Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
Since 1996 ~ Over 10,000 Web Pages in Archive
Volume 2786
From the Danton Burroughs Tarzana Archive
Edgar Rice Burroughs' Wartime Autograph Book Series
Started in Sydney, Australia
1943: September-December

September 10, 1943
To a BIG shot from a little shot ("Little Brown Gal" music staff) ~ Aloha ~ Don McDiarmid

September 17, 1943
PFC Louis L. Clark 810th MPco - APO 958 San Francisco, Calif ~ Home: Hermon, NY R.F.D. #1
(Ed: M.P. with whom I patrolled in Chinatown)

September 17, 1943
Walter F. Schnoeder - US Coast Guard, Kapoho, Hawaii
(Ed: S.P. with whom I patrolled in Chinatown)

September 25, 1943
To bigger and better Jap hangovers ~ T.H. Landon, Brig. Gen. USA ~ APO #953 and Central Pacific
Edith Paterson

September 28, 1943
To the "bad old man." (Stricktly a borrowed phrase) ~ Helen L. McAuley
My one 'hobby' is your beautiful neighbor! ~ Lt. Homer S. Pruter, J. - USNR

October 3, 1943
(Ed: Hal Thompson's friends)
First meeting -- looking forward to more in the future ~ RG Kahn - Lt (jg) - USNR
FW Baumstark - Capt. U.S.M.CR

October 4, 1943
"Midpacifican" Names are only a means of distinction - I will not forget yours - trust you won't forget mine.
~ James H. Ritchie - 333 E. 42nd St. - New York City c/o Walker

October 4, 1943
William Groppsenbucher, Jr.? - Stout, Ohio 
(Ed: Assistant editor "Midpacifican")
October 7, 1943
Major Wm. V. Griffin? ~ Litton, N.H.
October 10, 1943
(Ed: Friend of Henry Mahm?) ~ J.C. Shaw, US Navy - Manila, PI (Ed: Lt. Cmdr)

October 10, 1943
Jos H. Cahill ~ Lt. USNR ~ Larchmont, NY? (or Tony's E 52nd St.) 
(Ed: Friend of Henry Mahn?)
October 12, 1943
See you in Manila ~ King W. Chapman (Capt) ~ PO Bx 3149 - Manila, PI 
(Ed: Mahn? guest)

October 18, 1943: Niumalu Hotel, Honolulu
Now in Hawaii, one time in London, hope to see you at the Criterion Bar some day. ~ Sydney J. Sheffield - U.S.A.
Aloha ~ WJ Forrestel? - Comdr, US Navy
Al Wright - Comdr USN

October 20, 1943
Col. W.B. Arens ~ 729 Dela Furntest - Monterey Park - California
Pvt. Windon G. Arens ~ B.T.C. ASTC - 7th Co. 2nd Bn 4th Tgn Regt. - Harmony Church Area - Ft. Benning, GA
(Ed: Met Col. Arens at Shafter? again today.
Phil reminded me that I had met him at Hickam *** ago [and I promised?] to send his son an autograph book.
So I got him to append his son's address.
Finally got book from Ralph and mailed it today.)

October 28, 1943
(Ed: This is the 500th autograph)
Sara (Lady) Baddinghouse ~ Nieumalu Hotel
Capt. R.F. Benjamin ~ U.S.M.C.
(Sketch: Lone figure on island under a palm)
Kee-Kee-Kee-rest but it's hot! ~ Capt. Eugene McNerney, Jr. U.S.M.C.
Mildred Rathbone, P & M
November 24, 1943
Best Wishes to Ed, a swell fellow ~ Larry Willison - Major, XIII AAF

November 24, 1943: In Jack ***'s
Edgar Burroughs, here's to you
Your pen travels fast and true
Tarzan brave and jungle dense
How are you, and where, and whence
~ Lt. Comdr John Hall Allen - Locust Valley, Long Island, New York

December 2, 1943
Charles T. Jackson ~ Lt. A.U.S. ~ Webb City, MO.
Russell W. Sumnicht ~ Capt, DC ~ Hq 2nd - Bn 64th CA (AA) ~ 447 Hollywood Ave. Salt Lake City
So you think our mess stinks! - - - You're right. ~ James H. Propelli? ~ Lt. Col CAC  ~ Portland Oregon
Official Miller E. McConnell ~ Capt CAC - Mess Officer ~ Detroit, Michigan

December 2, 1943
Not quite as blue as the address would indicate ~ Ernest N. Sault ~ Capt. ~ Philadelphia, PA
December 6, 1943
Hans S. Bendixeu ~ Lt. Col. CWS ~ New York, Minneapolis, La Jolla and Mckin, Gilbert Group
Felix M. Robbins, Jr. ~ Capt CWS ~ New Madrid, Mo (2nd oldest W. Mississippi R.)
John P. King ~ Capt. JAG) USA: Lindsay, California, and Jasper, Alabama

December 8, 1943
He says "write something about me." - All right -- all right --
He's a very dangerous neighbor or (in the dining room) ~ Midge Johnson
To Ely, the second ~ Jack Carder

December 8, 1943
Best wishes to the author of my favorite books and to Hawaiian Trust's favorite guest~ Gwynne Austin
Best to E.R.B. - a good friend of the Philips? family ~ Herb ***
To: E.R.B.: To South Pacific we will go together I hope ~ Kemo*** Major AG

December 8, 1943
To E.R.B.: He complains about the service, his food and the bed -- 
But we all live at the Niumalu -- so enough said! ~Billy Bisardi
Amen ~ Charlie Bisardi

December 8, 1943
To Tarzan and his "Ape-less" book shops -- May his shadow never grow less
~ Walter Warner ~ Niumalu

December 26, 1943
I've often wondered, Ed. Can Tarzan whip Superman? ~ Capt. Robert L. Hemmings
You go your way, and I go mine 
Apart, yet not afar;
But only a thin veil hangs between
The pathways where we are.
Capt. Don Jackson ~ US MCR

Phil: 3473
Paty Dr. - Ph: 98914
H. Btn: 86135
2 Bn 68793
QRS  9961 - 237
December 13, 1943: 8531-4136
December 24, 1943: 8531-21277


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