Compiled by Bill Hillman

1895: Ed had made the championship team of the year and is listed as: "Captain-
Quarterback, Height 5-10, Weight 165, Age 20 yrs, 4 mos." - Lt E. R. Burroughs heads a group of 11 editors of The Adjutant 

1904: Ed tries a series of jobs: a high-rise timekeeper, door-to-door book salesman, a seller of electric light bulbs to janitors and candy to drugstores, an accountant and office manager, etc
1909: Lack of funds results in Ed creating drawings & verses for home- made Christmas cards.
1918: Out of Time's Abyss  in Blue Book
1946: Submits Night of Terror to a variety of magazines - a retitled version of the old 1943 More Fun! More People Killed story - rejected & unpublished. 
1926: Gives support to another fan club: The Edgar Rice Burroughs Club. He later suggests they use the name of the 1916 club: The Tribe of Tarzan
1945:2: Rubimore takes over Sunday Tarzan strip

1941: A new Carson of Venus story started on 2nd but abandoned because of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. 
1942:1: Contributes Somewhere on Oahu - News Bulletin - N.Y. World 
1942:4: Begins the first in a series of war diaries: Happenings in New Caledonia and Australia.
1911: 8pm - starts TA- longhand.
1936: Starts Tarzan and the Elephant Men (sequel to Tarzan and the Magic Men) - rejected by Argosy
1937: 'Two Gun' Doak Flies South written as John Tyler McCulloch -  rejected by Liberty, Cosmopolitan, & Blue Book. It is retitled Mr. Doak Flies South but never published.
1896: Ed writes Colonel J. Sumner Rogers at MMA - possibly obtain help in getting a discharge or transfer, or to set up a return to the Academy, or perhaps just to offer an apology for his past behaviour.
1917: Ed, dissatisfied with the motion picture industry and the progress made on adapting his writings, dumps his 10,000 shares of capital stock.

1916: Ed directs McClurg to dedicate the forthcoming The Son of Tarzan first edition to son Hulbert

1926: War Chief of the Apaches is rejected by Country Gentleman magazine
1935: Writes the light verse, Dear Old Eight-Two- Three while convalescing in room 823 at the Good Samaritan Hospital in LA

1915: Son of Tarzan runs in 6-parts in All-Story Weekly ($3,000)
1918: Submits a plan to the Dept of Justice - to alert the public to the menace of communism by writing fiction of a future world under Bolshevikism - rejected
1934: Ed files for divorce 
1942: Hulbert is promoted to 1st Lt
1912: Ed submits a more detailed outline of the Tarzan sequel
1915: H. R. H. the Rider is completed 
1929:4: Ed shares his criticisms over the Tarzan strips with nephew Studley. Studley later forwards detailed criticisms to the Metropolitan Syndicate
1942: Departs in  morning as war corresp. Flown to Canton Island & on to New Caledonia where he meets naval Lt Thompson - Rochelle Hudson's husband. 

1928: Tarzan and Pellucidar(TEC) is written (79,446 words). Some or all of the book is dictated to Ediphone cylinders.

1934: Granted a "quickie" divorce:  wife's "extreme cruelty" & "incompatibility of temperament." Emma receives a generous settlement.
1920: Munsey  Co. informs Ed that Davis has left to form an agency for authors
1941: 7:55 Japanese attack Pearl Harbor. Old military man is finally in the right place at the right time. Ed & Hulbert watch the attack from the hotel tennis court, at first thinking it a military practice exercise
John Carter of Mars by JCB - Sunday feature appears. Wartime paper shortage forces its demise in the spring of 1943


1922:9: GL in Argosy

1929: Universal releases the serial Tarzan and the Tiger with Frank Merrill

1915: Jewels of Opar is finally accepted by Davis at Ed's price of $2,500
1916: Republic Motor Truck Co. of Alma, Mich convince Ed to write a 1,900-word promotional booklet detailing his experiences on his transcontinental trip - the whimsical An Auto- Biography -  the POV of a Republic truck

1918: Finishes When Blood Told
1924: Contacts a Franklin High School (LA) principal asking assistance in revising a current piece of writing - probably Marcia of the Doorstep

1947: ERB spends the entire day correcting Llana of Gathol page proofs
1893: Ed is reprimanded for participating in a hoax involving a Springfield rifle duel to the death with another student
1918: Starts The Debt
1930: Washington officially approves a post office at Tarzana
1934: Variety reports the Guatemala Tarzan film will be Tarzan and the Green Goddess. Also considered are  New Adventures of Tarzan & Tarzan's 1935 Adventures

1936: Jack marries Pomona College classmate, Jane Ralston

1926: Writes L. B. Mayer requesting that Joan be given a tryout for a part in "Old Heidelberg." 
1941: Ed's first of a series of "Laugh It Off" columns appears in the Honolulu Advertiser  & Star-Bulletin. He was asked to write this by a military acquaintance at General HQ. Ed is extremely proud of his new role of War Correspondent


1892: Superintendent Rogers reports that: "Cadet Burroughs has made excellent progress in his studies during the last three months and is satisfactory in discipline...." 
1918: H.R.H the Rider  in All-Story 

1893: Ed sends a letter home describing "the duel" episode and his "first, last and only stage experience" as a bewhiskered actor in the not-so-successful, cadet touring stage play, The End of His Tether
1918: Little Door
is firmly rejected by Collier's & later by  People's Home Journal.

1924: Ed is excused from jury duty owing to heart pains and exhaustion and anxiety from overwork.
1930: Tarzana, California is officially registered as a city with its own post office

1913: Metcalf makes an offer for first refusal for all of Ed's 1914 output at 2 1/2 cents per word. Ed tries to up the offer to 3 1/2 cents. All-Story is planning to change into a weekly
1925: Submits proposal for  a Hollywood gossip column to the Newspaper Enterprise Assoc of Cleveland -  nothing comes of it.
1940: Starts Tangor Returns - second in the Poloda series
1929: Ed writes to brother Harry to try to convince him to write about his colourful experiences in Idaho
1938:19 Heil Hitler! 1-page synopsis, offers a "Suggestion for a story of what a humanitarian Hitler might accomplish for Germany and the World." A Hitler "double" is used in the plot. Studios appear afraid to touch it.
1911: Metcalf rejects OT "Tarzan" is coined on page 71 of the manuscript. Greystoke was originally Bloomstoke. In his writing ERB used both the British "grey" and American "gray."
1936: Submits an idea for a radio show to be called, I See by the Papers Ed planned to play  a columnist for  the Tarzana Tribune. 

1893: MM Academy reports Ed's continuing improvement in his studies: Average 89.4%.

1926: Apache Devil is rejected by Popular Magazine.

1911: TA foreward is written after 95 pages of manuscript have been written.

1937: Daily Express reports that Tarzan and the Green Goddess is doing great business in England.
1941: Hulbert expresses his pride in his father in a letter to Joan. 
1941: 24: Hulbert asks Rothmund to persuade ERB to return to the mainland as he is reluctant to enlist until his father has left. 
1949: Nephew Studley Burroughs (57) dies of an embolism following an operation for a hiatus hernia

1929: Ed becomes a grandfather with the birth of Joanne Burroughs Pierce at Hollywood Hospital.
1929: Elser promises to follow up on Ed's request to have Webster's and Funk & Wagnall's dictionaries include his bio & the word "Tarzan" in future revisions
1942: Arrives in Sydney, Aust
1908: Receives a warm Xmas letter from  father reporting he has paid off Ed's debts to Coleman. Business has turned sour for all the Burroughs clan
1934: Ed & Flo announce engagement at the Gilbert home
1944: Spends  first Xmas in 11 years with family. He later meets with Flor & her new husband, Dr. Alfred Chase, & Caryl Lee
1892: Nephew Studley Oldham Burroughs (future illustrator of ERB books) is born.
1945: Ed moves into his new home at 5465 Zelzah Avenue, Encino. He paid $14,000 for a two-bedroom house on 1/2 acre. Still weak from his overexertions in the Pacific, Ed now spends much of his time resting


1946: Ed informs Louise Rogers of the death of his heart doctor - Dr. John Carden who himself has died of angina.

1931:29:  Article, Literary Rights is sent upon request to Writer's Digest. It is published as Protecting the Author's Rights in the 1932 Writer's Yearbook.
1939: Bray of McClurg dies. Gould, a McClurg employee & friend of the Burroughs family had persuaded Bray to publish the first Burroughs book, TA
1920: Writes 2 love poems Sweetheart Eternal & Sweet Rose in God's Garden Above
1922: Submits a 1,000-word article to the LA Times - gives his views on literary people, collecting, writers of sex stories, and boring books
1929:30 Dancing Girl of the Leper King is completed

1918: Local Mystery" - a fictitious foreign correspondent's account of a visit to Paris - is printed in the Coldwater, Mich Daily Reporter. (Ed's sister-in-law Leila is editor). Sometime in this period Ed bought a country place in Coldwater. The area had been a Burroughs and Hulbert family vacation spot for years


1915: Beyond Thirty copyrighted by Street & Smith
1944: Hernia surgery: a month in convalescence. 
1916: Inspired by the recent death of Jack London, Ed considers writing a biography of the author. Unable to stir up interest in numerous magazines, he gives up on the idea

January 1, 2001
Day One of the New Millennium
1922: AEC by McClurg
1926: With The Author of Tarzan: An Interview With Edgar Rice Burroughs in Which He Frankly Discusses His Methods and Gives Sound Advice by G.B. Gravatt appears in The Writers' Monthly
1927: Ed writes a home movie script, a silent slapstick melodrama, called Tarzan Pictures Presents 'Them Thar Papers' Cast included all family members, James Pierce & Joan's friend Miss Florence Gilbert.
1934: The Dearholt expedition, aboard the liner Seattle, lands on the Guatemala coast in a storm which causes incredible difficulties.
1949: Ed suffers a serious heart attack and is placed in an oxygen tent. 

1940: Ed & Florence move to the Niumalu Hotel
1941:  In the 2,800-word article "Came the War" Ed describes his and Hulbert's activities during and after the Japanese attack.
1941: After the Pearl Harbor attack Ed & Hulbert volunteer for sentry duty with Patrol 2, Co. A, 1st Battalion, stationed on the wharf  at Honolulu Tuna Packers Ltd. Later Ed is assigned to guard & then to escort "enemy aliens"  to the Immigration Station. The march almost kills him. 

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