Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute Site
1996 ~ Over 10,000 Webpages in Archive
Shows 41-60
Unpublished Tarzan Sunday page featuring the characters
Captain Lawrence, Torgo and Mama N'gama of the Punya
from the Commodore Tarzan radio show. Circa 1970s.
Script writer: John Rose ~ Artist: Franc Reyes
Titles to Play - A new show each week.
41. All
Presumed Dead - 51.10.11 - Tarzan tries to save the Meyugu from
a hurricane, but they refuse to leave unless Anakeea, a beautiful native
girl, leaves also. She is waiting for the great "man-bird." At the same
time, Rex Hakon, pilot of a DC-4 from Cairo, bails out of his plane leaving
the crew and passengers to a horrible death. Tarzan and Captain Lawrence
search for the wreckage and the reason for its plunge to earth.
42. Small
Packages - 51.10.18 - (CBS: 52.11.01) - Lord Kerracebrook hopes
to interest his grandson Anthony in business and sets up an account for
him at a financial institution. Anthony longs for a life of adventure and
draws against his account to run off to Africa. An unscrupulous Arab trader
attempts to kidnap the youth and hold him for ransom, but Tarzan intervenes.
43. Ghost
of Karmiki - 51.10.25 - Tarzan rescues Najugi, a youth of the Karmiki
tribe, from the slave block. But Najugi runs away and returns to the slave
mart. Tarzan travels to the land of the Karmiki to solve the mystery
of Najugi's strange behaviour and must battle an evil magician.
44. Adventure
on the Road to Timbuktu - 51.11.01 - (CBS: 52.11.08) - Tarzan receives
a mysterious summons to come to the city of Tarzak. There he meets Keith
Roberts, who persuades Tarzan to accompany him to Timbuktu. They are attacked,
captured and taken to the Temple of the Golden Zebra where they are brought
before Kayir, the supreme ruler. Kayir had planned for Tarzan's arrival
because he considers himself to be Lord of the Jungle and wants to rid
himself of the upstart using his title.
45. Strange
Island - 51.11.08 - (CBS: 52.11.15) - Lieutenant Jacque Corday
hates Africa and decides to arrest Tarzan in order to achieve a transfer.
When Tarzan kills a protected white rhino to save a life, Cordayi sees
his chance. When Tarzan and Corday travelling by a small sailboat are sunk,
a mysterious island has newly arisen from the ocean depths. On the island
is the beautiful seventeen-year-old Pamela Johns, who tells Tarzan that
she has long had a crush on him. Tarzan must also face the false accusations
of Lt. Corday who swears that he tried to kill him.
46. Message
to Fort Shabier - 51.11.15- Major Beekman, newly appointed commander
of Fort Shabier, is disliked by his men because of his arrogance. He thinks
more about getting a new uniform than acquiring the needed ammunition to
put down a possible native uprising. Unknown to the men of Fort Shabier,
the Kameuma tribe is planning to rebel against the hated British. When
the soldiers are attacked in an almost indefensible area, Tarzan must carry
a message to Fort Shabier for ammunition and reinforcements.
47. African
Thanksgiving - 51.11.22 - (CBS: 52.11.22) - Tarzan saves Renee,
a young French girl, who has fallen into an animal pit with a lion. After
killing the lion, Tarzan discovers that the girl has apparently returned
to a nearby town where she has once again fallen into the clutches of Sheik
Hassan en Mohammed Hazara. Sheik Hazara lies to the girl about Tarzan,
telling her that a terrible fate would befall her if she leaves with the
ape-man. Later, Tarzan meets an American, who is no in love with Renee,
and they set out to rescue her.
48. Hunter's
Fury - 51.11.29 - (CBS: 52.11.29) - Herbert Riggs, an unscrupulous
contractor, blackmails Douglas Hanley, an assistant zoo curator, to go
to AFrica with him to capture animals for zoos. Torgo, the Punaya boy,
raises a panther cub to adulthood and when he is told the beast is too
dangerous to keep in the village, he runs away with the beast. He stumbles
into the camp of Riggs and Hanley, and they keep him to track animals for
them. Tarzan, searching for Torgo, falls into a trap and is caged and left
to die. With the help of Nkima, the monkey, he escapes and takes up the
49. Trouble
Comes in Pairs - 51.12.06 - Jackie and Jill Evans, twin dancers
from America, are booked to appear in Africa by their agent, Robert Elliot.
The spoiled Jackie doesn't like the Dark Continent and insists that they
leave on the next boat. Since there won't be another boat in some time,
they decide to trek cross-country to another port. They must travel through
he land of the Biyuko who have a custom and tradition that twins are really
one person and must share everything from wives to death. When Jackie dies
from eating a poisonous toadstool, the Biyukos insist that Jill must also
die. Tarzan must outsmart the Biyukos so that Jill may live.
50. Congo
Murder - 51.12.13 - (CBS: 52.12.06) - Tarzan befriends a young
American named Johnny Convy, who is in Africa prospecting for gold. When
he makes a rich strike, he travels to Omdurmara to have his samples assayed.
Following him at a later date, Tarzan discovers that young Johnny has been
murdered. It is up to Tarzan to discover who killed his friend.
51. Congo
Christmas - 51.12.20 - (CBS: 52.12.20) - In the isolated village
of the Karmiki, Reverend Collier has established a mission school and a
small church. He is opposed by the High Priest of the Moon God and must
constantly struggle against the heathen rites practiced in the Temple of
Neomopo, the Moon God. Tarzan sees what he is up against and comes
to his aid.
52. Hand
of Death - 51.12.27 (CBS: 53.01.03) - (A special March of Dimes
show.) Mike, an American, and his wife Deborah, an English woman arrive
home from a rare evening out to discover Steven, their nine-year-old son,
under the care of a doctor. The doctor tells them that Steven has contracted
poliomyelitis and his diagnosis is that he may be crippled for the rest
of his life. Mike, who once had saved Tarzan's life, decides that because
of his magnificent body and kn owledge of jungle remedies, Tarzan can help
his son recover his health. Tarzan takes the boy to his jungle cabin and
begins a regimen of physical therapy and mineral spring baths.
53. The
Man from Another World - 52.01.03 - (CBS: 53.01.10) - Tarzan saves
the life of Joanna van Kruger and escorts her back to her father's rubber
plantation. Tarzan's motive is double: to make sure Joanna arrives safely
and to check rumours about van Kruger's cruelty to his workers. While there
the plantation seems to be visited by a strange being - who claims to have
come from the planet Uranus.
54. Quicksands
of Wadehara - 52.01.10 - (CBS: 53.01.17) - Her Royal Highness of
an unnamed European country travels incognito to Africa and takes a safari
(under the name of Jane Higgins) into the interior. Accompanying her is
the villainous white hunter Jungle Harry. A diplomat of her country asks
Tarzan to watch over her, and he takes a job as second guide of the safari
under the name of John Clayton. Jungle Harry figures he can use Tarzan
as a scapegoat if anything happens to the girl. An Arab potentate abducts
the girl for his harem, and Tarzan must go to her rescue.
55. The
Trail of Death - (CBS: 53.01.24) - Tarzan relates to Captain Lawrence
that he is tired of being "Robin Hood of the Jungle" and is disillusioned
with the people he's tried to help; he wants to get as far away from civilization
as he possibly can. He decides to return to the Mutea Escarpment where
he was raised by the great apes. Unscrupulous George Anthony Fellows wants
to find the Mutea Escarpment and the elephant's graveyard. He conspires
with his nephew, Malcom, to start a fight with Tarzan and make it appear
as if Tarzan has killed him, whereby Fellows persuades Tarzan to flee from
the law so that he can accompany him to the Escarpment. (Based on elements
from the MGM Tarzan films starring Johnny Weissmuller.)
56. Killer
at Large - (CBS: 53.01.31) - One of Africa's most beloved citizens,
Judge Cartwright, is found murdered. Captain Lawrence once again asks for
Tarzan's help. A convict had earlier escaped from the prison but the warden
for some reason has been covering up. Tarzan, undercover, enters the prison
to discover the identity of the escaped prisoner and to determine if he
have had a motive for killing the judge. Discovering his name, Tarzan tracks
the man down only to make a surprising discover.
57. First
Prize: Death - (Not broadcast over the Don Lee Mutual Broadcasting
System nor by CBS.) - Reginald Whiting, an Egyptian assuming an English
name, asks the governor of the province to back a contest in America to
find the All-American girl. Because tourism has suffered due to Arab and
native unrest, the contest is presented to the governor as a means of attracting
publicity. However, the contest is rigged so that the daughter of dead
archaeologist Emil Johnson is the winner because he once desecrated the
tomb of the Pharaoh. Tarzan is asked to watch over the girl and must save
her from sacrifice at the hands of the priests of Nakhar.
58. Paradise
Island - (CBS: 53.02.07) - A man, his wife, and small son are flying
in a chartered plane off the West Coast of Africa. The plane crash lands
on Paradise Island, and Tarzan and a native friend see the plane go down.
They canoe to the island to see if they can give aid. They find the family
unhurt although the pilot has a minor injury. As the pilot recovers, Tarzan
encourages the others to enjoy the beauty and peace of the tropical island.
Little does he realize that giving the boy a piece of quartz (pretending
that it is a diamond) will reduce the others to greed and avarice.
59. The
Demon of Rongu - (CBS: 53.02.14) - Tarzan tries to settle a dispute
between the Punya and the Rongu tribes. He learns that a "demon" has been
terrorizing the Rongu, stealing food and animals. When he tracks down the
"demon," he is surprised to learn that it is a wild, white boy. Tarzan
decides to take the boy back to his seaside cabin and raise him as his
son -- educating him in the process -- not realizing that the boy's relatives
are searching for him.
60. Simba
Hudari - (CBS: 53.02.28) - Tarzan finds Professor Reynolds, an
archaeologist, from whom his bearers have stolen a valuable notebook and
deserted him. He and the professor track the bearers to their homeland.
They discover that they are members of a tribe who punish thievery and
lesser crimes with death, while allowing murderers to go free. They are
also lion worshippers, and when Tarzan saves a member of one tribe from
a man-eating lion, trouble ensures.
Rerun: Pirates of Cape Bandera - 52-03-06
Rerun: Hooded Death - 52-03-13
61. Oman
of the Emeralds - 52-03-20
62. Volcano
- 52-03-27
63. None
So Blind - 52-04-03
64. Tarzan
and the Arena of Death - 52-04-10
65. Jungle
Smoke - 52-04-17
66. Evidence
Destroyed - 52-04-24
67. The
Missing Element - 52-05-01
68. Tarzan
and the Lypagor - 52-05-08
69. Mask
of Montiki - 52-05-15
70. Night
Riders of Tomkia - 52-05-22
71. Tarzan
and the American Family Robinson - 52-05-29
72. Tarzan
and the Long Journey - 52-06-12
73. Rays
of Death - 53-05-02
74. Tarzan And The Hot Rod Kid - 53-05-16
75. Two in the Bush - 53-06-27
Thanks to Ted McKosky and his ERB
of the Media Web site
for supplying our missing episodes
More Old Time Radio References
in ERBzine
Golden Age ~ Radio
Promo Booklet ~ Diamond
of Ashair serial notes ~ Fires
of Tohr serial notes
of the Air ~ Radio
Show Casts ~ Signal
Oil Ad Campaign
OF THE APES - The first Tarzan appearance on radio 1932
Radio: Diamond of Asher
Radio: Fires of Tohr
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