, but they are a minor subplot to bring the Cathneans to Tarzan. It is rather incongruous that Tarzan asks a Terribs to kagoda, surrender, as he puts a spear through him. The Cathnean warriors in their Roman-like armor bring Tarzan to New Cathne. King Jathon greets him on a horse drawn chariot. This is a first; usually lions pull the chariots. One wonders where they found horses. We do not get to see much of the city except where Goliath broke the top of the wall during his escape. The tribe of talking gorillas with whom Tarzan seems quite familiar may be the Ko-bolgani tribe from Dell #10. Or at least Tarzan reminds them that they promised not to take human slaves. The Ko-bolgani built their own city, complete with statues of gorillas. They used to shrink humans to work as slaves in their mines. These talking gorillas have taken over a city as marked by a statue of a human and do not seem to have any diamond mines. Tarzan decides they need to be punished for taking human as slaves. Along comes the Lost Legion. They could be the same Lost Legion from Dell #14.1. The reference from Lucullus suggests that Tarzan rescued their king. And indeed, Tarzan did rescue Marcus Junius in #14.1; however, specific use of his name is not made. A flashback panel of all text explaining the Lost Legion’s history is given for new readers. This is a first. Once again we have an entire race of people who have been displaced and need relocating, as the Cathneans in Dell #35 and the white pygmies in Dell # 38.2. And once again Tarzan locates them in Pal-ul-don close to Opar. The writer(s) seem to want every race next to each other in one convenient area. The talking gorilla’s city does not look anything like Ara-thol from Dell #10. A curious exchange between Lucullus and Tarzan is when Lucullus offers Tarzan his shield, as he is about to enter the gorilla city. Tarzan thinks this is a good idea, but the shield is not seen thereafter. The battle scenes between the gorillas and the Cathneans are very good but limited to two panels. The gorilla king with his crown and ermine lined robe are nice panels. This is a good story with some great panels.

“The Spear” -- 32nd text story -- 2 pages - no illustrations

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 17th story -- 6 pages

Tarzan’s Cats - 1 page color drawing of African cats

Inside Back Cover: New subscription advertisement - in color

Back Cover: 7th Wheaties advertisement in a comic strip format, featuring George Mikan, Minneapolis Lakers.



DELL #42 March 1953 ~ 52pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh
Writer: Unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: 30th Lex Barker photo with painted background
Inside Front Cover: 1st Mars Milky Way candy bar advertisement - color

1st story “Tarzan and the Stork Men” - 24pp.
Type -- Terribs - Stork Men - Dr. Mervin - Nip ? Tuck

Dell 42Tarzan and Argus circle in the Great Swamp searching for fish to feed the giant eagle. They spy Stork Men fishing with tridents. Argus swoops down and steals a basket of fish. They land in a tree. Argus eats the fish, and Tarzan wonders how they will pay the Stork Men for the food. Suddenly Terribs rise from the water and throw spears. The Stock Men are outnumbered. Tarzan flies to the attack and drops Gorobars, the Terribs’ lizard mounts, as fast as he can string his bow. The Terribs flee. The Stork Men make an offering of fish to Argus and invite Tarzan to their village. Kakar, the king of the Stork Men, teaches Tarzan how to walk on their jointed stilts. They arrive at the land-locked lagoon, which contains their village. Tarzan examines the mesh cloaks that act as armor for the Stork People. Argus lands on the roof of a house on stilts. At a feast in the community hall, Tarzan is declared Prince of the Stork People and is given a royal cloak of honor. Kakar tells Tarzan that the Terribs are slowly wiping out his people. Tarzan devises a plan that could bring the war into the Terribs’ “muddy dwelling beneath the swamp.”

Tarzan flies over the Great Thorn desert to Dr. Mervin’s zoological garden near Nairobi. The doctor and his daughter, Yolanda, greet him. They take the ape-man to see their two trained otters, Nip and Tuck. Tarzan befriends the otters. He tells the doctor about the plight of the Stork People, and his plan to turn Nip and Tuck into giants. The doctor sympathizes with the story and gives Tarzan some growth pills. Tarzan flies back to the Stork People’s village. Yolanda suggests to her father that someday they should go and see how the pills worked. Back at the village, Tarzan asks Kakar to build a large cage for the otters. The Stork Men capture lizards that are related to the Gorobars. With a whistle, Tarzan trains the otters to attack and kill lizards. At three weeks Tarzan stops the growth pills.

One night Terribs attack the village. The alarm is given. Tarzan climbs to the roof where Argus is perched. The Stork Men’s flare baskets illuminate the sky. Tarzan whistles the otters into action. The otters kill Gorobars and attack the crocodile armor of the Terribs. Tarzan rains down arrows from the back of Argus. The Terribs retreat with Nip and Tuck on their trail. The otters follow the Terribs to their underwater dwellings and continue to attack. The Terribs shed their crocodile armor so the otters won’t kill them. One of the otters brings a piece of armor back to Tarzan. The ape-man cautions Kakar not to be too confident because there are thousands of Terribs.

Dr. Mervin flies a plane over the Great Swamp. They start to run out of gas and land in the swamp. A hippopotamus rises up under their plane and then suddenly disappears. Terribs break the surface of the swamp and attack. A spear grazes Dr. Mervin’s shoulder. Pistol and rifle fire keep the Terribs out of spear range. Tarzan practices riding on Tuck underwater. He hears gunshots and takes the otter and his bow to investigate. Tuck attacks a Gorobar from under the water. As Tarzan breaks the surface, he launches arrows. The Terribs are routed. The doctor taxis the plane to the village of the Stork People. Kakar tells Tarzan the news that Nip has given birth to five pups. Now he has hope that they can attack the Terribs in their muddy burrows. End.

“Tarzan and the Stork Men,” is a new story that marks a terrific return of the Terribs. The Terribs breaking the water to attack the peacefully fishing Stork Men is a dramatic and a truly great panel. The new race of people, the Stork People, are interesting characters with their jointed stilts (pre-dating dry-wallers stilts by decades) and tough mesh cloaks. They have mask decorations in their buildings that were drawn from authentic African masks. Tarzan rains down arrows on several occasions upon the Gorobars; thus, delivering a high death count that usually can only be found in the novels. The pictures can confirm the actual count of five Gorobars kills, but one must assume that the toll is much higher than shown. Tarzan is made a Prince of the Stork People. This is his third princely title. (Prince of Lipona and Prince of Pal-ul-don) The biggest physical changes are with the Doctor and Yolanda. Dr. Mervin in #36.1 was thin, had a full beard and mustache, had a pronounced widow’s peek, and did not wear glasses. The new Dr. Mervin has a stocky build, mustache, has glasses, and a full head of hair. Yolanda in Dell #36.1 had long black hair and different facial features than the new Yolanda who sports short light brown hair. Nip and Tuck are the third creatures to receive the growth pills (Argus and Goliath are the other two.) It is becoming a pattern to use giant animals to save the day, but the battle scenes of giant otters attacking the Gorobars are exciting panels, especially the ones with the red glow from the flare pots of the Stork People. Nip and Tuck look like the answer to make the Terribs shed their crocodile armor for good. We certainly hope not because the Terribs are great villains. They deserve more stories.

2nd story “Tarzan and the People of the Veil ” - 15pp.
Type -- Rescue Dr. Louis d’Arnot - Tuaregs

A message from Captain Paul d’Arnot brings Tarzan to the city. D’Arnot son, Dr. Louis d’Arnot, was in search of the forbidden city of the Black Tuaregs. He has been missing for month. A search plane flying over the Hoggar massif spotted a message ‘help’ written on top of a building in Hoggar country. Paul shows Tarzan the photographs the pilot took. Tarzan says the Tuaregs control the desert surrounding the massif. Paul insists on accompanying Tarzan in a rescue attempt. They take a plane to the area.

Paul has packed clothing similar to the People of Veil, the Tuaregs. They parachute into the mountains. After they land, they check their equipment, which includes pocket radios (walkie-talkies), rations, rifles, pistols, and a large radio to signal the airbase. They hear a horse screaming in pain. Tarzan goes to investigate. Numa stalks a man pinned underneath his horse. Tarzan kills the lion with his knife. Bou Denni explains to the ape-man that his horse, Wansa, was frightened by wild bees and fell in some rocks. Tarzan lifts the horse off of the Tuareg. Paul joins them and is introduced. Bou Denni calls him Bou Dano, and he calls Tarzan, Ta-arzan. Bou Denni offers to take them to his home. They change into burnooses. Bou Denni has Ahmed, his serf; take them to their quarters.

Tarzan thinks that Paul’s idea of taking the Tuareg into their confidence is a wise decision. At the evening meal, Paul reveals their mission. Bou Denni explains that he can bring them to the Forbidden City, which is a training school for warriors, but entrance can only be made if they meet the challenge of mortal combat with one of the city’s best warriors. He further explains that Louis is valued by the Black Tuaregs because he is a /hakeem/, physician, but they may be able to purchase his freedom if they win the combat.

Bou Denni guides them to the Forbidden City. Sheik Ibrahim meets them at the gate. Bou Denni introduces Tarzan and d’Arnot as members of the Tribe of the Lion and that they wish to enter the city. The Sheik leads them into the city. They choose their opponents. A ram’s horn trumpet sounds the start of the combat. The two parties ride towards each other in a jousting match. D’Arnot is slightly wounded. Tarzan reverses the lance and throws it at his opponent knocking him off his horse. D’Arnot knocks out his adversary with the flat of his sword. Tarzan knocks out Moufak, his antagonist, with the butt of his sword. The Sheik presents Tarzan with a dagger that is a symbol of honor and esteem. He notices that Paul is injured and directs them to their quarters. He will send the hakeem to them. Louis enters the room and is shocked to find his father and Tarzan. The Jungle Lord instructs Louis to give the Sheik one of the two-way radios. He does. The Sheik places the radio around his neck. Tarzan speaks to the surprised Sheik. Tarzan reveals how it works and the possible advantage of its use in a battle. Tarzan offers to trade the radios for Louis’ freedom. The Sheik agrees. They ride out of the city and join Bou Denni on their way out of the Hoggar. End.

“Tarzan and the People of the Veil,” is a new story that is rather confusing at times. The Hoggar, Hoggar Country, the Hoggar Massif, and the Valley of the Massif appear to be interchangeable and all part of the same area, but it is not clear. The city of the Black Tuaregs is referred to as a forbidden city and as the Forbidden City. (This forbidden city has nothing to do with Ashair in Tarzan and the Forbidden City.) Paul and Louis d’Arnot have not been seen since Dell #29. Doctor Louis does not look too much different; however, Paul’s black hair with gray over his ears is gone. He now has brown hair. His black uniform is now a royal blue. Paul smokes his pipe, which he has not done since. FC #161. Tarzan lifts the horse off of Bou Denni, a pretty good feat for any Tarzan. The People of Veil constantly wearing their veils makes it easier for the nazrany to fool the Tuaregs. The Tuaregs, an Arab tribe, are shown to be an honorable people. This is unusual because the Arabs are usually shown as slavers and poachers. The story is tight, and there is a tremendous amount of information and action packed into this fifteen-page tale.

“Into the Great Plains Country” -- 33rd text story -- 2 pages - no illustrations

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 18th -- 6 pages

New Subscription Offer - color - 1 page

Inside Back Cover: New Daisy Air Rifle Advertisement - color

Back Cover: 8th Wheaties advertisement - comic strips format featuring Sid Abel, Chicago Black Hawks.



DELL #43 April 1953 ~ 52pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh
Writer: Unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: 31st Lex Barker photo cover
Inside Front Cover: - New advertisement - 2nd Mars Milky Way candy bar color

1st story “Tarzan and the Man-eating Tree” - 24pp.
Type -- Slavery - Rescue Slaves

Dell Comic #43Tarzan is with Tolo, the great ape, when a native named Chulu comes looking for him. His white king, Grossa, is dying and a slave told them of the healing prowess of Tarzan. Tarzan says he will help, if Grossa will free all his slaves. Tarzan suspects treachery but follows Chulu to the king. King Grossa tells Tarzan that he is dying of jungle fever. He agrees to free his slaves. When the Jungle Lord steps forward, he falls into a pit-trap. The king plans to sell Tarzan. He has his men stone Tarzan and put him in a cage. That night, Tolo knocks out the guards, bends the bars, and carries Tarzan to the village of the Mambusi.

In the morning, Nehrubi, the chief, tells Tarzan that Grossa, who demands twenty-four Mambusi as a ransom, has captured his son, Barko. Tarzan tells the chief to agree to the plan as he thinks having twenty-four warriors on the inside may help free all the slaves. Four days later, Tarzan discovers that Nehrubi placed himself as one of the twenty-four warriors in the ransom demand. Tarzan leaves to follow the trail.

Five days later, he arrives at Grossa’s ancient walled city, complete with drawbridge and crocodile filled moat. The ape-man uses a nearby tree to enter the city. He witnesses the slaves working on rebuilding the city. He also notices that the tree design, which is on guard’s clothing, is also on the sides of the buildings. Tarzan stops a guard from whipping a slave. He knocks out the guard. The slaves tell him where he can find the Mambusi slaves. He forces the slave pen guard to open the gate. A lion rushes out of the gate. Tarzan kills it with his knife. He finds Barko and learns that the chief has been taken to the temple to be sacrifices to the tree. Tarzan instructs Barko to lead a slave revolt when he gives the signal, the cry of the bull ape. Tarzan heads for the temple.

Disguised in guard robes, Tarzan enters the temple through a side window. He gives the signal for the Mambusi to attack. He enters the king’s chambers and demands that Grossa surrender. Grossa demands that Tarzan surrender and pulls open a set of curtains to reveal Kalachar, the man-eating tree. Grossa command his guards to seize the ape-man. Tarzan easily defeats the guards and has a slave keep a spear trained at them. Grossa does not believe Tarzan story of the slave revolt and releases a leopard. Tarzan ropes the leopard and ties it up. Grossa throws open the doors. An angry mob of slaves rushes towards the door. Grossa runs up to the tree and goes into a tirade about being emperor and sacred. Kalachar grabs the king. Tarzan tries to use a sword on the tree to no avail. King Grossa is eaten. Tarzan tells the former slaves to return to their families. End.

“Tarzan and the Man-eating Tree,” is a new story with new characters. There are no subplots to the tale so it moves along rather quickly. Despite his suspicions, Tarzan falls into the pit-trap of King Grossa. The cutout view of the interior of the trap is an unusual five-panel page containing a vertical panel, which is a welcome diversion to the normal horizontal layout. In fact, this entire story has a good variety in the number of panels used per page instead of the monotonous six panels per page format. Tarzan tells us that Nehrubi has nursed him back to health once before. But this is the first time Dell readers have met this character. The old chief’s dark gray hair used to denote age on a native is a first. Grossa’s city is quite impressive but easily accessible because of trees growing next the walls. Tarzan has done this many times in the comics. The city, like many of the cities in the comics, has a strong ancient Greek influence. One of the more curious occurrences is when Tarzan subdues the guard of the slave pen. For three panels the guard is bald or has a shaven head. In the next three panels, the same guard has a full head of hair. ??? The king is quite mad and egotistical and probably would name the city after himself; yet, no name to the city is given. The last two pages of the story contain three foreshortening drawings that give a great deal of depth to those particular panels. Kalachar, the man-eating tree, eats the mad king. Tarzan cannot injury the tree with a sword. The story ends there with no conclusion to the fate of the tree. Will it be used in another story or is the reader to assume that with no people to feast upon the tree will die of hunger?

2nd story “Tarzan and the Spotted Death” - 15pp.
Type -- Ridding the Veldt of Dangina

Hunting in the veldt, Tarzan senses that wild-dogs have brought down a zebra. N’kima tells the ape-man that many Danginas are in the area. Tarzan climbs a tree and spots hundreds of the hyena-dogs on the veldt. There are so many of them that Tarzan fears the eco-system of the veldt will be destroyed. A pack of the wild-dogs approaches Tarzan. He quickly downs a couple of them with arrows. The pack tries to cut off Tarzan’s flight. He downs one with an arrow and another with his knife. Tarzan takes to the trees. The pack brings down a Wappi.

Tarzan goes to Muviro to enlist the help of the Waziri to eliminate to the plague of the Danginas. He travels to other tribes, including the Lubambwe, to recruit them in his plan. He aligns the tribes in a V formation at the edge of the veldt with the Waziri at the point, the Moruothi on the left flank, and the Luma and the N’kod on the right flank. Tarzan uses Tantor and his herd to drive the Danginas into the V. Along with the wild-dogs, lions, leopards, hyenas, antelopes, giant elands, wildebeests, and zebras are also driven into the trap. The Danginas bring down a zebra but are thwarted by a giraffe. The wild-dogs try to break through the line of warriors but are driven back. The Waziri open an area to allow the other animals to escape the trap. The Danginas run towards the elephants only to be turned back. The warriors open a channel that leads into the forest, thus the wild-dogs are herded in that direction. Tarzan leaves Tantor and swings into the trees. He antagonizes the Danginas to follow him. Running up a rocky hillside, Tarzan warns a family of baboons about the hyena-dogs coming their way. A few males stay and fight. Most of the Danginas follow Tarzan up the hill. Tarzan cracks open several bees nests in the fissures of the hill. Bees swarm out. Tarzan dives into the river. A few of the wild-dogs follow him into the water. Tarzan pulls them underwater and drowns them. The wild bees finish off the rest of the Danginas. The animals return to the veldt. N’kima sleeps in Tarzan’s arms. End.

The second story is also a new story with no subplots. It is a very fast acting story that involves many, many different animals. The story is Tarzan trying to save the eco-system of the veldt. N’kima stays within character of the N’kima of the novel but is really given little to do. The panel of Danginas bringing down a Wappi is a very authentic looking attack. Tarzan unites many tribes into his plan to rid the veldt of the plague. A panel showing the map of his plan lists most of the tribes. Unfortunately one tribe is partially covered by Tarzan’s thumb and another name runs off the panel. Tarzan kills a lot of the wild-dogs single-handedly but is really responsible for eliminating hundreds of animals. This is justified by the reestablishment of a balanced eco-system. The animals are the real stars here as the artist gets to show off his skills at drawing ten different animals.

“Canoe Ride” -- 34th text story -- 2 pages - no illustrations

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 19th -- 6 pages

New Subscription Offer - color - 1 page

Inside Back Cover*: New Whitman Publishing Co. - Tell-a-Tales - color

Back Cover: 9th Wheaties advertisement - comic strip format - Gretchen Fraser, downhill racer.



DELL #44 May 1953 ~ 52pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh
Writer: Unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)
Cover: 32nd Lex Barker photo
Inside Front Cover:  New advertisement Whitman Pub. Co. - color

1st story “Tarzan and the Little Spearmen” - 24pp.
Type -- Lost Race - Pygmies - Pal-ul-don - Argus

Dell Comic #44Tarzan flies Argus towards the Great Swamp to meet Muviro and the Waziri. He sees a Giant Vulture of Pal-ul-don swoop towards a village covered by nets. The vulture scoops up a small child. Tarzan has Argus attack the vulture, which drops the child. Tarzan grabs the child out of the air. The young man introduces himself as Coru, the son of Agano, who is the gund of the Shepherd Clan of Saparta. Tarzan takes Coru back to his village. The people think it is a vulture approaching, and they cast their spears. He lets the boy off a short distance from the village and flies over Jad-ben-lul to the Great Swamp.

Tarzan lands near Muviro and three Waziri. They fish to feed Argus. Tarzan tells them about the little people and the boy he rescued. He sends Mulungu, a Waziri warrior, back to the Waziri village with Argus. They travel to the valley of the little people by foot. They make a rope out of vines and descend into the valley. A vulture swoops towards them. Tarzan kills it with an arrow. Tarzan tells the Waziri of his plan to help the people of Saparta by killing off many of the vultures. The little people approach and salute Tarzan. Coru asks how Tarzan managed to kill the vulture. Tarzan demonstrates the bow by killing a hawk.

They enter the village and are introduced to Agano and Wandach, the gund of the Spearmakers Clan. Wandach disbelieves that Tarzan could knock a hawk out of the sky. Agano explains that Wandach desires to be chief over the entire city. At a feast, Tarzan tells them they have come to help fight the Black Vultures. Coru suggests that the people of Saparta be taught how to use bows. Tarzan and the Waziri help them make small bows and teach them how to use them. Wandach and his clan worry that this new weapon will render their jobs useless.

The next day Tarzan, the Waziri, and Coru go to hunt for vulture nests. Tarzan carries Coru to the base of a cliff. Muviro and the Waziri head off in one direction. Tarzan with Coru on his back scales the mountain. On their way up, a vulture attacks. Coru kills it with an arrow. They reach the top and find a vulture nest. Tarzan shoots a vulture with an arrow. Coru pushes the eggs over the edge of the cliff. Tarzan kills another vulture with an arrow. At the base of the cliff, they meet the Waziri, who have killed ten vultures and destroyed five nests. They make camp for the night. Wandach and his clan sneak up on the sleeping party and get the drop on them.

Kalomo, a Waziri, feeds Argus fish. Boy offers to feed the giant eagle. Kalomo leaves but makes Boy promise not to release the eagle like he did last time (#41.1). Boy figures that riding the eagle is not releasing the eagle so he climbs on Argus’ back and frees his chain. They fly over the Great Torn Desert. Boy spies the landmark of the Red Rock, heads for the Great Swamp, and over the mountains. Argus drops into a familiar valley. Wandach plans to let the vultures destroy the captives. They see the giant eagle, think it is a vulture, and run into the brush. Boy lands and frees Tarzan from his bonds. Boy shoots the spear out of Wandach’s hand. Tarzan launches an arrow. The Spearmakers Clan surrenders. They collect their weapons and herd them back towards the village. Tarzan gives Boy permission to fly Argus whenever he wishes. Boy flies Coru back to the village. Tarzan believes that the two clans will unite. End.

The featured story is a recycling of Dell #8, “Tarzan and the White Pygmies.” They avoid the term pygmy and use little people instead. These little people are black not white. But both stories are about little people who are plagued by vultures and have never seen bows. Both stories involve the killing of a great number of vultures. This new story has the subplot of Wandach, the jealous gund and another one involving Boy and Argus. The story starts with Tarzan flying on Argus to meet Muviro and three Waziri he left in the swamp in Dell #39.1. (In that issue Tarzan started back to the Waziri on a dyal.) However, since that issue Tarzan and Muviro have dealt with the plague of Danginas, Dell #43.2. Up until this issue, the continuance of a story line has been pretty good. With this obvious error in continuance the writer(s) must feel that it is not necessary to follow a logical plan and those story lines can be reverted back to at any time. Argus has changed from a solid brown color to a solid gold color. The so-called Black Vultures are colored brown; so, this writer refers to them as Giant Vultures. Muviro has shed the decorative cloth that ran down his chest in Dell #39.1. A nice drawing of the village has a good composition, but there are no nets covering the village. Boy gets to be the savior in this story that plays off of Dell #41.1 when he released Argus before mounting. They want you to remember that story but forget that Tarzan and Muviro have been out of the swamp for months.

2nd story “Tarzan and the Strange Balu” - 15pp.
Type -- Variant of the Tarzan Story - Rescue White Woman - Arab Slavers

Roaming outside his usual area, Tarzan is confronted by a great ape tribe. A desperate cry from a female ape leads to them to a balu that has its hand struck in a monkey trap. The apes attempt to pull the balu from the trap. Tarzan offers the balu a piece of fruit. The balu release its hand from the trap to get the fruit. Tarzan smashes the coconut trap. The apes befriend Tarzan. A female named Kalahari shows Tarzan her human baby that will not eat. Tarzan has her lead him to where she found the baby. Kalahari takes him to an airplane wreckage. Tarzan discovers that the supposedly dead woman is gone. He finds the baby’s formula and mixes up a bottle for the baby. He sends Kalahari back to the tribe, takes the formula carrying kit, and follows the woman’s trail.

Tarzan arrives at the M’bongwes Village. He approaches the chief, Mukawa, and asks about the musket he is holding. Mukawa surreptitiously shoots at Tarzan. Tarzan disarms him. Mukawa claims the musket is faulty. Tarzan forces the chief to confess about selling a white woman to Al Jemel, Arab slaver, for the musket. Mukawa shows Tarzan the direction the slavers took. Following the trail, Tarzan drops the musket in the jungle. He travels all night to reach the Arab camp.

Arabs prepare their breakfast of hot mush. Kulah, native servitor of Al Jemel, brings the Sidi his breakfast and informs him that the white woman is starving herself to death. Al Jemel brings food to the woman and tries to force her to eat. Tarzan cuts his way through the tent and kicks the food into the Arab’s face. He ties up Al Jemel and releases the woman. He carries the Arab in one arm and the woman in the other. He leaps the boma. Away from the campsite, he informs the woman that her baby is alive. He releases the Arab with the threat to leave the country. As he carries Barbara Wales through the trees, he tells her that an ape has adopted her child and not to fear because that is how he was raised. He takes her to the tree house and Jane.

Tarzan sends a message on a forked stick by Waziri runner to the talking wires, telegraph office. He goes to look for an orphaned baboon balu. Jane learns that Barbara was flying from Trinidad to be with her husband, an American businessman in the Belgian Congo, when their plane crashed. Tarzan returns with a baby baboon. He tells her of his plan to make Kalahari jealous and suspicious. Tarzan goes to Kalahari and pretends to have forgotten to bring the formula. He has the great ape follow her back to his tree-nest. Kalahari is disturbed because Barbara is using the baby bottle on the baboon. Barbara uses the ape language Jane taught her to gush over the baboon balu. Kalahari makes the exchange of babies. Tarzan points out that the approaching plane probably contains her husband. End.

The second story is a variant of the Tarzan story. It is a well-written tale that leads logically from the apes, to natives, Arabs slavers, and back to the apes. The play off of the Tarzan story of being adopted by a great ape, Kala, is obvious and even referred to by Tarzan. The writer even gave the ape a name that is similar to Tarzan’s mother -- Kalahari. (Kalahari is also the desert area of SW Africa.) The apes’ reactions are very authentic including the distrust of a newcomer and the simple hand trap. Tarzan is very Solomon-like in creating the exchange of the babies. But since Tarzan’s plan is to trick Kalahari into exchanging bulas, why doesn’t he find a great ape orphan? Why a baboon orphan? Even Jane is given a fairly important part as she teaches Barbara Wales ape language that enables the trade to go smoothly. The drawings of the apes are very expressive in their gestures and facial expressions. A plane wreck again seems to play an important part in the story lines of the comics. A disturbing event is the reappearance of Al Jemel. Disturbing because a giant eland in Dell #33.1 killed him. Barbara Wales is youthful and attractively drawn; especially interesting is her wind swept hair as Tarzan carries her through the trees. Jane is looking better than last seen in Dell #38.2 where she had an older and a more severe face. She also wore a full, long sleeved dress. In this issue she looks younger and has her hair in a ponytail. She wears a two-piece outfit with a strapless top and a long skirt. This is a better story than the featured story except for the resurrection of Al Jemel.

“Down the River” -- 35th text story -- 2 pages - no illustrations

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 20th story-- 6 pages

Splash Page - Argus (gold) and a vulture form Pal-ul-don - color - 1 page

Inside Back Cover: New subscription offer - color

Back Cover: 10th Wheaties advertisement - comic strip format, Phil Rizzuto, New York Yankees.



DELL #45 June 1953 ~ 52pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh
Writer: Unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: 33rd Lex Barker photo with painted background
Inside Front Cover: New advertisement Whitman Publishing Co. - Tell-a-Tale books - color.

1st story “Tarzan and the Haunted Plantations” - 16pp.
Type -- Evil Witch Doctor - Rescue Child - Save White Man and Woman

Dell 45Tarzan brings a steel mirror to Buto as a gift. Buto is depressed about the ghosts, a twelve foot man and a long serpent that are frightening his people working in the Pyrethrum fields. Tarzan goes to investigate. Buto tells him that the owners of the plantations are an Englishman named Geoffrey Barbour and an Englishwoman named Faye. That evening the two ghosts appear. Geoffrey takes a shot at the apparitions. Tarzan introduces himself and tells him that this must be solved another way. Geoffrey has heard of Lord Greystoke and brings him to Roberta Faye’s bungalow. Roberta is crying. She has received a note stating that if she wishes to see her daughter, Martha, again that she should leave the plantation and go to the Lugongo Hotel. Geoffrey suspects that it is the work of Ungali, the witch-doctor, because he wants to take over the plantation. He introduces Tarzan and leaves to confront Ungali. Tarzan has Mrs. Faye take him to Martha’s bedroom where he picks up the scent of the Matusi, Ungali’s tribe.

Tarzan and Buto follow the scent trail. Tarzan senses the Matusi approaching. They overpower the Matusi. The trail leads them to a cave. Tarzan enters and brings out the little girl. He tells Buto to return Martha to Roberta as he continues on the trail. Tarzan sees the captured Geoffrey on the top of a cliff with Matusi warriors. Ungali pushes Geoffrey off the cliff. Tarzan catches him. Because they did not hear the body hit the ground the Matusi go down to investigate. Tarzan tells Geoffrey about Martha’s rescue. They return to the Faye’s bungalow. Tarzan and Buto go to the workers and demand that they work the fields tomorrow. The next day the workers return to the fields. Tarzan makes a rope. That night, Tarzan and Buto go to face the ghosts. The workers are instructed to watch. When the ghosts appear, Tarzan ropes the large man-like spirit. Buto goes after the serpent ghost. Buto exposes a dog under the serpent robes. Tarzan reveals that the man-ghost is Ungali. Tarzan instructs Geoffrey to take Ungali to the Lugongo jail and charge him with kidnapping, attempted murder, and theft. Tarzan has discovered gold on Ungali, which the witch-doctor found in the cave where Martha was hidden. Tarzan suggests the two plantation owners share the mine. Geoffrey makes an awkward proposal to Roberta. Tarzan and Buto leave for home. End.

The featured story is a new story with the reappearance of Buto Matari. It contains a new approach for Tarzan to save the day. We learn that Buto’s people are basically field workers for a large plantation. It is never quite clear as to what crop is grown in the Pyrethrum fields. The pictures do not help resolve the puzzle. The ghosts are well done in the night sky. Buto seems a bit too afraid of the apparitions. This is not what we would expect from the burly chief. There is one outstanding panel of Tarzan knocking out a Matusi warrior. The dark ridge over Ungali and his warrior’s eyes helps give them an evil look.All in all, it is standard fair in a very short-featured story.

2nd story “Boy and the Shamba Raider”- 8pp.
Type -- Non-Tarzan Story - Boy Story

Gorgo the buffalo terrorizes the cornfields of the Waziri. Boy and Dombie build a pit trap. Boy tricks the buffalo into falling into the trap.

The second story is a non-Tarzan story. This is a first for a regular monthly issue. There were non-Tarzan stories in the first Jungle annual. It is a quick story for the younger readers of the Tarzan comics. It contains some humorous drawings of Boy. The look of Muviro is completely different than the usual look.

3rd story “Tarzan Returns to Cathne”- 15pp.
Type --New Cathne/Athne - Goliath 

In Pal-ul-don, Tarzan, Muviro, and a Waziri warrior decide to visit Cathne. They pass a saber-tooth tiger that does not dare to leap the chasm between them. They come upon a pack the giant Black Panthers who are approaching an overturned chariot pulled by two lions. Tarzan and the Waziri fire arrows at them. They take their spears and go in closer. Each man kills one panther. The last panther still pesters the harnessed lions. Queen Elaine casts her spear at the cat and kills it. Tarzan introduces Muviro. Elaine binds Muviro’s wounds. She explains that Timon, Jathon’s nephew, returned from a hunting trip with the news that King Jathon was killed by a crocodile. Elaine fears that Timon killed her husband and that she is next on his list so she left Cathne to look for Tarzan. She also reports that Timon has taken Goliath and the Cathnean warriors to make war upon Athne. Tarzan talks Elaine into returning to Cathne. They skin the panthers and plan to use them as an explanation for her being away from the city. They return Queen Elaine to Cathne. Tarzan leaves the Waziri as a bodyguard.

Tarzan tracks the army to the Great Swamp where he finds signs of rafts being built. A crocodile boat with Princess Loma of Lutor approaches. She has a wounded King Jathon onboard. Jathon tells how Timon tried to kill him but he escaped into the swamp. Princess Loma found him and took him to Lutor to recover. Upon learning of Timon’s plan, Jathon wants to accompany Tarzan to Athne. The Princess takes them to Athne by crocodile boat. They spy Goliath pulling the rafts through the swamp to Athne. 

Mounted on Goliath, Timon rides up to the walls of New Athne and demands their surrender. Prince Ergon commands his men to cast spears at Timon. One spear hits Timon’s shield, another hits Goliath who becomes enraged. Timon is accidentally knocked from Goliath’s back. Goliath crushes Timon with his paw. Tarzan leaps into the water. Goliath leaps to the top of the wall, breaking off large chunks of stone. Tarzan follows the lion  through the breach. Jathon approaches his men. At first, they think he is a ghost. Goliath causes panic amongst the Athnean war elephants. They break through the main gates of the city. Goliath follows them outside of the city and walks towards the Cathneans. Tarzan calms the giant beast. He  commands Goliath to obey Jathon. Jathon mounts Goliath. Prince Ergon and his remaining troops charge forward on elephants. Jathon approaches the enemy with a sign of peace. Prince and King meet and agree to a pledge of peace. Tarzan goes with the Cathneans back to Cathne to celebrate. End.

The third story probably should have been the featured story. It brings together many old favorites, Muviro, Queen Elaine, King Jathon, Princess Loma, the crocodile boat, Goliath, Prince Ergon, the Cathneans, and the Athneans. It is surprising that the Terribs did not attack as they went through the swamp. Muviro’s front-piece that hangs around his neck appears and disappears in separate panels. Two Waziri warriors get to kill Black Panthers on their own. Even Princess Elaine downs a panther with a spear. The gates of New Cathne have a golden lion archway, which is a nice addition to the city. A  Michelangelo-type dome can be seen over the walls. King Jathon is more gaunt looking than his look in Dell #35. Princess Loma’s hair is more golden and has more body to it than in Dell #38.1. Goliath has turned to a pure gold color from his brown color of Dell #41.2. (Argus turned pure gold color also. It must be a new colorist.) It is difficult to tell for sure but Prince Ergon may have grown a mustache. The Cathnean soldiers have a logo on their tunic that is sun-like, i.e. a yellow circle with yellow triangles on the outside edge. A new character is Jathon’s nephew, Timon. The name Timon was used once before in Dell #19.2. He was the tricky, rival of Jo-rah for Lachee, the red flower. He was killed by a telodon. Goliath kills this Timon. Timon’s do not fare well in the Dell comics. The story is an enjoyable one with no subplots but a direct story line that ties together many old favorites.

“The Elephant’s Problem” -- 36th text story -- 2 pages - no illustrations

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 21st story-- 6 pages

Tarzan’s World -- splash page - Dangina -cape hunting dog - 1 page - color

Inside Back Cover*: New Subscription offer - color

Back Cover: 11th Wheaties advertisement. Miniature license plates offer. (48 states).


DELL #46 July 1953 ~ 52pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh
3rd story: Russ Manning inks over Jesse Marsh pencils
Writer: Unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: 34th Lex Barker photo
Inside Front Cover: New advertisement Milky Way candy bar - color

1st story “Tarzan Defends a City” - 16pp.
Type -- Cathne - Terribs - Gallugo - Goliath

Dell Tarzan #46Goliath pulls the rafts of the Cathneans and Tarzan through the Great Barrier Swamp. They are returning from their confrontation with the Athneans. On shore, they spy tracks of the Terribs mounts, the Gorobars. Goliath collapses. Tarzan removes a spearhead from the giant lion’s side. Leaving Goliath to rest, they charge their lion drawn chariots towards New Cathne. The Terribs are assaulting the city and attempting to scale the walls with ladders. On the top of the wall with Muviro by her side, Queen Elaine spies the approaching Cathnean warriors. The tide of the battle turns in favor of the Cathneans. Muviro joins Tarzan in battle. The ape-man is upset that he left the Queen’s side. Muviro assures him that the queen is safe. The Terribs trumpet a rallying call. Tarzan advises the Cathneans to retreat to the city. The Gallugos, a tribe from valley of Kandomor, mounted on buffaloes, charge into the battle. The Terribs are routed. Tarzan greets King Gallu, who informs Tarzan that they are seeking a new home. Tarzan introduces the King and his daughter, Princess Tee-anna, to King Jathon, who invites them to stay in Cathne. King Gallu tells Tarzan that saber-toothed beasts frightened their mounts into the battle zone. Tarzan leaps to the back of a buffalo and leads them towards the saber-toothed beasts. They encircle the saber-tooth beasts. The beasts attack. Tarzan kills a saber-tooth. Goliath appears on the horizon and turns the tide of the battle. Tarzan kills another beast. The saber-tooth beasts are scattering into the hills. A big celebration is held in Cathne.

A week later Tarzan, King Gallu, and Princess Tee-anna go to scout for a new home for the Gallugos. Tarzan takes them to a seeming peaceful valley. King Gallu plans to build a stockade. Tarzan says it will not be enough against the creatures of Pal-ul-don. A gryf scares off their buffaloes. Tarzan brakes off a branch and subdues the gryf. He climbs onto the back of the gryf and invites the King and Princess to join him. They do so. End.

The featured story is a continuation of Dell #45.3. This new story combines some of the favorite characters from the Dell Tarzan comics: Cathneans, Terribs, Goliath, Gallugos and Muviro. These similar faces combined in a story makes great reading for the fans of Dell Tarzan comics. King Jathon has changed into a Roman-like suit of armor. The spear Goliath took during the battle with the Athneans in Dell #45.3 has taken its toll. He is down, temporarily, so the normal characters can have some action. The Cathnean chariots have a great looking ram’s head on the hub. The Terribs are their usual terrific villainous best. The battle scene drawings are the best panels. We discover that the Gorobars can climb ladders with Terribs on their backs. King Gallu and the Gallugos from Dell Annual #2.2 have taken Tarzan’s advice and are looking for a new home. We first see them charging into battle in a V-formation on their buffaloes. If you had not read the Dell Annual you could still accept the validity of the Gallugos. We also learn that their perfect formation charge was actually a stampede caused by saber-toothed beasts. It is too perfect to be a stampede. The Gallugos armor is identical to the Cathnean warriors. Once again Tarzan must find a new home for a race of people. This something he is getting pretty good at since he has already done that in Dell #12 for a groups of slaves; #35 for the Cathneans; #A1.1 the White Pygmies; and #41.2 the Lost Legion. The lion drawings are great. In Cathne for the celebration, the statue on a pedestal is taken from the ancient Roman statue of Augusta of Primaporta. The drawing of the new valley is nice panel, which is a new refreshing landscape scene for Jesse Marsh. This is a highly recommended story and pictures.

2nd story “Boy Faces the Fangs of the Mamba ” - 8pp.
Type -- Boy Story - Tarzan saves Boy

Ungali, the witch doctor, is released from jail. He had tried to kill Tarzan. He still holds a grudge. On his way home to the Matusi village he forms a plan. Days later, Atumbo, the chief, screams that his golden throne has been stolen. Ungali lounges in front of his hut. Atumbo accuses him of the theft. Ungali reads the magic bones. They reveal the thief as Boy. Atumbo does not believe it. Ungali says he will lead him to Boy and the throne.

Boy and Dombie are fishing. Boy finds the golden throne. Dombie advises Boy to put it back where he found it. Boy doesn’t think it is valuable and sits on it to fish. Dombie leaves the area. Ungali and Atumbo sneak up on Tarzan’s son. Ungali puts a bag over Boy’s head, and they take him back to the village. Dombie hears the commotion, discovers Boy missing, and goes to find Tarzan.

Back at the village Ungali calls for the Ordeal of the Mamba for Boy. Drummers send the message of the capture and trial to other Matusi tribes. Tarzan hears the message and swings towards the village. Atumbo accuses Boy of the theft. Boy denies it. Ungali uses a forked stick to handle the mamba. He dances with the snake. He brings it to his face and declares that if a person lies the snake will kill the lair. He hands the stiffened snake to the King, who fearfully takes it. He is not bitten. Ungali takes the snake and gleefully dances towards Boy. The snake begins to writhe again. He pushes the snake towards Boy. Tarzan’s arrow parts Ungali’s hair. Tarzan demands to take Boy’s place in the ordeal. Atumbo has no objection. Ungali points the mamba at Tarzan’s face. Tarzan spits into the snake’s mouth. The mamba stiffens. Tarzan grabs the snake from Ungali and chases him away. Atumbo is convinced that Ungali is the real thief and promises to kill him if he returns. As they leave the village Tarzan explains to Boy that the juice of a jungle leaf temporarily paralyzed the mamba and that Ungali had used up all the juice from his mouth. End.

The second story is a new Boy story, but Tarzan plays an integral part. It is actually a pretty good story except for a major flaw. (It is the fault of the writer or the artist? Answer unknown.) Ungali, the Matusi witch doctor who tried to kill Tarzan, is being released from jail. In Dell #45.1 Ungali was a well-built man who tried to scare off the white plantation owners. He was placed in jail for the attempted murder of Geoffrey Barbour. In this issue Ungali looks exactly like Mukawa, the Chief of the M’bongwes tribe from Dell #44.2. Mukawa sold Barbara Wales into slavery for a musket, which he used to try to shoot Tarzan. It is kind of a mix and match of Ungali and Mukawa. Was it the writer or the artist that had a faulty memory of the previous stories?

3rd story “Tarzan and the Treasure of the Apes” - 15pp.
Type -- Evil White Hunters - Apes

Tarzan is confronted by a group of great apes that want to kill all tarmangani. Unable to reason with the leader, Koodo, Tarzan knocks him to the ground. Two white hunters fire at the apes and Tarzan. Koodo is grazed unconscious by a bullet. The apes scatter. Tarzan takes to the trees to discover the reason for this attack. Burke and his henchmen take a jeweled necklace off of Koodo. They have discovered jewelry on the apes and are systematically killing every ape they find. Koodo starts to come around. Tarzan tries to distract the evil white hunters. They recognize Tarzan. Burke fires his rifle and knocks Tarzan out of the tree. They plan to have Tarzan lead them to the apes. Koodo attacks the hunters. The hunters kill the great ape as Tarzan escapes into the trees.

Tarzan is wobbly. Sheeta stalks Tarzan. The ape-man falls from the tree, the leopard leaps, Tarzan catches a branch, and sheeta lands in a stream. Kom, son of Mundo, is covered with jewels. He attacks Tarzan because he is a tarmangani. Tarzan takes to the trees. Kom follows. The hunters give chase and fire at them. A bullet strikes Kom as he and Tarzan make it to a platform in a tree. Tarzan removes the bullet with his knife. Tarzan starts to climb down. Kom reaches for him and falls from the platform. The hunters finish off the ape and take the jewels.

Tarzan searches for the source of the jewels. He spies a group of mangani heading for the Shark Lagoon. At the lagoon he finds the apes fighting over the trinkets. He attempts to stop them. The apes think Tarzan wants their colored stones. A shark heads for two apes that are in the water. Tarzan dives in and kills the shark with his knife. At the bottom of the lagoon Tarzan finds a pirate’s treasure chest. Tarzan leaves the water with the treasure. The apes are grateful that he saved them from the shark. Tarzan convinces Mundo, the leader, that the jewels are worthless because they cannot be eaten. Tarzan has a plan to stop the tarmangani from hunting the apes. Poon, another ape, believes that Tarzan is trying to trick them out of the colored stones. Tarzan punches Poon in the stomach. The others believe Tarzan. Tarzan gathers all the jewels and sneaks into the hunter’s camp. The hunters discover Tarzan and attempt to force him to show them where the apes are. Tarzan tells them that all the jewels are in Burke’s chop box. Burke’s partner looks in the box. He thinks Burke is trying to double-cross him. Tarzan turns the tables on the white men. The apes join the ape-man. The hunters beg for mercy. Tarzan gives them a choice of taking weapons or jewels with them as they leave Africa. They choose the jewels. Burke’s partner is still suspicious as they leave. Tarzan says his good-byes to the tribe. End.

The third story is a new story and the weakest of the three tales. It is a simple tale with no subplots. Evil white hunters seem to come in pairs with one short and stocky and the other tall and thin. They appear to have only one rifle between them. It is strange and convenient that Tarzan and Kom find a man-made platform in the tree. It is not clear if the tribe of mangani with Mundo is a second tribe or part of the first tribe with Koodo. There are some good underwater panels. The foolish white men are easily tricked, and Tarzan allows them to take the jewels out even though he knows that they will never make it without weapons. The Tarzan of the novels probably would not have been so generous.

.“Silent Journey” -- 37th text story -- 2 pages - no illustrations

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 22nd story -- 6 pages

New Subscription offer -- 1p - color

Inside Back Cover: New Whitman Publishing Co. advertisement - cowboy books - color

Back Cover: 12th Wheaties advertisement - same as #45.


DELL #47 August 1953 ~ 52pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh - pencils -- Russ Manning - inks
Writer -- unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: 35th Lex Barker photo with painted background
Inside Front Cover: New advertisement Whitman Coloring Books - color

1st story “Tarzan and the Ancient Terror” - 16pp. 
Type -- Lost Race - Lovelorn United

Dell 47Dr. MacWhirtle flies Tarzan by pontoon helicopter into a volcano-shaped like a hollow cone to investigate a body of water at the bottom. As they pass over the lake, they spot a man tied to a raft. A Plesiosaurus approaches the raft. Dr. Mac fires his pistol at the saurian monster. The bullets prove harmless, but the dinosaur swims away. Dr. Mac lands near the man. Tarzan frees the tribesman who speaks a Bantu dialect. They fly to shore. The man is Ruandi, a member of a race with white skin and blonde hair. He explains that his ancestors came from the world above, but they were trapped in the volcano. They have survived ever since that ancient time. They are fisherman. He calls Tarzan, ‘Inkosi,’ mighty chieftain. He further relates that he was tied to the raft, as a sacrifice because he loves the queen, Lula, and that Kuvuru, the witch doctor, also desires the queen. The Plesiosaurus is called Nga Ngori. 

The Bantu sacrifice a human to Nga Ngori three times a year so the monster will not eat them all. Tarzan offers to fly Ruandi out of the volcano. He will not leave without Lula.

As they travel to the village, Ruandi warns them to beware of the witch doctor. Dr. Mac wants to use some magic tricks on Kuvuru. Tarzan tells him to be careful. They arrive as Lula and Kuvuru are starting a marriage ceremony. Ruandi interrupts the proceeding by declaring that he is alive because Tarzan and Dr. Mac are mightier that Kuvuru. Dr. Mac inflates a balloon and sends to towards the witch doctor’s face. A snake, which is wrapped around Kuvuru’s neck, pops the balloon. The Bantu run. Kuvuru threatens Dr. Mac. The doctor takes some lighter fluid in his mouth and shoots a flame out at the witch doctor. Tarzan attacks the Bantu who try to sneak up on them. He scares off the Bantu. Kuvuru disappears in the confusion. Tarzan, Dr. Mac, Ruandi, and Lula run for the helicopter. Before they can reach the copter, the Bantu throw nets over them, and they are captured. Kuvuru takes Inkosa Lula aside. The others are placed on a raft for the Nga Ngori. Kuvuru beats on a drum to call the Plesiosaurus. As the saurian monster comes to the surface, Lula jumps into the water with a knife. She frees the captives from the nets. Tarzan takes Lula’s knife and his own. His two knife throws blinds the dinosaur. The raft drifts towards a tunnel in the side of the volcano. On the other side of the volcano there is a jagged rock barrier, which they cross. Tarzan has Dr. Mac give the two Bantus some clothing to protect themselves against the bright African sun. They hand-paddle towards shore and freedom. End.

The featured story is a new story with the irascible Dr. MacWhirtle. The good Doctor supports a new hat with blue and white stripes. His helicopter is larger than ever and more accurately rendered than in previous issues. The Plesiosaurus is a bit more formidable than in Dell #31.1. In the earlier issue, Tarzan kills them at will with his knife. More respect is shown for the saurian because of his size and that fact that the creature is in its element of water this time. The Bantu are a white race of natives with blonde hair. This is somewhat similar to the Kavuru, a race of white natives from Tarzan’s Quest. Also cloned from Quest is the witch doctor’s name, Kuvuru, which is just one letter different than the white race of Quest, the Kavuru. There the similarity ends. The Bantu have been trapped inside the volcano for such a long time that their skin has lost its pigmentation. The stereotypical overweight witch doctor is not easily fooled by Dr. Mac’s balloon trick. Dr. Mac has some great facial expressions and a humorous double-take. The language of the Bantu is used a number of times and is slightly confusing but not too distracting. Lula’s pose as she climbs onto the raft is a notable panel. Once again a tunnel plays a critical part in the story line with a terrific panel of Dr. Mac in shadow in profile in the darkness of the tunnel. This story has a nice twisting of the Kavuru race, which shows the influence of the novels on the writer. The story does not really end dramatically. One suspects that this story line will continue in another issue.

2nd story “Tarzan Fights For His Own” - 15pp.
Type -- Rescue Jane and Boy

As Tarzan rides a gryf in Pal-ul-don, he receives a telepathic message from Jane for help. He rides the gryf to New Cathne to pick up the Waziri. Muviro and two warriors mount the gryf. They head for the Great Swamp. In the swamp, a water python attacks the gryf. The gryf eats the python. They ride through the Great Thorn Desert to an oasis. The next day at the edge of a donga a rhinoceros charges the gryf. Tarzan and the Waziri jump to safety. The gryf kills the rhino and starts to feed on the carcass. Muviro and the warriors depart for their home. Tarzan swings through the trees to discover the tree house burnt out. The ape-man picks up the scent of Jane, Boy, and Sheik Ibrahim. He returns to the gryf that has finished its meal. He subdues the beast with a stick. After two days travel, he reaches Ain Adrar, the city of Ibrahim.

Tarzan sends the gryf charging towards the gates of the city. The Arab guards believe that Shaitan, the devil, approaches the walls of the city. The gryf crashes through the gates, kills a camel and causes havoc. Tarzan scales the unguarded wall. He drops down on an Arab. Disguised in Arab robes, Tarzan moves through the town trying to catch Jane or Boy’s scent. He knocks out a guard and releases Boy. Boy dons the guard’s robes. The other prisoners are released and leave. They make it to the women’s quarters, but there is no sign of Jane. Boy warns Tarzan of a guard attacking with a scimitar. Tarzan knocks him out with a musket blow. Tarzan bends the bars to Jane’s cell. They commandeer a mule. The Arabs blow up the gryf with gunpowder. Tarzan and his family slip out of the city during the confusion. The next day Tarzan spots a dust cloud that denotes they are being pursued. The chase is on. The mule is beginning to tire as they approach the forest. A bullet brings down the mule. Tarzan carries Jane into the trees. He scents Tantor. Ibrahim and his men ride their horses into the forest. Mounted on Tantor, Tarzan charges the sheik. A musket ball has little effect on the pachyderm. Tantor grabs the sheik and throws him into a tree. Tarzan and Boy, on separate elephants, drive the Arabs away. End.

The second story is a new story with one major plot and no subplots. It appears as if the story starts as a continuance of Dell #46.1 with Tarzan on a gryf in Pal-ul-don. Tarzan receives a telepathic message from Jane. This is a first. This is a power that defies the myth of Tarzan. (Telepathy was used in the movie Tarzan and the Lost City.) Tarzan picks up the Waziri at New Cathne and brings them home again, but they have little or nothing to do with the story. We learn a little more about the gryf and its capabilities. Most of the story line in consumed with travel from one area to another. The tree house is burnt with little damage to the tree in which it was perched. There is a very good panel of the gryf fighting the snake, fighting the rhino, being subdued by Tarzan, and crashing through the city gates. Tarzan uses an Arab disguise for the third time. Another excellent panel is Tarzan dropping down upon the guard. The name Sheik Ibrahim is used for the third time by the Dell storywriters. The first time, Dell #12, he probably drowns or was eaten by sharks. It was not clearly defined. The second incident, Dell #42.2, the sheik is the leader of the Black Tuaregs in the Forbidden City. This Sheik Ibrahim appears to be different than the first two. The reliance on this name is confusing. Tantor comes to save the day. The fate of this Sheik Ibrahim is not totally clear. Is he killed or merely thrown into a tree by Tantor? The fate of a man who burns down Tarzan’s house and captures his family would be of no question to the Tarzan of the novels. The comic book Tarzan asks Tantor not to kill the Sheik. 

3rd story “Boy and the Horned Monster” - 8pp.
Type -- Boy Story

An unnamed tribe that has a horned monster, which delivers punishment to prisoners, captures Boy and Dombie. They escape and enter the monster’s cave to learn that the monster is merely a witch doctor in a costume. Boy knocks out the witch doctor with a knobstick. They escape the village inside the horned monster costume. End. 

The third story is a Boy story with no appearance by Tarzan. It is an average story.

“The River People” -- 38th text story -- 2 pages - no illustrations

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 23rd story -- 6 pages

Jungle Canoe Trip - game in color - top half of page ~ bottom half new subscription coupon - 5 yrs for $4.50

Inside Back Cover: New subscription offer - color

Back Cover: 13th Wheaties advertisement featuring Stan Musial of the St. Louis Cardinals.



DELL #48 September 1953 ~ 52pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh - pencils -- Russ Manning - inks
Writer: unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: 36th Lex Barker photo with painted background
Inside Front Cover: New subscription advertisement in color

1st story “Tarzan Traps a Rouge” - 16pp. 
Type -- Evil White Hunters (Ivory Poachers) - Tantor

Tarzan Dell 48

An Urubambwe messenger comes to Tarzan’s tree house requesting the ape-man’s help with a rouge elephant that is terrorizing their village. Tarzan instructs Jane to fetch his poison arrows. The messenger relates the events of the past two days. Tarzan takes to the trees for quicker travel. As he drops into the village, the Urubambwe think he is a forest demon. Tarzan requests to see the chief. N’kosi, the chief, invites Tarzan into his home. The rouge elephant crashes through the stockade fence. The mad beast drops a stockade pole through the chief’s roof, knocking Tarzan unconscious. An Urubambwe hunter fires on the elephant with a muzzle-loader. The elephant throws the hunter over the stockade. The rouge crashes through the gate into the jungle.

When Tarzan awakens, N’kosi tells him what happened. Tarzan recognizes Tantor scent and follows his trail. At dawn he finds Tantor. As the enraged elephant chases him, he realizes that Tantor has a bullet lodged at the root of his tusk. He leads his old friend on a merry chase and leads him between two trees so that Tantor buries his tusks into the trees. Tarzan decides to leave him there until he becomes thirsty enough to swallow a drugged drink so he can remove the bullet. In the meantime he will search for the ivory poachers.

The next day on a grassy plain Tarzan spies vultures and hyenas around an elephant carcass. The tusks and feet have been removed. Tarzan pledges justice. The trail of the poachers vanishes. He comes upon forest pygmies and learns about the poachers’ helicopter. He bids farewell to the pygmies and continues his search. The next day he finds Tantor’s herd. Kamahi, a wise old cow, has taken charge of the herd. She places Tarzan on her back. The helicopter approaches. Tarzan attempts to lead the herd into the forest. Rifle fire from the helicopter drops two elephants. DiGiorgio, the poacher, and his partner remove a tusk and carry it towards the chopper. Tarzan gets the drop on them with his bow. DiGiorgio pulls his pistol. Tarzan shoots it from his hand. He ties the poachers to a tree and removes a slug from the second elephant. When he returns to his prisoners, he has to scare away some hyenas.

He loads the poachers into their helicopter and flies to where he left Tantor. He gives Tantor a drug to put him to sleep. He forces the poachers to cut away the trees. He removes the bullet from Tantor’s tusk. Tarzan tells the poachers he is going to fly them to justice. End.

The featured story is a new story that starts out as if it is just a rouge elephant of the title. But we learn that it is Tantor that is doing all of the terrible deeds, but there is a justification for the elephant’s actions. Why Tarzan asks Jane for his poison arrows is curious, since they do not play a part in the story. The tree house that was burned down by Sheik Ibrahim in Dell #47.2 has been totally rebuilt. There are some great panels of Tantor terrorizing the village and chasing Tarzan. In fact most of the best panels deal with the elephants. Tarzan is knocked unconscious for the twelfth time. The reality of poaching and the rotting carcass of the elephant are rarely presented so candidly. The artist, Jesse Marsh, uses a very interesting variety of perspectives in the panels. He creates a good visual contrast for your eyes. The evil poachers are tight-cast in their language and their appearance. It is an interesting story that is tightly written with no subplots.

2nd story “Boy Trail the M’bongo Spears”- 8pp.
Type -- Boy Story - Boy Rescues Dombie

Boy and Dombie are fishing with nets. Boy goes to make a basket. M’bongos captures Dombie. Boy tries to enlist the help of great apes in a rescue attempt. Only Korak, great ape will help. Jad-bal-ja also will help them. The M’bongos signals the Shiftas that they have a prisoner. While the M’bongos sleep Korak and Jad-bal-ja take the spears of the natives, and Boy releases Dombie. The M’bongos wake. Korak and Jad-bal-ja fight the natives. Boy and Dombie get away. The Shiftas fire at them. End.

The second story is other Boy story with no appearance by Tarzan.

3rd story “Tarzan and the Hunter Wasps” - 15pp.
Type -- Giant Wasp - Argus - Dr. MacWhirtle

On the plains, Tarzan and Muviro witness a Giant Wasp sting Numa and carry it off. Tarzan fires two arrows into the back of the wasp, which causes it to drop the lion. The wasp flies towards its nest, which is in the opposite direction of Pal-ul-don. They inspect the lion and discover that it died from the fall. They head back to the Waziri Village to get Argus, the Giant Eagle.

At the village boy is feeding Argus. Muviro gives Tarzan his arrows as extras. Tarzan takes off on Argus and soon spies a wasp in the distance. The wasp picks up a gazelle and heads for home. Tarzan and Argus follow it over the Lake of Mist and through the vapors to the Island of Dwarfs. The Giant Wasp flies towards a temple on the highest hill, both of which have been split open by a volcano. Tarzan circles overhead watching the wasp enter the split in the hill. He sees no signs of the dwarfs. He scours the area for signs of the dwarfs. He finally spots some life forms and lands near them. He asks about the Giant Wasps. The dwarfs are afraid of the man-who-rides-a-bird and want him to leave. The dwarfs inform him that the wasps do not cross over a field of white flowers. The ape-man investigates the flowers and concludes that they must give off an odor that is repulsive to the wasps. He grinds up some of the white flowers and dips his arrowheads into the mixture. He smears Argus and himself with the scent of the white flower.

As they fly towards the split in the hill, guard wasps quickly approach. Tarzan kills all three with arrows that were dipped in the white flower juice. Diving into the cavern, Tarzan spies grubs and egg cells. A swarm of wasps appears and cuts off their escape route. The scent of the white flower causes the wasps to fly erratically. One of the wasps knocks Tarzan off of Argus. He falls into a pool of water. Breaking the surface, Tarzan commands Argus to fly away. Tarzan makes his way towards the surface. He has to kill a larva and a wasp with arrows along the way. Once out of the cavern, Tarzan finds Argus waiting for him. He mounts Argus and easily makes his escape as the wasps are still disoriented from the flower scent. Tarzan flies towards Nairobi to get Doctor MacWhirtle.

The next day Tarzan and Dr. Mac’s plane approach the Isle of Mist. They see a Giant Wasp bringing a gazelle to the nest. They drop DDT bombs into the chasm. The wasps swarm out of the cavern but are dying by the hundreds. Dr. Mac looks for a place to land so that he can collect a specimen. A wasp flies into the propeller of the plane, forcing them to ditch in the lake and swim to shore. The DDT bomb sets off a volcano explosion. With no specimen to bring back, Tarzan says that it is better this way. End.

The third story is a new story that revisits places and people from Dell #3 “Tarzan and the Dwarfs of Didona.” Once again a giant creature is the focal point of the story. This time it is Giant Wasps. The writer is quick to reveal that Pal-ul-don has nothing to do with these giant creatures. Muviro has a token part. He is more muscular than ever and has a red ear decoration that extends through his earlobe. Boy has even a smaller part than Muviro. Argus, colored solid gold, is a featured player with a great variety of views from above, below, close-up and far away. As Tarzan and Argus approach the Island of Dwarfs, Tarzan reminds the reader that he and Boy were here once before, Dell #3. In that issue Tarzan had to rescue Boy from the Dwarfs of Didona. In this issue the dwarfs are all but wiped out by the Giant Wasps. The white field of flowers reminds this writer of the poppy field from the Wizard of Oz. Tarzan’s deductive reasoning saves the day. He decides to use the scent and juice of the white flower. The use of a repellent odor/smell was used in Dell #32.2 and 33.2. Tarzan’s hair reacts most interestingly while flying on Argus. Tarzan resorts to Dr. Mac and DDT to finish off the wasp nest. This is 1953 and DDT has not been banded from public use. Unfortunately the writer felt it necessary to use a volcanic explosion to conclude the story. A plot device used in Dell 37.1 and 38.1. All in all it is a tight story with no subplots. 

“Mabu’s Story” -- 39th text story -- 2 pages - no illustrations

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 24^th story -- 6 pages

Jungle World -- 23rd - Mushrooms twenty feet high in Pal-ul-don - 1 page - in color
(Last Jungle World was in Dell #36)

Inside Back Cover: New Whitman advertisement - toys and games - color

Back Cover: 14th Wheaties advertisement featuring Yogi Berra, New York Yankees.



DELL #49 October 1953 ~ 52pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh - pencils ~  Russ Manning - inks ~ Tony Sgroi - 2nd story
Writer: Unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: 37th Lex Barker photo with painted background
Inside Front Cover:  New subscription advertisement in color

1st story “Tarzan Builds a Home”- 16pp.
Type -- Tarzan Moves to Opar - White Pygmies - Rescue Prince Illony

Dell Comic #49Tarzan, Jane and Boy ride Tantor to the Rock of Opar in search of a new place to live. The White Pygmies lower a basket down to them. Tarzan sends Tantor home. They ride the basket to the top of the mountain. The king of Opar welcomes them and introduces his son, Prince Illony. The Prince participates in a riding exhibit for their guests. On the way to the pygmy tower, they show Jane the ruins of Opar. At a feast Tarzan explains that he wants to build a home for Jane and Boy near Opar because it is not safe for his family in the old tree house. The King welcomes the idea.

The next day Tarzan and Boy start preparing the ground for building. Boy discovers a stone lid in the ground. They remove the lid and enter the hole to discover gold. Tarzan has no use for gold and decides to build the home directly over the lid. Metunyi, white pygmy foreman, has pygmies bring Tarzan stones for the house. A month later the stone cottage is complete. A royal hunt is planned.

They descend the mountain in the basket. During the hunt, sheetah stalks a pygmy. Boy kills the leopard with his bow. The King asks Boy about Prince Illony. Boy has not seen him since the hunt started. Meanwhile, the Prince rides his antelope to get a better look at a safari car. The two trophy hunters in a safari car spot an antelope but not the Prince. They shoot the antelope. The Prince is thrown against a tree. Tarzan and the King hear the gunshot and go to investigate. The trophy hunters, Garvey and Nobby, approach the antelope and discover the pygmy prince. They decide to kidnap him and put him in show business as an attraction. They load him into the car to take him for medical attention. Tarzan and the King witness their departure. Deducing that the Prince is in the car, Tarzan decides to trail the car.

Three days later in Nairobi, Tarzan, disguised an Arab, overhears the trophy hunters talking about their pygmy patient. He trails them to a building. Besides caring for the injured pygmy, Doc Manlek will provide them with a way to smuggle the pygmy out of the country. That evening, Tarzan rips out the bars to the Prince’s room. The Doc hears the noise, enters the room, and fires at Tarzan with his pistol. Tarzan falls to the floor unconscious. Doc Manlek ties up the grazed Tarzan and plans to sell him to slavers. Later the Doc brings two Arabs slavers, Youssef and Ali, to view Tarzan. They agree to a price. Doc releases Tarzan’s neck collar. Tarzan overpowers all of them and ties them up. Tarzan finds Illony in his room. Garvey and Nobby enter. Tarzan forces them to the safari car and orders them to drive them back to the place of capture. After arriving, Tarzan tells the trophy hunters never return. Tarzan calls a Great Eland. They ride to Opar. End.

The featured story is a new story that eliminates the tree house and places Tarzan and his family on the Oparian mountain. Tarzan explains to the King of Opar that his family was kidnapped and his tree house was lost. He won’t let that happen again. He wants to build a new house on Opar. Jane and Boy were kidnapped in Dell #47.2 and the tree house was burned down. In Dell #48.1 Tarzan has a new tree house. But evidently he does not feel that his family is safe while he is away. The King of Opar was King Nikon. We last saw the White Pygmy King Nikon in Dell #38.2. King Nikon wore a goatee and had angled eyebrows. He wore a red hat with a yellow plume. The King of Opar is younger looking, has no goatee, and has normal looking eyebrows. He wears a red skullcap. The ruins of Opar are more tightly placed together than in previous issues. The tower dwellings of the White Pygmies were not mentioned before. The drawing of the tower is influenced by Bruegel’s “Tower of Babel.” Garvey and Nobby are typical of the paired villains used by the writer(s). This is the fifth time Tarzan uses an Arab disguise in a story. Tarzan uses his brute strength to bend bars and break ropes. It is also the second time he is grazed unconscious by a pistol shot. Although the ending is anti-climatic, the story is well put together. Moving Tarzan away from the tree house cuts the ties to the movie tree house but also makes the Rock of Opar a bit crowded.

2nd story “Boy Meets Bolgani- 8pp.
Type -- Boy Story

Boy and Dombie hunt for a warthog to repay Buto for his hospitality. They flush a warthog out of a hole. After a narrow escape Boy kills the warthog with his bow. They take their kill to Buto’s village. N’glongo, a Bahatwe trader, is present. He trades Dombie a bullet for warthog tusks. Boy trades a gold nugget for a crossbow and two iron quarrels. They take their new weapons to Buto’s banana patch. They discover a gorilla there, which threatens them. Boy places the bullet on the end of the quarrel. The gorilla grabs the crossbow. It goes off in its face, killing him. End.

The second story is a Boy story with no Tarzan. 

3rd story “Tarzan and the Thipdar’s Prey”- 15pp.
Type -- Dr. MacWhirtle - Lost World - Dinosaurs

Tarzan comes in response to Dr. MacWhirtle’s call. Dr. Mac wants to return to the Valley of Monsters in Pal-ul-don. Tarzan ribs him about the escape of the hatched dinosaur. They will take Dr. Mac’s helicopter. He also brings along a rocket launcher. On the way, Dr. Mac relates that he wants to bring back a Pteranodon young or egg. Tarzan explains that there are two different types of Thipdars. There are meat eaters from the Valley of Monsters and the fish eating type from the Lake of Pterodactyls. Tarzan advises searching for the latter. They land at the ‘fisher folk’ (Lake Dwellers) village. They have to belay the fears of the Lake People that they are not a Thipdar. The Chief invites them to eat. Tarzan asks to borrow a canoe to go in search of Thipdar eggs.

That night, they paddle towards the north end of the lake. A cetacean swims past their canoe. They pass a sleeping Thipdar and land their craft. They search the shore for a circular depression that denotes a Thipdar nest area. Hours later they find a nest. Tarzan says they can only carry two each, and they must hurry because dawn is approaching. Upon reaching the canoe, Dr. Mac wants to go back for more. Tarzan thinks it is dangerous because it is about dawn, but Dr. Mac feels the rocket launcher can protect them. The Doctor pulls out four more eggs. A flesh eating Thipdar glides over a sand dune and knocks down Tarzan. It grabs Dr. Mac and flies off. With the rocket launcher over his shoulder Tarzan sneaks up on a sleeping fish eating Thipdar. He leaps on its back and guides it into the air. He directs it towards the Valley of Monsters.

As the Thipdar is about to drop the Doctor into its nest, MacWhirtle fires his pistol at the babies in the nest. Tarzan sees the Thipdar circling the nest, and hears the gunfire. He kills the flying monster with the rocket launcher. The Jungle Lord jumps to the ground. Tarzan makes a rope out of rattan-like vines. He ties a rock onto the end of the rope and throws it up to Dr. Mac on top of a pillar-like projection. Tarzan climbs up to the nest. The Doctor is uninjured because he is wearing aluminum chain mail under his clothes. Tarzan carries MacWhirtle to the ground. They hear a Garth coming. They are surrounded by three Garths. Tarzan fires the rocket launcher. It kills one Garth and the backlash blinds a second saurian. The third Garth attacks the blinded one. Tarzan and the Doctor run for their lives. Tarzan pulls the Doctor to the ground as a Brontosaurus tail passes over their heads. They witness the Brontosaurus fighting a Garth. Tarzan carries Dr. Mac up the volcanic dike that guards the valley. They make it back to the lake. Dr. Mac wants to go back for the eggs. Tarzan says that Dr. Mac never knows when he has had enough. End.

The third story is a new story that has a tight story line and  features the reoccurring Dr. MacWhirtle character. The Doctor wears a curious red coonskin cap. He flies his usual helicopter. The drawings of the chopper have improved, but they are still pretty basic. He brings along a rocket launcher that looks very much like a bazooka. (One can guess, correctly, that the rocket launcher will play a pivotal part in saving their lives.) The writer introduces a second type of pterodactyl, the fish eater. Tarzan and the Doctor land at the Fisher Folk village. They are probably the same people known as the Lake Dwellers/Lake People seen in Dell #7 and #16.1. The chief is obviously not Luk-wok of the Lake People from Dell #7. The unnamed chief is old and wrinkled. Tarzan uses his skill of flying a thipdar, which he learned in Dell #39.1. He also shoots down a thipdar with a rocket for the second time. The first time was Dell #31.1. Reference is made to Dr. Mac’s animal repellent for followers of the series. Tarzan explains to Dr. Mac that Garths (Tyrannosaur) hunt by scent rather than by sight. This is opposite of the prevailing theory about the T-Rex. A couple disappointments are the so-called nighttime panels as the pair search for thipdar eggs. The panels look like daylight. The other is the mountains of the Valley of Monsters are reduced to cone shaped bumps that don’t have the flair of earlier depictions of the valley. Dr. Mac’s look is very consistent with previous drawings. It is a good story but not a great story. It ends with a set up for a sequel in future issues.

“Reunion” -- 40th text story -- 2 pages - no illustrations

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 25th story -- 6 pages

Jungle World -- 24th - The Thipdars of Pal-ul-don - 1 page - in color

Inside Back Cover: 1st Schwinn Bike advertisement - color

Back Cover: 15th Wheaties advertisement featuring Robin Roberts, Philadelphia Phillies.



DELL #50 November 1953 ~ 52pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh - pencils ~ Russ Manning - inks
Writer -- unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: 38th Lex Barker photo with painted background
Inside Front Cover:  New advertisement for Mars Milky Way candy bar in color

1st story “Tarzan The Precious Poison” - 16pp.
Type -- Cure for Swamp Fever - Arachna (Giant Spider) - Dr. Mervin - Argus - Terribs 

Dell Comic #50Dr. Mervin and his daughter, Yolanda, are stranded at the Stork Men Village because their plane ran out of gas. Tarzan is there visiting. Yolanda teaches three otter pups to come to her. Tarzan and Chief Kakar train the otters to attack and kill lizards. Dr. Mervin comes down with Swamp Fever. Tarzan carries him to a bed and goes into the jungle for medicinal plants. He returns and brews them. He administers the medicine  to the Doctor. This checks the fever. Tarzan calls Argus. He plans to bring back fuel for the plane so they can take the Doctor to a hospital in Nairobi.

Tarzan flies over Pal-ul-don. Kingbirds rise to attack. Argus attempts to gain altitude. Tarzan kills three Kingbirds with his bow. Argus does a loop to avoid the Kingbirds. Tarzan falls from his back. A spider’s web breaks his fall. He bounces into a tree. Arachna, a giant spider, comes towards Tarzan. Tarzan puts a couple of arrows in the spider. The ape-man goes to investigate the web. He finds an unconscious man caught in the web. He releases him. He gathers some Lemoka bush berries and squeezes the juice into the unconscious man’s mouth. This counter-acts the poison of the Arachna. The man tells Tarzan that he is Kumar of Lutor and that he is searching for the poison sac of the spider because it is the cure for Swamp Fever. Tarzan tells him he needs the cure for a friend. They go to see if the Arachna that Tarzan shot is dead or not. Argus heads for the Waziri village. 

Tarzan and Kumar find the spider dead. Tarzan plans to cut out the poison sac and share the healing contents. Kumar finds his spear. Tarzan works on cutting out the sac. Kumar sees the spider’s mate approaching and rushes to protect Tarzan. The Arachna overpowers Kumar. Tarzan leaps on the Arachna’s back and kills it with his knife. They now have two poison sacs. Kumar offers to take Tarzan to his friend via crocodile boat. Tarzan accepts. Kumar signals Princess Loma’s craft with a double column of smoke. He places a secret powder in the smoke to turn it green so that the Terribs cannot imitate the signal. Princess Loma welcomes Tarzan. Kumar displays the two Arachna poison sacs. Tarzan tells the Princess about his sick friend at the Lagoon of the Stork Men. Terribs mounted on their Gorobars attack the crocodile boat. The Terribs spears cannot pierce the armor of the improved craft. The boat quickly outdistances the Terribs.

The crocodile boat pulls through the gate to the Stork Men Village. We learn that the Stork Men and the Lutorians are friendly. Tarzan introduces Princess Loma to Yolanda. Tarzan tells Yolanda that he has cure for his father. The Jungle Lord gives a poison sac to the Princess and asks her to mix up the proper dose. She places three drops of the poison in water and gives it to Dr. Mervin. They hear Argus returning. Boy arrives on Argus. He was worried about Tarzan because Argus arrived with blood on its feathers. Tarzan says he can now go for fuel for the plane. Yolanda embarrasses Boy with a hug. End.

The featured story is a new story that brings together many characters from previous adventures. Dr. Mervin and his daughter ran out of gas back in Dell #42.1. They have been stranded in the Stork Men Village ever since. In that issue Tarzan introduced the giant otters to the Stork Men. This story starts with otter pups, but it is not clear if they are offspring of Nip and Tuck or not. Nip and Tuck had five pups in the earlier issue. The chief of the Stork Men is Kakar. He is not shown very clearly in this issue so it is impossible to tell if there are any changes. Since Dell #42.1, Doctor Mervin has lost his hair, put on fifty pounds in his stomach, and no longer wears glasses. Yolanda’s hair has grown a foot or more. Argus, the giant golden eagle, returns with a minor part, only to forget Tarzan is on its back and does a loop, which causes him to fall to earth. Princess Loma, who once had a major role to play, has been reduced to ferrying people around in her crocodile boat in both Dell #45.3 and in this issue. Her hair has changed from a gold color to a bright yellow. The crocodile boat has been improved so that is easily outdistances the Terribs, who are reduced to a minor incident. The Arachna, the giant spiders, are similar to the Araknid giant spiders of Queen Mataha from Dell #25.1. In fact, Tarzan appears to have considerable knowledge about the spiders. Connecting of all of these diverse characters into a new story is very nicely done. The writer is to be complemented on a fine blending of these elements.

2nd story “Boy Goes Hunting” - 8pp.
Type -- Boy Story - Boy Rescue White Woman

Boy and Jad-bal-ja are hunting. Boy downs a partridge. The lion downs a zebra. Korak, the ape, arrives. They witness Itombe and M’basa, M’bongo tribesmen, capture Wanda Newland, a white woman. Boy and Korak follow them. The M’bongos signal N’goro, the witch doctor, who wants some hair of a white woman. The boys rope N’goro up into a tree. The witch doctor faints, and the M’bongos run away. Boy and Korak return Wanda to her car where her safari boys are waiting. End.

The second story is a Boy story without Tarzan. It is about the Boy and Korak rescuing Wanda Newland from the M’bongos. It is remarkably similar to Dell #48.2 in which Boy and Korak rescue Dombie from the M’bongos.

3rd story “Tarzan The Mark of Evil” - 15pp.
Type -- Tarzan Exposes a Secret Society -- Buto

Mulungu, Waziri warrior, brings Tarzan a message on a forked stick. Tarzan’s new home in Opar is secret from all except the Waziri. The message is a request from the British Commissioner to come to Nairobi. Mulungu returns with Tarzan to the Waziri village where a plane awaits. Major Geoffrey Towne flies Tarzan to Nairobi. On the way Tarzan changes into a business suit as a disguise for the city. A taxi driver takes them to the government office. The Commissioner offers Tarzan a cigarette. He refuses. He asks for Tarzan’s help in dealing with a Secret Society, a group of terrorists who murder and intimidate Europeans and any tribe that sympathizes with Europeans. Tarzan says he will help.

Major Towne flies Tarzan to Buto’s Village. At the kraal, Buto tells Tarzan about murders in the area and the clay doll bearing his likeness that is full of thorns. Buto accompanies Tarzan as they begin a search for the terrorists. They discover two Bamwe natives who have been shot in the back. They trail the murderers. The murderers have separated. They follow one man who went into a rocky knoll. Tarzan finds where the man hid his machine gun. Tarzan smashes it. Tarzan says he knows the killers scent. They will go to the village by the lake posing as ivory buyers.

The chief of the village tells them to come back at the end of the dry season for ivory. Tarzan recognizes the scent of a man who insults a woman. They leave the village so they can follow him to the others. Tarzan leaves Buto to watch the man. He goes into the jungle and sets cage traps baited with aromatic leaves, like catnip. By morning, he has captures three zorillas, African skunks. That evening, he returns to Buto carrying a handmade squirt pipe device. At midnight, they see the killer go down to the lake and take a canoe. They follow in a canoe to an island. They see the fire of their meeting place. They search for a cache of weapons. Tarzan catches a firefly that they use for light to enter a cave. They find many crates of rifles and pistols. They transport all weapons to the canoes. They push the canoes out into the water. Buto goes out to tie all the canoes together. Tarzan heads for the Meeting Hall, a small crater on the island. A terrorist incites the others to greater terror. Tarzan squirts the contents of his homemade gun down onto the terrorists. The musk mixture of zorilla and civet chokes them. Tarzan swims out to Buto’s waiting canoe. They dump the weapons into the lake. Buto smells skunk. Tarzan tells him about his Mark of Evil, zorilla and civet musk, which won’t wear off, that he sprayed on the terrorists. Buto says they will spread the news to target anyone who has the Mark of Evil. End.

The third story is a new story that has one major plot with no subplots. Tarzan must deal with the terrorists of a Secret Society that displays some of the same characteristics of the infamous Leopard Men society. These terrorists, however, use modern weapons such as machine guns, rifles, and pistols. The Waziri warrior, Mulungu, has had several minor roles in previous stories. He looks like a totally different person when last seen in Dell #44.1. Buto has also appeared in a number of stories as well; yet, his appearance remains relatively unchanged. 

One questionable device was Tarzan catching one firefly that supplies enough light to light up the entire cave of the terrorists. Although the writer does not use the term voodoo, it is implied with the clay doll in the likeness of Buto. For the fifth time an odor plays a key role in the story line. In Dell #48.3 it was the scent of flowers to repel giant wasps; in Dell A2.2 it was crocodile fat to fool crocodiles; and in Dell # 32.2 and #33.2 it Dr. MacWhirtle’s defensive scent made from something similar to skunk or civet. In this story Tarzan captures three zorillas, South African skunks. He combines the musk with civet, which he sprays on the terrorists. Tarzan claims it will not wash off. (Note: It is the civet musk that makes the long lasting odor.) It is really a tight story and an interesting one because it deals with some of the mystiques of Africa such as a secret society and voodoo. The spraying of the terrorists from one terrorist cell appears to have solved the problem. It is my adult sensibility that tells me that probably is not enough to solve the entire situation.

“Kaino’s Skill” -- 41st text story -- 2 pages - no illustrations

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 26th story -- 6 pages

New Subscription offer - flag ring - 1 p. - color

Inside Back Cover: 1st Lionel train advertisement - color

Back Cover: 16th Wheaties advertisement featuring George Kel, Boston Red Sox.


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(short stories ~ secondary titles ~ Brothers of the Spear ~ ads ~ etc.)
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Issues 40 - 59


Duane Adams Intro and Bio
Adams Candid Photo Gallery
Tarzan Comics Summaries
by Duane Adams
1479 Dell Overview ~ All Titles
0847 Duane Adams Biblio-Pro-Phile
0789 Tarzan Murray Comics Australia
0659 Fires of Tohr comic / OTR
0850 Dell #1 Comparative Study
1551 Dell Tarzan Kill Tally
1529 Dell Tarzan 4-Colour 1947
0851 Dell Comics 1-10 Summaries
0852 Dell Comics 11-20 Summaries
1478 Tarzan Dells: 21-30
1552 Dell Tarzan Summaries 31-40
1553 Dell Tarzan Summaries 41-50
1569 Dell Tarzan Summaries 51-60
1571 Dell Tarzan Summaries 61-70
1572 Dell Tarzan Summaries 71-80
1573 Dell Tarzan Summaries 81-90
1574 Dell Tarzan Summaries 91-100
1575 Dell Tarzan Summaries 101-110
1576 Dell Tarzan Summaries 111-120
1577 Tarzan Summaries 121-131
1566 Dell Tarzan Annuals 1-3.
1567 Dell Tarzan Annuals 4-7
1596 Dell Tarzan Annuals  8-10
1597 Dell Language Banks
1595 Dell Places: A-F | G-L | M-R | S-Z
1598 Dell Things: A-E |F-L | M-R | S-Z
1690 Dell People/Animals A-Z


Duane Adams Art Gallery
Tarzan and the Fires of Tohr:
Radio Drama / Dell Comic Comparison
Tarzan and the Fires of Tohr
Radio Serial Summary Eps.1-18
Tarzan and the Fires of Tohr 
Radio Serial Summary Eps.19-39
Duane Adams Presents 
Murray Tarzan Comics
Moon Maid Glossary
G.T. McWhorter | Duane Adams
Burroughs Biblio-Pro-Phile 
Honour Roll

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