Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
Since 1996 ~ Over 10,000 Web Pages in Archive
Volume 2797
From the Danton Burroughs Tarzana Archive
Edgar Rice Burroughs' Wartime Autograph Book Series
1946 & 1948

For more than a quarter of a century, I have been giving autographs.
Thousands of them. And I have never asked for one.
The worm has turned. He wants your autograph. Thanks!
Edgar Rice Burroughs
United Press, Honolulu

January 10, 1946 - At Papa's little "Haushe"
Darling Papa - My one and only claim to fame -
In fond memories of our M.U.I. - And it's still going strong 
My love and admiration ~ Joan

(Sketch) - Luke the Spook (That's me) signed - The Corpse

January 10, 1946
Read up and down and
you shall see that we
all love you especially me
Love, ~ Joanne

January 11, 1946
Days may come and days may go but Tarzan and Ed will go on forever and ever ~ Kuth C. Hunter
To the love of my life and the life of my love quite with the approval of K.H. (above) - Yenore

March 25, 1946
To one of the pleasantist interviewees I've met ~ Helen Colton
I knew it would be a thrill - but thanks for making it fun -
This from a guy who has spent his life on interviews ~ Jerry Hoffman

June 15, 1946
An occasion I've been looking forward to for a long time -
*** to dear friend Edgar Rice Burroughs ~ Mildred *** Smith?

July 7, 1946
It's been a pleasure to meet a fine fellow such as you, Mr. Burroughs. 
Oodles of luck. ~ Kaye McCraskey

July 7, 1946
To Edgar Rice Burroughs, a man of fine distinctions and quality. ~ Mary Prince

July 8, 1946
Ed Burroughs - In memory of the long-looked for pleasure of meeting & knowing, so fine an author 
Yours very sincerely ~  Louise Loni Terry

July 28, 1946
Respectfuly, Hail is Pot? ~Ralph Allison Wolfe (wolf sketch) "It's legal!"

October 20, 1946
Thanks for writing all of the Tarzan books ~ Jonne Evans
I've loved all of your stories ever since they were written. 
I know most of them by heart. So thanks heaps for hundreds of pleasant hours ~ E Everett ***?

October 20, 1946
Thanks for all the many happy hours I have spent reading your books 
~ Tiguira? - 236 1/2 North New Hampshire Avenue - Hollywood 4, California - F Educk 2131

October 20, 1946
Thanks a trillion for 20 years of superlative reading and entertainment. Always a fan,
~ Forrest J (Bean) Ackerman

November 9, 1946
Thanks for everything! (Shirley)  ~ Mrs. Honorable Congressman Jackson
Thanks again - it's been wonderful knowing you! and always will be ~ August 31, 1947
And you said you would brag because because (I stutter) you had met us
-- now we can brag because we have met you..
~ Mrs. H.W. Hutchinson ~ Chief *** Hutchinson

To Ed Burroughs - From the floor of J.L. in Honolulu 
to the floor of the house in Washington - Happy Drinking
~ Donald L. Jackson - Member of Congress - 16th Dist.

To a man I started admiring at the age of 6, and am still at it though 3 years older than god. 
Long may he swing from a thousand trees ~ Dixon? George ***

November 4, 1948
Two days after election. A wonderful, wonderful evening. 
If I could only be like the man I'd like to be TARZAN ~ Duff D

November 5, 1948
To E.R.B. - Hoping your liquor holds out as long as your heart does. 
Both your liquor & your heart are fine.
Many Happy Day ~ Dr. WB Habach

To my devoted husband - a wonderful, wonderful "fella" - I loves you lots. Love & stuff ~ Dolores Wife
P.S. Lotza sweet stuff. To my son-in-law. - Just - Sybil (Yores Man)

November 11, 1948
Thanks for a very pleasant afternoon on account of Ted Landon ~ Bruce Allen



2776  ERB WWII Autographs 2777 WWII 42: Nov I 2778 WWII 42: Nov II 2779 WWII 42: Dec I
2780 WWII 1942: Dec II 2781 WWII 1942: Dec III 2782  WWII 1943: Feb 2783  WWII 1943: March
2784 WWII 1943: April 2785 WWII 1943: May-Aug 2786 WWII 1943: Sep-Dec 2787 WWII 1944: January
2788 WWII 1944.February 2789 WWII 1944: March 2790 WWII 1944.April 2791 WWII 1944: May
2792 WWII 1944: June 2793 WWII 1944: July 2794 WWII 1944: August 2795 WWII 1944: Sep-Nov
2796  WWII 1945 2797 WWII 1946 & 1948 2798 2799
The Dean of WWII Correspondents in the Pacific
Edgar Rice Burroughs: The War Years
ERB WWII Time Line: 1940-1942 ERB WWII Time Line: 1943-1945 Photos  40-42   Photos 43-45
1940 Letters 1940 Letter Highlights 1940 Illustrated Timeline
1941 Letters 1941 Letter Highlights 1941 Illustrated Timeline
Pearl Harbor: Eye Witness Account USS Shaw / ERB Connection ERB-Truman H. Landon Connection
1942 Letters 1942 Letter Highlights 1942 Illustrated Timeline
1943 Letters 1943 Letter Highlights 1943 Illustrated Timeline
1944 Letters 1944 Letter Highlights 1944 Illustrated Timeline
1945 Letters 1945 Letter Highlights 1945 Illustrated Timeline
ERB: War Correspondent Pre- and Post-Wartime Timelines ERB Visits WWII Australia   Text Only
Our Japanese Problem ~ Hawaii Magazine ERB & Military: Early Years ERB Bio Timeline ~ 1875-1950
ERB Wartime Files v.1: Hawaii Clippings ERB Wartime Files v.2: Articles ERB Wartime Files v.3: Laugh It Off

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