![]() Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive Volume 1690r Dell Tarzan Comics Encyclopedia by Duane Adams |
Rae -- Mounted on Hathor, the chief elephant,
Tarzan tries to fool the Talking Gorilla guard at the gate by referring
to Gund Rae. (Is it a reference to the chief of the Talking Gorillas?
If so, how did Tarzan learn this name?)
Dell Number -- 54.3
Ragak -- gund of the Blue Baboons.
Tarzan pulls him out of an underground river where Nugol, the treacherous,
pushed him. When he tells Tarzan about the little tarmangani, Tarzan
accompanies him home to see if it is Doctor MacWhirtle. He helps
Ragak reestablish his leadership and finds Dr. Mac.
Dell Number -- 32.2
Rajah -- The best Indian elephant of the
English lumber man, Colin Durham. He disappears one night and the
entire camp except for Margaret and Jimmy Durham go to search for him.
Dell Number -- 27
Rajak -- Old Rajak is the gund of a tribe
of baboons. He slaps the balu, Teeke, for pulling his tail.
The father, Ka-cha, comes to the balu’s defense but backs down to the leader.
As he leads his tribe to water, a golf ball that he calls a hard egg hits
Rajak. The golfers throw more balls at them to try and drive them
off. Rajak and Ka-cha catch the golf balls and throw them back, thus
driving the white men into the clubhouse. One of the golfers wounds
Rajak with a rifle. Ka-cha pulls the old gund to safety. At
the end of the story, Rajak realizes that he is old and hurt. He
declares Ka-cha the new gund.
Dell Number -- A#3.4
Raksha Bey -- chief of the Berbers.
Berbers attempt to sell Alice d’Arnot to him. Tarzan throws him at
his men and rescues Alice.
Dell Number -- 29
Ramotu -- He is the chief of the Ostrich
Clan, the desert pygmies. He wears furry shorts, a blue cap with
a red feather, and has a pierced nose. They are a fearless people.
After Tarzan saves one of his tribe from sabor, he invites Tarzan and Dr.
Mac to their village. When Tuaregs, a desert Arab tribe, slip into
the village to rescue some of their people, Ramotu is first to lead the
charge. The Tuaregs capture Tarzan. Ramotu leads a band of
his warriors and Dr. Mac to affect a rescue. He uses the sand blankets
to slip into the Tuareg camp and free Tarzan. They defeat the Tuaregs.
Dell Number -- 56.1
Ramsay -- White guide for the hunter, Derrick
Carne. He refuses to lead him into Tarzan’s Country. After
the hunter proceeds, he sends word to Tarzan at Muviro’s kraal with the
native, M’boto.
Dell Number -- 69.1
Raoul Giroux -- (See - Rudatara)
ratel -- #62 (inside cover of the back page) +#89 (splash page) (See also - honey badger)
raven -- A#5 (Tarzan’s Birds - splash
page) +#107 (“Public Servant” - splash page)
Red -- One of the riders from Rio Grande
and partner to Slim Doling. They struck oil and are rich.
They travel the world, roping animals. Tarzan helps them train giant
elands to ride and rope a lion. They help Tarzan overpower Arab slavers
and free the slaves.
Dell Number -- 33.1
Red Apes -- flesh-eating apes found near
the home of the blue baboons. They use clubs and are slow through
the trees. Tarzan and Ragak, the gund of the blue baboons, easily
out distance them.
Dell Number -- 32.2
Red-billed Banthurs -- (See also - Banthurs)
Red Bull - A Red Bull is part of the Ordeal
of Mumbo. Buto easily wrestles the huge bull to the ground.
Dell Number -- No. 51.2 (Boy Story)
red gryfs -- (See also - gryf)
Reginald, Sir -- a knight of the Kingdom
of Carmel who greets Tarzan and Hal Hogarth as they approach the Valley
of the Lyonesse.
Dell Number -- 13.1
Regulus Paulus, Centurion -- Centurion from
Castrum Mare. He is older and has a white beard and mustache.
He and his company are still loyal to the murdered emperor Cassius Hasta.
His men are under barrack arrest. Paulus fears they are destined
for the games. He enters Tarzan’s prison cell. Tarzan recognizes
his voice from years earlier. Tarzan agrees to help them escape and
has him release Jad-bal-ja, who also is a prisoner. Tarzan and Jad
create a diversion so Paulus and his men can make it to the fishing boats.
Tarzan helps them elude the pursuing war galleys and leads them to safety
so they can start a new life for themselves.
Dell Number -- 106.1
Rendille herders -- While tracking two man-eating
lions, Tarzan and Buto come upon the peaceful Rendille herders. The
herders tell them that two lions took a bull and a calf at dawn.
Dell Number -- 54.1
Rev. Wells -- Missionary to the Makembe tribe.
He converts them to Christianity, which angers the neighboring tribes.
He sends his daughter Ruth to pick up supplies before the impending attack.
Tarzan rescues Ruth and returns her to the Makembe Citadel. The Rev.
Wells is on crutches. He has a plan of defense for the village, but
Tarzan comes up with a better plan. Wells is grateful when Tarzan
saves the village without loss of life.
Dell Number -- 105.1
rhino -- #21 (back cover diorama from
the American Museum of Natural History)
#47.2 A rhino attacks the gryf carrying Tarzan and the
Waziri. The gryf kills and eats the rhino. (See also - buto)
Dell Number -- 21+47.2+67 (splash page)+84
(splash page - “Not Real Horns)
Richard Coeur de Lion, King -- Richard the
Lion-Hearted, Richard I, 1190 the third crusade to attempt to free Jerusalem
from the Saracens. Hal Hogarth is a descendant of the shipwrecked
crusaders of Richard.
Dell Number -- 13.1
Novel -- LJ - third crusade 1191 the ships of Sir
Bohun and Sir Gobred were lost in a storm and shipwrecked in Africa.
Ricky -- Name of American boy who wanders
off from his father’s safari. He is pretending to be Billy the Kid.
His brother plays Sitting Bull. They rope Boy and Dombie and tie
them to a tree. Boy calls animals to help them. The Americans
run away towards a herd of elephants. Boy uses Tantor and Korak,
the ape, to save them. They become friends.
Dell Number -- A#4.2 (Boy story)
Riders from Rio Grande -- Slim Doling, Red,
and Shorty. Rich, bored cowboys from Texas. They
travel the world, roping animals. Tarzan helps them train giant elands
to ride and helps in the roping of a lion. They help Tarzan free
the area of Arab slavers.
Dell Number -- 33.1
Rita Lane -- blonde American fiancée
of Lieutenant Tourneau. She was upset with the lieutenant because
he would not let her come along with him as he hunted down a band of Shiftas.
She takes a safari to be with him. On the way a Shiftas band under
N’tale, who she calls Jo-Jo, captures her. They take her to their
volcanic hideout. Tarzan with aid of a baboon clan under King Zugash
manages to free her and capture the cutthroats. Tarzan brings her
and the robbers back to the grateful lieutenant.
Dell Number -- 17.2
River Bushmen -- A family of River Bushmen
live near the Delta of the Okovango. The sight of the giant eagles
with people riding them frightens them. Jane helps a Bushman child
by bandaging his foot. The tribe trusts Tarzan’s soothing voice.
Lechwe, the leader, agrees to lead Tarzan to the Tree of Ages.
Dell Number -- No. 51.1
rock antelope -- Prince Thyron of Cathne
hunts rock antelope with some of his father’s men. The antelopes
are never seen.
Dell Number -- 84.1
Roberta Faye, Mrs. -- #45.1 English
woman and one of the owners of the Pyrethrum Plantation along with Geoffrey
Barbour. ‘Ghosts’ are scaring off their workers. Her daughter,
Martha, is kidnapped, and she receives a note for her to move into the
Lugongo Hotel if she wants to see her daughter again. Tarzan rescues
the child and exposes Ungali, the witch doctor, as the person behind the
plot to get the gold he discovered on the land. Geoffrey proposes
to her.
A#3.3 Roberta has a premonition that something is wrong.
A spear lands in the middle of the breakfast table on the patio.
She, her daughter, Martha, and Geoffrey Barbour head for the house.
(The spear may have come from Tarzan to alert them of the Secret Society
approaching the house.) They came for Geoffrey’s scalp to fool the
Secret Master into thinking that they killed Tarzan. Tarzan thwarts
the attack before they get near the house.
Dell Number -- 45.1+A#3.3
Rokah -- The name of a baboon that is killed in
the fight with the Leopard Men and their trained leopards
Dell Number -- 54.2 (Boy story)
Roland -- Black and white Great Dane dog
belonging to Dr. Henri Dumont. Roland carries a letter from the doctor
out of Mokar to Paul d’Arnot. The Doctor has been captured by the
Mokars. Tarzan and d’Arnot take Roland to the outskirts of the Gourambi
Range. Roland sniffs out Dumont’s hiding place of the artifacts he
buried. Into the mountains, Roland warns them about the elephant
trap and the giant trap. Outside of Mokar, Roland leaps the moat
with Tarzan and leads the ape-man to the gardener’s hut that holds Dumont.
They travel back to civilization.
Dell Number -- 81.1
Ro-mee-lah -- sister to Jo-rah form Cor-o-don.
She is captured by a zu-gomangani. Tarzan saves her by having the
thipdar he is riding attack the ape. Men of Monga attack, knocking
out Tarzan and capture Ro-mee-lah. She is forced to work in the Monga
fields with the other women. The Men of Monga gamble for the right
to have her as a mate. Tarzan rescues her and returns her to Jo-rah.
Dell Number -- 39.1
Ronald Crabtree, Sir -- The British sportsman
brings down a wildebeest for food for his safari. His bearers call
him Bwana M’kubwa and M’kuba. Tarzan greets him. They met before
in London. The balding man with a mustache wants to find the Roman
galley he spotted from the air. Tarzan warns him not to go to Castra.
He believes his modern weapons will protect him and goes anyway.
He is captured. He tells the Imperator of the wondrous things the
Europeans have created. The Emperor thinks he is mad and sentences
him to the arena. Suddenly, a volcano emerges from the ground.
Tarzan and his two ape companions rescue him. They escape the destruction
of the city by canoe.
Dell Number -- 89.1
Ronceval -- Hal Hogarth’s charger.
The Dwarfs of Opar captured it. Later Tarzan helps Sir Hal
recapture the horse from the Oparians.
Dell Number -- 13.1
Ronduk -- One of the gray apes from the Isle
of Apes that Tarzan commands to place the captured Arab raiders in the
wala, prison, that they have built for them.
Dell Number -- 55.3
rooster -- A rooster crows at the break of
dawn at Tarzan’s tree house.
Dell Number -- 89.2
royal antelope -- #70 (splash page) The smallest of the antelopes.
Ruandi -- A native of the lost race
of white natives with blonde hair living inside a volcano. They speak
a Bantu dialect. Because Ruandi loves Queen Lula, the witch doctor,
Kuvuru, has him placed on a raft to be sacrificed to Nga Ngori, a plesiosaurus.
Tarzan and Dr. Mac rescue him. Ruandi refuses to leave without Lula.
They spoil the wedding of Lula to the witch doctor. Before they can
make it to the helicopter, they are captured and placed on a raft to be
sacrificed to the saurian monster. Lula frees them. They all
escape through a tunnel in the volcano.
Dell Number -- 47.1
Rudatara -- A prince of the Murundi.
He is unable to face the lion test to prove himself a man. He runs
off to France and becomes known as Raoul Giroux. He has three medals
for bravery with the French Foreign Legion. This is not good enough
for Rudatara. He returns to Africa and asks Tarzan’s help to locate
a lion he can face. Tarzan guides him back to his home in Muranda.
He kills a lion with a spear as it breaks through a circle of beaters.
The people think he is brave. His brother is the king and is suspicious
of his brother’s return. Tarzan thwarts the assassination attempt
on Rudatara. The people bring Rudatara the Royal Drum thus declaring
him king. Rudatara banishes his brother.
Dell Number -- 96.1
ruler of the slave market -- The emperor
of Castrum Mare, Cassius Hasta, calls the ruler of the slave market before
him and Tarzan to see if Jane and Boy were purchased as slaves. He
informs the Imperator that they were but have been sold to an agent of
Plutonius, the Pirate King. He pleads innocent of knowing that the
man was an agent of the pirate.
Dell Number -- A#3.1
Rumat -- One of the gray apes from the Isle
of Apes that Tarzan takes with him on the Arabs dhow to the Gambah Village
to rescue the animals that the Arabs have captured.
Dell Number -- 55.3
Rungo -- Name of one of the giant otters
the chief of the Stork Men loans to Tarzan to help search the Great Swamp
for Boy. In the battle with the Terribs, Rungo and the other otter,
Keela, attack the Gorobar mounts of the Terribs. The Terribs retreat
to their underwater tunnels.
Dell Number -- 88.2
Ruori -- The Gallugos who escaped the Torodon
attack upon the hunting party. He tells Tarzan and Tee Anna about
the capture of Gallugos and their buffaloes by the beast men.
Dell Number -- 56.3
Rutger -- Hunter/guide who is in league with
M’longo, the tracker, in luring lions to certain spots so the people who
hired them can easily kill them. Tarzan puts a stop to their tactic.
Later Tarzan finds the bodies of Rutger and M’longo. They were slain
by Shiftas.
Dell Number -- 57.3
Ruth Barton (Miss Ruth) -- niece of Major
James Barton, who accompanies her Uncle Jim on an expedition to find the
lost city of Tohr. Tarzan and d’Arnot discover the girl and her uncle
who have been abandoned by their safari. They end up in Tohr.
Queen Ahtea is infatuated with Tarzan and is jealous of Ruth. She
throws Ruth into an arena containing Toldo, the lion guardian of the treasures
of Tohr. Ukah, Attarian rebel, catches her. Tarzan rescues
both of them as he kills Toldo with his bare hands. After their escape
from the dungeons they are recaptured. Ahtea attempts to throw Ruth
into the fires of Tohr, but she is saved by Ukah.
Dell Number -- FC 161.1
Ruth Forrence -- Ruth is the daughter to
Dr. Forrence the archeologist. She is a dowdy woman with red hair
in a bun and wears glasses. Dr. Forrence has found the legendary
Mask of Mani Kongo in the Mbaji ruins. They are traveling by plane
to Nairobi to turn it over to the commissioner. Dr. Forrence suspects
that an agent is on the plane and sends a note to the pilot. The
plane crashes. Pollock steals the mask and leaves. Tarzan finds
them and learns that the mask is in the possession of a man he helped.
He sends Watunga tribesmen to help them. After Tarzan has recovered
the mask, he meets the Dr. and Ruth at the Watunga kraal as a plane lands
to take them to safety.
Dell Number -- No. 25.6
Ruth Wells -- Daughter of the Makembe missionary.
She is nicknamed White Flower of the Makembe by enemy tribes. She
is young and blonde. His father sends her for supplies, as the enemies
of the Makembe are about to attack. On the way back her safari is
attacked but she manages to escape with Tarzan’s help. He returns
her to the Makembe Citadel. The rockets she managed to bring back
helps save the Makembe village. From within a statue, Ruth hands
Tarzan the rockets to fire at the attacking tribes.
Dell Number -- 105.1
Ruwandi -- Apparently the leader of a group
of native bearers. Tarzan saves them from a rhino to learn that their
b’wanas were capture by the Amaui tribe. The natives are afraid because
the Amaui sacrifice humans to the volcano. Tarzan sends them back
their village and tells them to protect the white men’s goods.
Dell Number -- 95.1
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