Even though Burroughs at the beginning of the novel says he does not consider Politics and Religion suitable topics for fiction -- unless highly fictionized -- The two topics seem to constitute the major portion of his work.Of course the Great One does not feel called upon to exhibit a foolish consistency. In Invincible his first sentence is: I am no historian. In Tarzan Triumphant he says, 'Being merely a simple historian and no prophet...' So in the few months between Invincible and Triumphant he gas gone from no historian to a mere simple one while hinting that while he is no prophet he may become one. We can't be certain what the future holds in store for him.
I've already sensed that he is a prophet. Tarzan is the god and Edgar Rice Burroughs is his prophet. So much for Mohammed being the end of the prophetic line.
Under cover of fiction Triumphant will deal extensively with the Jewish and Christian religions so this might be an appropriate place to review some aspects of the history and nature of religion.
Evolution occurs on many levels other than the biological. The biological naturally controls all other forms of evolution. The species has developed from a line of pre-hominid ancestors that must at some time have diverged from that of the other anthropoids as unpleasant as that may be for a certain type of mind although, for the life of me, I can't imagine why. One of the more significant areas of evolution has been that of the brain. Nothing should clearer than that the brain of HSIII is superior to the brain of the first Homo Sapiens the species which evolved from the Last Hominid Predecessor.
There is no reason for this not to be so. The brain of the infant Homo Sapiens continues to develop outside the womb until at least the early twenties. At each stage the ability of the brain to function increases. As above, so below; as in the macro so in the micro.
Thus as in each stage of evolution from the first Homo Sapiens to the present most highly evolved specimen Homo Sapiens III; abilities to think and function have increased. Thus HS's understanding of the world and universe are immeasurably different from the first Homo Sapiens model. I can't imagine anyone who would dissent from that conclusion.
Now, except for the intermingling of human species certain species would still be unacquainted with the approximately true nature of the world and universe. Without European influence the rest of the world would still think the earth was flat. These are facts whether one likes them or not. Indeed, even among the most advanced human species there are very large numbers who resist the scientific explanation of nature. These people still prefer the atavistic, antiquated religious explanation of natural phenomena. These people can barely accept the notion of a heliocentric solar system, many don't. Why should anyone pay attention to them?
If one accepts that Homo Sapiens is 150K to 200K years old then it seems to me impossible that all human intellectual development has occurred in the last ten thousand years. Weapons of some short have been in existence for many tens of thousands of years if not from the beginning of Homo Sapiens having been developed by the Last Hominid Predecessors. It seems evident to me that a highly developed civilization existed in the Med Basin beginning c. 100K years ago. That doesn't mean they had advanced Science it merely means that they had an organized society with relatively sophisticated thought processes and tools. Religion is basically an attempt to understand and make order of the world. All interpretations of the natural order must be based on that order.
Hence the North Polar stars which never set are the basis of religion. The Polar stars rotate about the Pole over a period of some 25K and odd years forming what is called a Great Year. The Great Year was made to conform to the terrestrial year of twelve months therefore being divided into twelve periods called Ages.
The Great Year with its twelve Ages formed the basis or religion. We will call that religion the Astrological Religion. Thus the religion goes back for tens of thousands of years as Babylonian records indicate. These Ancients did not make up their lives or talk through their hats.
Each Age of the Astrological Religion had its male and female religious archetypes. These are, perhaps, most easily traced as far back as four ages, possibly five, in the Greco-Cretan mythology. The historical Ages are the Taurian, Arien, Piscean and the next, the Aquarian. I am not a New Ager although I see no reason to disparage them and I am in sympathy with the outlook. One may say that I am of the Astrological religious tradition as we will see, I think, was Edgar Rice Burroughs.
In ancient days the Homo Sapiens species were separated each having distinct territories so that in the Darwinian sense they were not yet in conflict. When the last Ice Age came to an end flooding the Med Basin-- this is not speculation but fact-- the civilization of the Basin was forced to higher ground bringing them into contact with the highland savages from West to East.Thus civilization as we now know it began.
The first settlers of Mesopotamia brought the Astrological Religion with them or, according to Mesopotamian mythology a man-god named Oannes-- evolved into Johannes or John-- appeared from the sea to teach them the rudiments of civilization and the Astrological Religion. Immense amounts of lore must have been lost so perhaps that is where the legend of the Lost Word comes in.
Now, off to the East on the Arabian Peninsula a different species lived. These were called the Semites or would be after the later Hebrews so named them after their mythical ancestor, Shem. Mere desert dwellers the Semites were attracted to the glitter of the Astrological civilization. There is no evidence that the Semites had a civilization or anything that could be called an actual culture of their own. They merely mimicked the existing culture infiltrating it much as Europe and America are being infiltrated today by their descendants. Eventually they will succeed the European civilization just as their ancestors did the Mesopotamian.
The evidence is that they had no religious forms of their own so that they attempted to take over both the physical and cultural edifices of their predecessor civilization, the Mesopotamian.
The Semites did not have the same mental organization or capabilities as their predecessors so they could maintain neither the civilization nor the religion. The major conflict came at the transition from the Age of Taurus to the Age of Ares. Here is where the real conflict between the Semites and the Indo-Europeans or the Semites and HSII & III begins to take its historical form.
When the Astrological Age changes the religious archetypes change. For Instance Cronus had been succeeded by Zeus at the transition from Taurus to Ares. Zeus himself was succeeded by Jesus the Christ at the transition from Aries to Pisces. Zeus would have been succeeded by Dionysus but the Semites either had to be accommodated or they forced Jesus of Nazareth on the Age which was later combined with the Kyrios Christos to form the composite deity, Jesus The Christ. The role of Paul was very important in forcing Jesus Of Nazareth on the goyim as Burroughs attests in Triumphant.
As we are now about to transit from Pisces to Aquarius a new set of archetypes will emerge representing the current intellectual and psychological development of Homo Sapiens.
This raises the question of whether Burroughs was merely a simple historian or was he also a prophet. Is Tarzan his offering for the role of the male archetype for the Aquarian Age? I think he is. For those who scoff at such an idea it would be wise to examine Burroughs relation to Mormonism during his stay in Salt Lake City. If it was possible for Joseph Smith to befuddle the minds of intelligent Westerners with his nonsense in the middle of the nineteenth century, or Mohammed to impose his twaddle even in the seventh then I see no reason to be amazed that Burroughs would attempt the same thing in the twentieth century. I mean, look at this stuff for what it is.
Also, believe it or not, I read recently where someone thinks Oprah Winfrey could be the female archetype for the Aquarian Age. Get out of here: I don't know whether to laugh or barf. So, the notion of religious archetypes for the new age is a fairly active one. Any such discussions are in conflict with Semitism. So we're back to that problem.
Semitism took identifiable form at the transit from Taurus to Aries.
The record of such happenings is, of course, much more recent than the transition fromTaurus to Aries. It could have been made up during the Babylonian Captivity. The Old Testament record was only recorded, perhaps even formulated, after the Captivity which began in 586 BC lasting for only fifty years although rather than return to the pleasures of the temple most Jews remained behind by the water of Babylon just as their ancestors yearned for the fleshpots of Egypt.
To clarify the nature of human species according to Jewish sources. The Jews argue that all mankind is derived from Jewish or Hebrew stock. The only survivors of the great flood were Jews-- Noah and his family. The ancient Hebrews while knowing many cultures knew of only three species or stocks. They accordingly named them Hamites, Shemites and Japhetites. In their conversations with De Great Lawd which were frequently carried on in public he apparently dispensed information on a need to know basis so he withheld the info on the Mongolids and West African Negroes as no account is taken of them in the descendants of Noah. A little gap in the perfect knowledge of the Old Testament.
Thus, the Old Testament acknowledges the differences between the Semites, the Europeans or Japhetites and the Hamites are more than merely racial, which is to say cosmetic. Such an idea is of course in line with modern genetic learning.
The Med people or HSII devised a fluid religious system that allowed for the development or evolution of the human mind. In other words they not only accepted but embraced change. This is a quality of mind not shared by HSI, the Semites and the Mongolids.
Depending on what time period the Semites began the infiltration of Mesopotamia which may have overlapped the Geminian and Tauric Ages or perhaps fell completely within the Taurian Age there would have been no conflict with the Semitic need for stasis and the Astrological allowance for development, evolution or growth. However, by the time of the transit from Taurus to Aries the Semites had gained political control of Mesopotamia while the religious control was still in the hands of the Aryan priesthood.
Following Astrological precedents the ancient Aryan priesthood wanted to change to the Arien Archetypes. In European Greece where the Semitic influence was lower the transit from Cronus to Zeus was made with only the usual warfare hence the legends of the Cronian Titans with the Olympians.
In Mesopotamia where the Semites were in the ascendant, according to Jewish mythology, the Terahites, under the tutelage of Abram, disputed the succession with the ancient priesthood. According to Jewish mythology Abram and the Terahites argued that the religious archetypes were eternal and there was no Astrological tradition. Thus in the ancient world the Jews were believed to worship Saturn. If Saturn were the Geminian archetype then this was very likely true as Saturn would then be the basis for the Eternal which the Jews do acknowledge worshipping.
In the Semitic manner then, the Semitic mind being incapable of change, having been fully developed before they emerged from the desert, went into opposition to the Astrological Religion. Thus the conflict changed from a temporal one to a 'spiritual' one. At that point then diaspora was possible without the laws of national identity. As a spiritual entity, Judaism was born. The notion of Semitism developed with as its opposite, anti-Semitism. Thus the explanation of the origin of this so-called anti-Semitism is simply explained. In reality Semitism was in conflict with the Astrological Religion. Any other religion must perforce be anti-Semitism. The struggle then became a struggle for the souls of men as well as their bodies.
Once again in direct conflict Europe and Asia began a long theological dispute. As the Piscean transition progressed the Semites began their attempt to convert the Astrological Religion to Semitism. They were effective in shutting down intellectual inquiry which is the motive force of change. We will see this again in the nineteenth and twentieth century efforts of Marx, Freud and Einstein.
As the ancient world ended, its religious legatees where the Catholic Church and Judaism. All other ancient religions disappeared from the face of the earth except in ineffective remnants or underground movements.
It is interesting that fourteen hundred years after being forbidden the Arien Age worship of Zeus has been made lawful again in Greece. There's really no place in the Aquarian Age for the Olympian pantheon but it is an interesting atavistic attempt reviving as it were the struggle between the Arien Age religions of Olympia and Israel.
Gradually the Isaic and Anatolian elements of the Christian manifestation of the Piscean archetypes have been displaced in favor of the Semitic models. The Catholic Church was able to contain the Semitic influence in Europe from the end of the Western Roman Empire to the Age of the Enlightenment of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The Enlightenment let Semitism loose on the world again.
While the Roman Empire militarily defeated the political entity of Jerusalem from 66AD to 135AD the battle weakened the Empire while allowing in Asiatic influences like the Emperor Heliogabalus. Then in the seventh century AD the present form of the struggle between Europe and Asia took form when the prophet Mohammed formed the Moslem Religion based largely on its predecessor religion, Judaism.
The Moslems stormed across North Africa into Spain and France where they were stopped at Tours by Charles The Hammer. It took nearly one thousand years to drive the Moslems from France and Spain which result was finally obtained in 1492.
As the Moors were driven from Europe by Ferdinand and Isabella they also expelled the Semitic Jews. In the evolutionary sense this was the other correct response to an invasion of a competing species. The other, of course would have been extermination. Thus at this stage of European history they were responding in an evolutionarily correct manner. England had expelled the Jews in 1190 and France in 1307. The various small German States fluctuated in their attitude sometimes expelling sometimes readmitting. There were always German States that allowed Semites. Otherwise the great mass of European Semites lived in the no-mans land between Russia and Germany that would after Russian annexation be called the Pale Of The Settlement meaning this area was roped off for Jewish residence.
While these actions may have been evolutionarily correct and probably even politically correct the defensive party seldom thinks in such grand terms as evolutionary inevitability. So, really, in evolutionary terms the only correct response is extermination. The Shona fully understand this principle. I say this to show I am not springing anything new or unusual on you. These natural responses are going on today in Zimbabwe, South Africa, South and West Sudan, Indonesia, in the former Yugoslavia where Moslems are exterminating non-Moslems. If you don't believe these things, open your eyes, open your eyes.
Now, wars do not end after seeming victory. The expelled Moslems continued the war establishing the Barbary pirates who then preyed on Europe for the next three hundred years plundering and enslaving Europeans. The actual invasion of North Africa first by Spain was an attempt to end this savage warfare.
Burroughs would have been brought up on the legend of millions for defense but not one cent for tribute as was my generation. Until recently I believed that Americans had ended Barbary piracy. This was just something we were told in the fourth grade. Actually the Barbary pirates were only put down in 1830 when France conquered and annexed Algeria.
France at that time ought to have either exterminated or driven out the Moslems. Having once expelled them, if they had had the power, they should have swept across North Africa, as the Moslems had done, driving the Moslems before them until they had reached Suez.
Thus Africa would have been reclaimed for Europe. First it was held by the HSII survivors of the Med Basin flooding, then the Semitic-Carthaginians and then the Semitic Arabs. So such a preemption was certainly historically justified. The Moslems make a great noise about the Crusades but the modern problem was their offense of the Eruption From The Desert.
At the same time the Jewish and Arab Semitic struggles were going on the yeast of the suppressed religions of the Middle East and philosophies of Greece were converting the Europeans from Semitic stasis to Aryan intellectual activity. The Eastern Roman Empire fell at the time of the expulsion of the Jew and Moslems from Spain. Scholars flooded out of the East. These Egyptian, Greek and Syrian influences burst forth in the seventeenth and eighteenth century as the Enlightenment. Previously the discussion had been between the Semitic religions of Judaism, Moslemism and Christianity. The level of human consciousness between the three was nearly equal although still retaining some measure of Astrological Religion. Christianity, such as it was, was intellectually superior. Remember, however, that Catholicism was so imbued with the limited Semitic intellect that the Pope made Galileo deny the notion of a heliocentric system.
The release of the Scientific Consciousness after the long suppression of several hundreds of years put the inferior religious consciousness on the defensive. The Semitic counterattack going on today is the culmination of the response to the Enlightenment. It is imperative that a Scientific offensive be made against this anterior and surpassed form of the evolution of human consciousness. As in the past a victory cannot be achieved without a perhaps bloody and costly struggle. Such as is going on now.
We, you readers, Burroughs and I, are concerned with the middle of the Enlightenment period here, say from 1890 to 1935. I think we will see that Edgar Rice Burroughs is deeply and constructively involved in this struggle between the Religious and Scientific Consciousnesses.
As I've noted before, the Christian response to the scientific challenge was to declare either the Pope or the Bible infallible. Protestants didn't have a Pope so they declared the Bible infallible. Same thing. American Liberals who evolved from the Puritan/Abolitionist nexus essentially became secular religionists. It is to be remembered that the Puritans the Liberals evolved from considered themselves neo-Hebrews hence the new Chosen People. According to John Adams as Neo-Hebrews they even rejected the celebration of Christmas. Thus Liberals tend to give science a religious spin rejecting Christianity.
The Jews on the other hand confronted by a hard edged Science that could not be bent to Semitic ideas decided to co-opt science perverting it so that it resembled their religion. All these responses are taking place since the French Revolution of 1789 which emancipated the Jews removing them from Roman Catholic control.
As I pointed out in an earlier essay there was a brilliant episode on Twilight Zone in which monks had captured and imprisoned Satan. They made the mistake of allowing a lost traveler to stay the night in the monastery. The monks warned the visitor to pay no attention to the entreaties of the prisoner to release him. The traveler did not heed their warning and the prisoner who was Satan was released again in the world.
Thus the Revolution and Napoleon emancipated the Jews who immediately began the conquest of Europe. France was the first to fall. Karl Marx then hi-jacked Socialism in the name of Communism. Communism negates change in favor of stasis. Its story is all regulation and control, no different than Judaism. An elite administers to the 'masses' as the Chosen People administer to the goys.
Just as the Moslems are called to prayer five times a day and the Jews are expected to apply their 613 commands to every action before they take it, so Communism coopts the individual into the collectivity and regulates his every action.
Using Socialism as its cutting edge Europe soon went Socialist, paving the way for Communism.
Burroughs first encountered Socialism on the streets of Chicago as Socialists marched along under their waving red banners. The scene made an indelible impression on the young boy resulting after the Russian Revolution in his book Under The Red Flag.
Thus the Semites coopted the political ideology of the next one hundred years.
Science unfolded very quickly in the years following Darwin's Origin of Species. Particularly great progress was made in the scientific understanding of the mind. Psychology then was coopted by Sigmund Freud. It is rather difficult to understand why all research seems to have been channeled through Freudianism. A rather fecund area of research seems to have been enveloped by one train of thought.
Freud quickly established his version of the static 'unconscious' as the sole vision of the mind. He demoted the conscious mind to a position of irrelevance. His intention is quite clear. The conscious mind in the engine of change. By emphasizing the static unconscious combined with his vision of sex, which is to say sexual intercourse, he was attempting to disarm the conscious mind and hence change. Success in such a course is not instantaneous so naturally science continues to progress as the pall of the unconscious spreads. It doesn't take a genius to understand why scientists are male and white. Once you have established the fact that they will be male and white then it becomes necessary to stultify and emasculate white males. One would have to blind not to see that that is exactly what is happening.
In point of fact the unconscious does not have an objective existence. Its apparent existence is merely a mind in an arrested state of development. The stasis is caused by fixations from challenges too stressful for the conscious mind to handle. Once the fixations are dealt with and disappear, which is included in Freud's understanding of the mind, the mind or personality is allowed to integrate the unconscious disappearing.
Freud never integrated his personality remaining under the influence of his 'unconscious' so it is possible he didn't understand the integration of the personality although Jung did.
However in Freud's hands the unconscious became a weapon in the Semitic attempt to subjugate mankind. This subjugation is not religious or moral but a matter of one species seeking dominance over the others.
Thus as Marx perverted the science of politics so Freud perverted the science of the mind. The third perversion of Science was the conquest of physics by Einstein. As Marx and Freud had interjected Semitic religious concepts into Politics and Psychology so Einstein did the same in Physics. It matters little that there is some scientific content in the theories of these men. Their intent is to subordinate science to religion just as they had done vis-a-vis the Astrological Religion to the Semitic Religion when the Religious Consciousness was supreme.
That Einstein has been able to befog the minds of very intelligent men with his nonsense about the 'fabric' of time and space is nothing short of incredible. Yet, by the second decade of the twentieth century the perverted notions of these three men were directing the course of research in these three essential disciplines.
Thus cored from within the Aryans were made susceptible to the rising tide of Wahabi Moslemism that Lothrop Stoddard noted and warned against but which was defused due to the machinations of Jewish Semites within Western Civilization.
Running concurrently in the background contra to the Semitic stream was the evolving Astrological Religion. Just as the evolution of the Dionysiac archetype of the Age of Pisces developed for hundreds of years within the Arien dispensation of Zeus so the formation of the Aquarian Age was taking shape within the Age of Pisces.
The Enlightenment with its advance in the development of scientific consciousness was undoubtedly the opening salvo. Unlike Semitic development the Astrological evolution was not institutionalized. It is an idea that once set in motion is maintained by volunteers who get the idea and keep it perpetuating.
The principle is known. For instance the notion that America is a land of immigrants has been allowed to develop to the point of self-destruction. Of course that notion is constantly forwarded by the Liberal Coalition. Even though it is obvious to the feeblest intelligence that the land is capable of supporting a finite number of humans the madness has now reached the point where it is believed that the whole world can be imported 'to share what we have.' One of the most, if not the most, bizarre notions in all history. Such insanity is difficult to understand.
If one assumes, as one must, that human consciousness has been developing over the 150K years since humans evolved then this transition to the Aquarian Age is the most dramatic development of history. All previous stages of evolution have involved the progression from one stage of supernatural religion to another. In this transition, for the first time, it has been proclaimed that 'God is dead.' That is to say a supernatural being who guides one's destiny.
With the age of Science mankind realizes the true nature of appearances or Nature itself. The concept of Evolution destroyed the basis of the Semitic religions. There is no God, no Yahweh, no Allah. Oh, lord, crikey Massa, don't put me in jail for saying that! People who still believe in such non-existent deities have now been relegated to the dustbin of history.
Burroughs, and I consider this fairly remarkable, seems to have accepted the New Order of Science upon his first contact with Darwin and Evolution. To say that 'God is dead' creates a vacuum in human consciousness such as the integration of the personality changes one's mental structure leaving an aching vacancy between the vacation of the old personality and its replacement by the new. Thus for the last hundred years or so mankind has been searching for a metaphysical successor to the supernatural concept of God.
Just as the Enlightenment may have opened the way to the transition to the new consciousness so men have appeared to direct consciousness into constructive channels. One of these writing as Burroughs writhed through the years between his marriage and the epiphany that produced his writing career and Tarzan was a man called Levi Dowling writing under the name of Levi. His effort, I'm certain what he considered his gift to the world was a work called The Aquarian Gospel Of Jesus The Christ..
I doubt that Burroughs read this book although one never knows. Chicago in the period before Los Angeles was the American hotbed of religious speculation. One should never overlook that. Burroughs lived in a welter of religious speculation. Added to that Burroughs was heavily influenced by Lew Sweetser who was particularly interested and well informed on such topics. Plus Burroughs lived in Mormonland for a decent period of time making a special visit to the Mormon capital in 1898 while living in Salt Lake City for several months in 1903-04. It would be hard to believe that he wasn't learning of the Mormon doctrines and especially how a noodle brain like Joseph Smith was able in the nineteenth century in impose his religious will on thousands of people.
Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, came from an area highly influenced by the fantastic religious notions of the Rhineland Pietistic Germans who became known as the Pennsylvania Dutch in America. Magazines would have been full of this stuff while the Chicago papers must have covered these religious speculations in detail. There is no reason to believe that Burroughs' mind wasn't filled with these speculations. Such ideas spilled out all over the pages of his books.
Many writers have noted that the initials of John Carter and John Clayton are JC the same as Jesus Christ. No Freudian believes in coincidence so there must be an intellectual connection. Burroughs repeatedly says that the next deity must be a man-god and that's explicitly what Tarzan is.
There is nothing supernatural about Tarzan. He is completely a man of science. The most highly involved specimen of humanity ever. If like Jesus Christ he doesn't have a miraculous birth he certainly has a miraculous upbringing from the age of one. Unlike Sargon and Moses who mere fished from rivers in baskets thus breaking continuity with any human predecessors Tarzan was taken from the cradle by an ape thus breaking continuity with human predecessors while establishing a new human paradigm. He in fact unites nature with civilization or, at least, a thin veneer of it. Now, this is completely in keeping with the Dionysiac paradigm.
Dionysus had two sides. The soft feminine side which has characterized the Piscean Age and the wild natural side which is meant to characterize the Aquarian Age. The undisciplined natural side of human consciousness that the Patriarchy tried to suppress in favor of the strictly rational as characterized by Apollo wouldn't be suppressed. As mythology relates it, women could not be rational thus they embraced the Dionysiac religion imposing its ecstasies on society. The Dionysiac ethos was so strong that it forced itself on the Delphic Oracle in partnership with Apollo. Thus Delphi came to represent both the rational and irrational sides of consciousness. The conscious and unconscious, if you will.
Thus as the Piscean Age dawned and the religious archetypes changed from Zeus and He ra to Dionysus and Isis the struggle was to keep consciousness or the rational uppermost. Of course, Dionysus and Isis were supplanted by the Semitic ideals Jesus and his mother, Mary. Later the Dionysiac Kyrios Christos was grafted onto Jesus of Nazareth and he became Jesus the Christ as Levi Dowling correctly notes.
One can't be certain how learned Burroughs was in this lore. He most probably was somewhat read in it while brilliantly intuiting the direction the evolution of consciousness must take. One can never be sure although there is little in the surviving library to indicate he read deeply in such lore. But then, so much of the knowledge he does evidence can't be found in the library either. Suffice it to say that such knowledge seems to be apparent in his stories.
Needless to say his idea of Tarzan expanded and developed over his career. The Tarzan of the teens is quite different from the Tarzan of the thirties. There are a couple of passages in Tarzan Triumphant that make you do a double take. To wit: p. 12
...Tarzan with knitted brows, looked down upon the black kneeling at his feet.So here Tarzan has become a Sultan, a King, an Emperor, a great judge and dispenser of justice; shall we say a god? Certainly the Lord Of The Jungle. He also seems to have lost perspective but then, perhaps a god must keep up appearances. We do have a new imperious Tarzan here who was not in any books before Invincible.
"Rise!" he commanded, and then; "Who are you and why have sought Tarzan Of The Apes?"
"I am Kabariga, O Great Bwana," replied the black. "I am chief of the Bangalo people of Bungalo. I come to the Great Bwana because my people suffer much sorrow and great fear and our neighbors, who are related to the Gallas, have told us that you are the friend of those who suffer wrongs at the hands of bad men."And then in Chapter 13 p. 98 in the Bowlderized Ballantine edition:
The "Gunner" was waiting for him upon the summit of the cliff directly behind the village, and for the second time these strangely dissimilar men met-- dissimilar and yet, in some respects alike. Each was ordinarily quiet to taciturnity, each was self-reliant, each was a law unto himself in his own environment; but there their similarity ceased for the extremes of environment had produced psychological extremes ( opposites) as remotely separated as the poles.The last near hundred years has been characterized by the attempt to overturn the Scientific Consciousness in the name of two Arien Age Semitic religions, Judaism and Moslemism. Indeed the 'hand of God' moves in mysterious ways.
The ape-man had been reared amidst scenes of eternal beauty and grandeur, his associates the beasts of the jungle, savage perhaps, but devoid of avarice, petty jealousy, treachery, meanness, and intentional cruelty; while the "Gunner" had known naught but the squalid aspects of scenery defiled by man, of horizons grotesque with screaming atrocities of architecture, of an earth hidden by concrete and asphaltum and littered with tin cans and garbage, his associates, in all walks of life, activated by grand and petty meannesses unknown to any but mankind.
"A machine gun has its possibilities," said the ape-man, with the flicker of a smile.Let's look at one called 'The Iron Law Of Wages.' When you read in the Old Testament that 'the poor shall be always with us' you probably didn't notice the arrogance of the remark nor that it is an actual tenet of Semitic religious belief. The remark put into academic terms might be that the price of labor is the lowest price that a men can be gotten to do a job and that they may be worked like slaves to death with no ameliorating work rules.
The theory was formulated by David Ricardo in 1817. Described as a British economist, Ricardo was actually Jewish of Sephardic origin. That is to say his people fled Spain c.1492, in this case first to Holland and then to England. It will be easily seen that Ricardo is adapting the ancient Semitic belief that the poor will always be with us to British conditions. Indeed, as his formulation became the bedrock of employment practices it may be said he created poverty as the industrial age took shape until Henry Ford disproved this ancient historical bunk in 1914. At that time he 'unilaterally' doubled the wages of unskilled labor to begin to create the prosperity that characterized American society until the reemergence of Semitic beliefs in the twenty-first century.
I personally deplore unionism but I also see its necessity. Ford's action raised the price of labor across the board. Unionism was successfully fought by managers until unionism gained the backing of the government under FDR. Backed by the government unions made excessive and ridiculous demands until their momentum was stopped when Ronald Reagan sent the Air Controllers back to work which put unionism on the defensive.
Ricardo's Iron Law Of Wages was not re instituted at that time. Fordism still prevailed. then jobs were exported wholesale to 'multi-cultural' areas of low wages. This was a crucial mistake for the world. Even this did not beak the back of labor.
The next strategic move was simply open the borders allowing millions of immigrants who would work for lower wages under distressing conditions in. While immigration makes no sense on any other level it does put the Biblical managers in control of labor once again. President Bush himself is a primitive religionist unacquainted even with the twentieth century who has surrounded himself with even more primitive Jewish religionists. The war of religion against Science goes on.
Thus the Semitic counterattack against Science goes on. Both major races of Semites, the Jews and Arabs, are waging war on the most primitive basis. The issue is not the issue. Immigration, the ostensible issue, is simply a Red Herring to disguise the true issue which is to defeat Fordism and re institute Ricardo's Iron Law Of Wages.
This is the real reason Ford is called an anti-Semite and on that basis he certainly is. God bless his memory.
So, the unsuspecting young Burroughs thrust himself into this melee. Just as Ford was in actuality a religious prophet with a new dispensation so Burroughs, judging from results set himself the task of creating an archetype for the Aquarian Age. Something of value for one to aspire to. One can trace the development of Tarzan from the miraculous babe to the finished archetype as god.
As H.G. Wells noted in his First And Last Things there is a necessity for metaphysics. Man does live by bread alone. While Science reduced everything to its material basis it destroyed the means of spiritual or psychological comfort. With God dead mankind lost its identity and sense of direction. As the old psychological projection of its identity had failed a new one was required that would be based on scientific realities.
Levi Dowling's vision of an Aquarian Jesus is unsatisfactory. Burroughs vision of the competent Tarzan satisfies on several levels. Burroughs seems to have caught the essence of the Astrological Religion although there is difficulty in understanding how he came by his knowledge. The rudiments can be clearly seen so the answer must be in his personal digestion of the ideas. Lew Sweetser is obvious while perhaps Burroughs loyalty to a medical charlatan like Dr. Stace may possibly be explained by the man's esoteric knowledge. Such knowledge frequently goes hand in hand with special diets and medical nostrums. There is no reason to believe that Stace didn't sincerely believe in his nostrum just because science couldn't find a reason or it to be effective. Men have misled themselves to a much greater degree than that. Nevertheless, I am convinced that Burroughs acquired his New Age beliefs as evidenced by Tarzan more from his associates' conversation than from reading.
The idea of Tarzan as god culminates in Tarzan the Invincible and Tarzan Triumphant. With these two novels he is a fully functioning psychological projection for the Aquarian Age.
He is what stands between the immolation of Euroamerican men on the altars of Semitism and the triumph of the scientific Aquarian Age.
Mankind, or at least Euroamerican mankind, must make the great leap for mankind into the Scientific Consciousness, into evolution to the next level. The old Religious Consciousness, must be discredited, the proponents of the atavistic Religious Consciousness must be rejected. One cannot tolerate primitive belief systems any more than there can be no tolerance of the intolerant whatever that may mean.
Burroughs has given us an avatar of the future. It is up to us only to accept him and make use of the gifts he brings us.
All pagination 1964 Ballantine Edition
Introduction Time On His Hands |
Through The Dark Continent With ERB Multi-Culturalism In Tarzan The Invincible |
Six White Men In Search Of An African Empire Inside the Gates of Opar |
Outside the Gates of Opar Red, White And Black |
a. Politics: The Entertainer |
b. Religion: Standing On Promises |
c. Love is a Huring Game |
Tarzan the Invincible |
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