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Volume 1571
and the

Dell Comics Summaries ~ Pt. 7
Issues 61 - 70
by Duane Adams
Click on cover pics for full-screen images

DELL #61 October 1954 ~ 36pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh -
Cover Painting: Morris Gollub
Writer: Gaylord Du Bois

Cover: Painting of Tarzan in a tree with a chimpanzee. Tarzan has a balu chimp around his neck as well.
Inside Front Cover: Tarzan’s World - Pal-ul-don - featuring City of Opar - black ? white.

1st story “Tarzan and the Pearls of Promise” - 15pp. 
Type -- Apes (Tarzan Relocates) - Bring ‘Em Back Alive Hunter

Dell #61The apes on the Isle of Apes watch Tarzan dive for oysters from his raft. He has collected enough for a necklace for Jane. The apes alert him to the approaching dhows. Four dhows sail into view. Tarzan destroys his raft. Williams, the cocky animal buyer, and his men row their landing boats to shore. Tarzan agrees with Mujak, the great ape, that this is the same bad tarmangani who came once before (Dell #55.3). Tarzan sends the apes to the volcanic side of the island. Tarzan and Mujak watch Ibn Barak, Williams’ right-hand man, and the Arabs place nets between the trees. Ibn questions the strength of the nets. Williams shows him the tranquilizer arrows they will use to put the apes asleep.

Tarzan calls for a Dum-Dum. The apes pound and dance themselves into a frenzy. Tarzan leads them to the trappers’ camp. A volcano erupts, shaking the island. Williams and his people head for the dhows. Some of the boats capsize. Ibn suggests leaving the area. Williams wants to watch the eruptions and maybe pick up some apes. The mangani panic. Tarzan leads them to the shore. He swims out to the dhow. The volcano erupts again. Tarzan climbs onboard. Ibn suggests leaving. Williams is disturbed about losing one thousand dollars on this trip. Tarzan makes his presence known. Ibn pulls a knife. Williams tells him to put it away. Tarzan bargains with Williams in private. If Williams will take the apes to the mainland and set them free, Tarzan will give him a bag of pearls. The pearls overwhelm Williams. He asks where they can be found. Tarzan won’t tell him. Williams agrees to the bargain. Tarzan gives him one half of the pearls now and promises the other half when the apes are free.

Ibn balks at going to the island to pick up the apes. He finally agrees. They pick up the apes and return to the dhows. The volcano erupts and destroys the island. Tarzan cautions Mujak about the tidal wave to follow. It is easily ridden out. They head for the mainland. Williams asks for the rest of the pearls. Tarzan pays him when the apes are in the landing boats. Tarzan dives into the sea. As he boards a boat the Arabs abandon ship on the other side. Williams commands Tarzan and the apes to return to the dhows or he will shoot them with a machine gun. Tarzan orders the mangani to paddle for shore. Williams open fire. The machine gun explodes in his hands. Tarzan knew he would try something so he made sure that the bargain was kept. End.

The featured story is a new story that refers back to Dell #55.3 “Tarzan and the Isle of Apes.” The apes in the first story looked like gorillas. In this story they have ape-like bodies and the heads of chimpanzees. (The giant white apes in Dell #58.1 also had the chimp-like heads. Could this be a trend for Marsh and the guest artists?) Although Tarzan says that he warned him not to return, the animal buyer from the first story and Williams in the second story looks like they are two different individuals. (Maybe he is in disguise to try to fool Tarzan.) Even though Ibn Barak was not present in the first story, Tarzan identifies him as one of the Arabs he warned away from the island. Ali and Hassan were the top henchmen in the first story. They are not in this story. Tarzan’s warning evidently worked on them. The Arabs in the first story were very Arab-like with their kaffiyeh. These henchmen look more like white men with long pants and turbans. They do utter some Arabic words. This story has the fifth volcanic eruption that does some real damage. It makes for some great drawings and impressive color work. It is a fairly satisfying story with some interesting drawings. The writer destroys the Isle of Apes just after the second adventure to take place there. It must not have provided many good possibilities for future stories.

2nd story “Tarzan and Boy in The Man from the Sky”- 8pp.
Type -- Boy Story - Tarzan Saves Dombie - Boy Saves Dr. Louis d’Arnot

Tarzan, Boy and Dombie are hunting wild boar on elands. A buffalo charges out of a thicket. Dombie falls from his rightened eland. Tarzan rides for the fallen lad. The buffalo tosses Dombie with its horns. Tarzan grabs the buffalo’s horns and pulls the beast to the ground, breaking its neck. Tarzan carries the injured Dombie on his eland back to the Waziri Village. Muviro worries that his grandson will die. Tarzan tells Boy to fly Argus to the government telegraph station with an urgent message for Dr. Louis d’Arnot to bring drugs for Dombie’s infection. He also tells Boy to wait for the doctor’s plane to guide him to the village.

Boy harnesses Argus and flies to the station. The telegraph operator recognizes Boy. Boy flies back to the landing site near the Waziri kraal. He sends Argus back to the village. He witnesses a plane crashing into the ground. Dejectedly, Boy heads for the village. He spies a leopard coming after Dr. d’Arnot, who is hanging by his parachute in a tree. Boy’s arrow makes the leopard charge him. His second arrow kills Sheetah. Boy cuts the doctor loose from his chute and guides him to the village. After administering the medicine, Dr. d’Arnot is confident that Dombie will be fine. Muviro asks Boy how the doctor got there so quickly. Boy answers that he dropped from the sky. End.

The second story has the title “Tarzan and Boy in The Man from the Sky.” It is the first Tarzan and Boy story. However, it is a ruse to call it a Tarzan story. It is a Boy story, pure and simple. The editors must have been receiving some criticism for having a Tarzan comic with only one Tarzan story in it. So they are attempting to fool the reader into believing this is a second Tarzan story. Tarzan does play a minor role at the beginning of the tale. Most of the story concentrates on Boy’s actions. He gets to fly Argus to the telegraph office, save Dr. d’Arnot from the leopard, and free him from his parachute. Dr. Louis d’Arnot, last seen in Dell #42.2, is older. His hair has turned curly, and he has grown a mustache. Even with a short appearance of Tarzan it is a well-written story that has you wondering about Dombie’s fate when the doctor’s plane crashes. Plane crashes are pretty common occurrence in the comics as well as the novels. Africa must be a terrible place to fly an airplane.

“The Greatest Magic” -- 52nd text story -- 2 pages - one illustration

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 37th -- 6 pages

Jungle World -- 24th - Gryfs of Pal-ul-don - 1 page - in color (Last Jungle World was in Dell Annual #2)

Inside Back Cover: New subscription offer - Lucky Penny pocket piece - black and white

Back Cover: Curtiss Candy Company - Baby Ruth


DELL #62 November 1954 ~ 36pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh
Cover Painting: Morris Gollub
Writer: unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: Painting of Tarzan with a knife fighting Numa
Inside Front Cover:  New subscription advertisement - free key and coin case - in black and white.

1st story “Tarzan Meets Ambush in Kor-ul-gryph” - 15pp.
Type -- Dr. MacWhirtle - Tarzan Escape from the Ho-dons

Dell Comic #62Tarzan and Dr. MacWhirtle fly the doctor’s seaplane over Pastar-ul-ved into Pal-ul-don to collect gryf eggs. Tarzan tells the doctor an axiom of Pal-ul-don, which states when a person purposely goes into danger they say “He has stolen the eggs of a three-horned monster.” They land and take a rubber raft to shore. Tarzan pulls the doctor down as stone clubs fly over their heads. Tarzan disarms five Ho-dons with arrows. Tarzan uses one of the clubs to beat a number of the Ho-dons senseless. The rest of them flee. Tarzan learns from one of the wounded that Prince Kodon, exiled from Alur, is spreading rumors that Tarzan and his friends will attack Jalur. King Zugu believes him. They leave the wounded. They bring the plane to shore and camouflage it with leafy vines.

They paddle up a river into the Kor-ul-gryf. Tarzan sinks the raft with rocks to hide it. Tarzan saves the doctor from a gryf by pulling him up into the trees. They locate female gryfs burying their eggs in sand. They wait for the cover of night. Tarzan makes a basket for the eggs and tells the doctor to remain behind. He leaves the doctor in a tree and climbs down the sheer face of a cliff. Tarzan places two eggs in the basket. A gryf returns to the area. Tarzan scrambles up the wall. The gryfs raise a ruckus. Tarzan hands the basket to the doctor. With the good doctor on his back, Tarzan swings through the trees. The gryfs attempt to follow. Tarzan loses them by changing directions. They return to the river. Tarzan retrieves the raft. Suddenly a club strikes Tarzan on the back of the head, rendering him unconscious. Dr. Mac grabs the basket of eggs and rushes into the water.

Prince Kodon, delighted to have captured Tarzan, sets out for Jalur. Dr. Mac hears the word Jalur and believes he can locate it on Tarzan’s map. Kodon has Tarzan thrown in a cell. Tarzan demands an audience with the King. Tarzan is cast down in his cell. He fakes an illness. One guard sends the other guard for water. Tarzan kicks the guard, knocking him unconscious. He breaks the pole tied behind his back as well as the ropes. He rips out the bars of the window. Meanwhile, Kodon reports Tarzan’s capture to King Zugu. Tarzan enters the King’s bedroom window. The Ape-man parries Kodon’s sword thrust with his knife. He whirls Kodon around as King Zugu stabs with a spear. Kodon is fatally wounded. Tarzan disarms the King. Donning a nobleman’s attire, Tarzan forces the King to lead him to the royal wharf. The King instructs a guard to bring a rowboat. Tarzan rows the King out into the water. Dr. Mac flies overhead. Tarzan signals him. The doctor lands and picks them up. The doctor has saved the eggs. Tarzan instructs him to fly them to Alur where he hopes to make peace between the two warring cities. End.

The featured story, “Tarzan Meets Ambush in Kor-ul-gryph,” is a new story that misspells Kor-ul-gryf in the title to say nothing of the poor grammar. Kor-ul-gryf is spelled correctly within the story. It is a delightful tale with two basic plots: Tarzan and Dr. Mac collecting gryf eggs, and Tarzan’s capture by the Ho-dons of Jalur. When Tarzan and the doctor land in Pal-ul-don, Ho-don warriors attack them. Tarzan puts on a display of violence rarely seen in the Dell comics. Single handedly, Tarzan dispatches the mob of Ho-dons. After the battle, Dell’s self-imposed code of ethics has Tarzan state that no one was seriously hurt. Ha! The Comic Code has also come into effect during October 1954. (Dell maintained that they were self- governed by their own ethics and did not need the Comic Code to impose censorship rules on their publishing.) If the Tarzan of the novels were in this story, the five arrows fired with lightning speed would have killed the five opponents. He fights in hand-to-hand combat armed with a Ho-don stone club. He beats a number of the warriors senseless. The remaining Ho-dons flee in horror of the devastation one man has wrought. No one was seriously hurt, indeed. Tarzan fought with animal abandon. It was glorious. After Tarzan steals a couple of gryf eggs for the doctor, he is knocked unconscious for the twentieth time. This time it was a Ho-don stone club, and Prince Kodon and the Ho-dons capture him. Prince Kodon was banished from Alur back in Dell #57.1. In that story he and the Ho-dons were depicted as white men with Roman-like armor. In this story he is drawn as a black man with a Spanish conquistador-type of helmet. The helmets have an eagle engraved on the front. This is curious because Jalur means Lion City. In his cell Tarzan puts on another display of his prowess. He kicks the guard unconscious, breaks the pole that holds his arms behind his back, breaks the ropes that bind him, and bends and breaks the bars on the window as if they are made out of rubber. Prince Kodon finally receives his just deserts for trying to overthrow Taden, King of Alur. King Zugu accidentally kills him. Accident? Ha! This is another application of the Comics Code of ethics. Tarzan saves himself by using Kodon as a shield against Zugu’s spear. Tarzan’s disguise as a nobleman fools the guard at the royal wharf, even though he is the only white man in Jalur. Admittedly King Zugu accompanies him so the guard would have to accept the King’s word that the nobleman was not a threat. Tarzan has Dr. Mac fly himself and King Zugu to Alur to make peace between the two warring cities, thus setting up a sequel. It will be interesting to see if the Ho-dons at Alur have also changed the color of their skin. 

2nd story “Tarzan and Boy and the White Crocodile” - 8pp.
Type -- Tarzan and Boy Story - Lost City (White Marble Town) - Baboons

N’kima comes to Tarzan and Boy with the tale that a giant white crocodile ate his cousin. They decide to investigate and head up stream. When the sunlight hits the trees, it reveals a White Marble Town. They make their way into the deserted town. A statue of a white crocodile makes them speculate that the inhabitants worshipped crocodiles. Suddenly a tribe of baboons that live in the ruins attacks them. Tarzan easily handles the People of the Rocks. Unglok, the gund, insists on continuing the fight with Tarzan by himself. Tarzan ducks his leap. Unglok falls into the river. A white crocodile heads for the baboon leader. Tarzan dives in and kills the huge beast with his knife. The baboons accept Tarzan, Boy and N’kima as friends. End.

The second story is also the second Tarzan and Boy story. Unlike the previous Tarzan and Boy story, this actually is a Tarzan and Boy story. It is a quaint little tale. N’kima has taken on a slightly different look but still has the proper Burroughsian N’kima attitude. The discovery of the White Marble Town is interesting but does not have a chance to develop in this short eight-page story. The baboons also have a slightly different look than usual. This leads to the question - is Marsh changing his style a bit or is this work by a different hand? The white crocodile is as lifeless as its stone counterpart.

“Victory Over Fear” -- 53rd text story -- 2 pages - no illustrations

Brothers of the Spear” -- 38th -- 6 pages

Splash Page -- Jungle Friends - Boy with a crested rat and a porcupine - 1 p. - color

Inside Back Cover: lesser known animals - klipspringer, hyrax, galago, hunting dog, ratel, fennec, porcupine, aardcark, genet, meerkat, gerboa, civet, and pangolin - black and white.

Back Cover: New advertisement for Lionel Trains.


DELL #63 December 1954 ~ 36pp. 10 cents 

Art interior: Jesse Marsh - 1st story Manning - 2nd story
Cover Painting: Morris Gollub

Writer: Unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)
Cover: Painting of Tarzan being chased by two rhinoceros
Inside Front Cover: New subscription advertisement - Christmas - black and white

1st story “Tarzan and the Lost Eagle” - 15pp. 
Type -- Rescue White Man and Boy - Cathne - Argus and Aiglon

Dell Comic #63Boy feeds fish to Aiglon, the giant eagle. Tarzan created Aiglon from the growth pellets and presented him to Boy. Maboungo, a Waziri, helps feed both Aiglon and Argus. Tarzan gives Boy the harness to place on Aiglon so that the eagle will get use to it. Boy sits on its back to get the eagle comfortable with his weight. Aiglon lurches upwards and pulls loose its chain. They fly over the Great Thorn Desert and the Great Swamp. Kingbirds swarm over them. Boy attempts to get Aiglon to fly higher. The kingbirds drive Aiglon downwards into a tree. Aiglon’s wing is hurt. Boy drops to the ground.

The next day Maboungo discovers Boy and Aiglon missing. He runs two days to the Wandoro Camp and informs Tarzan. In less than a day Tarzan is back at the Waziri Village and taking off on Argus to search. They cross the Great Thorn Desert. Tarzan stops at the Great Swamp to feed Argus. He notices smoke in a box canyon and goes to investigate. He finds Chet Harper, an American mining engineer and prospector, armed with a homemade crossbow. Harper’s plane crashed in the canyon three years ago. Harper compares himself to Robinson Crusoe. He says that four days ago a Boy ‘Friday’ came to him. Tarzan realizes that it is Boy. Boy comes around a rock. He has been panning for gold with a turtle shell. Boy convinced Harper to build a signal fire. Chet shows Tarzan his shelter, the pots and pans he made, and his crossbow. He tells Tarzan that Aiglon’s wing is healed but that he could not carry his weight. Tarzan asks him where he wishes to go. He says that he has panned twenty thousand dollars worth of gold that he would like to take it to civilization. Tarzan tells him his plan to get them out of the canyon and to take Harper to Cathne. Harper is delighted and hopes to catch a plane at Cathne. Tarzan says he will explain later. Tarzan flies Harper to the rim of the canyon. When Tarzan flies Boy to the canyon rim, Aiglon follows. Tarzan sends Boy home on Argus. Aiglon follows them.

Harper carries the gold in a backpack. Tarzan senses people. A native’s spear hits Harper in the backpack. Tarzan pulls Harper to the safety of a rock and removes the spear from the pack. Tarzan instructs Harper to attack from right side. Harper kills one with his crossbow and another with his pistol. Tarzan disarms one with his bow. The other natives flee. They start for Cathne. They pass a saber-toothed beast and dinosaurs. They approach Cathne. Harper doesn’t see why he can’t get a plane from there. A Cathnean guard on the wall recognizes Tarzan in the distance. King Jathon rides out to greet them in a lion driven chariot. They are given a chariot to ride into the city. At a banquet, Jathon offers Harper some gold plates to take with him. Harper insists on staying in Cathne. End.

The featured story has Tarzan creating a second giant eagle, Aiglon, with the growth pellets. Aiglon is golden in color from the start. Aiglon pulls itself free from the tether and flies off with Boy. This is reminiscent of Dell #41.1 when Boy attempted to take Argus for a ride. Only that time Argus flew off alone. Kingbirds appear to be the nemesis of the giant eagles. In Dell #50.1 kingbirds cause Tarzan to fall from Argus’ back. This time they force Aiglon to crash in a box canyon. Chet Harper is a pretty jovial character for someone who has been stranded in a canyon for three years. He is pretty self-sufficient and able to survive easily. When an unnamed tribe attacks Tarzan and Harper, it is Harper who does all of the killing. Tarzan merely disarms the natives. Again this is probably an effect of the Dell’s self-imposed standard, but deaths do occur. Cathne towers higher than ever before. With each new issue Cathne seems to gain greater and greater heights. The drawings of Cathne as background material in the panels are a confusing array. In one panel it appears to be on a mountain. Yet, as Tarzan and Harper approach, it appears to be on a plain with no walls. Columns and buildings are draw far from the city proper. In the next panel Cathne is in the far distance and on an acropolis with a wall. Back on the plain, a wall is quite evident and close. This is most confusing and apparently drawn for no other reasons but for compositional purposes. The story is good but not outstanding. The drawings are standard except for the views of Cathne, which are noteworthy but puzzling. Leaving Chet Harper in Cathne sets up future episodes with this happy-go-lucky character.

2nd story “Tarzan and Boy in The Canoe Safari” - 8pp.
Type -- Tarzan and Boy Story - Rescue White Woman

Miss Ruel’s bearers have mutinied and taken her captive to sell her. They proceed down river in four dugout canoes. They stop to hunt for wild pigs. They leave her unguarded but tied up in a canoe. She frees her hands. She is unable to launch a canoe so she escapes into the jungle. She hears whistling and discovers Boy. She is distraught that it is only a child. Boy calls Tarzan with the danger cry of the mangani balu. She quickly tells the Lord of the Jungle her story. Tarzan carries her through the trees to the river where he has killed a crocodile. As Tarzan leaves to appropriate a canoe, he instructs Boy to slice off some crocodile meat. Tarzan steals one of the canoes as the renegades return. Their spears miss their mark. A native instructs M’bongo not to cast his spear because the distance is too great. They believe that Tarzan has also stolen the mem-sahib. They pursue in the other canoes.

Meanwhile, Miss Ruel tells Boy that she was exploring the river with the intent of writing a book. Tarzan rounds the bend and commands them to board the canoe. As Tarzan and Boy paddle, he instructs Miss Ruel to tie a piece of the crocodile meat to a cord and trail it behind them. The bearers close on them. Tarzan directs their canoe through a group of hippos. The hippos become enraged and attack the pursuing canoes, snapping them in half. The natives swim to shore. Tarzan explains that the hippos believed that the canoes were crocodiles. He plans to arrange for Miss Ruel’s safe transport to Nairobi. End. 

The second story is the third Tarzan and Boy story. It is a new story probably drawn by Manning. It is a nice tight little story. There is a bit of confusion with the word M’bongo. In this story it is used as if it is the name of one specific native. Whereas in previous stories, Dell numbers 24.2, 48.2, and 50.2, M’bongo has been used as the name of a tribe of natives, who have displayed a history of capturing women to sell as slaves. The native bearers have a wide variety of costuming. Boy is drawn with a leopard skin loincloth, possible for the first time. Miss Ruel is very attractive and is drawn with more of a natural look than usual for Marsh. The panels use some unusual layouts that are not the common layout of a Marsh drawn page. The drawings make it an above average story. 

“The Song” -- 54th text story -- 2 pages - no illustrations

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 39th -- 6 pages

Tarzan’s World -- splash page - featuring Tarzan, Hadji, and a green orchid - color

Inside Back Cover: Tarzan’s Friends - Tarzan, Boy and Coru, a pygmy - black and white

Back Cover: 1st advertisement for Plastic Block City featuring Alan Ladd.


DELL #64 January 1954 ~ 36pp. 10 cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh 
Cover Painting: Morris Gollub
Writer: Unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: Painting of Tarzan with shield and poised spear riding on Bara.
Inside Front Cover: Subscription advertisement - Christmas - same as December 1954 only in color.

1st story “Tarzan and The Man from Nevada” - 15pp.
Type -- Rescue White Man and Woman - Shiftas - Slavery

Dell #64Tarzan leads Chet Harper from Nevada out of Cathne and into the Great Swamp. Harper summarizes the events of Dell #63.1. They build a raft of hollow reeds to cross the swamp. Suddenly a gorilla ropes Harper up into the trees. Tarzan swings up into the tree and knocks the Bolgani into the water. The gorilla lets go of the rope and Harper also falls into the swamp. Tarzan dives in and unties Harper underwater. A crocodile approaches. Tarzan ties its mouth closed with the rope. Tarzan tries to warn the gorilla about another gimla. They make it to their raft and across the swamp. At the edge of the Great Thorn Desert, Harper brings down Bara with his crossbow for food. Harper has trouble sleeping because of a roaring lion. Tarzan awakens when the lions stop roaring. e kills numa with a knife and gives the victory cry of the bull ape. They cross the desert and reach a water hole on the other side. Harper tries to shoot a wild pig with his crossbow but misses. Tarzan goes to hunt for food. He hears a gunshot. He goes to investigate and spies Shiftas placing Harper on one of their horses. The Shiftas brag about how their captain, Ababi, had them spread their white clothes on the ground to spell out SOS. They captured the female pilot. They plan to sell both their captives as slaves.

The Shiftas return to their camp. Harper is chained to the tree next to the female. They introduce each other. The pilot is Sandra McKinney from Dubuque. Tarzan lowers a rope and pulls Chet up into the tree. He breaks the chain that holds him. He pulls Sandra up into the tree and breaks the chain. He instructs them to stay there until they hear the lions roar and then run for the plane. The Shiftas suspect nothing. Tarzan mimics a lion. The Shiftas believe an entire pride is around them. They fire their rifles into the air to scare them away. Tarzan lures them away from camp with the roars. Chet and Sandra run to the plane. Chet says goodbye. Sandra invites him to go with her. Chet proposes marriage saying that he has a fortune in gems. Sandra accepts. Chet realizes that his pouch is gone. Sandra doesn’t care about the gems. Tarzan appears and is glad that she feels that way. They board the plane. Tarzan writes a note for twenty thousand dollars from his bank in Nairobi, payable to Chet. He will find the gemstones as repayment for the bank note. The Shiftas discover the captives missing and believe the lions took them. They hear the sound of the plane and believe that Sandra’s ghost is flying it. End.

The featured story is a new story that is a continuation of Dell #63.1 with Chet Harper. Harper has evidently changed his mind and decided to leave for civilization. Cathne is shown in the background and is no longer getting larger and larger. The buoyancy of the raft baffles Chet. This is coming from a man who made a workable crossbow. Harper is pulled into the trees by a gorilla. Marsh uses some interesting perspectives. Tarzan kills a lion with a knife; however, it is shown in the distance and drawn from Harper’s viewpoint. A concession to the Comic Code? Harper is depicted as a novice in the desert. After he misses the wild pig with his crossbow, Tarzan wonders how he survived for three years. So do we. Tarzan witnesses the capture of Harper by the Shiftas and learns about Sandra McKinney’s capture. He says that it is a good thing that Harper was captured. That statement appears to be a bit cold and unfeeling. Tarzan pulls the captives up into a tree with another interesting perspective panel coming from the pencil of Marsh. When Harper and Sandra reach the plane for their get away, shockingly, Chet proposes marriage. Even more shocking is Sandra’s acceptance. This happened once before in Dell #18.1 when Lansing and Leda had barely met each other and suddenly they are going to be married. This is a bit hard to accept. We learn that Tarzan has a large account in a Nairobi bank, when he writes Chet a bank draft for twenty thousand dollars on his bank in Nairobi. The Shiftas find the broken chains and think the lions have taken their captives. They also believe that Sandra’s ghost is flying the plane. The Shiftas appear to be rather naiv?. With all the unbelievable leaps in characterization the rating of this story probably should be average.

2nd story “Tarzan and Boy and The Blue Raiders” - 8pp.
Type -- Tarzan and Boy Story - Baboons - Rescue Boy - Tauregs - Slavery

Tarzan and Boy travel on ostriches to visit the Ostrich Men. They must travel through Red Rock Canyon. They see antelope. As they stop at a water hole, Tarzan senses baboons. The baboons confront them. Tarzan shocks them when he speaks their language. They tell the ape-man that mangani in blue skin killed and wounded some of them with thundersticks. Tarzan asks about the wounded and offers to help. He tells Boy to stay with the ostriches. Tarzan believes the Blue Raiders are the Tauregs. Tarzan examines the wounded, collects healing herbs and bark, and applies them to the wounds. He also brews an herb tea to help the healing process.

The Tauregs ride into the area. The ostriches run off. The Tauregs spy Boy and capture him. They ride off on their camels. Tarzan hears Boy call out. He reads the camel tracks. He calls the two ostriches, Dance and Strut, to come to him. He mounts Boy’s ostrich and rides after the raiders. A Tauregs fires his rifle wildly at Tarzan. Tarzan’s arrow hits the raider in the arm. Tarzan notices that Dance is tiring. He switches over to Strut. The raiders enter the canyon. The baboons rein rocks down on them. Boy is set free. Two of the raiders escape. Tarzan lets them go. Tarzan and Boy continue their journey to the Ostrich Men. End.

The second story is the fourth Tarzan and Boy story. This is a nice little story that is pretty straightforward. Marsh’s expressions on the baboons are once again priceless. Tarzan’s knowledge of healing herbs helps befriend the rock-apes. The Blue Raiders are the Tuaregs. In this story it is spelled Tauregs. The Tauregs did not wear blue in their two other appearances. In #42.2 they wore a variety of colored clothing and were white men. In #56.1 they wore white clothing and were black men. In this story they wear blue and are white men. It is not Tarzan that kills one of the raiders, which causes them to release Boy. It is the baboons. But it certainly would not have happened without Tarzan’s aid to the red apes. It is a better story than the featured story in this issue. 

“Mabu’s Secret Secret” -- 55th text story -- 2 pages - no illustrations

"Brothers of the Spear” -- 40th -- 6 pages

Splash Page -- Tarzan’s Friends - Bara, the giant eland - 1p. - color

Inside Back Cover: New advertisement - Daisy - Red Ryder Carbine - color

Back Cover: New advertisement Mars Snickers candy bar - offer for Mary Hartline and Cliffy the clown dancing puppets.


DELL #65 February 1955 ~ 36pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh 
Cover Painting: Morris Gollub
Writer: Unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: Painting of Tarzan with bow and arrows in a cave with N’kima. It is raining outside of the cave
Inside Front Cover: The Education of Boy - a spelling lesson - black and white

1st story “Tarzan and The War of the Dyals” - 15pp.
Type -- Restores Order - White Apes - Dyals - Gorgo

Dell Comic #65Tarzan, riding a dyal with Jorah and his people, comes upon Gorgo who has not quite healed from his wounds suffered in Dell #60.1. They are headed for the Cor-o-dons traditional home to see if it is inhabitable. Jorah worries about the White Apes. Tarzan comments that the same earthquake that displaced Jorah’s people may have uprooted them. As they approach the area, Jorah notices that someone has rebuilt their village. Gorgo senses danger. White Apes hurl rocks at them. The dyals jump out of the way. Jorah starts to retaliate, when suddenly cave bears attack the apes. Tarzan convinces Jorah that they should side with the apes. They join the battle. The dyals kick and bite the bears. Lachee’s dyal is felled by a bear. Tarzan kills the bear with an arrow and pulls Lachee up unto his dyal. The bears retreat to the log houses.  The warriors dare not follow them inside. Tarzan parleys with the zu-tarmangani. Zukora, the gund of the White Apes, agrees to join forces with the Cor-o-dons. Tarzan instructs Jorah to have his men make torches and fire pots. Lachee oversees the making and firing of the earthenware pottery. Night falls. The apes join them. Tarzan shows the apes how to hold the torches without getting burned. Tarzan fires a flaming arrow into a house, driving the bears outside. The men and apes use their torches to drive the bears into the hills. The bears get away. The houses have burned to the ground.

The men and apes cooperate in building two new villages apart from each other. Zukora reports to Tarzan that two of his apes were killed in the food plantation by bears. Tarzan tells Jorah to organize his men. Zukora explains that the apes will not fight without Tarzan’s help. He leads them to where the bears are hidden by the vegetation. A bear is close to Tarzan. He has his dyal leap high into the air as he shoots his bow. Tarzan has Jorah’s men make their dyals leap high into the air as they cast flaming spears at the bears. The bears run off. They cannot catch up to them. Gorgo comes to Tarzan. Tarzan and Jorah mount the giant buffalo and pursue the bears. Tarzan plans to pen up the bears in a canyon. The bears retreat into the ancient home of the White Apes. Tarzan and Jorah gather mukol nuts and fire wood. Tarzan climbs the sheer face of the cleft to the rock that is suspended above the opening to the canyon. He places the nuts at the base of the rock and starts a fire. Tarzan is back with Jorah when the nuts explode causing the rock to drop down and seal off the canyon. End.

The featured story is a new story that continues where Dell #60.1 left off. Gorgo was hurt and Tarzan rode with Jorah and his men to see if their homeland is inhabitable after the volcano eruption. However, in this issue Tarzan states that it was an earthquake that displayed the men of Cor-o-don. (The term Cor-o-don has not been used in many, many issues nor is it in this story. However, that was the original term for Jorah’s people so this writer continues to use it.) In any case, certainly an earthquake would probably follow a volcanic eruption. Tarzan suspects that the same earthquake may have displaced the White Apes. This would be quite impossible because the volcano erupted in Dell A#3.5 which would be before June 1954, and Tarzan visited the ancient home of the apes in Dell #58.2 published in July 1954. It must have been an aftershock that sent the apes from their lush home to the old homestead of the Cor-o-dons. Once there, they built log houses with straw roofs instead of their cave dwellings. The apes were twelve feet tall in the previous story. In this story they have shrunk to about five feet tall. The expressions on the faces of the apes are excellent. Tarzan talks the apes into a spirit of cooperation with the Cor-o-dons. Tarzan instructs Jorah to have his men prepare torches and fire pots. Lachee oversees the making and firing of the earthenware vessels. Some type of earth kiln has been made. It has no door and a man with a pole is placing a pot inside of the kiln or taking one out of the kiln. (It must be some type of raku fire.) This would be impossible because a piece of clay must be totally dry before it is placed in a kiln or it will explode. The making and firing of pottery in the same day is quite out of the question. This may be why there is no mention of the so-called fire pots after this, and the pots are not shown being used. 

When the two separate villages are built, the Cor-o-dons adapt the architecture of the apes and build log houses as well. This is totally different than the structures they built on their own. In Dell #58.1 there is not a view of the opening to the White Ape Village so the rock between the cleft of the opening could have been there. It is gratifying that Tarzan used the natural ingredients of the mukol nut to blow up the rock and not dynamite as what might have occurred in an earlier issue. Even with all the changes and discrepancies, this is a wonderful story filled with the good drawings.

2nd story “Tarzan and Boy in The Tooth of M’bogo”- 8pp.
Type -- Tarzan and Boy Story - Save White Man - Rescue White Woman and Child - Aiglon and Argus

Tarzan agrees to let Boy take Aiglon on a training flight. Tarzan gives him the harness for the giant eagle. Boy uses a ladder to mount the giant eagle. They take off. Tarzan gives Boy instructions from Argus’ back. They spy vultures circling and go to investigate. They find a man unconscious man next to a bicycle. Tarzan observes that a poisonous snake bit him. Boy notices that the man cut crisscross over the bite and applied a tourniquet. Tarzan says that he took anti-venin (sp.). The Jungle Lord surmises that the man is a missionary. He uses a stimulate from the man’s pack to revive him. He administers some medicine. While Tarzan bandages his leg, the man explains that he is a missionary named James Nicholson. He and his family are staying at the Ignosi Kraal. He was returning from the M’bogos when a snake popped out if his pack and bit him. The giant eagles frighten him. Tarzan calms him. Nicholson thinks the witch doctor, M’gulu, put the snake in his pack because he went to help the chief with his toothache. 

Tarzan sends Argus to a tree to watch for dangers. He tells Boy to remain with the missionary. He flies Aiglon to the Ignosi Kraal to get a cart for the missionary. The Ignosi people are frightened and run to their huts. Tarzan finds the Ignosi chief cowering in his hut. Ignosi tells him that the M’bogos took Mrs. Nicholson and her daughter by force. Tarzan flies to the M’bogo village to discover it deserted. He observes a group of people on the Cliff of Sacrifices and the hyenas in the valley below. M’gulu presses the captives towards the edge of the cliff as a sacrifice to the evil spirits that are causing the chief’s pains. Tarzan swoops in on Aiglon. He unties the captives. Tarzan commands M’bogo to open his mouth. He removes the aching tooth with a pair of tooth pliers. M’bogo feels better. Mrs. Nicholson warns Tarzan that M’gulu is about to attack him. Tarzan sidesteps the witch doctor. M’gulu falls off the cliff. Tarzan will take Mrs. Nicholson and her daughter back on Aiglon. End.

The second story is the fifth Tarzan and Boy. Boy and Tarzan give us a lesson on snakebites. Anti-venom is spelled anti-venin. It is a new story that demonstrates the value of two giant eagles. Tarzan leaves Argus to protect the missionary and Boy while he takes the younger eagle as fast transportation for help. The young beautiful woman is married to a dowdy older man. This is not the first time this combination has been used. The evil witch doctor, M’gulu, is a formidable foe, but he meets his untimely death. True to the Dell self-imposed standard and/or the Comic Code, Tarzan does not kill him,  technically. He merely sidesteps the onrushing witch doctor. It was his momentum that carries him over the cliff. Burroughs fans know that Tarzan is quick enough that he could have saved him if he wanted to, but he must have thought it was not worth the effort. It doesn’t pay to be a witch doctor in Tarzan stories. Tarzan pulls the sore tooth of M’bogo with tooth pliers he just happened to have along with him in his loincloth. Undoubtedly, he took it from the missionaries’ bag when he searched it for medicine. M’gulu pressing the captives towards the edge of the cliff is the most impressive panel in this story. With only eight pages to work with, this is a very good story.

“A Gift for Memba” -- 56th text story -- 2 pages - one illustration

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 41st -- 6 pages

Splash Page -- The Lost Land - Kronosaurus in the Great Swamp of Pal-ul-don - color

Inside Back Cover*: New advertisement Cheerful Card Company - selling greeting cards - black and white

Back Cover: New Subscription Offer - free “Ke” puzzle game - color



DELL #66 March 1955 ~ 36pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh 
Cover Painting: -- ?
Writer: Unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: Painted Tarzan clutching some vines and staring at Sheetah in the foreground
Inside Front Cover:  Splash page - “The Jungle” - black and white

1st story “Tarzan and The Trek of the Bolgani” - 15pp.
Type -- Empire Restored - Forms Alliance - Talking Gorillas

Dell Comic #66Tarzan visits the building site of New Athne. He questions Prince Timon’s lack of war elephants for protection. Timon explains that they are all being used at the stone quarry and that the women and children are safe at Cathne. Hathor and the other elephants drag more stone to the site. Cranes are use to put the stones in place. They head back for more stones. Tarzan senses Bolgani in the distance. Armed with clubs the Talking Gorillas attack. Tarzan convinces Timon to surrender with the promise that he will rescue them. The gorillas try to capture Tarzan as well. Tarzan easily defeats a group of them and runs as fast as pacco to the quarry. He informs the Athneans of the capture. Mounted on Hathor, Tarzan leads them to the Great Swamp. When they arrive, the Bolgani’s rafts are far out into the swamp. Tarzan instructs Hathor to lead the bull elephants under the rafts and overturn them. The great bull does. Tarzan and the Athneans on elephants attack the gorillas in the water. The elephants keep the gorillas from re-boarding the rafts. The gorillas are defeated. Timon admits that he needs to keep elephants at the building site for protection, thus their progress will be slow. He wishes that Pal-ul-don were rid of the Bolgani. Tarzan devises a plan.

At Cathne, Tarzan meets with Timon, King Jathon, and King Gallu. They form an alliance to oust the Bolgani. Tarzan wants the Gallugos people to collect juice from nabu trees. They agree. Jathon pledges his men and lions. Tarzan shows the Gallugos how to tap nabu trees for its juice. He explains that they will mix it with fruit juices. The juice will cause the drinker to sleep. After a week, they have enough gourds filled with the mixture. The gourds are loaded in nets and placed on the backs of buffaloes. Some of the gourds are left empty to aid the buffaloes crossing of the Great Swamp. King Gallu’s daughter, Tee Anna, insists on accompany them despite Tarzan’s fear for her safety.

Tarzan tells the Gallugos to wait for moonrise before crossing the swamp. Timon and the Athneans cross the swamp on their elephants. Jathon, the Cathneans, and their lion chariots cross on rafts. Tarzan tells Jathon to wait for his signal before attacking. The Gallugos appear to be a caravan heading for the Great Thorn Desert. The gorillas attack them. The Gallugos drop their loads and run away. The gorillas are delighted with their prize of sweet juice and carry the gourds into the city. Soon all the gorillas are asleep. Tarzan signals the attack by mimicking the cry of a bull elephant. Cathneans and Athneans drive into the city. The Bolgani flee into the desert to return to their former home. Timon thanks Tarzan for restoring Athne to them. Tarzan says the thanks belong to the Jathon and Gallu. End.

The featured story is a new story with one of the most complicated plots thus far for a Dell story. Tarzan visits New, New Athne. The Athneans have already relocated once before. In Dell #35 a volcano destroyed their traditional homeland established by Burroughs. They moved to Pal-ul-don to continue to be the nemesis of Cathne. They continued that way until Dell #52.1 when the Talking Gorillas overthrew Athne. They were forced to move in with the Cathneans and evidently became friendly. The Athneans have apparently given up on returning to their city because they start to build a new city. Tarzan is surprised how quickly the Athneans have progressed. So are the readers. Tarzan greets Prince Timon at the worksite. Timon is not to be confused with the previous two Timons: the Timon, who was Jo-rah’s revival for Lachee’s hand, was killed in Dell #19.2 and the evil Cathnean named Timon, who planned to overthrow Athne, was killed in Dell #45.3. This Timon doesn’t appear to be evil. He does start out with a beard and is clean-shaven by the time of the summit at Cathne. This change does make it difficult to identify him. The Talking Gorillas have reduced themselves to using clubs. This is a step backwards in weapon use for them. Tarzan devises an excellent battle plan against the gorillas in the Great Swamp. But this is nothing to the brilliant creation of the alliance of Athneans, Cathneans, and Gallugos in his plan to oust the gorillas from Old Athne. Once again he uses his knowledge of the fauna to help defeat the gorillas - the sleep inducing properties of the juice from the nabu tree. Tee Anna’s appearance is nothing more than filler. The gorillas take the bait and are easy prey for the alliance. With the gorillas headed back across the Great Thorn Desert, the Athneans now have a city and half to choose from. This was a great story. The drawings peek with the battle in the Great Swamp.

2nd story “Tarzan and Boy in Yo Mangani” - 8pp.
Type -- Tarzan and Boy Story - Saves Ape

Boy spies a dead mangani and reports it to Tarzan. Tarzan believes the ape was killed by one of its own kind. Tarzan tracks the killer across a stream. They silently approach a mangani tribe. Flower pollen causes Boy to sneeze, thus alerting the apes to their presence. They learn from the mangani that a Gomangani shot at them with thundersticks. Afterwards, Norgak killed one of them. They are afraid of Norgak. Tarzan and Boy trail the ape to another river. As Boy starts to cross the log bridge, Norgak confronts him. Tarzan commands Boy to jump into the water. Tarzan and Norgak fight on the log. They both fall into the water. Norgak starts to drown. Tarzan pulls the ape to shore. Boy says to let him drown. Tarzan finds a bullet in Norgak’s skull. He ties Norgak up and sends Boy for turtle-bush berries and thorns. When he returns, Norgak is awake and furious. Tarzan crushes the berries and squeezes some juice into the ape’s mouth. Norgak is sedated. Tarzan operates and removes the bullet. He uses the thorns as stitches. Tarzan sends Boy to bring some inner bark for bandages. Norgak comes to and remembers being wounded. He is friendly to Tarzan. He is weak and has a headache. Tarzan and Boy go to search for food for him. Boy is ashamed for wishing Norgak dead. Tarzan says that they will have to convince Norgak’s tribe that he is gentle again. End.

This is the sixth Tarzan and Boy story. It is a good story, and it is nice to have a simple story after the involved featured tale. The mangani/great apes have also taken on the face of chimpanzees. They are colored bluish gray like the gorillas in the previous story. Tarzan confrontation with the enraged Norgak on the log bridge reminds one of the first meeting of Tarzan and Buto Matari in Dell #11. This is not quite the same Robin Hood/Little John meeting. Norgak’s erratic behavior is because of the bullet to the skull. Tarzan uses his knowledge of the fauna once again and operates on the ape. Berries for sedation, thorns for stitches, and inner bark for bandages are all part of Tarzan’s vast knowledge of medicines. The writer ends the story with the thought that Norgak’s tribe may not be happy to see him. 

“The White Man’s Way” -- 57th text story -- 2 pages - one illustration

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 42nd -- 6 pages

Splash Page -- The Education of Boy - a music lesson - 1 page - color

Inside Back Cover: Splash page - Boy, pangolin, aardvark - black and white

Back Cover: New subscription offer - $1.50 for one year of Tarzan and three push button pens. Dell’s Pledge to Parents.


DELL #67 April 1955 ~ 36pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh
Cover Painting: Morris Gollub
Writer: Unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: Painted cover of Tarzan holding baby antelope
Inside Front Cover: Copy of the Distinguished Achievement Award presented to Dell comics by the American Legion for its wholesome presentation in its comics. Underneath is a statement from Dell that states that they eliminate objectionable material themselves rather than applying the Comic Code.

1st story “Tarzan and The Wrestlers of Baronga” - 15pp.
Type -- Restores Balance of Power - Buto - Slavery

Dell Comics #67Tarzan and Buto are hunting lions. They watch as a huge man brings down a wart hog with a stone club. A lion attacks the man. The mysterious stranger stuns the lion with his club and a chop of his hand. When Tarzan and Buto approach, he begs for mercy from the men of the spear. Tarzan throws away his spear and says he is not his master unless he defeats him in a wrestling match. Tarzan struggles but finally defeats Adumo. The man from the Mountains of Barongo eats the wart hog and tells his tale. His people, the Nuba tribe, were conquered long ago by the Kordo spearmen. They raise cattle. Their Kordo masters do not permit them any weapons but clubs. They toughen their hands by striking a spring pole in the ground. They are great wrestlers. A Kordo took Nuba’s prize cow and mocked him about it. Adumo knocked him down and broke his spear. Both offenses are punishable by death. Adumo fled across the plains that are plagued by sleeping sickness. Tarzan tells him that he can bring freedom to his people. Buto wants to come along. Tarzan prepares a potion against sleeping sickness before they leave.

They cross the plains. The antelopes are too quick for them. Adumo pulls out a bola, ‘meat catcher,’ and brings down an ostrich. A lion that has no enemies on the plain, watches them. They come to the base of the mountains to the Spring of Homeless Men. It is a place where Nuba’s people go to when fleeing the punishment of the Kordo. Buto stays to rest. Tarzan and Adumo travel to the Nuba Village and talk with the chief, Gallah. The chief is skeptical that they can overcome the Kordo spearmen. Tarzan says he will return with a plan. As Buto and Adumo sleep, Tarzan goes to the Kordo Valley to spy on the spearmen. At the Kordo Village, he learns about the Feast of Warriors held on Table Rock at the full moon. He meets with Gallah at the Spring of Homeless Men and tells the chief about his plan to attack after the war contests are over and the Kordo sleep. The Kordo do not post guards because the rock has never been attacked. Tarzan leads Buto and the Nuba men, who have smeared themselves with a wood ash paste, which makes them almost invisible at night, to the top of Table Rock. The Nuba people gather the spears. The Kordo people awaken and think ghosts are attacking them. Kalungo, the chief of the Kordo spearmen, attacks Tarzan with a knife. He is no match for the ape-man. The Nuba tribe is victorious. Kalungo surrenders. The spears are burned. Gallah dictates the terms. The Kordo must agree not to make or use spears. The Nuba people will teach them self-defense. No one will steal or enslave anyone. Kalungo agrees to live in peace. Gallah calls for Tarzan to witness the pact, but he is already gone. Adumo runs to Tarzan and tells him that he is needed. Tarzan says that they no longer need him. They say their good-byes. End.

The featured story is a new story with two new tribes: the ruling class Kordo and the subservient class Nuba. Adumo is an interesting character. He is huge with hands that are lethal weapons. He is almost a match for Tarzan, almost. This is a Wizard of Oz tale. They must cross the plain plagued by sleeping sickness - the poppy field - to get to Barongo Land -Oz. The Kordo spearmen are the wizard. They are full of bluff and show and cannot produce when the chips are down. Gallah, the chief of the Nuba tribe, lives pretty lavishly for a suppressed people. The interior of his hut is decorated better than any other chief’s hut thus far in the Dell Tarzan series. The Kordo Village does not appear to be any better off or different than the Nuba Village. Tarzan takes his time to come up with a good plan to overtake the Kordo spearmen. They are successful and Gallah proves to be quite magnanimous in the surrender terms. It is an excellent tale with the usual set of images. The coloring of the Nuba with their wood ash paste is an inventive touch.

2nd story “Tarzan and Boy Hunt the King Leopard” - 8pp.
Type -- Tarzan and Boy Story - Rids Area of Man-eating Leopard - Rescue Child - Feral Story

Tarzan and Boy are having difficulty finding wild pigs to hunt. They hear wailing for the dead from Kimbo’s Kraal and go to investigate. Tarzan learns from Kimbo that the King Leopard took his son from the shamba. He explains that the King Leopard weighs as much as a man and has terrorized the area killing fourteen women, five children, two men, and all the pigs. Tarzan says he will hunt it down. He asks Kimbo for a bull hide. Kimbo enters his hut and returns with the hide. Tarzan suggests to Boy that he stay with Kimbo. Boy thinks he is safer with Tarzan.

In the shamba they find tracks of two leopards. They follow the larger tracks. Boy climbs a tree for a better look. He sees the leopard and casts his spear. The spear hits the leopard’s kill, a wart hog. The leopard runs off. They follow Sheetah to the Field of Rocks. Tarzan visits with the dog-faced baboons that live there. The People of the Rocks decide to join the hunt because the leopard has taken many balus. Suddenly the King Leopard leaps at Tarzan. The ape-man uses the bull hide as a shield. The baboons pull the leopard’s tail and throw rocks. Tarzan kills the leopard with his spear. The baboons throw more rocks.

On the way back to the kraal, Tarzan senses sheetah’s mate. They find the den opening. Tarzan enters. The leopard attacks. Tarzan kills the she-leopard with his spear. He finds Kimbo’s son unharmed. Tarzan surmises to Boy that the she-leopard lost her cubs and was using the child to take their place. End.

This is the seventh Tarzan and Boy story. It is a new story that has a large leopard terrorizing an area. The body count is pretty high - 21 killed - but not as bad as the Tsavo lions. Tarzan and Boy go to Kimbo’s Kraal. But it is not a kraal because a kraal implies that there is an enclosure around a village. There is neither fence nor boma apparent. They track the leopard at the shamba where Marsh has a couple of nice drawings, one bird’s eye view and another worm’s eye view. It looks like the story is over when Tarzan kills the King Leopard and the baboons throw rocks. The kill is made off the panel so we do not see the actual kill. (A self-imposed Dell censorship?) But surely such a man-killer deserves to be killed.) But the story is not over; Tarzan discovers the den of the leopard and kills the female in front of our eyes. This was to the save Kimbo’s child who was almost raised as a feral child of the leopards. Tarzan saves him from the fate of becoming Kimbo -Son of the Leopards. (This is sarcastic of course.) The story is pretty good and so are the drawings.

“At the Hut of Chatanga” -- 58th text story -- 2 pages - no illustrations

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 43rd -- 6 pages

Splash Page -- The Bad Tempered Rhino - color

Inside Back Cover: New subscriptions offer - free lucky rabbit’s foot - black and white

Back Cover: New advertisement Curtiss’ Baby Ruth candy bar - color


DELL #68 May 1953 ~ 36pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh
Cover Painting: Morris Gollub
Writer: Unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: Painted Tarzan wrestling a buffalo by the horns to the ground.
Inside Front Cover: Tantor meets an ancestor of Paul-ul-don -- black and white

1st story “Tarzan and The Queen of Cat Mountain” - 15pp.
Type -- Lost Race (Cat Men) - Dr. MacWhirtle - Rescue Zugu

Dell Comics #68Tarzan and Dr. Mac are flying King Zugu to Alur to force a peace agreement between Jalur and Alur. They run into a storm, and their battered plane is forced to land in Crater Lake. Tarzan recognizes the Cat Mountains and knows of the people. Cat Men canoe towards the plane. Before Dr. Mac can fire a rocket at them, Tarzan tells him not to kill anyone. The rocket blast scares the Cat Men away. Tarzan frees King Zugu, and they eat sandwiches. Tarzan and Dr. Mac try to repair the aileron. King Zugu takes the opportunity to escape and swim to shore. They notice that Zugu is missing. Tarzan instructs the doctor to finish repairing the plane and meet him at the Lake of Lutor, while he goes after Zugu.

Tarzan swims to shore and finds signs of Zugu. He overhears Urrow and other Cat Men speaking about Zugu’s capture and the bird machine. Tarzan gains entrance to the palace via a tree by the upper window. The Queen delights in teasing Zugu with her pet leopard. Zugu faints. The Queen has him drug from the room. Tarzan enters the royal chamber. The Queen turns her leopard loose. Tarzan makes friends with Sheetah. Tarzan warns the Queen not to go for the warning bell. He threatens her with her leopard. The Queen dives into a floor chest. Tarzan opens the chest and discovers that the Queen has escaped through a trap door in the bottom. She has locked it from the other side. He leaves by the window. The Queen brings guards towards the palace. Tarzan finds where they are holding Zugu. He breaks his chains and carries him to the royal docks. Tarzan knocks the guards into the water and places Zugu in a canoe. He paddles out onto the lake to Dr. Mac. The ape-man tells the doctor that he should leave immediately because the Cat Men are coming and that he will meet them at the Lake of Lutor. Dr. Mac takes off just in the nick of time. His backwash overturns the Cat Men’s canoes. Tarzan maneuvers through a cleft in the crater. Zugu faints. They enter the Lake of Lutor. Dr. Mac pulls up in his seaplane. End.

The featured story is a continuation of Dell #62.1. In the earlier story Tarzan captured King Zugu and started to take him to Alur to force a peace agreement between Alur and Jalur. This story is about their journey to Alur. They don’t make it to Alur and the story ends rather abruptly, thus setting up yet another sequel. The main thrust of the story concerns the Cat Men who were seen in Dell #38.1. In “The Cat Men of Crater Lake” a volcano erupted at the end of the story leading you to believe that the place was destroyed. Apparently this was not the case. Crater Lake is still there but the island holding the temple of Brule is gone. The Cat Men no longer worship the Flaming God. They now worship leopards. Gone also is the evil, thin, and beautiful Queen Nemah. The evil, heavy-set Queen of Cat Mountain has replaced her. The Cat Men themselves no longer have dark hair that they shaped into cat-ears; instead, they have orange- gold hair in long braids. They have the look of Masai warriors. At times, they wear a cat-ear headdress. In the first story Tarzan had to gain access to the area by descending a cleft in the crater wall. The volcano must have opened the cleft larger to allow access between Crater Lake (not called by any name in this story) and the Lake of Lutor, which was just referred to as the swamp in the earlier tale. The city in the earlier story was quite impressive with huge structures. The volcano must have destroyed most of them. These buildings are not quite as impressive. The interior of the Queen’s quarters has many tribal masks and sculptures that are obviously drawn from observation and not from imagination. Dr. MacWhirtle sports new clothes and a new hair-do, but he keeps his bazooka handy. Although, Tarzan (Dell self-imposed code) demands that Dr. Mac not kill anything with the rocket. Some of the close-up drawings of MacWhirtle’s head are the best drawings in this story. They have great expressions on them. King Zugu was bald not so long ago when captured by Tarzan. In this short period of time he has grown a patch of hair on the back of his head from ear to ear. He was also a bit braver in the first story, whereas now he faints at any sign of stress. It is a good story but not a great story. The sequel is anticipated.

2nd story “Tarzan and The Trickery of Imoko” - 8pp.
Type -- Boy and M’bogo Rescue Tarzan

The witch doctor of the Ubamwes tribe, Imoko, goes to Sheik Ibrahim and tells him that he can deliver Tarzan to him alive. The hookah smoking Sheik offers him his weight in gold for Tarzan’s head and twice that for him alive. He doesn’t believe that Imoko can deliver. His henchmen remind him that it is Tarzan that prevents them from exploiting the area.

Imoko and his spearmen plant a monkey trap near Tarzan’s tree house and hide to wait for Tarzan. In the tree house, Tarzan, Jane, Boy, and N’kima hear monkeys fighting over food. N’kima leaves to see what the fuss is about. He finds sweet berries and more inside a coconut. When his hand gets caught, he calls for Tarzan. The Jungle Lord tells Boy to stay while he goes to see what N’kima’s problem is. As Tarzan tries to get N’kima to open his hand, the Ubamwes get the drop on him. Tarzan leaps into the trees. A thrown knob stick knocks him unconscious. Securely tied, they lower the ape-man into a building of an ancient ruin. Imoko sends two of his men, N’kobu and Isuma, to the Sheik to have him bring the gold. The guards sleep. N’kima slips into the building. Tarzan tells him to find Boy and have him bring M’bogo, the giant buffalo. N’kima returns to the tree house and tells Boy and Jane of Tarzan’s plight. N’kima rides on M’bogo’s head as he directs Boy to the ruins. Boy has M’bogo break down the wall. Boy unties Tarzan. Cautiously the Ubamwes approach the opening. Tarzan and Boy ride M’bogo out of the breach. M’bogo tosses Imoko into the air with its horns. N’kima joins them for the ride home. End.

The second story is a second Tarzan story. After seven Tarzan and Boy stories, this is greatly appreciated. Although, as it turns out, it is a Tarzan and Boy story after all. The title is “Tarzan and The Trickery of Imoko.” It is a new story. Tarzan old nemesis, Sheik Ibrahim, who Tantor threw into a tree back in Dell #47.2, apparently survived and is anxious to get his hands on Tarzan. This time it is the evil witch doctor, Imoko, who gets thrown by M’bogo, the giant buffalo. This brings me to my biggest complaint about this story and pictures - the case of M’bogo. When Tarzan tells N’kima to have Boy bring M’bogo, my first thoughts were that this is the M’bogo tribe seen in Dell #65.2 or maybe the chief of that tribe, M’bogo. Both the chief and the tribe did not appear too friendly with Tarzan, but then stranger leaps have been made in the Dell Tarzans. The shock comes when Boy rides on the back of a giant buffalo named M’bogo. Where did he come from? Did Tarzan use Dr. Mervin’s growth pellets to create a second giant buffalo when we weren’t looking? The precedence was set with the creation of the second giant eagle. Or is it supposed to be Gorgo? M’bogo’s color is dark bluish gray not the brown of Gorgo. But again, the change of color precedence was set earlier with Argus and Goliath. Did the writer forget the name of Gorgo and decide that M’bogo was good enough. But why confuse it with the natives from a story that was used recently. On the surface this story and drawings are pretty good. It is just M’bogo, the giant buffalo, which makes you guess that this writer only had surface knowledge of previous stories.

“The Story of Abubu” -- 59th text story -- 2 pages - one illustration

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 44th -- 6 pages

Splash Page -- Loma’s Hunting Cat - cheetah and antelope - color

Inside Back Cover: Killer Plant of Pal-ul-don - Tarzan rescues Korok, the ape, from a Drossa, a meat-eating plant - black and white

Back Cover: New Subscription Offer: personal pocket printer plus one year of Tarzan comics for $1.40. Dell’s Pledge to Parents.



DELL #69 June 1955 36pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh ~ Tony Sgroi -- 2nd story
Cover Painting: Morris Gollub
Writer: Unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: Painted Tarzan running from elephants. He is looking at some vines.
Inside Front Cover:  New subscription advertisement - free wallet - Dell’s Pledge to Parents - color

1st story “Tarzan and The Fury of Tantor” - 15pp
Type -- Bring ‘Em Back Alive - Elephants 

Dell Comic #69Ramsay, a guide, stops the safari car and informs the bring ‘em back alive hunter, Derrik Carne, that they cannot enter Tarzan country. Carne believes that Tarzan is a myth and orders them forward. Ramsay refuses. Carne fires him. He asks M’boto, a native, if he will stay with the safari. M’boto agrees to stay with Ramsay. Carne continues on without them. Ramsay sends M’boto to Muviro’s kraal to inform Tarzan about the hunter.

Untibi, Carne’s gun bearer, points out a baby elephant in Lake Chui. Carne instructs him the rope the toto. He does. They use a power winch to load Toto into the safari vehicle. Mutemba, Toto’s mother, chases after the car. Tantor joins her. The car easily leaves them behind. Tantor tries to comfort Mutemba. M’boto reaches Tarzan and informs him about Carne. Tarzan heads for Lake Chui. N’kima finds the ape-man and tells him that Toto has bee taken and that Tantor is furious. N’kima leads Tarzan towards Tantor. They come upon Mutemba. Tarzan tells her that he will recover Toto. Tantor smells humans and charges Mutemba. Tarzan calms Tantor. He has the mighty elephant trail the safari car. They catch up to the hunters as they are loading two dik-diks they captured with nets. Tarzan tries to approach on foot. Tantor catches the scent and charges the safari car. They quickly drive away. Tantor smashes the ground in rage. Tarzan calms Tantor. They continue on towards Nairobi.

They approach an animal compound outside of the city. Tarzan scales the log walls. He overhears Carne instructing his associate, Jamieson to prepare to leave for Kenya Country. Tarzan finds Toto. He plans to purchase the elephant from the hunters. Tantor finds the safari car and attacks it. Jamieson gets his rifle. Tarzan cannot stop Tantor from overturning the car. Gasoline leaks out. Tarzan mounts Tantor and commands the elephant to flee. Jamieson takes aim with his rifle. Carne tries to stop him. Jamieson fires the rifle, causing the gasoline fumes to ignite. The safari car explodes.

Tarzan rides to Kenya Country on Tantor. They pass some buffaloes. He leaves Tantor far from the hunter’s camp and enters on foot. Carne and Untibi examine two baby giraffes in a cage. Tarzan surprises them. He asks to buy the baby elephant with paper money. Carne believes it to be counterfeit and pulls a pistol. Tarzan disarms him. Carne orders Untibi to get his rifle. Tantor charges into the camp and smashes the cages. A dik-dik runs free. Untibi is frozen with fear. Carne gets his rifle. Tarzan takes it away from him and breaks it over his knee. Carne calls Tarzan a Jungle Johnnie. Tarzan stops Tantor from killing Carne. The ape-man forces Carne to write and sign a bill of sale for Toto. He pays him double the value for the baby. He warns Carne not to come back to Tarzan’s territory. Tarzan rides Tantor towards Nairobi. Carne believes that Tarzan is real. End.

The featured story is a new story that is extremely disappointing. In five previous Dell stories (#20.2, 23.1, 31.2, 55.3, and 61.1) Tarzan has come upon hunters who have captured animals alive. In each case, the Jungle Lord has acted with impunity. He has freed the animals and often times punished the perpetrators. He always ends with a stern warning not to return. In this story Tarzan is a whimp. He locates the baby elephant taken from his territory in the animal compound near Nairobi and makes plans to buy it back. Admitted he had to keep Tantor from being killed by the hunters by leading him away from the compound. But he could have returned and freed the elephant. Instead, he trails the hunter to Kenya country and gives the man money, paper money that he must keep in his loincloth. He ends with the warning, not to return to Tarzan country. It is a hollow threat. He let the man get away with this capture and even paid him double for his efforts. Even Boy in Dell #60.2 freed the animals of a similar hunter. This is a radical change in Tarzan’s behavior and attitude. One must wonder if the effects of the Comic Code have made Dell dilute Tarzan to a shadow of his former self. In a side-note Jamieson, Carne’s associate, makes a statement that implies that he was with Carne as Tantor chased them earlier. Jamieson was never shown in any scenes up to this point. Could he been in an earlier version of the story and was eliminated in a rewrite? One can only hope so. Tantor’s relationship to Toto is vague. At times Toto is his son. While other times the baby is a member of Tantor’s herd and the great bull is like a father to all the totos. Hopefully this whimp of a Tarzan will be discarded in future stories. One further note, Carne calls Tarzan a Jungle Johnnie. This is probably a reference to Johnny Weissmuller. Couple this with the fact that the hunter does not believe that Tarzan is real; it could be a reference to the movie hero.

2nd story “Tarzan and Boy and The Crocodile Trap” - 8pp.
Type -- Tarzan and Boy Story - Saves Boy and Dombie

Boy and Dombie travel to the Nukonga Village to see why Tarzan went there. Each brings down a francolin (partridge) with their bows. Crocodiles chase them up an embankment. Moving through the tall grasses they are almost speared by the Nukongas who think they are crocodiles. Tarzan explains that the dry season has caused the crocodiles to wreak havoc in the area. He came to help the Nukongas build a crocodile trap out of liana vines. They carry the trap to the river. Tarzan asks Morubi and An-gelo to carry the cable across the river. They refuse because of their fear of the crocs. Tarzan carries the cable into the river. Crocodiles swim towards him. He wraps one of the crocs on the snout with the cable. He avoids the others. Tarzan ties the cable to a tree. The net is placed in the river and bait of fresh pork is added to the net. Boy and Dombie climb a tree for a better view of the proceedings. The limb they are on breaks. They fall into the river. Crocodiles swim for them. Tarzan calls for them to crawl into the net. They do. Tarzan releases the cable, and the Nukongas pull the boys to safety. Tarzan realizes that their great scare is enough punishment. Tarzan leaves the Nukongas to trap and kill the crocs. An-gelo carries the cable across the river to reset the trap. Tarzan and the boys head for home. End.

The second story is the eighth Tarzan and Boy story. It is not a great story, but it is better than the featured story. (Perhaps my judgment was clouded by the ridiculous attitude of Tarzan towards the hunter in the first story.) The drawings are in the style of Marsh but do not appear to be by his hand. Boy and Dombie down two birds, which Boy claims are francolins. The francolins are indigenous to Europe and Asia, not Africa. Later Boy tells Tarzan that they killed two partridges. The partridges are indigenous to the Americas and Europe only. The crocodile trap is a good idea. It is the foolishness of the boys that causes problems. Thus is the nature of the stories that emphasis Boy.

Splash Page -- “Do You Know” - giraffes - 12 species - 1p. - color

“Great Trouble” -- 60th text story -- 1 page - no illustrations

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 45th -- 6 pages

Splash Page -- “In Africa??” - Tarzan in arctic conditions in Pal-ul-don - 1 p. - color

Inside Back Cover: Splash page - “Who Wouldn’t Enjoy a Dance Like This?” - Boy and Dombie - black and white

Back Cover: New advertisement Arnold, Schwinn and Co. - Schwinn Corvette 3 speed bicycle - color


DELL #70 July 1955 ~ 36pp. 10cents

Art interior: Jesse Marsh
Cover Painting: Morris Gollub
Writer: Unknown (Gaylord Du Bois - unconfirmed)

Cover: Painted Tarzan rapidly swinging through the trees with chimpanzees
Inside Front Cover: New subscription offer - one year plus magnifying glass for one dollar and fifty cent. Dell’s Pledge to Parents. - black and white

1st story “Tarzan Guards a Hostage” - 15pp.
Type -- Protects a Hostage (King Zugu) - Terribs - Dr. Mac

Dell Comic #70 From his seaplane Dr. Mac informs Tarzan that he only has fuel enough to reach Nairobi. Tarzan sends him on his way. He continues with his hostage, King Zugu, by canoe towards Alur. Tarzan pulls into Lutor. King Zugu declares that King Loban is now is enemy. Tarzan reminds the king (and the reader) that he is bringing him to Alur to force peace between Alur and Jalur. Tarzan tells King Loban of his intent. Loban provides him with an escort of Lutorians mounted on giant swans for protection against the Terribs. They depart. The Terribs are spotted. The Lutorians take to the air and engage the enemy. Tarzan kills a Terribs with his bow. The Lutorians pursue the Terribs under water. The Terribs are repelled. King Zugu is defiant. Tarzan and the king sleep in the canoe. The Terribs attempting to board the canoe awakens Tarzan. He kills one with a spear and fights off several others. Tarzan pulls a Terribs into the water and disarms him. He surfaces only to be threatened by another Terribs. He pulls him from his Gorobar mount and rides the lizard back into the battle. His spear cast brings down a Gorobar. He exchanges his mount for a riderless swan. Suddenly giant otters attack the Gorobars. Princess Loma and her crocodile boat join the melee. The Terribs flee.

With a shell horn, Princess Loma recalls Kreeg and Kraath, the two giant otters trained by the Stork Men. Loma invites Tarzan and the Lutorians to stay the night in the croc boat. Tarzan says they will. They will attempt to find King Zugu, who was lost to them. The next morning, Tarzan and the Lutorians take flight in search of the king. They pass over an armada of Ho-don war canoes, who cast spears at them. Tarzan speculates that the Ho-dons believe that their king was taken away by air so they attack anything in the air. Tarzan and his party land to rest their swans. They see the canoe carrying the king being borne through the air by five giant swans, three at the bow and two at the stern. Terribs are pursuing it. The canoe flies over the Ho-dons, who throw their spears. A spear kills a swan in the aft position. The king falls from the canoe. Tarzan ropes him and has two Lutorian swan fliers help him keep the king airborne. They outdistance the Ho-dons and carry the king through the air to the croc boat. Princess Loma offers to take  Zugu to Alur. Tarzan and his escort will decoy the Ho-dons away from the boat. End.

The featured story is the third part of the story that started in Dell #62.1 and continued in Dell #68.1. This tale has an abrupt ending thus indicating that the story will continue in a future issue. Tarzan is once again trying to get King Zugu to Alur. Dr. Mac is quickly dismissed, and the story centers on the Lutorians and the Terribs. The Lutorians have increased the architecture of their city to include the Gothic pointed arch as well as fountains. They use giant swans. They are slightly different than the Banthurs used in earlier tales. The Banthurs were red billed, required a head covering to control them, and were apparently flightless. They did, however, follow the Terribs under water. The giant swans have gold bills, need no head covering, can fly, and also follow the Terribs under water. The Lutorians have obtained two giant otters from the Stork Men. They are probably offspring of the two original giant otters, Nip and Tuck. The Terribs are their usual vicious selves. They attack relentlessly and continuously. They are great opponents even though they are rarely successful. Tarzan displays some his animal ferocity lacking in Dell #69.1. But due to the continuance of this story, it was probably written much before that issue. The Terribs are the main reason to rate this story very high. The rating would be slightly marred because of the curious manner in which Tarzan loses King Zugu in the canoe, and the Lutorians have no suggestion as what happen to the canoe. Suddenly the canoe appears. It is flying through the air, suspended to three swans in the bow position and two in the aft. No one seems to wonder how this came to be. The Lutorian must have done it at some point but did not bother to tell anyone. They even appeared to have forgotten that it occurred. The Ho-dons have taken to wearing a Chinese-coolie type of hat similar to the Valley People in Dell Annual #4.6, which was probably drawn by Manning. This is a new wrinkle in headdresses and something to be watched. Stories that have the Terribs are certainly some of the most exciting of the Dell stories, and this is no exception.

2nd story “Tarzan and The Pygmy Elephants” - 8pp.
Type -- Lost Tribe (Pygmy) - Rids Island of Baboons - Tarzan and Boy Bonding

Tarzan and Boy are fishing on the Lake of the Mists in a canoe. They catch at least three large ones. A storm approaches. They head for an island. Their canoe takes some damage on the breakers of the unnamed island. Tarzan sleeps. Boy goes to look for food. Tarzan awakens and follows Boy’s trail. He sees a pygmy plowing a field with a pygmy elephant. The pygmy is frightened by the giant and rides off. The Jungle Lord comes upon some pygmies on their small elephants trying to chase off baboons from their garden. A pygmy, armed with a pitchfork, is about to be bested by the baboons. Tarzan chases off the baboons. Tarzan understands the pygmy language. The pygmy leads Tarzan to his village and king. The King of the Elephants offers Tarzan a gift. Tarzan refuses at first but then learns that the gift is Boy, who they saved from baboons. The King of the Elephants explains that the baboons kill many of his people and destroy their crops. Tarzan offers to rid the island of the menace. The king offers the help of his people. They build a hollow reed raft with a large rectangular cage on top. It takes a month to construct. Tarzan goes to draw the baboons into the floating cage. He taunts the baboons. They give chase. Tarzan runs through the long building and closes the back door. A pygmy closes the front door. They have trapped the baboons. Pygmy elephants push the floating cage across the lake to the mainland. End.

The second story is a new story that returns to the Lake of the Mists or the Lake of Mist as it was called in Dell #48.3. Tarzan and Boy discover a lost tribe of pygmies who use and revere the pygmy elephant. It is a good story. It is one of the few times that Tarzan does not side with the baboons nor does he convert them into friends. Tarzan devises an ingenious floating trap to rid the island of the baboons. It is notable that Boy wandering off is not the main plot of the story nor does he get in serious trouble. This is a plus not to rely and that tried plot device.

On the Leopard’s Trail” -- 61st text story -- 1 page - no illustrations

Splash Page -- The Royal Antelope plus an eland - 1p - color

“Brothers of the Spear” -- 46th -- 6 pages

Splash Page -- “Jungle Engineer” - Kulu, the pygmy and a suspension bridge - 1p. - color

Inside Back Cover: “The Dance” - wedding dance - black and white

Back Cover:* New advertisement for Daisy Air Rifles - No.25 a pump action rifle - color 

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and listings of supplementary features
(short stories ~ secondary titles ~ Brothers of the Spear ~ ads ~ etc.)
contained in each issue visit our
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Issues 40 - 59
Issues 60 - 79

 The Dell and Gold Key Tarzan Series
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Adams Candid Photo Gallery


Tarzan Comics Summaries
by Duane Adams
1479 Dell Overview ~ All Titles
0847 Duane Adams Biblio-Pro-Phile
0789 Tarzan Murray Comics Australia
0659 Fires of Tohr comic / OTR
0850 Dell #1 Comparative Study
1551 Dell Tarzan Kill Tally
1529 Dell Tarzan 4-Colour 1947
0851 Dell Comics 1-10 Summaries
0852 Dell Comics 11-20 Summaries
1478 Tarzan Dells: 21-30
1552 Dell Tarzan Summaries 31-40
1553 Dell Tarzan Summaries 41-50
1569 Dell Tarzan Summaries 51-60
1571 Dell Tarzan Summaries 61-70
1572 Dell Tarzan Summaries 71-80
1573 Dell Tarzan Summaries 81-90
1574 Dell Tarzan Summaries 91-100
1575 Dell Tarzan Summaries 101-110
1576 Dell Tarzan Summaries 111-120
1577 Tarzan Summaries 121-131
1566 Dell Tarzan Annuals 1-3.
1567 Dell Tarzan Annuals 4-7
1596 Dell Tarzan Annuals  8-10
1597 Dell Language Banks
1595 Dell Places: A-F | G-L | M-R | S-Z
1598 Dell Things: A-E |F-L | M-R | S-Z
1690 Dell People/Animals A-Z


Duane Adams Art Gallery
Tarzan and the Fires of Tohr:
Radio Drama / Dell Comic Comparison
Tarzan and the Fires of Tohr
Radio Serial Summary Eps.1-18
Tarzan and the Fires of Tohr 
Radio Serial Summary Eps.19-39
Duane Adams Presents 
Murray Tarzan Comics
Moon Maid Glossary
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Burroughs Biblio-Pro-Phile 
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