Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
Since 1996 ~ Over 10,000 Web Pages in Archive
Volume 3458

Newsletter of the Burroughs Bibliophiles
Editor: George T. McWhorter
CONTENTS: Issues 176-200 (1997-1999)
From the George McWhorter, Ken Manson, Jerry Spannraft, Bill Hillman 
 and University of Louisville Collections.
Scans by Robert A Roehm U of L, Ken Manson and Bill Hillman.
PART I (176-187)
Burroughs Scholar Sam Moskowitz
Burroughs Scholar Sam Moskowitz Dies
Taught First SF Course: City College 1953
#176: May 1997
Xavier DeClie: Tarzan No. 23
Xavier DeClie: Tarzan No. 23
AMC Tarzan Movie Marathon
#177: June 1997
Gordon Scott and Eve Brent
DD97 Newton, Iowa: Scott, Brent
Lansdale Article: ERB Master of Adv
 #178: July 1997

ERB Oak Park Home On Tour
4 Foreign Edition Covers
#179: August 1997
Casper Van Dien as Tarzan
Van Dien Tarzan Movie: Mar '98
Tarzan and Jane | Jungle Warrior
#180: September 1997

Exhibitions: Belgium and Iceland
Tarzan 75 Years in Iceland
#181: October 1997

Iowa DD97 Report
Irwin Porges: Man of Letters
#182: November 1997
Miniature Greystoke cabin by Bobbie Rucker
3 Radio Series Released: Asher, Tohr, Legacy
Tarzan's Miniature Home: Bobbie Rucker
#183: December 1997

Lesser Pulp Art ~ Jones Calendar Art
Danton: Pulp Paintings in ERB Collection
#184:  January 1998
Denny Miller and Cheetah
Dark Horse to Publish "Minidoka"
Denny Miller and Cheeta Open Letter
#185:  February 1998

New Tarzan Story Fragment Discovered!
Van Dien's Tarzan the Warrior to Open
#186:  March 1998

Ellison: ERB Stamp of Approval
Panthans Host 34th DD: Baltimore 
#187:  April 1998

PART II (188-200) 

Tarzan and the Lost City
Robert Barrett Reviewt
#188:  May 1998

Minidoka: Long-Lost Literary Treasure
DD98: Essoe, Williamson, Schultz
#189:  June 1998

JC /Giant of Mars: The Truth
Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle
#190:  July 1998

Irwin Porges Dead at 88
More Discoveries from Tarzana
#191:  August 1998

ERB Misjudges Superman Popularity
Was Carter Inspiration for Superman?
#192:  September 1998

New Tarzan Collectibles Book
Sample Illos from Erardi's Book
#193:  October 1998

Abbett Tarzan Paintings for Sale
Humour Page
#194:  November 1998

Conran Collection in Museum
Christmas Card to ERB fans
#195:  December 1998

Disney Prepares Tarzan Movie
Haggard Lost Race Novels Return
#196:  January 1999

Tarzan Cover Artist Wilson Dies
U/Nebraska and Disney Press Editions
#197:  February 1999

Books: LTF | Tarzan Forever
Tarzan/Lost City Review
#198:  March 1999

New Taliaferro ERB Bio
Variety: Disney Tarzan Preview
#199:  April 1999

Oldest Living Tarzan Tops 90!
Jane Burroughs/Dejah Thoris Honored
#200:  May 1999

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