![]() Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive Volume 1690e Dell Tarzan Comics Encyclopedia by Duane Adams |
Eagle Men of Engani -- A lost race
of native people living in Engani. They revere eagles. They
train eagles to hunt everything that moves. They teach their eagles
not to attack humans wearing a white-feathered hat and feathered arm decorations.
They use spears. They dance a slow flight dance around their captive
Lukambo, who comes from another tribe. Lukambo loves Illona, an Eagle
Woman. They release him to be hunted by eagles. Tarzan rescues
him. The Eagle Men spy N’kima and believe that Lukambo and Tarzan
have turned into monkeys. They are afraid and give up the hunt.
Dell Number -- 75.1
eagles, giant -- part of Doctor Mervin’s
growth experiments, captured by Bokawah, the evil witch doctor. When
Tarzan follows the scent of the captured Yolanda to Bokawah’s cave, the
witch doctor releases one of the eagles, which knocks Tarzan down.
Tarzan kills it with his knife. In its death throws, it releases
the other eagle, which carries off Bokawah. Tarzan throws a knife
into it killing it. It drops Bokawah to his death.
Dell Number -- 22.1
eagles of the Engani -- They have brown bodies
with white heads and two tufts of feathers on top of their heads.
Tarzan travels to Engani where he finds the people of the area revere eagles.
He witness the Eagle Men using their trained eagles bring down a gazelle.
Tarzan deduces that the eagles are trained not to attack humans dressed
in their eagle-feathered costumes. He brings down two eagles with
bolas and makes himself a feathered costume. The Eagle Men use eagles
to hunt their captive, Lukambo. Tarzan gives Lukambo a bush to hide
under to keep the eagles at bay until they get to the forest.
Dell Number -- 75.1
Edouard -- gangster henchman of Lou Coron
killed by a chariot wheel rolled down the hill by Gemnon’s soldiers towards
Coron’s plane.
Dell Number -- 22.2
Ekkal -- Monga man who wins Ro-mee-lah, Jo-rah’s
sister, as the Monga gamble for the right to have her as a mate.
Dell Number -- 39.1
Elaine Hammond -- #21.1 - from Ohio,
her father sent her on a hunting trip with Dane Carnal, who
he hoped would marry his daughter. While trying to escape the wounded
Tantor she accidentally drives her jeep into a gully. Tarzan patches
her up and takes her to Cathne to recover. Tarzan calls her “Princess
Elaine of Ohio.” While there, Gemnon’s son, Jathon, becomes infatuated
with her, as does the evil Tomos, who convinces the king to have her locked
up. Tomos is accidentally killed. Elaine and Jathon are to
be executed for the death of Tomos. They escape with the help of
her jeep and later Tarzan.
#22.2 now married to Jathon Elaine flies in a small plane
with him to Cathne. Lou Coron, who is later killed by a hunting lion,
attacks them. Tarzan saves them from the same lion.
A #1.2 Princess Elaine encourages Tarzan in his rescue
attempt of her husband, Prince Jathon.
#35 now referred to as Queen Elaine. She comes
with her husband King Jathon to seek Tarzan help. A volcano has destroyed
their city of Cathne. Tarzan brings them to Pal-ul-don. Along
the way she and Tarzan drive zebras towards the camp so her people can
have food. The surviving Cathneans build a new city in Pal-ul-don
called Lion Rock. In a chariot accident involving giant bees, Jathon
is knocked unconscious and Elaine is captured by cave men. Tarzan
rescues her.
#41.2 After Goliath escapes, she and Jathon greet Tarzan
at the gates of New Cathne in a horse drawn chariot.
#45.3 - Her husband King Jathon is reported dead.
Elaine fears that Timon, Jathon’s nephew, will try to kill her so she leaves
to find Tarzan. Her lion drawn chariot is attacked by Black Panthers
of Pal-ul-don. Tarzan and the Waziri slay the panthers. They
return her to Cathne under the guise that she was on a hunting trip.
The Waziri remain as her bodyguard.
#46.1 dressed in armor Elaine helps defend the walls
of Cathne against a Terribs attack.
#54.3 When Tarzan comes to Cathne with her husband, King
Jathon, she is shocked to learn of the bolgani attack.
A#4.1 the young Queen with a long blonde ponytail is
out in a lion drawn chariot alone. Tarzan swoops in on Argus and
informs her that she about to be attacked by the Talking Gorillas.
He tells her to flee to Cathne. Tarzan and Argus save her from the
Bolgani. Safe within the city, she laments that her foolishness caused
Tarzan’s death at the hands of the gorillas.
#84.1 Queen Elaine is with King Jathon when Tarzan comes
to Cathne. Upon learning that the Mitzeraim has captured Prince Thyron,
Elaine worries that the stone slingers will have hidden their tracks so
that Tarzan cannot trace them. She has long blonde hair and wears
an elegant dress at the royal suite.
#97.1 Elaine is disturbed by Jathon’s insistence about
accompanying Tarzan to Pal-ul-don to bring back red gryfs to battle the
Garth that is terrorizing Cathne. N’kima stays with Queen Elaine.
Elaine has golden hair.
#103.1 the golden haired Elaine greets Jathon has he
finds the temporary camp of the Cathneans after Cathne has been destroyed
by an earthquake. She explains to Jathon about their problems with
the Gallegos and about the quake.
#123.3 Queen Elaine fears the worse for her husband when
the hunting lions return to Cathne alone. She leads a search party
in a chariot pulled by horses. They find Tarzan and Jathon unharmed.
Tarzan tells her about creating giant lions. Elaine informs Tarzan
that Goliath has died. When the giant lions are ready to hunt the
Dinohyus, Elaine does not want Jathon to go with Tarzan on the hunt.
Dell Number -- 21.1+22.2+A 1.2+35+41.2+45.3+46.1+54.3+A#4.1+84.1+97.1+103.1+123.3
elands -- ##59.2(Boy story) Boy
and Dombie ride elands to the Wandoro Country in search of Tarzan, who
is collecting herbs there. They seek him because Muviro is ill.
A buffalo charges them. They try to leap a gully on the elands.
The gully is too wide and the elands strike their heads on the opposite
bank. After they are saved from the buffalo by the Wandoros, the
boys ride the elands towards the Mara River and Tarzan.
#61.2 Tarzan, Boy, and Dombie ride elands as they hunt
wild boar. A buffalo charges out of a thicket. Dombie’s eland
throws him off. Dombie is gored. Tarzan carries Dombie as he
rides his eland back to the Waziri Village.
#77.1 When Hussein becomes ill from his wounds sustained
with the fight with the cave bears, Tarzan makes a grass rope and captures
an eland. It takes him an hour to train the eland to accept him as
a rider. Tarzan rides the eland back to the City in the Sands and
tells the Bedouins to send help for their injured leader. Tarzan
releases Bara.
#81.2 Elands flee from the grass fire. Tarzan leaps
onto the back of one to save his strength. At the river’s edge he
dismounts as he sees Dombie and the chimps. Dombie leaps into the
river. Tarzan places the chimps on the back of an eland that is crossing
the river. The chimps are afraid of the leopard coming out of the
water. They cling to Bara, which races off.
#86.2 After saving Mr. Wardle, the policeman from Nairobi,
Tarzan and the policeman ride elands back to the tree house.
No. 25.5 (non-Tarzan story) the giraffe Nobby leads his
new family to a water hole. He knows it is safe because elands are
drinking there.
#126.1 Tarzan and Cheeloo, the chimpanzees, rides Bara
from the tree house to the port of M’saba. They are in search of
Cheeloo’s captured family.
Dell Number -- #59.2(Boy story) +61.2+70
(splash page)+77.1+81.2+86.2+No. 25.5 (non-Tarzan story) +126.1
Ellen Maypool -- #39.2 Ellen is an
archeologist like her father, Doctor Horace Maypool. They are on
safari to search for ancient civilizations. Athneans take her and
her father to New Athne after they dispatch the Arabs that killed an Athnean
elephant. Tarzan translates for them. The King of Athne holds
the Maypools responsible for the death of their elephant. The price
for Ellen’s freedom is the fire chariot (safari car). Tarzan returns
with the car and purchases her freedom. However, she has become enamored
by the treacherous Prince Ergon and wishes to say with her father, who
wants to do some studies of the Athneans.
#40.1 She puts off Prince Ergon’s advances. The
Prince subjects her, Tom Culver, and her father to the Ordeal of the Elephants.
Tarzan rescues them. Doctor MacWhirtle flies them back to Nairobi.
Dell Number -- 39.2+40.1
Elephant Gods -- (See - Mermen)
Elephant Men -- (See - Mermen) 108.1
Ellita -- Ellita is the Lutorian that informs
Princess Loma that the girl-from-the-sky, Margaret Mackenzie, is not eating
and only looks at the sky.
Dell Number -- No. 51.7
Elmorans -- grown Waziri warriors.
They tease Dombie into going hunting for a dangerous animal. After
being rescued by Tarzan, Dombie returns with a young thipdar that he uses
to frighten the Elmorans.
Dell Number -- 78.2
El Raschid -- leader of the mad men in the
pit they call the Land of the Living Dead. Tarzan helps them
escape the pit. El Raschid is the first one out and would have left
the others there but Tarzan was quicker than El Raschid’s dull knife.
Dell Number -- 17.1
Emma -- after experiencing airplane trouble
she and Phil are captured by cannibals. Budango, the chief, calls
her White Mary. Tarzan rescues them.
Dell Number -- 14.2
Enani -- Enani is the name of the female
Waziri who complains about abandoning the Waziri walled city at Tarzan’s
advice because of the approaching marauding Athnean army.
Dell Number -- 122.1
engles/ingles --Term used by Buto Matari
and Ungali, the witch doctor, in referring to Englishmen.
Dell Number -- 45.1
Engok -- Name of one of the gorillas that
an unnamed tribe of natives is preparing to sacrifice to a giant squid.
The gorillas are tied to poles on the beach of the island where Tarzan
and his family are marooned. Tarzan recruits a tribe of Bolgani to
rescue the gorillas. After they save them, Tarzan offers the gorillas
some of the native’s food. Engok says that he will eat it.
Dell Number -- A#6.1
Entibi -- Name of one of Sir Ronald Crabtree’s
Dell Number -- 89.1
Eric -- Name of a Giant Viking who wonders
if Tarzan’s concoction of cement placed on their shields will really repel
Skraeling crossbow bolts.
Dell Number -- 91.1
eryops -- A2 (Boy’s Air Adventure) eight-foot amphibian with three eyes.
Es-at -- “the evil one” - a Waz-don,
father of Tor-lot who attempts to overthrow Om-at
Dell Number -- 4
Novel -- (TTe -- Es-sat, “rough skin”
chief of the Kor-ul-ja)
Eta -- Boy rides a small antelope named Eta.
Eta is mangani for little. Tarzan and Boy witness a running gun battle
between the Aulihans and the Marehans. Tarzan sends Boy with the
antelopes to bring word to the sheik’s son, Serenli, to retrieve the armor.
Boy and Serenli ride the antelopes to the mountains. They outdistance
Gumburu and his men.
Dell Number -- 129.3
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