First and Only Weekly Online Fanzine Devoted to the Life & Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Web Pages in Archive
Volume 2988
Our Early Influences on Edgar Rice Burroughs Series
A collection of texts which prepared the advent of Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs 
"There could be hundreds of words from a dozen different sources which coincidentally could be used by ERB. But here, there are two books (Paul Du Chaillu's Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa and J. W. Buell's Heroes of the Dark Continent) in which all these words and ideas can be related to their contexts in ERB. And these original contexts and sources appear within 30 to 100 pages of each other (depending on the book), which contain all the original cognates, themes, and symbols."
~ Sarkis Atamian - The Origin of Tarzan: The Mystery of Tarzan's Creation Solved

Exploration and Adventures in Equatorial Africa. 
With Accounts of the Manners and Customs of the People and of the Chace of
the Gorilla, Crocodile, Leopard, Elephant, Hippopotamus, and Other Animals - 1861
By Paul Belloni du Chaillu
Paul Du Chaillu (1835-1903), is best-known as an African explorer and famous for his confirmation of the existence of the "Monstrous and ferocious ape, the gorilla" on the expedition he writes of here. He spent his early years on the West Coast of Africa, where his father worked. He was intrigued by natural history and showed an aptitude for the native languages and customs. 

His first expedition into Central Africa was supported by the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. The trip commenced in 1856 and lasted close to four years and covered 8,000 miles (DAB). He amassed an amazing collection of rare birds and animals, and made several important discoveries about the rivers of the region. His Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa (1861) described his travels. 

After initial ridicule, his discoveries were confirmed and he was established as an expert on the region. After another expedition in 1863, he settled in America to lecture and write about Africa. All of his books are very readable and contain interesting, lively descriptions which indicate a keen sense of observation on the part of the author. 

1867 Stories of the Gorilla Country Episodic History 
1868 Wild Life Under the Equator Episodic History
1869 Lost in the Jungle Episodic History
1870 My Apingi Kingdom Episodic History
1871 The Country of the Dwarfs


1. The Gorilla Frontispiece, 
2. Fan Shield and Spears Page xiii 
3. Ndiayai, King of the Cannibal tribe, the Fans 24 
4. Mpongwe Woman, showing the manner of dressing hair 30 
5. Head-waters of the Ntambonnay 81 
6. Mbondemo man, and woman carrying her child 89 
7. Fan Warrior. 92 
8. Grand Reception by the Cannibals 95 
9. My first Gorilla.... 100 
10. Fan Bowman 107 
11. Poisoned Arrows of the Fan 108 
12. Fan Knife and Battle-axes : 109 
13. Fan Drummer and Handja-player Ill 
14. Elephant Battle among the Fan 113 
15. The Handja, Fan musical Instrument. 119 
16. Fan Blacksmiths 123 
17. Fan Pottery 124 
18. Fan Pipes  124 
19. Fan Spoon 129 
20. Crossing a Mangrove Swamp 147 
21. To keep the Devil out 149 
22. The Leopard and his Prey 160 
23. Shekiani Spoons 196 
24. Wambee, the Shekiani Banjo..... 198 
25. Ncheri, a diminutive Deer 202 
26. Niare, the wild Bull of Equatorial Africa 210 
27. Camma Man and Woman 231 
28. Tossed by a wild bull 239 
29. Young Gorilla 242 
30. River Navigation in Central Africa 255 
31. Nshiego Bibouve in its Nest 269 
32. Young Nshiego Mbouve 272 
33. Crocodile-hunting on Lake Anengne 275 
34. Idol of the Slaves 280 
35. Ouganga exorcising a Sorcerer 284 
36. Reception at Gourobi 293 
37. Mboundou Leaf 302 
38. Obindji in his easy chair 311 
39. The Eoolo-kamba 315 
40. Ebony Leaves, male and female  324 
Many of the images below may be clicked for full-screen size

1. The Gorilla Frontispiece

2. Fan Shield and Spears Page

3. Ndiayai, King of the Cannibal tribe

4. Mpongwe Woman, 
showing the manner of dressing hair 

5. Head-waters of the Ntambonnay

6. Mbondemo man, and woman carrying her child

7. Fan Warrior

8. Grand Reception by the Cannibals

9. My first Gorilla

10. Fan Bowman

11. Poisoned Arrows 

12. Fan Knife and Battle-axes

13. Fan Drummer and Handja-player

14. Elephant Battle among the Fan

15. The Handja, Fan musical Instrument

16. Fan Blacksmiths

17. Fan Pottery

18. Fan Pipes

19. Fan Spoon

20. Crossing a Mangrove Swamp

21. To keep the Devil out

22. The Leopard and his Prey

23. Shekiani Spoons

24. Wambee, the Shekiani Banjo

25. Ncheri, a diminutive Deer

26. Niare, the wild bull of Equatorial Africa

27. Camma Man and Woman

28. Tossed by a wild bull

29. Young Gorilla

0. River Navigation in Central Africa

31. Nshiego Bibouve in its Nest

32. Young Nshiego Mbouve

33. Crocodile-hunting on Lake Anengne

34. Idol of the Slaves

35. Ouganga exorcising a Sorcerer

36. Reception at Gourobi 

38. Obindji in his easy chair

39. The Eoolo-kamba

37. Mboundou Leaf

40. Ebony Leaves, male and female  32

Du Chaillu Letter

Paul Du Chaillu's 
Adventures in the great forest of equatorial Africa
was part of ERB's Personal Library

An Illustrated Compilation of over 
1,200 Books in the ERB Library 
       Amassed through his lifeftime ~ 1875-1950 

Read our other Paul Du Chaillu Features
ERBzine 0872 | ERBzine 0872a
ERBzine 0872m
Georges Dodds' The Ape-Man: his Kith and Kin 
A collection of texts which prepared the advent 
of Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs 

ERBzine 1801
Heroes of the Dark Continent by J. W. Buel

Text and Gallery of Illustrations

Click for full-size collage
Text and Gallery of Illustrations

Early Influences on Edgar Rice Burroughs
Origin of Tarzan by Sarkis Atamian - 1997
ERBzine 1151

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