![]() Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site Since 1996 ~ Over 10,000 Webpages in Archive Volume 1690h Dell Tarzan Comics Encyclopedia by Duane Adams |
Hadji -- #29 a Berber bandit who gambles
over the possessions of the murdered crewman of the Pantella. Thurag
kills him.
#63 (Tarzan’s World - splash page) Tarzan shows his Hadji
a green orchid that looks like him.
Dell Number -- 29+63 (Tarzan’s World - splash
Hagilo -- When Tarzan disguises himself as
a native fisherman to attempt a rescue of Jane and Boy from the Island
of the Pirate King, he brings along a native by the name of Hagilo to help
row the dugout canoe.
Dell Number -- A#3.1
Novel -- SMJ -- the commander of a Morgor ship
is named Hagilon
Hal Hogarth -- #13.1 Sir Hal, knight
of Kingdom of Carmel. Hal Hogarth is a descendant of the shipwrecked
crusaders of Richard I. He is on a quest to bring his love, Brenhilda,
a beard on a Saracen. He is attacked by the Dwarfs of Opar, who capture
his horse, Ronceval. Tarzan helps to save him from the dwarfs, to
regain his steed, to take a beard of a Saracen, and to return to his city.
#15.1 mentioned.
Dell Number -- 13.1+15.1
hairless lizard -- what Korak, the
king of the apes of Opar, calls Tarzan
Dell Number -- 28
Hairy Giants -- #115.1 The Hairy Giants
are a race of white people living in Pal-ul-don. They are twice the
size of a normal human and ten times as powerful. They eat only meat.
They use ape language badly. They use clubs, nets, and tridents.
Tarzan is transporting the mountain people, Katar and Dera, home.
They fear the giants. When Katar spies a giant fishing in the swamp,
he fells him with a sling stone. A second giant nets Katar and Dera
but misses Tarzan. The giant carries them back to their caves.
They keep their prisoners in the net while they cook fish over a fire.
Tarzan puts them all asleep with the smoke from a gum ball of the karoo
plant. One of the giants wakes while the ape-man attempts to rescue
Katar. He grabs Tarzan by the ankle. Tarzan knocks him out
with one of the giant’s clubs. The giants wear hairy clothing.
They all have long hair and full beards and mustaches. Some of them
are blonde. No females are shown.
No. 37 the giants are also known as the Giants of Kroo
Maun. They are described as cannibals. As Tarzan, Jane, and
Boy fish to feed the giant eagles, Jane is captured in a Hairy Giant’s
net. Tarzan attacks him on Aguila. The giant flees leaving
his captive behind. As the group of Slingers makes their way to the
Half Moon Lake in giant country, a group of giants spot Tarzan and Boy
flying air cover. The giants attack the Slinger with their spears
and shields. The Slingers aim for the giant’s knees causing them
to lower their shield, which makes their heads vulnerable. The giants
are driven off. The giants sneak through the grasses around the lake.
They wear shields on their heads and backs. Boy spots them from the
air and alerts Tarzan. Tarzan drops fire bundles in the grasses.
The giants’ straw shields catch fire and they flee.
Dell Number -- 115.1+No. 37
hamadryas -- baboon A#4 (Apes and Monkeys of Tarzan’s World)
Hamid -- member of the Shifta band of nomadic
cutthroats. He wants to shoot the unconscious Kentons but is stopped
by another Shifta.
Dell Number -- 23.2
Hammond, Elaine -- (See: Elaine)
Hammond, Mr. -- #21.1 Elaine’s father.
Tarzan tells him of Elaine’s accident and later brings her and Jathon to
his camp.
#22.2 is mentioned as telling Lou Coron about Cathne,
Elaine, and Jathon - not seen.
Dell Number -- 21.1+22.2
Hans Hauser -- Leader of the missing expedition
in the Gourambi Range. He has blue eyes and combs his brown hair
straight back. His radio signal allows Tarzan and Captain Van Dulst
to find him. He tells his story about how when he returns to camp
after reaching the top of Gourambi Peak he found it empty. The tracks
he discovered in the snow have a great toe set back - like the Abominable
Snow Men. He attempted to leave the mountain but broke his leg in
a fall. Tarzan sends him back to civilization with the captain, as
he remains to investigate the footprints.
Dell Number -- 87.2
Hanuki -- A member of the Secret Society.
He is chosen by the Owl to deliver a false message to Tarzan to lure him
to the Cave of the Fallen Rocks. Tarzan is suspicious of the message
and follows him with Thorag, the ape. Thorag pulls Hanuki up into
a tree. Hanuki faints. Tarzan has Thorag carry Hanuki with them to
the cave. Tarzan questions him. Hanuki reveals the plot to
kill Tarzan. He faints again. Tarzan tries to get the society
to reveal their position by throwing rocks down to the cave entrance.
Thorag throws Hanuki off the cliff. He catches onto a tree.
The society members riddle him with spears. Muviro and the Waziri
find his body in the cave.
Dell Number -- A#3.3
Harpy Eagle -- The harpy is the enemy of
the giant Pteranodon of Pal-ul-don.
Dell Number -- A#4 (inside front cover)
Harry -- Partner to Tobey, the other missing
oil prospector. Tarzan saves them from a leopard. Monkeys describe
them to Tarzan as hairy faced. Tarzan feeds them for days to regain
their health, as they are both emaciated but clean-shaven. The ape-man
carries the weakened Harry and Tobey who has bandaged legs. They
travel to the Lost City of Moumamba. The Moumamba people are friendly
and nurse the men back to health but will not permit them to leave, ever.
The prospectors are delighted to find crude oil there, but the noise of
the waterfall is deafening. Tarzan helps them escape the city by
lowering Tobey down a cliff and carrying Harry down the rope. Back
at a hospital, the two men decide not to return to Moumamba. Harry
has black hair and blue eyes.
Dell Number -- 104.1
hartebeest -- Hawklin tricks Tarzan into
hunting crocodiles on his lake. Actually Hawklin wants trophy animals.
He shoots a hartebeest. He thinks it will make a great trophy.
When Hawklin thinks he has killed his guide Inolu, he panics. He
leaves the bodies for the crocodiles. The crocs pull the hartebeest
into the water.
Dell Number -- 127.1
Harvey Norton -- He is from Tyneside, England.
He has come to Africa in search of his anthropologist son, Bruce, who was
captured by the Hokyus eight year previous. He has a note on a copper
band telling him that he is been held in the Hokyus Village near the headwaters
of the Mangowari River. Tarzan with the help of Korak, the great
ape, leads Harvey to the village, where they are captured by the Hokyus.
Tarzan helps them all escape.
Dell Number -- 51.3
Novel -- MMa - Norton, ensign
on the Barsoom; GF - Norton, bank president.
Hassan -- #2 - one of Arab slayer Ayoub’s
# 5 - Arab who has heard of the gold of Opar from a dying
Werper. With the aid of the gangsters, Goss and Norgel, and the M’bopos
they threaten to harm Jane and Boy thus gaining Tarzan’s aid to find Opar.
With Tarzan’s aid he and his partners are slaughter by the apes of Opar.
#37.2 Leader of the Shifta band that captures Tarzan
after his grazing bullet knocks him unconscious. Baboons help free
Tarzan. Tarzan captures Hassan, who faints. He throws him disrobed
back into the Shiftas camp. Tarzan and the baboons use his robe to
carry mud that they throw on the Shiftas fire. Tarzan sends them
on their way without their weapons.
#55.3 Arabs raider at the Gambah Village who captures
animals alive for a buyer. When Tarzan and the apes from the Isle
of Apes come to the village, Tarzan uses one of their own tranquilizer
arrows on him. He releases the animals and leaves a note warning
them not to bother the apes on the isle any more.
#88.1 Name of one of the Shifta guards who is in charge
of the black panthers that protect the entrance to the Treasure Room of
the Shiftas. Their leader, Habib, commands Hassan and the other guard
to pull the panthers up onto a platform. Tarzan and Buto subdue the
two guards.
#115.2 Arab trader who wants to sell rifles to the seven
tribes. Tarzan holds a Council of Chiefs to decide. The witch
doctor, Faloka, secretly is working with Hassan. Faloka’s chief holds
the deciding vote and is not sure which way to vote. Faloka meets
with the white Hassan and tells him that the vote will go their way even
if he has to do something to his chief. Hassan promises him that
they both will be rich.
Dell Number -- 2+5+37.2+55.3+88.1+115.2
Novel -- LJ - (Hasen, Arab sentry of El Harb)
Hatha -- she-elephant. Hatha is frustrated,
as her baby has fallen into a pit-trap. She drives off hyenas (not
seen). Crazed with grief, she leaves the area.
Dell Number -- 51.2
Hathor -- #40.1 Name of Prince Ergon’s
elephant. As the Prince approaches the fleeing Tarzan, Tom Culver,
Ellen, and Doctor Maypool, Doctor MacWhirtle shoots Hathor with a machine
gun from his helicopter.
#54.3 referred to as the wisest war elephant of Athne.
Tarzan slips into the city and loosens Hathor’s chained foot. The
elephant has been abused by the Talking Gorillas, who have taken over the
city. Tarzan tricks the guard into opening the gate for he and Hathor,
chief of the elephants. Tarzan rides Hathor to Cathne. When
the gorillas attack Cathne on the war elephants, Tarzan uses Hathor to
get the elephants to revolt against their cruel masters. The elephants
are given to the surviving Athneans.
#66.1 Hathor helps drag stones from the quarry to the
building site of New Athne. Prince Timon and the workers are captured
by the Talking Gorillas. Tarzan leads the Athneans from the quarry
on Hathor in a rescue attempt. The rafts of the gorillas are far
into the Great Swamp. Tarzan instructs Hathor to lead the bull elephants
to swim under the rafts and overturn them. Hathor does and the gorillas
are routed. In the joint alliance attack on the Bolgani at Old Athne,
Hathor carries Prince Timon across the swamp and into the city.
#80.1 Tarzan feeds Hathor a bunch of bananas at the repair
site of the aqueduct and building site of the dam for the Beni-Adhemi.
Tarzan rides Hathor to the camp to warn the Athneans and Arabs about the
approaching savages. The ape-man instructs Hathor to operate the
windlass that opens the flue gates of the dam. The floodgate waters
wash away most of the savages. The rest are taken care of by the
Athneans and the Beni-Adhemi.
Dell Number -- 40.1+54.3+66.1+80.1
hawk -- A #1.4 Boy trains a hawk to
A#7.3 (Non-Tarzan story) a hawk swoops down on the mongoose,
Moonbeam, and her young. The male, Shadow, joins the fight.
They kill the hawk.
No. 37.5 (N‘kima Story) N’kima flees from a hawk.
Dell Number -- A 1.4+A#7.3(Non-Tarzan story)
+No. 37.5 (N‘kima Story)
Heather Day -- She is a twenty-year-old English
girl. She was on an exploration trip with her father to the Valley
of Towers when the Batwinged people captured them. Her father was
killed. Four years later, they attempt to sacrifice her on the great
altar to the bats they worship. She sends a message for help on a
tiny parachute made of spider webs. Tarzan and Dr. Mac rescue her
from the giant bats. The Batwinged people recapture her when they
knock out Tarzan and the Doctor with sling stones. Tarzan rescues
her a second time from the Batwinged Men’s caves. Tarzan carries
her up a steep mountain. Dr. Mac shoots the pursuing Batwinged Men.
Heather has short gold hair and wears a red bra and skirt.
Dell Number -- A2.1
Hector -- tiny elephant, Yolanda’s pet, part
of a growth experiment by her father, Doctor Mervin. Boy accidentally
shoots the elephant with an arrow. Tarzan heals it.
Dell Number -- 22.1
hedgehog -- A#5 (Spiny Pets - hedgehog - inside back cover)
Helen Robertson -- slaver Sidi Ben Yemlik at the
Molunga River Trading Post captures her where her father is killed.
Sala, a Swahili tribe woman, leads Tarzan and Muviro to the slavers camp
where they rescue her.
Dell Number -- FC 161.2
helicopter crew -- A two man helicopter crew
searches for the missing Bruce Harlowe. They see Pteranodons and
think that they are giant bats. They spy Harlowe and Tarzan on a
cliff. They lower a rope ladder, which they climb. They are
flown to safety.
Dell Number -- 107.1
Henry Townsend, Sir -- He is the District
Commissioner at Nairobi. He is not seen in this story. Dr.
Forrence writes a note addressed to him. The doctor plans to hand
over the Mask of Mani Kongo to him. When Tarzan recovers the mask
he turns over the mask and Pollock to the commissioner.
Dell Number -- No. 25.6
Herafu -- Member of Mugambi’s tribe.
Tarzan asks him if he saw what crashed through the chief’s hut. He
did not.
Dell Number -- 73.1
Herbert Gates -- A stocky white man
with a red shirt, blue pants, and a pith helmet. He is on safari.
His bearers desert him because they are in headhunter territory.
He shoots at Gorak, the great ape. Tarzan saves him from the ape.
Taori headhunters capture them. Tarzan learns from an almanac about
a solar eclipse. He uses the information to get the headhunters to
release them.
Dell Number -- A#6.7
Hercules Beetle -- #127 (Splash page) [incorrectly identified. Actually a Goliath Beetle]
Hidden Ones -- The Hidden Ones are a native
tribe living in the mountains. We learn that they have guardian apes
and at least three giants who help guard their valley. The approach
to their city must be made through the Gateway of the Giants. The
Batuti has captured their princess, Kendra. They hunt for her in
force. The princess was on her way to place a gold leaf on the tomb
of their forefathers before the planting season. They entomb their
dead rulers in mummy cases in golden caskets that are very Egyptian looking.
They arrive on the scene as Tarzan fights off the Batuti to protect the
princess. The Batuti flee at the sight of the Hidden Ones.
The prince wears an Egyptian headdress. Spears appear to be their
main weapon.
Dell Number -- 119.1
hippopotamus -- #27 killed and eaten
by the unnamed tribe that captured Margaret Durham.
#36.1 the five-week-old Goliath, the giant lion, swats
away a hippo, almost breaking its neck.
#42.1 A bull hippo comes up under the plane of Dr. Mervin
and Yolanda. It disappears when the Terribs come.
#63.2 - native bearers pursue Tarzan, Boy, and Miss Ruel
who are in a dugout canoe. Tarzan instructs Miss Ruel to trail a
piece of crocodile meat behind them. They charge through a herd of
hippos. The smell of the crocodile enrages the hippos to attack the
pursuing canoes, believing them to be crocodiles. They snap the canoes
in half with their powerful jaws. The bearers call the hippos, river
A#6 (splash page - River Animals of Tarzan’s World) -
called a river horse.
#95.2 Boy falls into a hole in the river. A hippo
thinks he is a crocodile. Tarzan pulls Boy from the river.
#101.2 Tarzan and Boy search for the missing Pinky in
a river in Tanganyika. They spot some hippos. (See also: Pinky)
#103.1 Tarzan and Jathon canoe past a hippo on their
way to Pal-ul-don.
No. 25.3 (Boy Story) In the river Boy and Dombie try
to avoid a mother leopard and her cub, a hippopotamus rises near them.
The boys scramble to shore. #121.1 A Garth comes upon a herd of hippos.
It eats one of them as the others scatter.
No. 51.1 A hippo attacks Tarzan and Lechwe in their canoe
on their way to the Tree of Ages. They make it to shore and outdistance
the hippo.
Dell Number -- 27+36.1+42.1+63.2+A#6 (splash
page - River Animals of Tarzan’s World) +95.2+101.2+103.1+108 (splash page
- ‘Undersea Stroller’) +No. 25.3 (Boy Story)+121.1+No. 51.1
hista/histah -- #28 - one strikes at Tarzan
as he descends the steps to the treasure of Opar. Tarzan drops it
into fissure in the earth that a quake had opened.
#34.2 - Tarzan kills one in the Great Swamp with his
knife. Two more snakes attack him. Princess Loma of Lutor aids
Tarzan by using giant shears on the snakes from a mouth of her crocodile
#36.1 Tarzan uses a snake as a vine as he crosses the
Great Swamp.
#38 (inside splash page) Tarzan pointing a spear
at a snake.
#38.1 giant water snakes. One grabs onto Princess
Loma’s diving helmet as the party leaves the Temple of Brule. Tarzan
attacks it with a trident, but finishes it off with a knife.
#38.2 Tarzan attempts to warn Drake Carveth about a snake
in the rocks. He is bitten. He kills the snake with his shirt
that is filled with the gold he stole from Opar. Drake dies from
the poison.
A#3.1 N’kima avoids hista as he hurries to find Tarzan
to inform him of Jane and Boy’s capture by Shiftas.
#65.2 A poisonous snake pops out of James Nicholson,
the missionary’s, pack and bites him. Nicholson is aware enough to
crisscross cut the bite, apply a tourniquet and take anti-venom.
(The scene is not shown.) Nicholson suspects that the witch doctor,
M’gulu, placed it there because he didn’t want him getting close to his
chief, M’bogo.
Dell Number -- 28+34.2+36.1+38 (inside splash
Novel -- TA - the snake (spelled Histah)
Hjalmar -- Hjalmar is the name of the giant
Viking that Yarl asks if the dragon ship is ready for a river trip.
Hjalmar replies that it is.
Dell Number -- No. 37.6
Hodges -- person who arranges the army
reconnaissance plane and clothing for Tarzan and Muviro
to follow the run away balloon carrying Boy and Dombie.
Dell Number -- 7
hog-like beast -- A #1.3 Tarzan
flies over the Forest of Wild Hogs on Argus.
#39.1 in a forest near Cor-o-don, Tarzan, riding a dyal,
jumps over a beast said to be more savage than any wild boar.
Dell Number -- A 1.3+39.1
Ho-don -- race of people in Pal-ul-don with
A-lur as their principle city.
#4 Om-at chases Ho-don robbers. They
are depicted as black men with pointed ears.
#6 an outlaw band, living in Dan-lur, who capture Jane,
the pointed ears are not so apparent.
#9 - they are white with pointed ears. Ja-don is king
of A-lur.
#16.1 they are black with pointed ears. Gangster
are holding Prince Ta-den hostage thus forcing them to do their bidding.
#24.2 mentioned not seen as Tarzan, Ta-den and the Waziri
free Alur from Waz-ho-don control.
#31.1 Ho-don nobles are hunting with Tarzan when Doctor
MacWhirtle comes looking for him. They kill a saber-tooth tiger with
spears before Tarzan leaves for the Valley of the Monsters.
A #1.3 - White people with normal ears, toga like clothing
and Roman-type helmets. Their city, Alur, has been overrun by Torodons
mounted on gryfs. They have fled to an island by ship. Tarzan
finds them while riding on Argus. He organizes an attack on the Torodons
with the help of Jorah’s tribe mounted on dyals. They retake their
#41.1 they are white men with strange helmets.
They throw a rope down from the Tower of Ta-dan to Tarzan and Lucia Tally
so they might escape the Torodons. They fight the beast men with
boiling water and rocks. They use a carrier pigeon to sent word to
Alur about the attack. Tarzan with the help of Doctor MacWhirtle
and his rockets drive the Torodons away.
#57.1 The Ho-dans from Jalur and the Ho-dons from Alur
are at constant war with each other. They have developed metals and
are now using swords. King Taden from Alur attempts a peace mission
to Jalur. Warriors set him upon from Jalur. Tarzan riding Gorgo
rescues the King. Back in Alur, Prince Kodon, Taden’s cousin, has
taken over most of the city. Tarzan and Taden restore the power in
Alur and the supporters of Kodon are driven out of the city. They
are drawn as white people.
#62.1 they are drawn as black people. A large group
of Ho-don warriors from Jalur wearing shorts, helmets with an eagle engraved
on the front, and carrying stone clubs and swords attack Tarzan and Dr.
MacWhirtle. Tarzan disarms five of them with arrows. He beats
a number of them senseless with one of their clubs. They flee.
Tarzan learns from one of the wounded that Prince Kodon, exiled from Alur,
is spreading the tale that Tarzan and his friends will attack Jalur.
Tarzan instructs the wounded (no one was killed) to tell King Zugu that
he is not going to attack Jalur. Tarzan and Dr. collect gryf eggs.
As they are about to leave a Ho-don club knocks Tarzan unconscious.
Dr. Mac escapes into the water. Prince Kodon and the Ho-dons bring
Tarzan to Jalur. Tarzan is thrown in a cell. He pretends to
be sick. The guard comes to help him. Tarzan kicks the guard
unconscious. Tarzan forces the King to lead him to the royal wharf.
The guard is fooled by Tarzan’s disguise as a nobleman and lets the Jungle
Lord take the King away in a rowboat.
#70.1 believing that a flying thing took their king away,
the Ho-dons search the waterways in their war canoes. They cast their
spears at anything flying in the air, including Tarzan and the Lutorians
as they fly past on giant swans. They see a canoe being pulled through
the air by swans. Not realizing that their king resides within, they
throw their spears, killing one swan. Tarzan ropes the falling king
and outdistances the Ho-dons. They continue to pursue. They
wear a Chinese-coolie type of hat.
No. 51.5 With Ta-den away because of an illness.
A priest in charge has Om-at and five Wazdons captured. The ransom
they demand is the entire grain supply of Kor-ul-ja. Tarzan rescues
them. Many Ho-dons are killed during the escape. The Ho-dons
trail them with hunting dogs. They catch Pan-at-lee and throw her
over a cliff. The Ho-dons have pointed ears.
Dell Number -- 4+6+9+16.1+24.2+31.1+A 1.3+41.1+57.1+62.1+70.1+No.
Novel -- TTe -- “white
man” - prehensile tail and opposable big toe. Allies of the
Waz-don by the end of the novel.
Hokyus -- A lost race of people living at
the headwaters of the Mangowari River in the mountains. They speak
Swahili. They have stone houses and keep slaves, who they treat well.
They have a set of laws, which includes that no stranger may leave the
village. They use trained dogs to track down escapees. No one
has ever escaped. They grow grain and raise melons. They use
spears and have no knowledge of firearms. They wear blue fezzes,
shorts, and some have shirts. They captured Bruce Norton eight years
ago. Tarzan with Korak, the great ape, lead Bruce’s father, Harvey,
to the village in search of Harvey’s son. The Hokyus capture Tarzan
and Harvey. They escape. Korak accidentally fires Harvey’s
pistol, which alerts a Hokyus patrol. They pursue them, but Tarzan
and Korak defeat them. They pursue the escapees in a large canoe
down the river. Tarzan’s canoe makes it over the dam. They
Hokyus do not survive the dam.
Dell Number -- 51.3
Homa -- Native who caddies for Wydbotom and
Smedley. As the baboons drive the golfers back into the club by throwing
golf balls back at them, Homa stands by unafraid because he did not throw
any balls at the baboons. Wydbotom orders Homa to set out poison
for the baboons. He refuses, stating that the baboons are his friends.
Smedley orders Homa to fetch a thermos of coffee for them. After
the baboons chase off the golfers and burn the clubhouse to the ground,
Ka-cha convinces Homa to try and help his balu, Teeke, who is sick from
the poison mealies the golfers set out. All Homa has is the thermos
of coffee that he force-feeds to the balu. Teeke vomits out the poison.
Homa leaves the baboons in peace.
Dell Number -- A#3.4
honey badger -- describes how the honey guide
bird leads the honey badger to a bee’s nest. The creature, also known
as a ratel, rips open the hive. They share in the spoils. The
badger’s thick fur protects it against bee stings.
Dell Number -- 89 (splash page)
honey guide -- #59.2(Boy story) A bird that
locates honey trees for the Wandoro. Boy and Dombie are treed by
a buffalo in a honey tree and surrounded by bees. A honey bird leads
the Wandoro there. A Wandoro kills the buffalo with a poison arrow.
#89 (splash page) describes how the honey guide bird
leads the honey badger to a bee’s nest. They share in the spoils.
#98.2 Boy and Dombie follow a honey guide to a hive but
it is too high in a tree for them to reach.
Dell Number -- 59.2(Boy story)+89 (splash
hornbill -- #77 (splash page) highlights
the bird’s second upside down bill.
Dell Number -- 77 (splash page on the inside
back cover)+A#5 (Tarzan’s Birds - splash page)
horned men -- #111.1 (See: Kolumbwe)
horned monster -- Boy and Dombie discover
a horned monster amongst an unnamed tribe. The monster is green with
a horned head and a spine made out of rhino horns, elephant tusks, and
cowhides. (Actually a disguise used by an evil witch doctor.)
He kills his victims with poison darts as smoke billows out of its mouth.
After escaping, Boy and Dombie knock out the witch doctor and don the monster
suit to escape the village.
Dell Number -- 47.3
horse -- #13.1 the Dwarfs of Opar capture
Ronceval, Hal Hogarth’s charger. La attempts to sacrifice Hogarth’s
horse. Tarzan helps Sir Hal to retrieve the horse from the
#23.2 Abou, a member of a Shifts band, carries Carol
Kenton away on his horse.
#33.1 the riders from the Rio Grande ride the elands
to rope a lion and to help Tarzan rid the area of Arab slavers who use
#37.2 Lions accidentally aid Tarzan when
they run off all of the Shiftas’ horses.
#38.2 Jean Carveth and Drake Carveth are on a horse safari
to Opar for gold. Drake’s cruelty to the horse, Grayfellow, makes Tarzan
give them three days to leave the area.
#41.2 Jathon uses horse drawn chariot.
#42.2 Wansa is the name of Bou Denni’s horse. When
attacked by wild bees, Wansa trips on some rocks and pins Bou Denni to
the ground. Tarzan saves the Tuareg from a lion and proves that Wansa
is uninjured.
#47.2 After Tarzan rescues Jane and Boy, Arabs use horses
to pursue them.
#48.2 Shiftas use horses to ride to the M’bongo camp.
#56.1 The Tuaregs, a desert Arab tribe, use horses to
raid the Ostrich Clan Village to rescue some of their people. They
knock out Tarzan and carry him off on a horse. After Tarzan is rescued,
Ramotu wants to kill all the horses. Tarzan says the horses should
be freed. He and Dr. Mac ride towards home on two of the horses.
A#3.1 Shiftas use horses as they speed away after capturing
Jane and Boy. Tarzan trails the hoof prints.
#57.3 while trailing the Shiftas that have captured Wakefield
and Reese, Tarzan finds their horses at the base of the Roman Valley.
This he figures they mean to sell their captives to the lost Roman legion
at Castra Sanguinarius.
#64.1 Shiftas use horses to ride back to their camp after
capturing Chet Harper. The horses have fancy bridles and other decorative
trappings. A
#4.3 Touaregs ride horse towards Dr. Mac’s helicopter
they shot down. A Garth chases them away.
#72.2 The Shiftas flee on their horses from the Ostrich
Men and the genii. The genii are Tarzan disguised in a lion skin
and Boy in an ostrich skin.
#80.1 Shareef Hussein rides a horse into battle against
the mountain savages that attack the site of the aqueduct and dam.
A#5.4 Shareef Hussein rides a horse to the Blue Mountain
Range to pan for gold with Tarzan. Tarzan, Hussein and five Beni
Adhemi ride horses to the Arab market city of Marrach to purchase supplies.
They caravan home on the horses. Sheik Ali Ben Yussuf and his men
ride horses after the Beni Adhemi to rob them. Tarzan tricks the
bandits into emptying their rifles at the baboons in the Gorge of Baboons.
The Beni Adhemi easily routs the bandits, who ride off as fast as they
#86.2 While hunting from the backs of ostriches Boy and
Dombie spy a lion chasing and killing a riderless horse. At the end
of the tale the policeman from Nairobi and his prisoner ride horses as
the Waziri escort them across the desert.
#88.1 the band of Shiftas that attacks Lieutenant Barnes
and his camel detachment are mounted on horses. They steal the camels
and ride to their Treasure Room and back to their camp. Tarzan and
Buto steal the Shifta horses. Buto falls off of his mount.
Tarzan rides in and picks up his huge friend before the Shiftas can get
to him. They ride to the Treasure Room. They take the Shiftas’
loot and bring it to Fort Gumburu by horseback.
#93.1 As Tarzan, Manga, and Dombie approach Mosana’s
Kraal, warriors ride up on horses. They guide them to Queen Mosana.
#94.2 Conrad and Jan Van Dyck use horses as the follow
Tarzan in search of a new home for their family. Upon returning they
find Martje, Koert, and Boy missing. They use their horses to track
them to the poison belt of red flowers.
A#7.5 (Jane story) Tarzan borrows horses from Sheik Ali
Kundi so that he Jane and Boy can ride to Nairobi. The mix of horses
and vehicles causes no problem or stir in the city.
#109.1 Shiftas on horseback have captured Dr. Kindred
and his medical supplies. Tarzan rescues the doctor and captures
the bandits. They ride horses towards the Mission Station.
A storm causes the horses to stampede and the Shiftas’ escape. Tarzan
and the doctor ride to the station with a horse laden with supplies.
The Shiftas return on their horses to attempt to recapture with supplies
and horses. Their own horses run off as a flash flood wipes out the
#123.3 Queen Elaine fears that her husband is in trouble.
She leads a search party in a chariot pulled by two horses.
Dell Number -- 13.1+23.2+33.1+37.2+38.2+41.2+42.2+47.2+48.2+56.1+A#3.1+57.3+64.1+A#4.3+72.2+80.1+A#5.4
+86.2 +88.1 +93.1+94.2+A#7.5 (Jane story)+109.1+123.3
horta -- boar. Tarzan kills one
in 3, 4,11, and 20.1.
In #30 Tarzan kills a boar (the term horta is not
used) with a spear because it was destroying Boy’s garden.
#33.2 After Tarzan kills a piglet for food. A boar
chases after him. Doctor MacWhirtle’s Defensive Scent does not affect
#39.1 Tarzan kills one with a spear for food.
#54.1 Tarzan kills a pig for food for he and Buto on
their trail of the two man-eating lions.
A#3.1 Tarzan kills one for food as he trails the captive
Jane and Boy.
#64.1 referred to as a wild pig. After Tarzan and
Harper cross the Great Thorn Desert, Harper shoots at a wild pig but misses.
#72.1 Tarzan kills horta with his knife for food.
He gives most of the carcass to a sable lion trapped in a pit. This
endears the lion to Tarzan.
A#5.2 the giant Vikings use beaters to drive boars and
antelopes towards the hunters. Yarl Hrolf, the Viking leader, gives
Tarzan his sword to kill a boar. He does and gives the victory cry
of the bull ape. The boar is roasted for a feast.
A#7.4 Tarzan brings down a boar with his spear just before
Kandor’s axe strikes the boar. Tarzan cooks the meat for them both.
Dell Number -- 3+4+11+15.2+20.1+30+32.2+33.2+54.1+A#3.1
+64.1 +72.1 +A#5.2 +A#7.4
Hottentot -- A #1.5 Native bearers of the
traders Jock and Noddy. A#6.3 (non-Tarzan story) A group of Hottentot
farmers capture a young baboon and sell him to white men. #118.2
(See also - Nama).
Dell Number - A 1.5+A#6.3 (non-Tarzan story)+118.2
H. S. E. Beale -- H.S.E. Beale is the leader
of the ill fated, self-titled expedition of 1896. His boat and crew
are sucked into a cavern by a draining lake after an earthquake.
Boy and Dombie are sucked into the cavern after a quake. They discover
the bones of Beale and the boat. Boy takes the elephant tusk that
has a message carved on it from Beale describing the fate of his expedition.
Dell Number -- 124.2
hunting dog -- No. 51.5 The Ho-dons
use hunting dogs to track the escaping Wazdons and Tarzan. The hunting
dogs look like wild dogs.
Dell Number -- 62 (inside cover of the back
page)+No. 51.5
Hussein -- #39.2 Arab, one of the members
of the Maypool safari. They kill an elephant belonging to the Athneans
and poach the ivory to the dismay of Doctor Maypool. The doctor asks
Hussein what is going on. Habib answers him. The Athneans attack
and kill three Arabs with spears. Habib gets away.
#77.1 Hussein, Shareef of the Beni Adhemi. He is
thin and supports a goatee. Tarzan finds his caravan in the desert.
They have been forced to leave their home because their oasis dried up.
Tarzan agrees to lead them to water in exchange for food for Argus.
Hussein agrees. They follow Argus’ flight to the City in the Sands.
Tarzan suggests that the Bedouins make this place their new home if the
water supply can be repaired and secured. Tarzan leads Hussein and
the Bedouins over twenty miles up the water pipe to a cave. Cave
bears attack them. Tarzan kills one with his knife. Hussein
kills the other with his sword. The bear injures Hussein. Tarzan
binds his wounds. They come out of the cave to find the water’s source.
Hussein believes they can repair the pipe system. He falls ill.
Tarzan returns to the city on an eland and tells the Bedouins to send help
for Hussein.
#80.1 Hussein and his men have been unable to repair
the aqueduct. Mountain savages attack them. Tarzan arrives
and commands his ostriches to fight. Together they defeat the savages.
Tarzan and Hussein ride the ostriches to Athne and enlist Prince Timon’s
help in the repair of the aqueduct. The Athneans repair the system
and build the Beni-Adhemi a dam. Hussein and Prince Timon sign a
treaty of friendship. The savages mount an attack. Tarzan,
Hussein’s tribe, and the Athneans drive the gomangani off. Hussein
plans to return to the City in the Sands.
A#5.4 Hussein informs Tarzan that his Ben Adhemi are
in desperate need of seed grain and livestock. Tarzan takes the Shareef
to the Blue Mountain Range where they pan for gold. Tarzan leads
Hussein and five Beni Adhemi to the Arab market town of Marrach to purchase
the needed goods. Hussein does not mind being overcharged for their
room at the Inn of the Three Dervishes. He buys a camel and other
supplies. That night he and Tarzan guard the gold as he sends his
men out to enjoy themselves. Bandits break into the room. They
are frightened off by Jad-bal-ja who has come to be with Tarzan.
On the way back to the City of the Sands Tarzan diverts them through the
Gorge of Baboons because he believes that Ali Ben Yussuf is laying in ambush
for Hussein’s caravan. Tarzan bribes the baboons with fruit to pass.
Ali’s men don’t offer the baboons fruit so the baboons attack them with
rocks. The bandits empty their rifles at them. When they reach
the other side of gorge, their rifles are useless against Hussein and his
men, who chase them off. Hussein is surprised that Tarzan and Jad-bal-ja
have left them alone for the rest of the journey.
Dell Number -- 39.2+77.1+80.1+A#5.4
Hyenadon -- #18 “huge and fierce hyena”.
#18.2 three attack Tarzan, Princess Ila, and Taddo as they cross Pal-ul-don.
Tarzan kills the leader. The other two chase after the Giant Eland.
#36.2 Tarzan and the Waziri are overcome by poisonous
volcano smoke as are the hyenadon who spy their prone bodies. When
everyone awakens, Tarzan kills one with his knife, and Muviro kills the
other with his spear.
Dell Number -- 18 (inside back cover “Jungle
Novel -- AEC+LTF - Spelled Hyaenadon
- giant prehistoric ancestor of the modern hyena.
hyena-dogs -- (See: Dangina)
hyena, gigantic -- two of these creatures
attack Tarzan and La as they enter Pal-ul-don. Tarzan must call for
help from Tantor to handle the situation. Tarzan kills one with his
knife. Tantor gores they other to death.
Dell Number -- 15.1
hyrax -- #90 (Splash page entitled
“Rhino’s Cousin.”) The hyrax is described as looking like a short-eared
tailless rabbit. It is related to the rhinoceros and the elephant.
No. 51.2 (non-Tarzan story) (See also: Dassie)
Dell Number -- 62 (inside cover of the back
page)+90 (splash page)+No. 51.2 (non-Tarzan story)
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