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Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Web Pages in Archive
Volume 2776
From the Danton Burroughs Tarzana Archive
Edgar Rice Burroughs' Wartime Autograph Book Series
Ed Burroughs' desire for an active role in the war zone led him to a new goal; after resigning from his duties with BMTC - the civilian corps - he sought to be a war correspondent for the United Press. 

On October 23, 1942 with the approval still not received, Ed wrote in his diary, "Am now all ready to go — almost. I know that, at my age, it is probably a fool thing to do. My decision, then, is not based on faulty judgement. I want the experience. If I don't come back, I am at least definitely expendable. So it won't make any difference. . . ." 

The United Press credentials arrived and on November 2 Ed sent a thank-you letter to old friend George Carlin, of the United Feature Syndicate, who had been a great help in Ed's quest for accreditation. Carlin responded, "Your example in always seeking fresh adventure at an age when most of your contemporaries are content to give up and just stay waiting is an inspiration to me and gives me a goal at which to aim." 

Now an accredited war correspondent at the age of sixty-seven, Burroughs waited for his army approval and assignment to a plane. On November 6 he started his autograph album which he planned to carry with him. Fittingly, the first entries were by longtime friend, Captain Phil Bird and fellow United Press correspondent, William Tyree.

2776  ERB WWII Autographs 2777 WWII 42: Nov I 2778 WWII 42: Nov II 2779 WWII 42: Dec I :: 2779a: Misc
2780 WWII 1942: Dec II 2781 WWII 1942: Dec III 2782  WWII 1943: Feb 2783  WWII 1943: March
2784 WWII 1943: April 2785 WWII 1943: May-Aug 2786 WWII 1943: Sep-Dec 2787 WWII 1944: January
2788 WWII 1944: February 2789 WWII 1944: March 2790 WWII 1944.April 2791 WWII 1944: May
2792 WWII 1944: June 2793 WWII 1944: July 2794 WWII 1944: August 2795 WWII 1944: Sep-Nov
2796  WWII 1945 2797 WWII 1946 & 1948 2798 2799


The Dean of WWII Correspondents in the Pacific
Edgar Rice Burroughs: The War Years
ERB WWII Time Line: 1940-1942 ERB WWII Time Line: 1943-1945 Photos  40-42   Photos 43-45
1940 Letters 1940 Letter Highlights 1940 Illustrated Timeline
1941 Letters 1941 Letter Highlights 1941 Illustrated Timeline
Pearl Harbor: Eye Witness Account USS Shaw / ERB Connection ERB-Truman H. Landon Connection
1942 Letters 1942 Letter Highlights 1942 Illustrated Timeline
1943 Letters 1943 Letter Highlights 1943 Illustrated Timeline
1944 Letters 1944 Letter Highlights 1944 Illustrated Timeline
1945 Letters 1945 Letter Highlights 1945 Illustrated Timeline
ERB: War Correspondent Pre- and Post-Wartime Timelines ERB Visits WWII Australia   Text Only
Our Japanese Problem ~ Hawaii Magazine ERB & Military: Early Years ERB Bio Timeline ~ 1875-1950
ERB Wartime Files v.1: Hawaii Clippings ERB Wartime Files v.2: Articles ERB Wartime Files v.3: Laugh It Off
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