#50 November 1953 ~ 52pp. 10cents
interior: Jesse Marsh - pencils ~ Russ Manning - inks
-- unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)
Cover: 38th Lex Barker photo
with painted background
Inside Front Cover:
New advertisement for Mars Milky Way candy bar in color
1st story “Tarzan
The Precious Poison” - 16pp.
Type -- Cure for Swamp Fever
- Arachna (Giant Spider) - Dr. Mervin - Argus - Terribs

Mervin and his daughter, Yolanda, are stranded at the Stork Men Village
because their plane ran out of gas. Tarzan is there visiting. Yolanda teaches
three otter pups to come to her. Tarzan and Chief Kakar train the otters
to attack and kill lizards. Dr. Mervin comes down with Swamp Fever. Tarzan
carries him to a bed and goes into the jungle for medicinal plants. He
returns and brews them. He administers the medicine to the Doctor.
This checks the fever. Tarzan calls Argus. He plans to bring back fuel
for the plane so they can take the Doctor to a hospital in Nairobi.
Tarzan flies over Pal-ul-don.
Kingbirds rise to attack. Argus attempts to gain altitude. Tarzan kills
three Kingbirds with his bow. Argus does a loop to avoid the Kingbirds.
Tarzan falls from his back. A spider’s web breaks his fall. He bounces
into a tree. Arachna, a giant spider, comes towards Tarzan. Tarzan puts
a couple of arrows in the spider. The ape-man goes to investigate the web.
He finds an unconscious man caught in the web. He releases him. He gathers
some Lemoka bush berries and squeezes the juice into the unconscious man’s
mouth. This counter-acts the poison of the Arachna. The man tells Tarzan
that he is Kumar of Lutor and that he is searching for the poison sac of
the spider because it is the cure for Swamp Fever. Tarzan tells him he
needs the cure for a friend. They go to see if the Arachna that Tarzan
shot is dead or not. Argus heads for the Waziri village.
Tarzan and Kumar find the spider
dead. Tarzan plans to cut out the poison sac and share the healing contents.
Kumar finds his spear. Tarzan works on cutting out the sac. Kumar sees
the spider’s mate approaching and rushes to protect Tarzan. The Arachna
overpowers Kumar. Tarzan leaps on the Arachna’s back and kills it with
his knife. They now have two poison sacs. Kumar offers to take Tarzan to
his friend via crocodile boat. Tarzan accepts. Kumar signals Princess Loma’s
craft with a double column of smoke. He places a secret powder in the smoke
to turn it green so that the Terribs cannot imitate the signal. Princess
Loma welcomes Tarzan. Kumar displays the two Arachna poison sacs. Tarzan
tells the Princess about his sick friend at the Lagoon of the Stork Men.
Terribs mounted on their Gorobars attack the crocodile boat. The Terribs
spears cannot pierce the armor of the improved craft. The boat quickly
outdistances the Terribs.
The crocodile boat pulls through
the gate to the Stork Men Village. We learn that the Stork Men and the
Lutorians are friendly. Tarzan introduces Princess Loma to Yolanda. Tarzan
tells Yolanda that he has cure for his father. The Jungle Lord gives a
poison sac to the Princess and asks her to mix up the proper dose. She
places three drops of the poison in water and gives it to Dr. Mervin. They
hear Argus returning. Boy arrives on Argus. He was worried about Tarzan
because Argus arrived with blood on its feathers. Tarzan says he can now
go for fuel for the plane. Yolanda embarrasses Boy with a hug. End.
The featured
story is a new story that brings together many characters from previous
adventures. Dr. Mervin and his daughter ran out of gas back in Dell #42.1.
They have been stranded in the Stork Men Village ever since. In that issue
Tarzan introduced the giant otters to the Stork Men. This story starts
with otter pups, but it is not clear if they are offspring of Nip and Tuck
or not. Nip and Tuck had five pups in the earlier issue. The chief of the
Stork Men is Kakar. He is not shown very clearly in this issue so it is
impossible to tell if there are any changes. Since Dell #42.1, Doctor Mervin
has lost his hair, put on fifty pounds in his stomach, and no longer wears
glasses. Yolanda’s hair has grown a foot or more. Argus, the giant golden
eagle, returns with a minor part, only to forget Tarzan is on its back
and does a loop, which causes him to fall to earth. Princess Loma, who
once had a major role to play, has been reduced to ferrying people around
in her crocodile boat in both Dell #45.3 and in this issue. Her hair has
changed from a gold color to a bright yellow. The crocodile boat has been
improved so that is easily outdistances the Terribs, who are reduced to
a minor incident. The Arachna, the giant spiders, are similar to the Araknid
giant spiders of Queen Mataha from Dell #25.1. In fact, Tarzan appears
to have considerable knowledge about the spiders. Connecting of all of
these diverse characters into a new story is very nicely done. The writer
is to be complemented on a fine blending of these elements.
2nd story “Boy
Goes Hunting” - 8pp.
Type -- Boy Story - Boy Rescue
White Woman

Boy and Jad-bal-ja are hunting.
Boy downs a partridge. The lion downs a zebra. Korak, the ape, arrives.
They witness Itombe and M’basa, M’bongo tribesmen, capture Wanda Newland,
a white woman. Boy and Korak follow them. The M’bongos signal N’goro, the
witch doctor, who wants some hair of a white woman. The boys rope N’goro
up into a tree. The witch doctor faints, and the M’bongos run away. Boy
and Korak return Wanda to her car where her safari boys are waiting. End.
The second
story is a Boy story without Tarzan. It is about the Boy and Korak rescuing
Wanda Newland from the M’bongos. It is remarkably similar to Dell #48.2
in which Boy and Korak rescue Dombie from the M’bongos.
3rd story “Tarzan
The Mark of Evil” - 15pp.
Type -- Tarzan Exposes a Secret
Society -- Buto

Mulungu, Waziri warrior, brings
Tarzan a message on a forked stick. Tarzan’s new home in Opar is secret
from all except the Waziri. The message is a request from the British Commissioner
to come to Nairobi. Mulungu returns with Tarzan to the Waziri village where
a plane awaits. Major Geoffrey Towne flies Tarzan to Nairobi. On the way
Tarzan changes into a business suit as a disguise for the city. A taxi
driver takes them to the government office. The Commissioner offers Tarzan
a cigarette. He refuses. He asks for Tarzan’s help in dealing with a Secret
Society, a group of terrorists who murder and intimidate Europeans and
any tribe that sympathizes with Europeans. Tarzan says he will help.
Major Towne flies Tarzan to
Buto’s Village. At the kraal, Buto tells Tarzan about murders in the area
and the clay doll bearing his likeness that is full of thorns. Buto accompanies
Tarzan as they begin a search for the terrorists. They discover two Bamwe
natives who have been shot in the back. They trail the murderers. The murderers
have separated. They follow one man who went into a rocky knoll. Tarzan
finds where the man hid his machine gun. Tarzan smashes it. Tarzan says
he knows the killers scent. They will go to the village by the lake posing
as ivory buyers.
The chief of the village tells
them to come back at the end of the dry season for ivory. Tarzan recognizes
the scent of a man who insults a woman. They leave the village so they
can follow him to the others. Tarzan leaves Buto to watch the man. He goes
into the jungle and sets cage traps baited with aromatic leaves, like catnip.
By morning, he has captures three zorillas, African skunks. That evening,
he returns to Buto carrying a handmade squirt pipe device. At midnight,
they see the killer go down to the lake and take a canoe. They follow in
a canoe to an island. They see the fire of their meeting place. They search
for a cache of weapons. Tarzan catches a firefly that they use for light
to enter a cave. They find many crates of rifles and pistols. They transport
all weapons to the canoes. They push the canoes out into the water. Buto
goes out to tie all the canoes together. Tarzan heads for the Meeting Hall,
a small crater on the island. A terrorist incites the others to greater
terror. Tarzan squirts the contents of his homemade gun down onto the terrorists.
The musk mixture of zorilla and civet chokes them. Tarzan swims out to
Buto’s waiting canoe. They dump the weapons into the lake. Buto smells
skunk. Tarzan tells him about his Mark of Evil, zorilla and civet musk,
which won’t wear off, that he sprayed on the terrorists. Buto says they
will spread the news to target anyone who has the Mark of Evil. End.
The third
story is a new story that has one major plot with no subplots. Tarzan must
deal with the terrorists of a Secret Society that displays some of the
same characteristics of the infamous Leopard Men society. These terrorists,
however, use modern weapons such as machine guns, rifles, and pistols.
The Waziri warrior, Mulungu, has had several minor roles in previous stories.
He looks like a totally different person when last seen in Dell #44.1.
Buto has also appeared in a number of stories as well; yet, his appearance
remains relatively unchanged.
One questionable
device was Tarzan catching one firefly that supplies enough light to light
up the entire cave of the terrorists. Although the writer does not use
the term voodoo, it is implied with the clay doll in the likeness of Buto.
For the fifth time an odor plays a key role in the story line. In Dell
#48.3 it was the scent of flowers to repel giant wasps; in Dell A2.2 it
was crocodile fat to fool crocodiles; and in Dell # 32.2 and #33.2 it Dr.
MacWhirtle’s defensive scent made from something similar to skunk or civet.
In this story Tarzan captures three zorillas, South African skunks. He
combines the musk with civet, which he sprays on the terrorists. Tarzan
claims it will not wash off. (Note: It is the civet musk that makes
the long lasting odor.) It is really a tight story and an interesting
one because it deals with some of the mystiques of Africa such as a secret
society and voodoo. The spraying of the terrorists from one terrorist cell
appears to have solved the problem. It is my adult sensibility that tells
me that probably is not enough to solve the entire situation.

“Kaino’s Skill” -- 41st text
story -- 2 pages - no illustrations
“Brothers of the Spear” --
26th story -- 6 pages
New Subscription offer - flag
ring - 1 p. - color
Inside Back Cover: 1st Lionel
train advertisement - color
Back Cover: 16th Wheaties advertisement
featuring George Kel, Boston Red Sox.