![]() Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site Since 1996 ~ Over 10,000 Web Pages in Archive Presents Volume 1685 The ERB Library Project presents Vern Coriell's Special Collection ![]() ![]() by George T. McWhorter with illustrations and links by Bill Hillman Reprinted from McWhorter's Burroughs Bulletin No. 63 www.burroughsbibliophiles.com ![]() ![]() Part of the following ERBzine series: |
![]() Coriell Biblio-Pro-Phile |
![]() The ERB Library Project |
![]() McWhorter Biblio-Pro-Phile |
![]() Burroughs Bibliophile Series |
of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Library Project
George McWhorter presents The
Vern Coriell ERB Book Collection
Cover Illustrations and Author Photos are featured in the Gallery Sections Abbs, His Story Through Many Ages by C.J. Cutliffe-Hyne (London, Hutchinson, no date) ~ [(Charles John Cutcliffe Wright Hyne 1866 - 1944] Adventure #884; Strang The Terrible Strikes Again! (No author credits, London, Thomson, October 8, 1938) [by Dudley D. Watkins- UK Comic The Beano] Adventure #896; Strang the Terrible Strikes Again! (No author credits, London, Thomson, December 31, 1938) [by Dudley D. Watkins- UK Comic The Beano] Adventure for Wealth by C.T. Stoneham (London, Long, 1957) Adventures by Mike Resnick (NY, Signet, 1985) Adventures of the Peerless Peer by Philip Jose Farmer (Boulder, CO, Aspen Press, 1974) Akim, La Couronne de L'Eternite (Paris, Editions Adventures et Voyages, 1974) All About Venus edited by Brian W. Aldiss (NY, Dell, 1968) All the Mowgli Stories by Rudyard Kipling, illustrated by Stuart Tresilian (London, Macmillan, 1943) All the Mowgli Stories by Rudyard Kipling illustrated by Richard M. Powers (NY, Doubleday, 1958) Anjani the Mighty by Earl Titan [John Russell Fearn] (London, Scion, 1951) Ape Man, The by Henry T. Johnson (London, Modern Publishers, no date) Ape-Man's Offering by H. Kaner [Hyman Kaner 1896 - 1973] (Llandudno [Wales], Kaner, no date) As the Sparks Fly Upward by Cyrus Townsend Brady [IMBD], illustrated b J. N. Marchand (Chicago, McClurg, 1911) At the Queen's Mercy by Mabel Fuller Blodgett, illustrated by Henry Sandham (Boston, NY, London, Lamson & Wolfe, 1897) [Sought by Burroughs fans for what would appear to be the first appearance of "Queen Lah" though the name might be coincidental.] Azan the Ape Man: Jungle Fever by Marco Garron [DA Griffiths] (London, Curtis Warren, n.d.) Azan the Ape Man: King Hunters by Marco Garron (London, Curtis Warren, n.d.) Azan the Ape Man: The Missing Safari by Marco Garron (London, Curtis Warren, n.d.) Bantan and the Island Goddess by Maurice B. Gardner [letter to ERB, Inc.] (Boston, Meador, 1952) Bantan Defiant by Maurice B. Gardner [Why I Wrote the Bantan Novels] (NY, Greenwich, 1955) Baree Son of Kazan by James Oliver Curwood; [The 1918 film] illustrated by Frank B. Hoffman (NY, G&D, copyright 1917 by Doubleday Page) Baron in the Trees by Italo Calvino (NY, Random House, 1959) Before Adam by Jack London, illustrated by Charles Livineston Hull, (NY, London, Macmillan, 1914) Before Adam by Jack London (London, Macmillan, 1907) Before Adam by Jack London, cover art by Jerome Podwil (NY, Ace, n.d.) Black Coetzee by C.T. Stoneham [Charles Thurley Stoneham] (London, Hutchinson, 1936) Blood Stones by Wallace Moore (NY, Pyramid, 1975) Bomba the Jungle Boy by Roy Rockwood (NY, Cupples & Leon, 1926) Bomba the Jungle Boy by Roy Rockwood (NY, Cupples & Leon, 1930) Bomba the Jungle Boy by Roy Rockwood (NY, G&D, 1953) Bomba the Jungle Boy and the Hostile Chieftain (NY, Cupples & Leon, 1930) Bomba the Jungle Boy and the Lost Explorer (NY, G&D, 1953) Bomba the Jungle Boy and the Giant Cataract (NY, McLoughlin, 1936) Bomba the Jungle Boy at the Moving Mountain (NY, McLoughlin, 1926) Bomba the Jungle Boy (NY, G&D, 1953) Bomba the Jungle Boy in the Abandoned City (NY, McLoughlin, 1927) Bomba the Jungle Boy (NY, G&D, 1953) Bomba the Jungle Boy in a Strange Land (NY, Cupples & Leon, 1931) Bomba the Jungle Boy on Jaguar Island (NY, McLoughlin, 1928) Bomba the Jungle Boy on Terror Trail (NY, McLoughlin, 1928) Bomba the Jungle Boy on Terror Trail (NY, McLoughlin, 1953) Book of Travels in Africa by John Frost (NY, Appleton, 1848) Boy Explorers, or, the Adventures of Two Boys in Alaska by Harry Prentice (NY, A.L. Burt, 1911) Boys' Life Treasury illustrated by Hamilton Greene, Norman Saunders, Gerald McCann & Don Lynch (NY, Simon & Schuster, 1958) Bunduki by J. T. Edson (NY, DAW, 1976) Bunduki and Dawn by J. T. Edson (London, Corgi, 1976) Call of the Savage by Otis Adelbert Kline (NY, Clode, 1927) Call of the Wild by Jack London, illustrated by Philip R. Goodwin and Charles Livingston Bull (NY, Macmillan, 1903) Captives of the Caves by Captain Charles Gilson, illustrated by Leo Bates (London & NY, Cassell, 1919) Captured by Apes by Harry Prentice (NY, Burt, 1892) Carnack the Life-Bringer; the story of a Dawn Man Told by Himself, interpreted by Oliver Marble Gale with color plates by Armstrong Sperry (NY, Wise, 1928) Cast Away in the Jungle by Victor Ct. Clair (NY, Street & Smith, 1914) Castaway Island by Perry Newberry, illustrated by F.A. Anderson (London, Harrap, 1920) Castle of the Carpathians by Jules Verne (NY, Merriam, 1903) Caves of Madness, The by Wallace Moore (NY, Pyramid, 1975) Child of the Wild by Edison Marshall [IMDB], illustrated by Herbert Morton stoops (NY, Cosmopolitan, 1926) Child of the Wild by Edison Marshall, illustrated by Herbert Morton Stoops (NY, Burt, 1926) Claudus Bombarnac, The Special Correspondent by Jules Verne (Chicago, Donahue, 1911) Curse of the Lion, The by F.A.M. [Frederick Annesley Michael] Webster [served in the King's African Rifles - wrote books with ERB influence] (London, United, ca. 1922) Curse of the Lion, The by F.A.M. Webster (London, United, ca. 1922) Another copy, annotated: "Tarzan variant, p.123-140" Darya of the Bronze Age by Lin Carter [Volume 4 of the Zanthodon series] (NY, DAW, 1981) Day of the Brown Horde by Richard Tooker (NY, Payson & Clarke, 1929) Decimon Huydas; A Romance of Mars by Sara Weiss (Rochester, NY, Austin, 1906) Desert of Ice, or, The Further Adventures of Captain Hatteras by Jules Verne (Philadelphia, Coates, 1874) Devil's Steps by Norgrove Thurley [Pseud. of C.T. Stoneham - born 1895 India - educated: Brighton College, UK] (London, Paul, no date) Dolphin Boy by Roy Meyers [1910 - 1974] (NY, Ballantine, 1967) (Sequels not in the Coriell collection: Daughters of the Dolphin and Destiny and the Dolphins) Don Sturdy Among the Gorillas or, Adrift In The Great Jungle by Victor Appleton [John W. Duffield] , illustrated by Walter S. Rogers (NY, G&D, 1927) Dwifa's Curse; A Tale of the Stone Age by Blue Wolf [pseudonym for Robert Scott], illustrated by artist signed "Elders" (London, Scott, no date) Early Cave-Men by Katherine E. Dopp, illustrators not cited (Chicago, NY & London, Rand McNally, 1904) Elephant God, The by Gordon Casserly (London, Altan, 1933) [also wrote The Jungle Girl] Eric of Zanthodon by Lin Carter (NY, DAW, 1982) Eye for a Tooth, An by Dornford Yates (NY, Putnam, 1944) Fearless Master of the Jungle by J. T. Edson [John Thomas Edson] (London, Corgi, 1980) Fiery Flower, The by Paul I. Wellman [Paul Iselin Wellman] (NY, Doubleday, 1959) Flight to Opar by Philip Jose Farmer (NY, DAW, 1976) From India to the Planet Mars by Th. Flournoy (NY & London, Harper, 1950) Frozen Pirate, The by W. Clark Russell (NY, International, no date) Giant Cat, The, or, The Quest of Aouin and Zouhr [1964: Ace pbk, as: Quest of the Dawn Man] by J. H. Rosny [pseud of brothers Joseph Henri Honoré Boex] (NY, McBride, 1924) Goddess of Africa, A Story of the Golden Fleece by St. George Rathborne [1854-1938] (NY, Street & Smith, 1899) Goddess of Atvatabar, Being the History of the Discovery of the Interior World and Conquest of Atvatabar by William R. Bradshaw (NY, Douhitt, 1892) Goddess of Ganymede by Michael D. Resnick [Bio] (West Kingston, R.I., Grant, 1967) Gods of Xuma, or Barsoom Revisited by David J. Lake [David John Lake - Australia - 1929] (NY, DAW, 1978) Gold of Akada by Earl Titan [John Russell Fearn 1908 - 1960] (London, Scion, 1851) Golden Amazon by John Russell Fearn (Kingswood, Surrey, World's Work, 1944) Grand Combat Nucléaire de Tarzan by Jean-Pierre Andrevon (Paris, Frequence 4, 1983) Great Stone of Sardis by Frank R. Stockton [Francis Richard Stockton 1834 - 1902] (NY & London, Harper, 1900) GreenMansions by W. H. Hudson, [William Henry Hudson 1841 -1922) Argentine-British author, naturalist,ornithologist] illos: Keith Henderson (NY, Ill. Eds Co., no date) Gulliver of Mars by Edwin L. Arnold [ERBzine 1403 ~ ERBzine 1124] (NY, Ace, no date) Hadon of Ancient Opar by Philip Jose Farmer (NY, DAW, 1974) Hari, The Jungle Lad by Dhan Gopal Mukerji, illustrated by Morgan Stinemetz (Chicago, Cadmus, Hale & Co., 1924) Harmann the Anarchist, or, The Doom of the Great City by E. Douglas Fawcett [1866 - 1960] illos: Fred T. Jane (London, Arnold, 1893) Hathoo of the Elephants by Post Wheeler [1869-1958] (NY, Viking, 1943) Hawk of the Wilderness by William L. Chester [1907 - 1960 ERBzine 0594] (NY, G&D, 1936) Hawk of the Wilderness by William L. Chester (NY, Ace, no date) House-Boat on the Styx by John Kendrick Bangs (NY, Harper, 1895) Hunters Long Ago; A Boys' Story of Late Paleolithic Times by Gregory Trent, illustrated by Carl M. Boog (NY, Harcourt, Brace, 1937) Hurok of the Stone Age [4th in Zanthodon series] by Lin Carter [1930-1988] [Carter Lost Races article] (NY, DAW, 1981) Hurricane Kids on the Lost Islands by Oskar Lebeck and Gaylord DuBois, illustrated by William Ely (NY, G&D, 1941) I Remember Lemuria and The Return of Sathanas by Richard S. Shaver [1907-1975] (Evanston, Il, Venture Books, 1948) In Brightest Africa by Carl E. Akeley (NY, Doubleday, Page, 1924) In Coldest Africa; Adventures on the Mountains of the Moon by Carveth Wells (NY, McBride, 1931) In the Beginning by Alan Sullivan (NY, Dutton, 1927) Incredible Adventures #1 by Gene Marshall & Carl F. Waedt (Chicago, Weinberg, 1977) Into the Primitive by Robert Ames Bennett [IMDB - pseud: Lee Robinet 1870-1954], illos: Allen T. True (Chicago, McClurg, 1908) [First: Scrap Book Feb 1908 - sequel: Out of the Primitive] Iron Star And What It Saw On its Journey Through The Ages by John Preston True, illos: Lilian Crawford True (Boston, Little, Brown, 1919) Island of Regeneration, (A Story of What Ought to Be) by Cyrus Townsend Brady [IMDB & IMDB]; illustrated by the Kinneys (NY, Dodd, Mead, 1909) Island of Surprise [IMDB] by Cyrus Townsend Brady, illustrated by Walter Tittle (Chicago, McClurg, 1915) It's a Small Solar System by Allen Howard (Fantastic Universe, v.8, no.3, Sep, 1957). Illos: Virgil Finlay; bound by Vern Coriell with note: "A John Carter of Mars story" Jack in the Jungle by P.T. Barnum (NY, Dillingham, 1908) Jan in India by Otis Adelbert Kline (Argosy, January, 1935) Jan in India by Otis Adelbert Kline, illustrated by Steve Leialoha with Forward and Glossary by David Anthony Kraft (GA, Fictioneer Books, 1974) Jan of the Jungle by Otis Adelbert Kline (Argosy, April-May, 1931) Jan of the Jungle by Otis Adelbert Kline, illustrated by Steve Holland, John R. Neill & Jack Gaughan (NY, Ace, 1962) Jongor of Lost Land by Robert Moore Williams [aka HH Harmon 1907-1977] (Fantastic Adventures, October, 1940, April 1944, December 1951) Note: Bound by Vernel Coriell with three issues: "Jongor of Lost Land," "Return of Jongor" "Jongor Fights Back." (First two installments have St. John cover art.) Jongor of Lost Land by Robert Moore Williams (NY, Popular Library, 1970) Jongor Fights Back by Robert Moore Williams (NY, Popular Library, 1970) Journey to Mars by Gustavus W. Pope [review] (NY, Dillingham, 1984) Journey to the Underground World by Lin Carter (NY, DAW, 1979) Juan and Juanita by Frances Courtenay Baylor, illlustrated by Henry Sandham (Boston & NY, Houghton, Mifflin, 1915) Jungle Beasts and Men by Dhan Gopal Mukerji, illustrated by J.E. Allen (NY, Dutton, 1923) Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling [1865-1936], illustrated by Fritz Eichenberg (NY, G&D, 1950) Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling, illustrated by J. Lockwood Kipling & N. H. Drake (London, Macmillan, 1951) with the Second Jungle Book illustrated by J. Lockwood Kipling (London, Macmillan, 1952) Jungle Born by John Eyton, illustrated by Mary Sherwood Wright (NY, Century, 1925) Jungle Boy by Lysle Carveth, illustrated by Anne Vaughn (NY, Toronto, Longmans green, 1951) Jungle Girl by H. Bedford-Jones (Argosy 4-part serial, March 1934) Bound by Vern Coriell with the Paul Stahr covers. Jungle Girl by Gordon Casserly (London, Philip Allan, 1933) Jungle Goddess by Orme Sackville (London, Modern Publishing Co., 1933) Jungle Jim No. 11 (Sydney, Calvert, no date) Subtitled "Jungle Jim and the Elephant Hunters" Jungle Stories (various magazine issues): "Sangroo the Sun God" by J. Irving Curmp [1887-1979] (v.1, No.1, Aug., 1931) "Ki-gor King of the Jungle" by John Murray Reynolds (no date) "Slave Brides for the Dawn Men" by John Peter Drummond (v.3, no.5, Winter, 1905, Glen-Kel Publishers, New York) "Safari for Black Ivory" by John Peter Drummond (v.3, no.8, Fall, 1946) (continuations of the Ki-Gor stories) "The Golden Claws of Raa" (v.4, no.4, Fall, 1948) "Nirvana of the Seven Voodoos" by John Peter Drummond (v.4, no.6, Spring, 1949) "Safari of the Serpent Slaves" by John Peter Drummond (v.4, no.5, Summer, 1949) "Sword of Sheba" by John Peter Drummond (v.4, no.9, Winter, 1949) "Lost Priestess of the Nile" by John Peter Drumond (v.4, no.10, Spring, 1950) "White Cannibal" by John Peter Drummond (v.5, no.11, Spring, 1954) Kalee's Shrine (The Indian Mystery) by Grant Allen (NY, New Amsterdam Book Co., no date) Ka-zar, King of Fang and Claw by Bob Byrd (Ka-Zar, v.1, no.1, Oct., 1936. Manvis Publications, Chicago) bound with: "Roar of the Jungle" (v.1, no.2, Jan. 1937) and "The Lost Empire" (v.1, no.3, June, 1937). Bound by Vern Coriell. Ka-Zar (reprint of v.1, no.1, Oct., 1936, by Odyssey Publications, 1976) Ka-Zar, Brother of the Beasts (cover title of 3 pulp magazines bound together: v.1, no.1, 1936; v.1, no.2, Jan.1937; v.1, no.3, June, 1937) Ka-Zar the Great (18 envelopes in box, each with pulp source or comic book source with dates of publication) "First Episode: Adventures of Ka-Zar the Great" by Bob Boyd (Paces excerpted from Marvel Mystery Comics no.1. Oct., 1939) "Marvel Mystery Comics" No.2, Dec., 1939 (contains other stories as well as Ka-Zar) "Marvel Mystery Comics" No.3, Jan., 1940 (contains "Human Torch") "Marvel Mystery Comics" No.3 (different from above; not dated) "Marvel 15, 1941" "Marvel 18, April, 1941" "Marvel 20, 1941" "Marvel 21, July, 1941" "Marvel 23, Sept., 1941" "Marvel 24, Oct., 1941" (another excerpt untitled & undated) Ka-Zar and Dr. Doom (Astonishing Tales, v.1. No.1, Aug., 1970, through v.1. No.6, June, 1971), total 7 volumes King Kong by Edgar Wallace & Merian C. Cooper; novelized by Delos W. Lovelace (NY, Ace, 1976), Frank Frazetta cover art King of No Man's Land by Arthur O. Friel (NY & London, Harpers. 1924) King of the Dinosaurs by J.W. Pelkie [Raymond A. Palmer 1910-1977] (3 issues of Fantastic Adventures bound together: "King of the Dinosaurs" v.7. no.4, Oct., 1945 with St. John cover art; "Toka and the Mar Bats" by Pelkie, dated Feb. 1946; "Toka Fights the Big Cats" by Pelkie, Dec., 1947; "In the Sphere of Time" by Pelkie, published in Planet Stories, Summer, 1948) King of the Jungle by William E. Wing [screenplay for Tarzan and the Golden Lion 1927] (Photoplay edition featuring Elmo Lincoln & Sally Long (NY, Jacobsen-Hodgkinson, 1927) Kioga of the Wilderness by William L. Chester [1907-1960] (NY, DAW, 1976) Kioga of the Unknown Land by William L. Chester (NY, DAW, 1978) Kipling Boy Stories, illustrated by J. Allen St. John (Chicago, Rand-McNally, 1916) Knight of Columbia by Gen. Charles King, illlustrated by George Gibbs (NY, Hobart, 1904) Kroom the Wanderer by Valentine Wood (Top-Notch excerpts, undated) Kroom, Son of the Sea It by Valentine Wood (Top-Notch excerpts, undated) Kroom: Pit of Darkness (Top-Notch, Feb, 1931) Kroom: The Channel Record (Top-Notch, April 1931) Kroom: The Endless Trail (Top-Notch, First April, 1931) Kroom: The Hunted (no date) Kroom: The Intrepid (no date) Lazaro by David Kendall (Toronto, McClelland & Stewart. 1983) Leonie of the Jungle by Joan Conquest (NY, Macaulay, 1921) Leopard Woman by Stewart Edward White [1873 - 1946], illustrated by W.H.D. Koerner (NY, Doubleday, Page, 1916) Life in a Thousand Worlds by Rev. W.H. Harris (Boston, Earle, 1905) Lion, The by Joseph Kessel (London, Hart-Davis, 1959) Lion Jack; A Story of Perilous Adventures Among Wild Men by P.T. Barnum (NY, Platt & Peck, 1904) Lion's Way, The: A Story of Men and Lions by C.T. Stoneham (London, Hutchinson, 1931) Locusts, The by Larry Niven & Steve Barnes (Analog, June, 1979) contains ad for John Carter, Warlord of Mars game. Lonely Water by Norgrove Thurley (London & NY, Stanley Paul & Co., n.d.) Long Arm of Ah-Sing or The Argus Pheasant by John Charles Beecham; frontispiece by George Cage (NY, Watt, 1918) Lord of the Beasts by Denis Cleaver (unidentified excerpt, no date) Lord of the Leopards by F.A.M. Webster (London, Hutchinson, no date) Lord of the Trees by Philip Jose Farmer, bound with The Mad Goblin (NY, Ace, 1980) Lord Tyger by Philip Jose Farmer (NY, Doubleday, 1970) Lost Horizon by James Hilton (NY, Pocket Books, 1964) Lost Kingdom by Chester Bryant (NY, Scholastic Books Services, 1961) Lost World by A. Conan Doyle, illlustrated by Joseph Clement Coll (London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1912) Luana by Alan Dean Foster (NY. Ballantine, 1974), Frazettacover art Lucan by C.K. Chandler (NY, Ballantine, 1978) Macic Morro (undated excerpts from Super Comics #21, 23, 37-39, 41, 43, 44, 46, 62) Mahars of Pellucidar by John Eric Holmes (NY, Ace, 1976) Man of Bronze, A Doc Savage Adventure by Kenneth Robeson [Lester Dent] (NY, Bantam, 1975) Mark of the Leopard by Alden G. Stevens & Patricia Kendall (London, Hutchinson, no date) Maza of the Moon by Otis Adelbert Kline (NY, Ace, no date) Mistress of Spears by Laurence D'Orsay (Kansas City, Burton, 1930) Mog The Mound Builder by Irving Crump, [1887-1979] illustrated by Remington Schuyler (NY, Dodd, Mead, 1937) Monkey God by Gordon Casserly, [Elephant God & Jungle Girl] cover art by Maurice Leadbetter (NY, Sears, no date) Mother Was A Lovely Beast by Philip Jose Farmer (Radnor, PA, Chilton, 1974) Og of the Cave People by Irving Crump, illustrated by Jack Murray (NY, G&D, 1935) Og, Son of Fire by Irving Crump (4 issues of Boys' Life) Og, Boy of Battle by Irving Crump, frontispiece by Charles Livingston Bull (NY, G&D, n.d.) Og, Son of Fire by Irving Crump (NY, Dodd, Mead, 1922). [Illos by Charles Livingston Bull 1874-1932] Another copy with author's letters & maps laid in (NY, Dodd, Mead, 1926) Ogden's Strange Story by Edison Marshall (NY, Kinsey, 1934) Okara The Hunter by Frank Denver, illustrated by Bruce Cornwell (London, Nelson, 1955) One Against A Wilderness by William L. Chester [1907 - 1960], Hescox cover art (NY, DAW, 1977) One Million B.C. based on Hal Roach film (excerpt from Crackajack Comics #25, July, 1940) Orn by Piers Anthony (NY, Doubleday, 1970) Other Worlds Than Ours by Richard Proctor (Chicago, Montgomery Ward, 1897) Out of the Primitive by Robert Ames Bennet [1870-1954], illustrated by Allen T. True (Chicago, McClurg, 1911) Outlaws of Mars by Otis Adelbert Kline (NY, Ace, no date) People of the Twilight by H. Kaner [Hyman Kaner 1896 - 1973] (Llandudno, Wales, Kaner, 1946) [Through use of drugs, two men enter a parallel utopian world.] Phra the Phoenician by Edwin Lester Arnold [1857 - 1935], illustrated by R. Taylor, Herbert Morton Stoops, and others (NY, Harper, 1890) Phra The Phoenician by Edwin Lester Arnold (NY, Lovell, Coryell & Co., 1898) Planet of Peril by Otis Adelbert Kline (NY, Avalon, 1961) Port of Peril by Otis Adelbert Kline (Providence, RI, Grandon, 1949) Plutonia by Vladimir Obruchev (Moscow, Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1924) Prince of Peril by Otis Adelbert Kline (NY, Ace, no date) Prowling Terror by C.T. Stoneham (London, Long, 1957) Pursuit on Ganymede by Michael D. Resnick (NY, Paperback Library, 1968) [The second book in the Ganymede series] Quest of the Dawn Man by J. H. Rosny (NY, Ace, no date), cover art by Harry J. Shaare Radio Beasts by Ralph Milne Farley (NY, Ace, no date) Radio Flyers by Ralph Milne Farley (Oregon, FAX, 1975) Re-Creation of Brian Kent by Harold Bell Wright, illustrated by J. Allen St. John (Chicago, Book Supply Co., 1919) Return of Jongor by Robert Moore Williams [1907 - 1977 aka H H Harmon] (NY, Popular Libary, 1970) Return of Tharn by Howard Browne (Providence, RI, Grandon, 1956) Rogue Elephant by Elliott Whitney [Canadian Bedford-Jones (Henry James O'Brien)] illlustrated by Fred J. Arting (Chicago, Reilly & Britton, 1913) [from the 13 volume Boys' Big Game Series] Rogues in the Forest by C.T. Stoneham (London, Long, 1958) Ru The Conqueror by Jackson Gregory (NY & London, Scribner's, 1933) Sands of Kalahari by William Mulvihill (NY, Putnam, 1960) [1965 Film adaptation ~ NY Times Review "The strangest adventure the eyes of man have ever seen!"] Senrac The Lion Man: Adventures of a Boy in the Stone Age by George Langford (NY, Liverright, 1954) Shasta of the Wolves by Olaf Baker, illustrated by Charles Livingston Bull (NY, Dodd, Mead, 1929). Another copy (Dodd, Mead, 1928) Sheena, Queen of the Jungle: three stories by James Anson Buck & Musgrave Stories of Sheena, Queen of the Jungle, v.1. no.1, Spring 1951 [Killer's Kraal] Jungle Stories, v.5, no.11 Spring, 1954 (contains stories by John Starr, John Peter Drummond, Edgar Wallace, Stanley Mullen, Walt Sheldon & Joseph W. Mulgrave. Smoky God, or A Voyage to the Inner World by Willis George Emerson, illustrated by John A. Williams (Chicago, Forbes. 1908) Son of the Wilderness by Maurice B. Gardner (Chicago, Adams, 1975) Sons of the Mammoth by Waldemar Bogoras [1865-1936] (NY, Cosmopolitan, 1929) Sorak of the Malay Jungle by Harvey D. Richards (NY, Cupples & Leon, 1934) Sorak and the Sultan's Ankus by Harvey D. Richards (NY, Cupples & Leon, 1934) Sorak and the Clouded Tiger by Harvey D. Richards (NY, Cupples & Leon, 1934) Star Rover by Jack London (NY, Macmillan, 1915) [see ERB/London Connection] Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder by James De Mille (NY & London, Harper, 1900) [ERBzine 0606] Swordships of Scorpio by Alan Burt Akers [Kenneth Bulmer 1921 - 2005] (NY, DAW, 1973) [Dray Prescot #4] Swordsman of Mars by Otis Adelbert Kline (NY, Ace, copyright 1960) Tahara, Boy Mystic of India by Harold M. Sherman [1898-1987 or 1992] (Chicago, Goldsmith, 1933) [IMDB] Tahara, Boy King of the Desert by Harold M. Sherman (Chicago, Goldsmith, 1933) Tahara Among African Tribes by Harold M. Sherman (Chicago, Goldsmith, 1933) Tahara in the Land of Yucatan by Harold M. Sherman (Chicago, Goldsmith, 1933) Tam, Son of Tiger by Otis Adelbert Kline (six issues from Weird Tales, June-Dec., 1931) [ERBzine1510] Tam, Son of Tiger by Otis Adelbert Kline (NY, Avalon Books, 1962) [OAK e-Texts] Tamer of Beasts by Gregory Trent; a Boy's Story of the Early Neolithic Period, illustrated by Carl M. Boog (NY, Harcourt, Brace, 1938) Tarzan Alive by Philip Jose Farmer (NY, Doubleday, 1972) Tharn by Howard Brown (unidentified pulp magazine excerpt) Thongor of Lemuria by Lin Carter (NY, Ace, 1966) Thousand Years a Minute by Carl H. Claudy [1879-1957], illustrated by A.C. Valentine (NY, G&D, 1933) Through the Earth by Clement Fezandie (NY, Century, 1898) [entry in ERB's library: Shelf F1] Thundar, Man of Two Worlds by John Bloodstone (North Hollywood, CA, Leisure Books, 1971) Tiger in the Smoke by Margery Allingham (NY, Doubleday, 1952) Time Machine by H. G. Wells (NY, Berkley, 1957) Time's Last Gift by Philip Jose Farmer (NY, Ballantine, 1977) Trader Horn by Alfred Aloysius Horn and Ethelreda Lewis (NY, Literary Guild of America, 1928) [ERBzine 1693 referemce] Treacherous Border by Norgrove Thurley (London, Long, 1958) [review] Treasure of Atlantis by J. Allan Dunn (NY, Centaur, 1970) Treasure of the Red Tribe by Major Charles Gibson, illustrated by John de Walton (London & NY, Cassell, 1926) Twilight Land written and illustrated by Howard Pyle [1853-1911] (NY, Dover, 1968) [ERB's personal library] [Bio] Two Hands and a Knife (The Lone Woodsman) by Warren Hastings Miller (NY, Teen Age Books, 1943) Underground City, or, The Child of the Cavery [alternate version] by Jules Verne (Philadelphia, Porter & Coates, 1883) Vengeance of Gwa by S. Fowler Wright (London, Books of Today, 1945) Village in the Treetops by Jules Verne (NY, Ace, 1968) Warrior of Scorpio by Alan Burt Akers (NY, DAW, 1973) Warrior of the Dawn; the Adventures of Tharn by HowardBrowne [April 15, 1908–October 28, 1999] (Chicago, Reilly & Lee, 1943) [Feral Folk Ref Site] When the Sleeper Wakes [Gutenberg] by H.G. Wells (NY, Harper, 1899) Where Angels Fear to Tread and Other Tales of the Sea by Morgan Robertson (NY, Street & Smith, 1899) White Darkness and Other Stories of Great Northwest by Lawrence Mott, illustrated by Frank E. Schoonover & Cyrus Cuneo (NY, Outing, 1907) Wild Child by Francois Truffaut, photoplay edition (NY, Washington Square Press, 1973) Wizard of Lemuria by Lin Carter (NY, Ace, 1965) Wolves of the Sea by Randall Parrish (NY, Burt, 1918) Wonder Stick by Stanton Coblentz,[1896 - 1982] illustrated by S. Glanckoff, [dust jacket wraparound illo by R. Wilcox, Jr.) ] (NY, Cosmopolitan, 1929) Wonderful Adventures of Phra The Phoenician by Edwin Lester Arnold (NY, A.L. Burt, no date) World's Greatest Athlete by Gerald Gardner & Dee Caruso; photoplay edition [IMDB] (Greenwich, CT, Fawcett, 1973) Worldwide Adventure, v.1, no.1, Winter, 1967-1968: contains "Monsieur Murder" by Theodore Roscoe, plus eight other stories Zanthodon by Lin Carter (NY, DAW, 1980) Zoraida [A Romance of the Harem And the Great Sahara] by William le Queux [1864-1927] [Biblio] illustrated by Harold Piffard (NY, Stokes, 1895) |
Antar Chab Conan Dagar Daron Dart Daring Human Torch Jaki Jann of the Jungle Kanga Kalar Ka-Zor Kimba |
Lorna, Queen of the Jungle Lozab Mr. Tarzan Naza Pantera Bionda Ramtamtan & Kierikieli Ring of Death Roban Rulah Saber Samar Sandor Shanna, The She-Devil |
Sheena, Queen of the Jungle
Super Zembla Tamar Tawa Tetar-Zan Tharn Thongor Toka Tono & Kono Tor Turok, Son of Stone Wambi Wana Zorak |
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1,100 Books in the ERB Library Amassed through the years ~ 1875-1950 Presented in Over 70 Colossal Web Pages with thousands of images and zillions of pages to print out. Accompanied by Research Culled from Personal Libraries and Online Sources NAVIGATION MAP FOR THE EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS LIBRARY (In Alphabetical Order by Author's Last Name) |
The Edgar Rice Burroughs Personal Library Project |
of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Library Project
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