![]() Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site Since 1996 ~ Over 10,000 Web Pages in Archive Presents Volume 1685a The ERB Library Project presents Vern Coriell's Special Collection ![]() ![]() by George T. McWhorter ![]() ![]() COVER ILLUSTRATIONS |
of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Library Project
George McWhorter presents The
Vern Coriell ERB Book Collection
![]() Ab, The Cave Man: a stor of the Time of the Stone Age by William Lewis Nida; illustrated by Fred Stearns (Chicago, Flanagan, 1921) Abbs, His Story Through Many Ages by C.J. Cutliffe-Hyne (London, Hutchinson, no date) ~ [(Charles John Cutcliffe Wright Hyne 1866 - 1944] Adventure #884; Strang The Terrible Strikes Again! (No author credits, London, Thomson, October 8, 1938) [by Dudley D. Watkins- UK Comic The Beano] Adventure #896; Strang the Terrible Strikes Again! (No author credits, London, Thomson, December 31, 1938) [by Dudley D. Watkins- UK Comic The Beano] Adventure for Wealth by C.T. Stoneham (London, Long, 1957) Adventures by Mike Resnick (NY, Signet, 1985) Adventures of the Peerless Peer by Philip Jose Farmer (Boulder, CO, Aspen Press, 1974) Akim, La Couronne de L'Eternite (Paris, Editions Adventures et Voyages, 1974) All About Venus edited by Brian W. Aldiss (NY, Dell, 1968) All the Mowgli Stories by Rudyard Kipling, illustrated by Stuart Tresilian (London, Macmillan, 1943) All the Mowgli Stories by Rudyard Kipling illustrated by Richard M. Powers (NY, Doubleday, 1958) Anjani the Mighty by Earl Titan [John Russell Fearn] (London, Scion, 1951) Ape Man, The by Henry T. Johnson (London, Modern Publishers, no date) Ape-Man's Offering by H. Kaner [Hyman Kaner 1896 - 1973] (Llandudno [Wales], Kaner, no date) As the Sparks Fly Upward by Cyrus Townsend Brady [IMBD], illustrated b J. N. Marchand (Chicago, McClurg, 1911) At the Queen's Mercy by Mabel Fuller Blodgett, illustrated by Henry Sandham (Boston, NY, London, Lamson & Wolfe, 1897) [Sought by Burroughs fans for what would appear to be the first appearance of "Queen Lah" though the name might be coincidental.] Azan the Ape Man: Jungle Fever by Marco Garron [DA Griffiths] (London, Curtis Warren, n.d.) Azan the Ape Man: King Hunters by Marco Garron (London, Curtis Warren, n.d.) Azan the Ape Man: The Missing Safari by Marco Garron (London, Curtis Warren, n.d.)
![]() Bantan and the Island Goddess by Maurice B. Gardner [letter to ERB, Inc.] (Boston, Meador, 1952) Bantan Defiant by Maurice B. Gardner [Why I Wrote the Bantan Novels] (NY, Greenwich, 1955) Baree Son of Kazan by James Oliver Curwood; [The 1918 film] illustrated by Frank B. Hoffman (NY, G&D, copyright 1917 by Doubleday Page) Baron in the Trees by Italo Calvino (NY, Random House, 1959) Before Adam by Jack London, illustrated by Charles Livineston Hull, (NY, London, Macmillan, 1914) Before Adam by Jack London (London, Macmillan, 1907) Before Adam by Jack London, cover art by Jerome Podwil (NY, Ace, n.d.) Black Coetzee by C.T. Stoneham [Charles Thurley Stoneham] (London, Hutchinson, 1936) Blood Stones by Wallace Moore (NY, Pyramid, 1975) Bomba the Jungle Boy by Roy Rockwood (NY, Cupples & Leon, 1926) Bomba the Jungle Boy by Roy Rockwood (NY, Cupples & Leon, 1930) Bomba the Jungle Boy by Roy Rockwood (NY, G&D, 1953) Bomba the Jungle Boy and the Hostile Chieftain (NY, Cupples & Leon, 1930) Bomba the Jungle Boy and the Lost Explorer (NY, G&D, 1953) Bomba the Jungle Boy and the Giant Cataract (NY, McLoughlin, 1936) Bomba the Jungle Boy at the Moving Mountain (NY, McLoughlin, 1926) Bomba the Jungle Boy (NY, G&D, 1953) Bomba the Jungle Boy in the Abandoned City (NY, McLoughlin, 1927) Bomba the Jungle Boy (NY, G&D, 1953) Bomba the Jungle Boy in a Strange Land (NY, Cupples & Leon, 1931) Bomba the Jungle Boy on Jaguar Island (NY, McLoughlin, 1928) Bomba the Jungle Boy on Terror Trail (NY, McLoughlin, 1928) Bomba the Jungle Boy on Terror Trail (NY, McLoughlin, 1953) Book of Travels in Africa by John Frost (NY, Appleton, 1848) Boy Explorers, or, the Adventures of Two Boys in Alaska by Harry Prentice (NY, A.L. Burt, 1911) Boys' Life Treasury illustrated by Hamilton Greene, Norman Saunders, Gerald McCann & Don Lynch (NY, Simon & Schuster, 1958) Bunduki by J. T. Edson (NY, DAW, 1976) Bunduki and Dawn by J. T. Edson (London, Corgi, 1976)
![]() Call of the Savage by Otis Adelbert Kline (NY, Clode, 1927) Call of the Wild by Jack London, illustrated by Philip R. Goodwin and Charles Livingston Bull (NY, Macmillan, 1903) Captives of the Caves by Captain Charles Gilson, illustrated by Leo Bates (London & NY, Cassell, 1919) Captured by Apes by Harry Prentice (NY, Burt, 1892) Carnack the Life-Bringer; the story of a Dawn Man Told by Himself, interpreted by Oliver Marble Gale with color plates by Armstrong Sperry (NY, Wise, 1928) Cast Away in the Jungle by Victor Ct. Clair (NY, Street & Smith, 1914) Castaway Island by Perry Newberry, illustrated by F.A. Anderson (London, Harrap, 1920) Castle of the Carpathians by Jules Verne (NY, Merriam, 1903) Caves of Madness, The by Wallace Moore (NY, Pyramid, 1975) Child of the Wild by Edison Marshall [IMDB], illustrated by Herbert Morton stoops (NY, Cosmopolitan, 1926) Child of the Wild by Edison Marshall, illustrated by Herbert Morton Stoops (NY, Burt, 1926) Claudus Bombarnac, The Special Correspondent by Jules Verne (Chicago, Donahue, 1911) Curse of the Lion, The by F.A.M. [Frederick Annesley Michael] Webster [served in the King's African Rifles - wrote books with ERB influence] (London, United, ca. 1922) Curse of the Lion, The by F.A.M. Webster (London, United, ca. 1922) Another copy, annotated: "Tarzan variant, p.123-140"
of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Library Project
George McWhorter presents The
Vern Coriell ERB Book Collection
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