![]() Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive Volume 1690g Dell Tarzan Comics Encyclopedia by Duane Adams |
Gahinga tribe --The Gahingas are a native
tribe who are a constant threat to the buffalo herding Wakembi tribe.
They start a grass fire hoping to drive the Wakembi out of their kraal
and to steal their buffaloes. Tarzan and Kolulu turn the herd away
from the kraal. The fire approaches the village and the Wakembi flee
into the waiting Gahinga warriors. Tarzan and Kolulu drive the buffalo
herd into the Gahingas, who flee for their lives. The Gahingas have
long spears and wear red hats.
Dell Number -- 114.1
galago -- #72 (splash page) bush baby.
Dell Number -- 62 (inside cover of the back
page)+72 (splash page)
Gallah -- Chief of the Nuba tribe living
in the Mountains of Barongo. He is chief over a people who are like
serfs and slaves to the Kordo spearmen. Tarzan comes to his lavishly
decorated hut with a proposal to free them from their oppressors.
Gallah is skeptical. Days later Tarzan meets with him at the Spring
of Homeless Men with a detailed plan to overcome the Kordo spearmen.
Gallah agrees. The Kordo people are defeated. Gallah dictates
the terms. The Kordo spears are burned. He makes them agree
not to make more. They will teach the Kordo self-defense. He
proposes to live as equals and in peace with no stealing or enslavement.
The Kordo agree. Gallah calls for Tarzan to witness the pact, but
the ape-man has already left. Gallah is older and very heavy set.
He wears a long blue robe with white decoration. He is balding and
has long kinky, grayish hair.
Dell Number -- 67.1
Gallo Giant -- #A2 (Jungle Tribes) -warlike tribe
Gallugo / Gallegos -- #A2.2 A
lost race of people from the valley of Kando-mor. King Gallu is their
king and father to Princess Tee-anna. Both men and women wear Roman-type
armor. The Gallugos use buffaloes as mounts. In battle practice,
they ride their buffaloes and spear a small ring as their mounts butt a
dummy. When the cannibals tunnel their way into the area between
the fences, they fight alongside of Tarzan and the Waziri to repel the
#46.1 they have taken Tarzan’s advice and have left the
valley and are in search of a new home. They arrive at Cathne while
the Terribs attack the city. They drive the Terribs away. Tarzan
helps them kill off a pack of saber-toothed beasts that are after their
buffaloes. They stay in New Cathne while searching for a new home.
Tarzan takes them to a new area in Pal-ul-don.
#56.3 they have built a city near Cathne. They
have abandoned their Roman-like suits of armor and wear crude furry clothes
and color straw-like hats. They still use buffaloes as mounts and
spears as their main weapon. Torodons easily capture some of them
and their buffalos. Tarzan rescues them and the buffaloes.
#66.1 Tarzan forms an alliance with the Gallugos, Athneans,
and Cathneans to rid Old Athne of the Talking Gorillas. He instructs
the Gallugos to tap the nabu tree for the juice. He has them mix
it with fruit juice and fill gourds with the liquid. They load buffaloes
down with the gourds. Some are left empty to aid the buffaloes fording
the Great Swamp. The Gallugos past Old Athne pretending to be a caravan
headed for the Great Thorn Desert. The gorillas attack. They
Gallugos drop their load and run off as planned. The gorillas drink
the juice and fall asleep, thus securing the alliance victory over the
#71.1 Tarzan and Gorgo help the Gallugos fight off the
excess Cathnean lions that are plaguing the city. The Gallugos threaten
war with Cathne if something cannot be done. Tarzan solves the problem
by moving the lions to Lutor to help protect the city against the Bolgani
and the Terribs.
#103.1 Spelled Gallegos. They are disgruntled with
the Cathneans, believing that the Cathnean lions are responsible for the
killing of their buffaloes. The same earthquake that destroyed Cathne
has also destroyed their home. They arrive at the temporary camp
of the Cathneans. Tarzan comes to them to broker a peace agreement.
An army of gorillas attacks them. Mounted on buffaloes and armored
like Romans they fight the gorillas. Jathon and the Cathneans join
them to defeat the bolgani. Jathon and King Gallu of the Gallegos
agree to peace.
Dell Number -- A2.2+46.1+56.3+66.1+71.1+103.1
Gambo -- ugly chief of the tribe of Kolo.
Kolo is too poor to pay the price Leelah’s father wants for her hand in
marriage. Gambo also desires Leelah and can pay the price of twenty
fat cows and six bullocks. He has Leelah under guard so Kolo cannot
steal her away.
Dell Number -- 12
game warden -- A game warden and his party
are murdered by Juma and his gangsters at the Deep Donga. The gangsters
have left a Waziri shield and spear at the site to place blame on Muviro’s
tribe. Tarzan, Muviro, and the Waziri bring the gangster to justice
for the murders.
Dell Number -- 128.1
gangsters -- #16.1 gangsters take Prince
Ta-den hostage and collect the wealth of the Ho-dons. They base themselves
in a stone tower just outside the walls of A-lur. They have plans
to ruling Pal-ul-don. Tarzan, Om-at, and the Waz-don chase them off.
As their plane takes off its wing bumps into a gryf causing it to crash
into a lake, thus downing them.
#53.3 six gangster henchmen accompany their boss, Mike
Nucco, to Lutor. They are all armed with tommy guns. None are
named. They have a wide variety of looks and clothing. Mike
Nucco takes control of Lutor. Several of the gangsters take shots
at Tarzan flying on Argus. Their boss, Nucco, does not believe their
reports of a man riding on a bird as big as an elephant. Tarzan and
his Lutorian archers knock them out with round rock arrow tips. Tarzan
pulls the airplane guard under water. Tarzan banishes Nucco and his
gang on an island in Pal-ul-don. He leaves them spears to defend
#82.1 A group of gangster/robbers learn about the jewels
of Opar. They land on the flat mountaintop of Opar. They frighten
off the White Pygmies with their machine guns. They leave four guards
by their plane. The others descend into the Chasm of Opar.
They terrify the crooked men of Opar with their weapons. They approach
the Temple of the Moon to discover La and an unconscious Tarzan.
Their leader forces La to leading them to the treasure vault of Opar.
Their greed distracts them. Tarzan breaks his bonds and overpowers
them. An earthquake sends everyone running. The gangsters’
plane crashes at the base of the mountain. The cliff leading to the
vault closes. The fate of the gangsters is left in doubt as to whether
or not they survived the quake. (See also: Juma)
Dell Number -- 16.1+53.3+82.1
Ganta -- The apparent leader of the native
ivory poachers. He is defiant to Tarzan when he commands them to
leave the area. He fires his rifle into the ground at the ape-man’s
feet. Tarzan subdues him, carries him off and ties him up in a tree.
He wakes and escapes the bonds. His people think he is a ghost and
run from him. He convinces them that he is real and that he chased
Tarzan off. He shows them that their rifles exploded because Tarzan
put a sticky wax in their barrels. Tarzan uses, Tantor, elephants,
and Thag, the ape, to frighten the poachers. Ganta has a useable
rifle. Tarzan ropes it from his hands. Ganta’s courage is broken
and the poachers leave the area for good.
Dell Number -- 78.2
Ganumbo -- name of the Waziri warrior killed
by the Terribs as they attack King Loban’s crocodile craft. Tarzan
avenges his death.
Dell Number -- 36.2
Ganungah -- Name of one of the Torodons guarding
the captured Gallugos. When Tarzan comes to rescue the Gallugos,
Ganungah tries to kill the ape-man. Tarzan subdues him and ties him
Dell Number -- 56.3
Garlag -- One of the gray apes from the Isle
of Apes that Tarzan takes with him on the Arab dhow to the Gambah Village
to rescue the animals that the Arabs have captured.
Dell Number -- 55.3
garth -- (See also - tyrannosaurs)
what Lachee calls a tyrannosaurs. One attacks Lachee.
She is saved as Tarzan’s dyal bites it in the neck.
Dell Number -- 19.2
Garvey -- A trophy hunter who shoots Prince Illony’s
antelope. When he and his partner, Nobby, discover the Prince, they
decide to exhibit him back home. They take him to a doctor in Nairobi.
Tarzan rescues the Prince and forces the two trophy hunters to drive them
back to where the capture took place.
Dell Number -- 49.1
Gary Keene -- A writer and his wife, Stella,
are ship wrecked off the east coast of Africa. After a week they
are attacked by sea Arabs, the Brothers of the Barracuda. They carry
off Stella and burn the remnants of the ship. Gary threatens Tarzan
with a pistol because he thinks he is a sea Arab. Tarzan takes him
on his canoe to rescue Stella. After Tarzan rescues her from an Arab
ship, they wreck on an island. N’kima provides them with coconuts.
Tarzan provides them with oysters. After three weeks on the island,
Arabs find them. Gary and Tarzan overpower the Arabs. Dressed
as Arabs, they take over a sea Arabs’ ship.
Dell Number -- A2.5
gatekeeper -- The Cathnean hooded gatekeeper
lets Tarzan and a panic ridden N’kima into the city before a Garth consumes
them. The gatekeeper informs Lord Tarzan that the Garth is keeping
the city under siege like conditions.
Dell Number -- 97.1
Gati -- Gati is the named of the Baluga trapper
who captures N’kima and plans to place him in a cage with a civet cat as
a part of the Moon Dance. Boy and Dombie rescue N’kima. The
Balugas pursue them. The boys don porcupine skins. A Baluga
gets a quill in his leg. Gati says that it is bad luck to spear a
porcupine. Gati is in the lead canoe as they chase the boys on the
lake. Tarzan tips over the canoes. Gati and the Balugas believe
that it was a water monster.
Dell Number -- 131.2
gazelles -- #8 ridden by the
White Pygmies of Lipona for transportation.
#48.3 Tarzan witnesses a Giant Wasp carrying off a gazelle.
He follows it back to the Island of Dwarfs.
#75.1 - the Eagle Men of Engani use trained eagles to
bring down a gazelle.
Dell Number -- 8+48.3+75.1
gecko -- a small harmless lizard that has
adhesive pads on its feet that enable it to climb on almost anything in
any position.
Dell Number -- 53 (Splash page - Boy’s Pets)
gelanda -- A#4 (Apes and Monkeys of Tarzan’s World) baboon
Gelado -- old man baboon from the title.
A passing safari car shoots him. Tarzan dresses his wound and brings
him food and water for a few days. A week later he and his tribe
see Tarzan captured by Shiftas. He follows and rescues Tarzan and
helps capture the Shiftas.
Dell Number -- 37.2
Gemnon -- #21.1 noble of Cathne, friend
of Tarzan from 20 years before. Jathon is his son.
He provides a place for Elaine Hammond to stay while she is recovering
from her accident.
#22.2 he is king of Cathne. When Lou Coron demands
the gold from Cathne, he follows Tarzan’s plan, which involves trickery
and hunting lions to thwart the gangsters’ plans.
A #1.2 - King of Cathne. Tarzan joins him in their
battle with the Athneans. A deluge stops the battle. Gemnon
is disturbed because the Athneans captured his son, Prince Jathon.
Tarzan agrees to attempt a rescue.
Dell Number -- 21.1+22.2+A 1.2
Novel -- CiG - nobleman of Cathne, old family.
Assistant of Tomos. Becomes Tarzan’s friend.
Gemraks -- They are a form of mountain goat
used by the Naqui clan as mounts. They are used to help the Naqui
traverse the mountainous canyons of their homes.
Dell Number -- 55.1
Gemsbok -- #71 (splash page) this antelope seldom needs water.
General Andol -- When King Jathon of Cathne
learns about Prince Thyron’s capture by the Mitzeraim, he calls for General
Andol to assembly a rescue party. Once they locate the impregnable
city of Mitzer, General Andol sends for reinforcements. Presumably
the general takes part in the battle.
Dell Number -- 84.1
genet -- #62 (inside cover of the back page)
Geoffrey Barbour -- #45.1 Englishman
and one of the owners of the Pyrethrum Plantation along with the widow
Mrs. Roberta Faye. His Bamwe workers are being scared away by ghosts.
He attempts to shoot one of the ghosts. It has no effect on the spirit.
When little Martha Faye is kidnapped he goes after Ungali, the witch doctor.
He is captured by Ungali and thrown off a cliff. Tarzan catches him.
After Tarzan exposes Ungali as the person behind the ghost in order to
get the gold he discovered on the land, he proposes to Roberta. He
is young, blonde, blue eyed, and clean-shaven.
A#3.3 Because the Secret Society could not kill Tarzan,
they plan to get Geoffrey’s scalp to fool The Secret Master into thinking
it belongs to the ape-man. Geoffrey is at breakfast on the
bungalow’s patio with Roberta Faye and a young girl (possibly Martha Faye).
A spear lands in the middle of the table. (The spear may have come
from Tarzan to get them prepared for an attack.) They head for the
house. Tarzan thwarts the attack of the Secret Society before they
get near the house. Geoffrey is a middle-aged man with black hair,
squinty eyes, and a dark mustache.
Dell Number -- 45.1+A#3.3
Gerald Newman -- white man from Mombasa.
Three years ago he and his sister, Margaret were forced to land their plane
in Crater Lake. The Cat Men who live there captured them. He
was made a servant to the priest and was assigned duties as a fisherman.
Gerald wears a yellow tunic with a fish emblazon on the front. Tarzan
enters the Temple of Brule in an attempt to rescue Gerald and Prince Keelim,
from Lutor. A Cat Man finds Tarzan but believes him to be Gerald.
Tarzan and Gerald look exactly alike. Tarzan rescues the two men.
Together the three of them rescue Princess Loma and Margaret. After
their escape from Crater Lake Gerald calls Loma ‘his Princess.’
Dell Number -- 38.1
gerboa -- #62 (inside cover of the back page)
gerenuk -- #78 (inside front cover, splash page) - antelope with a long neck
ghost -- White spirits appearing as a twelve-foot
tall man (animal face) and as a long serpent. They are scaring off
the plantation workers of Barbour and Faye. Tarzan exposes them as
the work of the evil witch doctor, Ungali, and his dog. Ungali wanted
the gold he discovered on the plantation grounds.
Dell Number -- 45.1
Giant Bees -- While chariot riding about
the new city of Lion Rock, Jathon and Queen Elaine’s lions step on giant
bees. This panics the lions, which causes the chariot to throw the
royal couple to the ground unconscious.
Dell Number -- 35
Giant Blind Rats -- encountered by Tarzan,
Professor Plume and Tantor in the tunnel of the Mountains of the Moon.
Tarzan kills one with an arrow.
Dell Number -- 26
Giant Eland -- #16.2 while in the desert
of rocks Tarzan comes upon a large Bara, which he decides
to tame. It kills a leopard that night. Tarzan uses it to rescue
N’keeta from the evil witch doctor, T’gamai.
#18.2 Tarzan uses the Giant Eland to return Princess
and Taddo to Lipona. On the raft the eland cracks a crocodiles skull
with its hoofs thus saving Taddo’s life.
#33.1 Tarzan rounds up giant elands so that Slim, Red,
and Shorty can train them. The riders from the Rio Grande ride the
elands to rope a lion and to help Tarzan rid the area of Arab slavers.
Tarzan’s eland kills the sheik, El Jemel, when he tries to stab the ape-man.
The elands are released once the Arab horses are confiscated.
A #1.2 - Tarzan calls the antelope Bara but it looks
like the giant eland. Tarzan rides Bara to the edge of Cathne’s mountainous
#43.2 when Tarzan drives the plague of Danginas into
the wedge of natives, he also herds the elands into the area.
#47.3 Boy and Dombie take elands to discover a horned
monster amongst an unnamed tribe. After they escape they use elands
to return home.
#49.1 after rescuing Prince Illony from the trophy hunters,
Tarzan calls a Great Eland to carry them back to the Rock of Opar and the
White Pygmies.
A#3.1 Tarzan calls the Giant Eland, Bara. He rides
Bara as he trails the Shifta band that has captured Jane and Boy.
After learning that the Shiftas traded his family to the Mugabis, he rides
the Giant Eland to the base of the mountain containing the Forbidden Valley.
He leaves Bara at a water hole.
#57.3 Tarzan riding the Giant Eland discover the bodies
of Rutger and M’longo in their safari car. Shiftas killed them.
The Shiftas took the other two white men, Mr. Wakefield and John Reese.
On the trail of the captives, Tarzan takes the Giant Eland as far as the
Wiramwazi Mountains before letting Bara go home.
Dell Number -- 16.2+17.1+18.2+33.1+A 1.2+43.2+47.3+49.1+A#3.1+57.3+#64
(Tarzan’s Friends splash page)
Giant Elk -- Doctor MacWhirtle and Boy spot
a Giant Elk as they fly over Pal-ul-don. MacWhirtle makes a
plaster cast of the elk’s hoof print.
Dell Number -- 31.1
Giant(s) -- a lost tribe of Giants
living in a village inside an extinct volcano. They are twice as
large as Tarzan. They wear shoes with strapped leggings, fur clothing,
and horned helmets. They speak a language Tarzan does not understand.
They worship all animals as gods. They capture humans as sacrifices
to the gods. The Giants capture Tarzan as he searches for the missing
mangani wives. In the sacrificial compound Tarzan kills two leopards.
This upsets the Giants, who turn the mangani loose. Tarzan convinces
the mangani to only pretend to kill the natives and him. This satisfies
the Giants. Tarzan finds some dynamite and uses it on the Giants.
The explosion awakens the volcano, which erupts and destroys the Giants
and their village.
Dell Number -- 37.1
Giant Bird -- a giant bird twenty feet tall
in the Canyon of Night. It is called wingless but it has wings.
Prince Rotan finds its egg and thinks it is a gemstone. The great
bird attacks the Prince. Tarzan kills it with a knife throw.
Dell Number -- A#6.4
Giant Lions -- Tarzan creates three giant
lions for the Cathneans to battle the Dinohyus that are keeping them from
hunting. Tarzan uses a formula that he learned from a great scientist.
In a month they have three giant lions that have eaten half the Cathnean
buffalo herd. Tarzan and Jathon ride Ja-dor in battle against the
Dinohyus. The giant lions kill all but three of the zu-horta.
One of the giant lions is killed. Tarzan lets the giants feed on
their kills. Tarzan tells Jathon to hunt the rest of the Dinohyus
soon. He also tells them not to worry about feeding the lions that
they will not live very long because of the growth medicine.
Dell Number -- 123.3
Giant Scorpions -- they attack Tarzan, Professor
Plume, and Tantor at the outskirts of the Lost City containing the treasure
of Isis. Tarzan kills one with his bow. Tantor picks one up
with his trunk. They are driven off by a group of pterodactyls.
Dell Number -- 26
Giant Spiders -- #25.1 controlled by
Queen Mataha with a whistle. They use the arachnids to bring slaves
to the people of Arrack. The spiders have a poisonous bite that renders
people unconscious long enough to be brought to the Arrack city.
N’tale is captured by one. When Tarzan goes to rescue her, he is
captured in a spider’s web. When Tarzan attempts to escape from the
city, Queen Mahata uses a spider to recapture him.
#30 - one attacks Boy. Tarzan kills it with a rifle.
Tarzan, Doctor Mac, Muviro, and the Waziri go to Arrack and kill all the
spiders with cyanide in their arrowheads. They burn all the eggs
they can find.
Dell Number -- 25.1 +30
Giant squids -- Giant squids are probably
carried in by a tidal wave. A squid attacks Boy and Dombie in their
tree house that has become a raft because of the tidal wave. The
squid grabs Prickly, the porcupine. It drops Prickly, and retreats
into the water. A pirate dhow pulls up to the boy’s raft. The
squid attacks the pirates. The pirates set sail and fight off the
squid. Tarzan and Muviro come to rescue the boys. A giant squid
attacks. Tarzan cuts off one of the tentacles. The squid grabs
Prickly, drops it, and retreats into the water.
Dell Number -- 128.2
Giant Swans -- (See - Banthurs, Red-billed)
Mounts used by the Lutorians. They appear to be similar to the Red-billed
Banthurs except that they have gold bills not red bills; they do not require
a head covering to control them; and they are capable of flight.
The Banthurs were never flown. Lutorians mounted on the giant swans
escort Tarzan and his hostage, King Zugu, towards Alur. When the
Terribs attack the Lutorians fly the swans through the air and under the
water to repulse the attack. Tarzan uses a swan as a mount after
leaving the canoe carrying the king. Tarzan and the Lutorians fly
the swans in search of King Zugu. Five swans, three tied to the bow
and two tied to the stern, carry the canoe and the king through the air.
A Ho-don spear kills a swan in the aft position. The king falls from
the canoe. On his flying swan, Tarzan ropes the king. He needs
the assistance of two other Lutorians flying swans to keep the king air
born to the crocodile boat of Princess Loma. Tarzan and his
escort will continue on swans to decoy the Ho-dons as Princess Loma take
King Zugu to Alur in the croc boat.
Dell Number -- 70.1
Giant Vultures -- #26 these birds circle
Leveque and Suleiman as they cross the Great Thorn Desert.
#44.1 Giant vulture of Pal-ul-don. It is referred
to as a Black Vulture. It is shown as brown with a red head and a
white neck. Riding on Argus, Tarzan saves Coru from a giant vulture.
Tarzan, Muviro, and two Waziri travel to Saparta and teach the little spearmen
how to make and use bows against their greatest enemy, the giant vultures.
Tarzan kills three plus and the Waziri warriors kill another ten.
Dell Number -- 26+44.1
Giant Wasp -- Their nest is in a split near
the top of a mountain on the Island of Dwarfs. Tarzan and Muviro
witness a wasp carrying off a lion. Tarzan’s arrows have little effect
on the insect. Flying on Argus Tarzan follows a wasp carrying a gazelle
back to the Island of Dwarfs. Tarzan smears the pulp of a white flower
on him and dips his arrows in the juice. Tarzan flies into the nest
area. The wasp are repelled by the flower scent and killed by the
arrows. Tarzan and Dr. MacWhirtle drop DDT bombs onto the nest, which
causes the volcano to erupt, finishing off the wasps.
Dell Number -- 48.3
giraffe -- #43.2 When Tarzan
drives the plague of Danginas into the wedge of natives, he also herds
giraffes into the area. The Danginas try unsuccessfully to attack the giraffes.
#69.1 the hunter, Derrik Carne, captures two baby giraffes
in Kenya Country.
#105.2 Tarzan warns the giraffes about an approaching
plague of locust.
#112.2 - Tarzan grabs onto the log that a giraffe is
pulling across the veldt. He has Boy cuts the rope so the giraffe
can run free.
No. 25.5 (non-Tarzan story) Nobby, the giraffe,
comes upon a giraffe family with a dying male. The male dies from
a poison arrow. Nobby takes over as the protecting male. A
rouge bull challenges Nobby. Nobby is winning the fight when he accidentally
slips into a river. After making his way out of the river, he chases
the rouge bull away.
#130.3 Boy and Dombie search for Knobby, Boy’s pet giraffe.
They find him with a herd of giraffes. The boys surmise that they
would have to fight the herd to separate Knobby from the herd. They
decide to leave Knobby with the herd.
Dell Number -- 43.2+ 69 (splash page)+69.1+105.2+112.2
+No. 25 (color by numbers)+ No. 25.5 (non-Tarzan story) +130.3
Gilog -- member of Thulak’s tribe who goes
with Tarzan to the Valley of the Mist.
Dell Number -- 18.1
gimla -- #1 crocodile;
#2 Tarzan kills one;
#6 mentioned only;
#12 Tarzan is referred to as swifter than gimla;
#18.2 just call croc - Giant Eland cracks its head
open as it tried to grab Taddo off the raft he, his mother and Tarzan were
#35 - one tries to eat N’kima. Attacks a Cathnean
as they build their rafts to cross the Great Swamp.
#36.1 Goliath, the giant lion, kills one as the lion
and Tarzan cross the Great Swamp.
#39.1 one tries to attack the Banthur Tarzan is riding
in the Great Swamp.
#39.2 Tarzan swims underwater in the swamp near the back
wall of New Athne. He has smeared his body with crocodile fat.
This prevents gimla from attacking him.
#40.1 one tries to get Tom Culver as he swims for Athne.
Doctor MacWhirtle shoots it with a rifle.
#40.2 Lightning breaks a tree branch knocking Tarzan
into the water. A crocodile tires to get him, but Tarzan is too quick
for gimla.
#A2.2 Crocodiles attack Muviro and the Waziri as they
attempt to cross the Great Swamp. Tarzan kills a croc with his knife.
They smear crocodile fat on their bodies to fool the crocodiles.
#54.2 (Boy story) Crocodiles infest the lake that holds
the Isle of Leopards. The Leopard Men use a dugout canoe to get across
the lake. Boy and the baboons build a raft to avoid the crocodiles.
The baboons drive the Leopard Men into the lake. The crocodiles kill
most of them.
#54.3 Crocodiles swim towards the three Talking Gorillas
that Tarzan has tricked into falling off their raft in the Great Swamp.
#59.1 Tarzan searches for the captured Prince Keelim.
Locating the Talking Gorilla’s rafts, he leaps from the thipdar’s back
into the Great Swamp. He swims past a crocodile.
#63.2 When Tarzan goes to steal a canoe from the native
bearers who have captured Miss Ruel, he has Boy cut off some crocodile
meat. As the bearers pursue them down river, Tarzan instructs Miss
Ruel to trail some crocodile meat behind them. They pass through
a herd of hippos. The hippos are agitated by the smell and attack
the pursuing canoes, believing them to be crocodiles.
#64.1 Tarzan knocks the Bolgani that roped Chet Harper
up into a tree into the Great Swamp. Harper also falls into the swamp.
As Tarzan unties Harper under water, a crocodile approaches. Tarzan
ties gimla’s mouth shut with the rope. A second crocodile goes after
the gorilla. Tarzan tries to warn the gorilla. (Results unknown.)
#69.2 Crocodiles chase Boy and Dombie while on their
way to the Nukonga Village to see what Tarzan is up to. Tarzan and
the Nukongas carry a crocodile trap down to the river. Crocodiles
threaten Tarzan as he carries the cable across the river. He avoids
them. Boy and Dombie fall into the river. Crocodiles swim towards
them. The boys crawl in the trap and are pulled safely to shore.
#77.2 After Tarzan rescues Wanumo from the Terribs, the
Golden Man desperately maneuvers his damaged skis towards the ape-man in
the trees. A crocodile pursues him. Tarzan pulls Wanumo into
the trees but not before gimla’s tail strikes the Golden Man on the leg.
The leg is severely injured but not broken.
A#5.1 Crocodiles surround the apes Throg and Kurok who
are stranded on a sandbar by a flash flood. Tarzan throws a wart
hog carcass into the water to distract the crocs. He pulls the apes
into a tree with a rope. Tarzan finds Ta-den’s armband in the water.
He uses the same rope to escape from a crocodile that tries to attack him.
A#5.5 Crocodiles swim for Isilio, the Waziri, as he crosses
a river to distract the crocodiles from Boy. They swim after Boy
as he attempts to cross. Isilio kills one of the crocodiles with
his spear.
#84.2 after the hyena is driven into the river by the
wild dog, Lucky, and her pups, it must swim quickly to the other side to
avoid a crocodile.
#90.2 With Dombie’s sprained ankle and night falling,
Boy and Dombie are afraid to cross the river because of crocodiles.
Boy makes a fire. Crocodiles surround them. Tarzan rides in
on the back of a croc and saves them. Tarzan explains that the crocodiles
were traveling to a new area and will not stop to feed and that they were
attracted to the heat of their fire. Muviro accompanies Tarzan in
saving the boys.
A#6 (splash page - River Animals of Tarzan’s World) up
to fourteen feet long.
#100.2 A crocodile pulls a mother rhino into the river.
Tarzan is too late for the rhino. He dives in the river and kills
the croc so that it will not kill any more animals.
#103.1 A crocodile fights over the possession of a dead
kudu with lions. The croc pulls the kudu into the water. Tarzan
dives in and kills it with a spear.
#103.2 Boy and Dombie canoe into a tunnel. A crocodile
forces them to continue through the tunnel. On the other side, a
crocodile upsets the canoe. The boys take to the trees. The
croc bites through the canoe. The boys build a raft and attempt to
leave. A croc pushes their raft sideways so that they can’t leave.
The croc forces them to climb up some vines as it climbs onto the raft.
#104.2 Tom and Jo, who have crashed their airplane into
a tree, are soaking their feet in a stream. Boy warns them about
the crocodile and the approaching cannibals. They head for a cliff.
The cannibals try to cross the stream. The crocodiles attack them.
A#7.1 A crocodile grabs onto Johnny Ball’s foot from
is disabled plane. Tarzan kills the croc with his knife.
A#7.3 (non-Tarzan story) Moonbeam, a mongoose, and her
young feed on crocodile eggs. A crocodile fails to grab the mongoose.
#105.2 Tarzan, his family, Buto, and his tribe take to
the river to escape the approaching plague of locust. Tarzan and
Buto fight off the crocodiles while Buto’s men place nets cross the river
to protect the people. Tarzan kills one with his knife.
No. 25.3 (Boy Story) Boy and Dombie go fishing.
Boy bumps into a crocodile that he thinks is a log. The boys take
a leopard toto away from the river so that gimla will not get the cub.
No. 25.5 (non-Tarzan story) Nobby, the giraffe,
accidentally falls into the river during a fight. Nobby finds a low
bank to climb out of the river. He must pass some crocodiles that
are leery of the giraffe’s hooves, which could break their backs.
#118.2 - two buffaloes pull the cape cart of Nama the
Hottentot trader. Boy and Dombie camp with Nama. The buffaloes
drink from a stream. A crocodile grabs a buffalo by the snout.
Boy stabs the croc with his spear. The croc releases the buffalo
and swims off with Boy’s spear.
#124.2 an earthquake causes the lake to drain.
The crocodiles leave the lake and head into the Wakinda Village.
The Wakinda tribe packs up and leaves the area.
No. 51.2 (Boy Story) As part of the Ordeal of Mumbo,
Buto has to swim through a pool of crocodiles. Buto wraps one of
the crocs on his back as he dodges the spears of six warriors.
#127.1 Crocodiles fight Jad-bal-ja for his antelope kill.
Tarzan kills a crocodile with his knife. Hawklin supposedly is hunting
crocodiles on Tarzan’s lake. He is actually hunting other animals.
He kills a hartebeest and thinks he killed his guide Inolu. His leaves
the bodies for the crocs. The crocs pull the hartebeest into the
water. Inolu wakes and escapes the crocodile coming for him.
Jad-bal-ja chases the evil hunter Hawklin into the lake. Tarzan saves
him from the crocodiles.
Dell Number -- 1+2+6+12+18.2+A 1.3+35+36.1+39.1+39.2+40.1+40.2+A2.2+54.2
(Boy story)+54.3 +59.1 +63.2 +64.1 +69.2 +77.2 +A#5.1 +A#5.5 +84.2 +90.2
+A#6 (splash page - River Animals of Tarzan’s World)+100.2+103.1+103.2+104.2+A#7.1
+A#7.3+105.2 +No. 25.3 (Boy Story) +No. 25.5 non-Tarzan story +118.2
+124 (splash page “Old Timer?”) +124.2 +No. 51.2 (Boy Story) +127.1
Novel -- JT
Gina -- Gina is one of the native merchants
from the native market that Jane leads towards a free market at her house.
Gina fears the curse of the witch doctor N’gai that was placed on them
as they left. Jane tries to calm her fears. A rouge elephant
forces them to take cover in some gigantic tree roots. The rouge
grabs Gina’s leg and starts to pull her out. Jane throws some pepper
at the rouge’s snout, causing the elephant to release Gina.
Dell Number -- No. 37.2 (Jane Story)
Gitani -- Gitani is one of the names Tarzan
calls out to fool Juma and his gang into thinking that government men are
surrounding them. It works.
Dell Number -- 128.1
gladiator -- Professional gladiators fight
in the arena at Castra Sanguinarius for the Emperor’s birthday.
Dell Number -- 58.3
glotha -- cave bear of Cor-o-don in
the lost valley (See also - cave bear)
Dell Number -- 19.2
gnu -- 37.2 (inside splash page)+#104 (splash page)
goat herder -- Man who Tarzan silences
and uses his corral to hide Jane, Boy, and the other slaves he rescued
from Abou Ben Ephraim
Dell Number -- 11
goats -- #8 Tarzan kills a wild goat
for food on the way home from the Valley of the Monsters.
#39.1 while riding a thipdar Tarzan scares off goats
that were being stalked by a snow leopard.
#54.2 (Boy story) Dombie is tending his mother’s goats
when a leopard wearing a collar grabs one and leaps into the jungle.
Boy follows the leopard to the Isle of Leopards.
A#4.5 (non-Tarzan story) The unnamed tribe places a goat
near their pit trap to catch a lion.
#78.2 there is a goat in the Waziri Village.
A#6.1 exploring the island his family is marooned on,
Tarzan sees Sheetah stalking goats. He warns the goats, which escape.
Tarzan surmises that the animals came from some wrecked cargo ship.
A#6.6 (Jane Story) Nimbo brings six goats through the
native market to give to Kalaya for his daughter’s hand. One goat
is troublesome. It breaks pots in the potter’s booth. The shop
owner demands a goat as payment. Jane pays for the pots if Nimbo
would help her bring her goods to the tree house. Nimbo uses one
goat to haul the goods. Kalaya gives Nimbo the troublesome goat as
a wedding present because it broken a hole in his house.
#102.1 The Gomah tribe gives Tarzan a gift of a goat.
They want him to rid the area of an albino elephant.
A#7.5 (Jane story) There are goats near Kimbo and
N’kala’s hut.
#115.1 - The Mountain Men from Kroo Maun in Pal-ul-don
raise goats.
Dell Number -- 8+39.1+54.2 (Boy story)+ A#4.5
(non-Tarzan story)+78.2+A#6.1+A#6.6 (Jane Story)+102.1+A#7.5 (Jane
story)+ 115.1
Gogulu -- sorcerer of the Nagosi tribe.
He owns a slave named Ila who is loved by Prince Inkolo.
He demands a king’s ransom for her freedom. He has plans to make
his son king of the Nagosi. Inkolo returns with the price but embarrasses
the sorcerer by throwing gold at him. He conspires with his son,
Ungo, to get Inkolo to touch the slave girl, a deed punishable by death.
When Ila faints at the sight of the mamba, Inkolo catches her. Gogulu
says that he must be thrown to the wild buffalo. Tarzan takes his
place and proves Gogulu planned this with a snake that has no teeth.
Gogulu is sentenced to face a wild buffalo.
Dell Number -- 28
Golden Men -- #77.2 - A Lost Tribe
of yellow skinned people. They live in a bamboo-stilted city called
Taleela. It is in a secret location near an island on a lake in the
Great Swamp. They speak their own language that is described as musical.
They are highly civilized and protect their citizens. They have great
knowledge of medicines. They appear to be ruled by their elders or
highly revere their elders. They use a type of water skis with a
paddle for propulsion as transportation. The paddles can be removed
to make the handle into a blowgun. Gas pellets are used in the blowgun/paddle,
which kills also instantaneously. The Golden Men are friendly with
Tarzan who brings the injured Wanumo to his village. However, they
wish to keep their home secret so they slip Tarzan a sleeping potion and
transport him back into the Great Swamp.
#88.2 The Golden Men approach the Terribs Village to
retaliate for the killing of some of their people. They use their
water skis and paddles on the Great Swamp. Upon seeing the village
deserted, they sense a trap and convert their paddles into blowguns.
The Terribs surface from their underwater tunnels. A battle ensues.
Tarzan and the giant otters attack the Terribs from the rear. The
Terribs retreat to their tunnels. The Golden Men accompany Tarzan
ashore as he frees Boy from a Terribs prison cell. The Golden Men
are tall, thin, have big ears, and golden skin. They wear colorful
conical hats which bend forward slightly like a horn.
A#6.2 The Golden Men see Terribs attacking Boy and Dombie.
They ski to their aid. The Terribs flee. They carry the boys
to their secret city on skis propelled by sails. They heal Dombie,
who had been injured in the fight. They tell the boys that they can
never leave. They are golden in color. Drawn as Marsh draws
natives only with gold skin. They have normal sized ears. They
wear cloaks even while skiing. They have tall black fez-like caps.
The boys escape on black swans.
Dell Number -- 77.2+88.2+A#6.2
Goliath -- #36.1 Taken from its mother
as a cub by Tarzan. The ape-man uses growth pellets provided by Doctor
Mervin to create the giant lion, Goliath. Tarzan trains the lion
for six weeks to the point where it can handle an elephant. Goliath
carries Tarzan across the Great Thorn Desert and the Great Swamp.
His roar stampedes the Athnean elephants and breaks the siege of New Cathne.
Tarzan leaves the giant with King Jathon.
#41.2 He escapes from his corral in New Cathne.
When Tarzan comes for him, the giant lion helps Tarzan and the Lost Legion
defeat the Talking Gorillas.
#45.3 Timon, Jathon’s nephew, uses the giant lion to
pull rafts full of Cathnean warriors through the Great Swamp to Athne.
Timon rides Goliath up to the walls of Athne. The Athneans throw
spears down at them. Goliath is hit and throws Timon off his back.
Goliath crushes Timon with its paw. The enraged lion breaks through
the top of the wall and causes panic amongst the Athnean war elephants.
Back out of the city, Tarzan calms Goliath down and tells him to obey Jathon.
Jathon rides Goliath up to the Athnean army and negotiate a peace between
the cities.
#46.1 Goliath pulls the Cathneans back to Cathne and
collapses. Tarzan removes a spearhead from his back that came close
to its spine. After healing he fights a pack of saber-toothed beasts.
#52.1 King Jathon is mounted on Goliath as Tarzan brings
the survivors of Athne to Cathne. Jathon and Goliath accompany Tarzan
to Athne to look at the Bolgani horde that has overrun the city.
Goliath and Tantor drive the gorillas back behind the walls of Athne.
#54.3 Goliath feeds in the courtyard at Cathne.
Three Talking Gorillas fire arrows at their most feared enemy. Tarzan
drives off the attackers with his arrows. Goliath is severely wounded.
#123.3 Queen Elaine informs Tarzan that Goliath died
years ago.
Dell Number -- 36.1+41.2+45.3+46.1+52.1+54.3+123.3
-- GF - small town in Idaho
Golo -- The native trapper who throws his
knob stick and knocks Tarzan unconscious and into the pit trap. They
sell their prisoners to Castrum Mare.
Dell Number -- 106.1
Gomah -- Tribe of natives living on the banks
of a river. Their leader is Umboma. They are well established
and thriving. They raise chickens, cattle, goats, corn and fruit.
They bring Tarzan to their city to get him to rid the area of an albino
elephant that terrorizes them. It has killed their best hunters.
Some Gomah farmers report to the chief that they saw the elephant kill
Tarzan. They prepare to sacrifice the chief’s daughter to appease
the elephant that they believe is inhabited by the chief’s dead albino
brother. Tarzan arrives to the nick of time to safe the daughter
with the news of the elephant’s death.
Dell Number -- 102.1
Gomambas -- native tribe living on an island
in the middle of a wide river. Their white ruler is King Lukah, who
provides them with electricity. They provide him with slaves that
he blinds with a poisonous juice. When Laura Thomas escapes the island,
they go in search of her and capture her as well as Tarzan, and Doctor
Harvey Warfield. Tarzan with the help of Jad-bal-ja manages to free
all the prisoners and chop holes in all their canoes. Tarzan warns
them to stop enslaving people or else.
Dell Number -- 25.2
go-mangani -- (ape) Negro/great black
Dell Number -- 4+5+11+12
gomangani -- (ape) Negro/great black ape
Dell Number -- 10+21.2+23.2
Novel -- ST + GL
Gomo -- King of the mandrills.
Tarzan and Moki come upon Gomo in the abandon city in the Canyon of the
Mandrills. Gomo threatens to kill them. Tarzan throws his manga
torch in Gomo’s face. He throws the mandrill and forces him to surrender.
Gomo runs off.
Dell Number -- 100.1
Gorak -- #14.1 old man baboon.
Baboons are used against the unarmed slaves in the gladiatorial arena of
the lost legion. Tarzan makes friends with him and talks them into
helping the slaves against the lions. Tarzan helps the baboon to
escape during the confusion caused by the total eclipse of the sun.
A#6.1 Name of a gorilla trapped under some fallen rocks.
His tribe is unable to free him and leaves. Tarzan uses a tree trunk
as a lever to free the grateful Gorak. He introduces Tarzan to his
tribe. Later, an unnamed tribe of natives brings gorillas to the
island to sacrifice to a giant squid. They tie them to poles on the
beach and wait for the tide to do its work. Tarzan asks Gorak and
his tribe to help rescue the Bolgani. The gorillas drive the natives
back into their canoes and off the island.
A#6.7 Hunter, Herbert Gates, shoots his rifle at Gorak,
the great ape. Tarzan tries to persuade Gorak to leave. He
calls Gorak, the angry one and the foolish one. Gorak won’t leave
and attacks Tarzan. Tarzan throws him. Gorak leaves.
Dell Number -- 14.1+A#6.1+A#6.7
Gorgan the Greedy -- Bearded, dark haired
Greek god-like man of Jalur who seizes the throne of the lion city and
lusts after the Lady Luala. He exiles her love, Kandor, from the
city. Kandor returns to the city with his axe and handle made from
the horn a great rhinoceros and his right to challenge Gorgan for the throne.
Kandor easily defeats Gorgan and exiles him.
Dell Number -- A#7.4
Gorgo -- buffalo #5 king of the wild
#15.2 Tarzan kills one with his bare hands.
#28 Tarzan takes Prince Inkolo’s place, as he was condemned
to face a wild buffalo for touching a slave girl. Tarzan kills it
with his bare hands.
#36.1 A three-week old Goliath, the giant lion, kills
a buffalo.
#45.2 Boy captures a buffalo in a pit trap.
#80.2 Lions attack a herd of buffalo. Two cows
crunch a male lion between them. They chase a cub up a tree where
Tarzan takes care of it.
#110.1 Water buffaloes are in the valley when Tarzan
and Buto are buzzed by Jess’ airplane.
#122.2 Gorgo is the name of one of the buffaloes that
Boy and Dombie use to pull the cart carrying the dugout canoe they are
going to give to the Kasana tribe. M’bogo is the other buffalo.
Bangas chase them and they are forced to drive over a ledge into Lake Sana.
The buffaloes follow them swimming to the Kasana Village. Dombie
looks after them as Boy shows the Kasana how to use the seine net.
The boys ride the buffaloes up the cliff when the Bangas attack the village.
After the adventure the boys ride the buffaloes home.
#123.3 The Cathneans feed buffaloes to the lions Tarzan
is turning into giants. In a month they have eaten half the Cathnean
No. 51.1 - As Tarzan and Lechwe portage the canoe, buffaloes
threaten to attack. Tarzan soothes them with words.
#125.2 Tarzan rides a buffalo with gilded horns to the
durbar of King Imanga. They fall into a pit trap of the Bakongo and
are captured. When the Imanga warriors come to rescue Tarzan, one
of the Bakongo warriors wears the gilded horns. The buffalo presumably
is dead.
#118.2 two buffaloes pull the cape cart of Nama the Hottentot
trader. Boy and Dombie camp with Nama. The buffalos drink from
a stream. A crocodile grabs a buffalo by the snout. Boy stabs
the croc with his spear. The croc releases the buffalo. Nama
calls one of the buffaloes M’bogo. He calls the other Mbaya Sana?
Lebombos confront Nama. The trader has his buffaloes attack the robbers.
Between the buffaloes and Tarzan, Boy and Dombie arriving on elephants,
they drive the Lebombos away.
Dell Number -- 5+11+15.2+28+36.1+45.2+80.2+110.1+122.2+123.3+No.
51.1+125.2+128 (splash page “Old Sail Back”)+ 118.2
Novel -- JT -- buffalo
Gorgo (the giant buffalo) -- #57.1 Tarzan
receives a calf buffalo form King Gallu as thanks for recapturing their
buffaloes from the Torodons. Tarzan takes the calf to an idyllic
pasture in Pal-ul-don. He trains the buffalo and feeds it growth
pellets. In about three weeks the buffalo is greater than a gryf.
Tarzan names the buffalo Gorgo. Gray wolves attack them. Tarzan
kills one. Gorgo kills the other. Tarzan rides Gorgo to Alur.
They save King Taden from Ho-don warriors. Taden says that Gorgo
is greater than a gryf. Tarzan and Taden ride Gorgo to Alur where
they are met by rebellious force of his cousin, Prince Kodon. Gorgo
crashes through the gates of Alur. When Taden defeats Kodon in single
combat, Kodon’s men try to surround the King and Tarzan. Tarzan calls
Gorgo who drives the rebels out of the city.
#58.1 Tarzan rides Gorgo out of Alur in search of giant
White Apes. As they pass Kor-ul-gryf, two gryfs attack them.
Gorgo jumps out of the way and the two gryfs attack each other. They
ride through the Lake of the Thipdars that is dried up because of a volcanic
eruption. In the Valley of the Monsters they are attacked by young
Garths. Gorgo kills one. Tarzan kills the other. Tarzan
leaves the giant buffalo to feed. A White Ape captures the ape-man.
When he escapes with Alice Jenner, Gorgo is waiting for him. They
ride Gorgo to the Great Swamp and are pursued by the apes. A man
by the name of Jim shoots the apes from Paul Jenner’s airplane. Tarzan
leaves on Gorgo.
#59.1 Riding on Gorgo Tarzan meets Prince Loma in the
Great Barrier Swamp. He leaves Gorgo on an island in the swamp, as
he searches for the captured Prince Keelim.
#60.1 Tarzan picks up Gorgo. They encounter a Garth
in the Great Swamp. Between Tarzan’s arrows and Gorgo’s horns they
slay the monster. The Talking Gorillas’ arrows shatter on Gorgo’s
horns. During the fight with the spotted lions of Pal-ul-don to save
Jorah and his men, Gorgo kills at least one of the lions. The buffalo
is badly scratched by the spotted lions so Tarzan leaves him to heal.
#65.1 Tarzan riding a dyal with Jorah and his men come
upon Gorgo. The buffalo’s wounds have not yet healed. Gorgo
follows them to the area where Jorah’s traditional village was destroyed.
Gorgo senses danger in the village. Tarzan unites the Cor-o-dons
with the White Apes to drive out the cave bears. After the cave bears
are driven from the area for a second time. Tarzan and Jorah follow
the bears on Gorgo. They follow them to the former home of the White
Apes where Tarzan seals the bears in the canyon.
#71.1 Tarzan rides Gorgo to Gallugo. The dark bluish
gray buffalo helps Tarzan and the Gallugos fight off the excess lions of
the Cathneans that are plaguing the city. Tarzan and Princess Loma
ride Gorgo to Cathne to meet with King Jathon about the lion problem.
As they attempt to round up the lions into the crocodile boats, a garth
threatens to cause havoc. Gorgo helps Tarzan to defeat two garths.
Gorgo is colored a dark bluish gray.
#103.1 While Tarzan and Jathon are on their way to Cathne,
they come upon Gorgo. Tarzan says that he created the giant buffalo
with a vegetable potion. He rides Gorgo to Cathne. They discover
the city destroyed be an earthquake. They follow the trail of the
survivors. Jathon rides his lion into a gorilla ambush. Tarzan
charges in and has Gorgo chase the bolgani away. They arrive at the
Cathnean camp. Tarzan has Gorgo jump their protective fence.
The Gallegos approach. Tarzan has Gorgo jump the fence to go to talk
peace. A gorilla army attacks them. Tarzan directs Gorgo
in the battle. The gorillas are defeated and Tarzan leaves on Gorgo.
Gorgo is larger than usual and bluish black in color.
#105.1 while helping Ruth Wells escape from the Moran
tribe, Tarzan enlists the aid of Gorgo, the giant blue-black buffalo.
Gorgo carries them close to the Makembe Citadel where Ruth’s father is
a missionary.
Dell Number -- 57.1+58.1+59.1+60.1+65.1+71.1+103.1+105.1
gorilla -- #23 back cover diorama from
the American Museum of Natural History.
A#4 (Apes and Monkeys of Tarzan’s World) (See also
- bolgani).
#125.2 The Bakongos seek to discredit the Waziri.
They dress up a gorilla in a costume and tell King Imanga that it is the
ambassador that the Waziri send to honor the king. Imanga is insulted.
Boy convinces the king that the Bakongos are deceiving the king.
Dell Number -- 23+A#4+71(splash page)+81
(Forest Folk - inside back cover)+125.2
gorilla king -- leader of the Talking Gorillas.
They have possession of a city and use human slaves. He wears a crown
and robes. He is referred to as ‘bolgani-guru’ (terrible gorilla).
Tarzan, Goliath, and the Lost Legion invade the city. When confronted
by Tarzan and Goliath, the king takes his remaining gorillas into the forest.
(See also - bolgani)
Dell Number -- 41.2
Gori -- mangani whose mate is captured
by the lost tribe of Giants.
Dell Number -- 37.1
Gorlak -- #20.1 gund of a mangani tribe.
He is suspicious of Tarzan even though he saved a balu of his tribe.
He helps Tarzan in the first rescue of Tim and Jess Wales. Later
his tribe, which lives in huts on top of the trees, is attacked by the
#27 He and his tribe participate in a war Dum-Dum of
Thurag and attack the empty camp of the English lumber man, Colin Durham.
They trash the camp.
Dell Number -- 20.1+27
Gorobars -- reptile mounts of the Terribs.
They are very swift. (See also - iguana, giant)
#36.2 they are called swimming beasts.
#42.1 When the Terribs attack, the Stork Men realize
that they can neutralize them by killing their lizard mounts. Tarzan
does likewise. Tarzan raises two giant otters, Nip and Tuck, to attack
the lizards. The Gorobars are no match for the otters.
#46.1 The Terribs attack Cathne on their Gorobars.
The lizards climb the scaling ladder with Terribs on their backs.
The Gorobars are no match for the wild buffalo mounts of the Gallugos.
#50.1 The Terribs ride their lizard mounts after the
crocodile boat of Princess Loma, who is taking Tarzan to the Stork Men
Village with a cure for Swamp Fever. The new improved crocodile boat
easily outdistances the Gorobars.
#51.1 Gorobars carry the Terribs into the Stork Men Village
for a night attack. Tarzan kills one with his knife (and probably
many more with his bow). When the giant otters are released the Terribs
flee on their mounts. While flying to the Stork Men Village, Tarzan
and Dr. Mac spy nesting Gorobars on a sand bar. Dr. Mac insists on
landing and collecting some eggs. Dr. Mac is captured by Terribs.
After Tarzan rescues Dr. Mac, they go back for some Gorobars eggs.
Tarzan destroys the rest of the eggs.
#59.1 Gorobars carry a group of Terribs through the Great
Barrier Swamp. Tarzan pulls the leader off his mount and rides away.
Tarzan lures them towards the Talking Gorillas. The Terribs pursue
on their great lizards. Tarzan rounds a bend and dives off the Gorobar.
A gorilla’s arrow kills Tarzan’s temporary mount. The gorillas and
Terribs battle to the finish.
#70.1 Terribs mounted on Gorobars attack Tarzan and his
Lutorian escort on their way to Alur with King Zugu. The attack is
repulsed. The next day the Terribs again attack on their Gorobars.
Tarzan dives into the water to fight. He pulls a Terribs off his
mount and uses the Gorobar to get back into the battle. He spears
a Gorobar. The second attack is joined by Princess Loma’s crocodile
boat. She releases two giant otters, which attack the Gorobars.
The Terribs retreat on their great lizards.
#71.1 after Tarzan disarms a lone Terribs, he takes his
Gorobar and rides it to Lutor. He scouts out the island on the great
lizard. He watches a group of Terribs on their mounts being repelled
by the Lutorians. Tarzan warns the Lutorian guards about the approaching
Bolgani from his Gorobar.
#77.2 - Terribs ride their Gorobars as they chase Wanumo,
a Golden Man. Tarzan reins arrows down on them, driving them away.
#88.2 The Terribs mounted on their Gorobars surface from
their underwater tunnels to attack the Golden Men. Tarzan and the
giant otters attack from the rear. The otters go for the throats
of the Gorobars. The Terribs retreat to their tunnels.
A#6.2 Terribs on Gorobars see Boy and Dombie in a catamaran.
They pursue them. The boys run aground. The Terribs catch up
and knock Dombie into the water. They spy the Golden Men approaching
and have their Gorobars dive for safety.
#112.1 Terribs mounted on their Gorobars attack the British
survivors of a plane crash. Tarzan in a crocodile boat of the Lutorians
drives them away. The Gorobars look like large iguanas.
113.2 A Terribs riding a Gorobar rises up and snatches
Dombie. They swim for their underwater cave. After Tarzan and
the Waziri find the Terribs hiding places, they drive the Terribs and their
mounts down river and over the falls.
#115.1 Terribs attack the Mountain Men, Katar and Dera
who are floating on a log in the Great Swamp. Their sling stones
can’t stop the cannibals. Tarzan’s arrows slays the Gorobar mounts
of the Terribs causing them to break off the attack. The Gorobars
look like large iguanas.
#124.1 The Terribs mounted on their Gorobars are massing
their forces. Tarzan on a gryf attacks them. The Terribs on
their Gorobars slip into A-lur behind the attacking Ja-lur army.
Tarzan has the gryf block the gateway to the city. Tarzan unites
A-lur and Ja-lur to defeat the Terribs and their Gorobars.
Dell Number -- 34.2+36.2+41.2+42.1+46.1+50.1+51.1+59.1+70.1+71.1+77.2+88.2
+A#6.2+112.1 +113.2 +115.1 +124.1
Novel -- TEA (relates to the ‘gorobors’ - the ten
foot reptile mount of the Horibs)
Gorok -- No. 25.6 Gorok is a great ape that
hunts with Tarzan on the veldt. A storm comes up and they sleep in
the trees.
Dell Number -- No. 25.6
Gorpah -- One of the gray apes from the Isle
of Apes that Tarzan commands to place the captured Arabs raiders in the
wala, prison, that they have built for them.
Dell Number -- 55.3
Gortak -- Gund of the Talking Gorillas who
attack Queen Elaine. He calls himself Gortak the terrible.
Tarzan prevents them from capturing her, but he is knocked unconscious
by a club. Gortak carries the limp body of the ape-man back to their
camp. Gortak is wounded in the arm by a Cathnean spear. He
calls for a Dum-Dum and prepares a plan of a faint attack with buffaloes
while his main force scales the walls of Cathne. Presumably he leads
the unsuccessful attack on the City of Gold.
Dell Number -- A#4.1
Goss -- gangster who with his partner, Norgel,
and an Arab named Hassan is seeking the treasure of lost Atlantis,
the gold of Opar. They threaten harm to Jane and Boy to obtain Tarzan’s
help. He and his partners are slaughter by the apes of Opar.
Dell Number -- 5
Grayfellow -- Gray horse, which is part of
the Carveth horse safari. Tarzan stops Drake from whipping the horse
and pays him two gold coins for it. Tarzan heals the horse.
It follows Tarzan to the foot of Opar. Drake tries to get him after
he has looted Oparian gold. The horse is startled by histah.
Tarzan lets Jean ride the horse back to Tarzan’s tree house.
Dell Number -- 38.2
Great Apes -- #44.2 at the edge of
the Great Swamp where it narrows to a ravine, Tarzan calls the apes to
bring him vines and lianas so that he might build a bridge across the ravine.
#44.2 Tarzan befriends a strange tribe by getting a balu
out of a monkey trap. He discovers that one of the shes has a human
Dell Number -- 26+44.2
Great Rhinoceros -- Living in the northern
mountains of Pal-ul-don. The beast is huge and hairy with a horn
as long as a man is tall. Tarzan leads Kandor to the mountains to
fulfill is quest for the horn. Tarzan exposes the flank of the rhino
so that Kandor can kill it. Imperial lions attack Tarzan and Kandor.
Another rhino approaches the area. The lion attacks and kills the
rhino. Tarzan and Kandor escape during the battle.
Dell Number -- A#7.4
Greystoke, Lady -- Jane’s formal title
as Tarzan’s wife. (See also - Jane)
Dell Number -- 8
Novel -- JO
Greystoke, Lord -- Tarzan’s English title,
a viscount. Boy is mentioned as the heir in Dell #3.
In Dell #5 the gangster, Goss, refers to Tarzan as Greystoke
showing his knowledge of Tarzan’s English title.
Dell Number -- 3+5+7+8+45.1+50.3+51.3+89.1+No.
Novel -- TA
grocery store man -- The grocery store man
in Nairobi is startled when Boy and Jad-bal-ja rush into his store and
up the stairs. He tells the police that a lion chased a boy up the
Dell Number -- 60.2 (Boy story)
Grossa -- A white man who is king over an
unnamed tribe. He controls a large ancient walled city. He
is quite mad and thinks of himself as an emperor and sacred. He uses
slaves to rebuild the city. He captures Tarzan. Tolo, the great
ape, rescues him. He captures Prince Barko of the Mambusi tribe.
When Tarzan comes to rescue the prince and the other slaves, the arrogant
Grossa backs up too close to the man-eating tree, Kalachar, and is eaten.
Dell Number -- 43.1
Grossa’s Guards -- The king’s guards all
wear colorful clothing with an image of the man-eating tree, Kalachar,
on the front. They help the king capture Tarzan in a pit-trap.
They are quick with their whip on the slaves. Tarzan handles them
easily. The Jungle Lord frees Prince Barko and has him lead the slaves
in a revolt against the guards. The slaves are victorious.
Dell Number -- 43.1
gryf -- descended of the triceratops.
Flesh eaters. Some have been tamed by Tor-o-dons.
#6 Tarzan subdues a huge one. He, Boy, Om-at and
his men ride it to Dan-lur.
#9 features a battle between one and Tantor.
#16.1 the Waz-dons use a large number of gryfs.
#24.2 Tarzan uses a gryf to free Ta-den and Oloa from
the M’bongo tribe. Tarzan teaches the Waziri how to subdue gryfs
they plan to use to free Alur from Waz-ho-don control.
A #1.3 - Torodons mounted on gryfs take over Alur.
In the battle between the Torodons on their gryfs and Jorah’s tribe mounted
on dyals, the dyals easily handle the gryfs.
#41.1 A Torodon riding a gryf captures Lucia Tally.
Tarzan defeats the beast man. They use the gryf to ride to the Tower
of Ta-dan. Torodons mounted on gryfs attack the tower. From
his plane, Doctor MacWhirtle uses rockets on the gryfs, which drives the
Torodons away.
#46.1 As Tarzan helps the Gallugos search for a new home,
a gryf frighten off their buffaloes. Tarzan subdues it with a stick.
The text relates the gryf to the triceratops.
#47.2 after receiving a telepathic message from Jane
for help, Tarzan and the Waziri ride a gryf through the Great Swamp and
the Great Thorn Desert home again. There are air pockets in the gryfs
body that allows it to easily swim. The gryf is faster than an elephant.
The gryf kills a water python in the swamp and a rhino near a donga.
Tarzan rides the gryf to Ain Adrar, the city of Sheik Ibrahim, to find
Jane and Boy. The gryf smashes through gates of the city. The
gryf raises havoc in the city so Tarzan can rescue his family. The
Arabs eventually kill the gryf.
A#3.5 A volcano eruption has driven the Torodons and
their gryfs out of the Valley of Monsters. They attack Cathne.
The Torodons use their gryfs as battering rams on the walls of the city.
Tarzan teaches the Cathneans to throw oil flasks down on the invaders and
then ignite the oil with torches. This drives off the beast men and
their mounts. Tarzan implies that the gryfs eat humans. Tarzan,
Jo-rah, and his men, mounted on dyals, thwart the Torodon’s night attack
on Cathne. The gryfs are no match for the dyals. Tarzan and
Jo-rah lure the Torodons and their gryfs into a large group of Garths.
The Torodons flee on foot. The gryfs and the Garths battle to their
own deaths.
#58.1 As Tarzan and Gorgo pass through Kor-ul-gryf, two
gryfs attack them. Tarzan commands Gorgo to jump out of the way at the
last second. The two gryfs fight amongst themselves.
#62.1 In Pal-ul-don to collect gryf eggs, Tarzan saves
Dr. MacWhirtle from a gryf. They observe female gryfs covering their
eggs with sand. Under the cover of night Tarzan takes some gryf eggs.
The gryfs are alerted and put up a noisy fuss. Tarzan carries the
doctor, who carries the eggs, through the trees. The gryfs lose the
#71.1 A gryf chases Tarzan into the Great Swamp.
Underwater the gryf is distracted by a crocodile, which it attacks and
kills. A Garth comes and probably will fight the gryf for the
A#5.1 Tarzan subdues a gryf in Pal-ul-don. He rides
it to Tohr to rescue Ta-den. Tarzan has the gryf crash through the
gates of Tohr. The gryf goes on a rampage and destroys many buildings.
The Tohrians try to stop the beast, but it continues to knock buildings
down. Tarzan rescues Ta-den. They ride the gryf to freedom.
#83.2 A gryf wanders into Buto’s Kraal and wreaks havoc.
Tarzan subdues the beast and uses it to thwart an attack by the N’goros.
Tarzan and Buto take the gryf to the Great Swamp. It heads back to
#87.1 When Jalima leads Tarzan towards the caves of the
White Apes, Tarzan feels the need for transportation. He goes to
the Valley of the Gryfs and subdues one. At the cave area Tarzan
hangs a club from the nose horn to tether the beast. He rides the
beast to the top of the mountain. After he rescues Jorah and his
men, they discover the gryf heading for home. Tarzan mounts the beast
and has Jorah and his men join him. They charge the pursuing apes,
driving them back into their caves. Later Tarzan uses a gryf as a
plow to carve a ditch to drain a swampy area so that it can be used to
grow food.
#97.1 red gryfs - They have a single horn, weigh ten
tons and are burnt sienna in color. Tarzan and Jathon travel to Tor-ul-ga
to capture red gryfs to battle the Garth that is terrorizing Cathne.
Tarzan explains to Jathon that you run up its back and place your toes
in the beast’s ears to control it. They capture two gryfs that were
fighting each other. They travel all night back to Cathne.
They have their gryfs attack the Garth. Tarzan and Jathon abandon
their mounts. The gryfs kill the Garth and head for the Great Swamp.
#124.1 A burnt sienna gryf with three horns attacks Tarzan
as he escape from Ja-lur. Tarzan subdues the gryf and rides it to
A-lur to alert the city about the Ja-lur attack on the A-lur. Along
the way the gryf smells Terribs and goes out of its way to attack them.
Tarzan rides the gryf to the forts Ara-don and Zu-den to gather the forces
for A-lur. When they reach the city, the Terribs are slipping into
the city behind the Ja-lur army. Tarzan uses the gryf to block the
gateway against the Terribs.
Dell Number -- 6+9+16.1+24.2+A 1.3+41.1+46.1+47.2+A#3.5+58.1+61
(Jungle World) +62.1+71.1 +A#5.1+A#5 (Jungle Theater) +83.2 +87.1 +97.1
Novel -- TTe -- omnivorous
gryff -- descendant of the triceratops.
Live in Kor-ul-gryff. Tarzan has taught Om-at and Pan-at-lee how
to subdue and ride them. Pan-at-lee does in # 4.
Dell Number -- 4+24.1
Novel -- TTe -- spelled gryf
guanionien -- giant spotted bird is called
the leopard of the skies. Larger than an eagle, its prey is mainly
monkeys but will take goats and gazelles in its razor sharp talons.
Dell Number -- A#6 (splash page)
Gudo -- The wrestler who is Tarzan’s first
opponent in the Webs of Arrack. Queen Mataha asks Gudo
to cripple Tarzan but not kill him. Tarzan easily defeats Gudo, who
has never lost a fight.
Dell Number -- 25.1
guenon -- monkey A#4 (Apes and Monkeys of Tarzan’s World)
guinea -- A#5 (Tarzan’s Birds - splash page)
Gufta -- FC 134 white ape that is part of
a tribe of white apes under the control of Zanaka, Dashani warrior chief.
He is the strongest ape other than the Devil Ogre. Zanaka pits him
against Tarzan. Tarzan defeats him thus gaining Gufta’s respect.
Gufta stops a group of three apes from harming Tarzan after he rescues
Doris Ramsay from Dashani warriors. Gufta is taken prisoner and is
thrown in with Tarzan and the Ramsay safari because he saved Tarzan and
Doris. Tarzan gets Gufta to help in the escape attempt. As
Tarzan battles the Devil Ogre, Gufta breaks the bars to the cell and leads
the party into the hills. He returns for Tarzan and helps him push
a boulder down at the Dashani warriors who are trailing them. Tarzan
and Gufta part as friends.
#2 great ape that rescues Tommy Newsome
Dell Number -- FC 134+ 2
Gulak -- Gund of a tribe of apes. He
brings his tribe to Tarzan to show him the poison arrow that killed Thorchak.
Tarzan promises to help. Later Gulak and his tribe help Tarzan rescue
Boy and capture the ivory poachers. Tarzan has Gulak’s tribe carry
the Bagongo through the trees to the Dum-Dum site. The ritual of
the Dum-Dum scares the poachers silly.
Dell Number -- 89.2
Gulchak -- the bone crusher, one of the apes
of Opar. Tarzan beats him in a fight thus enlisting the aid of the
apes to defeat Hassan and the gangsters who are seeking Opar’s gold.
Dell Number -- 5
Gumbah -- #99.1 Name of a Watumba warrior.
He is the first of three champions that Tarzan is to defeat if he is to
gain his freedom. Tarzan quickly defeats him.
#109.1 Name of the Shifta who is commanded to build a
fire as the bandits stop to camp with their captive Dr. Kindred.
Dell Number -- 99.1+109.1
Gumburu -- Gumburu is the evil brother to
Sheik Abdurra. When he learns that his brother has been wounded in
battle, he decides to grab the Armor of King Suleiman, the symbol of power
for the Marehans. He and his men pursue the sheik’s son, Serenli,
and Boy into the mountains. Gumburu gets the drop on Serenli and
demands the armor. Tarzan’s arrow hits Gumburu’s rifle. He
recovers enough to take a wild shot at his nephew. He misses.
Serenli returns fire. Gumburu is hit and falls off a cliff to this
Dell Number -- 129.3
Gunay -- Tomos’ lackey henchwoman, she is
to guard Elaine Hammond and teach her the Cathnean language.
Dell Number -- 21.1
Gundak -- name of one of the Talking Gorillas
that battles Tarzan and the Cathnean warriors.
Dell Number -- A#4.1
Gundar -- When Tarzan brings Katar
and Dera back to their home in Kroo Maun area of Pal-ul-don; Dera announces
to Gundar that they have brought back the best medicines. One must
assume that Gundar must be the chief of the mountain people.
Dell Number -- 115.1
Gundrad -- Gundrad is the name of the Oparian
who thinks Tarzan will pull them up the side of the Rock of Opar.
La informs Gundrad that Tarzan will not pamper them. They will climb
or be stranded there.
Dell Number -- 130.1
Gurah -- member of the Shiftas band that
captures Tarzan after their leader’s grazing bullet knocks Tarzan unconscious.
Gurah wants to kill the ape-man. Hassan, the leader, wants to sell
him. He taunts Tarzan as they travel. When the baboons free
Tarzan and capture the band of slavers, they are sent on their way without
Dell Number -- 37.2
Gurak -- a Ko-bolgani shrunk by Tarzan.
The ape-man attempts to learn how to return to original size. He
won’t talk. Tarzan later watches the gorillas as they return him
to normal
Dell Number -- 10
Gurchak -- member of Gorlak’s mangani tribe.
He introduces Gorlak to Tarzan.
Dell Number -- 20.1
Guru -- Guru is an evil witch doctor who captures
Pan-at-lee and Lodor. He is pressuring Om-at to relinquish his leadership
of the Wazdons for their safe return. Tarzan exposes Guru’s hiding
place to Om-at. The witch doctor lets it slip that he has Om-at’s
family at the Caves of Ursamon. He escapes. He and his witch
men are carrying flaming shields as they try to make their way past the
leopards and baboons of Thunder Mountain. Tarzan and the baboons
have panicked the leopards so badly that the flaming shields hold no fear
for them. The leopards kill Guru and his men. He and his witch
men used flaming shields to get by the cave bears.
Dell Number -- A#4.6
Novel -- guru is Pal-ul-don for terrible
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