Part One
The Tenth Runner-Up in the Seven Wonders of Barsoom
Woodrow Edgar Nichols, Jr.
Unlike the modern Hollywood trend of making contract killers, hitmen,
snipers, and assassins into cultural underground heroes, the censorship
that existed during most of ERB's writing career banned depictions that
glorified this class of sociopaths; they were to be punished, not allowed
to get away with their crimes, and were to be portrayed as morally repugnant
creatures. ERB was clearly ahead of his time when he made the assassin
a proper Barsoomian hero, like sports, rock, and music stars on Earth today.
As in the Barsoomian cultural acceptance of slavery as morally neutral,
the likewise morally neutral depiction of the assassin as a heroic figure
allowed ERB to give his audience a truly “alien” feel of another culture
in all of its barbaric and pagan splendor, providing a counterpoint to
our own Western morality, steeped in the judgmental sinner-shame Judeo-Christian
tradition as it is.
We learn from perhaps the most morally repugnant assassin on Mars, Rapas
the Ulsio, or Rat, in Swords of Mars, that he refers to himself
as a “gorthan.” It is not clear if this is the Martian word for an assassin
in general or an assassin who is not a member of a guild, to wit, a rogue
assassin, such as Rapas. Regardless of any moral apprehensions we may have,
being an assassin is an honorable profession on Mars. Many of Barsoom’s
most glorious heroes were and are assassins.
In this study, we will examine four of Barsoom’s most notorious assassins:
Gor Hajus of Toonol; Gantun Gur of Amhor; Rapas and Ur Jan, both of Zodanga.
Our first study is a clear case of an honorable assassin; the next two
of miserable dishonorable assassins; and in the last case, half and half.

A) Gor Hajus of Toonol:
We recall from The Master Mind of Mars, that Ras Thavas has
trained his Earthly assistant – Ulysses Paxton, aka Vad Varo – in how to
transplant human brains into other bodies and has chosen for his study
three cases. The first, 378-J-493811-P, the Red Martian warrior from Phundahl,
whom he had killed at his advent on Mars in the act of protecting Ras Thavas;
the second, the case of the man whose half-brain had been transplanted
into that of a Great White Ape, aka Horvan Du; and the third, that of a
notorious Toonolian assassin named Gor Hajus.
“The third subject that I had tentatively
selected had been a notorious Toonolian assassin, whose audacity, fearlessness,
and swordsmanship had won for him a reputation that had spread far beyond
the boundaries of his country.
“Ras Thavas, himself a Toonolian, had given me
something of the history of this man whose grim calling is not without
honor upon Barsoom, and which Gor Hajus had raised still higher in the
esteem of his countrymen through the fact that he never struck down a woman
or a good man and that he never struck from behind. His killings were always
the results of fair fights in which the victim had every opportunity to
defend himself and slay his attacker; and he was famous for his loyalty
to his friends. In fact this very loyalty had been a contributing factor
in his downfall which had brought him to one of Ras Thavas’ ersite slabs
some years since, for he had earned the enmity of Vobis Kan, Jeddak of
Toonol, through his refusal to assassinate a man who had once befriended
Gor Hajus in some slight degree; following which Vobis Kan conceived the
suspicion that Gor Hajus had him marked for slaying. The result was inevitable:
Gor Hajus was arrested and condemned to death; immediately following the
execution of the sentence an agent of Ras Thavas had purchased the body.”
Vad Varo has chosen these three because he believes they can assist him
in his plan to reunite the body and mind of the lovely Princess of Duhor,
Valla Dia. With their assistance, he intents to steal a flier and fly to
Phundahl, kidnap the Jeddara, Xaxa, who has stolen Valla Dia's body, bring
Xaxa back to Ras Thavas’s island, and retransfer their brains.
“My first task lay in renewing the organs
of 378-J-493811-P and of Gor Hajus which had been injured by the wounds
that had laid them low; the former requiring a new lung and the latter
a new heart, his executioner having run him through with a short-sword.
I hesitated to ask Ras Thavas’ permission to experiment on these subjects
for fear of the possibility of arousing his suspicions, in which event
he would probably have them destroyed; and so I was forced to accomplish
my designs by subterfuge and stealth....
“This groundwork carefully prepared, I had comparatively
little fear of the results of actual discovery when I set to work upon
the warrior of Phundahl and the assassin of Toonol. I chose the former
first. His lung was badly injured where the blade has passed through it,
but from the laboratory where were kept fractional bodies I brought a perfect
lung, with which I replaced the one that I had ruined. The work occupied
but half the night. So anxious was I to complete my task that I immediately
opened up the breast of Gor Hajus, for whom I selected an unusually strong
and powerful heart, and by working rapidly I succeeded in completing the
transference before dawn.” (MMM/6.)
Eventually, it comes time to carry out his plan. He revives the Red Phundahlian,
Dar Tarus, and Gor Hajus:
“I waited until both appeared quite restored.
Dar Tarus was eyeing me with growing recognition that brought a most venomous
expression of hatred to his countenance. Gor Hajus was frankly puzzled.
The last he remembered was the scene in the death chamber at the instant
that his executioner had run a sword through his heart. It was I who broke
the silence.
“‘In the first place,’ I said, ‘let me tell you
where you are, if you do not already know.’
“‘I know well enough where I am,’ growled Dar
“‘Ah!’ exclaimed Gor Hajus, whose eyes had been
roaming about the chamber. I can guess where I am. What Toonolian has not
heard of Ras Thavas? So they sold my corpse to the old butcher did they?
And what now? Did I just arrive?’
“‘You have been here six years,’ I told him, ‘and
you may stay here forever unless we three can reach an agreement within
the next few minutes, and that goes for you too, Dar Tarus.’
“‘Six years!’ mused Gor Hajus. ‘Well, out with
it, man. What do you want? If it is to slay Ras Thavas, no! He has saved
me from utter destruction; but name me some other, preferably Vobis Kan,
Jeddak of Toonol. Find me a blade and I will slay a hundred to regain life.’
“‘I seek the life of none unless he stands in
the way of the fulfillment of my desire in this matter that I have in hand.
Listen! Ras Thavas had here a beautiful Duhorian girl. He sold her body
to Xaxa, Jeddara of Phundahl, transplanting the girl’s brain to the wrinkled
old body of the Jeddara. It is my intention to regain the body, restore
it to its own brain and return the girl to Duhor.’
“Gor Hajus grinned. ‘You have a large contract
on your hands,’ he said, ‘but I can see that you are a man after my own
heart, and I am with you. It will give freedom and fighting, and all that
I ask is a chance for one thrust at Vobis Kan.’
“‘I promise you life,’ I replied; ‘but with the
understanding that you serve me faithfully and none other, undertaking
no business of your own, until mine has been carried to a successful conclusion.’
“‘That means that I shall have to serve you for
life,’ he repliled, ‘for the thing you have undertaken you can never accomplish;
but that is better than lying here on a cold ersite slab waiting for old
Ras Thavas to come along and carve out my gizzard. I am yours! Let me up,
that I may feel a good pair of legs under me again.’” (MMM/7.)
Gor Hajus fixes the controls of a small, swift flier, which they set loose
automatically so that Ras Thavas can see it take off; it flies to the east,
away from Toonol; Vad Varo cries out that he going to explore Barsoom,
making it appear to Ras Thavas that he is aboard the flier. They then hide
in another flier and wait for hours until a crew boards it and flies out
of the hangar.
The ship flies the short distance to Toonol, but before it arrives,
it is boarded by a search party from a Toonolian ship, for Ras Thavas has
alerted the authorities of Vad Varo’s escape.
The commanders know each other and discuss how ridiculous it would be
to search the ship since Ras Thavas himself saw them fly away in his own
small craft. Thus Vad Varo and his team reach Toonol. However, as they
leave the ship, the captain, Bal Zak, captures them, but not for reward,
as he tells them:
“‘There are in the breasts of honorable
men,’ replied Bal Zak, ‘forces that rise superior to the lust for gold,
and while Toonolians are supposedly a people free from the withering influences
of sentiment yet I for one am not totally unconscious of the demand of
gratitude. Six years ago, Gor Hajus, you refused to assassinate my father,
holding that he was a good man, worthy to live and one that had once befriended
you slightly. Today, through his son, you reap your reward and in some
measure are repaid for the punishment that was meted out to you by Vobis
Kan because of your refusal to slay the sire of Bal Zak. I have sent my
crew away that none aboard the Vosar but myself might have knowledge of
your presence. Tell me your plans and command me in what way I may be of
further service to you.’” (MMM/8.)
They tell him and he points out several problems with the plan, especially
the problem of having a Great White Ape among them.
“‘I do not need acquaint them with the
fact,’ growled Hovan Du. ‘To them I need be but a captive ape. Are such
unknown in Toonol?’
“‘Not entirely, though they are rare,’ replied
Bal Zak. ‘But there is also the white skin of Vad Varo! Ras Thavas appears
to have known nothing of the presence of the ape with you; but he full
well knew of Vad Varo, and your description has been spread by every means
at his command. You would be recognized immediately by the first Toonolian
that lay eyes on you, and then there is Gor Hajus. He has been as dead
for six years, yet I venture there is scarce a Toonolian that broke the
shell prior to ten years ago who does not know the face of Gor Hajus as
well as he knows that of his own mother. The Jeddak himself was not better
known to the people of Toonol than Gor Hajus. That leaves but one
who might possibly escape suspicion and detection in the streets of Toonol.’”
Bal Zak gives Vad Varo some red pigment to disguise his skin and then directs
them to some equilibrimotors as a means of avoiding patrols; Gor Hajus
shows Vad Varo how to operate one. They fly to the house of Mu Tel, one
of Gor Hajus’ closest friends. However, as they reach it they are stopped
by a Toonolian warrior:
“‘Who flies by night?’ a voice commanded.
“‘Friends of Mu Tel, Prince of the House of Kan,’
replied Gor Hajus quickly.
“‘Let me see your night flying permit and your
flier’s license,’ ordered the one above us, at the same time swooping suddenly
to our level and giving me my first sight of a Martian policeman. He was
equipped with a much swifter and handier equilibrimotor than ours. I think
that was the first fact to impress us deeply, and it demonstrated the futility
of flight; for he could have given us ten minutes start and overhauled
each of us within another ten minutes, even though we had elected to fly
in different directions. The fellow was a warrior rather than a policeman,
though detailed to duty such as our Earthly police officers perform; the
city being patrolled day and night by the warriors of Vobis Kan’s army.
“He dropped now close to the assassin of Toonol,
again demanding permit and license and at the same time flashing a light
in the face of my comrade.
“‘By the sword of the Jeddak!’ he cried. ‘Fortune
heaps her favors upon me. Who would have thought an hour since that it
would be I who would collect the reward for the capture of Gor Hajus?’
“‘Any other fool might have have thought it,’
returned Gor Hajus, ‘but he would have been as wrong as you,’ and as he
spoke he struck with the short-sword I had loaned him.
“The blow was broken by the wing of the warrior’s
equilibrimotor, which it demolished, yet it inflicted a severe wound in
the fellow’s shoulder. He tried to back off, but the damaged wing caused
him only to wheel around erratically; and then he seized upon his whistle
and attempted to blow a mighty blast that was cut short by another blow
from Gor Hajus’ sword that split the man’s head open to the bridge of his
“‘Quick!’ cried the assassin. ‘We must drop into
the gardens of Mu Tel, for that signal will bring a swarm of air patrols
about our heads.’” (MMM/8.)
They succeed in reaching the palace of Mu Tel and Gor Hajus introduces
Vad Varo as a man who claims to come from the planet Jasoom. Mu Tel gives
them shelter and shows Vad Varo a viewing device that allows Martians to
track the goings on of people on Earth. He learns that the allies have
won the First World War. As Vad Varo observes both Mu Tel and Gor Hajus
together, he muses:
“As I came to know them better, and especially
Gor Hajus, I began to realize that much of their flaunted contempt of the
finer sensibilities was specious. It is true that generations of inhibition
had to some extent atrophied those characteristics of heart and soul which
the noblest among us so highly esteem; that friendship’s ties were lax
and blood kinship awakened no high sense of responsibility or love even
between parents and children; yet Gor Hajus was essentially a man of sentiment,
though he would doubtless have run through the heart any who had dared
accused him of it, thus perfectly proving the truth of the other’s accusation.
His pride in his reputation for integrity and loyalty proved him a man
of heart as did his jealousy of his reputation for heartlessness prove
him a man of sentiment; and in all this he was but typical of the people
of Toonol.” (MMM/9.)
Mu Tel takes them to a secret hangar where he has had a swift flier prepared
for them to take them to Phundahl. However, shortly after they take off,
another warrior in an eguilibrimotor spots them and blows his whistle.
In a few moments a searchlight from an overhead patrol boat shines down
on them. They race away but the patrol boat opens fire on them with explosive
bullets and they have to take drastic measures:
“Dar Tarus, at the controls, turned the
nose of our flier upward directly toward the patrol boat and at the same
time shouted at us to concentrate our fire upon her propellers. For myself,
I could see little but the blinding eye of the searchlight, and at that
I fired with the strange weapon to which I had received my first introduction
but a few hours since when it was presented to me by Mu Tel. To me that
all searching eye represented the greatest menace that confronted us, and
could we blind it the patrol boat would have no great advantage over us.
So I kept my rifle straight upon it, my finger on the button that controlled
the fire, and prayed for a hit.
“Gor Hajus knelt at my side, his weapons spitting
bullets at the patrol boat. Dar Tarus’ hands were busy with the controls
and Hovan Du squatted in the bow and growled.
“Suddenly Dar Tarus voiced an exclamation of alarm.
‘The controls are hit!’ he shouted. ‘We can’t alter our course – the ship
is useless.’ Almost the same instant the searchlight was extinguished –
one of my bullets evidently having found it. We were quite close to the
enemy now and heard their shout of anger. Our own craft, out of control,
was running swiftly toward the other. It seemed that if there was not a
collision we would pass directly beneath the keel of the air patrol. I
asked Dar Tarus if our ship was beyond repair.” (MMM/9.)
Dar Tarus informs him that there is not enough time for that and they decide
to board the other craft and take it by force. Vad Varo recruits Hovan
Du to help him take the ship. When they are fifteen feet below it, with
the boarding tackle swinging over their heads, they leap for it. Boarding
the ship, they are confronted by a member of the crew:
“The ape had also come up directly in
front of a Toonolian warrior and this fellow had let out yell of surprise
and sought to draw his sword, but the ape, for all of his great bulk, was
too quick for him; and as my eyes topped the rail I saw the mighty anthropoid
seize the unfortunate man by the harness, drag him to the side and hurl
him to destruction far below. Instantly we were both over the rail and
squarely on deck.” (MMM/9.)
They head for the controls and Vad Varo immediately strikes down the pilot.
Then they are confronted by four warriors as Dar Tarus and Gor Hajus board
the ship:
“‘Look!’ I cried to the enemy, ‘and surrender,’
and I pointed astern.
“One of them turned to look and what he saw brought
an exclamation of surprise to his lips. ‘It is Gor Hajus,’ he cried, and
then, to me: ‘What is your purpose with us if we surrender?’
“‘We have no quarrel with you,’ I replied. ‘We
but wish to leave Toonol and go our way in peace – we shall not harm you.’
“He turned to his fellows while, at a sign from
me, my three companions stopped their advance and waited. For a few minutes
the four warriors conversed in low tones, then he who at first spoken addressed
“‘There are few Toonolians,’ he said, ‘who would
not be glad to serve Gor Hajus, whom we had thought long dead, but to surrender
our ship to you would mean certain death for us when we reported our defeat
at our headquarters. On the other hand were we to continue our defense
most of us here upon the deck of this flier would be killed. If you can
assure us that your plans are not aimed at the safety of Toonol I can make
a suggestion that will afford an avenue of escape and safety for us all.’
“‘We only wish to leave Toonol,’ I replied. ‘No
harm can come to Toonol because of what I seek to accomplish.’
“‘Good! And where do you wish to go?’
“‘That I may not tell you.’
“‘You may trust us, if you accept my proposal,’
he assured me, ‘which is that we convey you to your destination, after
which we can return to Toonol and report that we engaged you and that after
a long running fight, in which two of our number were killed, you eluded
us in the darkness and escaped.’
“‘Can we trust these men?’ I asked, addressing
Gor Hajus, who assured me that we could, and thus the compact was entered
into which saw us speeding rapidly towards Phundahl aboard one of Vobis
Kan’s own fliers.” (MMM/9.)
They arrive in Phundahl and Dar Tarus pays his respect to Tur, the god
of the Phundahlians. Gor Hajus is an expert on the religion of Tur and
fills Vad Varo in on its esoteric doctrines, absurd as they are. Since
Dar Tarus’ body – belonging to the noble who had him assassinated – is
well known in the court scene, he stays behind while Vad Varo, Gor Hajus,
and Hovan Du attempt to enter the Jeddara’s palace by putting on an a smart
animal show outside of the gates. Gor Hajus pretends to be the animal’s
spokesman while Vad Varo pretends to be the keeper. They arrive at the
gates and Gor Hajus addresses the crowd:
“‘Men and women of Phundahl,’ cried Gor
Hajus, ‘behold, two poor panthans, who, risking their lives, have captured
and trained one of the most savage and ferocious and at the same time most
intelligent species of the great white ape of Barsoom ever before seen
in captivity and at great expense have brought it to Phundahl for your
entertainment and edification. My friends, this wonderful ape is endowed
with human intelligence; he understands every word that is spoken to him.
With your kind attention, my friends, I will endeavor to demonstrate the
remarkable intelligence of this ferocious, man-eating beast – an intelligence
that has entertained the crowned heads of Barsoom and mystified the minds
of her most learned savants.’
“I thought Gor Hajus did pretty well as a bally-hoo
artist. I had to smile as I listened, here upon Mars, to the familiar lines
that I had taught him out of my Earthly experience of county fairs and
amusement parks, so highly ludicrous they sounded falling from the lips
of the Assassin of Toonol; but they evidently interested his auditors and
impressed them, too, for they craned their necks and stood in earnest eyed
silence awaiting the performance of Hovan Du. Even better, several members
of the Jeddara’s Guard pricked up their ears and sauntered towards the
gates; and among them was an officer.
“Gor Hajus caused Hovan Du to lie down at word
of command, to get up, to stand upon one foot, and to indicate the number
of fingers that Gor Hajus held up by growling once for each finger, thus
satisfying the audience that he could count; but these simple things were
only by way of leading up to the more remarkable achievements which we
hoped would win an audience before the Jeddara. Gor Hajus borrowed a set
of harness and weapons from a man in the crowd and had Hovan Du don it
and fence with him, and then indeed did we hear exclamations of amazement.
“The warriors and the officer of Xaxa had drawn
near the gates and were interested spectators, which was precisely what
we wished, and now Gor Hajus was ready for the final, astounding revelation
of Hovan Du’s intelligence.
“‘These things that you have witnessed are as
nothing,’ he cried. ‘Why this beast can even read and write. He was captured
in a deserted city near Ptarth and can read and write the language of that
country. Is there among you one who, by chance, comes from that distant
“A slave spoke up. ‘I am from Ptarth.’
“‘Good,’ said Gor Hajus. ‘Write some simple instructions
and hand them to the ape. I will turn my back that you may know that I
cannot assist him in any way.’
“The slave drew forth a tablet from a pocket pouch
and wrote briefly. What he wrote he handed to Hovan Du. The ape read the
message and without hesitation moved quickly to the gate and handed it
to the officer standing upon the other side, the gate being constructed
of wrought metal in fanciful designs that offered no obstruction to the
view or to the passage of small articles. The officer took the message
and examined it.
“‘What does it say?’ he demanded of the slave
that had penned it.
“‘It says,’ replied the latter: ‘Take this message
to the officer who stands just within the gate.’
“There were exclamations of surprise from all
parts of the crowd and Hovan Du was compelled to repeat his performance
several times with different messages which directed him to do various
things, the officer always taking a great interest in the proceedings.
“‘It is marvelous,’ said he at last. ‘The Jeddara
would be amused by the performance of this beast. Wait here, therefore,
until I have sent word to her that she may, if she so desires, command
your presence.’
“Nothing could have better suited us and so we
waited with what patience we might for the messenger to return; and while
we waited Hovan Du continued to mystify his audience with new proofs of
his great intelligence.” (MMM/10.)
They are soon admitted to the palace and ushered in to the Jeddara’s reception
chamber. She orders Sag Or, the man who now possesses the real body of
Dar Tarus, to remove their weapons, which Vad Varo and Gor Hajus give up
reluctantly. She allows the ape to perform but Vad Varo becomes suspicious
when she is not impressed. Finally, a noble enters the room and confers
privately with the Jeddara. She dismisses him with a curt gesture then
turns her eyes on the hapless trio:
“‘Enough of this!’ she cried. Her eyes
rested upon mine and she pointed her slim dagger at me. ‘Where is the other?’
she demanded.
“‘What other?’ I inquired.
“‘There were three of you, beside the ape. I know
nothing about the ape, nor where, nor how you acquired it; but I do know
all about you, Vad Varo, and Gor Hajus, the Assassin of Toonol, and Dar
Tarus. Where is Dar Tarus?’ her voice was low and musical and entirely
beautiful – the voice of Valla Dia – but behind it I knew was the terrible
personality of Xaxa, and I knew too that it would be hard to deceive her,
for she must have received what information she had directly from Ras Thavas.
It had been stupid of me not to foresee that Ras Thavas would immediately
guess the purpose of my mission and warn Xaxa. I perceived instantly that
it would be worse than useless to deny our identity, rather I must explain
our presence – if I could.
“‘Where is Dar Tarus?’ she repeated.” (MMM/11.)
Vad Varo tells her a good lie about Dar Tarus and does not deny that he
is Vad Varo. He tells her he is from Jasoom and wants to learn more about
Barsoom, which is why he came to Phundahl.
“‘And you come to Phundahl and seek to
gain entrance to my presence and bring with you the notorious Assassin
of Toonol that you may see more of Barsoom?’
“‘Gor Hajus may not return to Toonol,’ I explained,
‘and so he must seek service for his sword in some other court than that
of Vobis Kan – in Phundahl perhaps, or if not here he must move on. I hope
that he will decide to accompany me as I am a stranger in Barsoom, unaccustomed
to the manners and ways of her people. I would fare ill without a guide
and mentor.’
“‘You shall fare ill,’ she cried. ‘You have seen
all of Barsoom that you are destined to see – you have reached the end
of your adventure. You think to deceive me, eh? You do not know, perhaps,
that I have heard of your infatuation with Valla Dia or that I am fully
conversant with the purpose of your visit to Phundahl!’ Her eyes left me
and swept her nobles and her warriors. ‘To the pits with them!’ she cried.
‘Later we shall choose the manner of their passing.’
“Instantly we were surrounded by a score of naked
blades. There was no escape for Gor Hajus or me, but I thought that I saw
an opportunity for Hovan Du to get away. I had had the possibility of such
a contingency in mind from the first and always I had been on the look-out
for an avenue of escape for one of us, and so the open windows at the right
of the Jeddara had not gone unnoticed, nor the great trees growing in the
courtyard beneath. Hovan Du was close behind me as Xaxa spoke.
“‘Go!’ I whispered. ‘The windows are open. Go,
and tell Dar Tarus what has happened to us,’ and then I fell back away
from him and dragged Gor Hajus with me as though we would attempt to resist
arrest; and while I thus attracted their attention from him Hovan Du turned
towards an open window. He had taken but a few steps when a warrior attempted
to halt him; with that the ferocious brain of the anthropoid seemed to
seize dominion over the great creature. With a hideous growl he leaped
with the agility of a cat upon the unfortunate Phundahlian, swung him high
in giant hands and using his body as a flail tumbled his fellows to right
and left as he cut a swath towards the open window nearest him.” (MMM/11.)
All hell breaks loose in the chamber and Vad Varo spies Xaxa escaping behind
some hangings behind her desk. He grabs Gor Hajus and follows after the
Jeddara while everyone is trying to stop Hovan Du from reaching the window.
“Hovan Du was giving a good account of
himself. He had discarded his first victim and one by one had seized others
as they came within range of his long arms and powerful hands, sometimes
four at a time as he stood well braced upon two of his hand-like feet and
fought with the other four. His shock of bristling hair stood erect upon
his skull and his fierce eyes blazed with rage as, towering high above
his antagonists, he fought for his life – the most feared of all the savage
creatures of Barsoom. Perhaps his greatest advantage lay in the inherent
fear of him that was a part of every man in that room who faced him, and
it forwarded my quickly conceived plan, too, for it kept every eye turned
upon Hovan Du, so that Gor Hajus and I were able to work our way to the
rear of the desk. I think Hovan Du must have sensed my intention then,
for he did the one thing best suited to attract every eye from us to him
and, too, he gave me notice that the human half of his brain was still
alert and watchful of our welfare.
‘Heretofore the Phundahlians must have looked
upon him as a remarkable specimen of great ape, marvelously trained, but
now, of a sudden, he paralyzed them with awe, for his roars and growls
took the form of words and he spoke with the tongue of a human. He was
near the window now. Several of the nobles were pushing bravely forward.
Among them was Sag Or. Hovan Du reached forth and seized him, wrenching
his weapons from him. ‘I go,’ he cried, ‘but let harm befall my friends
and I shall return and tear the heart from Xaxa. Tell her that, from the
Great Ape of Ptarth.’
“For an instant the warriors and the nobles stood
transfixed with awe. Every eye was upon Hovan Du as he stood there with
the struggling figure of Sag Or in his mighty grasp. Gor Hajus and I were
forgotten. And then Hovan Du turned and leaped to the sill of the window
and from there lightly to the branches of the nearest tree; and with him
went Sag Or, the favorite of Xaxa, the Jeddara. At the same instant I drew
Gor Hajus with me between the hangings in the rear of Xaxa’s desk, and
as they fell behind us we found ourselves in the narrow mouth of a dark
corridor.” (MMM/11.)
They hide behind a door and find themselves in the Temple of Tur with a
massive statue of the god, Tur, looming over their heads. They enter the
statue and find the means of controlling its apparatus, consisting of two
moving periscopes where the eyes are located and a speaking tube where
the mouth is located. By this means, they bring the reign of Xaxa to an
Valla Dia is reunited with her own body once again; Tur proclaims Dar
Tarus the new Jeddak of Phundahl; and Gor Hajus joins league with Dar Tarus,
who orders him to lead an army against the Toonolian warriors who have
seized the Tower of Ras Thavas, but only after Ras Thavas agrees to donate
some of his work to humanity. The attack against the Toonolians fails and
that’s the last we hear of Gor Hajus, the Assassin of Toonol.

B) Gantun Gur of Amhor:
Gantun Gur, the Assassin of Amhor, makes a brief appearance before
the Seven Jeds of Morbus in his original body in Synthetic Men of Mars,
as related by Vor Daj:
“While we were still in the council chambers
a number of warriors entered with a prisoner, a swaggering red man, a scarred,
hard bitten warrior, whose sneering face and haughty, arrogant manner seemed
a deliberate, studied affront to his captors and the seven jeds. He was
a powerful man, and despite the efforts of the warriors with him he forced
his way almost to the foot of the dais before they could restrain him.
“‘Who is this man?’ demanded one of the jeds.
“I am Gantun Gur, the assassin of Amhor,’ bellowed
the captive in a great voice. ‘Give me back my sword, you stinking ulsios,
and let me show you what a real fighting man can do to these deformed monstrosities
of yours and to you, too. They caught me in nets, which is no way for decent
men to take a warrior.’
“‘Silence!’ commanded a jed, pale with anger,
and smarting under the insult of being called in ill-smelling rat.
“‘Silence?’ screamed Gantun Gur. ‘By my first
ancestor! There lives no man can make Gantun Gur keep silent. Come down
here and try it, man to man, you snivelling worm.’
“‘Off with him,’ cried the jed. ‘Take him to Ras
Thavas to take out his brain and burn it. He can do what he pleases with
the body.’
“Gantun Gur fought like a demon, knocking hormads
to right and left; and they only subdued him at last by entangling him
in their nets. Then, bellowing curses and insults, he was dragged away
toward the laboratory.” (SMM/8.)
When Vad Varo returns to the laboratory, Tor-dur-bar – whose head was lopped
off by Vor Daj in the first confrontation between John Carter, Vor Daj,
and the hormads – has grown a new body, a hideous but incredibly strong
“‘Well, here I am as good as new,’ he
exclaimed, a broad grin splitting his horrid countenance. ‘What do you
think of me?’
“‘I’m glad to have you as a friend,’ I said. ‘I
think that new body of yours is very powerful. It’s splendidly muscled.’
And indeed it was.
“‘I should, however, like a body and face like
yours,’ said Tor-dur-bar. ‘I was just talking to Ras Thavas about it, and
he has promised to get me one, if he can.’
“Instantly I recalled Gantun Gur, the assassin
of Amhor, and the doom that had been pronounced upon him by the jed. ‘I
think a good body is waiting for you in the laboratory,’ I said; then I
told him the story of Gantun Gur. ‘Now it is up to Ras Thavas. The jed
said he could do what he pleased with the body.’
“‘We’ll have a look at the man,’ said the Master
Mind of Mars, and led the way out toward to reception room where new victims
were held pending his orders.
“We found Gantun Gur securely trussed up and heavily
guarded. At sight of us he commenced to bellow and rail, insulting all
three of us indiscriminately. He appeared to have a most evil disposition.
Ras Thavas regarded him for a moment in silence; then he dismissed the
warriors and officers who had brought him.
“‘We will take care of this,’ he said. ‘Report
to the Council of the Seven Jeds that his brain will be burned and his
body put to some good use.’
“At that, Gantun Gur broke into such a tirade
that I thought he had gone mad, and perhaps he had. He gnashed his teeth
and foamed at the mouth and called Ras Thavas everything he could lay his
tongue to.
“Ras Thavas turned to Tor-dur-bar. ‘Can you carry
him?’ he asked.
“For answer, the hormad picked up the red man
as easily as though he had no weight and flung him across one broad shoulder.
Tor-dur-bar’s new body was indeed a mountain of strength.” (SMM/8.)
Ras Thavas leads them to a secret chamber behind his study where there
are two tables, side by side. He directs Tor-dur-bar to place Gantun Gur
on one of the tables and has him securely bound to it. Then Tor-dur-bar
lays down on the other table.
“‘You are really going to do it?’ exclaimed
Tor-dur-bar. ‘You are going to give me a beautiful new body and face?’
“‘I wouldn’t call it particularly beautiful,’
said Ras Thavas, with a slight smile.
“‘Oh, it is lovely,’ cried Tor-dur-bar. ‘I shall
be your slave forever if you do this for me.’
“Although Gantun Gur was securely bound, it took
both John Carter and myself to hold him still while Ras Thavas made two
incisions in his body, one in a large vein and one in an artery. To these
incisions he attached the ends of two tubes, one of which was connected
with an empty glass receptacle and the other to a similar receptacle containing
the colorless liquid. The connections made, he pressed a button controlling
the small motor beneath the table, and Gantun Gur’s blood was pumped into
the empty jar while the contents of the other jar were forced into the
emptying veins and arteries. Of course Gantun Gur lost consciousness almost
immediately after the motor started, and I breathed a sigh of relief when
I heard the last of him. When all the blood had been replaced by the colorless
liquid, Ras Thavas removed the tubes and closed the openings in the body
with bits of adhesive material; then he turned to Tor-dur-bar.
“You’re quite sure you want to be a red man?’
he asked.
“‘I can’t wait,’ replied the hormad.
“Ras Thavas repeated the operation he had just
performed on Gantun Gur; then he sprayed both bodies with what he told
us was a strong antiseptic solution and then himself, scrubbing his hands
thoroughly. He now selected a sharp knife from among the instruments and
removed the scalps from both bodies, following the hair line entirely around
each head. This done, he sawed through the skull of each with a tiny circular
saw attached to the end of a flexible, revolving shaft, following the line
he had exposed by the removal of the scalps.
“It was a long and marvelously skillful operation
that followed, and at the end of four hours he had transferred the brain
of Tor-dur-bar to the brain pan of him who had been Gantun Gur, deftly
connected the severed nerves and ganglia, replaced the skull and scalp
and bound the head securely with adhesive material, which was not only
antiseptic and healing but locally anaesthetic as well.
“He now reheated the blood he had drawn from Gantun
Gur’s body, adding a few drops of some clear chemical solution, and as
he withdrew the liquid from the veins and arteries, he pumped the blood
back to replace it. Immediately following this he administered a hypodermic
injection. “‘In an hour,’ he said, ‘Tor-dur-bar will awaken to a new life
in a new body.’” (SMM/8.)
It is at this point that Vor Daj conceives the idea of having his brain
transplanted into that of Tor-dur-bar’s old body. The operation is performed
without Tor-dur-bar’s knowledge so that he will have no idea of what is
going on. Having only inhabited his new hormad body for a few minutes before
having his brain transplanted into the body of Gantun Gur, Tor-dur-bar
never got
a chance to look in a mirror so that when he is confronted by his old
body, now inhabited by the brain of Vor Daj, he doesn’t recognize it. Are
you confused yet?
Thus ends the career of Gantun Gur, the Assassin of Amhor. You will
recall that the new Gantun Gur uses his former position as an assassin
to his advantage to gain a position in the guard of Jal Had, Prince of
Amhor, eventually helping Vor Daj escape and rescue Janai. Yes, that Tor-dur-bar
is a self made man who pulled himself up by his own bootstraps.