Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
Since 1996 ~ Over 10,000 Web Pages in Archive
Volume 1752

An illustrated newspaper serial of
The Son of Tarzan
in weekly installments in
Indiana Weekly Messenger
April 8 - July 1, 1920
(The chapter groupings are different from the book version)

All the illustrations and links to full page scans in PDF


Those strange original stories "Tarzan of the Apes" and "The Return of Tarzan" captured the delighted fancy of millions of readers. 

Although they were full of thrills, "The Son of Tarzan" holds the reader's interest with wonderful tenacity and yields nothing to them in the line of breathless adventure.

In this wonderful Tarzan story you will meet Tarzan himself, who is John Clayton, Lord Greystoke; Lady Greystoke, his wife; Alexis Paulvitch, friend of the murderer Rokoff; Akut, the gray ape, and many others, not the least of whom is Jack Clayton, the son of Tarzan.

Chapter 1: Paulvitch and an Ape

With mighty blows of his open palms 
he felled one after another.
Chapter II: "To See Ajax"

They both discovered the 
subject of their conversation.

A moment later he was 
infinitely more astonished.
Chapter III: Exit Paulvitch

The man stopped as though
turned to stone. "Akut!" he cried.

Then briefly Tarzan of the Apes
told his son of his early life.

His hideous face went white
in terror -- the Ape was free!
Chapter IV: Herr Skopf's Mystery

Before him lay the 
greatest mystery of his life.
Chapter V: The Sheik's Daughter
Chapter VI: In the Jungle

"It will not harm to try the 
power of gold," replied Jenssen.

Both the white men were 
wielding heavy whips brutally.
Chapter VII: A Rescue

And then the killer paused.


Chapter VIII: Korak and Meriem
Chapter IX: When Thieves Fall Out

A score of shrieking 
blacks were upon them.

Chapter X: Korak's Revenge

"Is she not both young and 
good looking?" asked Kovudoo.

But at the flash of 
the explosion he stopped.
Chapter XI: A Lion and a Lamb

She buried her face on 
the bosom of this new friend.

He wound his trunk 
about the ape man's body.
Chapter XII: A Night Ride

"Meriem!" he whispered. 
"My little Meriem!"

"I will go with you," she whispered.
Chapter XIII: Morison and Hansen
Chapter XIV: A Tryst by Proxy

Sounds of their passage came 
to the ears of another jungle wayfarer.
Chapter XV: Morison Squares Accounts

Crashed it down full in Malbihn's face.

Malbihn dropped his rifle and 
clutched franticallly at his breast.
Chapter XVI: A Strange Meeting

Her heart leaped in pride and joy. 
"Korak!" she cried.

Tantor wrapped his trunk 
about the body of Korak.
Chapter XXVII: Tarzan Returns
Chapter XXVIII: A Family Reunion

Then he charged down upon the frail girl.

"I know you! I know you!"
She cried.

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