![]() August 5, 1944 Just one of "your great admiring public" - it's the "Niumalu" influence - Sorry it took five years to meet you - Ethel Brian??? Here's to you - Here's to me -- There's no more like us, what a pity Joan Lee Nash - August 5, 1944 ![]() Here's to you and here's to me - To what we have been and are. Each one of us under our separate star - Where ever our lives may lead What ever may be our ends - Here's hoping when we both lay down to die o- We may die as we have lived - Good Friends You old Bastard - *** ***???
![]() August 5, 1944 - Mildred's party You said,"You don't live until you're ancient." - Hells Bells you ain't ancient! But I'll bet you really live! Hamilton Hains - Commander U.S. Navy (that will be worth a million some day.) No one ever accused me of being witty - But all who live and drink get stinky??? So to you, Ed Burroughs, a friend to me - Let me add my song Damn it I can't think of anything that rhymes - Jack Simms??? Maj. U.S.M.C. - Baltimore, Md ![]() August 14, 1944 To Edgar Rice Burroughs whom I have always desired to know and who more than fulfilled my expectations. - CTR Adams | Ed: A Navy lieutenant who brough in several Tarzan books for me to autograph for his 2 year old son. ![]() August 15, 1944 I have always read your books and followed your comic strips. Have enjoyed them no end. Here's to Edgar Rice Burroughs - a fellow short snorter. - Leon R. Neureti??? T.O. Technical Observer - for Bendix Stromberg and the Navy Leon R. Neureti??? - Syracuse, New York | Ed: Called on me at my qrs after dinner. ![]() August 15, 1944 To Edgar Rice Burroughs. From Myself & from my two sons, whose admiration for your "Tarzan" has led me here. Very Sincerely, Fred W. Kraft T.O. - Paterson, New Jersey Ed: Called on me at my qrs after dinner ![]() Capt. James Miguhan??? - 100th Inf Br. - Emergency Service Committee - Mitsuyuki, Kido "When Tarzan takes a vacation in Aloha land, then we'll know that we're all one and together - Americans" Masax Kataqui??? - Honolulu, Hawaii | *** *** | Ernest I Fusukawa Baron Joie???, University of Hawaii | *** Yoshida | *** *** ![]() See the autographs below and Read the whole story at ERBzine 3199 Clipping from the Wayne Smith Collection ![]() August 27, 1944 To Edgar Burroughs, that composite of Tarzan, Superman and Renfrew of the Mounted Laurie Y. Erskine - Major CAC - 52 W 11 St. NYC [MOUNTIE SKETCH] Ed: Creator of Renfew of the Mounted ![]() August 27, 1944 Best wishes to Edgar Rice Burroughs - the daddy of today's leading heroes -- from Tec5 Jerry Siegel - 2402 Glendon Rd., Univesity Hts., Ohio [SUPERMAN SKETCH] Ed: Siegel is creator of Superman ![]() August 27, 1944 To Edgar Rice Burroughs - It was indeed an honor to have met the creator of Tarzan who - as in the case of most American boys - made my youth a very pleasant and adventurous one. . . The best to you, sir. - Sam Blumenfeld - 1031 President St., Brooklyn, N.Y. | Midpacifican Staff Writer ![]() August 27, 1944 To Edgar Rice Burroughs - A Tennessee photographer got a big kick from meeting the creator of Tarzan. Sgt. Jimmy Mooney - 3301-4th Ave., Chattanooga, Tenn - Midpacifican Photographer ![]() August 27, 1944 To Edgar Rice Burroughs - Many thanx for many happy hours spent with your books in golden days past. John L. Duke - T/5 U.S. Army, Honolulu - Wardman Park Hotel???, Washington, D.C. Ed: With Midpacificans ![]() August 27, 1944 Edgar Rice Burroughs - To a GI Joe, Tarzan's papa is a nice friend. To Willines???, he is one of the most genuine people in the world; Tarzan, the simple person should be proud of such a dad. *** *** *** - Ed: At Louise's??? ![]() August 27, 1944 Dear Eddie: The party last night was for the wife but many thanks for the orchid that I wore. Eve H. Sherman Ed: Your Tarzan drinks bourbon too. We did real fine in Honolulu. I hope we can keep it up. T/5 Jeff DAvis of Salid South??? ![]() Hi Eddie -- It was swell knowing you -- I hope sometime you will dance with me -- Remember the Hula dancing at Louise's ~ Aloha ~ Kitty ***??? ![]() August 27, 1944 To Eddie - The next time you run for mayor of Parma, Idaho let me know so I can put in my bid for dog-catcher. It's really a pleasure to have met you Ed. How's about bringing "Tarzan" to Idaho someday. I'll take him fishin'. Aloha - Capt.HR*** - Boise, Idaho ![]() August 27, 1944 - At Louise's Dear Ed: The most pleasant experiences in life are the delightful people we meet. And this is my happiest birthday. Tahnks to your generous and inimitable contribution. I hope there shall be many more celebrations. Mable Sherman ![]() August 27, 1944 - At Mildred's Frank C Mandell - Maj GSC - Cheyenne, Wyoming - the home of the rodeo. William E. Everitt - Chief Boats - 210 Playa Del Sur, La Jolla, Calif. ![]() (Very hard to decipher) |
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