![]() Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive Volume 1690o Dell Tarzan Comics Encyclopedia by Duane Adams |
Obantu -- chief of the Marubi tribe, cattle
herders. They furnished Tim and Jess Wales with guides back to civilization.
Dell Number -- 20.1
octopus -- #83.1 As Tarzan locates
the strongbox at the bottom of the ocean floor for Captain Baine, an octopus
attacks him. He manages to trick the beast into attaching itself
to the cables pulling up the box. When the octopus is pulled from
the water, it releases hold and leaves.
#98 (splash page) in Pal-ul-don.
Dell Number -- 83.1+98 (splash page)
O-dan -- “like rock” --Waz-don warrior
that Om-at chooses as temporary chief as he goes in search
of the missing Pan-at-lee.
Dell Number -- 4
Novel -- TTe, goes with Tarzan and Om-at
to search for Pan-at-lee
Officer of the Native Police -- A#3.1 A French
officer in charge of native police informs Tarzan that Shiftas have moved
into the area. He also tells him that they have captured a machine
gun from one of their patrols. He has a French uniform, mustache,
beard, and sunglasses.
Dell Number -- A#3.1
okapi -- #82 (Good Neighbors - splash page)
Olan -- of the Caves. Tarzan saves
him from a dyal attack. Tarzan tames the dyal.
Dell Number -- 18.2
Old Man of the Rocks -- Chako, the baboon.
Dell Number -- A#3.2
Oloa -- Queen of Alur, married to Ta-den.
The M’bongo tribe captures her and Ta-den. Tarzan riding on a gryf
frees them. Oloa stays with the Waziri as Tarzan, her husband and
the Waziri warriors go to free Alur from Waz-ho-don control.
Dell Number -- 24.2
Novel -- TTe - spelled O-lo-a
Om-at -- Tarzan’s friend from Pal-ul-don.
Chief of the Waz-dons from Kor-ul-ja. He is Pan-at-lee’s mate.
#4 Comes to Tarzan because Pan-at-lee is missing.
#6 Helps Tarzan rescue Jane from the outlaw Ho-dons.
#9 - helps Tarzan and Ja-don retake A-lur from Dak-lot.
#16.1 with the Waz-dons and gryfs, he helps Tarzan thwart
gangsters who plan to control Pal-ul-don.
#26 - he and his warriors guide Tarzan and Professor
Plume through the jungle as they are headed for the treasure of Isis.
A#4.6 Om-at vents his anger at Guru, the evil witch doctor.
The witch doctor appears and wants leadership of the Wazdons in exchange
for the lives of his wife and son. He hits the witch doctor with
the handle of his broken club. Tarzan enters and exposes the witch
doctor’s hiding place. Guru lets it slip that he has taken Pan-at-lee
and Lodor to the Caves of Ursamon. Tarzan and Om-at travel to Thunder
Mountain. They make torches and use them to get by the cave bears.
They climb a notched pole to the Valley People home on a crater plain.
They find Pan-at-lee and Lodor. Tarzan makes friends with the baboons.
They fight the leopards. The baboons aid them. The leopards
kill Guru and his men. Om-at and his family are safe.
No. 51.5 Om-at and five Wazdons are captured by Ho-dons.
Tarzan rescues them. Om-at is wounded during the rescue. Tarzan
carries him to Kor-ul-gryf. Pan-at-lee leads the Ho-dons pursuers
away from them. Tarzan carries Om-at to the spot that the Ho-dons
threw Pan-at-lee over the cliff. Om-at helps pull Pan-at-lee up the
rope to safety. Om-at has pointed ears, slanted eyes, and a mustache.
Dell Number -- 4+6+9+16.1+ 26+A#4.6+No. 51.5
Novel -- TTe -- “long tail” became
Tarzan’s friend. Becomes chief of the Waz-dons after killing Es-sat
who had driven him away. Aided Ja-don and Ta-den to invade A-lur.
Became allies with the Ho-dons. Married Pan- at-lee.
Om-bat -- Ho-don messenger who brings Ja-don
the news of Dak-lot’s take over of A-lur.
Dell Number -- 9
Ombazan -- Torodon who has Luala cornered
in a cleft of a cliff. He disarms her. Tarzan knocks him off
the cliff with one blow.
Dell Number -- A#7.4
Om-lat -- Wazdon warrior and friend of Tarzan.
Om-lat and Tarzan explore the Great Swamp in a canoe. They find a
tribe of hostile albino pygmies and flee to the Island of Wazban.
They help the Wazban people repel an albino pygmy invasion. Om-lat
is young and has a Masai type of hair. He carries a spear.
Dell Number -- 94.1
Om-zee -- #80.1 the name of the ostrich
that Tarzan rides to the City in the Sands. He also brings along
an ostrich named Zu-b’zee. Tarzan finds the Beni-Adhemi leaving the
city because Hussein has not returned from the mountains where he went
to repair the aqueduct. Tarzan arrives at the aqueduct site to find
Hussein and his men being attacked by mountain savages. The ape-man
instructs the ostriches to attack. After the gomangani are defeated,
Tarzan and Hussein ride Om-zee and Zu-b’zee to Athne for help in the rebuilding
the aqueduct.
#103.1 Tarzan and Jathon find the King’s favorite riding
lion, Om-zee, far from Cathne. They ride to the city to find it destroyed
by an earthquake. They follow the trail of the survivors. Jathon
rides Om-zee into an ambush by mountain gorillas. Om-zee fights bravely
but is killed by the gorillas.
Dell Number -- 80.1+103.1
Ondrik -- He is the Inkosi, king, of the
Naqui clan. The Naquis are rock climbers that live in the canyons
above the valley of the Karfu, their natural enemy. He wears blue
clothing, a purple furry thing over his left arm and an orange cap.
Mounted on his Gemrak, mountain goat, he and other Naqui repulse the Karfu
who are pursuing Tarzan, Dr. Mac, and some escaped Naqui slaves.
He is delighted to learn that one of them is his son, Turgit. He
welcomes them into their cave. Tarzan promises to teach them how
to make and use crossbows against the Karfu.
Dell Number -- 55.1
Oparians -- #59.3 (See also: Dwarfs
of Opar) The followers of Queen La. Tarzan refers to them as the
crooked men. They look like normal white men and women. They
worship the moon goddess, Astar. When Tarzan comes to rescue Jane
and Queen Ellenya, one of his panthers scares an Oparian guard into falling
off of a cliff. Tarzan learns where the women are being held from
another guard. A guard throws a stone club, knocking out Tarzan.
The panthers kill the guards. The priestess and nobles celebrate
with La in the temple of the moon goddess. Guards strap Jane to the
altar. Tarzan’s arrows and the panther’s presences keep the guards
at bay during the rescue. They escape through the priest’s chambers.
At the tunnel opening Tarzan fights horde of guards with a club and his
panthers. Jane, riding on an ostrich that Boy brought, helps to defeat
the Oparians.
#82.1 the crooked men of La want to kill Tarzan when
he comes to warn La about the gangsters who have come to steal the jewels
of Opar. La restrains them. After the gangsters are thwarted,
La asks Tarzan to stay and rule with her. He refuses. La commands
the crooked men to kill the ape-man. Tarzan calls to the White Pygmies,
who rout the crooked men. The crooked men are Neanderthal looking.
They are white skinned, have furry shorts, and carry spears.
#130.1 The Oparians blame La for the earthquake that
has split the rock of Opar and the geyser that is filling the valley with
sulfur smelling water. They chain her to the altar in the temple
of the Moon to appease the earth gods. Tarzan rescues her.
He places La on Jad-bal-ja’s back and has her ride to the Oparians, who
are duly impressed by her control of the lion. They would follow
her once more. When the geyser erupts again, they turn on their Queen
and would throw her into the lake as a sacrifice. Tarzan once again
comes to her aid and easily handles the Oparians until he is knocked unconscious
by a rock to the back of his head. Jad keeps the Oparians busy fighting
until Tarzan regains consciousness. La leads her people up the mountain.
Again the Oparians turn their backs on her when the way up the rock is
too steep. An avalanche blocks their way down into the valley.
Tarzan climbs the sheer face of the rock and pulls Jad-bal-ja and La up
to the top by a vine rope sling. The Oparians climb the rock.
The Oparians are happy with the orchards left behind by the White Pygmies,
who deserted the rock because of the earthquake and geyser. Another
quake destroys the ancient buildings of Opar. The Oparians beg La
to save them. La declares their ancient ways of violence to be over.
The Oparians are referred to as the ‘ugly men.’ They are short legged
and have the look of Neanderthal men with furry loincloths. They
use clubs and knives as weapons.
Dell Number -- 59.3+82.1+130.1
Oram -- A#7.1 Hakim (doctor) for the Tannalelt.
He takes care of Johnny Ball who is brought to the city after his plane
crashes near the city of Tannalelt. Johnny, Tarzan, Jane, and Boy
stay in Oram’s house while they are in Tannalelt.
Dell Number -- A#7.1
Oremba -- son of Muviro, chief of the Waziri.
He helps Tarzan look for Boy.
Dell Number -- 3
ostrich -- #56.1 they are the
primary mounts for the Ostrich Clan, desert pygmies. They fight from
the backs of their ostriches as well as hunt game such as lions.
They use a pole system strapped to the ostrich to pull the lion back home.
The ostriches are large enough for Dr. Mac to ride back to the village.
When the Ostrich Clan rescues Tarzan from the Tuaregs, they bring along
an ostrich that is large enough for Tarzan to ride.
58.2 (Boy story) Isilo, a young Waziri, hunts for a male
ostrich that can weigh up to three hundred pounds. A single-handed
kill wins the Waziri warrior status and the right to wear its plumes.
Isilo drives off a female and kills the male with his spear. Boy
witnesses the event. The female returns and pecks Boy. More
ostriches come and attack. Boy manages to kill one with his bow.
The ostriches overwhelm them. Boy calls for Jad-bal-ja. The
golden lion kills one ostrich and drives the others away. All three
have earned their plumes.
#59.3 Boy rides an ostrich up to Tarzan and tells him
that white pygmies are coming. King Ilonyi tells Tarzan that Jane
and Queen Ellenya have been captured by La. Tarzan tells Boy to stay
with the ostriches. Boy stays with the ostriches, however he brings
them to the opening at the base of the Rock that holds Opar. Tarzan
rescues the ladies. They mount the ostriches and use them to fight
the pursuing Oparians. They ride the ostriches home.
#67.1 as they travel across the plains to the Mountains
of Barongo, Adumo, the Nuba, brings down an ostrich with a bola for food
for himself, Tarzan, and Buto.
#72.2 Tarzan and Boy use skins of a lion and ostrich
to frighten a band of Shiftas into firing wildly at them. This alerts
the Ostrich Men who were about to ride their ostriches into a Shifta ambush.
They ride their mounts to attack the Shiftas and drive them off.
#80.1 Tarzan uses ostriches in the aid the Beni-Adhemi.
(See also: Om-zee and Zu-b’zee and Bwana M’kubwa).
#86.2 Boy and Dombie ride ostriches on a hunting trip.
Boy shoots an arrow at a lioness dragging a human. His ostrich carries
him pass a tree, which he swings into. Boy taunts sabor so she will
give up the chase of the ostrich. Dombie rides his ostrich to Tarzan
for help.
#92.2 Boy and N’kima are hunting on the back of an ostrich.
The ostrich mysteriously falls over dead.
#95.1 Tarzan, Jane and Boy ride ostriches on a hunting
trip. They spy a rhino attacking a safari. Tarzan rides his
ostrich up to the rhino and leaps on its back. He diverts the
rhino. The rhino attacks Jane and Boy. Their ostriches easily
avoid the rhino. Tarzan learns about the capture of the white b’wanas.
He sends Jane and Boy home on their ostriches. He rides his ostrich
close to the volcano and releases it.
#121.2 there are ostriches in Tarzan’s corral.
No. 51.4 (Jane Story) (See also - Standish) Standish’s
baby son finds the ruby pendant in Bandy, the mongoose’s den. He
swallows the stone. Jane pulls the chain and the stone out of its
#130.3 (See also: Sultana and Sultan).
Dell Number -- 56.1+58.2 (Boy story)+59.3+67.1+80.1+A#5
(Tarzan’s Birds - splash page) +82 (Good Neighbors - splash page) +82.2
+86.2 +92.2 +95.1+121.2 +No. 51.4 (Jane Story) +130.3
Ostrich Clan/Men/Riders -- #56.1 A
lost tribe of desert pygmies who use ostriches as their primary mounts.
They are fearless. They hunt lions from the backs of their ostriches.
Their primary weapon is the spear. The men wear furry shorts.
The women wear colorful and decorative clothing. The chief, Ramotu,
has a pierced nosepiece and a blue cap with a red feather. Their
village has thick vegetation walls. They have a fountain in the middle
of the village. They appear to have an abundance of food. They
are so confident that their village is impregnable that they scarcely guard
their prisoners. Their main enemy is the Tuaregs, an Arab desert
tribe. They use a sand blanket to sneak up on enemies and game.
This disguise has led the Tuaregs to believe that the Ostrich Clan can
turn invisible. Ramotu uses the sand blanket in the rescue of Tarzan
from the Tuaregs.
#72.2 Tarzan and Boy use skins of a lion and ostrich
to frighten a band of Shiftas into firing wildly at them. This alerts
the Ostrich Men who were about to ride into a Shifta ambush. They
attack the Shiftas and drive them off. The chief declares that Tarzan
has earned his victory plumes and presents Tarzan with his headdress of
ostrich feathers.
Dell Number -- 56.1+72.2
otter, giant -- # 7 after their plane
crashes in water while search for Boy and Dombie, Tarzan and Muviro are
attacked by a giant otter. Tarzan kills it with his knife.
#50.1 Tarzan and Kakar train three giant otter
pups to attack and kill lizards for the Stork Men. (Possibly the
offspring of Nip and Tuck.)
#51.1 When the Terribs attack the Stork Men at night,
the giant otters join in the battle attacking the Gorobars. Their
attack swings the tide of the battle.
#88.2 Tarzan uses two of the Stork Men’s giant otters
to search for Boy. In the battle with the Terribs the otters attack
the Gorobar mounts of the Terribs, who retreat to their tunnels.
(See also: Kreeg, Kraath, Keela and Rungo)
Dell Number -- 7+50.1 +51.1 +88.2
Owl -- The Owl is the leader of a band of
terrorist and murderers of the Secret Society under the direction of the
Secret Master. The Secret One orders the Owl to kill Tarzan or else.
He conceives a plan to lure the ape-man to the Cave of the Fallen Rocks
with a false message from Muviro that states that d’Arnot lies injured
in the cave. Tarzan doesn’t fall for the trick. Above the cave
with Thorag, the ape, Tarzan throws rocks down. Thorag throws the
wicked messenger over the edge. The Society members riddle him with
spears. The Owl then plans to use the scalp of the owner of the Pyrethrum
Plantation to fool the Secret Master into thinking they have killed the
ape-man. Tarzan gets to the plantation first and ropes the Owl up
into a tree. Tarzan uses the Owl to lure the Man of Evil to his capture.
Tarzan flies the Owl and the Man of Evil to the authorities in Nairobi.
The Owl wears a red shirt and pants with a white cape that has an owl’s
head on the back. His also has a yellow headband. Sometimes
he is depicted shirtless but still retains the cape.
Dell Number -- A#3.3
oysters, pearl -- While diving for the strongbox
for Captain Baine, Tarzan discovers a bed of pearl oysters. He tells
Sheik Abdullah Ben Ibrahim that his people can harvest all the pearls that
they want.
Dell Number -- 83.1
Ozman -- Name of the chief workman of Tohr.
He is a balding man with a mustache. His gold colored clothes have
an insignia on the center front consisting of a white circle with a black
hand, signaling silence. He informs the King of Tohr that the silence
machine has been damage. Tarzan follows Ozman to the King’s chambers.
Dell Number -- A#5.1
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