Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute Site
1996 ~ Over 10,000 Webpages in Archive
Shows 1-20
Unpublished Tarzan Sunday page featuring the characters
Captain Lawrence, Torgo and Mama N'gama of the Punya
from the Commodore Tarzan radio show. Circa 1970s.
Script writer: John Rose ~ Artist: Franc Reyes
Titles to Play - A new show each week.
1. The
Decoy - 51.01.04 - (Pilot program) Baron, a wild animal broker,
his daughter, Zyra, and Hammet, a white hunter, invade Tarzan's jungle.
They have two goals: to capture elephants (which they plan to round using
female elephants as decoys) and Tarzan. Zyra is the decoy to capture Tarzan.
The Lord of the Jungle falls for the beautiful girl, who he refers to as
his "White Goddess." His infatuation, however, is short lived when he discovers
that beauty is only skin deep and narrowly escapes being caged.
2. Black
Ivory - 51.01.11 - (CBS: 52.04.12) Tarzan is adopted into the Mawa
tribe, whose members are noted for their tall and handsome physiques. But
he didn't realize that he would be required to take Velda, the chief's
daughter, as his wife. This creates problems with Kalo, who she had previously
been promised; further complicating matters is Ajib Ben Zahman, a Bedouin
slave trader, who is determined to make slaves of the Mawa.
3. Hooded
Death - 51.01.18 (CBS: 53.02.21) - Tarzan accompanies an American
research scientist to the village of the snake people. The scientist is
conducting research into the use of snake venom as a cure for certain illnesses.
He gets more than he bargained for with this tribe who worships the King
4. The
Maneuma - 51.01.25 - (CBS: 52.03.29) - Drought has ravaged the
crops of the Punya. To save them, Tarzan will lead them to the mountains
where there is sure to be rain. However, in the mountains the Manuema living
in the shadow of the volcano, Kenyara are also suffereing from lack of
rain. Their witch doctor states that the volcano is angry with them because
they have gone too long without giving Kenyara a sacrifice. Tarzan's friend
Torgo, a small native boy of the Punya, is captured by the Manuema cannibals.
Tarzan must rescue him before he is sacrificed.
5. The
Siren of Omdurmara - 51.02.01 - (CBS: 52.03.22) - CBS used this
episode as their pilot when they purchased the syndicated series for national
broadcast. Jalnar, the beautiful and sultry "Siren of Omdurmara," will
only accept the suitor who brings to her the sacred emerald of the Karniki.
Ibn el Suman journeys to Karniki and steals the gem. Tarzan travels to
Omdurmara in search of the thief, and when wounded is nursed by the self-centered
Jalnar -- who learns to care for someone other than herself.
6. Black
Gold of Africa - 51.02.08 (CBS: 52.04.05) - Alexis Verron and Herbert
Graves, two unscrupulous prospectors, persuade Tarzan to give them permission
to mine for gold on Punyan land. They find oil instead, and whenever Tarzan
is absent, they mistreat and cheat the natives. After discovering their
duplicity, Tarzan must protect the Punyas.
7. The
Coward - 51.02.15 - (CBS: 52.04.19) - William Pembler, a self-made
millionaire, is disappointed in his gentle bookish son Billy. Pembler decides
that the way to make a man of Billy is to take him on an African safari.
Accompanying them is a villainous cousin Harry. Harry owes money to a bookie,
and when he learns that he will inherit the Pembler estate, he plans a
hunting accident for father and son. Tarzan must rescue both, and in the
course of their adventure, both father and son learn the true meaning of
8. Female
of the Species - (51.02.22 - (CBS: 52.04.26) - Tarzan is asked
by Murivo for help against the strange women warriors of the Kahili. These
Amazons use a strange music to cast a spell, which allows them to capture
men, who they sacrifice. Tarzan and Murivo, after being captured, must
use subterfuge to escape the city of "man killers."
9. End
of the World - 51.03.01 - (CBS: 53.03.28) - Tarzan saves the Reverend
Thadious Martin from an attack by a rogue elephant. Reverend Martin tells
Tarzan that he is on his way to the village of the Nagalas who are being
robbed by a magician who has them believing that the world is about to
end. As he is performing a trick, the magician renders Tarzan temporarily
blind and binds him in chains. The rogue elephant, still in the area, charges
the native compound, wreaking havoc, which allows Tarzan to break free.
Tarzan then kills the elephant with his knife.
10. Across
a Continent - 51.03.08 - Tarzan helps Gabrielle, a singer in an
African cafe, to escape from two men. She tells him that she had workd
fo r the underground in Warsaw during World War II and that the men are
Nazi war criminals. Tarzan escorts Gabrielle across the continent from
Bachurata to Angola, during which he falls under the spell of her charms.
He soon discovers that he has been duped and that she is really a diamond
11. The
Killer - 51.03.15 - (CBS: 52.05.03) - Herbert Graves, an old enemy
seeks revenge against Tarzan and enlists the aid of a giant prizefighter.
Dressing the fighter like Tarzan, Graves instructs him to commit several
robberies and murders -- all of which are blamed on Tarzan. Tarzan is arrested
by his friend, Captain Lawrence, but soon escapes. He discovers Graves
and the "killer" in the village of Yumbooys, which they have terrorized.
A terrific battle ensues with Tarzan emerging victorious.
12. Jungle
Legacy - 51.03.22 - (CBS 52.05.10) - Alexis Verron returns, intent
on revenging himself against Tarzan. This time he joins forces with an
enemy agent of a foreign power in search of uranium in the country of the
Mowa. Once again, Tarzan foils his prospecting plans.
13. Jungle
Orchids - 51.03.29 (CBS: 52.05.17) - Tarzan encounters the
exotically beautiful Edwina Clarke, and he is instantly smitten with the
almond-eyed, silver-haired woman. Edwina seems as fragile, gently and beautiful
as the orchids she is collecting. Soon, however, Tarzan discovers that,
like some orchids, her beauty covers an evil disposition.
14. Gold
Coast Robbery - 51.04.05 - (CBS: 52.05.24) - An exhausted native,
Nungo, arrives at Tarzan's cabin begging for help. He is being pursued
by Abdul el Kafin, chief of the Cassonia Railway police, who suspects him
of being part of a native group who robbed the gold train. El Kafin states
that he has found some of the gold in Nungo's hut, and he and his fellow
warriors must stand trial for robbery. He accuses Tarzan of being the possible
mastermind behind the robbery, but does Abdul el Kafin accuse too loudly?
15. Life
or Death - 51.04.12 - (CBS: 52.05.31) - Tarzan agrees to lead the
safari of an American multimillionaire, his daughter and son-in-law on
a quest for the fabled fountain of youth. Thinking they have discovered
the secret of the riches and knowledge it will bring them, they are soon
at one another's throats. Tarzan settles things and brings peace once more
to the jungle.
16. D
is for Diamonds and Death - 51.04.19 (CBS: 52.06.07) - A native
chief asks Tarzan to find his son and to bring him back to his tribe. Tarzan
ends up working at the mine in order to help the chief's son return a diamond
that he has stolen. Vincent, the mine owner, believes Tarzan is the thief
and plans to brand him on the forehead with the "D" of a diamond thief.
17. Pirates
of Cape Bandeira - 51.04.26 - (CBS: 52.06.14) - Tarzan decides
that he needs a vacation from dealing with the various trials and tribulations
encountered in the jungle and sails down the coast in a small skiff. His
vacation comes to an end when he must join a band of pirates in order to
thwart their evil plans.
18. Contraband
- 51.05.03 - Unrest and rebellion is fomented on the island of San Laurencia
by the sultry beauty, Tah. Captain Lawrence enlists the aid of Tarzan to
quell the revolt. He crosses the desert to the land of the berber to discover
who is making the guns (the contraband of the title) used by the insurgents.
Captured and left to die in the desert by Ali es Tagar, Tarzan arrives
on San Laurencia in time to stop the use of the guns.
19. Lake
of Blood - 51.05.10 - (CBS: 52.06.21) - Tarzan and Natessa search
for Torgo, the small Punya boy, who has followed a flight of cranes to
their winter grounds. Tarzan discovers the forbidden Lake of Blood, whose
waters are the color of blood and nothing survives within them. Trader
Morgan, who runs a small trading post in the area is taking advantage of
the native's superstitions.
20. Congo
Magic - 51.05.17 - In Fort Zaroka, CAptain Lawrence takes Tarzan
to his Club and introduces him to the various guests. Mr. Mooney ridicules
Tarzan and plays practical jokes on Shorty, the dwarf bartender. The local
pygmies think Shorty possesses great magic and try to kill him in order
to acquire that magic. Tarzan, Mooney and Shorty travel by safari to the
pygmy village to learn the origin of their belief in Shorty's magic.
More Old Time Radio References
in ERBzine
Golden Age ~ Radio
Promo Booklet ~ Diamond
of Ashair serial notes ~ Fires
of Tohr serial notes
of the Air ~ Radio
Show Casts ~ Signal
Oil Ad Campaign
OF THE APES - The first Tarzan appearance on radio 1932
Radio: Diamond of Asher
Radio: Fires of Tohr
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