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Volume 2980
James Killian Spratt's Graphic Interpretation of 
Edgar Rice Burroughs' A Princess of Mars 

(click panels for full-screen size)

PAGE 272:

The major-domo to whom I reported 
had been instructed to station me 
near the person of the Jeddak, 
who, in time of war, is always in great danger of assassination,
as the rule that all is fair in war seems to constitute 
the entire ethics of Martian conflict.

He therefore escorted me immediately 
to the apartment in which Than Kosis then was. 

The ruler was with his son, 
Sab Than, and several courtiers, 
and did not perceive my entrance. 

The apartment’s walls were completely hung 
with splendid tapestries, forming a narrow passageway 
encircling the room, where I was to remain.

PAGE 273: 

The tapestries were of a strange weaving 
which gave the appearance of heavy solidity from one side, 
but from my hiding place I could perceive 
all that took place within the room, 
as though there were no curtain intervening. 

I was to be on guard for four hours in the passageway, 
or as long as Than Kosis remained in the room. 

My only duty was to guard the ruler and 
stay out of sight as much as possible.


The major-domo departed, 
and scarcely had I gained my post 
when the tapestry at the far end of the chamber parted 
and four soldiers of the guard entered, 
surrounding a female figure.


PAGE 274:

As they approached Than Kosis
the soldiers fell to either side and there, 
standing before the Jeddak 
and not ten feet from me, 
her beautiful face radiant with smiles,
was Dejah Thoris.

  Sab Than rose and took her hand, 
which she willingly offered, 
and the Jeddak, with surprise on his face, saluted her and inquired: 
“To what strange freak do I owe this visit from the Princess of Helium,
who, two days ago, 
with rare consideration for my pride, 
assured me that she would prefer 
Tal Hajus, the green Thark, to my son?”

PAGE 275:

Dejah Thoris only smiled the more and 
with the roguish dimples
playing at the corners of her mouth 
she made answer: 

“From the beginning of time upon Barsoom
it has been the prerogative
of woman to change her mind 
as she listed and to dissemble 
in matters concerning her heart. 

That you will forgive, 
Than Kosis, as has your son. 
Two days ago I was not sure of his love for me, 
but now I am, and 
I have come to beg of you 
to forget my rash words and 
to accept the assurance of 
the Princess of Helium 
that when the time comes she will wed 
Sab Than, Prince of Zodanga.”

PAGE 276:

“I am glad you have so decided,” 
replied Than Kosis. 
“It is far from my desire to push war further 
against the people of Helium. 
Your promise shall be recorded and 
a proclamation to my people issued forthwith.”

  “It were better, Than Kosis,”
interrupted Dejah Thoris, 
“that the proclamation await the ending of this war. 
It would look strange indeed to my people and to yours, 
were the Princess of Helium
to give herself to her country’s enemies 
in the midst of hostilities.”

PAGE 277:

“Cannot the war be ended at once?” 
spoke Sab Than. 
“It requires but your word, my Father—
O say the word that will hasten my happiness, 
and end this unpopular strife!”


"We shall see,” 
replied Than Kosis,
“how the people of Helium take to peace. 
I shall at least offer it to them.”

PAGE 278:

Dejah Thoris, 
after a few words, 
turned and left the apartment, 
still escorted by her guards.

Thus was my brief dream of happiness 
dashed to the ground of reality, broken. 
The woman to whom I had offered my life, 
and who had so recently declared her love for me, 
had lightly forgotten my very existence, 
and seemingly given herself
to the son of her people’s most hated enemy. 
Her dark eyes would haunt me for the rest of my days. 
I could not believe it, and---

PAGE 279:

--I could not stand it. 
I had to force her to repeat
the cruel truth to me alone
before I would be convinced, 
so I deserted my post 
and hastened after her, 
only to find myself quickly lost 
in a maze of winding corridors.

  Hurt, confused and angry, 
I stood panting against a wall
in the maze of hallways 
when suddenly through a partition, 
I heard her voice. 
Instantly I turned a corner 
and espied a door 
at the end of a short passageway.

PAGE 280:

I pushed boldly into the small antechamber, 
there to be confronted by the four guards,
one of whom instantly rose and 
demanded my orders or the password.

I tapped my longsword, 
the only password I knew, 
and in reply the guard whipped out his blade, 
followed instantly by his three fellows, 
and demanded that I surrender—
I could not hope to overcome all four of them.


PAGE 281:
 I was in no mood for such nonsense, 
and my response was so quick 
that I now faced but three--

Poster | Wall | Card | Thumbnail

Intro | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 15a | 16 | 16a | 17 | 17a | 18 | 19 | 19a | 19b | 20 | 20a | 20b
| 21 | 21a | 21b | 21c | 22 | 22a | 23 | 23a |


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