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Volume 1566
and the

Dell Comics Summaries
The Annuals 1 - 3
by Duane Adams
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DELL TARZAN’S JUNGLE ANNUAL #1 1952 ~ 100pp. 25 cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh
Cover Painting: Morris Gollub

Writer: Gaylord Du Bois
Cover: Painting of a leopard and a black panther fighting. Small Lex Barker insert.
Inside Front Cover: “Tarzan’s Friends” - black and white drawing of Tarzan and two apes.

1st story - Tarzan’s Jungle World - “Tarzan Returns to Opar ” - 23pp.
Type -- White Pygmies - Shifta Slavers - Rescue Pygmies - Opar

Tarzan and Buto, chief of the Bamwe tribe, are having an archery contest when they hear rifle fire. They witness Shifta slavers carrying off little people and being pursued by little people on antelopes. Prince Nikon, white pygmy leader, has his mount shot out from under him. Tarzan greets the Prince and introduces Buto. Yanol, a pygmy warrior, gives his mount to the Prince. Nikon explains that they were looking for Tarzan when Shiftas captured his wife, Princess Lilana, and the other pygmy women. He asks Tarzan for help. Tarzan asks why they were seeking him in the first place. The Prince explains that his homeland has become overcrowded so his brother, the king, has sent him in search of a new place to live. Tarzan and Buto shoot arrows at the Shiftas from a distance. Buto is wounded by return rifle fire. The Shiftas head to the rocks for cover. Tarzan develops a plan. He says he will return at moonrise.

Tarzan enlists Jad-bal-ja’s help. The pygmies continue to harass the Shiftas. Tarzan directs the pygmies to start a grass fire and to shoot arrows through the smoke. Tarzan, Buto, and Jad-bal-ja will attack from the rear. They charge into the camp. During the battle, a rifle butt knocks down Tarzan from behind. Jad-bal-ja saves him. The Shiftas are defeated. Tarzan gives the victory cry of the bull ape. The women are reunited with their men. Tarzan has Jad-bal-ja carry himself, Lilana, and five other pygmy women back to their camp.

The next day Tarzan tells the Prince that he will take them to Opar. However, he must first rid the ruins of the Apes of Opar. Tarzan has Buto and the pygmies pick leafs for a sleeping potion, which he brews. They take feathers and inject the potion into a bunch of bananas. Tarzan leads them to the “Rock,” the mountain that holds Opar. Tarzan climbs the mountain, braids a rope out of vines, and pulls the bananas to the top of the Rock. He goes to the ruins and allows the mangani to see him. As the apes give chase, Tarzan casually drops the fruit. Nugak, the leader of the apes, yells at his tribe to leave the bananas and chase the tarmangani. As they follow Tarzan across an archway, it crumbles and the apes fall. Tarzan runs them around until they get tried. Nugak catches Tarzan when he slips on a banana peel. The other apes stop to eat the fruit. Tarzan slips away from Nugak and knocks him out with one mighty blow. He binds Nugak’s arms. The ape-man pulls Buto to the top of the Rock. They carry the apes to the edge of the cliff and lower them down the mountain. They raise the pygmies and their antelopes up to the top. Tarzan shows the pygmies around Opar and where the treasure is hidden. Tarzan and Buto sit at the top of the Rock and wait for the angry apes to leave. End.

The first Jungle Annual uses some familiar people in the featured story. Buto Matari, Tarzan’s ‘Little John’ type friend from Dell #11 and 32.1, returns. His brawn is needed to help the white pygmies find a new home. The pygmies are referred to as ‘little people.’ (A political correctness of the 1950’s?) The Shiftas are again used as the evil slavers who must be defeated. And indeed, this time they are wiped out to a man. This is pretty unusual for Dell comics to be so brutal. Jad-bal-ja has a minor role. Once again we get to see the Apes of Opar but under a different leadership than seen in Dell #28. Interestingly enough, in Dell #5 the apes were friendly with Tarzan, but now Du Bois has decided to depose them from Opar. It is a consistent story and opens lots of new possibilities for story lines. (Readers of Dell #38 that did not read Annual #1 might wonder how the white pygmies came to Opar.) The overhead shot looking down the Rock to the people below is a fine perspective panel. The ruins of Opar keep the same look of ancient Greek buildings used in previous Opar panels. The parting panel of Tarzan and Buto looking down at the apes is rather amusing. It can be compared to two young boys looking down at the girls they have just played a trick on, waiting for them to leave. 

Jungle Skies - 2pp. Constellations are diagrammed. Big Dipper, Little Dipper, Draco, Cetus, Cassiopea, Southern Cross, and Orion.

Tarzan’s Transportation - 2pp. in color. Tantor, Jad-bal-ja, Dyal, Giant Eland, Trees, Dr. MacWhirtle’s helicopter.

2nd story “Tarzan Fulfills a Promise ”- 16pp.
Type -- Cathne/Athne - Rescue Prince Jathon

Boy rides Jad-bal-ja to Tarzan, who is resting with Bara. Boy pressures Tarzan into fulfilling his promise to take him to Cathne. After the third day of travel they are on the outskirts of Cathne. Tarzan helps Boy and the golden lion descend the cliff. Across the river a battle is taking place. Tarzan leaves Boy and the lion behind as he joins the battle between Cathne and Athne. Tarzan jumps on King Gemnon’s chariot. A horrific downpour stops the battle. Tarzan goes to check on Boy and the lion. The ledge where he left them is covered by floodwaters. He searches underwater. Believing they are dead, Tarzan goes to the King before returning home. The King informs him that Prince Jathon was captured by the Athneans and will be subjected to the Elephant Ordeal. Not caring whether he lives or dies, Tarzan will attempt a rescue. Princess Elaine, Jathon’s wife, encourages Tarzan.

He reaches Athne as the ceremony begins. Jathon stands on a high pole, surrounded by mounted war elephants. Tarzan takes one of the Athneans elephants and rides it into the middle of the ordeal. Jathon jumps to Tarzan’s mount. They crash through a wall and make it to a river. The Athnean spears cannot find their marks. When they are close to Cathne, Tarzan catches the scent of Boy and Jad-bal-ja. In his rush to follow the scent, he falls in a hole. Jathon goes for help. Meanwhile, Boy and the lion awake in the cave, which they used to escape the floodwaters. There is no safe exit by the river so they go deep into the cave where they find an unconscious Tarzan. The ape-man manages to reach the top of the hole and uses vines to pull up Boy and Jad-bal-ja. Jathon returns to find them safe. Tarzan and Boy go to Cathne, thus fulfilling Tarzan’s promise to Boy. End.

The second story also uses some familiar characters from previous issues in a new story line. It starts as a simple trip to Cathne with Boy and turns into a disaster when a flash flood hits the area. Tarzan becomes distraught when he thinks Boy and Jad-bal-ja have been killed. Towards the end of the story, Tarzan loses his reserved nature when he catches their scent and falls into a hole. Actually, it looks as if he jumps in the hole, but the reader is informed later that he fell. It is a tightly woven story that follows its premise logically. The Cathne/Athne scenes are more interesting, and it could have been a stronger tale with more of a concentration on the two warring cities. Tarzan obviously is riding the Giant Eland, but for some reason it is referred to merely as Bara. Both Cathne and Athne use a triangular battle formation. The Cathnean uniforms consist of a blue tunic, green cape, yellow leggings, and a helmet with a red plume. The drawings of the terrific downpour of rain are very nicely handled. Jathon, standing on the pole during the Elephant Ordeal, is a three-panel page, which gives the artist a chance to make it very dramatic. The panels involving elephants have some of the best compositions. It is an above average story.

Jungle Home - 2 pp. in color. Pictures and text on how to build a tree house.

Boy’s Letter and Diary - 2 pp. text

3rd story “Tarzan Brings Aid to Alur”- 16pp.
Type -- Empire Restored - Argus

Jane and Boy ask Tarzan why the Waziri are catching so many fish. Tarzan shows him his secret, a giant eagle he has named Argus. He has used growth drugs from Doctor Mervin to create the King of Birds. He gives a flying demonstration. Boy wants a ride, but Jane won’t permit it. Tarzan decides to fly to visit King Jadon. He flies over the Great Thorn Desert, teases a crocodile in the Great Swamp, flies over Pastar-ul-ved, high peak in Pal-ul-don, and over the waters of Jad-ben-lul, a lake near Alur. Over Alur, he sees Torodons mounted on gryfs have taken over the city. He flies to Jalur and sees that it too has also fallen to the Torodons. Seeing smoke on a large island, he flies there to discover King Jadon, Prince Ta-den, and the remainder of the Ho-don army. The King explains what happened. Tarzan asks for fish to feed Argus.

Tarzan tells the Ho-dons to take their boats towards the shore to draw the Torodons and their gryfs out into the open and to be prepared to attack when help arrives. Tarzan flies over the Lake of the Pteranodons, passed Thipdars, over the Valley of Dinosaurs, over the Forest of Wild Hogs, to the village of Jorah. He greets Jorah and Red Flower. Tarzan asks Jorah and his dyal riding men to help retake Alur. Flying overhead, Tarzan directs the dyal mounted army around a group of Garths.

The Ho-dons ships head towards the mainland. The Torodons and their gryfs prepare to drive them back into the water. Jorah’s troops swoop down on the Torodons. The dyals easily handle the gryfs. Jadon’s troops land. The battle pushes the Torodons back into the city. A Torodon grabs Jala, Jadon’s sister, and climbs a statue. He throws her towards the ground. Argus’ wing knocks the Torodon off the statue as Tarzan catches Jala. The city is saved. Jathon wants to give Tarzan a feast. Tarzan says the feast should be for Jorah and his people. Tarzan flies home on Argus, promising to return. End.

The third new story continues to reintroduce characters from previous issues. Jane, Boy, and the Waziri have their usual minor parts. Doctor Mervin’s growth pellets are used to create yet another giant beast, an eagle named Argus. Tarzan flies over many of the usual locations but also two areas are added from the actual novels of ERB: Pastar-ul-ved and Jad-ben-lul. Pastar-ul-ved looks very much like D?rer’s watercolor of a mountain. The city of Alur must have very poor defense. This is the third time that Tarzan has had to rid the city of invaders who have taken over the city. The city, itself, has made great improvements since last seen in Dell #24.2. It now looks like an ancient Greek city. A terrific drawing is the half page panel on page 52. King Jadon is now a white man with brown hair and normal shaped ears. Prince Ta-den is also now a white man. Ironically, Ta-den once helped Tarzan (Dell #24.2) teach the Waziri how to control the gryfs. Evidently the Torodons came so fast and furious this time that the Ho-dons could not stop the gryfs. Jorah and Red Flower are now drawn as black people. In Dell #19.2 they were drawn as white people. The Torodons lack the hyphens in their name, and their clothing no longer is drawn as furry. The Dyals appear to be invincible. The ships of King Jadon are quite elaborate. They hold about twenty soldiers and have three oars on each side. There are some great drawings in this story. Despite the changing of peoples races at will, it is quite an enjoyable tale that rates far above average.

Tyrannosaurus Teaser - 1 p. crossword puzzle.

Jungle Safari - 1p. picture word story

Tarzan’s Ape-English Dictionary - 8 pps. in color - 48 words (Pacco, the ape word for zebra, is included in with the ‘D’ words. Apparently, the paste-up artist thought the ‘p’ was a ‘d.’)

4th story -Tarzan’s Jungle World - “Boy Rides into Trouble” - 8 pp.
Type -- non-Tarzan story - Boy

Thorak accompanies Boy as he uses his trained hawk to attract the attention of a zebra, which he ropes and breaks. While riding the zebra, a lion attacks. Boy is thrown from his mount and has to hide from the lion in a pool of water. Thorak uses Boy’s rope to help him up the side of a cliff to safety. End.

The fourth story is a non-Tarzan story that features Boy.

Jungle Treasure -- 2 pp. Colored pictured and text about jewels. None of the stories are from the novels nor are they from the Dell comics.

Map of Pal-ul-don, The Lost Land -- 2pps in color. (Solution to Tyrannosaurus Teaser) [The color map of Pal-ul-don is quite helpful. It is similar to the map in Dell #20.]

5th story “Chako and the Collar of Shame” - 11pp.
Type -- Non-Tarzan Story - Baboon

Chako, the baboon is captured by Jock and Noddy, traders. They place a collar on the baboon, which contains diamonds they are trying to smuggle out of Africa. Chako escapes. They track him down but cannot get close. At night the baboons trash their camp and steal their rifles. Chako accidentally shoots the collar off his neck. End.

The fifth story is a non-Tarzan story that features a baboon.

Inside Back Cover: Jungle Chants - Words and music to “Zulu Love Song.”

Back Cover: Color mask of the Bushongo tribe. Circa 1870 the Barmbe, a  secret society for men, used the mask to scare away women. You are asked to cut it out and punch holes for a string to wear the mask.


DELL TARZAN’S JUNGLE ANNUAL #2 1953 ~ 100pp. 25 cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh and others ~ Tony Sgroi - 2nd and 3rd stories ~  (Bob McLeod - 5th story?)
Cover Painting: Morris Gollub
Writer:  Gaylord Du Bois 1-2-3-4

Cover: Painting of a lion attacking a zebra. Small Lex Barker insert in upper right corner.
Inside Front Cover: 22nd “Jungle World” (last J.W. #35) - black and white drawing of Tarzan, Tantor, and pre-historic elephants in Pal-ul-don.

1st story “Tarzan in the Valley of Towers” - 23pp.
Type -- Rescue White Woman - Lost Race

Bukoni, a Waziri warrior, misses with his javelin throw because a tiny parachute hitting pacco’s back. He takes the parachute made from spider webs to Tarzan at his tree house. Dr. MacWhirtle is visiting Tarzan. As Tarzan and the Doctor examine the parachute, Jane prepares food for Bukoni. Tarzan finds a message and a map attached to the chute. It is from a girl named Heather Day. The message is a cry for help. She is about to be sacrificed to the bats in the Valley of Towers. Dr. Mac recognizes the area drawn on the map. Boy wants to join the rescue party. Tarzan tells him to stay and protect Jane.  Tarzan and Dr. Mac fly the doctor’s helicopter to the Valley of Towers. They see a figure on top of a limestone-capped tower. Giant bats fly towards Heather. Tarzan throws his knife into the bat closest to the girl. The copter frightens away the other bats. They land and release the girl. After some coffee, Heather tells her story about how she and her naturalist father were studying the bats when the Batwinged Men attacked. They killed her father and have kept her captive for four years. The Batwinged Men make a sacrifice to their gods, the bats, every five years. Heather falls asleep because Dr. Mac put a sedative in her coffee. Heather and the Doctor sleep under the helicopter. Tarzan sleeps out in the open. The Batwinged Men glide in. They carry sling stones with their teeth. They drop the stones on Tarzan, the Doctor, and the helicopter. They grab Heather and glide away. Dr. Mac recovers and fires his pistol at them. Dr. Mac stays to repair the helicopter. Tarzan takes his bow and arrows and some dynamite to go after the girl. He repels down the tower.

In the valley, Tarzan picks up the sent of Numa, the lion. He out growls the lion away from its zebra kill. He spies a Batwinged Man entering a cave. He enters the cave to be confronted by bats. He kills one and uses its wing to protect himself against the other bats. He follows the smell of smoke into a large cavern. He finds Heather guarded by an old woman who says that Heather will be sacrificed in the cave. Tarzan attaches dynamite to an arrow and shoots it into the midst of the Batwinged people. In the confusion that follows, Tarzan grabs Heather and carries her towards the entrance of the cave. He senses guards by the entrance. Tarzan mimics the sound of a lion. The scared guards build a fire. Tarzan drops a boulder in the fire, which frightens away the guards. He carries Heather out of the cave. Tarzan leaves a lit stick of dynamite at the entrance of the cave. They repel to the floor of the valley. Some of the Batwinged Men get out of the cave before the dynamite explodes. Tarzans down three of them with arrows. The bat people are forced to land. Tarzan and Heather run towards the helicopter before the bat people can climb a tower for another glide attack. Tarzan decides they must get out of the valley, fast. With Heather on his back he climbs a cliff. The Batwinged Men reach a tower and jump off, thus starting their glide attack. Tarzan and Heather stop in a niche on the cliff. Tarzan’s arrow cuts through a sling stone rope. Dr. Mac fires his pistol from the helicopter, killing two attackers and driving the others away. Tarzan and Heather climb into the copter. They fly to safety. End.

The featured story is a new story that creates a new race of people in the Great Thorn Desert, the Batwinged Men. The writer gives a lot of background to this new race that makes one believe that they have a possibility of becoming a reoccurring story line. But Tarzan, using dynamite, seals up their cave entrance and this possibility may have ended as soon as it began. This is the third time Tarzan has resorted to dynamite in the Dell stories. And again, this writer is disappointed that the storywriter feels it necessary for the Lord of the Jungle to use this method when dealing with enemies. The Batwinged Men are nicely drawn and provide dramatic panels with their spread wings. Dr. MacWhirtle returns wearing a beret and is his irascible self. Heather Day is a cute young female that the artist poses provocatively at times. She appears to be helpless yet her knowledge of her captors is invaluable to Tarzan and the story. Boy and Jane have minor parts. Tarzan orders Jane to get Bukoni some food. The look on Tarzan’s face and the gesture of his hand is not that of a loving husband. There are some very good facial expressions throughout this story. It would nice if the writer did revive the Batwinged people as they hold some good possibilities for story lines. 

Jungle Trails - rivers, trails, mountains ledges - 1 p. - color

Making Maps - includes a legend of symbols for map making - 1 p. - color

Jungle Village - story with word pictures - 1 p. - color

2nd story “Tarzan and the Cannibals of Kando-mor”- 15pp.
Type -- Lost Race (Gallugos) - Cannibals - Rescue Muviro/Waziri

Crocodiles attack Muviro and three Waziri while they attempt to cross the Great Swamp without Tarzan. Tarzan dives into the water and out swims a crocodile. He shoves a spearhead into the croc’s mouth and kills it with his knife. Tarzan instructs the Waziri to rub themselves down with crocodile fat so gimla will not smell them as they swim across the swamp. They cross safely and sleep in a tree that night. The next morning Tarzan brings them a fowl he killed with his bow for breakfast. Tarzan tells them they are going over the mountains in Pal-ul-don to an unexplored area.

They travel over snowcapped mountains to look down on a fertile valley with an ancient crater containing a city. Once down in the valley forest, Tarzan leaves to hunt for food. Napping in front of a fire, the Waziri are surprised and captured by cannibals. They are taken to the cannibal village. The cannibal women prepare the ovens. The Waziri are tied up and placed up to their necks in the river to soften them up. Tarzan returns with a boar to discover the Waziri missing. He follows their trail on the ground and through the trees. Tarzan swims underwater and cuts loose the Waziri. He instructs them to follow him downstream. He leads them back to their campsite where they cook the boar.

The next day they come upon a tall fence. Tarzan leaps to the top to see another fence. As he crosses the area between the fences, a buffalo charges him. Tarzan leaps on its back and rides it like a bucking bronco. Two more bulls come. Spearmen riding buffaloes approach. Tarzan tames the buffalo he is riding. Tarzan introduces himself and the Waziri to the warriors. The buffalo captain takes them to their citadel to meet their king. He introduces them to King Gallu and his daughter Tee-anna. The King is shocked to discover that there is life beyond the mountains. King Gallu speculates that they may be able to find allies over the mountains to help them fight the cannibals. He asks Tarzan and the Waziri to help his people, the Gallugos, fight the cannibals. Tarzan agrees and asks the king to have someone teach them their customs. Gallu assigns Tee-anna to the task. On the way to the demonstration of skills of the Gallugo warriors, Tee-anna explains that both men and women wear armor. She also talks about their buffaloes and their fences. During the exhibition, the warriors on buffaloes spear a small ring as their buffaloes butt a dummy. Tee-anna tells the tales of three cannibal attacks.

They go to inspect the fences. Tarzan’s buffalo balks. Tarzan spears the ground to discover cannibals tunneling into the area. Cannibals break through the ground. During the battle, Tarzan knocks out a cannibal who is attacking the princess. Tarzan, the Waziri, and the Gallugos defeat the cannibals. Back at the citadel Tarzan suggests to the King that they need a better plan to survive cannibal attacks. End.

The second story has a major influence from Tarzan and the Madman. In Madman the Ruturi Mountains and a forest protect a medieval castle. In the comic the Gallugos citadel is beyond some mountains in Pal-ul-don and is surrounded by a forest. In Madman there are two tribes, the Alemtejos and the Gallas, both use buffaloes as mounts. The Alemtejos also use chariots pulled by buffaloes. In the comic the Gallugos use buffaloes as mounts. Their name is similar to the Gallas. Both stories include cannibal tribes. The Waruturi cannibals of the novel live outside the mountainous area; whereas, in the comics the unnamed cannibal tribe lives within the mountain valley. The cannibals soak their victims in water to soften up the meat, which is similar to the technique of the Babangos cannibals in Tarzan and the Champion. The major plot line of the two stories is totally different. The comic introduces the Gallugos, a new lost race. They wear Roman-type armor, which is the standard fare for the Dell comics. The story is basically two plots, the cannibals and the Gallugos. The enmity between the two ties the story together. The story has a real nice Burroughs feel to it because of its link to Madman. However, the story has rather an abrupt end, which is unsatisfying. (The story to the Gallugos continues with Dell #46.1) The drawing style is not that of Jesse Marsh. The artist has somewhat of a Hogarth feel to some of the drawings. The sweeping vista of the Kando-mor valley is a nice panel as well as the dramatic panels involving the cannibals. The Waziri’s expressions are very interesting. The artist uses a wide variety of perspective views throughout the story, which creates a very interesting visual impact. 

“Dancing Feet” - sheet music for “Rainbow Rhythm,” thanks to rain god for rain and “Moonlight Marriage.”

Happy Warrior- directions to make a kite with a warrior mask - 2 p. - color

3rd story “Boy Stands By A Friend” - 8pp.
Type -- Boy Story

Boy and the ape Zorek stowaway on a river scow. They get trapped in a crate. On the journey they eat all the bananas. N’kombo, the crew chief, discovers them. Boy is kicked off the boat. Zorek is taken to the zoo. Boy slips into the cage room as they lock Zorek in a cage. He finds the keys and releases his friend. He dresses the ape in a zookeeper’s outfit to get out of the village. They spy the boatmen. Zorek attacks them. The boatmen run to a policeman. Boy and Zorek escape into trees. End.

The third story is a Boy story with no appearance of Tarzan.

Boy’s Letter and Diary - 2pp. - color

Jungle Hunt – directions on how to make a rubber band gun and a canteen out of a container.

4th story “The Troubles of Tantor” - 10 pp.
Type -- Tantor Story

Tantor drives away buto, the rhino, which is threatening an elephant cow and calf. N’kima taunts Tantor with the idea that his child may be captured by natives. Tantor goes to the shamba and witnesses his daughter, Ulahee, being captured by mahouts. He brings his son, Namtor, home. Namtor returns to the village to rescue his sister but is captured by the natives. Tantor gathers his herd and breaks down the village stockade. The village is destroyed. Namtor and Ulahee are rescued. End.

The fourth story is the first story entirely about Tantor.


Boy’s Air Adventure to the Valley of the Monster -- Boy inspects Dr. MacWhirtle’s airplane. They see an eryops, pterodactyl, and a large land dinosaur. 2 pp. - color

Jungle Tribes -- farmers; Somali, herders; Lion Men, hunters; Gallo Giant, warlike; pygmies; warriors with ostrich-feathered headdress; warrior tattooed; fear of favoritism; and wariness.

Jungle Women -- Jane dealing with native women and their use of paints and chalks and their life style. 1p. - color

5th story “Tarzan Trails the Brothers of the Barracuda” - 16pp.
Type -- Arab Slavers - Rescue White Woman

Off the East coast of Africa, Tarzan stands on the counter-weigh rigging of a canoe. He spears a barracuda with a trident. He lifts the one hundred pound fish over his head and knocks N’kima off his shoulder into the sea. He spears a second barracuda that swims towards the little monkey. Back on shore, they smell burning paint and go to investigate. They find a man near a burning ship. He points his pistol at Tarzan because he believes that the ape-man is part of the group that kidnapped his wife. Tarzan assures him that he is there to help. The man explains that he and his wife were shipwrecked a week ago. Tarzan searches for and finds the spoor of the kidnapping. He asks N’kima to remember the scent. Tarzan explains to the man that Sea Arabs took his wife and that they can follow them with his canoe. The man is grateful. Tarzan introduces himself.

They launch the canoe. On the water, Gary Keene explains that he is a writer and that he and his wife, Stella, bought a fifty foot sloop to go on a round the world cruise. They shipwrecked on the African coast. Tarzan sails to the harbor where the Brothers of the Barracuda anchor for the evening. They paddle past each ship. N’kima catches the scent of the woman in the second ship. As Tarzan boards the ship, he tells Gary to be ready to pick them up out of the water. A storm starts to blow. In the dark an Arab mistakes Tarzan for a crewman and instructs him to drop a second anchor. He does. The Arabs batten down the hatches. Tarzan slips into the ship’s hold. Arabs confront him. He knocks them out. He releases Stella, and they go up on deck. An Arab spots them. Tarzan knocks him down. Tarzan carries Stella overboard. The Arabs spy them and fire at them in the water. Gary picks them up in the canoe. The Arabs launch a rowboat and fire pistols at them. They make it out of the harbor and into the storm. The Arabs’ small boat must turn back.

In the morning they approach an island near the Indian Ocean. They attempt to ride a wave over the reef. The coral rips up the bottom of the canoe, but they make it to the beach. Tarzan instructs N’kima to throw down some coconuts. The little monkey throws coconuts at them. Tarzan is content to stay there a while. He dives into the ocean for oysters. They open the oysters and find pink pearls. Tarzan says they can buy a new boat with them. They are there three weeks. As the humans look over the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of pearls, N’kima puts green leaves on the fire that causes a great deal of smoke. The Sea Arabs see the smoke and believe pearlers are on the island. They go to investigate. Tarzan and Gary subdue the Arabs. They don the Arabs clothing and row out to the Arab ship. They take the Arabs by surprise and force them to the island. Tarzan tells them that the pearls they left behind will pay for the ship they are taking. They sail away. End.

The fifth story is a new story that puts a Tarzan adventure primarily on water. Little N’kima is very consistent in personality from previous stories. He gets in trouble and is very mischievous which advances the story line. The Sea-Arabs, the Brothers of the Barracuda, are the antagonist and are developed mainly through the familiarity of previous Arab slavers in the comics. Gary and Stella Keene are not fully developed as characters. They seem to move through the story only so that Tarzan can display his skills. The drawings are probably Jesse Marsh’s work. The underwater shot looking back up at Tarzan is unique and very interesting. The majority of the viewpoints are pretty standard fare. The inclusion of the narration above the panels’ edge is a first  with this issue. The storm panels are notable as well as the bird’s eye view of the canoe approaching the island shore. Tarzan in Arab disguise with dramatic shadows is an impressive panel. But the contrived story line holds this story to a slightly above average rating. 

Jungle Language - Swahili/English -- 3pp. - color (chui, faro, bogo, tembo, dawa, qua-heri, kibok, kita, mamba, songa, kelele, santa, ngirri, punda milia, twiga, kiboko, kwenda, toto.)

Jungle Language - Ape/English -- 3pp - color (argo, aro, busso, b’zee, dak-lul, jabo, kando, kudu, pisa, popo, ro, ska, tand-wala, unk-nala, usha, wans, wa-usha, yad, yat.)

Jungle Language - crossword puzzle - 1p. - color

Jungle Language - custom of tribes, drums to communicate, crossword solution, and jungle calls - fill in the blank letters. 1p. - color.

Inside Back Cover: 23rd “Jungle World” - black and white drawings of insects.

Back Cover: 15th American Museum of Natural History diorama. (last one was #34) - white mantled colobus.


DELL TARZAN’S JUNGLE ANNUAL #3 1954 ~ 100pp. 25 cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh -1st - 4th - 5th stories ~ Russ Manning -- 2nd - 3rd stories
Cover Painting: Morris Gollub

Writer: Gaylord Du Bois 1-3-5
Cover: Painting of a leopard fighting a wildebeest (Maybe the only cover without a Tarzan painting or photo) 
Inside Front Cover: Tarzan’s Jungle World - Mythological Monsters - black and white. With Tarzan in the background, two mythological creatures fight each other. One has a serpent’s head and horn and a scaly body. The front legs and paws are of a lion. Its back legs are of a bird of prey. It has a medium tail. The other creature has the head, body, and tail of a lion. The head has ram’s horns. Wings sprout from its protruding chest. The text suggests that these creatures could exist in Pal-ul-don.

1st story “Tarzan and the Pirate Stronghold” - 24pp.
Type -- Jane and Boy Rescue - Pirates - Lost City (Castrum Mare) - Shiftas - slavery 

A frightened N’kima searches for Tarzan. He avoids a snake and a serval. An Officer of the Native Police informs Tarzan that Shiftas have moved into the area, and they have captured one of their heavy machine guns. N’kima tells Tarzan, how he was knocked unconscious by a thunderstick and that when he awoke, Jane and Boy were gone. Tarzan races to the tree house. He deduces that this was the work of Shiftas. Leaving N’kima behind, Tarzan starts on the trail of his captive family. Two days later, he enlists the aid of the Giant Eland to help close the gap between himself and the Shiftas.

Meanwhile, Jane serves a meal to the Shifta chief, as Boy fans him with a palm leaf. Boy drops the leaf on the chief’s head. The Shifta slaps Boy. Jane tries to defend Boy. The raider grabs Jane. Jane stabs the Shifta with a small knife. The chief decides that she is too much trouble and will sell her and Boy. The Mugabis arrive on the scene. The Shiftas trade their captives to the Mugabis. The Mugabis force them to travel down a steep cliff to the shores of a lake. The Mugabis strike a deal with some Roman soldiers for the captives. Jane hopes that they are being sold to Castrum Mare. This would give them a chance to get word to Cassius Hasta, the emperor and friend of Tarzan.

Tarzan misses the trail of the Mugabis and their captives. He continues on the trail of the Shiftas. Tarzan slips into their camp at night, subdues the Shifta chief, and carries him into the jungle. He learns from the chief that Jane and Boy were traded to the Mugabis. He relieves the Shiftas of the machinegun. He rides Bara to the foot of the mountains and leaves the Giant Eland at a water hole. He brings down horta with an arrow for his food and rests for the night. In the morning he climbs the mountains and discovers a silver clasp that he gave Jane. He knows that he is on the right trail. He descends into the Forbidden Valley with the machinegun. Before dawn, he finds a dugout canoe, which he paddles to the shore of Castrum Mare. He hopes that Cassius Hasta is still the ruler of the city. He hides the machinegun and scales the wall of the city. The ape-man rips off a bar to a ventilator shaft and drops into Cassius’ quarters. Hasta recognizes Tarzan and welcomes him. Tarzan explains why he is there. The Imperator summons the ruler of the slave market to learn that Jane and Boy were sold to an agent of Plutonius, the Pirate King. The emperor is angry that the pirates could boldly come into his city. He commands a centurion to assemble his captains and ship masters. He wants to wipe out the pirates once and for all. Tarzan purposes a plan.

As slaves, Jane and Boy prepare food for the pirates. Tarzan, disguised as a native fisherman, sells a huge basket of fish to the chief cook for two denarii. Jane tells Boy to get close to the native fisherman. Tarzan empties the fish on the floor. The cook commands Boy to remove the fish. Tarzan secretly reveals himself to Boy and tells him to tell Jane to be ready during the siesta hour. The cook thinks he took advantage of the fisherman. Boy tells Jane what Tarzan said.

As the pirate nap, Tarzan enters the kitchen. He throws Jane and Boy to the top of the wall. On the other side of the wall, they climb into the empty fish basket. Tarzan places it on his shoulders and heads for the docks. Before he can board the dugout canoe, Tarzan is stopped by Crispus, the port official. He demands to see the contents of the basket. He discovers Jane and Boy in the basket. Tarzan knocks him out with one punch. They board the canoe with Hagilo, a native, who will help them paddle. Crispus’ unconscious body is discovered. A cutter boat is sent in pursue of the escapees. The twelve oared cutter gains on them. Tarzan tells them that the war fleet from Castrum Mare is standing by to help. Tarzan sets up the machinegun. Hagilo turns the canoe around. Machinegun bullets rip the cutter in half. The crew bails out. A pirate war galley sets out after them. Tarzan’s canoe clears the harbor. A pirate war galley bears down on them. Tarzan cuts the oars to pieces with the machinegun. Hasta’s fleet arrives. The two navies clash. Hasta’s men prevail and push on towards the island stronghold. Soon a white flag is seen from the pirate’s castle. Tarzan says that Hasta has promised to outlaw slavery from Castrum Mare. End. 

The featured story is a new story that brings back Castrum Mare for the first time since Dell #21.2. It starts with N’kima. They do such a wonderful job in capturing N’kima’s personality that it a shame that they did not feature him more often. Jane and Boy are captured for the fourth time (the seventh time for Jane), this time by Shiftas. They are taken from the tree house. We learn that Tarzan has a number of houses. Although the basic drawing style is Jesse Marsh, it could be an artist copying his style because Jane looks totally different than ever before. She wears her long black hair down and has a younger looking face. She cuts the Shifta chief with a small knife. It is amazing that they let her keep the knife. Jane and Boy are traded to the Mugabis, who in turn sell them to the slave dealers at Castrum Mare. Jane tells Boy about Castrum Mare and how Tarzan became friends with their emperor, Cassius Hasta. Since Tarzan has not run into Hasta in the Dell comics, this must be a reference to Tarzan and the Lost Empire. This tie-in into the novels is handled similar to the tie-in with Cathne in Dell #21.1. Tarzan misses the fact that Jane and Boy have been taken by the Mugabis and continues to follow the Shiftas. This is a very Burroughs-like plot twist. Tarzan finally arrives at Castrum Mare and finds Cassius Hasta. The drawings of Hasta, at times, remind one of the face of the famous Roman statue “Augustus Primaporta.” Tarzan disguises himself as a native fisherman to gain entrance to the Island of the Pirate King. This is very well done and a great innovation in the comic. The machine gun is part of the story line that is the least Tarzan-like but necessary to stop the pirate war galley from crushing their little dugout canoe. The reader never shown the Pirate King, Plutonius, nor do we know of his fate. One must assume that the pirate stronghold was completely destroyed by the forces of Castrum Mare. It is a good story that moves along as fast as any Burroughs story.

Jungle Fishing - 1p. - color - Fish listed are biskop, katonkel, kabeljou, shark, wahoo, tuna, sailfish, and pompano, which weighs thirty-six pounds and is three feet long.

Jungle Birds - 1p. - color – The birds listed are: two songbirds - the nightingale and the skylark; one talking bird - the parrot; one flightless bird - the ostrich; a bird of prey - the secretary bird, which is like a vulture and kills snakes; a strange bird - the kwa bird, which eats ticks off of rhinos; and a travel bird - the dyal.

Monkey Chatter - 1p. - color - A description of trapping monkeys.

Jungle Catastrophe - 1p. - color- A maze to solve in which Tarzan must save a native boy from a crocodile.

Feast Fun - 1p. - color - Directions for making an African mask.

2nd story “Boy Makes A Trade” - 10pp.
Type -- Boy Story - Evil Trader (Willie Slyke) - Baboons

Boy listens to one of trader Willie Slyke’s tall tales on the floating trading post named Zulu Belle. He offers Boy some licorice candy. Willie asks Bomo, his native helper, for some ice and tells his parrot, Socrates, to be quiet. Bomo opens the small refrigerator and pulls out small chucks of ice. Boy comments that it looks like the sparkly stones under his house. Willie gets excited and asks Boy to tell him about the diamonds. Boy tells him that it is part of the treasure of Opar. Willie offers him licorice in exchange for the diamonds. He says Tarzan has so many that it won’t matter. He offers Boy more licorice. Boy returns home with a package for Jane. She informs him that Chako, the old man of the rocks, was looking for him. Boy goes to find Chako.

Boy tells Chako that he can lead the baboons to better food than the bird’s eggs they are stealing. He takes them into the ruins of Opar. He gets them to help lift the heavy cover off of the vault of Opar. Boy points out the diamonds in the middle of the treasure room. Chako tries to eat the diamonds. Boy instructs them each to take a handful of the stones and follow him. He leads them to the Zulu Belle, where Willie gives them licorice for the diamonds. Boy asks if he wants more. The sly trader tells them to bring more.

The next day Boy is delayed with his studies. Chako decides that they can do a trade by themselves. He leads the baboons to the vault. The baboons load up with jewels, crowns and golden objects. They head for the boat. Tarzan spies the band of baboons from a tree. He drops down to see what they have. The baboons flee to a cave. Tarzan hides near the vault entrance and watches. He sees Boy lead the baboons into vault, pick up diamonds, and trade them for licorice. Tarzan drops down near them as they leave the trader. Tarzan blames himself for not instructing Boy about the value of the gems and what  unscrupulous men will do to obtain them.

He takes Boy to confront Willie, who denies any knowledge of diamonds. Tarzan reaches into the refrigerator and grabs a handful of ice and diamonds. He holds his hand in the sun. Willie commands Bomo to jump the ape-man. Bomo attacks with a knife. Tarzan throws him overboard. Willie pulls a pistol. Boy upsets the hammock causing the pistol to fire harmlessly into the air. Tarzan has Bomo help him place the rotund Willie back in his hammock. He tells Boy to gather up the diamonds.  Tarzan tells the trader to leave the area and never return. As he leaves, Willie threatens to get even. As a lesson for taking what does not belong to them, Tarzan spanks Boy and Chako. End.

The second story is a new Boy story in which Tarzan plays a key role. The drawings are not in Marsh’s style. There are many inconsistencies to the story; however, it is an above average story and drawings. Why Tarzan would permit trader Willie so close to Opar has to be questioned. Tarzan built his house over the opening to the vault back in Dell #49.1. It is even mentioned in this story. But Boy does not use that opening to get the treasure. How is it possible that Boy knows about a second entrance? Willie Slyke’s threat at the end of the story sets up the possibility of a follow-up story that never is realized. (These drawings have stuck in my mind so vividly that each one brought back wonderful memories fifty years later.)

Boy’s Letter and Diary - 2pp. - color

Jungle Game - 1p. - color - Tree-Trunk Dance and Mealie Hunt

Jungle Weapons - 1p. - color - Description to make a cardboard and paper blowgun.

White Hunters - 1p. - color

Jungle First Aid - 1p. - color - treatments for snake bite

3rd story “Tarzan and the Honor of Muviro”- 15pp. 
Type -- Secret Society is Thwarted

The Owl, leader of a band of the Secret Society, waits in a shamba with members of his cutthroat band for the Secret Master’s plane to land. The Secret One commands the Owl to kill Tarzan and bring proof of his death within forty-eight hours or else. The Secret Master flies away. The Owl plans to set a trap for the ape-man using a false message from Muviro.

Boy tells Tarzan and Thorag, the great ape, that a runner is approaching Tarzan’s tree camp. Hanuki, the messenger from the Secret Society, tells Tarzan that he has a message from Muviro. He tells the Jungle Lord that d’Arnot’s plane has crashed and that he lies injured in the Cave of the Fallen Rocks. Hanuki runs away. Tarzan tells Jane that he is suspicious of the message. He believes it to be a trap. He follows the messenger through the trees. Thorag tags along. Thorag pulls Hanuki up into the trees. Hanuki faints (sleeps with fear). Tarzan commands Thorag to carry Hanuki with them as they head for the cave. When Hanuki awakens, Tarzan asks how many are in the cave waiting to kill Tarzan. Hanuki wonders how the ape-man knew their plan and faints. They go to a hill on top of the cave. Through a crack in the hill, Tarzan senses Gomangani but no d’Arnot. He wants to capture one of the society’s agents. He decides to try to flush the band out of the cave so he can follow them to their leader. He calls down to the band and says that he knows of their plan. There is no response. Tarzan throws down a boulder to rouse them out. Thorag throws Hanuki off of the cliff. Hanuki catches hold of the tree by the cave entrance. The Secret Society riddles him with spears. Tarzan listens at the crack in the hill. The society realizes their mistake and that they will probably not catch Tarzan. The Owl proposes a plan to use the scalp of the Pyrethrum Plantation owner to fool the Secret One into thinking it is Tarzan’s. They decide to wait until daylight. Tarzan hears everything and leaves

At dawn, Muviro and the Waziri approach Tarzan’s tree camp. Jane tells him about the message they received. Muviro gets very angry and swears revenge on those who defiled his honor. Muviro and Waziri travel to the Cave of the Fallen Rocks. They arrive in the evening and find the cave empty except for the body of Hanuki. They bury the body and wait for morning. In the morning they follow the tracks. 

At the breakfast table on the patio at the plantation, Roberta tells Geoffrey, the plantation owner, that she has a feeling of danger. Geoffrey assures her that everything is fine since Tarzan caught the evil witch doctor. Suddenly, a spear lands in the middle of the table. They rush the little girl (Martha) into the bungalow. The Owl and his men prepare to rush the house. A vine rope drops out of a tree and pulls the Owl up into the branches. The band of cutthroats believes that it is a Jungle Devil and flee. They run straight into Muviro and the Waziri. The Waziri subdue them with their knob sticks. The warriors want to kill them. Tarzan swings down and tells them to turn them over to the authorities. Tarzan leaves to trap the leader.

The Secret Master’s plane lands. Tarzan sends the Owl to greet him with the admonishment that he is under his power. The Owl reports that he has Tarzan. The Man of Evil stoops to turn the body over to see if it is indeed Tarzan. Tarzan grabs him. The Secret Master pulls his pistol. Tarzan quickly disarms him. He shouts to Thorag to get the pilot. Thorag grabs the pilot, who faints. As a reward Tarzan gives Thorag the Man of Evil’s gloves and mask to scare the other apes. Tarzan flies the Secret Master, the Owl, and the pilot to the authorities in Nairobi. End.

The third story is a new story that brings back two elements used before. The first is a Secret Society. One was used in Dell #50.3. In the first story they are more of a terrorist group than this one. Neither society seems to have a name other than Secret Society. This group has a white man at its head. He, like the society, has no name other than the Secret Master or Secret One or as Tarzan calls him, Man of Evil. The other element is the people at the Pyrethrum Plantation. One of the owners of the plantation is Geoffrey Barbour. He has completely changed since last seen in Dell #45.1, “Tarzan and the Haunted Plantation.”  In the earlier story he was a young, clean-shaven, blue eyed blond man. In this story he is a middle-aged man with dark hair, squinty eyes and a mustache. The hair color change was necessary for the plot. The Owl plans to get Geoffrey’s scalp to fool the Secret Master. A head of blond hair probably wouldn’t fool anyone. Although the name Roberta Faye is not mentioned in the earlier story, it must be the same woman because she is the co-owner of the plantation. It is difficult to tell if she looks different in the two stories other than in the first story she had yellow hair and in this story she has gold hair. Roberta’s daughter’s name, Martha, is not mentioned in this story. In the Haunted Plantation Martha is a child of about three or four with yellow hair and no glasses. In the Honor of Muviro, one year later, she is about seven or eight years old with golden hair and glasses. The drawings are not in Jesse Marsh’s style. They are quite nicely done and look like Manning’s drawings. Jane again has a different look than the first story in this annual. She is pretty and more appropriate to Tarzan’s age. The ape Thorag looks more gorilla-like than Marsh‘s apes. Muviro and the Waziri warriors are more muscular than ever before. They gain the most from this artist. The Waziri are a formidable force in this story. One event slips past the casual reader at first - the spear landing in the middle of the breakfast table at the plantation. Upon surface reading, it appears to be the beginning of the attack by the Secret Society. But they have not yet started their attack. This coupled with an earlier event of the Waziri finding Tarzan and Thorag’s tracks under the Secret Society’s tracks, leads you to the conclusion that the spear came from Tarzan to alert them to a possible attack. It is a subtle thing, but a more sophisticated occurrence than usual for the writer. This is an exciting story with creative drawings.

Jungle wife - 1p. - color

Jane’s Jungle Food - 1p. - color

Jungle Rhythm - 1p. - color - drums, a harp made of bamboo and raffia, a vine string that is like a Jew’s harp, and a horn made from an elephant tusk.

Jungle Masterpiece - 1p. - color - paint by numbers of some flowers.

4th story “The Day of Wrath” - 10 pp.
Type -- Non-Tarzan Story - Baboons

Ka-cha, the baboon, stands sentinel with his mate, Chee, and balu, Teeke. Ka-cha thinks old Rajak is no longer fit to be gund. Teeke pulls Rajak’s tail. Rajak slaps Teeke. Chee and Ka-cha rush to the balu’s aid. The baboons chant for a fight between Rajak and Ka-cha. Ka-cha declares Rajak gund. Rajak leads his band towards water. Rajak is hit by a golf ball, which he calls a hard egg. Wydbotom, one of the two golfers, yells at the baboons. Smedley, the other golfer, throws golf balls at the baboons. Rajak and Ka-cha catch the balls and throw them back, thus driving the golfers into the clubhouse. Homa, the native caddie, stands off to the side not fearing anything because he didn’t throw any balls. The baboons attack the clubhouse. Smedley fires a rifle, wounding Rajak. Ka-cha helps the gund to safety.

Wydbotom orders Homa to set out poison for the baboons. He refuses stating that the baboons are his friends. That night, the two golfers spread out poison. Teeke comes upon the poison mealies and eats some before Ka-cha can stop her. Teeke becomes violently ill. Ka-cha leads the baboons in a vengeance attack. Smedley orders Homa to fetch them a thermos of coffee. The baboons crash through the window of the clubhouse. Wydbotom and Smedley flee in their car. The baboons rip the clubhouse apart. They overturn a stove that subsequently burns the clubhouse to the ground.

Ka-cha convinces Homa to try to help little Teeke. Homa doesn’t know what to do other than feed Teeke the coffee in the thermos. Teeke vomits out the poison. Homa leaves. Rajak realizes that he is old and hurt. He declares Ka-cha to be the new gund. End.

The fourth story is a non-Tarzan about baboons. It is a clever story with good drawings. It highlights the honor of Ka-cha in respect to his family and his loyalty to the tribe. Ka-cha demonstrates many Tarzan like qualities.

Jungle Jingles -- 1p. - color

Tarzan’s Ape-English Dictionary - 4 pps. in color - 24 words.

5th story “Tarzan and the Beast of Pal-ul-don ” - 16pp.
Type -- Dinosaurs - Lost World (Valley of Monsters) - Cathne - Argus - Dyals

Tarzan spears a huge catfish with a trident in the Great Swamp and feeds it to Argus. To get Tarzan’s attention, N’kima throws an apple and hits the ape-man’s swimming mask. Tarzan drives under water to get more fish for Argus. He is surprised to discover a Kronosaurus in the water. Upon surfacing Tarzan sees a duck-billed dinosaur and a Garth. With N’kima on his shoulder Tarzan flies Argus towards the Valley of Monsters to investigate why the dinosaurs are leaving the valley. He witnesses a volcano erupting. He flies to Cathne to warn Jathon. He sees dinosaurs and Torodons on gryfs approaching the city. He warns King Jathon.

The Torodons smash their gryfs into the wall at Cathne. Tarzan shows the Cathneans how to throw flasks of oil down on the gryfs and ignite them with torches. This drives them away. Tarzan tells Jathon that both the Torodons and gryfs eat flesh. Jathon’s men start to repair the wall. Tarzan says they are not safe yet. Tarzan draws a picture of a Garth for Jathon, explaining that they could leap the wall. Tarzan calls Argus. He tells Jathon that he will get help from Jo-rah and his people because they have fought Garths before. N’kima goes with him. 

Tarzan lands near Jo-rah and his tribe who are mounted on dyals. Jo-rah explains that they had to leave their valley because of the ashes from the volcano. Tarzan enlists Jo-rah’s aid in killing the dinosaurs. Accepting a dyal as a mount and with N’kima on his shoulder, Tarzan sends Argus back to Cathne. They reach Cathne during the night simultaneously as the Torodons prepare to attack again. Tarzan and Jo-rah’s men charge into battle. The dyals subdue the Garths and the Torodons. Jathon welcomes the people of Cor-o-don to Cathne. 

In the morning Jo-rah points out that the Garths and gryfs are natural enemies. This gives Tarzan an idea. He and Jo-rah ride dyals out in search of Garths. They see two Garths kill and eat a buffalo. They ride through a forested area to lure the Torodons and their gryfs into chasing them. They let them get close and lead them into a herd of Garths. The dyals leap over the Garths thus carrying their riders to safety. The gryfs and Garths lock into a battle to the death. The Torodons flee on foot. Argus comes to Tarzan. Tarzan will go search for more dinosaurs that have left the valley. Jo-rah says goodbye. End.

The fifth story is a new story that has Jo-rah and his dyals rescue Cathne from Torodon riding gryfs. This plot line is similar to A#1.3 where Jo-rah and his men saved Alur from Torodons and their gryfs. A volcano drives the dinosaurs out of the Valley of Monsters. The ashes have driven the Cor-o-dons from their home as well. Much is made of N’kima riding with Tarzan on Argus and on dyals, but suddenly he disappears. Argus has a minor role as the giant eagle zips Tarzan from one place to another quickly. Cathne takes on a different look each time it is presented. King Jathon has grown a beard since last seen in Dell #54.3. In that story his hair was black. Now he has a brown beard. He seems baffled about what to do about the dinosaurs and gryfs. (Evidently, Goliath has not healed from his wounds suffered in Dell #54.3.) Jo-rah has apparently settled in on being a white man. He was black in the first annual but has been depicted as white since that time. Tarzan does a drawing on the wall to show Jathon what a Garth looks like. This is the first time Tarzan has done a drawing. The story and the drawings are well done. 

Jungle Safari Quiz: - 1p. - color

Inside Back Cover: “Tarzan’s Jungle World” - black and white - Allosaurus

Back Cover: 15th entry from American Museum of National History, NY. Diorama features a giraffe (once called a cameleopard). It also includes an antelope. (This is the first diorama since Dell #34.)

This is an excellent issue with outstanding stories and memorable drawings.


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Tarzan Comics Summaries
by Duane Adams
1479 Dell Overview ~ All Titles
0847 Duane Adams Biblio-Pro-Phile
0789 Tarzan Murray Comics Australia
0659 Fires of Tohr comic / OTR
0850 Dell #1 Comparative Study
1551 Dell Tarzan Kill Tally
1529 Dell Tarzan 4-Colour 1947
0851 Dell Comics 1-10 Summaries
0852 Dell Comics 11-20 Summaries
1478 Tarzan Dells: 21-30
1552 Dell Tarzan Summaries 31-40
1553 Dell Tarzan Summaries 41-50
1569 Dell Tarzan Summaries 51-60
1571 Dell Tarzan Summaries 61-70
1572 Dell Tarzan Summaries 71-80
1573 Dell Tarzan Summaries 81-90
1574 Dell Tarzan Summaries 91-100
1575 Dell Tarzan Summaries 101-110
1576 Dell Tarzan Summaries 111-120
1577 Tarzan Summaries 121-131
1566 Dell Tarzan Annuals 1-3.
1567 Dell Tarzan Annuals 4-7
1596 Dell Tarzan Annuals  8-10
1597 Dell Language Banks
1595 Dell Places: A-F | G-L | M-R | S-Z
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1690 Dell People/Animals A-Z

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